path: root/doxygen/man/man3
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doxygen/man/man3')
31 files changed, 0 insertions, 2054 deletions
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/DownloadManager.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/DownloadManager.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 00388cb..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/DownloadManager.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-.TH "DownloadManager" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-DownloadManager \-
-\fC#include <downloadmanager.h>\fP
-.SS "Public Slots"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBdownloadFile\fP (const QUrl &fileUrl)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBdownloadFile\fP (const QString &fileUrl)" -1c
-.SS "Signals"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBnotify\fP (const QString &msg)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBdownloadInfo\fP (const QString &filename, const double &filesize)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBupdateProgress\fP (const int &percent, const double &speed, const QString &unit)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBdownloadQueueEmpty\fP ()" -1c
-.SS "Public Member Functions"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fBDownloadManager\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fB~DownloadManager\fP ()" -1c
-.SS "Public Attributes"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QTime \fBtime\fP" -1c
-.SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation"
-.SS "DownloadManager::DownloadManager ()"
-.SS "DownloadManager::~DownloadManager ()"
-.SH "Member Function Documentation"
-.SS "void DownloadManager::downloadFile (const QUrl &fileUrl)\fC [slot]\fP"
-.SS "void DownloadManager::downloadFile (const QString &fileUrl)\fC [slot]\fP"
-.SS "void DownloadManager::downloadInfo (const QString &filename, const double &filesize)\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "void DownloadManager::downloadQueueEmpty ()\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "void DownloadManager::notify (const QString &msg)\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "void DownloadManager::updateProgress (const int &percent, const double &speed, const QString &unit)\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SH "Member Data Documentation"
-.SS "QTime \fBDownloadManager::time\fP"
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/JavascriptInterface.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/JavascriptInterface.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f487b7..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/JavascriptInterface.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-.TH "JavascriptInterface" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-JavascriptInterface \-
-\fC#include <javascriptinterface.h>\fP
-.SS "Public Slots"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBattachToDOM\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBstartDownload\fP (const QString &filename)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBsetCallbackOnFinished\fP (const QString &function)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "const QString \fBgetSysInfo\fP (const QString &info)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBquit\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBshutDown\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBreboot\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBcallbackOnFinished\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBupdateProgressBar\fP (const int &percent, const double &speed, const QString &unit)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBdownloadInfo\fP (const QString &filename, const double &filesize)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBnotify\fP (const QString &msg)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBtrigger\fP ()" -1c
-.SS "Signals"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBrequestFile\fP (const QString &filename)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBquitFbgui\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBshutDownClient\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBrebootClient\fP ()" -1c
-.SS "Public Member Functions"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fBJavascriptInterface\fP (QWebFrame *parent)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fB~JavascriptInterface\fP ()" -1c
-.SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation"
-.SS "JavascriptInterface::JavascriptInterface (QWebFrame *parent)"A constructor.
-.RS 4
-\fIparent\fP Is of type QWebFrame.
-.SS "JavascriptInterface::~JavascriptInterface ()"An empty destructor.
-.SH "Member Function Documentation"
-.SS "void JavascriptInterface::attachToDOM ()\fC [slot]\fP"Attaches an instance of this class to the DOM of the HTML page.
-Attaches an instance of this class to the DOM of the HTML page. This enables the possibility to call slots/methods of this class in JavaScript functions of HTML page. It also calls the JavascriptInterface::loadJQuery() method.
-\fBSee also:\fP
-.RS 4
-.SS "void JavascriptInterface::callbackOnFinished ()\fC [slot]\fP"Sets a callback function for when downloads are finished (will be called when the queue is empty).
-.SS "void JavascriptInterface::downloadInfo (const QString &filename, const double &filesize)\fC [slot]\fP"This method delivers some informations about the downloading file.
-This method delivers some informations about the downloading file.
-.RS 4
-add some more informations
-.SS "const QString JavascriptInterface::getSysInfo (const QString &info)\fC [slot]\fP"This method delivers system informations.
-This method delivers system informations. Type of informations, are defined by the parameter. The output of this method depends on the parameter. Can be called from inside a JavaScript function of the HTML page.
-.RS 4
-\fIinfoName\fP Is of type QString. Defines which method will be called. Possible values are:
-.IP "\(bu" 2
-.IP "\(bu" 2
-.IP "\(bu" 2
-.IP "\(bu" 2
-.RS 4
-QString the output of the called method or 'info_error' if an error occurred (e. g. invalid parameter).
-\fBSee also:\fP
-.RS 4
-\fBSysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName)\fP
-.SS "void JavascriptInterface::notify (const QString &msg)\fC [slot]\fP"This method sends out messages to Javascript. A corresponding function must be implemented on the webpage to receive these.
-.SS "void JavascriptInterface::quit ()\fC [slot]\fP"This method quits the whole program.
-This method quits the whole program. Can be called from inside a JavaScript function of the HTML page. Emits \fBJavascriptInterface::quitFbgui()\fP signal
-.SS "void JavascriptInterface::quitFbgui ()\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "void JavascriptInterface::reboot ()\fC [slot]\fP"This method performs a reboot of the client.
-This method performs a reboot of the client. Emits the \fBJavascriptInterface::rebootClient()\fP signal. It is connected with the fbgui::performReboot() method.
-\fBSee also:\fP
-.RS 4
-.SS "void JavascriptInterface::rebootClient ()\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "void JavascriptInterface::requestFile (const QString &filename)\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "void JavascriptInterface::setCallbackOnFinished (const QString &function)\fC [slot]\fP"This method start a download.
-This method start a download. Can be called from inside a JavaScript function of the HTML page.
-.RS 4
-add some more informations
-.SS "void JavascriptInterface::shutDown ()\fC [slot]\fP"This method performs a shutdown of the client.
-This method performs a shutdown of the client. Emits the \fBJavascriptInterface::shutDownClient()\fP signal.It is connected with the fbgui::performShutDown() method.
-\fBSee also:\fP
-.RS 4
-.SS "void JavascriptInterface::shutDownClient ()\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "void JavascriptInterface::startDownload (const QString &filename)\fC [slot]\fP"This method start a download.
-This method start a download. Can be called from inside a JavaScript function of the HTML page. Emits the JavascriptInterface::requestFile(const QString) signal.
