import sys import os import time import MySQLdb import subprocess import classClient #import class socket import classDb #import class db import classPing import classController from time import sleep sipNum = "4661929" landlnNum = "076145875681" unisipNum = "076120397897" sipCall = "" sipRec = "" landlnCall = "" landlnRec = "" localSipRec = "" rz1Call = "" rz1Rec = "" o2Call = "" o2Rec = "" vodafoneCall = "" vodafoneRec = "" tmobileCall = "" tmobilRec = "" # One function for all test case # Main software # Check DB connection db = classDb.DBMySQLConnection('root', 'randompasswordSQL', 'localhost', 'gsmselftesting') print "Connecting to DB ", db.connectDB() print "" dbStatus = db.connectDB() if dbStatus == 1: # Check Ping to the Every Handler sipServer = classPing.Ping('') sipServerStatus = sipGateServer = classPing.Ping('') sipGateServerStatus = sipLocalServer = classPing.Ping('') sipLocalServerStatus = # Fetch The task information from DB print "do i have anything to do", db.anyTasksToDo() #x = () for item in db.tasksList: taskID = item[0] callFrom = item[1] callTo = item[2] print "Test ID : " , taskID print "Caller : " , callFrom print "Receiver : " , callTo if callFrom == "sip": if sipServerStatus == 0: print "[failed] 500 Server Internal Error" else: if callTo == "gsmrz1": x = classController.test(sipCall, "localhost", "", "localhost","4661455") x.FuncTest() print "Finish test" db.addResult(taskID, testResult) if repeatTest == "true": #select temporary table, if there are have test from gsmrz to sip then skip #else, update db, put new data to tasktable. from gsmrz to sip # waiting db class for repeat test from refik which I ask for. update if callTo == "gsmrz2": if gsmBox1Status == 0: print "[failed] 500 Server Internal Error" else: x = classController.test(sipCall, "localhost", "Box1", "","404") x.FuncTest() print "" db.addResult(taskID, testResult) if repeatTest == "true": #select temporary table, if there are have test from gsmrz to sip then skip #else, update db, put new data to tasktable. from gsmrz to sip update if callTo == "gsmrz3": if gsmBox2Status == 0: print "[failed] 500 Server Internal Error" else: x = classController.test(sipCall, "localhost", "Box2", "","405") x.FuncTest() db.addResult(taskID, testResult) if repeatTest == "true": #select temporary table, if there are have test from gsmrz to sip then skip #else, update db, put new data to tasktable. from gsmrz to sip update if callTo == "landline": if sipGateServerStatus == 0: print "[failed] 500 Server Internal Error" else: x = classController.test(sipCall, "localhost", landlnRec, "localhost",landlnNum) x.FuncTest() db.addResult(taskID, x.testResult) if callTo == "localsip": if sipLocalServerStatus == 0: print "[failed] 500 Server Internal Error" else: x = classController.test(sipCall, "localhost", localSipRec, "localhost",unisipNum) x.FuncTest() db.addResult(taskID, testResult) if callTo == "externalgsm": x.FuncTest(sipCall, "localhost", o2Rec, "localhost","405") db.addResult(taskID, testResult) x.FuncTest(sipCall, "localhost", tmobileRec, "localhost","405") db.addResult(taskID, testResult) x.FuncTest(sipCall, "localhost", vodafoneRec, "localhost","405") db.addResult(taskID, testResult) x.FuncTest(sipCall, "localhost", "xx", "localhost","405") db.addResult(taskID, testResult) if callFrom =="gsmrz1": if callTo =="sip": if sipServerStatus == 0: print "[failed] 500 Server Internal Error" else: x.FuncTest("", "localhost", sipRec, "localhost",sipNum) db.addResult(taskID, testResult) sleep(10) if callTo =="gsmrz2": if gsmBox1Status == 0: print "[failed] 500 Server Internal Error" else: x.FuncTest("Box1", "", sipRec, "localhost",sipNum) db.addResult(taskID, testResult) if callTo =="gsmrz3": if gsmBox2Status == 0: print "[failed] 500 Server Internal Error" else: x.FuncTest("Box2", "", sipRec, "localhost",sipNum) db.addResult(taskID, testResult) # will exit if DB connection failed else: sys.exit(5)