diff options
2 files changed, 420 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/application/modules/fbgui/controllers/IndexController.php b/application/modules/fbgui/controllers/IndexController.php
index 238edb7..5a99feb 100644
--- a/application/modules/fbgui/controllers/IndexController.php
+++ b/application/modules/fbgui/controllers/IndexController.php
@@ -40,7 +40,16 @@ class Fbgui_IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$_SESSION['alphasessionID'] = $session->getAlphasessionID();
echo "<h1>Welcome</h1>";
print_a('Session is now set','Your alphasessionID is '.$session->getAlphasessionID());
- $this->_redirect('/dev/bootmenu/index/bootmenuid/1');
+ // Request Bootmenu
+ $pbsFilter = new Pbs_Filter();
+ $bootmenuID = $pbsFilter->evaluate();
+ if($bootmenuID != null){
+ $this->_redirect('/dev/bootmenu/index/bootmenuid/'.$bootmenuID);
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->_redirect('/dev/auth/index/');
+ }
echo "<h1>Not Welcome</h1>";
diff --git a/library/Pbs/Filter.php b/library/Pbs/Filter.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fafff81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/Pbs/Filter.php
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+class Pbs_Filter{
+ private $db = null;
+ private $membership;
+ public function evaluateAction()
+ {
+ $this->db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
+ $db = $this->db;
+ $showPartResults = false;
+ $membershipMapper = new Application_Model_MembershipMapper();
+ $this->membership = new Application_Model_Membership();
+ $membershipMapper->find($_SESSION['membershipID'],$this->membership);
+ // For Testing Filters
+ $testFilter = (isset($_POST['submit']))?true:false;
+ if($testFilter){
+ $ipAdress = $_POST['ip'];
+ $macAdress = $_POST['mac'];
+ $poolID = $_POST['poolID'];
+ $bootisoID = $_POST['bootisoID'];
+ $membershipID = $_POST['membershipID'];
+ $groupID = $_POST['groupID'];
+ $time = ($_POST['time']);
+ $clientID = $_POST['clientID'];
+ $weekday = $_POST['weekday'];
+ $date = $_POST['date'];
+ print_a('Input',
+ array('ipAdress'=>$ipAdress,
+ 'macAdress'=>$macAdress,
+ 'poolID' => $poolID,
+ 'bootisoID' => $bootisoID,
+ 'membershipID'=>$membershipID,
+ 'groupID'=>$groupID,
+ 'time'=> $time." - ".date('d.m.Y H:i:s',$time),
+ 'clientID' => $clientID,
+ 'hardwarehash' => $hardwarehash,
+ 'weekday' => $weekday,
+ 'date' => $date));
+ }
+ try{
+ $set = array();
+ $session = new Application_Model_Session();
+ $sessionmapper = new Application_Model_SessionMapper();
+ $sessionarray = $sessionmapper->findBy('alphasessionID',$_SESSION['alphasessionID']);
+ $session->setOption($sessionarray);
+ $session->setID($sessionarray['sessionID'];
+ #########################################################
+ // IP Adress
+ $filtertypID = 1;
+ // get it from session_table with session_id from the session
+ if(!$testFilter){
+ $ipAdress = $session->getIp();
+ }
+ $ipAdress = str_replace(".","",$this->fillIP($ipAdress));
+ $select = $db->select()
+ ->from(array('pbs_filterentries')
+ )
+ ->where('filtertypeID = ?',$filtertypID)
+ ->where('REPLACE(filtervalue,".","") <= ?',$ipAdress)
+ ->where('? <= REPLACE(filtervalue2,".","")',$ipAdress);
+ $stmt = $select->query();
+ $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
+ foreach($result as $r){
+ $set[$filtertypID][] = $r['filterID'];
+ }
+ if($showPartResults)
+ print_a('ipAdress',$result,$set[$filtertypID]);
+ #########################################################
+ // Mac range
+ $filtertypID = 2;
+ // get it from session_table with session_id from the session
+ if(!$testFilter){
+ $client = new Application_Model_Client();
+ $clientmapper = new Application_Model_ClientMapper();
+ $clientmapper->find($session->getClientID(),$client);
+ $macAdress = $client->getMacadress();
+ }
+ try{
+ $macAdress = $this->fillMac($macAdress);
+ $stmt = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pbs_filterentries WHERE
+ filtertypeID = ".$filtertypID." AND
+ filtervalue <= '".$macAdress."' AND
+ '".$macAdress."' <= filtervalue2");
+ $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
+ foreach($result as $r){
+ $set[$filtertypID][] = $r['filterID'];
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e){}
+ if($showPartResults)
