import axios from 'axios' export default { namespaced: true, state: { backends: [], dialog: false, edit: false, backendId: '', sync: false }, mutations: { setDialog (state, value) { state.dialog = value }, setBackends (state, value) { state.backends = value }, editBackend (state, value) { state.backendId = value state.edit = true }, setEdit (state, value) { state.edit = value }, setSync (state, value) { state.sync = value }, editSync (state, value) { state.backendId = value state.sync = true } }, actions: { loadData (context) { axios.get('/api/backends').then(response => { // Needed for initializing the diffrent dynamic loading buttons. var tmpItems = tmpItems.forEach(function (item) { // Variable for the loading animation. item.loading = false // Variable for the test connection color item.connection = 'primary' }) context.commit('setBackends', tmpItems) }) } } }