-.SS "void JavascriptInterface::trigger ()\fC [slot]\fP"This method triggers the URL load *FOR DEBUGGING/TESTING PURPOSES*
-.SS "void JavascriptInterface::updateProgressBar (const int &percent, const double &speed, const QString &unit)\fC [slot]\fP"This method updates the progress bar.
-This method calls a Javascript function to update the progress bar of the download. Javascript must have a function called 'updateProgress' to receive this information.
-.RS 4
-add some more informations
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/LoggerEngine_fb.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/LoggerEngine_fb.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 25e80a8..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/LoggerEngine_fb.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-.TH "LoggerEngine_fb" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-LoggerEngine_fb \-
-\fC#include <loggerengine.h>\fP
-.SS "Public Member Functions"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fBLoggerEngine_fb\fP (QTextEdit *parent)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fB~LoggerEngine_fb\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBinitLoggerEngine\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBkillLoggerEngine\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBwriteFormatted\fP (QxtLogger::LogLevel level, const QList< QVariant > &messages)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBsetLogLevelEnabled\fP (QxtLogger::LogLevels level, bool enable=true)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "bool \fBisInitialized\fP () const " -1c
-.SS "Public Attributes"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QTextEdit * \fB_debugConsole\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "bool \fB_initialized\fP" -1c
-.SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation"
-.SS "LoggerEngine_fb::LoggerEngine_fb (QTextEdit *parent)"
-.SS "LoggerEngine_fb::~LoggerEngine_fb ()"
-.SH "Member Function Documentation"
-.SS "void LoggerEngine_fb::initLoggerEngine ()"
-.SS "bool LoggerEngine_fb::isInitialized () const"
-.SS "void LoggerEngine_fb::killLoggerEngine ()"
-.SS "void LoggerEngine_fb::setLogLevelEnabled (QxtLogger::LogLevelslevel, boolenable = \fCtrue\fP)"
-.SS "void LoggerEngine_fb::writeFormatted (QxtLogger::LogLevellevel, const QList< QVariant > &messages)"
-.SH "Member Data Documentation"
-.SS "QTextEdit* \fBLoggerEngine_fb::_debugConsole\fP"
-.SS "bool \fBLoggerEngine_fb::_initialized\fP"
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/LoggerEngine_file.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/LoggerEngine_file.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 32a9f76..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/LoggerEngine_file.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-.TH "LoggerEngine_file" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-LoggerEngine_file \-
-\fC#include <loggerengine.h>\fP
-.SS "Public Member Functions"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fBLoggerEngine_file\fP (const QString &logFileName)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fB~LoggerEngine_file\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBinitLoggerEngine\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBwriteToFile\fP (const QString &level, const QList< QVariant > &msgs)" -1c
-.SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation"
-.SS "LoggerEngine_file::LoggerEngine_file (const QString &logFileName)"
-.SS "LoggerEngine_file::~LoggerEngine_file ()"
-.SH "Member Function Documentation"
-.SS "void LoggerEngine_file::initLoggerEngine ()"
-.SS "void LoggerEngine_file::writeToFile (const QString &level, const QList< QVariant > &msgs)"
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/LoggerEngine_std.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/LoggerEngine_std.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 61378be..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/LoggerEngine_std.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-.TH "LoggerEngine_std" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-LoggerEngine_std \-
-\fC#include <loggerengine.h>\fP
-.SS "Public Member Functions"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fBLoggerEngine_std\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fB~LoggerEngine_std\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBwriteToStdOut\fP (const QString &level, const QList< QVariant > &msgs)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBwriteToStdErr\fP (const QString &str_level, const QList< QVariant > &msgs)" -1c
-.SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation"
-.SS "LoggerEngine_std::LoggerEngine_std ()"
-.SS "LoggerEngine_std::~LoggerEngine_std ()"
-.SH "Member Function Documentation"
-.SS "void LoggerEngine_std::writeToStdErr (const QString &str_level, const QList< QVariant > &msgs)"
-.SS "void LoggerEngine_std::writeToStdOut (const QString &level, const QList< QVariant > &msgs)"
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/NetworkDiscovery.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/NetworkDiscovery.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 98c1044..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/NetworkDiscovery.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-.TH "NetworkDiscovery" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-NetworkDiscovery \-
-the logic behind the \fBNetworkDiscovery\fP.
-\fC#include <networkdiscovery.h>\fP
-.SS "Public Slots"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBhandleNewConnection\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBhandleNewInput\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBhandleNewInputLine\fP (QLocalSocket *client, QString data)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBhandleProcessFinished\fP (int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBhandleProcessStarted\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBhandleClientDisconnect\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBslotReadyForRun\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBcheckForIsRunning\fP ()" -1c
-.SS "Signals"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBaddInterface\fP (const QString &ifName)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBchangeProgressBarValue\fP (const QString &ifName, const int $newValue)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBconnectionEstablished\fP (QString ifName)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBabortBoot\fP (QString msg)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBupdateIfStatus\fP (QString ifName, QString status)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBupdateStatus\fP (QString status)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBallProcessesFinished\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBcontinueBoot\fP (QString ifName)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBcontinueBootWithoutCheck\fP (QString ifName)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBsetManualConfInterfaces\fP (QString jsonArr)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBreadyForRun\fP ()" -1c
-.SS "Public Member Functions"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fBNetworkDiscovery\fP (QObject *parent=0)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fB~NetworkDiscovery\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBinitAndRun\fP (QString serverIp, bool userChoice, bool autoUp, QString pathToLogFile, QString serverPath=DEFAULT_QTSOCKETADDRESS, QString pathToExe=DEFAULT_PATHTODHCPCDEXE, QStringList *args=NULL)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBip4_replaceDefaultRoute\fP (QString ifName, QString gateway, int mss)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgetGatewayForInterface\fP (QString ifName)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBip4_setManualConfiguration\fP (QVariantMap result)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBreadLogFile\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBtryAgain\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBprepareTryAgain\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "bool \fBcheckConnectivity\fP (QString ifName)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "bool \fBcheckConnectivityViaTcp\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QVariantMap \fBgetInterfaceConfig\fP (QString ifName)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBGetErrorStr\fP ()" -1c
-.SH "Detailed Description"
-the logic behind the \fBNetworkDiscovery\fP.
