#!ipxe # Wallpaper set img https://bas.intra.uni-freiburg.de/files/ipxe_wallpaper.png || goto start console --picture ${img} --x 800 --y 600 || console --x 1024 --y 768 || :start menu Initializing client registration item --gap [Registration] item --key a automatic Automatic Registration item --key s semiautomatic Semi-Automatic Registration item --key m manual Manual Registration item --gap item --gap [Direct Boot] item --key b bwlehrpool bwLehrpool item --key l localboot Localboot item --gap item --gap [...] item --key r reboot Reboot item --key p poweroff Power Off item --key s sh [Shell] choose --default automatic --timeout 25000 target && goto ${target} || goto automatic :bwlehrpool chain --replace :localboot exit0 || exit1 || goto start :automatic params param ipxe true param automatic true param client { "type": "CLIENT", "uuid": "${uuid}", "purpose": "Pool PC", "networks": [{ "ip": "${net0/ip}", "mac": "${net0/mac}" }] } chain https://bas.intra.uni-freiburg.de/api/registration/clients##params :semiautomatic params param ipxe true param client { "type": "CLIENT", "uuid": "${uuid}", "purpose": "Pool PC", "networks": [{ "ip": "${net0/ip}", "mac": "${net0/mac}" }] } chain https://bas.intra.uni-freiburg.de/api/registration/clients##params :manual params param id 0 chain https://bas.intra.uni-freiburg.de/api/registration/group##params || goto start :reboot reboot :poweroff poweroff :sh login #echo Enter the password to access the shell #read pw #iseq ${pw} shell || goto start #clear pw iseq ${password} sh || goto start clear username clear password shell