diff options
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Controller/ b/Controller/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcf5caa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Controller/
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import time
+import MySQLdb
+import subprocess
+from time import sleep
+from datetime import datetime
+stop = "False"
+status = ""
+dbSStatus = ""
+global idTask
+global sip2GsmRz
+global sip2LocSip
+global sip2LnLine
+global sip2ExtGsm
+global gsmRz2Gsmrz
+global gsmRz2ExtGsmRz
+global gsmRz2Sip
+global gsmRz2LnLine
+global smRz2LocSip
+global extGsm2Sip
+global extGsm2GsmRz
+global lnLine2GsmRz
+global lnLine2Sip
+global timeStamp
+global status
+#function to check DBconnection
+def FuncDbConnect():
+ global dbStatus
+ try:
+ mydb = MySQLdb.connect('localhost', 'root', 'randompasswordSQL','GSMTesting');
+ db=mydb.cursor()
+ dbStatus = "Database connection establish"
+ except MySQLdb.Error, e:
+ print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0],e.args[1])
+#function to ping
+def FuncPing(ip):
+ global status
+ lifeline = re.compile(r"(\d) received")
+ report = ("No response","Partial Response","Alive")
+ A=1,2,3
+ for host in A:
+ pingaling = os.popen("ping -q -c2 "+ip,"r")
+ while 1:
+ line = pingaling.readline()
+ if not line: break
+ igot = re.findall(lifeline,line)
+ if igot:
+ status= report[int(igot[0])]
+# class for socket connection
+# class for socket connection
+class Connection:
+ def __init__(self, h, p):
+ = h
+ self.port = p
+ self.s = None
+ self.connected = 0
+ def connect(self):
+ self.s = None
+ for res in socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM):
+ af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res
+ try:
+ self.s = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto)
+ except socket.error, msg:
+ self.s = None
+ self.connected = 0
+ continue
+ try:
+ self.s.connect(sa)
+ except socket.error, msg:
+ self.s.close()
+ self.connected = 0
+ self.s = None
+ continue
+ break
+ if self.s is None:
+ self.connected = 0
+ return '810 General socket layer error: Could not open socket'
+ else:
+ self.connected = 1
+ return '800 Socket connected'
+ def send_data(self, data):
+ if self.connected == 1:
+ self.s.send(data)
+ def receive_data(self):
+ if self.connected == 1:
+ return self.s.recv(1024)
+ else:
+ return '812 Socket is not connected.'
+ def close_connection(self):
+ if self.connected == 1:
+ self.s.close()
+ self.connected = 0
+ return 'Closed'
+# all Test case function
+# One function for all test case
+def FuncTest(orig,dest):
+ global repeatTest
+ repeatTest = ""
+ #first make test from sip to gsm1 rz
+ try:
+ # open SIP caller handler
+ command="--command=python" +orig
+ subprocess.Popen(args=["gnome-terminal", command])
+ sleep(5)
+ x = Connection('localhost',50099)
+ print "handler", x.connect()
+ x.send_data('hello Handler')
+ # wait respond from handler
+ while 1:
+ origHandler = x.receive_data()
+ if origHandler <> "":
+ break
+ #think about time out
+ if origHandler == "ready":
+ print "sip handler ready"
+ try:
+ command="--command=python "
+ subprocess.Popen(args=["gnome-terminal", command])
+ sleep(5)
+ y = Connection('localhost',50010)
+ print "GSM handler", y.connect()
+ y.send_data('hello GSM 1 RZ, caller number')
+ #wait respond from gsm handler
+ while 1:
+ destHandler = y.receive_data()
+ if destHandler <> "":
+ break
+ #should have timeout = think about timeout
+ if destHandler == "ready":
+ x.send_data("start")
+ sleep(2)
+ x.send_data("destination number")
+ #send destination number to sip caller and signal to start the call
+ #wait respond from both of handler
+ while 1:
+ resultOrig = X.receive_data()
+ resultDest = y.receive_data()
+ if resultOrig <> "" or resultDest <> "":
+ break
+ #if failed, try one more time
+ if resultOrig == "failed" or resultDest == "failed":
+ y.send_data('hello Destination Handler')
+ x.send_data("start + destination number")
+ while 1:
+ resultOrig = X.receive_data()
+ resultDest = y.receive_data()
+ if resultOrig <> "" or resultDest <> "":
+ break
+ #if still failed, save to db and update variable gsmRz2Sip == "1", so we make automatic test vice versa
+ if resultOrig == "failed" or resultDest == "failed":
+ db.execute ("update result table")
+ repeatTest="true"
+ else: #save to database, tell handler to terminated
+ db.execute ("update result table")
+ y.send_data("terminated") # signal GSM1 RZ to terminate
+ else:
+ statusTest = "604 General Handler Error: Destination handler no respond"
+ #tell SIP handler to terminate
+ x.send_data("terminated")
+ y.close_connection()
+ except ValueError:
+ print "601 General Handler Error: Could not open Destination handler"
+ else:
+ statusTest = "605 General Handler Error: Origin handler no respond"