-This class holds all the logic of the \fBNetworkDiscovery\fP. It's main task is to search for usable interfaces, check if they are wired (in Running state) and start a cdhcpcd process for each interface. It also sends signals to the ndgui class for presenting notifications to the user.
-.SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation"
-.SS "NetworkDiscovery::NetworkDiscovery (QObject *parent = \fC0\fP)"constructor
-.SS "NetworkDiscovery::~NetworkDiscovery ()"destructor
-.SH "Member Function Documentation"
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::abortBoot (QStringmsg)\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::addInterface (const QString &ifName)\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::allProcessesFinished ()\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::changeProgressBarValue (const QString &ifName, const int $newValue)\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "bool NetworkDiscovery::checkConnectivity (QStringifName)"checks the connectivity. tries to open a TCP connection to the server (see _serverIp). For this it adjusts the routing table. (sets the gateway of the interface as default gateway) Gateway is written into the dhcpcd config file of this interface. (see DEFAULT_INTERFACE_CONF_LOCATION '/var/tmp/conf_')
-.RS 4
-\fIifName\fP name of a interface.
-.RS 4
-true: connection is possible false: connection not possible
-.SS "bool NetworkDiscovery::checkConnectivityViaTcp ()"
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::checkForIsRunning ()\fC [slot]\fP"only called if autoUp == true. check the IsRunning flag of each interface in the _ifDownList. connected to the timeout signal of the timer.
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::connectionEstablished (QStringifName)\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::continueBoot (QStringifName)\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::continueBootWithoutCheck (QStringifName)\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "QString NetworkDiscovery::GetErrorStr ()"
-.SS "QString NetworkDiscovery::getGatewayForInterface (QStringifName)"returns the gateway address, written into the dhcp config file.
-.RS 4
-\fIifName\fP name of the interface.
-.RS 4
-gateway address as string. or empty string if no interface config was found.
-.SS "QVariantMap NetworkDiscovery::getInterfaceConfig (QStringifName)"
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::handleClientDisconnect ()\fC [slot]\fP"called when a client disconnects.
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::handleNewConnection ()\fC [slot]\fP"connected to the new client arrived signal. connects the client readyRead signal with the handleNewInput slot.
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::handleNewInput ()\fC [slot]\fP"This method is connected to the readyRead Signal of the QLocalSocket client. send an ACK to the client with every received message.
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::handleNewInputLine (QLocalSocket *client, QStringdata)\fC [slot]\fP"This Method processes the send messages.
-This Method processes the send messages. It splits the line into several components. Those components are: interface: interface name ==> indicates the process who send the message s_state: is the number representation of syslog.h LOG levels s_subState: is the number representation of the dhcp.c DHCP states (1 - 8) plus the status. h states (9 - ..) msg: is a message which can contain additional informations
-According to the s_state and s_subState we emit the \fBchangeProgressBarValue()\fP signal with different values.
-.RS 4
-\fIclient\fP the client who send the message
-\fIdata\fP the message. (format <interfaceName>;<state>;<subState>;<msg> )
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::handleProcessFinished (intexitCode, QProcess::ExitStatusexitStatus)\fC [slot]\fP"This Method is called when a process is finished.
-This Method is called when a process is finished. This slot is connected with the signal finished() of the QProcess class. If the process finishes, it will be checked if the process exited normal or if an unexpected error occurred. For this, we determine the sender (which is a QProcess), get the corresponding interface (which is stored in a map), and check the exitCode. Further actions are taken according to the exitCode check. Normal exit: emit changeProgressBar() to 100% emit \fBupdateIfStatus()\fP to check connection \fBcheckConnectivity()\fP
-\fBSee also:\fP
-.RS 4
-\fBNetworkDiscovery::checkConnectivity()\fP Unexpected exit: emit \fBupdateIfStatus()\fP to process exited unexpected
-.RS 4
-.RS 4
-bool returns true: if the interface name i starts with a letter in the blacklist.
-returns false: else
-\fBSee also:\fP
-.RS 4
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::handleProcessStarted ()\fC [slot]\fP"This Method is called when a process is started.
-This Method is called when a process is started. It prints the message: 'process started for interface: <interfaceName>'.
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::initAndRun (QStringserverIp, booluserChoice, boolautoUp, QStringpathToLogFile, QStringserverPath = \fCDEFAULT_QTSOCKETADDRESS\fP, QStringpathToExe = \fCDEFAULT_PATHTODHCPCDEXE\fP, QStringList *args = \fCNULL\fP)"initialize all important class members and start the main work.
-.RS 4
-\fIserverIp\fP the ip of the server with which we are testing the connectivity.
-\fIuserChoice\fP true if the user wishes to have a user choice. true: the chooseInterfaceDialog will be showed.
-\fIautoUp\fP true if we want to 'auto Up' all down interfaces.
-\fIpathToLogFile\fP the path to the log file.
-\fIserverPath\fP the path to the server socket (default value: DEFAULT_QTSOCKETADDRESS '/var/tmp/qt_c_socket_default')
-\fIpathToExe\fP the path to the customdhcpcd exe. (default value: #define DEFAULT_QTSOCKETADDRESS '/var/tmp/qt_c_socket_default')
-\fIargs\fP additional arguments for the customdhcpcd client. (default value: NULL)
-.SS "int NetworkDiscovery::ip4_replaceDefaultRoute (QStringifName, QStringgateway, intmss)"replace the default route. sets af automatically to AF_INET
-.RS 4
-\fIifName\fP interface name
-\fIgateway\fP gateway address
-\fImss\fP mss value (i think this is the metric. in most cases this value is 0)
-.SS "int NetworkDiscovery::ip4_setManualConfiguration (QVariantMapresult)"replace the dhcp configuration with the manual config, entered by the user. if we can not establish a connection with the entered values, reset to the old dhcp values.
-.RS 4
-\fIresult\fP a json object formated string.
-.RS 4
-0 if everything ok
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::prepareTryAgain ()"
-.SS "QString NetworkDiscovery::readLogFile ()"reads the log file.
-.RS 4
-the log file as one string.
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::readyForRun ()\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::setManualConfInterfaces (QStringjsonArr)\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::slotReadyForRun ()\fC [slot]\fP"emits the addInterface signal for each interface name in _ifUpList and calls the runDHCPCD method. if the _ifUpList is empty, this method emits an abortBoot signal. connected to the readyForRun signal.
