package helper; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import DataStructure.SingleBTS; public class Extrapolate { private static final int SP = 4; public static void main(String[] args) { // String[] args2 = { "15.1", "167.16", "15.2", "167.27", "15.3", // "167.39", "14", "165.85", "15.2", "167.5" }; String[] args2 = { "2", "5.4", "3", "6" }; args = args2; System.out .println("Approximationsfunktionen zur Inter- und Extrapolation\n" + "Kommentare siehe:\n" + ""); if (args == null || args.length < 2 || args.length % 2 != 0) { System.out .println("\nBitte eine Menge an x-/y-Wertepaaren angeben " + "(Werte durch Leerzeichen getrennt)."); return; } double[] xyArr = convertStringArrToDoubleArr(args); ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); // Verschiedene Regressionen: result.add(calculateLinearRegression(xyArr)); result.add(calculatePowerRegression(xyArr)); result.add(calculatelog10arithmicRegression(xyArr)); result.add(calculateExponentialRegression(xyArr)); result.add(calculateOneMinusExponentialRegression(xyArr)); boolean atLeastOne = false; for (Iterator itr = result.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { RegressionResult res =; atLeastOne |= res != null; if (res != null) System.out.println("\n" + linksbuendigerString(res.titel + ":", " ") + linksbuendigerString(res.formel, " ") + " (Bestimmtheitsmass = " + res.rr + ")"); } if (atLeastOne) { System.out.print("\nx y "); for (Iterator itr = result.iterator(); itr .hasNext();) { RegressionResult res =; if (res != null) System.out.print(linksbuendigerString(res.titel, " ")); } System.out.println(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length && i < 20; i += 2) { System.out.print(linksbuendigerString("x=" + args[i] + ",", " ") + linksbuendigerString(" y=" + args[i + 1] + ":", " ")); for (Iterator itr = result.iterator(); itr .hasNext();) { RegressionResult res =; if (res != null) System.out .print(linksbuendigerString( " " + roundSignificant( res.approxFunction .execute( res.a, res.b, xyArr[i]), SP), " ")); } System.out.println(); } if (args.length > 20) { System.out.println("..."); } } } public static SingleBTS extrapolateLogDL(List list, double x, SingleBTS extrapolateThis, int sendingStrength) { if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) { return null; } double[] array = BTStoArrayDL(list, extrapolateThis, sendingStrength); // log10: RegressionResult result = calculatelog10arithmicRegression(array); // linear: // RegressionResult result = calculateLinearRegression(array); double DL = result.approxFunction.execute(result.a, result.b, x); // add Signal Strenght back again DL = DL + sendingStrength; // if (DL < -115 || DL > -47 || Double.isNaN(DL)) // return null; if (Double.isNaN(DL)) return null; if (DL < -115) DL = -115; if (DL > -47) DL = -47; SingleBTS interpolated = new SingleBTS(extrapolateThis.ARFCN, 0, DL, true, new Date(),; return interpolated; } /** * * @param list * @param x * @param extrapolateThis * @param sendingStrength * is SignalStrength from the cell phone: About 1 W and 2 dBi * @return */ public static SingleBTS extrapolateLogUL(List list, double x, SingleBTS extrapolateThis, int sendingStrength) { if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) { return null; } double[] array = BTStoArrayUL(list, extrapolateThis, sendingStrength); if (array == null) { return null; } // log10: RegressionResult result = calculatelog10arithmicRegression(array); // linear: // RegressionResult result = calculateLinearRegression(array); if (result == null) { return null; } double UL = result.approxFunction.execute(result.a, result.b, x); // add the sendingStrength back on UL = UL + sendingStrength; if (Double.isNaN(UL)) return null; if (UL < -115) UL = -115; if (UL > -47) UL = -47; SingleBTS interpolated = new SingleBTS(extrapolateThis.ARFCN, UL, 0, true, new Date(),; interpolated.fullBTS = true; // interpolated.interpolated = true; return interpolated; } /** * * @param list * @param extrapolateThis * @param sendingStrength * is the Signalstrength in dB that the BTS sends (Antenna Gain + * Amplifier + Power) * @return */ private static double[] BTStoArrayDL(List list, SingleBTS extrapolateThis, int sendingStrength) { ArrayList array = new ArrayList(); // double[] array = new double[list.size() * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { SingleBTS currentElement = list.get(i); if (currentElement != null && currentElement.ARFCN == extrapolateThis.ARFCN) { array.add(currentElement.distance); array.add(currentElement.getDldB() - sendingStrength); } } double[] doublearray = new double[array.