+ print_a('macAdress',$result,$set[$filtertypID]);
+ #########################################################
+ // PoolID
+ $filtertypID = 3;
+ // get PoolID from client_ID from session_id from the session
+ if(!$testFilter){
+ $poolentry = new Application_Model_PoolEntries();
+ $poolentrymapper = new Application_Model_PoolEntriesMapper();
+ $poolentry = $poolentrymapper->findby('clientID',$client->getID());
+ $poolentry = $poolentry[0];
+ $poolID = $poolentry['poolID'];
+ }
+ try{
+ $stmt = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pbs_filterentries WHERE
+ filtertypeID = ".$filtertypID." AND
+ filtervalue = ".$poolID." ");
+ $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
+ if(count($result)>0){
+ foreach($result as $r){
+ $set[$filtertypID][] = $r['filterID'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e){}
+ if($showPartResults)
+ print_a('poolID',$result,$set[$filtertypID]);
+ #########################################################
+ // ClientID
+ $filtertypID = 8;
+ // get client_ID from session_id from the session
+ if(!$testFilter){
+ $clientID = $session->getClientID();
+ }
+ try{
+ $stmt = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pbs_filterentries WHERE
+ filtertypeID = ".$filtertypID." AND
+ filtervalue = ".$clientID." ");
+ $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
+ foreach($result as $r){
+ $set[$filtertypID][] = $r['filterID'];
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e){}
+ if($showPartResults)
+ print_a('clientID',$result,$set[$filtertypID]);
+ #########################################################
+ // BootIsoID
+ $filtertypID = 4;
+ // get BootIsoID from client_ID from session_id from the session
+ if(!$testFilter){
+ $bootisoID = $session->getBootisoID();
+ }
+ try{
+ $stmt = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pbs_filterentries WHERE
+ filtertypeID = ".$filtertypID." AND
+ filtervalue = ".$bootisoID." ");
+ $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
+ foreach($result as $r){
+ $set[$filtertypID][] = $r['filterID'];
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e){}
+ if($showPartResults)
+ print_a('bootisoID',$result,$set[$filtertypID]);
+ #########################################################
+ // MembershipID
+ $filtertypID = 5;
+ if(!$testFilter){
+ // get membership from the session
+ $membershipID = $this->membership->getID();
+ }
+ try{
+ $stmt = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pbs_filterentries WHERE
+ filtertypeID = ".$filtertypID." AND
+ filtervalue = ".$membershipID." ");
+ $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
+ foreach($result as $r){
+ $set[$filtertypID][] = $r['filterID'];
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e){}
+ if($showPartResults)
+ print_a('membership',$result,$set[$filtertypID]);
+ #########################################################
+ // GroupID
+ $filtertypID = 6;
+ if(!$testFilter){
+ // get membership from the session
+ $groupID = $this->membership->getGroupID();
+ }
+ try{
+ $stmt = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pbs_filterentries WHERE
+ filtertypeID = ".$filtertypID." AND
+ filtervalue = ".$groupID." ");
+ $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
+ foreach($result as $r){
+ $set[$filtertypID][] = $r['filterID'];
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e){}
+ if($showPartResults)
+ print_a('membership',$result,$set[$filtertypID]);
+ #########################################################
+ // Time
+ $filtertypID = 7;
+ if(!$testFilter){
+ $time = time("H:i");
+ }
+ $nowShort = $time;
+ $nowShort = str_replace(":","",$nowShort);
+ try{
+ $select = $db->select()
+ ->from(array('pbs_filterentries')
+ )
+ ->where('filtertypeID = ?',$filtertypID)
+ ->where('REPLACE(filtervalue,":","") <= ? AND ? <= REPLACE(filtervalue2,":","")',$nowShort);
+ $stmt = $select->query();
+ $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
+ foreach($result as $r){
+ $set[$filtertypID][] = $r['filterID'];
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e){}
+ if($showPartResults)
+ print_a('time',$result,$set[$filtertypID]);
+ #########################################################
+ // Hardwarehash
+ $filtertypID = 9;
+ if(!$testFilter){
+ // get hardwarehash from session