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::tryAgain ()"
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::updateIfStatus (QStringifName, QStringstatus)\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "void NetworkDiscovery::updateStatus (QStringstatus)\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/NetworkManager.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/NetworkManager.3
deleted file mode 100644
index b1c558e..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/NetworkManager.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-.TH "NetworkManager" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-NetworkManager \-
-Manages the network configurations like setting new default routes.
-\fC#include <networkmanager.h>\fP
-.SS "Public Member Functions"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fBNetworkManager\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "virtual \fB~NetworkManager\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBreplaceDefaultRoute\fP (QString ifname, QString gateway, int metric, int af)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBbringInterfaceUP\fP (QString ifname)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBbringInterfaceDown\fP (QString ifname)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBip4_setManualConfiguration\fP (QString ifname, QString ipAddress, QString netmask, QString broadcast, QString gateway, int metric, int af, QString pathToResolvConf, QList< QString > nameServer)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBip4_configureInterface\fP (QString ifname, QString ipAddress, QString broadcast, QString netmask, int af)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBip6_addRoute\fP (const char *iface, const struct in6_addr *ip6_dest, int ip6_prefix, const struct in6_addr *ip6_gateway, int metric, int mss)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBip6_addAddress\fP (struct ip6_addr *ip6Addr, const char *iface)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBwriteResolvConf\fP (QString path, QString ifname, QList< QString > nameServer)" -1c
-.SH "Detailed Description"
-Manages the network configurations like setting new default routes.
-Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - RZ Uni Freiburg Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - OpenSLX Project
-This program/file is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. See
-If you have any feedback please consult and send your feedback to
-General information about OpenSLX can be found under
-Manages the network configurations like setting new default routes. It provides methods for ipv4 and some method for ipv6.
-.SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation"
-.SS "NetworkManager::NetworkManager ()"
-.SS "NetworkManager::~NetworkManager ()\fC [virtual]\fP"
-.SH "Member Function Documentation"
-.SS "int NetworkManager::bringInterfaceDown (QStringifname)"The method brings an interface down.
-.RS 4
-\fIifname\fP the name of the interface
-.RS 4
-0 -> success -1 -> error
-.SS "int NetworkManager::bringInterfaceUP (QStringifname)"The method brings an interface up.
-.RS 4
-\fIifname\fP the name of the interface
-.RS 4
-0 -> success -1 -> error
-.SS "int NetworkManager::ip4_configureInterface (QStringifname, QStringipAddress, QStringbroadcast, QStringnetmask, intaf)"
-.SS "int NetworkManager::ip4_setManualConfiguration (QStringifname, QStringipAddress, QStringnetmask, QStringbroadcast, QStringgateway, intmetric, intaf, QStringpathToResolvConf, QList< QString >nameServer)"This method is used when the manual configuration is needed.
-This method is used when the manual configuration is needed. First we bring up the interface. Than we configure the interface with our manual entered configuration dates. After that we replace the old default route with the new and write a resolv.conf.
-.RS 4
-\fIifname\fP name of the interface which we are about to configure.
-\fIipAddress\fP the new IP-Address.
-\fInetmask\fP the netmask of the IP-Address.
-\fIbroadcast\fP the broadcast address.
-\fIgateway\fP the gateway address.
-\fImetric\fP do not exactly know why we need this. in most cases this should be 0.
-\fIaf\fP the address type. Either AF_INET for IPv4 or AF_INET6 for IPv6.
-\fIpathToResolvConf\fP the path to the resolf.conf file. in most cases '/etc/'.
-\fInameServer\fP the name server addresses.
-.SS "int NetworkManager::ip6_addAddress (struct ip6_addr *ip6Addr, const char *iface)"
-.SS "int NetworkManager::ip6_addRoute (const char *iface, const struct in6_addr *ip6_dest, intip6_prefix, const struct in6_addr *ip6_gateway, intmetric, intmss)"
-.SS "int NetworkManager::replaceDefaultRoute (QStringifname, QStringgateway, intmss, intaf)"This method adds /replaces the default route. This method adds /replaces the default route. To keep it modular, it is possible to specify an ip address family.
-.RS 4
-\fIifName\fP the interface name
-\fIgateway\fP the gateway address (e.g:
-\fImss\fP the mss.
-\fIaf\fP specify the family type of the ip address. possible values are: AF_INET for an IPv4 address AF_INET6 for an IPv6 address
-.RS 4
-return -1 if an error happened. return 0 if everything was ok.
-.SS "int NetworkManager::writeResolvConf (QStringpath, QStringifname, QList< QString >nameServer)"This method writes a resolv.conf file.
-.RS 4
-\fIpath\fP path to the resolv.conf file. (in most cases: /etc/)
-\fIifname\fP name of the interface
-\fIaddresses\fP of the nameserver
-.RS 4
-return 0 if success else -1
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/SysInfo.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/SysInfo.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 690bc64..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/SysInfo.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-.TH "SysInfo" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-SysInfo \-
-\fC#include <sysinfo.h>\fP
-.SS "Public Member Functions"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fBSysInfo\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fB~SysInfo\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "const QString \fBgetInfo\fP (const QString &infoName)" -1c
-.SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation"
-.SS "SysInfo::SysInfo ()"A empty constructor.
-.SS "SysInfo::~SysInfo ()"A empty destructor.
-.SH "Member Function Documentation"
-.SS "const QString SysInfo::getInfo (const QString &infoName)"This method returns system informations.
-This method returns system informations according to the parameter. This method can be called from the \fBJavascriptInterface\fP class with the method \fBJavascriptInterface::getSysInfo(const QString& info)\fP.
-.RS 4
-\fIinfoName\fP Is of type QString. Defines which method will be called. Possible values are:
-.IP "\(bu" 2
-.IP "\(bu" 2
-.RS 4
-QString the output of the called method or 'info_error' if an error occurred (e. g. invalid parameter).
