import ServerClass import GSMClass1 import LogFileClass import sys import os from time import sleep def restart_program(): """Restarts the current program. Note: this function does not return. Any cleanup action (like saving data) must be done before calling this function.""" python = sys.executable os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv) ################################ ################################ ######SET THESE PARAMETERS###### ################################ portListen = 50008 #port number of handler nameOfLogFile = 'handler.log' #name of the log file portAddress = '/dev/ttyUSB0' baudRate = 19200 ################################ ################################ ################################ #create the log file class logger = LogFileClass.Logging(nameOfLogFile) #use this variable as the error counter errorCount = 0 #start logging all events logger.logEvent('') #counter how many time we were in the while loop whileCounter =0 #define global varibales global lastState global resetState global deviceError lastState = 0 resetState = 0 deviceError = 0 def initSystem(): print 'init system' global handlerSocket global gsmDevice global initTalkVar global lastState global initDevice global numberToCall global resetState global deviceError initTalkVar = 0 #variable used to know if we initialized the start talk lastState = 0 #variable used to know numberToCall = '000' #number to call resetState = 0 handlerSocket = ServerClass.ServerHandler(portListen) logger.logEvent('LISTEN ON PORT: '+str(portListen)) anyConnection = handlerSocket.openSocket() #add this if you need it gsmDevice = GSMClass1.serialPort(portAddress, baudRate, 15) initDevice = gsmDevice.portInit(5) ######################################################## #add nice formating to the log file :) print 'any connection ' + str(anyConnection) print 'initDevice ' + str(initDevice) if initDevice!= 1: deviceError = 1 else: deviceError = 0 if anyConnection == 1 and initDevice == 1: logger.logEvent('CONNECTION ESTABLISHED AND DEVICE WORKING: ' + str(handlerSocket.connectedTo())) return 1 elif anyConnection == 1 and initDevice != 0: logger.logEvent('$connection established but device not working: ' + str(handlerSocket.connectedTo())) #resetState = 1 return 2 else: logger.logEvent('$no connection') logger.logEvent('$else case in init system' + str(anyConnection) + ' ' + str(initDevice) + ' ') resetState = 1 return 0 def receiveMessage(timeout): message = str(handlerSocket.receiveData(timeout)) print 'I RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE' + message if message == 'NO DATA': print 'try to close the connection' + str(handlerSocket.closeConnection()) global resetState resetState = 1 return 1 if message != '0' and message !='NO DATA': print 'in receive message', message, lastState if message == 'HELLO HANDLER' and lastState == 0: outcome = initTalk() if outcome == 1: logger.logEvent('TALK INITIALIZATION SENT') else: logger.logEvent('$talk initialization not sent: ' + str(outcome)) elif message == 'RECEIVER' and lastState == 1: outcome = initReceiver() if outcome == 1: logger.logEvent('RECEIVER READY SENT') else: logger.logEvent('$receiver ready not sent: ' + str(outcome)) return 7 elif message == 'RECEIVE START' and lastState == 2: outcome = receiveStart() print 'outcome ' + str(outcome) if outcome == 1: logger.logEvent('RECEIVE STATUS REPORTED') return 2 else: logger.logEvent('$receive status not reported: ' + str(outcome)) return 3 elif message[0:6] == 'CALLER' and lastState == 1: outcome = initCaller() global numberToCall numberToCall = message[7:] if outcome == 1: logger.logEvent('CALLER READY SENT') else: logger.logEvent('$caller ready not sent: ' + str(outcome)) return 6 elif message == 'CALL START' and lastState == 4: outcome = callStart(numberToCall) print 'outcome ' + str(outcome) if outcome == 1: logger.logEvent('CALLER STATUS SENT') return 4 else: logger.logEvent('$caller status not sent: ' + str(outcome)) return 5 elif message == 'TERMINATE CONNECTION' and (lastState == 5 or lastState == 3): outcome = terminateConnection() if outcome == 1: logger.logEvent('TERMINATED