/*****************************************************************************\ ** ** ** Linux Call Router ** ** ** **---------------------------------------------------------------------------** ** Copyright: Andreas Eversberg ** ** ** ** Administration tool ** ** ** \*****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "macro.h" #include "join.h" #include "joinpbx.h" #include "extension.h" #include "message.h" #include "lcrsocket.h" #include "cause.h" #define LTEE {addch(ACS_LTEE);addch(ACS_HLINE);addch(ACS_HLINE);} #define LLCORNER {addch(ACS_LLCORNER);addch(ACS_HLINE);addch(ACS_HLINE);} #define VLINE {addch(ACS_VLINE);addstr(" ");} #define EMPTY {addstr(" ");} //char rotator[] = {'-', '\\', '|', '/'}; int lastlines, lastcols; int show_interfaces = 2, show_calls = 1, show_log = 1; enum { MODE_STATE, MODE_INTERFACE, MODE_ROUTE, MODE_DIAL, MODE_RELEASE, MODE_UNBLOCK, MODE_BLOCK, MODE_UNLOAD, MODE_TESTCALL, MODE_TRACE, }; char *text_interfaces[] = { "off", "brief", "active channels", "all channels", }; char *text_calls[] = { "off", "brief", "structured", }; char red = 1, green = 2, yellow = 3, blue = 4, mangenta = 5, cyan = 6, white = 7; #define LOGLINES 128 char logline[LOGLINES][512]; unsigned int logcur = 0; int logfh = -1; char logfile[128]; /* * curses */ void init_curses(void) { /* init curses */ initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); start_color(); nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); if (COLOR_PAIRS>=8 && COLORS>=8) { init_pair(1,1,0); init_pair(2,2,0); init_pair(3,3,0); init_pair(4,4,0); init_pair(5,5,0); init_pair(6,6,0); init_pair(7,7,0); } lastlines = LINES; lastcols = COLS; } void cleanup_curses(void) { endwin(); } void color(int color) { if (COLOR_PAIRS>=8 && COLORS>=8) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(color)); } /* * permanently show current state using ncurses */ int debug_port(struct admin_message *msg, struct admin_message *m, int line, int i, int vline) { char buffer[256]; color(white); addstr("PORT:"); color(yellow); SPRINT(buffer,"%s(%d)", m[i].u.p.name,m[i].u.p.serial); addstr(buffer); color(cyan); addstr(" state="); switch (m[i].u.p.state) { case ADMIN_STATE_IDLE: color(red); addstr("'idle'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_IN_SETUP: color(red); addstr("'in << setup'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_OUT_SETUP: color(red); addstr("'out >> setup'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_IN_OVERLAP: color(yellow); addstr("'in << overlap'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_OUT_OVERLAP: color(yellow); addstr("'out >> overlap'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_IN_PROCEEDING: color(mangenta); addstr("'in << proc'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_OUT_PROCEEDING: color(mangenta); addstr("'out >> proc'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_IN_ALERTING: color(cyan); addstr("'in << alert'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_OUT_ALERTING: color(cyan); addstr("'out >> alert'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_CONNECT: color(white); addstr("'connect'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_IN_DISCONNECT: color(blue); addstr("'in << disc'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_OUT_DISCONNECT: color(blue); addstr("'out >> disc'"); break; default: color(blue); addstr("'--NONE--'"); } if (m[i].u.p.isdn) { color(cyan); addstr(" bchannel="); color(white); SPRINT(buffer,"%d", m[i].u.p.isdn_chan); addstr(buffer); if (m[i].u.p.isdn_ces >= 0) { color(cyan); addstr(" ces="); color(yellow); SPRINT(buffer, "%d", m[i].u.p.isdn_ces); addstr(buffer); } if (m[i].u.p.isdn_hold) { color(red); addstr(" hold"); } } return(line); } int debug_epoint(struct admin_message *msg, struct admin_message *m, int line, int i, int vline) { unsigned int epoint = m[i].u.e.serial; char buffer[256]; unsigned char c; int j, jj; int ltee; color(white); SPRINT(buffer,"EPOINT(%d)", epoint); addstr(buffer); color(cyan); addstr(" state="); switch (m[i].u.e.state) { case ADMIN_STATE_IDLE: color(red); addstr("'idle'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_IN_SETUP: color(red); addstr("'in << setup'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_OUT_SETUP: color(red); addstr("'out >> setup'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_IN_OVERLAP: color(yellow); addstr("'in << overlap'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_OUT_OVERLAP: color(yellow); addstr("'out >> overlap'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_IN_PROCEEDING: color(mangenta); addstr("'in << proc'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_OUT_PROCEEDING: color(mangenta); addstr("'out >> proc'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_IN_ALERTING: color(cyan); addstr("'in << alert'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_OUT_ALERTING: color(cyan); addstr("'out >> alert'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_CONNECT: color(white); addstr("'connect'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_IN_DISCONNECT: color(blue); addstr("'in << disc'"); break; case ADMIN_STATE_OUT_DISCONNECT: color(blue); addstr("'out >> disc'"); break; default: color(blue); addstr("'--NONE--'"); } if (m[i].u.e.terminal[0]) { color(cyan); addstr(" terminal="); color(green); addstr(m[i].u.e.terminal); } color(white); SPRINT(buffer, " %s", m[i].u.e.callerid); addstr(buffer); color(cyan); addstr("->"); color(white); addstr(m[i].u.e.dialing); if (m[i].u.e.action[0]) { color(cyan); addstr(" action="); color(yellow); addstr(m[i].u.e.action); } if (m[i].u.e.park) { color(cyan); addstr(" park="); /* 9 digits */ color(green); UCPY(buffer, "\""); /* 9 digits */ j = 0; jj = m[i].u.e.park_len; while(j < jj) { c = m[i].u.e.park_callid[j]; if (c >= 32 && c < 127 && c != '[') { SCCAT(buffer, c); } else UPRINT(buffer+strlen(buffer), "[%02x]", c); j++; } SCAT(buffer, "\""); addstr(buffer); } else { color(red); switch(m[i].u.e.rx_state) { case NOTIFY_STATE_SUSPEND: addstr(" in=suspend"); break; case NOTIFY_STATE_HOLD: addstr(" in=hold"); break; case NOTIFY_STATE_CONFERENCE: addstr(" in=conference"); break; } switch(m[i].u.e.tx_state) { case NOTIFY_STATE_SUSPEND: addstr(" out=suspend"); break; case NOTIFY_STATE_HOLD: addstr(" out=hold"); break; case NOTIFY_STATE_CONFERENCE: addstr(" out=conference"); break; } } if (m[i].u.e.crypt) { color(cyan); addstr(" crypt="); if (m[i].u.e.crypt) /* crypt on */ { color(green); addstr("active"); } else { color(yellow); addstr("pending"); } } /* loop all related ports */ ltee = 0; j = msg->u.s.interfaces+msg->u.s.remotes+msg->u.s.joins+msg->u.s.epoints; jj = j + msg->u.s.ports; while(j < jj) { if (m[j].u.p.epoint == epoint) { color(cyan); move(++line>1?line:1, 1); if (vline) VLINE else EMPTY move(line>1?line:1, 5); LTEE ltee = line; move(line>1?line:1, 8); if (line+2 >= LINES) break; line = debug_port(msg, m, line, j, vline); if (line+2 >= LINES) break; } j++; } if (ltee) { color(cyan); move(ltee>1?line:1, 5); LLCORNER } return(line); } int debug_join(struct admin_message *msg, struct admin_message *m, int line, int i) { unsigned int join = m[i].u.j.serial; char buffer[256]; int j, jj; color(white); SPRINT(buffer,"JOIN(%d)", join); addstr(buffer); if (m[i].u.j.partyline) { color(cyan); addstr(" partyline="); color(white); SPRINT(buffer, "%d\n", m[i].u.j.partyline); addstr(buffer); } if (m[i].u.j.remote[0]) { color(cyan); addstr(" remote="); color(white); SPRINT(buffer, "%s\n", m[i].u.j.remote); addstr(buffer); } /* find number of epoints */ j = msg->u.s.interfaces+msg->u.s.remotes+msg->u.s.joins; jj = j + msg->u.s.epoints; i = 0; while(j < jj) { if (m[j].u.e.join == join) i++; j++; } /* loop all related endpoints */ j = msg->u.s.interfaces+msg->u.s.remotes+msg->u.s.joins; jj = j + msg->u.s.epoints; while(j < jj) { if (m[j].u.e.join == join) { i--; move(++line>1?line:1, 1); color(cyan); if (i) LTEE else LLCORNER move(line>1?line:1, 4); if (line+2 >= LINES) break; line = debug_epoint(msg, m, line, j, i?1:0); if (line+2 >= LINES) break; } j++; } return(line); } char *admin_state(int sock, char *argv[]) { struct admin_message msg, *m; char buffer[512], *p; int line, offset = 0, hoffset = 0; int i, ii, j, jj, k; unsigned int l, ll; int num; int len; int off; int ltee; int anything; int enter = 0; char enter_string[128] = "", ch; fd_set select_rfds; struct timeval select_tv; /* flush logfile name */ logfile[0] = '\0'; /* init curses */ init_curses(); again: /* send reload command */ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); msg.message = ADMIN_REQUEST_STATE; // printf("sizeof=%d\n",sizeof(msg));fflush(stdout); if (write(sock, &msg, sizeof(msg)) != sizeof(msg)) { cleanup_curses(); return("Broken pipe while sending