# [FAQ] How to ... ## Register a client If a client netboots the BAS for the first time, it will boot the registration iPXE menu seen in the picture below. Besides the registration of a client you can also directly boot the local installed OS or boot bwLehrpool without the need to register the client. BAS Registration ::: tip If you add an [IP-Range](/webapp/modules.md#ip-ranges) to a group before the registration, the client will automatically be sorted in as a child of the corresponding group. ::: There are three ways to register a client: * [Automatic Registration](/webapp/faq.md#automatic-registration) * [Semi-Automatic Registration](/webapp/faq.md#semi-automatic-registration) * [Manual Registration](/webapp/faq.md#manual-registration) ### Automatic Registration: The automatic registration is the default option and will be started automatically if the user doesn't interrupt the timeout of 25 seconds. The registration will run through without any needed user input. The client will get the next free IP of the subnet in the DHCP as the fixed IP address if there is any configured. It's added to the BAS with a default name ```Client_```. ### Semi-Automatic Registration In the semi automatic registration a list of the next 20 free IPs of the subnet is provided and can be selected. It will also be set as a fixed IP address in the DHCP. BAS Registration IP Selection After the IP selection the registration asks the user for a client name. ::: warning This name will also be the prefix of the hostname in the DHCP. ::: BAS Registration Name After those steps an overview menu is provided, where the registration can be canceled or confirmed. BAS Registration Overview ### Manual Registration In the manual registration the room where the client will be sorted in can be selected. A list of all the rooms with the parent / client structure is provided. BAS Registration Room Selection ### Registration hooks With the initial registration the client is added with the name, IP, MAC and UUID to the BAS and the backends. To make further custom registration steps registration hooks can be configured, which will be executed right after the initial registration. For more information about the registration hooks and how to create them, see [Registration Hooks](/webapp/modules.md#client-registration). ## Move a pc-pool from one location to another ## Create an Event The information on how events are created can be found in the [Eventmanager](/webapp/modules.md#event-manager).