module.exports = { base: '/documentation/', dest: '../server/public_documentation', title: 'BAS Documentation', description: 'Boot Auswahl Server', themeConfig: { logo: '/img/logo-light.svg', sidebarDepth: 1, locales: { '/': { selectText: 'Languages', label: 'English', nav: [ { text: 'Home', link: '/' }, { text: 'Webapp', link: '/webapp/' }, { text: 'API', link: '/api/' }, { text: 'Installation', link: '/installation/' } ], sidebar: { '/webapp/': [ '', 'faq', 'modules' ], '/api/': [ '', 'collections' ], '/installation/': [ '' ] }, }, '/de/': { selectText: 'Sprachen', label: 'Deutsch', nav: [ { text: 'Startseite', link: '/de/' }, { text: 'Webapp', link: '/de/webapp/' }, { text: 'API', link: '/de/api/' }, { text: 'Installation', link: '/de/installation/' } ], sidebar: { '/de/webapp/': [ '', 'faq', 'modules' ], '/de/api/': [ '', 'collections' ], '/de/installation/': [ '' ] }, } } }, locales: { // The key is the path for the locale to be nested under. // As a special case, the default locale can use '/' as its path. '/': { lang: 'en-US', // this will be set as the lang attribute on title: 'BAS Documentation', description: 'Boot Auswahl Server' }, '/de/': { lang: 'de-DE', title: 'BAS Dokumentation', description: 'Boot Auswahl Server ' } } }