path: root/notFinishedCode/web/class/pCache.class.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'notFinishedCode/web/class/pCache.class.php')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/notFinishedCode/web/class/pCache.class.php b/notFinishedCode/web/class/pCache.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07d1d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notFinishedCode/web/class/pCache.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+ /*
+ pCache - speed up the rendering by caching up the pictures
+ Version : 2.1.2
+ Made by : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
+ Last Update : 03/08/11
+ This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
+ You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
+ */
+ /* pData class definition */
+ class pCache
+ {
+ var $CacheFolder;
+ var $CacheIndex;
+ var $CacheDB;
+ /* Class creator */
+ function pCache($Settings="")
+ {
+ $CacheFolder = isset($Settings["CacheFolder"]) ? $Settings["CacheFolder"] : "cache";
+ $CacheIndex = isset($Settings["CacheIndex"]) ? $Settings["CacheIndex"] : "index.db";
+ $CacheDB = isset($Settings["CacheDB"]) ? $Settings["CacheDB"] : "cache.db";
+ $this->CacheFolder = $CacheFolder;
+ $this->CacheIndex = $CacheIndex;
+ $this->CacheDB = $CacheDB;
+ if (!file_exists($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex)) { touch($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex); }
+ if (!file_exists($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB)) { touch($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB); }
+ }
+ /* Flush the cache contents */
+ function flush()
+ {
+ if (file_exists($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex)) { unlink($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex); touch($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex); }
+ if (file_exists($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB)) { unlink($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB); touch($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB); }
+ }
+ /* Return the MD5 of the data array to clearly identify the chart */
+ function getHash($Data,$Marker="")
+ { return(md5($Marker.serialize($Data->Data))); }
+ /* Write the generated picture to the cache */
+ function writeToCache($ID,$pChartObject)
+ {
+ /* Compute the paths */
+ $TemporaryFile = $this->CacheFolder."/tmp_".rand(0,1000).".png";
+ $Database = $this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB;
+ $Index = $this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex;
+ /* Flush the picture to a temporary file */
+ imagepng($pChartObject->Picture ,$TemporaryFile);
+ /* Retrieve the files size */
+ $PictureSize = filesize($TemporaryFile);
+ $DBSize = filesize($Database);
+ /* Save the index */
+ $Handle = fopen($Index,"a");
+ fwrite($Handle, $ID.",".$DBSize.",".$PictureSize.",".time().",0 \r\n");
+ fclose($Handle);
+ /* Get the picture raw contents */
+ $Handle = fopen($TemporaryFile,"r");
+ $Raw = fread($Handle,$PictureSize);
+ fclose($Handle);
+ /* Save the picture in the solid database file */
+ $Handle = fopen($Database,"a");
+ fwrite($Handle, $Raw);
+ fclose($Handle);
+ /* Remove temporary file */
+ unlink($TemporaryFile);
+ }
+ /* Remove object older than the specified TS */
+ function removeOlderThan($Expiry)
+ { $this->dbRemoval(array("Expiry"=>$Expiry)); }
+ /* Remove an object from the cache */
+ function remove($ID)
+ { $this->dbRemoval(array("Name"=>$ID)); }
+ /* Remove with specified criterias */
+ function dbRemoval($Settings)
+ {
+ $ID = isset($Settings["Name"]) ? $Settings["Name"] : NULL;
+ $Expiry = isset($Settings["Expiry"]) ? $Settings["Expiry"] : -(24*60*60);
+ $TS = time()-$Expiry;
+ /* Compute the paths */
+ $Database = $this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB;
+ $Index = $this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex;
+ $DatabaseTemp = $this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB.".tmp";
+ $IndexTemp = $this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex.".tmp";
+ /* Single file removal */
+ if ( $ID != NULL )
+ {
+ /* Retrieve object informations */
+ $Object = $this->isInCache($ID,TRUE);
+ /* If it's not in the cache DB, go away */
