path: root/For Weekly Test/07-08-2011/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'For Weekly Test/07-08-2011/')
-rw-r--r--For Weekly Test/07-08-2011/gsmincom_.py155
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/For Weekly Test/07-08-2011/ b/For Weekly Test/07-08-2011/
deleted file mode 100644
index a49c24c..0000000
--- a/For Weekly Test/07-08-2011/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-import atexit
-import signal
-import sys
-import socket
-import time
-import os
-import string
-import classServer
-from time import sleep
-from serial import *
-success = None
-stop = False
- global ser
- global server
- portAddress = '/dev/ttyUSB0'
- portName = portAddress[-4:]
- portExist = os.popen('dmesg | grep ' + portName).read()
- if portExist == '':
- print 'The serial port does not exist'
- sys.exit()
- server = classServer.ServerHandler(50105)
- tried = server.openSocket()
- if server.error != 'No error':
- print server.error
- if server.error == '[Errno 98] Address already in use':
- print 'one should try to kill the port'
- print server.killPort()
- server.closeConection()
- print "here:", server.connected
- if server.connected == 1:
- server.sendData('ready')
- server.closeConection()
- ser = Serial(
- port=portAddress,
- baudrate=19200,
- bytesize=EIGHTBITS,
- parity=PARITY_NONE,
- stopbits=STOPBITS_ONE)
- ser.close()
- signalQuality = ser.write('AT+CSQ\r')
- print "signal Quality ", signalQuality
- print ""
- while stop <> True:
- global pickUp
- pickUp = None
- buffer = ""
- buffer = buffer + #read the serial port and add it to the buffer variable
- if '\n' in buffer: #if a new line character is found in the buffer then the cellphone has sent something
- lines = buffer.split('\n') #parse the buffer variable with the new line character
- last_received = lines.pop(0) #put into last_received variable the first content from lines (FIFO)
- buffer = '\n'.join(lines) #add a new line to the buffer variable
- last_received=last_received.split('\n') #parse the last received value with new lines
- line = last_received[0].replace(chr(13), '')
- print "buffer:", buffer
- print "line:", line
- if len(line) > 0:
- if line=="RING":
- print "Somebody calling"
- print ""
- sleep(1)
- ser.write('ATA\r')
- sleep(1)
- ser.write('AT+CSQ\r')
- sleep(2)
- ser.write('AT+CLCC\r')
- if line[0:5] == '+CSQ:':
- space = int(string.find(line,' '))+1
- coma = int(string.find(line,','))
- signalStr = (int(line[space:coma])*2)-113
- line=''
- if line[0:6]=='+CLCC:':
- pickUp = 1
- print "I will hangup the call"
- print ""
- sleep(5)
- ser.write('AT+CHUP\r')
- pickUp = 0
- ser.close()
- quotation1 = int(string.find(line,'"'))+1
- lineTemp = line[quotation1:]
- quotation2 = int(string.find(lineTemp,'"'))
- numberOfCaller = line[quotation1:quotation1+quotation2]
- print "Signal Strength: ", signalStr
- print ""
- tried = server.openSocket()
- server.sendData('I got call from :' +numberOfCaller)
- print "with caller number", numberOfCaller
- sleep(1)
- server.sendData('success')
- stop = True
- sleep (3)
- server.closeConnection()
- del server
- else:
- print "not connected"
- del server
- ser.close()
-except ValueError:
- print "Exception: "
- server.closeConnection()
- del server
-print "GOODBYE"