#! /usr/bin/env python import sys import ControllerClass import DbClass import PingClass from time import sleep def ping(handler): global serverStatus if handler == 'landline': server = PingClass.Ping('sipgate.de') serverStatus = server.ping(1) elif handler == 'sip': server = PingClass.Ping('') serverStatus = server.ping(1) elif handler == 'unisip': server = PingClass.Ping('') serverStatus = server.ping(1) elif handler == 'gsmr1': server = PingClass.Ping('localhost') serverStatus = server.ping(1) elif handler == 'gsmr2': server = PingClass.Ping('') serverStatus = server.ping(1) else: serverStatus = 1 def allPing(): global sipGate global sipServer global sipLoc global gsmBox1 global gsmBox2 server = PingClass.Ping('sipgate.de') sipGate = server.ping(3) server = PingClass.Ping('') sipServer = server.ping(3) server = PingClass.Ping('') sipLoc = server.ping(3) server = PingClass.Ping('localhost') gsmBox1 = server.ping(3) server = PingClass.Ping('') gsmBox2 = server.ping(3) def doTest(callFrom,callTo): global testRepeat testRepeat = None ping(callFrom) db = DbClass.DBMySQLConnection('root', 'randompasswordSQL', 'localhost', 'gsmselftesting') db.connectDB() dbStatus = db.connectDB() if serverStatus <> 0 and dbStatus == 1: ping(callTo) if serverStatus <> 0: destination = db.deviceAddress(str(callTo)) caller = db.deviceAddress(str(callFrom)) callAdd = caller[0] accCaller = caller[2]+':'+caller[3]+':'+caller[4]+':' recAdd = destination[0] destNo = destination[1] accDest = destination[2]+':'+destination[3]+':'+destination[4]+':' print '\n' print 'Caller :', callFrom print 'Destination :', callTo makeTest = ControllerClass.test(callFrom, callAdd, accCaller, callTo, recAdd, destNo, accDest) makeTest.FuncTest() if makeTest.repeatTest == True: testRepeat = True db.errorCode(makeTest.testResult) print 'Result : ' +str(makeTest.testResult)+ ' ' +db.errCode sleep(5) else: print '[failed] 500 '+callTo+ ' Server Internal Error' else: print '[failed] 500 '+callFrom+ ' Server Internal Error' def doSipTest(): print '--SIP Part Test--' #destList = ['sip', 'gsmr1','gsmr2', 'gsmr3', 'landline', 'unisip', 'gsmeO', 'gsmeV', 'gsmeT', 'gsmeE'] destList = ['landline'] for callTo in destList: callFrom = 'sip' if callFrom <> callTo: doTest(callFrom, callTo) if testRepeat == True: doTest(callTo,callFrom) def doLandlineTest(): print '--Landline Part Test--' destList = ['gsmr1', 'gsmr2', 'gsmr3', 'sip'] for callTo in destList: callFrom = 'landline' doTest(callFrom, callTo) if testRepeat == True: doTest(callTo,callFrom) def doGsmrzTest(): print '--GSM Part Test--' destList = ['sip', 'gsmr1','gsmr2', 'gsmr3', 'landline', 'unisip', 'gsmeO', 'gsmeV', 'gsmeT', 'gsmeE'] callList = ['gsmr1','gsmr2', 'gsmr3'] for callFrom in callList: for callTo in destList: if callTo <> callFrom: doTest(callFrom, callTo) if testRepeat == True: doTest(callTo,callFrom) doGsmExtTest() def doGsmExtTest(): destList = ['sip', 'gsmr1','gsmr2', 'gsmr3'] callList = ['gsmeO', 'gsmeV', 'gsmeT', 'gsmeE'] for callFrom in callList: for callTo in destList: doTest(callFrom, callTo) if testRepeat == True: doTest(callTo,callFrom) def initResult(i, result): global resultsList def doAllTest(): doSipTest() doLandlineTest() doGsmTest() if len(sys.argv) > 1: command = sys.argv[1] print '\n' if command == '--all': doAllTest() elif command == '--sip': doSipTest() elif command == '--gsm': doGsmTest() elif command == '--landline': doLandlineTest() elif command == '--help': file = open('help.txt', 'r') print file.read() else: print "command not found, Type '--help', '--credits' for more information." print '\n' else: global resultList print '\n' db = DbClass.DBMySQLConnection('root', 'randompasswordSQL', 'localhost', 'gsmselftesting') db.connectDB() dbStatus = db.connectDB() resultsList = list() if dbStatus == 1: if db.anyTasksToDo() == 1: #allPing() i=0 for item in db.tasksList: print item taskID = item[0] taskNo = item[1] callFrom = item[2] callTo = item[3] tried = item[4] destination = db.deviceAddress(str(callTo)) caller = db.deviceAddress(str(callFrom)) callAdd = caller[0] accCaller = caller[2]+':'+caller[3]+':'+caller[4]+':' recAdd = destination[0] destNo = destination[1] accDest = destination[2]+':'+destination[3]+':'+destination[4]+':' #if i == 0: # db.updatePingResult(taskNo, sipServer, sipGate, sipLoc, gsmBox1, gsmBox2) print '\n' print 'Task ID :', taskID print 'Calling From :', callFrom print 'To :', callTo print 'number :', destNo print 'status :', tried ping(callFrom) if serverStatus <> 0: ping(callTo) if serverStatus <> 0: makeTest = ControllerClass.test(callFrom, callAdd, accCaller, callTo, recAdd, destNo, accDest) makeTest.FuncTest() db.addResult(taskID, makeTest.testResult) resultList.append([callTo, callFrom, makeTest.testResult]) if makeTest.repeatTest == True and tried <> '1': db.insertTaskIn2(callTo,callFrom,taskNo, '1') db.errorCode(makeTest.testResult) print 'Result : ' +str(makeTest.testResult)+ ' ' +db.errCode db.deleteTempTask(taskID) db.tasksList.remove(item) db.tasksList.insert(i,'') i = i+1 sleep(5) else: db.addResult(taskID, '500') print '[failed] 500 '+callTo+ ' Server Internal Error' else: db.addResult(taskID, '500') print '[failed] 500 '+callFrom+' Server Internal Error' db.cleanTasksList() else: print "No job at all" else: sys.exit(1)