import sys import os import subprocess import SSHTunnelBoxClass import ClientClass import random import csv import LogFileClass logger = LogFileClass.Logging('TestProcessLog.log') from time import sleep class controller: def __init__(self, callFrom, callPortName, accCaller, callTo, destPortName, destNo, accDest): self.callFrom = callFrom self.dest = callTo self.destNo = destNo self.accDest = accDest self.accCaller = accCaller self.callPortName = callPortName self.destPortName = destPortName self.portCaller = None self.portDest = None self.resultCaller = None self.resultDest = None self.testResult = None def FuncTest(self): logger.logEvent(' -- -X- --') self.initCaller() if self.callFrom =="GSMRZ3" or self.callFrom =="GSMRZ2": # wait until ssh connection establish if self.continues == 1: #putting 6 seconds sleep to prevent unsuccess login using SSH since we have problem with duration time loging into beagle board sleep(2) self.callerGreeting() else: self.connected = 'NOT OK' else: #waiting 2 seconds if doesnt use ssh connection until handler ready sleep(5) self.callerGreeting() logger.logEvent('Status Handler Connection :'+self.connected) if self.connected == 'OK': self.caller.sendData('CALLER|'+self.destNo) callerHandler = self.caller.receiveData(25) #waiting ready message from caller if callerHandler == "CALLER READY": logger.logEvent('Caller handler : Ready') self.initReceiver() if self.dest =="GSMRZ3" or self.dest =="GSMRZ2": # wait until ssh connection establish if self.continues == 1: #putting 6 seconds sleep to prevent unsuccess login using SSH since we have problem with duration time loging into beagle board sleep(2) self.receiverGreeting() else: self.connected = 'NOT OK' else: #waiting 2 seconds if doesnt use ssh connection until handler ready sleep(5) self.receiverGreeting() logger.logEvent('Status Handler Connection :'+self.connected) if self.connected == 'OK': self.receiver.sendData('RECEIVER') destHandler = self.receiver.receiveData(25) #waiting ready message from destination if destHandler == 'RECEIVER READY': logger.logEvent('Receiver handler : Ready') self.startCall() self.waitingFeedback() #Device destination having error after handler ready to receive call. elif destHandler == 'DEVICE NOT READY': self.testResult == 802 logger.logEvent('802 General Device Error: Destination device no respond timeout') self.initTerminate() else: self.testResult = 604 logger.logEvent('604 General Handler Error: Destination handler no respond timeout') self.initTerminate() #can connect to handler but device destination not ready to do the test. elif self.connected == 'DEVICE NOT READY': self.testResult = 802 logger.logEvent('802 General Device Error: Destination device no respond timeout') self.initTerminate() else: logger.logEvent('998 General Handler Error: Could not connect Destination handler') self.testResult = 998 self.caller.sendData('TERMINATE CONNECTION') self.caller.closeConnection() self.initCancelTest() else: self.testResult = 605 logger.logEvent('605 General Handler Error: caller handler no respond timeout') self.caller.sendData('TERMINATE CONNECTION') self.caller.closeConnection() #can connect to handler but device caller not ready to do the test. elif self.connected == 'DEVICE NOT READY': self.testResult = 801 self.caller.sendData('TERMINATE CONNECTION') self.caller.closeConnection() logger.logEvent('802 General Device Error: Caller device no respond timeout') self.initCancelTest() else: self.testResult = 999 logger.logEvent('999 General Handler Error: Could not connect to Caller handler') def writeToFile(self, AccountInfo): try: with open('handler.txt', 'w') as F: writer = csv.writer(F) writer.writerow([AccountInfo]) except ValueError: print "can't write to file" def initCancelTest(self): #close SSH connection when using gsmBox and destination doesnt respond. to make sure SSH connection are terminate logger.logEvent('init Cancel test') if self.callFrom[0:5] == 'GSMRZ': if self.callFrom != 'GSMRZ1': # close SSH tunneling self.boxCaller.killTunneling() # waiting results state def waitingFeedback(self): logger.logEvent('Waiting Feedback') self.resultDest = self.receiver.receiveData(20) self.resultCaller = self.caller.receiveData(20) #print 'result '+self.resultCaller+'--'+self.resultDest if self.resultCaller == 'DEVICE NOT READY': logger.logEvent('Caller DEVICE NOT READY') self.testResult = 801 self.initTerminate() elif self.dest == 'DEVICE NOT READY': logger.logEvent('Caller DEVICE NOT READY') self.testResult = 802 self.initTerminate() elif self.resultCaller == 'CALL OK' and self.resultDest =='CALL OK': logger.logEvent('Test Succeed') self.testResult = 200 self.initTerminate() else: #build specially only for Eplus card. since they use prepaid card. if self.dest == 'GSMExt.Eplus': if self.resultCaller == 'CALL OK' and self.resultDest <> 'TIME OUT': logger.logEvent('Test Failed - Eplus No credit on Eplus') self.testResult = 402 self.initTerminate() else: logger.logEvent('Test Failed') self.testResult = 486 self.initTerminate() else: #one or both of the handler send un success test. assign failed to this test if self.resultCaller <> 'CALL OK' or self.resultDest <> 'CALL OK': logger.logEvent('Test Failed') self.testResult = 486 self.initTerminate() #send start call message to caller def startCall(self): logger.logEvent('Start Call') self.receiver.sendData('RECEIVE START') self.caller.sendData('CALL START') def initAccount(self, account, handler, PortName, portCom): accConf = account self.username = accConf[0:accConf.find(':')] line = accConf[accConf.find(':')+1:] self.password = line[0:line.find(':')] newLine = line[line.find(':')+1:] self.server = newLine[0:newLine.find(':')] textFile = 'Account:'+str(self.username)+':'+str(self.password)+':'+str(self.server)+':'+str(handler)+':'+str(PortName)+':'+str(portCom) self.writeToFile(textFile) # define the caller configuration such as port name and port caller. def initCaller(self): logger.logEvent('init Caller') logger.logEvent(self.callFrom) self.portCaller = random.randint(30000,60000) if self.callFrom[0:4] == 'GSMR': if self.callFrom =="GSMRZ1": self.initAccount(self.accCaller,self.callFrom, self.callPortName,self.portCaller) self.initGSM(self.portCaller, self.callPortName, self.callFrom) else: self.initAccount(self.accCaller, self.callFrom, self.callPortName,self.portCaller) #open SSH tunneling self.boxCaller = SSHTunnelBoxClass.SSHTunneling(self.portCaller, 50008, self.server, self.username, self.password) status = self.boxCaller.startTunneling() logger.logEvent('SSH Status :'+str(status)) #check whether the SSH tunneling succes or not, 0 is failed! if status!= 0: self.continues = 1 else: self.continues = 0 elif self.callFrom[0:4] == 'GSME': self.initAccount(self.accCaller,self.callFrom, self.callPortName,self.portCaller) self.initGSM(self.portCaller, self.callPortName, self.callFrom) else: #open the SIP handler self.initAccount(self.accCaller,self.callFrom, self.callPortName,self.portCaller) script = '' subprocess.Popen(['python',script], shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #subprocess.Popen(args=["gnome-terminal", '--command=python '+self.accCaller+ ' ' +str(self.portCaller)]) # define the destination configuration such as port name and port caller. def initReceiver(self): logger.logEvent('init Receiver') logger.logEvent(self.dest) self.portDest = random.randint(30000,60000) if self.dest[0:4] == 'GSMR': if self.dest =="GSMRZ1": self.initAccount(self.accDest, self.dest, self.destPortName,self.portDest) self.initGSM(self.portDest, self.destPortName, self.dest) else: self.initAccount(self.accDest, self.dest, self.destPortName,self.portDest) #open SSH tunneling self.boxDest = SSHTunnelBoxClass.SSHTunneling(self.portDest, 50008, self.server, self.username, self.password) status = self.boxDest.startTunneling() #check whether the SSH tunneling succes or not, 0 is failed! if status!= 0: self.continues = 1 else: self.continues = 0 elif self.dest[0:4] == 'GSME': self.initAccount(self.accDest, self.dest, self.destPortName,self.portDest) self.initGSM(self.portDest, self.destPortName, self.dest) else: #self.portDest = 50100 self.initAccount(self.accDest, self.dest, self.destPortName,self.portDest) script = '' subprocess.Popen(['python',script], shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #subprocess.Popen(args=['gnome-terminal', '--command=python '+self.accDest+ ' ' +str(self.portDest)]) # send terminate message to Handlers def initTerminate(self): logger.logEvent('TERMINATE CONNECTION') self.caller.sendData('TERMINATE CONNECTION') self.receiver.sendData('TERMINATE CONNECTION') if self.callFrom[0:5] == 'GSMRZ': if self.callFrom != 'GSMRZ1': # close SSH tunneling self.boxCaller.killTunneling() if self.dest[0:5] == 'GSMRZ': if self.dest != 'GSMRZ1': # close SSH tunneling self.boxDest.killTunneling() #close port communication self.receiver.closeConnection() self.caller.closeConnection() def callerGreeting(self): # send greeting message to the caller handler logger.logEvent('Caller Greeting') self.connected = None #open connection to the Handler self.caller = ClientClass.Connection('localhost',self.portCaller) self.caller.connect() if self.caller.connected == 1: #connection establish and send hallo message to handler logger.logEvent('Connected to Caller Handler') self.caller.sendData('HELLO HANDLER') #waiting handler respond message = self.caller.receiveData(20) if message == 'HELLO CONTROLLER': # caller handler send hello message logger.logEvent('Caller Handler respond') self.connected = 'OK' elif message == 'DEVICE NOT READY': # the handler found the device not ready to making test. logger.logEvent('Connect to Caller but device doesnt work') self.connected = 'DEVICE NOT READY' else: logger.logEvent('Cannt connect to Caller') self.connected = 'NOT OK' else: #can't connect to caller handler logger.logEvent('Cannt connect to Caller') self.connected = 'NOT OK' def receiverGreeting(self): # send greeting message to the destination handler logger.logEvent('Receiver Greeting') self.connected = None #open connection to the Handler self.receiver = ClientClass.Connection('localhost', self.portDest) self.receiver.connect() if self.receiver.connected == 1: #connection establish and send hallo message to handler logger.logEvent('Connected to Receiver Handler') self.receiver.sendData('HELLO HANDLER') #waiting handler respond message = self.receiver.receiveData(20) # destination handler send hello message if message == 'HELLO CONTROLLER': logger.logEvent('Receiver Handler respond') self.connected = 'OK' # the handler found the device not ready to making test. elif message == 'DEVICE NOT READY': logger.logEvent('Connect to Caller but device doesnt work') self.connected = 'DEVICE NOT READY' else: logger.logEvent('receiver handler not respond') self.connected = 'NOT OK' else: #can't connect to destintaion handler logger.logEvent('Cannt connect to Receiver') self.connected = 'NOT OK' def initGSM(self, portCommunication, portDevice, handler): #open GSM Handler logger.logEvent('Init GSM') script = '' subprocess.Popen(['python',script], shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #subprocess.Popen(args=["gnome-terminal", '--command=python '+str(portCommunication)+ ' ' +str(portDevice)+' '+str(handler)])