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < doublearray.length; i++) { doublearray[i] = array.get(i); } return doublearray; } private static double[] BTStoArrayUL(List list, SingleBTS extrapolateThis, int sendingStrength) { ArrayList array = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { SingleBTS currentElement = list.get(i); if (currentElement != null && currentElement.ARFCN == extrapolateThis.ARFCN) { array.add(currentElement.distance); array.add(currentElement.getUldB() - sendingStrength); } } double[] doublearray = new double[array.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < doublearray.length; i++) { doublearray[i] = array.get(i); } return doublearray; } // Lineare Regression // y = a + b * x static RegressionResult calculateLinearRegression(double[] xyArr) { if (xyArr == null || xyArr.length < 2 || xyArr.length % 2 != 0) return null; int n = xyArr.length / 2; double xs = 0; double ys = 0; double xqs = 0; double yqs = 0; double xys = 0; for (int i = 0; i < xyArr.length; i += 2) { xs += xyArr[i]; ys += xyArr[i + 1]; xqs += xyArr[i] * xyArr[i]; yqs += xyArr[i + 1] * xyArr[i + 1]; xys += xyArr[i] * xyArr[i + 1]; } RegressionResult abr = new RegressionResult(); double xm = xs / n; double ym = ys / n; double xv = xqs / n - (xm * xm); double yv = yqs / n - (ym * ym); double kv = xys / n - (xm * ym); abr.rr = Math.min((kv * kv) / (xv * yv), 1); abr.b = kv / xv; abr.a = ym - abr.b * xm; abr.titel = "Lin"; abr.formel = "y = " + roundSignificant(abr.a, SP) + " + " + roundSignificant(abr.b, SP) + " * x"; abr.approxFunction = new ApproxFunction() { public double execute(double a, double b, double x) { return a + b * x; } }; return abr; } // Potenzielle Regression // y = a * x^b // Regression ueber: ln(y) = ln(a) + b * ln(x) static RegressionResult calculatePowerRegression(double[] xyArr) { if (xyArr == null || xyArr.length < 2 || xyArr.length % 2 != 0) return null; double[] xyArrConv = new double[xyArr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < xyArr.length; i += 2) { if (xyArr[i] <= 0 || xyArr[i + 1] <= 0) return null; xyArrConv[i] = Math.log10(xyArr[i]); xyArrConv[i + 1] = Math.log10(xyArr[i + 1]); } RegressionResult abr = calculateLinearRegression(xyArrConv); if (abr == null) return null; abr.a = Math.exp(abr.a); abr.titel = "Pow"; abr.formel = "y = " + roundSignificant(abr.a, SP) + " * x ^ " + roundSignificant(abr.b, SP); abr.approxFunction = new ApproxFunction() { public double execute(double a, double b, double x) { return a * Math.pow(x, b); } }; return abr; } // log10arithmische Regression // y = a + b * ln(x) public static RegressionResult calculatelog10arithmicRegression( double[] xyArr) { if (xyArr == null || xyArr.length < 2 || xyArr.length % 2 != 0) return null; double[] xyArrConv = new double[xyArr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < xyArr.length; i += 2) { if (xyArr[i] <= 0) return null; xyArrConv[i] = Math.log10(xyArr[i]); xyArrConv[i + 1] = xyArr[i + 1]; } RegressionResult abr = calculateLinearRegression(xyArrConv); if (abr == null) return null; abr.titel = "log10"; abr.formel = "y = " + roundSignificant(abr.a, SP) + " + " + roundSignificant(abr.b, SP) + " * ln(x)"; abr.approxFunction = new ApproxFunction() { public double execute(double a, double b, double x) { return a + b * Math.log10(x); } }; return abr; } // Exponentielle Regression // y = a * e^(b * x) // Regression ueber: ln(y) = ln(a) + b * x static RegressionResult calculateExponentialRegression(double[] xyArr) { if (xyArr == null || xyArr.length < 2 || xyArr.length % 2 != 0) return null; double[] xyArrConv = new double[xyArr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < xyArr.length; i += 2) { if (xyArr[i + 1] <= 0) return null; xyArrConv[i] = xyArr[i]; xyArrConv[i + 1] = Math.log10(xyArr[i + 1]); } RegressionResult abr = calculateLinearRegression(xyArrConv); if (abr == null) return null; abr.a = Math.exp(abr.a); abr.titel = "Exp"; abr.formel = "y = " + roundSignificant(abr.a, SP) + " * e ^ (" + roundSignificant(abr.b, SP) + " * x)"; abr.approxFunction = new ApproxFunction() { public double execute(double a, double b, double x) { return a * Math.exp(b * x); } }; return abr; } // Gespiegelte und verschobene exponentielle Regression // y = a * ( 1 - e^(-b * x) ) // Approximationsfunktion beginnt bei 0 und strebt gegen den Grenzwert // "limit". // Falls "limit" nicht bekannt ist: Iterativ naehern. static RegressionResult calculateOneMinusExponentialRegression( double[] xyArr, double limit) { double[] xyArrTest = new double[xyArr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < xyArr.length; i += 2) { xyArrTest[i] = -xyArr[i]; xyArrTest[i + 1] = limit - xyArr[i + 1]; } RegressionResult abr = calculateExponentialRegression(xyArrTest); if (abr == null) return null; abr.a = limit; return abr; } // Gespiegelte und verschobene exponentielle Regression // y = a * ( 1 - e^(-b * x) ) // Approximationsfunktion beginnt bei 0 und strebt gegen den Grenzwert // "limit". static RegressionResult calculateOneMinusExponentialRegression( double[] xyArr) { final double INCR_FACTOR = 1.001; double yMax = 0; if (xyArr == null || xyArr.length < 2 || xyArr.length % 2 != 0) return null; for (int i = 1; i < xyArr.length; i += 2) yMax = Math.max(yMax, xyArr[i]); double lim = searchMaximumFromFunctionFromX(yMax, INCR_FACTOR, xyArr, new FunctionFromX() { public double execute(double x, Object helpObject) { RegressionResult abr = calculateOneMinusExponentialRegression( (double[]) helpObject, x); if (abr == null) return 0; return abr.rr; } }); RegressionResult abr = calculateOneMinusExponentialRegression(xyArr, lim); if (abr == null) return null; abr.titel = "1_E"; abr.formel = "y = " + roundSignificant(abr.a, SP) + " * ( 1 - e ^ (-" + roundSignificant(abr.b, SP) + " * x) )"; abr.approxFunction = new ApproxFunction() { public double execute(double a, double b, double x) { return a * (1 - Math.exp(-b * x)); } }; return abr; } // Suche den x-Wert fuer den die "FunctionFromX" ein Maximum hat static double searchMaximumFromFunctionFromX(double xStart, double incrFactor, Object helpObject, FunctionFromX functionFromX) { double x1, x2, xTest; double y1, y2, yTest; x1 = x2 = xTest = xStart; y1 = y2 = yTest = functionFromX.execute(xTest, helpObject); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { xTest *= incrFactor; yTest = functionFromX.execute(xTest, helpObject); if (yTest < y1) { x1 = xTest; y1 = yTest; break; } x2 = x1; x1 = xTest; y2 = y1; y1 = yTest; } for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { xTest = (x1 + x2) / 2; yTest = functionFromX.execute(xTest, helpObject); if (y2 >= y1) { x1 = xTest; y1 = yTest; } else { x2 = xTest; y2 = yTest; } if (i > 10 && Math.abs(y2 - y1) < 1.0E-12) { break; } } return xTest; } private static double[] convertStringArrToDoubleArr(String[] strArr) { if (strArr == null || strArr.length <= 0) return null; double[] dblArr = new double[strArr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < strArr.length; i++) { strArr[i] = strArr[i].replace(',', '.'); dblArr[i] = Double.parseDouble(strArr[i]); } return dblArr; } private static double roundSignificant(double d, int significantPrecision) { if (d == 0 || significantPrecision < 1 || significantPrecision > 14) return d; double mul10 = 1; double minVal = Math.pow(10, significantPrecision - 1); while (Math.abs(d) < minVal) { mul10 *= 10; d *= 10; } return Math.round(d) / mul10; } private static String linksbuendigerString(String s, String fillStrWithWantLen) { if (s != null) { int len = s.length(); if (len < fillStrWithWantLen.length()) { return (s + fillStrWithWantLen).substring(0, fillStrWithWantLen.length()); } } return s; } static class RegressionResult { double a; double b; double rr; String titel; String formel; ApproxFunction approxFunction; } interface ApproxFunction { double execute(double a, double b, double x); } interface FunctionFromX { double execute(double x, Object helpObject); } }