command."); } /* receive response */ if (read(sock, &msg, sizeof(msg)) != sizeof(msg)) { cleanup_curses(); return("Broken pipe while receiving response."); } if (msg.message != ADMIN_RESPONSE_STATE) { cleanup_curses(); return("Response not valid. Expecting state response."); } num = msg.u.s.interfaces + msg.u.s.remotes + msg.u.s.joins + msg.u.s.epoints + msg.u.s.ports; m = (struct admin_message *)MALLOC(num*sizeof(struct admin_message)); off=0; if (num) { readagain: if ((len = read(sock, ((unsigned char *)(m))+off, num*sizeof(struct admin_message)-off)) != num*(int)sizeof(struct admin_message)-off) { if (len <= 0) { FREE(m, 0); // fprintf(stderr, "got=%d expected=%d\n", i, num*sizeof(struct admin_message)); cleanup_curses(); return("Broken pipe while receiving state infos."); } if (len < num*(int)sizeof(struct admin_message)) { off+=len; goto readagain; } } } j = 0; i = 0; // fprintf("getting =%d interfaces\n", msg.u.s.interfaces); while(i < msg.u.s.interfaces) { // fprintf(stderr, "j=%d message=%d\n", j, m[j].message); if (m[j].message != ADMIN_RESPONSE_S_INTERFACE) { FREE(m, 0); cleanup_curses(); return("Response not valid. Expecting interface information."); } i++; j++; } i = 0; while(i < msg.u.s.remotes) { if (m[j].message != ADMIN_RESPONSE_S_REMOTE) { FREE(m, 0); cleanup_curses(); return("Response not valid. Expecting remote application information."); } i++; j++; } i = 0; while(i < msg.u.s.joins) { if (m[j].message != ADMIN_RESPONSE_S_JOIN) { FREE(m, 0); cleanup_curses(); return("Response not valid. Expecting join information."); } i++; j++; } i = 0; while(i < msg.u.s.epoints) { if (m[j].message != ADMIN_RESPONSE_S_EPOINT) { FREE(m, 0); cleanup_curses(); return("Response not valid. Expecting endpoint information."); } i++; j++; } i = 0; while(i < msg.u.s.ports) { if (m[j].message != ADMIN_RESPONSE_S_PORT) { FREE(m, 0); cleanup_curses(); return("Response not valid. Expecting port information."); } i++; j++; } // now j is the number of message blocks /* display start */ erase(); line = 1-offset; /* change log */ if (!!strcmp(logfile, msg.u.s.logfile)) { SCPY(logfile, msg.u.s.logfile); if (logfh >= 0) close(logfh); i = 0; ii = LOGLINES; while(i < ii) { logline[i][0] = '~'; logline[i][1] = '\0'; i++; } logcur = 0; logfh = open(logfile, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK); if (logfh >= 0) { /* seek at the end -8000 chars */ lseek(logfh, -8000, SEEK_END); /* if not at the beginning, read until endofline */ logline[logcur % LOGLINES][0] = '\0'; l = read(logfh, logline[logcur % LOGLINES], sizeof(logline[logcur % LOGLINES])-1); if (l > 0) { /* read first line and skip junk */ logline[logcur % LOGLINES][l] = '\0'; if ((p = strchr(logline[logcur % LOGLINES],'\n'))) { logcur++; SCPY(logline[logcur % LOGLINES], p+1); SCPY(logline[(logcur-1) % LOGLINES], "..."); } goto finish_line; } } } /* read log */ if (logfh >= 0) { while(42) { ll = strlen(logline[logcur % LOGLINES]); l = read(logfh, logline[logcur % LOGLINES]+ll, sizeof(logline[logcur % LOGLINES])-ll-1); if (l<=0) break; logline[logcur % LOGLINES][ll+l] = '\0'; finish_line: /* put data to lines */ while ((p = strchr(logline[logcur % LOGLINES],'\n'))) { *p = '\0'; logcur++; SCPY(logline[logcur % LOGLINES], p+1); } /* if line is full without return, go next line */ if (strlen(logline[logcur % LOGLINES]) == sizeof(logline[logcur % LOGLINES])-1) { logcur++; logline[logcur % LOGLINES][0] = '\0'; } } } /* display interfaces */ if (show_interfaces > 0) { anything = 0; i = 0; ii = i + msg.u.s.interfaces; while(i < ii) { /* show interface summary */ move(++line>1?line:1, 0); color(white); if (m[i].u.i.block >= 2) { SPRINT(buffer, "%s (%d)%s", m[i].u.i.interface_name, m[i].u.i.portnum, (m[i].u.i.extension)?" (extension)":""); addstr(buffer); color(red); addstr(" not loaded"); } else { SPRINT(buffer, "%s (%d) %s %s%s use:%d", m[i].u.i.interface_name, m[i].u.i.portnum, (m[i].u.i.ntmode)?"NT-mode":"TE-mode", (m[i].u.i.ptp)?"ptp ":"ptmp", (m[i].u.i.extension)?" extension":"", m[i].u.i.use); addstr(buffer); if (m[i].u.i.ptp || !m[i].u.i.ntmode) { color((m[i].u.i.l2link)?green:red); addstr((m[i].u.i.l2link)?" L2 UP":" L2 down"); } color((m[i].u.i.l1link)?green:blue); addstr((m[i].u.i.l1link)?" L1 ACTIVE":" L1 inactive"); if (m[i].u.i.los) { color(red); addstr(" LOS"); } if (m[i].u.i.ais) { color(red); addstr(" AIS"); } if (m[i].u.i.rdi) { color(red); addstr(" RDI"); } if (m[i].u.i.slip_tx || m[i].u.i.slip_rx) { color(red); SPRINT(buffer, " SLIP(tx:%d rx:%d)", m[i].u.i.slip_tx, m[i].u.i.slip_rx); addstr(buffer); } if (m[i].u.i.block) { color(red); addstr(" blocked"); } if (line+2 >= LINES) goto end; /* show channels */ if (show_interfaces > 1) { ltee = 0; j = k =0; jj = m[i].u.i.channels; while(j < jj) { /* show all channels */ if (show_interfaces>2 || m[i].u.i.busy[j]>0) { color(cyan); /* show left side / right side */ if ((k & 1) && (COLS > 70)) { move(line>1?line:1,4+((COLS-4)/2)); } else { move(++line>1?line:1, 1); LTEE ltee = 1; } k++; color(white); if (m[i].u.i.pri) SPRINT(buffer,"S%2d: ", j+1+(j>=15)); else SPRINT(buffer,"B%2d: ", j+1); addstr(buffer); switch(m[i].u.i.busy[j]) { case B_STATE_IDLE: if ((!m[i].u.i.l2link && m[i].u.i.ptp) || m[i].u.i.block) { color(red); addstr("blocked "); } else { color(blue); addstr("idle "); } break; case B_STATE_ACTIVATING: color(yellow); addstr("act'ing "); break; case B_STATE_ACTIVE: color(green); addstr("busy "); break; case B_STATE_DEACTIVATING: color(yellow); addstr("dact'ing"); break; case B_STATE_EXPORTING: color(yellow); addstr("exp'ing "); break; case B_STATE_REMOTE: color(green); addstr("remote "); break; case B_STATE_IMPORTING: color(yellow); addstr("imp'ing "); break; } if (m[i].u.i.port[j]) { /* search for port */ l = msg.u.s.interfaces+msg.u.s.remotes+msg.u.s.joins+msg.u.s.epoints; ll = l+msg.u.s.ports; while(l < ll) { if (m[l].u.p.serial == m[i].u.i.port[j]) { SPRINT(buffer, " %s(%ld)", m[l].u.p.name, m[l].u.p.serial); addstr(buffer); } l++; } } if (line+2 >= LINES) { if (ltee) { color(cyan); move(line>1?line:1, 1); LLCORNER } goto end; } } j++; } if (ltee) { color(cyan); move(line>1?line:1, 1); LLCORNER } if (line+2 >= LINES) goto end; /* show summary if no channels were shown */ if (show_interfaces<2 && ltee==0) { color(cyan); move(++line>1?line:1, 1); LLCORNER if (m[i].u.i.l2link && m[i].u.i.block==0) { color(green); SPRINT(buffer,"all %d channels free", m[i].u.i.channels); } else { color(red); SPRINT(buffer,"all %d channels blocked", m[i].u.i.channels); } addstr(buffer); } if (line+2 >= LINES) goto end; } } i++; anything = 1; } i = msg.u.s.interfaces; ii = i + msg.u.s.remotes; while(i < ii) { /* show remote summary */ move(++line>1?line:1, 0); color(white); SPRINT(buffer, "Remote: %s", m[i].u.r.name); addstr(buffer); i++; } if (anything) line++; if (line+2 >= LINES) goto end; } /* display calls (brief) */ if (show_calls == 1) { anything = 0; i = msg.u.s.interfaces+msg.u.s.remotes+msg.u.s.joins; ii = i+msg.u.s.epoints; while(i < ii) { /* for each endpoint... */ if (!m[i].u.e.join) { move(++line>1?line:1, 0); color(white); SPRINT(buffer, "(%d): ", m[i].u.e.serial); addstr(buffer); color(cyan); if (m[i].u.e.terminal[0]) { addstr("intern="); color(green); addstr(m[i].u.e.terminal); } else addstr("extern"); color(white); SPRINT(buffer, " %s", m[i].u.e.callerid); addstr(buffer); color(cyan); addstr("->"); color(white); SPRINT(buffer, "%s", m[i].u.e.dialing); addstr(buffer); if (m[i].u.e.action[0]) { color(cyan); addstr(" action="); color(yellow); addstr(m[i].u.e.action); } if (line+2 >= LINES) goto end; } i++; anything = 1; } j = msg.u.s.interfaces+msg.u.s.remotes; jj = j+msg.u.s.joins; while(j < jj) { /* for each call... */ move(++line>1?line:1, 0); color(white); SPRINT(buffer, "(%d):", m[j].u.j.serial); addstr(buffer); i = msg.u.s.interfaces+msg.u.s.remotes+msg.u.s.joins; ii = i+msg.u.s.epoints; while(i < ii) { /* for each endpoint... */ if (m[i].u.e.join == m[j].u.j.serial) { color(white); SPRINT(buffer, " (%d)", m[i].u.e.serial); addstr(buffer); color(cyan); if (m[i].u.e.terminal[0]) { addstr("int="); color(green); addstr(m[i].u.e.terminal); } else addstr("ext"); color(white); SPRINT(buffer, "-%s", m[i].u.e.callerid); addstr(buffer); color(cyan); addstr(">"); color(white); SPRINT(buffer, "%s", m[i].u.e.dialing); addstr(buffer); } i++; anything = 1; } if (line+2 >= LINES) goto end; j++; } if (anything) line++; if (line+2 >= LINES) goto end; } /* display calls (structurd) */ if (show_calls == 2) { /* show all ports with no epoint */ anything = 0; i = msg.u.s.interfaces+msg.u.s.remotes+msg.u.s.joins+msg.u.s.epoints; ii = i+msg.u.s.ports; while(i < ii) { if (!m[i].u.p.epoint) { move(++line>1?line:1, 8); if (line+2 >= LINES) goto end; line = debug_port(&msg, m, line, i, 0); if (line+2 >= LINES) goto end; anything = 1; } i++; } if (anything) line++; if (line+2 >= LINES) goto end; /* show all epoints with no call */ anything = 0; i = msg.u.s.interfaces+msg.u.s.remotes+msg.u.s.joins; ii = i+msg.u.s.epoints; while(i < ii) { if (!m[i].u.e.join) { move(++line>1?line:1, 4); if (line+2 >= LINES) goto end; line = debug_epoint(&msg, m, line, i, 0); if (line+2 >= LINES) goto end; anything = 1; } i++; } if (anything) line++; if (line+2 >= LINES) goto end; /* show all joins */ anything = 0; i = msg.u.s.interfaces+msg.u.s.remotes; ii = i+msg.u.s.joins; while(i < ii) { move(++line>1?line:1, 0); if (line+2 >= LINES) goto end; line = debug_join(&msg, m, line, i); if (line+2 >= LINES) goto end; i++; anything = 1; } if (anything) line++; if (line+2 >= LINES) goto end; } /* show log */ if (show_log) { if (line+2 < LINES) { move(line++>1?line-1:1, 0); color(blue); hline(ACS_HLINE, COLS); color(white); l = logcur-(LINES-line-2); ll = logcur; if (ll-l >= LOGLINES) l = ll-LOGLINES+1; while(l!=ll) { move(line++>1?line-1:1, 0); if ((int)strlen(logline[l % LOGLINES]) > hoffset) SCPY(buffer, logline[l % LOGLINES] + hoffset); else buffer[0] = '\0'; if (COLS < (int)strlen(buffer)) { buffer[COLS-1] = '\0'; addstr(buffer); color(mangenta); addch('*'); color(white); } else addstr(buffer); l++; } } } end: /* free memory */ FREE(m, 0); /* display name/time */ // move(0, 0); // hline(' ', COLS); move(0, 0); color(cyan); msg.u.s.version_string[sizeof(msg.u.s.version_string)-1] = '\0'; SPRINT(buffer, "LCR %s", msg.u.s.version_string); addstr(buffer); if (COLS>50) { move(0, COLS-19); SPRINT(buffer, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", msg.u.s.tm.tm_year+1900, msg.u.s.tm.tm_mon+1, msg.u.s.tm.tm_mday, msg.u.s.tm.tm_hour, msg.u.s.tm.tm_min, msg.u.s.tm.tm_sec); addstr(buffer); } /* displeay head line */ move(1, 0); color(blue); hline(ACS_HLINE, COLS); if (offset) { move(1, 1); SPRINT(buffer, "Offset +%d", offset); color(red); addstr(buffer); } if (hoffset) { move(1, 13); SPRINT(buffer, "H-Offset +%d", hoffset); color(red); addstr(buffer); } /* display end */ move(LINES-2, 0); color(blue); hline(ACS_HLINE, COLS); move(LINES-1, 0); if (enter) { color(white); SPRINT(buffer, "-> %s", enter_string); } else { color(cyan); SPRINT(buffer, "i=interfaces '%s' c=calls '%s' l=log q=quit +-*/=scroll enter", text_interfaces[show_interfaces], text_calls[show_calls]); } addstr(buffer); refresh(); /* resize */ if (lastlines!=LINES || lastcols!=COLS) { cleanup_curses(); init_curses(); goto again; } if (enter) { /* user input in enter mode */ ch = getch(); enter_again: if (ch == 10) { FILE *fp; enter = 0; if (!enter_string[0]) goto again; SPRINT(logline[logcur++ % LOGLINES], "> %s", enter_string); if (!!strncmp(enter_string, "interface", 10) && !!strncmp(enter_string, "route", 6) && !!strncmp(enter_string, "release ", 8) && !!strncmp(enter_string, "block ", 6) && !!strncmp(enter_string, "unblock ", 8) && !!strncmp(enter_string, "unload ", 7)) { SPRINT(logline[logcur++ % LOGLINES], "usage:"); SPRINT(logline[logcur++ % LOGLINES], "interface (reload interface.conf)"); SPRINT(logline[logcur++ % LOGLINES], "route (reload routing.conf)"); SPRINT(logline[logcur++ % LOGLINES], "release (release endpoint with given ID)"); SPRINT(logline[logcur++ % LOGLINES], "block (block port for further calls)"); SPRINT(logline[logcur++ % LOGLINES], "unblock (unblock port for further calls, load if not loaded)"); SPRINT(logline[logcur++ % LOGLINES], "unload (unload mISDN stack, release call calls)"); } else { /* applend output to log window */ SPRINT(buffer, "%s %s", argv[0], enter_string); fp = popen(buffer, "r"); if (fp) { while(fgets(logline[logcur % LOGLINES], sizeof(logline[0]), fp)) logline[logcur++ % LOGLINES][sizeof(logline[0])-1] = '\0'; pclose(fp); } else { SPRINT(logline[logcur++ % LOGLINES], "failed to execute '%s'", buffer); } } logline[logcur % LOGLINES][0] = '\0'; enter_string[0] = '\0'; goto again; } if (ch>=32 && ch<=126) { SCCAT(enter_string, ch); ch = getch(); if (ch > 0) goto enter_again; goto again; } else if (ch==8 || ch==127) { if (enter_string[0]) enter_string[strlen(enter_string)-1] = '\0'; ch = getch(); if (ch > 0) goto enter_again; goto again; } else if (ch != 3) { ch = getch(); if (ch > 0) goto enter_again; FD_ZERO(&select_rfds); FD_SET(0, &select_rfds); select_tv.tv_sec = 0; select_tv.tv_usec = 250000; select(1, &select_rfds, NULL, NULL, &select_tv); goto