import sys import pjsua as pj import classServer from time import sleep from datetime import datetime import string stop =False LOG_LEVEL=2 current_call = None status = None # Logging def log_cb(level, str, len): print str, "SIP log" # Receive events from account class MyAccountCallback(pj.AccountCallback): def __init__(self, account=None): pj.AccountCallback.__init__(self, account) # Receive events from Call class MyCallCallback(pj.CallCallback): def __init__(self, call=None): pj.CallCallback.__init__(self, call) def on_state(self): global current_call global status if <> pj.CallState.DISCONNECTED: if == "CONNECTING": print "CONNECTING CALL" print "CALL CONFIRMED and ESTABLISH", sleep(2) current_call.hangup() status = 200 server.sendData(status) else: sleep(0.5) if <> "": if == "Busy Here": print "486 Busy Here" print "" status = 486 server.sendData(status) if == pj.CallState.DISCONNECTED: current_call = None print 'Current call Disconnected' #Function to make call def make_call(uri): try: print "Making call to", uri cb=MyCallCallback() return acc.make_call(uri, cb) except pj.Error, e: print "408 Request Time-out (Couldn't find the user in time) " + str(e) return None lib = pj.Lib() while stop <> True: lib.init(log_cfg = pj.LogConfig(level=LOG_LEVEL, callback=log_cb)) transport = lib.create_transport(pj.TransportType.UDP, pj.TransportConfig(0)) print "\nListening on",, print "port",, "\n" lib.start() lib.set_null_snd_dev() server = classServer.ServerHandler(50097) tried = server.openSocket() if server.error != 'No error': print server.error if server.error == '[Errno 98] Address already in use': print 'one should try to kill the port' print server.killPort() server.closeConection() try: acc_cfg = pj.AccountConfig("","mpselftest1","1mpselftest") acc = lib.create_account(acc_cfg, cb=MyAccountCallback()) if < 700: my_sip_uri = "sip:" + + ":" + str( print my_sip_uri server.sendData('ready') print "Status: ", server.connected while 1: try: data = server.receiveData() if data == "start": while 1: num = server.receiveData() if num <> "": number = "sip:"+num+"@" current_call = make_call(number) break if data == "487": stop = True break except ValueError: print "813 General socket layer error: Failed send message" server.closeConnection() del server server.closeConnection() del server else: Regis_status= "Bad" print "488 Not Acceptable Here" lib.destroy() lib = None acc = None server.closeConnection() del server except ValueError: print "401 Unauthorized " + str(e) print "Goodbye" sleep(3) acc.delete() lib.destroy() server.closeConnection() del server lib = None acc = None