path: root/notFinishedCode/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'notFinishedCode/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 427 deletions
diff --git a/notFinishedCode/ b/notFinishedCode/
deleted file mode 100644
index 66cdf09..0000000
--- a/notFinishedCode/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import time
-import MySQLdb
-import subprocess
-import classClient #import class socket
-import classDb #import class db
-import classPing
-from time import sleep
-from datetime import datetime
-sipNum = "4661929"
-landlnNum = "076145875681"
-unisipNum = "076120397897"
-sipCall = ""
-sipRec = ""
-landlnCall = ""
-landlnRec = ""
-localSipRec = ""
-rz1Call = ""
-rz1Rec = "
-o2Call = ""
-o2Rec = ""
-vodafoneCall = ""
-vodafoneRec = ""
-tmobileCall = ""
-tmobilRec = ""
-# One function for all test case
-class TimeoutException(Exception):
- pass
-def FuncTest(orig, origAdd, dest, destAdd, destNo):
- global repeatTest
- global portOrig
- global resultOrig
- global resultDest
- global testResult
- global x
- global y
- def timeout_handler(signum, frame):
- raise TimeoutException()
- print "====================== Preparing Test ======================"
- try:
- if dest =="gsmBox1" or dest =="gsmBox2":
- if dest =="gsmBox1":
- portOrig = 50095
- if dest =="gsmBox2":
- portOrig = 50096
- print ""
- print "Connecting to Caller handler"
- print "Caller handler status :", x.connect()
- x.sendData('hello server please wakeup the handler and be caller')
- else:
- # open SIP caller handler
- command="--command=python " +orig
- subprocess.Popen(args=["gnome-terminal", command])
- sleep(5)
- if orig=="":
- portOrig = 50097
- if orig=="":
- portOrig = 50098
- if orig == "":
- portOrig = 50099
- if orig == "":
- portOrig = 50100
- #else: #mean external GSM
- # print "have not yet define"
- #portOrig = 50101
- x = classClient.Connection(origAdd,portOrig)
- print ""
- print "Connecting to Caller handler"
- print "Caller handler status:", x.connect()
- x.sendData('hello Handler')
- # wait respond from origin handler
- signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
- signal.alarm(60)
- while 1:
- try:
- origHandler = x.receiveData()
- if origHandler <> "":
- break
- except TimeoutException:
- origHandler = "failed"
- break
- if origHandler == "ready":
- print "Caller handler : Ready"
- print ""
- try:
- y = None
- global portDest
- if dest =="gsmBox1" or dest =="gsmBox2":
- if dest =="gsmBox1":
- portDest = 50102
- if dest =="gsmBox2":
- portDest = 50103
- y = classClient.Connection(destAdd,portDest)
- print "Connecting to Receiver handler"
- print "Receiver handler status: ", y.connect()
- y.sendData('hello server please wakeup the handler and be receiver')
- else:
- command="--command=python " +dest
- subprocess.Popen(args=["gnome-terminal", command])
- sleep(2)
- if dest=="":
- portDest = 50104
- if dest=="":
- portDest = 50105
- if dest == "":
- portDest = 50106
- if dest == "":
- portDest = 50107
- #mean external GSM
- #print "not define yet"
- #portDest = 50108
- y = classClient.Connection(destAdd,portDest)
- print "Connecting to Receiver handler"
- print "Receiver handler status:", y.connect()
- y.sendData('hello Receiver')
- signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
- signal.alarm(60)
- while 1:
- try:
- destHandler = y.receiveData()
- if destHandler <> "":
- break
- except TimeoutException:
- destHandler = "failed"
- break
- if destHandler == "ready":
- print "Receiver handler : Ready"
- print ""
- x.sendData("start")#send message to handler to start the call
- sleep(0.5)
- x.sendData(destNo)
- x.closeConnection()
- x.connect()
- y.closeConnection()
- y.connect()
- signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
- signal.alarm(120)
- print "------------ Test Result ------------"
- print ""
- while 1:
- try:
- sleep(0.5)
- resultOrig = x.receiveData()
- resultDest = y.receiveData()
- if resultOrig <> "" or resultDest <> "":
- break
- except TimeoutException:
- resultOrig = 486
- resultDest = 486
- break
- #if failed, tell everybody to try one more time
- if resultOrig == 486 or resultDest == 486:
- x.sendData("start")
- sleep(0.5)
- x.sendData(destNo)
- x.closeConnection()
- x.connect()
- y.closeConnection()
- y.connect()
- signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
- signal.alarm(120)
- while 1:
- try:
- sleep(0.5)
- resultOrig = x.receiveData()
- resultDest = y.receiveData()
- if resultOrig <> "" or resultDest <> "":
- break
- except TimeoutException:
- resultOrig = 486
- resultDest = 486
- break