-\fBSee also:\fP
-.RS 4
-\fBJavascriptInterface::getSysInfo(const QString& info)\fP
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/downloadmanager.cpp.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/downloadmanager.cpp.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 7288975..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/downloadmanager.cpp.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/downloadmanager.cpp" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/downloadmanager.cpp \-
-\fC#include 'downloadmanager.h'\fP
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/downloadmanager.h.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/downloadmanager.h.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 213f4c5..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/downloadmanager.h.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/downloadmanager.h" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/downloadmanager.h \-
-\fC#include 'fbgui.h'\fP
-.SS "Classes"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "class \fBDownloadManager\fP" -1c
-.SS "Variables"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "bool \fBdebug\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QUrl \fBbaseURL\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBbinPath\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBdownloadPath\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBupdateInterval\fP" -1c
-.SH "Variable Documentation"
-.SS "QUrl baseURL"
-.SS "QString binPath"
-.SS "bool \fBdebug\fP"
-.SS "QString downloadPath"
-.SS "int \fBupdateInterval\fP"
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/fbgui.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/fbgui.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a3fb9a..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/fbgui.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-.TH "fbgui" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-fbgui \-
-\fC#include <fbgui.h>\fP
-.SS "Public Slots"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBinit\fP ()" -1c
-.SS "Public Member Functions"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fBfbgui\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fB~fbgui\fP ()" -1c
-.SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation"
-.SS "fbgui::fbgui ()"A constructor.
-The constructor of the fbgui class. It initializes the main objects which are needed while the program is running. The appearance of the webView is here also defined.
-\fBSee also:\fP
-.RS 4
-.SS "fbgui::~fbgui ()"
-.SH "Member Function Documentation"
-.SS "void fbgui::init ()\fC [slot]\fP"init function.
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/fbgui.cpp.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/fbgui.cpp.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 144386e..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/fbgui.cpp.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/fbgui.cpp" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/fbgui.cpp \-
-\fC#include 'fbgui.h'\fP
-\fC#include 'sysinfo.h'\fP
-\fC#include 'loggerengine.h'\fP
-\fC#include 'downloadmanager.h'\fP
-\fC#include 'javascriptinterface.h'\fP
-\fC#include <iostream>\fP
-\fC#include <QThread>\fP
-\fC#include <QtWebKit>\fP
-\fC#include <QxtCore>\fP
-.SS "Functions"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBlogFilePath\fP ('')"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBipConfigFilePath\fP ('')"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBbinPath\fP ('')"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QUrl \fBbaseURL\fP ('')"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBdownloadPath\fP ('')"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBfileToTriggerURL\fP ('')"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBserialLocation\fP ('')"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBsessionID\fP ('')" -1c
-.SS "Variables"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QThread \fBdmThread\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBupdateInterval\fP = -1"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBdebugMode\fP = -1" -1c
-.SH "Function Documentation"
-.SS "QUrl baseURL ('')"
-.SS "QString binPath ('')"
-.SS "QString downloadPath ('')"
-.SS "QString fileToTriggerURL ('')"
-.SS "QString ipConfigFilePath ('')"
-.SS "QString logFilePath ('')"
-.SS "QString serialLocation ('')"
-.SS "QString sessionID ('')"
-.SH "Variable Documentation"
-.SS "int \fBdebugMode\fP = -1"
-.SS "QThread \fBdmThread\fP"
-.SS "int \fBupdateInterval\fP = -1"
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/fbgui.h.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/fbgui.h.3
deleted file mode 100644
index c53a27b..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/fbgui.h.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/fbgui.h" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/fbgui.h \-
-\fC#include <QWSServer>\fP
-\fC#include <QtGui>\fP
-\fC#include <QtWebKit>\fP
-\fC#include <QxtCore>\fP
-.SS "Classes"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "class \fBfbgui\fP" -1c
-.SS "Defines"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "#define \fBDEFAULT_URL\fP ''"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "#define \fBDEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIR\fP '/tmp/\fBfbgui\fP'"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "#define \fBDEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH\fP '/etc/fbgui.conf'"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "#define \fBDEFAULT_LOG_FILE_PATH\fP '/tmp/fbgui.log'"
-.ti -1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "#define \fBDEFAULT_QRC_HTML_DIR\fP ':/html'"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "#define \fBDEFAULT_FILE_TRIGGER\fP '/tmp/\fBfbgui\fP/trigger'" -1c
-.SS "Variables"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBlogFilePath\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBipConfigFilePath\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QThread \fBdmThread\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBserialLocation\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBfileToTriggerURL\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBsessionID\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBbinPath\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBdownloadPath\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QUrl \fBbaseURL\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBdebugMode\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBupdateInterval\fP" -1c
-.SH "Define Documentation"
-.SS "#define DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH '/etc/fbgui.conf'"
-.SS "#define DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIR '/tmp/\fBfbgui\fP'"
-.SS "#define DEFAULT_FILE_TRIGGER '/tmp/\fBfbgui\fP/trigger'"
-.SS "#define DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_PATH '/tmp/fbgui.log'"
-.SS "#define DEFAULT_QRC_HTML_DIR ':/html'"
-.SS "#define DEFAULT_URL ''"
-.SH "Variable Documentation"
-.SS "QUrl baseURL"
-.SS "QString binPath"
-.SS "int \fBdebugMode\fP"
-.SS "QThread \fBdmThread\fP"
-.SS "QString downloadPath"
-.SS "QString fileToTriggerURL"
-.SS "QString ipConfigFilePath"
-.SS "QString logFilePath"
-.SS "QString serialLocation"
-.SS "QString sessionID"
-.SS "int \fBupdateInterval\fP"
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/interfaceconfiguration.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/interfaceconfiguration.3
deleted file mode 100644
index d13b7a6..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/interfaceconfiguration.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-.TH "interfaceconfiguration" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-interfaceconfiguration \-
-reads and stores a interface configuration.
-\fC#include <interfaceconfiguration.h>\fP
-.SS "Public Member Functions"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fBinterfaceconfiguration\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fBinterfaceconfiguration\fP (const \fBinterfaceconfiguration\fP &other)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fBinterfaceconfiguration\fP & \fBoperator=\fP (const \fBinterfaceconfiguration\fP &other)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "virtual \fB~interfaceconfiguration\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "bool \fBreadConfigOutOfFile\fP (QString pathToConfig)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgetBroadcast\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgetClientid\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgetDhcpchaddr\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgetDhcpsid\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgetDnssearch\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgetDnsservers\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgetGateways\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgetGateway\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgetHostname\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgetInterface\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgetIpAddress\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgetNetmask\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgetNetwork\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgetRoutes\fP ()" -1c
-.SH "Detailed Description"
-reads and stores a interface configuration.
-Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - RZ Uni Freiburg Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - OpenSLX Project
-This program/file is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. See
-If you have any feedback please consult and send your feedback to
-General information about OpenSLX can be found under
-reads and stores a interface configuration. the config file has already to exist. It is created by the cdhcpcd client process.
-.SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation"
-.SS "interfaceconfiguration::interfaceconfiguration ()"
-.SS "interfaceconfiguration::interfaceconfiguration (const \fBinterfaceconfiguration\fP &other)"
-.SS "interfaceconfiguration::~interfaceconfiguration ()\fC [virtual]\fP"
-.SH "Member Function Documentation"
-.SS "QString interfaceconfiguration::getBroadcast ()"
-.SS "QString interfaceconfiguration::getClientid ()"
-.SS "QString interfaceconfiguration::getDhcpchaddr ()"
-.SS "QString interfaceconfiguration::getDhcpsid ()"
-.SS "QString interfaceconfiguration::getDnssearch ()"
-.SS "QString interfaceconfiguration::getDnsservers ()"
-.SS "QString interfaceconfiguration::getGateway ()"
-.SS "QString interfaceconfiguration::getGateways ()"
-.SS "QString interfaceconfiguration::getHostname ()"
-.SS "QString interfaceconfiguration::getInterface ()"
-.SS "QString interfaceconfiguration::getIpAddress ()"
-.SS "QString interfaceconfiguration::getNetmask ()"
-.SS "QString interfaceconfiguration::getNetwork ()"
-.SS "QString interfaceconfiguration::getRoutes ()"
-.SS "\fBinterfaceconfiguration\fP& interfaceconfiguration::operator= (const \fBinterfaceconfiguration\fP &other)"
-.SS "bool interfaceconfiguration::readConfigOutOfFile (QStringpathToConfig)"This method reads the configuration values out of a file.
-This method reads the configuration values out of a file. The file has to be created before by the customdhcpcd QProcess. (Overwrites the old values if they are already present.)
-.RS 4
-\fIpathToConfig\fP contains the path to the configuration file.
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/interfaceconfiguration.cpp.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/interfaceconfiguration.cpp.3
deleted file mode 100644
index a78f7ad..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/interfaceconfiguration.cpp.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/interfaceconfiguration.cpp" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/interfaceconfiguration.cpp \-
-\fC#include 'interfaceconfiguration.h'\fP
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/interfaceconfiguration.h.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/interfaceconfiguration.h.3
deleted file mode 100644
index a2646e5..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/interfaceconfiguration.h.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/interfaceconfiguration.h" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/interfaceconfiguration.h \-
-\fC#include <QtCore>\fP
-.SS "Classes"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "class \fBinterfaceconfiguration\fP"
-.RI "\fIreads and stores a interface configuration. \fP" -1c
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/javascriptinterface.cpp.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/javascriptinterface.cpp.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a1ef39..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/javascriptinterface.cpp.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/javascriptinterface.cpp" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/javascriptinterface.cpp \-
-\fC#include 'fbgui.h'\fP
-\fC#include 'javascriptinterface.h'\fP
-\fC#include 'sysinfo.h'\fP
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/javascriptinterface.h.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/javascriptinterface.h.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a85d3c..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/javascriptinterface.h.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/javascriptinterface.h" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/javascriptinterface.h \-
-\fC#include 'fbgui.h'\fP
-.SS "Classes"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "class \fBJavascriptInterface\fP" -1c
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/loggerengine.cpp.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/loggerengine.cpp.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 4765651..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/loggerengine.cpp.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/loggerengine.cpp" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/loggerengine.cpp \-
-\fC#include 'loggerengine.h'\fP
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/loggerengine.h.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/loggerengine.h.3
deleted file mode 100644
index ee3b01f..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/loggerengine.h.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/loggerengine.h" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/loggerengine.h \-
-\fC#include <QxtCore>\fP
-\fC#include <QTime>\fP
-\fC#include <QTextEdit>\fP
-.SS "Classes"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "class \fBLoggerEngine_fb\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "class \fBLoggerEngine_std\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "class \fBLoggerEngine_file\fP" -1c
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/main.cpp.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/main.cpp.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d2ad30..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/main.cpp.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/main.cpp" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/main.cpp \-
-\fC#include <QApplication>\fP
-\fC#include <QSettings>\fP
-\fC#include <QtCore>\fP
-\fC#include <getopt.h>\fP
-\fC#include <cstdlib>\fP
-\fC#include <iostream>\fP
-\fC#include 'loggerengine.h'\fP
-\fC#include 'fbgui.h'\fP
-\fC#include 'ndgui.h'\fP
-\fC#include '../common/fbgui.h'\fP
-.SS "Functions"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBprintHelp\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBmain\fP (int argc, char *argv[])" -1c
-.SH "Function Documentation"
-.SS "int main (intargc, char *argv[])"
-.SS "void printHelp ()"
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/ndgui.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/ndgui.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 1290adb..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/ndgui.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-.TH "ndgui" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-ndgui \-
-the GUI.
