@misc{efl, Title = {Enlightenment}, url = {http://www.enlightenment.org/}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 20.11.2009]}, } @misc{CeGCC, Title = {CeGCC}, url = {http://cegcc.sourceforge.net/}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 20.11.2009]}, } @misc{libircclient, Title = {libircclient}, url = {http://libircclient.sourceforge.net/}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 25.01.2010]}, } @misc{OpenSSL, Title = {libCrypto}, url = {http://www.openssl.org/}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 25.01.2010]}, } @misc{Wireshark, Title = {Wireshark}, url = {http://www.wireshark.org/}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 27.01.2010]}, } @misc{IRC, Title = {IRC-Protokoll}, url = {http://www.irc.org/}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 27.01.2010]}, } @misc{Windows, Title = {Windows Mobile}, url = {http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/de-de/default.mspx}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 25.01.2010]}, } @misc{Android, Title = {Android}, url = {http://www.android.com/}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 25.01.2010]}, } @misc{WebOS, Title = {WebOS}, url = {http://palmwebos.org/}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 25.01.2010]}, } @misc{PalmOS, Title = {PalmOS}, url = {http://www.palm.com/}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 25.01.2010]}, } @misc{FriendSensing, title = {FriendSensing: Recommending Friends Using Mobile Phones}, author = {Daniele Quercia and Licia Capra}, year = {2009}, organization = {MIT SENSEable City Laboratory, Cambridge, USA und Dept.of Computer Sience, University College London, UK}, url = {web.mit.edu/quercia/www/publications/friendSensing_short.pdf}, note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 27.01.2010]}, } @misc{Latitude, title = {Google Latitude}, url = {http://www.google.com/intl/en_us/latitude/intro.html}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 11.02.2010]}, } @misc{POSIX, title = {Portable Operating System Interface for Unix Layer}, url = {http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/posix/}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 11.02.2010]}, } @misc{qrencode, title = {libqrencode}, url = {http://megaui.net/fukuchi/works/qrencode/index.en.html}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 11.02.2010]}, } @misc{PNG, title = {libpng}, url = {http://www.libpng.org/}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 11.02.2010]}, } @misc{IRCD, title = {IRCD-Hybrid}, url = {http://www.ircd-hybrid.org/}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 11.02.2010]}, } @misc{XChat, title = {X-Chat}, url = {http://xchat.org/}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 11.02.2010]}, } @misc{iPhoneOS, Title = {iPhone OS}, url = {http://www.apple.com/de/iphone/}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 03.02.2010]}, } @misc{SymbianOS, Title = {Symbian OS}, OPTurl = {http://www.symbian.org/}, Note = {[Online; letzter Aufruf 03.02.2010]}, } @misc{SPALS, title = {Spontaneous Privacy-Aware Location Sharing}, author = {Klaus Rechert and Konstantin Welke}, organization= {Lehrstuhl für Kommunikationssysteme, Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg}, year = {2009}, }