- #if still failed, we make automatic test vice versa
- if resultOrig == 486 or resultDest == 486:
- testResult = 486
- repeatTest = True
- print "Second test result origin: ", resultOrig
- print "Second test result Destination: ", resultDest
- else:
- testResult = 200
- print "Second test result origin: ", resultOrig
- print "Second test result Destination: ", resultDest
- x.sendData('487')
- y.sendData('487')
- else:
- testResult = 200
- print "Test Result origin: ", resultOrig
- print "Test Result Destination: ", resultDest
- x.sendData('487')
- y.sendData('487')
- else:
- testResult = 604
- print "604 General Handler Error: Destination handler no respond"
- #tell Caller handler to terminate because receiver doesnt work
- x.sendData('487')
- y.closeConnection()
- except ValueError:
- print "601 General Handler Error: Could not open Destination handler"
- testResult = "601"
- else:
- testResult = 605
- print "605 General Handler Error: Origin handler no respond"
- x.closeConnection()
- except ValueError:
- testResult = 602
- print "602 General Handler Error: Could not open Origin handler"
-# Main software
-# Check DB connection
-db = classDb.DBMySQLConnection('root', 'randompasswordSQL', 'localhost', 'gsmselftesting')
-print "Connecting to DB ", x.connectDB()
-print ""
-dbStatus = db.connectDB()
-if dbStatus == 1:
- # Check Ping to the Every Handler
- sipServer = PingClass.Ping('')
- sipServerStatus =
- sipGateServer = PingClass.Ping('')
- sipGateServerStatus =
- sipLocalServer = PingClass.Ping('')
- sipLocalServerStatus =
-# Fetch The task information from DB
- print "do i have anything to do", db.anyTasksToDo()
- for item in db.tasksList:
- taskID = item[0]
- callFrom = item[1]
- callTo = item[2]
- print "Test ID : " , taskID
- print "Caller : " , callFrom
- print "Receiver : " , callTo
- if callFrom == "sip":
- if sipServerStatus == 0:
- print "[failed] 500 Server Internal Error"
- else:
- if callTo == "gsmrz1":
- FuncTest(sipCall, "localhost", "", "localhost","4661473")
- print "Finish test"
- db.addResult(taskID, testResult)
- if repeatTest == "true":
- #select temporary table, if there are have test from gsmrz to sip then skip
- #else, update db, put new data to tasktable. from gsmrz to sip
- # waiting db class for repeat test from refik which I ask for.
- update
- if callTo == "gsmrz2":
- if gsmBox1Status == 0:
- print "[failed] 500 Server Internal Error"
- else:
- FuncTest(sipCall, "localhost", "Box1", "","404")
- db.addResult(taskID, testResult)
- if repeatTest == "true":
- #select temporary table, if there are have test from gsmrz to sip then skip
- #else, update db, put new data to tasktable. from gsmrz to sip
- update
- if callTo == "gsmrz3":
- if gsmBox2Status == 0:
- print "[failed] 500 Server Internal Error"
- else:
- FuncTest(sipCall, "localhost", "Box2", "","405")
- db.addResult(taskID, testResult)
- if repeatTest == "true":
- #select temporary table, if there are have test from gsmrz to sip then skip
- #else, update db, put new data to tasktable. from gsmrz to sip
- update
- if callTo == "landline":
- if sipGateSeverStatus == 0:
- print "[failed] 500 Server Internal Error"
- else:
- FuncTest(sipCall, "localhost", landlnRec, "localhost",landlnNum)
- db.addResult(taskID, testResult)
- if callTo == "localsip":
- if sipLocalSeverStatus == 0:
- print "[failed] 500 Server Internal Error"
- else:
- FuncTest(sipCall, "localhost", localSipRec, "localhost",unisipNum)
- db.addResult(taskID, testResult)
- if callTo == "externalgsm":
- FuncTest(sipCall, "localhost", o2Rec, "localhost","405")
- db.addResult(taskID, testResult)
- FuncTest(sipCall, "localhost", tmobileRec, "localhost","405")
- db.addResult(taskID, testResult)
- FuncTest(sipCall, "localhost", vodafoneRec, "localhost","405")
- db.addResult(taskID, testResult)
- FuncTest(sipCall, "localhost", "xx", "localhost","405")
- db.addResult(taskID, testResult)
- if callFrom =="gsmrz1":
- if callTo =="sip":
- if sipServerStatus == 0:
- print "[failed] 500 Server Internal Error"
- else:
- FuncTest("", "localhost", sipRec, "localhost",sipNum)
- db.addResult(taskID, testResult)
- sleep(10)
- if callTo =="gsmrz2":
- if gsmBox1Status == 0:
- print "[failed] 500 Server Internal Error"
- else:
- FuncTest("Box1", "", sipRec, "localhost",sipNum)
- db.addResult(taskID, testResult)
- if callTo =="gsmrz3":
- if gsmBox2Status == 0:
- print "[failed] 500 Server Internal Error"
- else:
- FuncTest("Box2", "", sipRec, "localhost",sipNum)
- db.addResult(taskID, testResult)
-# will exit if DB connection failed
- sys.exit(5)