-\fC#include <ndgui.h>\fP
-.SS "Public Slots"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBhandleConnectionEstablished\fP (QString ifName)"
-.RI "\fIhandle if a interface is able to connect \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBabortBoot\fP (QString msg)"
-.RI "\fIshow abortBoot dialog \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBchooseInterfaceDialog\fP (QString msg)"
-.RI "\fIopens ths chooseInterfaceDialog \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBhandleAllProcessesFinished\fP ()"
-.RI "\fIdetermines if we continue the boot sequence or if we show the chooseInterface or abortBoot dialog \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBrestartSystem\fP ()"
-.RI "\fIrestart the system \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBshutDownSystem\fP ()"
-.RI "\fIshut down the system \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBcontinueBoot\fP (QString ifName)"
-.RI "\fIcontinue the boot sequence \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBcontinueBootWithoutCheck\fP (QString ifName)"
-.RI "\fIcontinue the boot sequence without further checking if the connection is still possible. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBtryAgain\fP ()"
-.RI "\fIstarts the whole application again. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBstartSingleShot\fP ()"
-.RI "\fIstarts a singleshot event. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBstartNetworkDiscovery\fP ()"
-.RI "\fIstart the network discovery \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBattachToDOM\fP ()"
-.RI "\fIstellt ein ndgui/fbgui Objekt zur verwendung durch die html bereit. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBloadJQuery\fP ()"
-.RI "\fIload jQuery and js scripts into the page so that all javascript functions will work. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBaddInterface\fP (const QString &ifName)"
-.RI "\fIadds an interface to the DOM tree. Creates its progress bar and it's status label. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBupdateIfStatus\fP (const QString &ifName, const QString &status)"
-.RI "\fIupdate the status for each interface \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBupdateStatus\fP (const QString &status)"
-.RI "\fIupdates the over all status \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBupdateIfProgressBar\fP (const QString &ifName, const int &percent)"
-.RI "\fIupdates the progress bar for each interface. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBnotifyCall\fP (QString msg)"
-.RI "\fIjust for debugging. \fP" -1c
-.SS "Signals"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void \fBinitFbgui\fP ()" -1c
-.SS "Public Member Functions"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fBndgui\fP (QMainWindow *parent=0)"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fB~ndgui\fP ()"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList \fBgetManualConfInterfaces\fP ()"
-.RI "\fIfills the drop down box of the manual interface configuration dialog. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "Q_INVOKABLE int \fBip4_setManualConfiguration\fP (QVariantMap result)"
-.RI "\fItakes the entered manual configuration dates and delivers it to the networkDiscovery for further actions. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "Q_INVOKABLE QString \fBreadLogFile\fP ()"
-.RI "\fIread the log file. Log File will be presented inside of a dialog. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "Q_INVOKABLE QVariantMap \fBgetInterfaceConf\fP (QString ifName)"
-.RI "\fIreturn a json formated interface configuration \fP" -1c
-.SH "Detailed Description"
-the GUI.
-This class is responsible for creating and displaying the user interface. It also connects the webView via QWebBridge to javascript functions inside the html files.
-.SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation"
-.SS "ndgui::ndgui (QMainWindow *parent = \fC0\fP)"constructor
-.SS "ndgui::~ndgui ()"destructor
-.SH "Member Function Documentation"
-.SS "void ndgui::abortBoot (QStringmsg)\fC [slot]\fP"
-show abortBoot dialog \fBParameters:\fP
-.RS 4
-\fImsg\fP the message, displayed in the dialog.
-.SS "void ndgui::addInterface (const QString &ifName)\fC [slot]\fP"
-adds an interface to the DOM tree. Creates its progress bar and it's status label. \fBParameters:\fP
-.RS 4
-\fIifName\fP name of the new interface.
-.SS "void ndgui::attachToDOM ()\fC [slot]\fP"
-stellt ein ndgui/fbgui Objekt zur verwendung durch die html bereit.
-.SS "void ndgui::chooseInterfaceDialog (QStringmsg)\fC [slot]\fP"
-opens ths chooseInterfaceDialog \fBParameters:\fP
-.RS 4
-\fImsg\fP the interfaces as json formated string. will be displayed in a select box.
-.SS "void ndgui::continueBoot (QStringifName)\fC [slot]\fP"
-continue the boot sequence represents the end of the \fBNetworkDiscovery\fP life time. will start the fbgui screen. All networkDiscovery signals will be ignored after this point.
-.SS "void ndgui::continueBootWithoutCheck (QStringifName)\fC [slot]\fP"
-continue the boot sequence without further checking if the connection is still possible.
-.SS "QVariantMap ndgui::getInterfaceConf (QStringifName)"
-return a json formated interface configuration \fBParameters:\fP
-.RS 4
-\fIifName\fP the name of the interface
-.SS "QVariantList ndgui::getManualConfInterfaces ()"
-fills the drop down box of the manual interface configuration dialog.
-.SS "void ndgui::handleAllProcessesFinished ()\fC [slot]\fP"
-determines if we continue the boot sequence or if we show the chooseInterface or abortBoot dialog if we have a user choice (_userChoice = true) than networkDiscovery will emit a allProcessesFinished signal if all processes are done. This method determines if user will see an abort boot dialog (no interface names in the ifNameList list) or an choose interface dialog (one or more interface names in the list (add with handleConnectionEstablished)).
-.SS "void ndgui::handleConnectionEstablished (QStringifName)\fC [slot]\fP"
-handle if a interface is able to connect if we have a user choice (_userChoice = true) than networkDiscovery will emit connectionEstablished signals. Add the interface name to a _ifNameList. This list holds all interfaces the user can choose out of.
-.SS "void ndgui::initFbgui ()\fC [signal]\fP"
-.SS "int ndgui::ip4_setManualConfiguration (QVariantMapjsonArr)"
-takes the entered manual configuration dates and delivers it to the networkDiscovery for further actions. \fBParameters:\fP
-.RS 4
-\fIjsonArr\fP a jsonArr which contains the manual entered interface configuration
-.SS "void ndgui::loadJQuery ()\fC [slot]\fP"
-load jQuery and js scripts into the page so that all javascript functions will work.
-.SS "void ndgui::notifyCall (QStringmsg)\fC [slot]\fP"
-just for debugging.
-.SS "QString ndgui::readLogFile ()"
-read the log file. Log File will be presented inside of a dialog.
-.SS "void ndgui::restartSystem ()\fC [slot]\fP"
-restart the system this method will restart the system. triggered through a button click in the gui.
-.SS "void ndgui::shutDownSystem ()\fC [slot]\fP"
-shut down the system this method will restart the system. triggered through a button click in the gui.
-.SS "void ndgui::startNetworkDiscovery ()\fC [slot]\fP"
-start the network discovery main starting point of the whole procedure. disconnect the loadFinished signal with the startNetworkDiscovery and starts the networkDiscovery.
-.SS "void ndgui::startSingleShot ()\fC [slot]\fP"
-starts a singleshot event. is connected to the singleShot event. Triggering this method means that we go on with the main \fBNetworkDiscovery\fP screen. connects the loadFinished signal of the _webView with the startNetworkDiscovery slot and removes the action.
-.SS "void ndgui::tryAgain ()\fC [slot]\fP"
-starts the whole application again.
-.SS "void ndgui::updateIfProgressBar (const QString &ifName, const int &percent)\fC [slot]\fP"
-updates the progress bar for each interface. \fBParameters:\fP
-.RS 4
-\fIifname\fP the name ot the interface to update
-\fIpercent\fP the progress in percent
-.SS "void ndgui::updateIfStatus (const QString &ifName, const QString &status)\fC [slot]\fP"
-update the status for each interface \fBParameters:\fP
-.RS 4
-\fIifName\fP the name ot the interface to update
-\fIstatus\fP the new status of the interface.