again; } } else { /* user input in normal mode */ switch(getch()) { case 12: /* refresh */ cleanup_curses(); init_curses(); goto again; break; case 3: /* abort */ case 'q': case 'Q': break; case 'i': /* toggle interface */ show_interfaces++; if (show_interfaces > 3) show_interfaces = 0; goto again; case 'c': /* toggle calls */ show_calls++; if (show_calls > 2) show_calls = 0; goto again; case 'l': /* toggle log */ show_log++; if (show_log > 1) show_log = 0; goto again; case '+': /* scroll down */ offset++; goto again; case '-': /* scroll up */ if (offset) offset--; goto again; case '*': /* scroll right */ hoffset += 2; goto again; case '/': /* scroll left */ if (hoffset) hoffset -= 2; goto again; case 10: /* entermode */ enter = 1; goto again; default: FD_ZERO(&select_rfds); FD_SET(0, &select_rfds); select_tv.tv_sec = 0; select_tv.tv_usec = 250000; select(1, &select_rfds, NULL, NULL, &select_tv); goto again; } } /* check for logfh */ if (logfh >= 0) close(logfh); logfh = -1; /* cleanup curses and exit */ cleanup_curses(); return(NULL); } /* * Send command and show error message. */ char *admin_cmd(int sock, int mode, char *extension, char *number) { static struct admin_message msg; /* send reload command */ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); switch(mode) { case MODE_INTERFACE: msg.message = ADMIN_REQUEST_CMD_INTERFACE; break; case MODE_ROUTE: msg.message = ADMIN_REQUEST_CMD_ROUTE; break; case MODE_DIAL: msg.message = ADMIN_REQUEST_CMD_DIAL; SPRINT(msg.u.x.message, "%s:%s", extension?:"", number?:""); break; case MODE_RELEASE: msg.message = ADMIN_REQUEST_CMD_RELEASE; SCPY(msg.u.x.message, number); break; case MODE_UNBLOCK: msg.message = ADMIN_REQUEST_CMD_BLOCK; msg.u.x.portnum = atoi(number); msg.u.x.block = 0; break; case MODE_BLOCK: msg.message = ADMIN_REQUEST_CMD_BLOCK; msg.u.x.portnum = atoi(number); msg.u.x.block = 1; break; case MODE_UNLOAD: msg.message = ADMIN_REQUEST_CMD_BLOCK; msg.u.x.portnum = atoi(number); msg.u.x.block = 2; break; } if (write(sock, &msg, sizeof(msg)) != sizeof(msg)) return("Broken pipe while sending command."); /* receive response */ if (read(sock, &msg, sizeof(msg)) != sizeof(msg)) return("Broken pipe while receiving response."); switch(mode) { case MODE_INTERFACE: if (msg.message != ADMIN_RESPONSE_CMD_INTERFACE) return("Response not valid."); break; case MODE_ROUTE: if (msg.message != ADMIN_RESPONSE_CMD_ROUTE) return("Response not valid."); break; case MODE_DIAL: if (msg.message != ADMIN_RESPONSE_CMD_DIAL) return("Response not valid."); break; case MODE_RELEASE: if (msg.message != ADMIN_RESPONSE_CMD_RELEASE) return("Response not valid."); break; case MODE_UNBLOCK: case MODE_BLOCK: case MODE_UNLOAD: if (msg.message != ADMIN_RESPONSE_CMD_BLOCK) return("Response not valid."); break; } /* process response */ if (msg.u.x.error) { return(msg.u.x.message); } printf("Command successfull.\n"); return(NULL); } /* * makes a testcall */ #define GET_NOW() { \ gettimeofday(&now_tv, &now_tz); \ now_d = ((double)(now_tv.tv_usec))/1000000 + now_tv.tv_sec; \ } char *admin_testcall(int sock, int argc, char *argv[]) { static struct admin_message msg; int ar = 2; int stimeout = 0, ptimeout = 0, atimeout = 0, ctimeout = 0; int l; double timer = 0, now_d; unsigned int on = 1; struct timeval now_tv; struct timezone now_tz; printf("pid=%d\n", getpid()); fflush(stdout); while (argc > ar) { if (!strcmp(argv[ar], "--setup-timeout")) { ar++; if (argc == ar) return("Missing setup timeout value.\n"); stimeout = atoi(argv[ar]); ar++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[ar], "--proceeding-timeout")) { ar++; if (argc == ar) return("Missing proceeding timeout value.\n"); ptimeout = atoi(argv[ar]); ar++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[ar], "--alerting-timeout")) { ar++; if (argc == ar) return("Missing alerting timeout value.\n"); atimeout = atoi(argv[ar]); ar++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[ar], "--connect-timeout")) { ar++; if (argc == ar) return("Missing connect timeout value.