USE ##poolctrl##; SET SQL_MODE="NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; -- Adding person INSERT INTO `pbs_person` (`personID`, `title`, `name`, `firstname`, `street`, `housenumber`, `city`, `postalcode`, `logindate`, `registerdate`, `email`, `login`, `password`, `password_salt`, `loginpassword`) VALUES (1, 'Herr', 'Super', 'Admin', 'Street', '1337', 'Teshouse', '1337', NULL, '1299612370', 'test', NULL, '4207acba08cadccc397e2302a55b339a', 'f21ee663b17bcefc6868694dffda602a', '$6$Do9tGnw0$9ndoxsmcpNV.9mFTBRB7u2RbWekbSfjnUfPKXrCUEpXrZXoqnOesXITGl.RDy0cuaYB1Ouob6WtNWQqU/M/4U.'), (2, 'Herr', 'Test 2', 'Test 2', 'Teststr,', '5', 'Testburg', '1337', NULL, '1299612370', 'test2', NULL, '4207acba08cadccc397e2302a55b339a', 'f21ee663b17bcefc6868694dffda602a', '$6$Do9tGnw0$9ndoxsmcpNV.9mFTBRB7u2RbWekbSfjnUfPKXrCUEpXrZXoqnOesXITGl.RDy0cuaYB1Ouob6WtNWQqU/M/4U.'), (3, 'Herr', 'Test 3', 'Test 3', 'Teststr,', '5', 'Testburg', '1337', NULL, '1299612370', 'test3', NULL, '4207acba08cadccc397e2302a55b339a', 'f21ee663b17bcefc6868694dffda602a', '$6$Do9tGnw0$9ndoxsmcpNV.9mFTBRB7u2RbWekbSfjnUfPKXrCUEpXrZXoqnOesXITGl.RDy0cuaYB1Ouob6WtNWQqU/M/4U.'); -- Adding group INSERT INTO `pbs_group` (`groupID` ,`title` ,`description`)VALUES (1, 'OpenSLX', 'This is the OpenSLX-Group'), (2, 'Germany', 'Deutschland'), (3, 'France', 'France'), (4, 'DFN', 'Deutsches Forschungsnetz'), (5, 'Institutionen', 'Fifth Group'), (6, 'Baden-Würtemberg', 'Sixth Group'), (7, 'Bayern', 'Seventh Group'), (8, 'Uni-Freiburg', 'Eight Group'); -- Adding memberships INSERT INTO `pbs_membership` (`membershipID`, `groupID`, `roleID`, `personID`, `apikey`) VALUES (NULL, '1', '1', '1', 'apikey1'); INSERT INTO `pbs_membership` (`membershipID`, `groupID`, `roleID`, `personID`, `apikey`) VALUES (NULL, '2', '1', '1', 'apikey2'); INSERT INTO `pbs_membership` (`membershipID`, `groupID`, `roleID`, `personID`, `apikey`) VALUES (NULL, '3', '1', '1', 'apikey3'); INSERT INTO `pbs_membership` (`membershipID`, `groupID`, `roleID`, `personID`, `apikey`) VALUES (NULL, '4', '1', '1', 'apikey4'); INSERT INTO `pbs_membership` (`membershipID`, `groupID`, `roleID`, `personID`, `apikey`) VALUES (NULL, '5', '1', '1', 'apikey5'); INSERT INTO `pbs_membership` (`membershipID`, `groupID`, `roleID`, `personID`, `apikey`) VALUES (NULL, '6', '1', '1', 'apikey6'); INSERT INTO `pbs_membership` (`membershipID`, `groupID`, `roleID`, `personID`, `apikey`) VALUES (NULL, '7', '1', '1', 'apikey7'); INSERT INTO `pbs_membership` (`membershipID`, `groupID`, `roleID`, `personID`, `apikey`) VALUES (NULL, '8', '1', '1', 'apikey8'); -- Adding clients INSERT INTO `pbs_client` (`clientID`, `groupID`,`macadress`, `hardwarehash`, `ip`, `ip6`) VALUES (1, 1, 'a5:9a:0f:94:2a:b0', 'ea9b82d9de911bc2d3cd23f53a6cab48', '', ''), (2, 1, '91:91:f1:e2:99:aa', '1e2b1599710fbbef0dc789e8cfe12455', '', ''), (3, 1, '6e:5c:82:78:f2:39', '8f6209ca3d6b35e223a11c249d1b69fc', '', ''), (4, 1, '67:75:e9:f2:5f:8e', 'e17ab09f3586464f19629e2e8b1e9a9d', '', ''), (5, 1, '63:51:7e:22:aa:72', '9bf70279d283b85440c2031c19bb6812', '', ''), (6, 1, '68:9e:fe:47:95:c5', 'ad3bce4464a6267441ec144744439c7e', '', ''), (7, 1, '6e:1c:2e:01:77:33', 'e8d7e80d79f224771b7a3a0af4e02748', '', ''), (8, 1, 'd1:91:20:43:2f:dd', 'ded66ce272f384e9e386c1b57ded3e4d', '', ''), (9, 1, '1b:0f:a5:82:47:16', '695610ee509c060b1fca9c8011529af4', '', ''), (10, 1, '56:8e:7b:03:5f:98', 'a3562c8cad2a4fa4fc11656025dc911b', '', ''), (11, 2, 'af:54:07:87:63:44', '98413218152196816519841365419816', '', ''), (12, 