-.SS "void ndgui::updateStatus (const QString &status)\fC [slot]\fP"
-updates the over all status \fBParameters:\fP
-.RS 4
-\fIstatus\fP the new status message
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/ndgui.cpp.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/ndgui.cpp.3
deleted file mode 100644
index a3968a7..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/ndgui.cpp.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/ndgui.cpp" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/ndgui.cpp \-
-\fC#include 'ndgui.h'\fP
-.SS "Functions"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgServerIp\fP ('')"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgSocketServerPath\fP ('')"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgPathToDhcpExe\fP ('')" -1c
-.SS "Variables"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "bool \fBgAutoUp\fP = true" -1c
-.SH "Function Documentation"
-.SS "QString gPathToDhcpExe ('')"
-.SS "QString gServerIp ('')"
-.SS "QString gSocketServerPath ('')"
-.SH "Variable Documentation"
-.SS "bool \fBgAutoUp\fP = true"
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/ndgui.h.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/ndgui.h.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 493dfa0..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/ndgui.h.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/ndgui.h" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/ndgui.h \-
-\fC#include <QtGui>\fP
-\fC#include <QtWebKit>\fP
-\fC#include <QVariant>\fP
-\fC#include 'fbgui.h'\fP
-\fC#include 'loggerengine.h'\fP
-\fC#include 'networkdiscovery.h'\fP
-.SS "Classes"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "class \fBndgui\fP"
-.RI "\fIthe GUI. \fP" -1c
-.SS "Variables"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgServerIp\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "bool \fBgAutoUp\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgSocketServerPath\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "QString \fBgPathToDhcpExe\fP" -1c
-.SH "Variable Documentation"
-.SS "bool \fBgAutoUp\fP"
-.SS "QString gPathToDhcpExe"
-.SS "QString gServerIp"Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - RZ Uni Freiburg Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - OpenSLX Project
-This program/file is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. See
-If you have any feedback please consult and send your feedback to
-General information about OpenSLX can be found under
-.SS "QString gSocketServerPath"
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/networkdiscovery.cpp.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/networkdiscovery.cpp.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 8db066e..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/networkdiscovery.cpp.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/networkdiscovery.cpp" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/networkdiscovery.cpp \-
-\fC#include <sys/types.h>\fP
-\fC#include <signal.h>\fP
-\fC#include 'networkdiscovery.h'\fP
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/networkdiscovery.h.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/networkdiscovery.h.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 6de4ade..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/networkdiscovery.h.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/networkdiscovery.h" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/networkdiscovery.h \-
-\fC#include <QtNetwork>\fP
-\fC#include <QtCore>\fP
-\fC#include <arpa/inet.h>\fP
-\fC#include <stdio.h>\fP
-\fC#include <unistd.h>\fP
-\fC#include <string.h>\fP
-\fC#include <stdlib.h>\fP
-\fC#include <syslog.h>\fP
-\fC#include <sysfs/libsysfs.h>\fP
-\fC#include 'loggerengine.h'\fP
-\fC#include 'interfaceconfiguration.h'\fP
-\fC#include 'networkmanager.h'\fP
-\fC#include 'dhcp.h'\fP
-\fC#include '../common/fbgui.h'\fP
-.SS "Classes"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "class \fBNetworkDiscovery\fP"
-.RI "\fIthe logic behind the \fBNetworkDiscovery\fP. \fP" -1c
-.SS "Defines"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "#define \fBDEFAULT_PATHTODHCPCDEXE\fP '/bin/cdhcpcd'" -1c
-.SH "Define Documentation"
-.SS "#define DEFAULT_PATHTODHCPCDEXE '/bin/cdhcpcd'"Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - RZ Uni Freiburg Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - OpenSLX Project
-This program/file is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. See
-If you have any feedback please consult and send your feedback to
-General information about OpenSLX can be found under
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/networkmanager.cpp.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/networkmanager.cpp.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 9aee66e..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/networkmanager.cpp.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/networkmanager.cpp" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/networkmanager.cpp \-
-\fC#include 'networkmanager.h'\fP
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/networkmanager.h.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/networkmanager.h.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c75b31..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/networkmanager.h.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/networkmanager.h" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/networkmanager.h \-
-\fC#include <arpa/inet.h>\fP
-\fC#include <net/if.h>\fP
-\fC#include <netlink/netlink.h>\fP
-\fC#include <netlink/netlink-kernel.h>\fP
-\fC#include <netlink/route/addr.h>\fP
-\fC#include <netlink/route/rtnl.h>\fP
-\fC#include <netlink/route/route.h>\fP
-\fC#include <netlink/route/link.h>\fP
-\fC#include <errno.h>\fP
-\fC#include <QtCore>\fP
-\fC#include <QNetworkAddressEntry>\fP
-.SS "Classes"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "class \fBNetworkManager\fP"
-.RI "\fIManages the network configurations like setting new default routes. \fP" -1c
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/sysinfo.cpp.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/sysinfo.cpp.3
deleted file mode 100644
index d243bc9..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/sysinfo.cpp.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/sysinfo.cpp" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/sysinfo.cpp \-
-\fC#include 'sysinfo.h'\fP
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/sysinfo.h.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/sysinfo.h.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 0688e57..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/sysinfo.h.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-.TH "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/sysinfo.h" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/sysinfo.h \-
-\fC#include 'sysfs/libsysfs.h'\fP
-\fC#include <libusb-1.0/libusb.h>\fP
-\fC#include 'fbgui.h'\fP
-.SS "Classes"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "class \fBSysInfo\fP" -1c
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/todo.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/todo.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 899f1b0..0000000
--- a/doxygen/man/man3/todo.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-.TH "todo" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-todo \- .TH "todo" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-todo \-
-.IP "\fBMember \fBJavascriptInterface::downloadInfo\fP(const QString &filename, const double &filesize) \fP" 1c
-add some more informations
-.IP "\fBMember \fBJavascriptInterface::setCallbackOnFinished\fP(const QString &function) \fP" 1c
-add some more informations
-.IP "\fBMember \fBJavascriptInterface::updateProgressBar\fP(const int &percent, const double &speed, const QString &unit) \fP" 1c
-add some more informations