+ if ( !$Object ) { return(0); }
+ }
+ /* Create the temporary files */
+ if (!file_exists($DatabaseTemp)) { touch($DatabaseTemp); }
+ if (!file_exists($IndexTemp)) { touch($IndexTemp); }
+ /* Open the file handles */
+ $IndexHandle = @fopen($Index, "r");
+ $IndexTempHandle = @fopen($IndexTemp, "w");
+ $DBHandle = @fopen($Database, "r");
+ $DBTempHandle = @fopen($DatabaseTemp, "w");
+ /* Remove the selected ID from the database */
+ while (!feof($IndexHandle))
+ {
+ $Entry = fgets($IndexHandle, 4096);
+ $Entry = str_replace("\r","",$Entry);
+ $Entry = str_replace("\n","",$Entry);
+ $Settings = preg_split("/,/",$Entry);
+ if ( $Entry != "" )
+ {
+ $PicID = $Settings[0];
+ $DBPos = $Settings[1];
+ $PicSize = $Settings[2];
+ $GeneratedTS = $Settings[3];
+ $Hits = $Settings[4];
+ if ( $Settings[0] != $ID && $GeneratedTS > $TS)
+ {
+ $CurrentPos = ftell($DBTempHandle);
+ fwrite($IndexTempHandle, $PicID.",".$CurrentPos.",".$PicSize.",".$GeneratedTS.",".$Hits."\r\n");
+ fseek($DBHandle,$DBPos);
+ $Picture = fread($DBHandle,$PicSize);
+ fwrite($DBTempHandle,$Picture);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Close the handles */
+ fclose($IndexHandle);
+ fclose($IndexTempHandle);
+ fclose($DBHandle);
+ fclose($DBTempHandle);
+ /* Remove the prod files */
+ unlink($Database);
+ unlink($Index);
+ /* Swap the temp & prod DB */
+ rename($DatabaseTemp,$Database);
+ rename($IndexTemp,$Index);
+ }
+ function isInCache($ID,$Verbose=FALSE,$UpdateHitsCount=FALSE)
+ {
+ /* Compute the paths */
+ $Index = $this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex;
+ /* Search the picture in the index file */
+ $Handle = @fopen($Index, "r");
+ while (!feof($Handle))
+ {
+ $IndexPos = ftell($Handle);
+ $Entry = fgets($Handle, 4096);
+ if ( $Entry != "" )
+ {
+ $Settings = preg_split("/,/",$Entry);
+ $PicID = $Settings[0];
+ if ( $PicID == $ID )
+ {
+ fclose($Handle);
+ $DBPos = $Settings[1];
+ $PicSize = $Settings[2];
+ $GeneratedTS = $Settings[3];
+ $Hits = intval($Settings[4]);
+ if ( $UpdateHitsCount )
+ {
+ $Hits++;
+ if ( strlen($Hits) < 7 ) { $Hits = $Hits.str_repeat(" ",7-strlen($Hits)); }
+ $Handle = @fopen($Index, "r+");
+ fseek($Handle,$IndexPos);
+ fwrite($Handle, $PicID.",".$DBPos.",".$PicSize.",".$GeneratedTS.",".$Hits."\r\n");
+ fclose($Handle);
+ }
+ if ($Verbose)
+ { return(array("DBPos"=>$DBPos,"PicSize"=>$PicSize,"GeneratedTS"=>$GeneratedTS,"Hits"=>$Hits)); }
+ else
+ { return(TRUE); }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($Handle);
+ /* Picture isn't in the cache */
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ /* Automatic output method based on the calling interface */
+ function autoOutput($ID,$Destination="output.png")
+ {
+ if (php_sapi_name() == "cli")
+ $this->saveFromCache($ID,$Destination);
+ else
+ $this->strokeFromCache($ID);
+ }
+ function strokeFromCache($ID)
+ {
+ /* Get the raw picture from the cache */
+ $Picture = $this->getFromCache($ID);
+ /* Do we have a hit? */
+ if ( $Picture == NULL ) { return(FALSE); }
+ header('Content-type: image/png');
+ echo $Picture;
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ function saveFromCache($ID,$Destination)
+ {
+ /* Get the raw picture from the cache */
+ $Picture = $this->getFromCache($ID);
+ /* Do we have a hit? */
+ if ( $Picture == NULL ) { return(FALSE); }
+ /* Flush the picture to a file */
+ $Handle = fopen($Destination,"w");
+ fwrite($Handle,$Picture);
+ fclose($Handle);
+ /* All went fine */
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ function getFromCache($ID)
+ {
+ /* Compute the path */
+ $Database = $this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB;
+ /* Lookup for the picture in the cache */
+ $CacheInfo = $this->isInCache($ID,TRUE,TRUE);
+ /* Not in the cache */
+ if (!$CacheInfo) { return(NULL); }
+ /* Get the database extended information */
+ $DBPos = $CacheInfo["DBPos"];
+ $PicSize = $CacheInfo["PicSize"];
+ /* Extract the picture from the solid cache file */
+ $Handle = @fopen($Database, "r");
+ fseek($Handle,$DBPos);
+ $Picture = fread($Handle,$PicSize);
+ fclose($Handle);
+ /* Return back the raw picture data */
+ return($Picture);
+ }
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file