THE CONNECTION AFTER TEST') else: logger.logEvent('$connection could not be terminated after the test: ' + str(outcome)) elif message == 'TERMINATE CONNECTION': outcome = terminateConnection() if outcome == 1: logger.logEvent('TERMINATED THE CONNECTION IN MIDDLE. IN STATE: ' + str(lastState) ) else: logger.logEvent('$connection could not be terminated in middle: ' + str(outcome) + ' in state: ' + str(lastState)) else: print message outcome = other() logger.logEvent('other appeared') return 1 #return 0 ########INIT TALK PART######## def initTalk(): print 'init talk' #initialize the talk between handler and controller global lastState test = gsmDevice.portInit(2) if test != 1: test = gsmDevice.portInit(2) if test != 1: sendMessage = handlerSocket.sendData('DEVICE NOT READY') else: lastState = 1 sendMessage = handlerSocket.sendData('HELLO CONTROLLER') else: lastState = 1 sendMessage = handlerSocket.sendData('HELLO CONTROLLER') return sendMessage ############################## ########RECEIVE PART######## def initReceiver(): print 'initReceiver' #init function to initialize the receiver global lastState lastState = 2 sendMessage = handlerSocket.sendData('RECEIVER READY') return sendMessage def receiveStart(): print 'receiveStart' #wait for a call and report if you received it and it was successfull or not global lastState global deviceError lastState = 3 if deviceError == 0: receiveCall = gsmDevice.receiveCall() if receiveCall == 'TIMEOUT': deviceError = 1 print 'device error in RECEIVE' else: receiveCall = 0 if deviceError == 0: if receiveCall == 1: callSuccess = 'CALL OK' else: callSuccess = 'CALL NOT OK' sendMessage = handlerSocket.sendData(callSuccess) if deviceError==0: tryHangUp = gsmDevice.hangUp() return sendMessage ############################ ########CALL PART######## def initCaller(): print 'initCaller1' #initialize caller here global lastState lastState = 4 sendMessage = handlerSocket.sendData('CALLER READY') return sendMessage def callStart(numberToCall): print 'initCaller2' #call the number here global lastState global deviceError lastState = 5 callSuccess = 'CALL NOT OK' if deviceError==0: tryCall = gsmDevice.callNumber(numberToCall) if tryCall == 'TIMEOUT': deviceError = 1 print 'device error in CALL' else: tryCall=0 if tryCall != 1: callSuccess = 'CALL NOT OK' else: print 'try call result'+ str(tryCall) if tryCall != 'TIMEOUT': sleep(2) activeCall = gsmDevice.currentCall() counter = 0 while(activeCall!=1): sleep(1) activeCall = gsmDevice.currentCall() if counter == 10: break counter += 1 if activeCall == 1: callSuccess = 'CALL OK' else: callSuccess = 'CALL NOT OK' handResponse = handlerSocket.sendData(callSuccess) if deviceError==0: tryHangUp = gsmDevice.hangUp() return handResponse ######################### ########TERMINATE PART######## def terminateConnection(): print 'terminate connection' global resetState close = handlerSocket.closeConnection() resetState = 1 return close ############################## ########TERMINATE PART######## def other(): print 'other' global lastState global resetState close = handlerSocket.closeConnection() lastState = 8 resetState = 1 return 1 ############################## while 1: test = initSystem() if test == 1: print 'initialized system' receivedMessage = 0 while receivedMessage < 8 and resetState!= 1: if receivedMessage == 4 or receivedMessage == 5 or receivedMessage == 2 or receivedMessage == 3: receivedMessage = receiveMessage(20) else: receivedMessage = receiveMessage(30) elif test ==2: print 'initialized system but device not working' logger.logEvent('initialized system but device not working') receivedMessage = 0 while receivedMessage < 4 and resetState!= 1: handlerSocket.sendData('DEVICE NOT READY') if receivedMessage == 4 or receivedMessage == 5 or receivedMessage == 2 or receivedMessage == 3: receivedMessage = receiveMessage(20) else: receivedMessage = receiveMessage(30) elif test ==0: print 'nobody can connect, reboot board, restart cellphone' logger.logEvent('nobody can connect, reboot board, restart cellphone') logger.closeLogging(); del handlerSocket del gsmDevice del logger restart_program()