+ x.close_connection()
+ except ValueError:
+ print "602 General Handler Error: Could not open Origin handler"
+# Main software
+# Check DB connection
+if dbStatus = "Database connection establish":
+ FuncPing("")
+ sipServerStatus = status
+ FuncPing("")
+ sipLocalStatus = status
+ FuncPing("")
+ sipGateStatus = status
+ FuncPing("")
+ btsBox1Status = status # it will be on building 101
+ FuncPing("")
+ btsBox2Status = status # it will be on the building 52
+ FuncPing("")
+ btsBox3Status = status # dont need, since we put the device on RZ building.just direct connect to the server
+# Fetch The task information from DB
+ db.execute ("Select IDTask, SIP2GSMRZ, SIP2LocSIP, SIP2Lnline, SIP2ExtGSM, GSMRZ2GSMRZ, GSMRZ2ExtGSM, GSMRZ2SIP, GSMRZ2Lnline, GSMRZ2LocSIP, ExtGSM2SIP, ExtGSM2GSMRZ, Lnline2GSMRZ, Lnline2SIP, timeStamp, status from TaskTable")
+ rows = db.fetchall()
+ for row in rows:
+ idTask=row[0]
+ sip2GsmRz=row[1]
+ sip2LocSip=row[2]
+ sip2LnLine=row[3]
+ sip2ExtGsm=row[4]
+ gsmRz2Gsmrz=row[5]
+ gsmRz2ExtGsmRz=row[6]
+ gsmRz2Sip=row[7]
+ gsmRz2LnLine=row[8]
+ gsmRz2LocSip=row[9]
+ extGsm2Sip=row[10]
+ extGsm2GsmRz=row[11]
+ lnLine2GsmRz=row[12]
+ lnLine2Sip=row[13]
+ timeStamp=row [14]
+ status=row[15]
+ if sip2GsmRz == 1 and sipServerStatus <> "No response":
+ #call Function for Sip to Gsm
+ FuncTest("","")
+ if repeatTest == "true":
+ gsmRz2Sip = 1
+ FuncTest("","")
+ if repeatTest == "true":
+ gsmRz2Sip = 1
+ FuncTest("","")
+ if repeatTest == "true":
+ gsmRz2Sip = 1
+ if sip2LocSip == 1 and sipServerStatus <> "No response" and sipLocalStatus <> "No response":
+ # call function for sip to local sip
+ FuncTest("","")
+ if sip2LnLine == 1 and sipServerStatus <> "No response" and sipGateStatus <> "No response":
+ if sip2ExtGsm == 1 and sipServerStatus <> "No response":
+ if gsmRz2GsmRz == 1:
+ if btsBox1Status <> "No response":
+ if btsBox2Status <> "No response":
+ #call function gsm 1 rz to gsm 2 rz
+ if btsBox3Status <> "No response":
+ #call function gsm 1 rz to gsm 3 rz
+ if btsBox2Status <> "No response" and btsBox3Status <> "No response":
+ # call function gsm 2 rz to gsm 3 rz
+ if gsmRz2ExtGsm == 1:
+ if btsBox1Status <> "No response": # I'm not sure with this part, maybe better we make 1 script which can cover all the test to external GSM
+ #call function gsm 1 rz to o2
+ #call function gsm 1 rz to vodaphone
+ #call function gsm 1 rz to Tmobile
+ #call function gsm 1 rz to Eplus
+ if btsBox2Status <> "No response":
+ #call function gsm 2 rz to o2
+ #call function gsm 2 rz to vodaphone
+ #call function gsm 2 rz to Tmobile
+ #call function gsm 2 rz to Eplus
+ if btsBox3Status <> "No response":
+ #call function gsm 3 rz to o2
+ #call function gsm 3 rz to vodaphone
+ #call function gsm 3 rz to Tmobile
+ #call function gsm 3 rz to Eplus
+ if gsmRz2SIP == 1:
+ if btsBox1Status <> "No response":
+ #call function gsm 1 rz to SIP
+ if btsBox2Status <> "No response":
+ #call function gsm 2 rz to SIP
+ if btsBox3Status <> "No response":
+ #call function gsm 3 rz to SIP
+ if gsmRz2LnLine == 1 and sipGateStatus <> "No response":
+ if btsBox1Status <> "No response":
+ #call function gsm 1 rz to landline
+ if btsBox2Status <> "No response":
+ #call function gsm 2 rz to Landline
+ if btsBox3Status <> "No response":
+ #call function gsm 3 rz to Landline
+ if gsmRz2LocSip == 1 and sipLocalStatus <> "No response":
+ if btsBox1Status <> "No response":
+ #call function gsm 1 rz to local SIP
+ if btsBox2Status <> "No response":
+ #call function gsm 2 rz to local SIP
+ if btsBox3Status <> "No response":
+ #call function gsm 3 rz to local SIP
+ if extGsm2SIP == 1 and sipServerStatus <> "No response":
+ #call function o2 to SIP
+ #call function vodaphone to SIP
+ #call function Tmobile to SIP
+ #call function Eplus to SIP
+ if extGsm2GsmRz == 1:
+ if btsBox1Status <> "No response":
+ #call function o2 to GSM1 RZ
+ #call function vodaphone to GSM1 RZ
+ #call function Tmobile to GSM1 RZ
+ #call function Eplus to GSM1 RZ
+ if btsBox2Status <> "No response":
+ #call function o2 to GSM2 RZ
+ #call function vodaphone to GSM2 RZ
+ #call function Tmobile to GSM2 RZ
+ #call function Eplus to GSM2 RZ
+ if btsBox3Status <> "No response":
+ #call function o2 to GSM3 RZ
+ #call function vodaphone to GSM3 RZ
+ #call function Tmobile to GSM3 RZ
+ #call function Eplus to GSM3 RZ
+ if lnLine2GsmRz == 1 and sipGateStatus <> "No response":
+ if btsBox1Status <> "No response":
+ #call function landline to GSM1 RZ
+ if btsBox2Status <> "No response":
+ #call function landline to GSM2 RZ
+ if btsBox3Status <> "No response":
+ #call function landline to GSM3 RZ
+ if lnLine2Sip == 1 and sipGateStatus <> "No response":
+ if sipServerStatus <> "No response":
+ #call function landline to SIP
+# will exit if DB connection failed
+ sys.exit(5)