# Webapplication BAS Dark and Light Theme The webapplication is the frontend for the BAS. It uses the same API calls, so everything, which can be done in the frontend, can also be done with the API. BAS Home On the left side there is a sidepanel 1 with all the modules inside. The sidepanel can be opened and closed with 2. There are diffent appearances of the sidepanel which can be configured in the [Settings](/webapp/README.md#settings). > 3 changes the style of the webapplication between a light and a dark theme.\ > 4 opens the [Notifications](/webapp/README.md#notification) menu. The button has a notification counter, if there are unseen notifications.\ > 5 opens a small menu where you can go to the [User Settings](/webapp/README.md#user-account), the [Settings](/webapp/README.md#settings) or log out of the webapplication. ## User Account In the user account module the user is able to change some of his information. BAS Account With the ```EDIT``` button 1 the user is able to change his ```NAME``` and his ```E-MAIL```. The change of the ```USERNAME``` is not possible in the account settings. ::: tip The ```USERNAME``` can be changed in the [User Management](/webapp/modules.md#user-management) module where the ```EDIT``` permission is required. ::: The ```PASSWORD``` can be changed by pressing the ```EDIT``` button 2. The requirements for a password are ```>= 8 characters```. Using the ```DELETE``` button 3 the user can delete his account. ::: danger Deleting your account can **NOT** be undone. ::: ## Settings BAS Settings ## Notifications