2, '87:21:74:52:96:20', '98741298132516132169813516981616', '', ''), (13, 2, '14:47:58:47:36:48', '32168132068132068513216053516513', '', ''), (14, 1, '64:46:85:A1:89:23', '9684216842068420616841asd6516984', '', ''); -- Adding bootos INSERT INTO `pbs_bootos` (`bootosID`, `groupID`, `membershipID`, `title`, `description`, `defaultkcl`, `created`, `expires`, `public`, `source`, `distro`, `distroversion`, `shortname`, `share`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 'BootOs 1', 'Description 1', 'default kcl 1', '1299693782', '2012-03-09', 0, null, null, null, null, null), (2, 1, 1, 'BootOs 2', 'Description 2', 'default kcl 2', '1299693782', '2012-03-09', 0, null, null, null, null, null), (3, 1, 1, 'BootOs 3', 'Description 3', 'default kcl 3', '1299693782', '2012-03-09', 0, null, null, null, null, null), (4, 1, 1, 'BootOs 4', 'Description 4', 'default kcl 4', '1299693782', '2012-03-09', 0, null, null, null, null, null), (5, 1, 1, 'BootOs 5', 'Description 5', 'default kcl 5', '1299693782', '2012-03-09', 0, null, null, null, null, null), (6, 1, 1, 'BootOs 6', 'Description 6', 'default kcl 6', '1299693782', '2012-03-09', 0, null, null, null, null, null), (7, 1, 1, 'BootOs 7', 'Description 7', 'default kcl 7', '1299693782', '2012-03-09', 0, null, null, null, null, null), (8, 1, 1, 'BootOs 8', 'Description 8', 'default kcl 8', '1299693782', '2012-03-09', 0, null, null, null, null, null), (9, 1, 1, 'BootOs 9', 'Description 9', 'default kcl 9', '1299693782', '2012-03-09', 0, null, null, null, null, null), (10, 1, 1, 'BootOs 10', 'Description 10', 'default kcl 10', '1299693782', '2012-03-09', 0, null, null, null, null, null); -- Adding config INSERT INTO `pbs_config` (`configID`, `title`, `description`, `groupID`, `membershipID`, `visible`, `created`, `bootosID`) VALUES (1, 'Default Config', 'Desc1', 1, null, '1', '1299693677', '1'), (2, 'Config 2', 'Desc2' ,null, 1, '1', '1299693690', '1'); -- Adding pools INSERT INTO `pbs_pool` (`poolID`, `groupID`, `title`, `description`, `location`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Pool 1', 'Description 1', 'Keller'), (2, 1, 'Pool 2', 'Description 2', 'EG'), (3, 1, 'Pool 3', 'Description 3', '1 OG'), (4, 1, 'Pool 4', 'Description 4', '2 OG'); -- Adding client to pools (poolentries) INSERT INTO `pbs_poolentries` (`poolentriesID`, `poolID`, `clientID`) VALUES (1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 2), (3, 1, 3), (4, 1, 4), (5, 2, 5), (6, 2, 6), (7, 3, 7), (8, 3, 8), (9, 4, 9), (10, 4, 10); -- Adding eventcategories INSERT INTO `poolctrl_eventcategory` (`eventcategoryID`, `title`) VALUES (1, 'Lecture'), (2, 'Maintenance'), (3, 'Boot'), (4, 'Shutdown'); -- Adding events INSERT INTO `poolctrl_event` (`eventID`, `title`, `start`, `end`, `category`, `pbs_poolID`, `pbs_membershipID`, `pbs_bootosID`, `note`, `pbs_bootmenuID`, `pbs_filterID`) VALUES (1, 'Systeme I', '2011-06-24 12:10:00', '2011-06-24 14:00:00', '1', 1, 1, 1, 'Systeme I Vorlesung', 1, 1), (2, 'Systeme II', '2011-06-24 14:10:00', '2011-06-24 16:00:00', '1', 1, 1, 1, 'Systeme II Vorlesung', 1, 1), (3, 'Systeme III', '2011-06-24 16:10:00', '2011-06-24 18:00:00', '1', 1, 1, 1, 'Systeme III Vorlesung', 1, 1); -- Adding reporttypes INSERT INTO `poolctrl_reporttype` (`reporttypeID`, `title`) VALUES (1, 'Boot'), (2, 'Shutdown'); -- Adding eventreports INSERT INTO `poolctrl_eventreport` (`reportID`, `report`, `type`, `eventID`) VALUES (1, DEFAULT, 1, 1), (2, DEFAULT, 1, 2), (3, 'wake-on-lan failed', 1, 3);