+ $client = new Application_Model_Client();
+ $clientmapper = new Application_Model_ClientMapper();
+ $clientmapper->find($session->getClientID(),$client);
+ $macAdress = $client->getHardwarehash();
+ }
+ try{
+ $select = $db->select()
+ ->from(array('pbs_filterentries')
+ )
+ ->where('filtertypeID = ?',$filtertypID)
+ ->where('`filtervalue` = ?',$hardwarehash);
+ $stmt = $select->query();
+ $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
+ foreach($result as $r){
+ $set[$filtertypID][] = $r['filterID'];
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e){}
+ if($showPartResults)
+ print_a('hardwarehash',$result,$set[$filtertypID]);
+ #########################################################
+ // weekday
+ $filtertypID = 10;
+ if(!$testFilter){
+ $weekday = date('N');
+ }
+ try{
+ $select = $db->select()
+ ->from(array('pbs_filterentries')
+ )
+ ->where('filtertypeID = ?',$filtertypID)
+ ->where('filtervalue = ? ',$weekday);
+ $stmt = $select->query();
+ $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
+ foreach($result as $r){
+ $set[$filtertypID][] = $r['filterID'];
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e){}
+ if($showPartResults)
+ print_a('weekday',$result,$set[$filtertypID]);
+ #########################################################
+ // weekday
+ $filtertypID = 11;
+ if(!$testFilter){
+ $date = date('d.m.Y');
+ }
+ try{
+ $select = $db->select()
+ ->from(array('pbs_filterentries')
+ )
+ ->where('filtertypeID = ?',$filtertypID)
+ ->where('REPLACE(filtervalue,".","") <= ? AND ? <= REPLACE(filtervalue2,".","")',$date);
+ $stmt = $select->query();
+ $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
+ foreach($result as $r){
+ $set[$filtertypID][] = $r['filterID'];
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e){}
+ if($showPartResults)
+ print_a('weekday',$result,$set[$filtertypID]);
+ ########################################
+ // ErgebnisSet auswerten
+ print_a('the result sets of the filtertypes',$set);
+ // Merging of the resultsets of the filter
+ $kk = array();
+ foreach($set as $myset){
+ $kk = array_merge($kk,$myset);
+ }
+ $set = $kk;
+ // counting how often a filter is evaluated at database
+ $a = array();
+ foreach($set as $k=> $s){
+ $a[$s] += 1;
+ }
+ print_a('Übereinstimmungen pro Filter',$a);
+ // Get the number of filtertypes every filter has
+ $stmt = $db->query('SELECT filterID, COUNT(filtertypeID) as num FROM pbs_filterentries GROUP BY filterID');
+ $resultset = $stmt->fetchAll();
+ foreach($resultset as $d){
+ $database[$d['filterID']] = $d['num'];
+ }
+ print_a('Anzahl Filterentries in Datenbank',$database);
+ // remove all filters from resultset, which to few filtertypes satisfied
+ $result = array();
+ foreach($a as $i=>$b){
+ if($a[$i] < $database[$i]){
+ unset($a[$i]);
+ }
+ else{
+ $result[] = $i;
+ }
+ }
+ print_a('True Filters',$result);
+ // now selecting the filter with the highest priority
+ $query = 'SELECT filterID, bootmenuID, priority
+ FROM pbs_filter WHERE ';
+ foreach($result as $e){
+ $queryTmp[] = "filterID = '$e'";
+ }
+ $query .= implode(" OR ", $queryTmp);
+ $query .= 'ORDER BY priority DESC LIMIT 0,1';
+ $bootmenuID = 'null';
+ try{
+ $stmt = $db->query($query);
+ $resultset = $stmt->fetchAll();
+ $bootmenuID = $resultset[0]['bootmenuID'];
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e){
+ }
+ if($bootmenuID != 'null'){
+ $bm = new Application_Model_BootMenu();
+ $bmmapper = new Application_Model_BootMenuMapper();
+ $bmmapper->find($bootmenuID,$bm);
+ echo "<h1><a href='/bootmenu/index/bootmenuid/".$bootmenuID."'>Goto BootmenuID: ".$bootmenuID."</a></h1>";
+ return $bootmenuID;
+ }
+ else{
+ echo "<h1>No Result :-(</h1>";
+ return null;
+ }
+ }catch (Zend_Exception $e) {
+ echo "class: ".get_class($e)."<br>\n";
+ echo "Error message 2: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
+ }
+ private function fillIP($ip)
+ {
+ $ar = explode(".",$ip);
+ $representation = array();
+ foreach($ar as $part){
+ $representation[] = sprintf("%03s",$part);
+ }
+ return implode(".",$representation);
+ }
+ private function fillMac($ip)
+ {
+ $ar = explode(":",$ip);
+ $representation = array();
+ foreach($ar as $part){
+ $representation[] = sprintf("%02s",$part);
+ }
+ return implode(":",$representation);
+ }