\n"); ctimeout = atoi(argv[ar]); ar++; } else { break; } } /* send reload command */ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); msg.message = ADMIN_CALL_SETUP; msg.u.call.present = 1; if (argc > ar) { SCPY(msg.u.call.interface, argv[ar]); } ar++; if (argc > ar) { SCPY(msg.u.call.callerid, argv[ar]); } ar++; if (argc > ar) { SCPY(msg.u.call.dialing, argv[ar]); } ar++; if (argc > ar) { if (argv[ar][0] == 'r') msg.u.call.present = 0; } ar++; msg.u.call.bc_capa = 0x00; /*INFO_BC_SPEECH*/ msg.u.call.bc_mode = 0x00; /*INFO_BMODE_CIRCUIT*/ msg.u.call.bc_info1 = 0; msg.u.call.hlc = 0; msg.u.call.exthlc = 0; if (argc > ar) msg.u.call.bc_capa = strtol(argv[ar],NULL,0); else msg.u.call.bc_info1 = 3 | 0x80; /* alaw, if no capability is given at all */ ar++; if (argc > ar) { msg.u.call.bc_mode = strtol(argv[ar],NULL,0); if (msg.u.call.bc_mode) msg.u.call.bc_mode = 2; } ar++; if (argc > ar) { msg.u.call.bc_info1 = strtol(argv[ar],NULL,0); if (msg.u.call.bc_info1 < 0) msg.u.call.bc_info1 = 0; else msg.u.call.bc_info1 |= 0x80; } ar++; if (argc > ar) { msg.u.call.hlc = strtol(argv[ar],NULL,0); if (msg.u.call.hlc < 0) msg.u.call.hlc = 0; else msg.u.call.hlc |= 0x80; } ar++; if (argc > ar) { msg.u.call.exthlc = strtol(argv[ar],NULL,0); if (msg.u.call.exthlc < 0) msg.u.call.exthlc = 0; else msg.u.call.exthlc |= 0x80; } ar++; if (write(sock, &msg, sizeof(msg)) != sizeof(msg)) return("Broken pipe while sending command."); if (ioctl(sock, FIONBIO, (unsigned char *)(&on)) < 0) return("Failed to set socket into non-blocking IO."); if (stimeout) { GET_NOW(); timer = now_d + (double)stimeout; } /* receive response */ next: l = read(sock, &msg, sizeof(msg)); if (l < 0) { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { if (timer) { GET_NOW(); if (timer <= now_d) { printf("Timeout\n"); fflush(stdout); return(NULL); } } usleep(30000); goto next; } return("Broken pipe while receiving response."); } if (l != sizeof(msg)) return("Response has unexpected message size."); switch(msg.message) { case ADMIN_CALL_SETUP_ACK: printf("SETUP ACKNOWLEDGE\n"); fflush(stdout); goto next; case ADMIN_CALL_PROCEEDING: printf("PROCEEDING\n"); fflush(stdout); if (ptimeout) { GET_NOW(); timer = now_d + (double)ptimeout; } goto next; case ADMIN_CALL_ALERTING: printf("ALERTING\n"); fflush(stdout); if (atimeout) { GET_NOW(); timer = now_d + (double)atimeout; } goto next; case ADMIN_CALL_CONNECT: printf("CONNECT\n number=%s\n", msg.u.call.callerid); fflush(stdout); if (ctimeout) { GET_NOW(); timer = now_d + (double)ctimeout; } goto next; case ADMIN_CALL_NOTIFY: printf("NOTIFY\n notify=%d\n number=%s\n", msg.u.call.notify, msg.u.call.callerid); fflush(stdout); goto next; case ADMIN_CALL_DISCONNECT: printf("DISCONNECT\n cause=%d %s\n location=%d %s\n", msg.u.call.cause, (msg.u.call.cause>0 && msg.u.call.cause<128)?isdn_cause[msg.u.call.cause].german:"", msg.u.call.location, (msg.u.call.location>=0 && msg.u.call.location<128)?isdn_location[msg.u.call.location].german:""); fflush(stdout); break; case ADMIN_CALL_RELEASE: printf("RELEASE\n cause=%d %s\n location=%d %s\n", msg.u.call.cause, (msg.u.call.cause>0 && msg.u.call.cause<128)?isdn_cause[msg.u.call.cause].german:"", msg.u.call.location, (msg.u.call.location>=0 && msg.u.call.location<128)?isdn_location[msg.u.call.location].german:""); fflush(stdout); break; default: return("Response not valid."); } printf("Call released.\n"); fflush(stdout); return(NULL); } /* * makes a trace */ char *admin_trace(int sock, int argc, char *argv[]) { static struct admin_message msg; int i; /* show help */ if (argc > 2) if (!strcasecmp(argv[2], "help")) { printf("Trace Help\n----------\n"); printf("%s trace [brief|short] [= [...]]\n\n", argv[0]); printf("By default a complete trace is shown in detailed format.\n"); printf("To show a more compact format, use 'brief' or 'short' keyword.\n"); printf("Use filter values to select specific trace messages.\n"); printf("All given filter values must match. If no filter is given, anything matches.\n\n"); printf("Filters:\n"); printf(" category=\n"); printf(" 0x01 = CH: channel object trace\n"); printf(" 0x02 = EP: endpoint object trace\n"); printf(" port= select only given port for trace\n"); printf(" interface= select only given interface for trace\n"); printf(" caller= select only given caller id for trace\n"); printf(" dialing= select only given dialed number for trace\n"); return(NULL); } /* init trace request */ memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); msg.message = ADMIN_TRACE_REQUEST; msg.u.trace_req.detail = 3; /* parse args */ i = 2; while(i < argc) { if (!strcasecmp(argv[i], "brief")) msg.u.trace_req.detail = 1; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[i], "short")) msg.u.trace_req.detail = 2; else if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "category=", 9)) msg.u.trace_req.category = atoi(argv[i]+9); else if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "port=", 5)) msg.u.trace_req.port = atoi(argv[i]+5); else if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "interface=", 10)) SCPY(msg.u.trace_req.interface, argv[i]+10); else if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "caller=", 7)) SCPY(msg.u.trace_req.caller, argv[i]+7); else if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "dialing=", 8)) SCPY(msg.u.trace_req.dialing, argv[i]+8); else return("Invalid trace option, try 'trace help'."); i++; } /* send trace request */ if (write(sock, &msg, sizeof(msg)) != sizeof(msg)) return("Broken pipe while sending trace request."); /* receive response */ next: if (read(sock, &msg, sizeof(msg)) != sizeof(msg)) return("Broken pipe while receiving response."); if (msg.message != ADMIN_TRACE_RESPONSE) return("Response not valid."); printf("%s", msg.u.trace_rsp.text); goto next; } /* * main function */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int mode; char *socket_name = SOCKET_NAME; int sock, conn; struct sockaddr_un sock_address; char *ret; /* show options */ if (argc <= 1) { usage: printf("\n"); printf("Usage: %s state | interface | route | dial ...\n", argv[0]); printf("state - View current states using graphical console output.\n"); printf("interface - Tell LCR to reload \"interface.conf\".\n"); printf("route - Tell LCR to reload \"route.conf\".\n"); printf("dial - Tell LCR the next number to dial for extension.\n"); printf("release - Tell LCR to release endpoint with given number.\n"); printf("block - Block given port.\n"); printf("unblock - Unblock given port.\n"); printf("unload - Unload port. To load port use 'block' or 'unblock'.\n"); printf("testcall [options] [present|restrict []] - Testcall\n"); printf(" -> options = --setup-timeout --proceeding-timeout \n"); printf(" --alerting-timeout --connect-timeout \n"); printf(" -> capability = (Values must be numbers, -1 to omit.)\n"); printf("trace [brief|short] [ [...]] - Shows call trace. Use filter to reduce output.\n"); printf(" -> Use 'trace help' to see filter description.\n"); printf("\n"); return(0); } /* check mode */ if (!(strcasecmp(argv[1],"state"))) { mode = MODE_STATE; } else if (!(strcasecmp(argv[1],"interface"))) { mode = MODE_INTERFACE; } else if (!(strcasecmp(argv[1],"route"))) { mode = MODE_ROUTE; } else if (!(strcasecmp(argv[1],"dial"))) { if (argc <= 3) goto usage; mode = MODE_DIAL; } else if (!(strcasecmp(argv[1],"release"))) { if (argc <= 2) goto usage; mode = MODE_RELEASE; } else if (!(strcasecmp(argv[1],"unblock"))) { if (argc <= 2) goto usage; mode = MODE_UNBLOCK; } else if (!(strcasecmp(argv[1],"block"))) { if (argc <= 2) goto usage; mode = MODE_BLOCK; } else if (!(strcasecmp(argv[1],"unload"))) { if (argc <= 2) goto usage; mode = MODE_UNLOAD; } else if (!(strcasecmp(argv[1],"testcall"))) { if (argc <= 4) goto usage; mode = MODE_TESTCALL; } else if (!(strcasecmp(argv[1],"trace"))) { mode = MODE_TRACE; } else { goto usage; } //pipeagain: /* open socket */ if ((sock = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create socket.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(&sock_address, 0, sizeof(sock_address)); sock_address.sun_family = PF_UNIX; UCPY(sock_address.sun_path, socket_name); if ((conn = connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sock_address, SUN_LEN(&sock_address))) < 0) { close(sock); fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to socket \"%s\".\nIs LCR running?\n", sock_address.sun_path); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* process mode */ switch(mode) { case MODE_STATE: ret = admin_state(sock, argv); break; case MODE_INTERFACE: case MODE_ROUTE: ret = admin_cmd(sock, mode, NULL, NULL); break; case MODE_DIAL: ret = admin_cmd(sock, mode, argv[2], argv[3]); break; case MODE_RELEASE: case MODE_UNBLOCK: case MODE_BLOCK: case MODE_UNLOAD: ret = admin_cmd(sock, mode, NULL, argv[2]); break; case MODE_TESTCALL: ret = admin_testcall(sock, argc, argv); break; case MODE_TRACE: ret = admin_trace(sock, argc, argv); break; } close(sock); /* now we say good bye */ if (ret) { // if (!strncasecmp(ret, "Broken Pipe", 11)) // goto pipeagain; printf("%s\n", ret); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }