path: root/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23')
71 files changed, 0 insertions, 34174 deletions
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/.gitignore b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/.gitignore
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--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# autoreconf by-products
-# configure by-products
-# build by-products
-# various
-# final executables
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/COPYING b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index d511905..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/ b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc3910f..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign dist-bzip2 1.6
-SUBDIRS = include src
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/README b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/README
deleted file mode 100644
index dd59823..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-= OsmocomBB layer23 architecture =
-layer23 is an (incomplete) MS-side implementation of the L2 and L3 GSM
-protocols as described in GSM TS 04.06, 04.08 and others.
-== Interfaces ==
-L1 (on the phone) uses the L1CTL protocol to talk with layer23 (on the PC).
-L2 (inside layer23) uses the RSLms protocol to talk with the L3 (inside layer23)
-=== RSLms ===
-RSLms is modeled after the GSM TS 08.58 Radio Subsystem Link protocol. Despite
-being designed for the network side, RSL seems a good match for the L2/L3
-interface inside a MS, too.
-At least the RLL (Radio Link Layer) part of RSL is 100% as applicable to the MS
-side as it is for the ntwork side.
-==== Lower interface (L2 to RSLms) ====
-Layer2 calls rslms_sendmsg() with a msgb that has the msgb->l2h pointing to a
-RSL header (struct abis_rsl_common_hdr).
-==== Upper interface (L3 to RSLms) ====
-Layer3 calls rslms_recvmsg() with a msgb that has the msgb->l2h pointing to a
-RSL header (struct abis_rsl_common_hdr).
-There are utility functions like rslms_tx_rll_req() and rslms_tx_rsll_req_l3()
-for creating msgb's with the apropriate RSL/RLL headers.
-=== LAPDm ===
-LAPDm is the GSM TS 04.06 protocol
-The lower interface (to L1) is using L1CTL
-The upper interface (to L3) is using RSLms
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/ b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a67fab..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script
-AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(layer23, 0.0.0)
-dnl kernel style compile messages
-m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES], [AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])])
-dnl checks for programs
-dnl checks for libraries
-AC_CHECK_LIB(gps, gps_waiting, CFLAGS+=" -D_HAVE_GPSD" LDFLAGS+=" -lgps",,)
-dnl checks for header files
-dnl Checks for typedefs, structures and compiler characteristics
- src/Makefile
- src/common/Makefile
- src/misc/Makefile
- src/mobile/Makefile
- include/Makefile
- include/osmocom/Makefile
- include/osmocom/bb/Makefile
- include/osmocom/bb/common/Makefile
- include/osmocom/bb/misc/Makefile
- include/osmocom/bb/mobile/Makefile
- Makefile)
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/ b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/
deleted file mode 100644
index 297ece9..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-noinst_HEADERS = l1ctl_proto.h
-SUBDIRS = osmocom
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/l1ctl_proto.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/l1ctl_proto.h
deleted file mode 120000
index f12ba71..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/l1ctl_proto.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../../../../include/l1ctl_proto.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/ b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5adf9df..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/ b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 58a5f7f..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-SUBDIRS = common misc mobile
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/ b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 26e63cf..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-noinst_HEADERS = l1ctl.h l1l2_interface.h l23_app.h lapdm.h logging.h \
- networks.h gps.h sysinfo.h osmocom_data.h
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/gps.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/gps.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 58c0c53..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/gps.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-enum {
-struct osmo_gps {
- /* GPS device */
- uint8_t enable;
- uint8_t gps_type;
-#ifdef _HAVE_GPSD
- char gpsd_host[32];
- char gpsd_port[6];
- char device[32];
- uint32_t baud;
- /* current data */
- uint8_t valid; /* we have a fix */
- time_t gmt; /* GMT time when position was received */
- double latitude, longitude;
-extern struct osmo_gps g;
-int osmo_gps_open(void);
-void osmo_gps_close(void);
-void osmo_gps_init(void);
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eb0c8c..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef osmocom_l1ctl_h
-#define osmocom_l1ctl_h
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-struct osmocom_ms;
-/* Receive incoming data from L1 using L1CTL format */
-int l1ctl_recv(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_DATA_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_data_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg, uint8_t chan_nr,
- uint8_t link_id);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_PARAM_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_param_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t ta, uint8_t tx_power);
-int l1ctl_tx_crypto_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t algo, uint8_t *key,
- uint8_t len);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_RACH_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_rach_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t ra, uint16_t offset,
- uint8_t combined);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_DM_EST_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_dm_est_req_h0(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t band_arfcn,
- uint8_t chan_nr, uint8_t tsc, uint8_t tch_mode);
-int l1ctl_tx_dm_est_req_h1(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t maio, uint8_t hsn,
- uint16_t *ma, uint8_t ma_len, uint8_t chan_nr, uint8_t tsc,
- uint8_t tch_mode);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_DM_FREQ_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_dm_freq_req_h0(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t band_arfcn,
- uint8_t tsc, uint16_t fn);
-int l1ctl_tx_dm_freq_req_h1(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t maio, uint8_t hsn,
- uint16_t *ma, uint8_t ma_len, uint8_t tsc, uint16_t fn);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_DM_REL_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_dm_rel_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-/* Transmit FBSB_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_fbsb_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t arfcn,
- uint8_t flags, uint16_t timeout, uint8_t sync_info_idx,
- uint8_t ccch_mode);
-/* Transmit CCCH_MODE_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_ccch_mode_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t ccch_mode);
-/* Transmit TCH_MODE_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_tch_mode_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t tch_mode);
-/* Transmit ECHO_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_echo_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, unsigned int len);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_RESET_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_reset_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t type);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_PM_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_pm_req_range(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t arfcn_from,
- uint16_t arfcm_to);
-int l1ctl_tx_sim_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length);
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/l1l2_interface.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/l1l2_interface.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 41403d8..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/l1l2_interface.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _L1L2_INTERFACE_H
-#define _L1L2_INTERFACE_H
-int layer2_open(struct osmocom_ms *ms, const char *socket_path);
-int layer2_close(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int osmo_send_l1(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-#endif /* _L1L2_INTERFACE_H */
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/l23_app.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/l23_app.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e4c5d55..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/l23_app.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _L23_APP_H
-#define _L23_APP_H
-struct option;
-/* Options supported by the l23 app */
-enum {
- L23_OPT_SAP = 1,
- L23_OPT_ARFCN = 2,
- L23_OPT_TAP = 4,
- L23_OPT_VTY = 8,
- L23_OPT_DBG = 16,
-/* initialization, called once when starting the app, before entering
- * select loop */
-extern int l23_app_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-extern int (*l23_app_work) (struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-extern int (*l23_app_exit) (struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-/* configuration options */
-struct l23_app_info {
- const char *copyright;
- const char *contribution;
- char *getopt_string;
- int (*cfg_supported)();
- int (*cfg_print_help)();
- int (*cfg_getopt_opt)(struct option **options);
- int (*cfg_handle_opt)(int c,const char *optarg);
-extern struct l23_app_info *l23_app_info();
-#endif /* _L23_APP_H */
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/lapdm.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/lapdm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b502ffd..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/lapdm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/timer.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <l1ctl_proto.h>
-enum lapdm_state {
-struct lapdm_entity;
-struct osmocom_ms;
-struct lapdm_msg_ctx {
- struct lapdm_datalink *dl;
- int lapdm_fmt;
- uint8_t n201;
- uint8_t chan_nr;
- uint8_t link_id;
- uint8_t addr;
- uint8_t ctrl;
- uint8_t ta_ind;
- uint8_t tx_power_ind;
-/* TS 04.06 / Section 3.5.2 */
-struct lapdm_datalink {
- uint8_t V_send; /* seq nr of next I frame to be transmitted */
- uint8_t V_ack; /* last frame ACKed by peer */
- uint8_t N_send; /* ? set to V_send at Tx time*/
- uint8_t V_recv; /* seq nr of next I frame expected to be received */
- uint8_t N_recv; /* expected send seq nr of the next received I frame */
- uint32_t state;
- int seq_err_cond; /* condition of sequence error */
- uint8_t own_busy, peer_busy;
- struct osmo_timer_list t200;
- uint8_t retrans_ctr;
- struct llist_head send_queue; /* frames from L3 */
- struct msgb *send_buffer; /* current frame transmitting */
- int send_out; /* how much was sent from send_buffer */
- uint8_t tx_hist[8][200]; /* tx history buffer */
- int tx_length[8]; /* length in history buffer */
- struct llist_head tx_queue; /* frames to L1 */
- struct lapdm_msg_ctx mctx; /* context of established connection */
- struct msgb *rcv_buffer; /* buffer to assemble the received message */
- struct lapdm_entity *entity;
-enum lapdm_dl_sapi {
- DL_SAPI0 = 0,
- DL_SAPI3 = 1,
-struct lapdm_entity {
- struct lapdm_datalink datalink[_NR_DL_SAPI];
- int last_tx_dequeue; /* last entity that was dequeued */
- int tx_pending; /* currently a pending frame not confirmed by L1 */
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
-const char *get_rsl_name(int value);
-extern const char *lapdm_state_names[];
-/* initialize a LAPDm entity */
-void lapdm_init(struct lapdm_entity *le, struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-/* deinitialize a LAPDm entity */
-void lapdm_exit(struct lapdm_entity *le);
-/* input into layer2 (from layer 1) */
-int l2_ph_data_ind(struct msgb *msg, struct lapdm_entity *le, struct l1ctl_info_dl *l1i);
-int l2_ph_data_conf(struct msgb *msg, struct lapdm_entity *le);
-/* L1 confirms channel request */
-int l2_ph_chan_conf(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- struct l1ctl_info_dl *dl);
-/* input into layer2 (from layer 3) */
-int rslms_recvmsg(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-/* sending messages up from L2 to L3 */
-int rslms_sendmsg(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-typedef int (*osmol2_cb_t)(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-/* register message handler for messages that are sent from L2->L3 */
-int osmol2_register_handler(struct osmocom_ms *ms, osmol2_cb_t cb);
-#endif /* _OSMOCOM_LAPDM_H */
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/logging.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/logging.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9205fec..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/logging.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _LOGGING_H
-#define _LOGGING_H
-#define DEBUG
-#include <osmocom/core/logging.h>
-enum {
- DRR,
- DCS,
- DMM,
- DCC,
- DL1C,
-extern const struct log_info log_info;
-#endif /* _LOGGING_H */
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/networks.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/networks.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e8c1b18..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/networks.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _NETWORKS_H
-#define _NETWORKS_H
-struct gsm_networks {
- uint16_t mcc;
- int16_t mnc;
- const char *name;
-int gsm_match_mcc(uint16_t mcc, char *imsi);
-int gsm_match_mnc(uint16_t mcc, uint8_t mnc, char *imsi);
-const char *gsm_print_mcc(uint16_t mcc);
-const char *gsm_print_mnc(uint16_t mcc);
-const char *gsm_get_mcc(uint16_t mcc);
-const char *gsm_get_mnc(uint16_t mcc, uint16_t mnc);
-const char *gsm_imsi_mcc(char *imsi);
-const char *gsm_imsi_mnc(char *imsi);
-const uint16_t gsm_input_mcc(char *string);
-const uint16_t gsm_input_mnc(char *string);
-#endif /* _NETWORKS_H */
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h
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index 9ca4114..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef osmocom_data_h
-#define osmocom_data_h
-#include <osmocom/core/select.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm_utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/write_queue.h>
-struct osmocom_ms;
- /* FIXME no 'mobile' specific stuff should be here */
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/support.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/settings.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/subscriber.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/lapdm.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/sap_interface.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm48_rr.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/sysinfo.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm322.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm48_mm.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm48_cc.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/sim.h>
-/* A layer2 entity */
-struct osmol2_entity {
- struct lapdm_entity lapdm_dcch;
- struct lapdm_entity lapdm_acch;
- osmol2_cb_t msg_handler;
-struct osmosap_entity {
- osmosap_cb_t msg_handler;
-/* RX measurement statistics */
-struct rx_meas_stat {
- uint32_t last_fn;
- /* cumulated values of current cell from SACCH dl */
- uint32_t frames;
- uint32_t snr;
- uint32_t berr;
- uint32_t rxlev;
- /* counters loss criterion */
- int16_t dsc, ds_fail;
- int16_t s, rl_fail;
-/* One Mobilestation for osmocom */
-struct osmocom_ms {
- struct llist_head entity;
- char name[32];
- struct osmo_wqueue l2_wq, sap_wq;
- uint16_t test_arfcn;
- uint8_t deleting, shutdown, started;
- struct gsm_support support;
- struct gsm_settings settings;
- struct gsm_subscriber subscr;
- struct gsm_sim sim;
- struct osmol2_entity l2_entity;
- struct osmosap_entity sap_entity;
- struct rx_meas_stat meas;
- struct gsm48_rrlayer rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_plmn plmn;
- struct gsm322_cellsel cellsel;
- struct gsm48_mmlayer mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_cclayer cclayer;
- struct llist_head trans_list;
-enum osmobb_sig_subsys {
-enum osmobb_l1ctl_sig {
-enum osmobb_global_sig {
-struct osmobb_fbsb_res {
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- int8_t snr;
- uint8_t bsic;
-struct osmobb_meas_res {
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- uint16_t band_arfcn;
- uint8_t rx_lev;
-struct osmobb_ccch_mode_conf {
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- uint8_t ccch_mode;
-struct osmobb_tch_mode_conf {
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- uint8_t tch_mode;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/sap_interface.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/sap_interface.h
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index f2f577a..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/sap_interface.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-typedef int (*osmosap_cb_t)(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int sap_open(struct osmocom_ms *ms, const char *socket_path);
-int sap_close(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int osmosap_send(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-int osmosap_register_handler(struct osmocom_ms *ms, osmosap_cb_t cb);
-#endif /* _SAP_INTERFACE_H */
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/sim.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/sim.h
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index a676b92..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/sim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-/* 9.2 commands */
-#define GSM1111_CLASS_GSM 0xa0
-#define GSM1111_INST_SELECT 0xa4
-#define GSM1111_INST_STATUS 0xf2
-#define GSM1111_INST_READ_BINARY 0xb0
-#define GSM1111_INST_UPDATE_BINARY 0xd6
-#define GSM1111_INST_READ_RECORD 0xb2
-#define GSM1111_INST_UPDATE_RECORD 0xdc
-#define GSM1111_INST_SEEK 0xa2
-#define GSM1111_INST_INCREASE 0x32
-#define GSM1111_INST_VERIFY_CHV 0x20
-#define GSM1111_INST_CHANGE_CHV 0x24
-#define GSM1111_INST_DISABLE_CHV 0x26
-#define GSM1111_INST_ENABLE_CHV 0x28
-#define GSM1111_INST_UNBLOCK_CHV 0x2c
-#define GSM1111_INST_INVALIDATE 0x04
-#define GSM1111_INST_REHABLILITATE 0x44
-#define GSM1111_INST_RUN_GSM_ALGO 0x88
-#define GSM1111_INST_SLEEP 0xfa
-#define GSM1111_INST_GET_RESPONSE 0xc0
-#define GSM1111_INST_ENVELOPE 0xc2
-#define GSM1111_INST_FETCH 0x12
-/* 9.3 access conditions */
-#define GSM1111_ACC_ALWAYS 0x0
-#define GSM1111_ACC_CHV1 0x1
-#define GSM1111_ACC_CHV2 0x2
-#define GSM1111_ACC_RFU 0x3
-#define GSM1111_ACC_NEW 0xf
-/* others are ADM */
-/* 9.3 type of file */
-#define GSM1111_TOF_RFU 0x00
-#define GSM1111_TOF_MF 0x01
-#define GSM1111_TOF_DF 0x02
-#define GSM1111_TOF_EF 0x04
-/* 9.3 struct of file */
-#define GSM1111_SOF_TRANSPARENT 0x00
-#define GSM1111_SOF_LINEAR 0x01
-#define GSM1111_SOF_CYCLIC 0x03
-/* 9.4 status */
-#define GSM1111_STAT_NORMAL 0x90
-#define GSM1111_STAT_PROACTIVE 0x91
-#define GSM1111_STAT_DL_ERROR 0x9e
-#define GSM1111_STAT_RESPONSE 0x9f
-#define GSM1111_STAT_RESPONSE_TOO 0x61
-#define GSM1111_STAT_APP_TK_BUSY 0x93
-#define GSM1111_STAT_MEM_PROBLEM 0x92
-#define GSM1111_STAT_REFERENCING 0x94
-#define GSM1111_STAT_SECURITY 0x98
-#define GSM1111_STAT_INCORR_P3 0x67
-#define GSM1111_STAT_INCORR_P1_P2 0x6b
-#define GSM1111_STAT_UKN_INST 0x6d
-#define GSM1111_STAT_WRONG_CLASS 0x6e
-#define GSM1111_STAT_TECH_PROBLEM 0x6f
-/* 9.4.4 Referencing management SW2 */
-#define GSM1111_REF_NO_EF 0x00
-#define GSM1111_REF_OUT_OF_RANGE 0x02
-#define GSM1111_REF_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x04
-#define GSM1111_REF_FILE_INCONSI 0x08
-/* 9.4.5 Security management SW2 */
-#define GSM1111_SEC_NO_CHV 0x02
-#define GSM1111_SEC_NO_ACCESS 0x04
-#define GSM1111_SEC_CONTRA_CHV 0x08
-#define GSM1111_SEC_CONTRA_INVAL 0x10
-#define GSM1111_SEC_BLOCKED 0x40
-#define GSM1111_SEC_MAX_VALUE 0x50
-/* messages from application to sim client */
-enum {
- /* requests */
- /* results */
-/* messages from sim client to application */
-#define SIM_JOB_OK 0
-#define SIM_JOB_ERROR 1
-/* error causes */
-#define SIM_CAUSE_NO_SIM 0 /* no SIM present, if detectable */
-#define SIM_CAUSE_SIM_ERROR 1 /* any error while reading SIM */
-#define SIM_CAUSE_REQUEST_ERROR 2 /* error in request */
-#define SIM_CAUSE_PIN1_REQUIRED 3 /* CHV1 is required for access */
-#define SIM_CAUSE_PIN2_REQUIRED 4 /* CHV2 is required for access */
-#define SIM_CAUSE_PIN1_BLOCKED 5 /* CHV1 was entered too many times */
-#define SIM_CAUSE_PIN2_BLOCKED 6 /* CHV2 was entered too many times */
-#define SIM_CAUSE_PUC_BLOCKED 7 /* unblock entered too many times */
-/* job states */
-enum {
- SIM_JST_WAIT_FILE, /* file command sent */
- SIM_JST_RUN_GSM_ALGO, /* wait for algorithm to process */
- SIM_JST_RUN_GSM_ALGO_RESP, /* wait for response */
-#define MAX_SIM_PATH_LENGTH 6 + 1 /* one for the termination */
-struct gsm_sim_handler {
- struct llist_head entry;
- uint32_t handle;
- void (*cb)(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-struct gsm_sim {
- struct llist_head handlers; /* gsm_sim_handler */
- struct llist_head jobs; /* messages */
- uint16_t path[MAX_SIM_PATH_LENGTH];
- uint16_t file;
- struct msgb *job_msg;
- uint32_t job_handle;
- int job_state;
- uint8_t reset;
- uint8_t chv1_remain, chv2_remain;
- uint8_t unblk1_remain, unblk2_remain;
-struct sim_hdr {
- int handle;
- uint8_t job_type;
- uint16_t path[MAX_SIM_PATH_LENGTH];
- uint16_t file;
- uint8_t rec_no, rec_mode; /* in case of record */
- uint8_t seek_type_mode; /* in case of seek command */
-#define SIM_ALLOC_SIZE 512
-struct msgb *gsm_sim_msgb_alloc(uint32_t handle, uint8_t job_type);
-uint32_t sim_open(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- void (*cb)(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg));
-void sim_close(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint32_t handle);
-void sim_job(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-/* Section 9.2.1 (response to selecting DF or MF) */
-struct gsm1111_response_mfdf {
- uint16_t rfu1;
- uint16_t free_mem;
- uint16_t file_id;
- uint8_t tof;
- uint8_t rfu2[5];
- uint8_t length;
- uint8_t gsm_data[0];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
-struct gsm1111_response_mfdf_gsm {
- uint8_t file_char;
- uint8_t num_df;
- uint8_t num_ef;
- uint8_t num_codes;
- uint8_t rfu1;
- uint8_t chv1_remain:4,
- rfu2:3,
- chv1_init:1;
- uint8_t unblk1_remain:4,
- rfu3:3,
- unblk1_init:1;
- uint8_t chv2_remain:4,
- rfu4:3,
- chv2_init:1;
- uint8_t unblk2_remain:4,
- rfu5:3,
- unblk2_init:1;
- uint8_t more_data[0];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
-/* Section 9.2.1 (response to selecting EF) */
-struct gsm1111_response_ef {
- uint16_t rfu1;
- uint16_t file_size;
- uint16_t file_id;
- uint8_t tof;
- uint8_t inc_allowed;
- uint8_t acc_update:4,
- acc_read:4;
- uint8_t rfu2:4,
- acc_inc:4;
- uint8_t acc_inval:4,
- acc_reha:4;
- uint8_t not_inval:1,
- rfu3:1,
- ru_inval:1,
- rfu4:5;
- uint8_t length;
- uint8_t structure;
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
-/* Section 10.3.17 */
-struct gsm1111_ef_loci {
- uint32_t tmsi;
- struct gsm48_loc_area_id lai;
- uint8_t tmsi_time;
- uint8_t lupd_status;
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
-/* Section 10.5.1 */
-struct gsm1111_ef_adn {
- uint8_t len_bcd;
- uint8_t ton_npi;
- uint8_t number[10];
- uint8_t capa_conf;
- uint8_t ext_id;
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
-int sim_apdu_resp(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-int gsm_sim_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm_sim_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm_sim_job_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/sysinfo.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/sysinfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0498e91..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/common/sysinfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _SYSINFO_H
-#define _SYSINFO_H
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm48_ie.h>
-/* collection of system information of the current cell */
-/* frequency mask flags of frequency type */
-#define FREQ_TYPE_SERV 0x01 /* frequency of the serving cell */
-#define FREQ_TYPE_HOPP 0x02 /* frequency used for channel hopping */
-#define FREQ_TYPE_NCELL 0x1c /* frequency of the neighbor cell */
-#define FREQ_TYPE_NCELL_2 0x04 /* sub channel of SI 2 */
-#define FREQ_TYPE_NCELL_2bis 0x08 /* sub channel of SI 2bis */
-#define FREQ_TYPE_NCELL_2ter 0x10 /* sub channel of SI 2ter */
-#define FREQ_TYPE_REP 0xe0 /* frequency to be reported */
-#define FREQ_TYPE_REP_5 0x20 /* sub channel of SI 5 */
-#define FREQ_TYPE_REP_5bis 0x40 /* sub channel of SI 5bis */
-#define FREQ_TYPE_REP_5ter 0x80 /* sub channel of SI 5ter */
-/* structure of all received system informations */
-struct gsm48_sysinfo {
- /* flags of available information */
- uint8_t si1, si2, si2bis, si2ter, si3,
- si4, si5, si5bis, si5ter, si6;
- /* memory maps to simply detect change in system info messages */
- uint8_t si1_msg[23];
- uint8_t si2_msg[23];
- uint8_t si2b_msg[23];
- uint8_t si2t_msg[23];
- uint8_t si3_msg[23];
- uint8_t si4_msg[23];
- uint8_t si5_msg[18];
- uint8_t si5b_msg[18];
- uint8_t si5t_msg[18];
- uint8_t si6_msg[18];
- struct gsm_sysinfo_freq freq[1024]; /* all frequencies */
- uint16_t hopping[64]; /* hopping arfcn */
- uint8_t hopp_len;
- /* serving cell */
- uint8_t bsic;
- uint16_t cell_id;
- uint16_t mcc, mnc, lac; /* LAI */
- uint8_t max_retrans; /* decoded */
- uint8_t tx_integer; /* decoded */
- uint8_t reest_denied; /* 1 = denied */
- uint8_t cell_barr; /* 1 = barred */
- uint16_t class_barr; /* bit 10 is emergency */
- /* si1 rest */
- uint8_t nch;
- uint8_t nch_position;
- uint8_t band_ind; /* set for DCS */
- /* si3 rest */
- uint8_t sp;
- uint8_t sp_cbq;
- uint8_t sp_cro;
- uint8_t sp_to;
- uint8_t sp_pt;
- uint8_t po;
- uint8_t po_value;
- uint8_t si2ter_ind;
- uint8_t ecsm;
- uint8_t sched;
- uint8_t sched_where;
- uint8_t gi_ra_colour;
- uint8_t gi_si13_pos;
- /* cell selection */
- int8_t ms_txpwr_max_cch;
- int8_t cell_resel_hyst_db;
- int8_t rxlev_acc_min_db;
- uint8_t neci;
- uint8_t acs;
- /* bcch options */
- uint8_t bcch_radio_link_timeout;
- uint8_t bcch_dtx;
- uint8_t bcch_pwrc;
- /* sacch options */
- uint8_t sacch_radio_link_timeout;
- uint8_t sacch_dtx;
- uint8_t sacch_pwrc;
- /* control channel */
- uint8_t ccch_conf;
- uint8_t bs_ag_blks_res;
- uint8_t att_allowed;
- uint8_t pag_mf_periods;
- int32_t t3212; /* real value in seconds */
- /* channel description */
- uint8_t tsc;
- uint8_t h; /* using hopping */
- uint16_t arfcn;
- uint8_t maio;
- uint8_t hsn;
- uint8_t chan_nr; /* type, slot, sub slot */
- /* neighbor cell */
- uint8_t nb_ext_ind_si2;
- uint8_t nb_ba_ind_si2;
- uint8_t nb_ext_ind_si2bis;
- uint8_t nb_ba_ind_si2bis;
- uint8_t nb_multi_rep_si2ter; /* see GSM 05.08 8.4.3 */
- uint8_t nb_ba_ind_si2ter;
- uint8_t nb_ext_ind_si5;
- uint8_t nb_ba_ind_si5;
- uint8_t nb_ext_ind_si5bis;
- uint8_t nb_ba_ind_si5bis;
- uint8_t nb_multi_rep_si5ter;
- uint8_t nb_ba_ind_si5ter;
- uint8_t nb_ncc_permitted_si2;
- uint8_t nb_ncc_permitted_si6;
- uint8_t nb_max_retrans; /* decoded */
- uint8_t nb_tx_integer; /* decoded */
- uint8_t nb_reest_denied; /* 1 = denied */
- uint8_t nb_cell_barr; /* 1 = barred */
- uint16_t nb_class_barr; /* bit 10 is emergency */
-char *gsm_print_arfcn(uint16_t arfcn);
-uint8_t gsm_refer_pcs(uint16_t arfcn, struct gsm48_sysinfo *s);
-int gsm48_sysinfo_dump(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s, uint16_t arfcn,
- void (*print)(void *, const char *, ...), void *priv,
- uint8_t *freq_map);
-int gsm48_decode_lai(struct gsm48_loc_area_id *lai, uint16_t *mcc,
- uint16_t *mnc, uint16_t *lac);
-int gsm48_decode_chan_h0(struct gsm48_chan_desc *cd, uint8_t *tsc,
- uint16_t *arfcn);
-int gsm48_decode_chan_h1(struct gsm48_chan_desc *cd, uint8_t *tsc,
- uint8_t *maio, uint8_t *hsn);
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo1(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_1 *si, int len);
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo2(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_2 *si, int len);
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo2bis(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_2bis *si, int len);
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo2ter(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_2ter *si, int len);
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo3(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_3 *si, int len);
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo4(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_4 *si, int len);
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo5(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_5 *si, int len);
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo5bis(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_5bis *si, int len);
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo5ter(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_5ter *si, int len);
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo6(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_6 *si, int len);
-int gsm48_decode_mobile_alloc(struct gsm_sysinfo_freq *freq,
- uint8_t *ma, uint8_t len, uint16_t *hopping, uint8_t *hopp_len,
- int si4);
-#endif /* _SYSINFO_H */
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/misc/ b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/misc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 71c9d38..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/misc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-noinst_HEADERS = layer3.h rslms.h
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/misc/cell_log.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/misc/cell_log.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bce066e..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/misc/cell_log.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-/* Cell Scanning code for OsmocomBB */
-/* (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-int scan_init(struct osmocom_ms *_ms);
-int scan_exit(void);
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/misc/layer3.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/misc/layer3.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bbf242d..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/misc/layer3.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _OSMOCOM_L3_H
-#define _OSMOCOM_L3_H
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-int gsm48_rx_ccch(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm48_rx_dcch(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm48_rx_bcch(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-/* Initialize layer3 for the MS, hook it to L2 */
-int layer3_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-/* Reset the 'aplication' state */
-void layer3_app_reset(void);
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/misc/rslms.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/misc/rslms.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 94fe99c..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/misc/rslms.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-/* From L3 into RSLMS (direction -> L2) */
-/* Send a 'simple' RLL request to L2 */
-int rslms_tx_rll_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t msg_type,
- uint8_t chan_nr, uint8_t link_id);
-/* Send a RLL request (including L3 info) to L2 */
-int rslms_tx_rll_req_l3(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t msg_type,
- uint8_t chan_nr, uint8_t link_id, struct msgb *msg);
-/* From L2 into RSLMS (direction -> L3) */
-/* input function that L2 calls when sending messages up to L3 */
-//int rslms_sendmsg(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-#endif /* _OSMOCOM_RSLMS_H */
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/ b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/
deleted file mode 100644
index 951e4d1..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-noinst_HEADERS = gsm322.h gsm48_cc.h gsm48_mm.h gsm48_rr.h mncc.h settings.h \
- subscriber.h support.h transaction.h vty.h
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/app_mobile.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/app_mobile.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4010a68..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/app_mobile.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef APP_MOBILE_H
-#define APP_MOBILE_H
-char *config_dir;
-int l23_app_init(int (*mncc_recv)(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int, void *),
- const char *config_file, uint16_t vty_port);
-int l23_app_exit(void);
-int l23_app_work(int *quit);
-int mobile_delete(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int force);
-struct osmocom_ms *mobile_new(char *name);
-int mobile_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int mobile_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int force);
-int mobile_work(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm322.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm322.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d94e368..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm322.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _GSM322_H
-#define _GSM322_H
-/* List of states for PLMN slection process (automatic mode) */
-#define GSM322_A0_NULL 0
-#define GSM322_A1_TRYING_RPLMN 1
-#define GSM322_A2_ON_PLMN 2
-#define GSM322_A3_TRYING_PLMN 3
-#define GSM322_A4_WAIT_FOR_PLMN 4
-#define GSM322_A5_HPLMN_SEARCH 5
-#define GSM322_A6_NO_SIM 6
-/* List of states for PLMN slection process (manual mode) */
-#define GSM322_M0_NULL 0
-#define GSM322_M1_TRYING_RPLMN 1
-#define GSM322_M2_ON_PLMN 2
-#define GSM322_M3_NOT_ON_PLMN 3
-#define GSM322_M4_TRYING_PLMN 4
-#define GSM322_M5_NO_SIM 5
-/* 4.3.2 List of states for cell selection process */
-#define GSM322_C0_NULL 0
-#define GSM322_C1_NORMAL_CELL_SEL 1
-#define GSM322_C2_STORED_CELL_SEL 2
-#define GSM322_C3_CAMPED_NORMALLY 3
-#define GSM322_C4_NORMAL_CELL_RESEL 4
-#define GSM322_C5_CHOOSE_CELL 5
-#define GSM322_C6_ANY_CELL_SEL 6
-#define GSM322_C7_CAMPED_ANY_CELL 7
-#define GSM322_C8_ANY_CELL_RESEL 8
-#define GSM322_C9_CHOOSE_ANY_CELL 9
-#define GSM322_PLMN_SEARCH 10
-#define GSM322_HPLMN_SEARCH 11
-/* GSM 03.22 events */
-#define GSM322_EVENT_SWITCH_ON 1
-#define GSM322_EVENT_SWITCH_OFF 2
-#define GSM322_EVENT_SIM_INSERT 3
-#define GSM322_EVENT_SIM_REMOVE 4
-#define GSM322_EVENT_REG_FAILED 6
-#define GSM322_EVENT_ROAMING_NA 7
-#define GSM322_EVENT_NEW_PLMN 9
-#define GSM322_EVENT_ON_PLMN 10
-#define GSM322_EVENT_USER_RESEL 13
-#define GSM322_EVENT_PLMN_AVAIL 14
-#define GSM322_EVENT_CHOOSE_PLMN 15
-#define GSM322_EVENT_SEL_MANUAL 16
-#define GSM322_EVENT_SEL_AUTO 17
-#define GSM322_EVENT_CELL_FOUND 18
-#define GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND 19
-#define GSM322_EVENT_LEAVE_IDLE 20
-#define GSM322_EVENT_RET_IDLE 21
-#define GSM322_EVENT_CELL_RESEL 22
-#define GSM322_EVENT_SYSINFO 23
-enum {
-/* node for each PLMN */
-struct gsm322_plmn_list {
- struct llist_head entry;
- uint16_t mcc, mnc;
- int8_t rxlev; /* rx level in range format */
- uint8_t cause; /* cause value, if PLMN is not allowed */
-/* node for each forbidden LA */
-struct gsm322_la_list {
- struct llist_head entry;
- uint16_t mcc, mnc, lac;
- uint8_t cause;
-/* node for each BA-List */
-struct gsm322_ba_list {
- struct llist_head entry;
- uint16_t mcc, mnc;
- /* Band allocation for 1024+299 frequencies.
- * First bit of first index is frequency 0.
- */
- uint8_t freq[128+38];
-#define GSM322_CS_FLAG_SUPPORT 0x01 /* frequency is supported by radio */
-#define GSM322_CS_FLAG_BA 0x02 /* frequency is part of the current ba */
-#define GSM322_CS_FLAG_POWER 0x04 /* frequency was power scanned */
-#define GSM322_CS_FLAG_SIGNAL 0x08 /* valid signal detected */
-#define GSM322_CS_FLAG_SYSINFO 0x10 /* complete sysinfo received */
-#define GSM322_CS_FLAG_BARRED 0x20 /* cell is barred */
-#define GSM322_CS_FLAG_FORBIDD 0x40 /* cell in list of forbidden LAs */
-#define GSM322_CS_FLAG_TEMP_AA 0x80 /* if temporary available and allowable */
-/* Cell selection list */
-struct gsm322_cs_list {
- uint8_t flags; /* see GSM322_CS_FLAG_* */
- int8_t rxlev; /* rx level range format */
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *sysinfo;
-#if 0
- int8_t min_dbm; /* minimum level to enter cell */
- int8_t max_pwr; /* maximum power to access cell */
- uint16_t class_barr; /* barred classes */
- uint16_t mcc, mnc, lac; /* received mcc, mnc, lac */
-/* PLMN search process */
-struct gsm322_plmn {
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- int state; /* GSM322_Ax_* or GSM322_Mx_* */
- struct llist_head event_queue; /* event messages */
- struct llist_head sorted_plmn; /* list of sorted PLMN */
- struct llist_head forbidden_la; /* forbidden LAs */
- struct osmo_timer_list timer;
- int plmn_curr; /* current index in sorted_plmn */
- uint16_t mcc, mnc; /* current network selected */
-/* state of CCCH activation */
-#define GSM322_CCCH_ST_IDLE 0 /* no connection */
-#define GSM322_CCCH_ST_INIT 1 /* initalized */
-#define GSM322_CCCH_ST_SYNC 2 /* got sync */
-#define GSM322_CCCH_ST_DATA 3 /* receiveing data */
-struct gsm48_sysinfo;
-/* Cell selection process */
-struct gsm322_cellsel {
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- int state; /* GSM322_Cx_* */
- struct llist_head event_queue; /* event messages */
- struct llist_head ba_list; /* BCCH Allocation per PLMN */
- struct osmo_timer_list timer;
- uint16_t mcc, mnc; /* current network to search for */
- struct gsm322_cs_list list[1024+299];
- /* cell selection list per frequency. */
- uint8_t powerscan; /* currently scanning for power */
- uint32_t scan_state; /* special state of current scan */
- uint8_t ccch_state; /* special state of current ccch */
- uint16_t arfcn; /* current tuned idle mode arfcn */
- int arfci; /* list index of frequency above */
- uint8_t ccch_mode; /* curren CCCH_MODE_* */
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *si; /* current sysinfo */
- uint8_t selected; /* if a cell is selected */
- uint16_t sel_arfcn;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo sel_si; /* copy of selected cell, will update */
- uint16_t sel_mcc, sel_mnc, sel_lac, sel_id;
-/* GSM 03.22 message */
-struct gsm322_msg {
- int msg_type;
- uint16_t mcc, mnc;
- uint8_t sysinfo; /* system information type */
- uint8_t same_cell; /* select same cell when RET_IDLE */
- uint8_t reject; /* location update reject cause */
-#define GSM322_ALLOC_SIZE sizeof(struct gsm322_msg)
-#define GSM322_ALLOC_HEADROOM 0
-uint16_t index2arfcn(int index);
-int arfcn2index(uint16_t arfcn);
-int gsm322_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm322_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-struct msgb *gsm322_msgb_alloc(int msg_type);
-int gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-int gsm322_cs_sendmsg(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-int gsm322_c_event(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-int gsm322_plmn_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm322_cs_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm322_add_forbidden_la(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t mcc,
- uint16_t mnc, uint16_t lac, uint8_t cause);
-int gsm322_del_forbidden_la(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t mcc,
- uint16_t mnc, uint16_t lac);
-int gsm322_is_forbidden_la(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t mcc, uint16_t mnc,
- uint16_t lac);
-int gsm322_dump_sorted_plmn(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm322_dump_cs_list(struct gsm322_cellsel *cs, uint8_t flags,
- void (*print)(void *, const char *, ...), void *priv);
-int gsm322_dump_forbidden_la(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- void (*print)(void *, const char *, ...), void *priv);
-int gsm322_dump_ba_list(struct gsm322_cellsel *cs, uint16_t mcc, uint16_t mnc,
- void (*print)(void *, const char *, ...), void *priv);
-void start_cs_timer(struct gsm322_cellsel *cs, int sec, int micro);
-void start_loss_timer(struct gsm322_cellsel *cs, int sec, int micro);
-extern const char *plmn_a_state_names[];
-extern const char *plmn_m_state_names[];
-extern const char *cs_state_names[];
-int gsm322_l1_signal(unsigned int subsys, unsigned int signal,
- void *handler_data, void *signal_data);
-char *gsm_print_rxlev(uint8_t rxlev);
-#endif /* _GSM322_H */
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm48_cc.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm48_cc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d6ea575..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm48_cc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _GSM48_CC_H
-#define _GSM48_CC_H
-struct gsm48_cclayer {
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- struct llist_head mncc_upqueue;
- int (*mncc_recv)(struct osmocom_ms *, int, void *);
-int gsm48_cc_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm48_cc_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm48_rcv_cc(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-int mncc_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int mncc_send(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int msg_type, void *arg);
-#endif /* _GSM48_CC_H */
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm48_mm.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm48_mm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cfe401..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm48_mm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _GSM48_MM_H
-#define _GSM48_MM_H
-/* GSM 04.07 9.2.2 */
-#define GSM48_MMXX_MASK 0xf00
-#define GSM48_MMCC_CLASS 0x100
-#define GSM48_MMSS_CLASS 0x200
-#define GSM48_MMSMS_CLASS 0x300
-#define GSM48_MMCC_EST_REQ 0x110
-#define GSM48_MMCC_EST_IND 0x112
-#define GSM48_MMCC_EST_CNF 0x111
-#define GSM48_MMCC_REL_REQ 0x120
-#define GSM48_MMCC_REL_IND 0x122
-#define GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ 0x130
-#define GSM48_MMCC_DATA_IND 0x132
-#define GSM48_MMCC_UNIT_DATA_REQ 0x140
-#define GSM48_MMCC_UNIT_DATA_IND 0x142
-#define GSM48_MMCC_SYNC_IND 0x152
-#define GSM48_MMCC_REEST_REQ 0x160
-#define GSM48_MMCC_REEST_CNF 0x161
-#define GSM48_MMCC_ERR_IND 0x172
-#define GSM48_MMCC_PROMPT_IND 0x182
-#define GSM48_MMCC_PROMPT_REJ 0x184
-#define GSM48_MMSS_EST_REQ 0x210
-#define GSM48_MMSS_EST_IND 0x212
-#define GSM48_MMSS_EST_CNF 0x211
-#define GSM48_MMSS_REL_REQ 0x220
-#define GSM48_MMSS_REL_IND 0x222
-#define GSM48_MMSS_DATA_REQ 0x230
-#define GSM48_MMSS_DATA_IND 0x232
-#define GSM48_MMSS_UNIT_DATA_REQ 0x240
-#define GSM48_MMSS_UNIT_DATA_IND 0x242
-#define GSM48_MMSS_REEST_REQ 0x260
-#define GSM48_MMSS_REEST_CNF 0x261
-#define GSM48_MMSS_ERR_IND 0x272
-#define GSM48_MMSS_PROMPT_IND 0x282
-#define GSM48_MMSS_PROMPT_REJ 0x284
-#define GSM48_MMSMS_EST_REQ 0x310
-#define GSM48_MMSMS_EST_IND 0x312
-#define GSM48_MMSMS_EST_CNF 0x311
-#define GSM48_MMSMS_REL_REQ 0x320
-#define GSM48_MMSMS_REL_IND 0x322
-#define GSM48_MMSMS_DATA_REQ 0x330
-#define GSM48_MMSMS_DATA_IND 0x332
-#define GSM48_MMSMS_UNIT_DATA_REQ 0x340
-#define GSM48_MMSMS_UNIT_DATA_IND 0x342
-#define GSM48_MMSMS_REEST_REQ 0x360
-#define GSM48_MMSMS_REEST_CNF 0x361
-#define GSM48_MMSMS_ERR_IND 0x372
-#define GSM48_MMSMS_PROMPT_IND 0x382
-#define GSM48_MMSMS_PROMPT_REJ 0x384
-#define MMXX_ALLOC_SIZE 256
-/* MMxx-SAP header */
-struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr {
- int msg_type; /* MMxx_* primitive */
- uint32_t ref; /* reference to transaction */
- uint32_t transaction_id; /* transaction identifier */
- uint8_t emergency; /* emergency type of call */
- uint8_t cause; /* cause used for release */
-/* GSM 6.1.2 */
-#define GSM48_MMR_REG_REQ 0x01
-#define GSM48_MMR_REG_CNF 0x02
-#define GSM48_MMR_NREG_REQ 0x03
-#define GSM48_MMR_NREG_IND 0x04
-/* MMR-SAP header */
-struct gsm48_mmr {
- int msg_type;
- uint8_t cause;
-/* GSM 04.07 9.2.1 */
-#define GSM48_MMXX_ST_IDLE 0
-#define GSM48_MMXX_ST_CONN_PEND 1
-#define GSM48_MMXX_ST_CONN_SUSP 3
-/* GSM 04.08 */
-#define GSM48_MM_ST_NULL 0
-#define GSM48_MM_ST_LOC_UPD_INIT 3
-#define GSM48_MM_ST_LOC_UPD_REJ 10
-#define GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_REEST 17
-#define GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_RR_ACTIVE 18
-#define GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE 19
-#define GSM48_MM_ST_LOC_UPD_PEND 23
-/* GSM 04.08 */
-#define GSM48_MM_SST_NO_IMSI 4
-/* MM events */
-#define GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3210 3
-#define GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3211 4
-#define GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3212 5
-#define GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3213 6
-#define GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3220 7
-#define GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3230 8
-#define GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3240 9
-#define GSM48_MM_EVENT_POWER_OFF 11
-#define GSM48_MM_EVENT_PAGING 12
-#define GSM48_MM_EVENT_SYSINFO 14
-/* message for MM events */
-struct gsm48_mm_event {
- uint32_t msg_type;
- uint8_t sres[4];
-/* GSM 04.08 MM timers */
-#define GSM_T3210_MS 20, 0
-#define GSM_T3211_MS 15, 0
-/* T3212 is given by SYSTEM INFORMATION */
-#define GSM_T3213_MS 4, 0
-#define GSM_T3220_MS 5, 0
-#define GSM_T3230_MS 15, 0
-#define GSM_T3240_MS 10, 0
-#define GSM_T3241_MS 300, 0
-/* MM sublayer instance */
-struct gsm48_mmlayer {
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- int state;
- int substate;
- /* queue for RR-SAP, MMxx-SAP, MMR-SAP, events message upwards */
- struct llist_head rr_upqueue;
- struct llist_head mmxx_upqueue;
- struct llist_head mmr_downqueue;
- struct llist_head event_queue;
- /* timers */
- struct osmo_timer_list t3210, t3211, t3212, t3213;
- struct osmo_timer_list t3220, t3230, t3240;
- int t3212_value;
- int start_t3211; /* remember to start timer */
- /* list of MM connections */
- struct llist_head mm_conn;
- /* network name */
- char name_short[32];
- char name_long[32];
- /* location update */
- uint8_t lupd_pending; /* current pending loc. upd. */
- uint8_t lupd_type; /* current coded type */
- uint8_t lupd_attempt; /* attempt counter */
- uint8_t lupd_ra_failure;/* random access failed */
- uint8_t lupd_rej_cause; /* cause of last reject */
- uint8_t lupd_periodic; /* periodic update pending */
- uint8_t lupd_retry; /* pending T3211/T3213 to */
- uint16_t lupd_mcc, lupd_mnc, lupd_lac;
- /* imsi detach */
- uint8_t delay_detach; /* do detach when possible */
- /* other */
- uint8_t est_cause; /* cause of establishment msg */
- int mr_substate; /* rem most recent substate */
- uint8_t power_off_idle; /* waits for IDLE before po */
-/* MM connection entry */
-struct gsm48_mm_conn {
- struct llist_head list;
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm;
- /* ref and type form a unique tupple */
- uint32_t ref; /* reference to trans */
- uint8_t protocol;
- uint8_t transaction_id;
- int state;
-uint8_t gsm48_current_pwr_lev(struct gsm_settings *set, uint16_t arfcn);
-int gsm48_mm_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm48_mm_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-struct msgb *gsm48_mmr_msgb_alloc(int msg_type);
-struct msgb *gsm48_mmevent_msgb_alloc(int msg_type);
-int gsm48_mmevent_msg(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-int gsm48_mmr_downmsg(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-int gsm48_rr_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm48_mmxx_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm48_mmr_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm48_mmevent_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm48_mmxx_downmsg(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-struct msgb *gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(int msg_type, uint32_t ref,
- uint8_t transaction_id);
-const char *get_mmr_name(int value);
-const char *get_mmxx_name(int value);
-extern const char *gsm48_mm_state_names[];
-extern const char *gsm48_mm_substate_names[];
-#endif /* _GSM48_MM_H */
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm48_rr.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm48_rr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cccf279..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm48_rr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _GSM48_RR_H
-#define _GSM48_RR_H
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08.h>
-#define GSM_TA_CM 55385
-/* GSM 04.07 9.1.2 */
-#define GSM48_RR_EST_REQ 0x10
-#define GSM48_RR_EST_IND 0x12
-#define GSM48_RR_EST_CNF 0x11
-#define GSM48_RR_REL_IND 0x22
-#define GSM48_RR_SYNC_IND 0x32
-#define GSM48_RR_DATA_REQ 0x40
-#define GSM48_RR_DATA_IND 0x42
-#define GSM48_RR_UNIT_DATA_IND 0x52
-#define GSM48_RR_ABORT_REQ 0x60
-#define GSM48_RR_ABORT_IND 0x62
-#define GSM48_RR_ACT_REQ 0x70
-#define RR_EST_CAUSE_LOC_UPD 12
-#define RR_REL_CAUSE_T3122 4
-#define L3_ALLOC_SIZE 256
-#define L3_ALLOC_HEADROOM 64
-#define RSL_ALLOC_SIZE 256
-#define RR_ALLOC_SIZE 256
-/* GSM 04.08 RR-SAP header */
-struct gsm48_rr_hdr {
- uint32_t msg_type; /* RR-* primitive */
- uint8_t cause;
-/* GSM 04.07 9.1.1 */
-#define GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE 0
-#define GSM48_RR_ST_CONN_PEND 1
-#define GSM48_RR_ST_DEDICATED 2
-#define GSM48_RR_ST_REL_PEND 3
-/* modify state */
-#define GSM48_RR_MOD_NONE 0
-#define GSM48_RR_MOD_IMM_ASS 1
-#define GSM48_RR_MOD_ASSIGN 2
-#define GSM48_RR_MOD_HANDO 3
-/* channel description */
-struct gsm48_rr_cd {
- uint8_t tsc;
- uint8_t h; /* using hopping */
- uint16_t arfcn; /* dedicated mode */
- uint8_t maio;
- uint8_t hsn;
- uint8_t chan_nr; /* type, slot, sub slot */
- uint8_t link_id;
- uint8_t ind_tx_power; /* last indicated power */
- uint8_t ind_ta; /* last indicated ta */
- uint8_t mob_alloc_lv[9]; /* len + up to 64 bits */
- uint8_t freq_list_lv[131]; /* len + 130 octets */
- uint8_t freq_seq_lv[10]; /* len + 9 octets */
- uint8_t cell_desc_lv[17]; /* len + 16 octets */
- uint8_t start; /* start time available */
- struct gsm_time start_tm; /* start time */
- uint8_t mode; /* mode of channel */
- uint8_t cipher; /* ciphering of channel */
-struct gsm48_cr_hist {
- uint8_t valid;
- struct gsm48_req_ref ref;
-/* neighbor cell measurements */
-struct gsm48_rr_meas {
- /* note: must be sorted by arfcn 1..1023,0 according to SI5* */
- uint8_t nc_num; /* number of measured cells (32 max) */
- int8_t nc_rxlev[32]; /* -128 = no value */
- uint8_t nc_bsic[32];
- uint16_t nc_arfcn[32];
-/* RR sublayer instance */
-struct gsm48_rrlayer {
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- int state;
- /* queue for RSL-SAP message upwards */
- struct llist_head rsl_upqueue;
- /* queue for messages while RR connection is built up */
- struct llist_head downqueue;
- /* timers */
- struct osmo_timer_list t_starting; /* starting time for chan. access */
- struct osmo_timer_list t_rel_wait; /* wait for L2 to transmit UA */
- struct osmo_timer_list t3110;
- struct osmo_timer_list t3122;
- struct osmo_timer_list t3124;
- struct osmo_timer_list t3126;
- int t3126_value;
-#ifndef TODO
- struct osmo_timer_list temp_rach_ti; /* temporary timer */
- /* states if RR-EST-REQ was used */
- uint8_t rr_est_req;
- struct msgb *rr_est_msg;
- uint8_t est_cause; /* cause used for establishment */
- /* channel request states */
- uint8_t wait_assign; /* waiting for assignment state */
- uint8_t n_chan_req; /* number left, incl. current */
- uint8_t chan_req_val; /* current request value */
- uint8_t chan_req_mask; /* mask of random bits */
- /* state of dedicated mdoe */
- uint8_t dm_est;
- /* cr_hist */
- uint8_t cr_ra; /* stores requested ra until confirmed */
- struct gsm48_cr_hist cr_hist[3];
- /* V(SD) sequence numbers */
- uint16_t v_sd; /* 16 PD 1-bit sequence numbers packed */
- /* current channel descriptions */
- struct gsm48_rr_cd cd_now;
- /* current cipering */
- uint8_t cipher_on;
- uint8_t cipher_type; /* */
- /* special states when assigning channel */
- uint8_t modify_state;
- uint8_t hando_sync_ind, hando_rot, hando_nci, hando_act;
- struct gsm48_rr_cd cd_last; /* store last cd in case of failure */
- struct gsm48_rr_cd cd_before; /* before start time */
- struct gsm48_rr_cd cd_after; /* after start time */
- /* BA range */
- uint8_t ba_ranges;
- uint32_t ba_range[16];
- /* measurements */
- struct osmo_timer_list t_meas;
- struct gsm48_rr_meas meas;
- uint8_t monitor;
-const char *get_rr_name(int value);
-extern int gsm48_rr_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-extern int gsm48_rr_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm48_rsl_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm48_rr_downmsg(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-struct msgb *gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc(void);
-struct msgb *gsm48_rr_msgb_alloc(int msg_type);
-int gsm48_decode_lai(struct gsm48_loc_area_id *lai, uint16_t *mcc,
- uint16_t *mnc, uint16_t *lac);
-int gsm48_encode_lai(struct gsm48_loc_area_id *lai, uint16_t mcc,
- uint16_t mnc, uint16_t lac);
-int gsm48_rr_enc_cm2(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct gsm48_classmark2 *cm);
-int gsm48_rr_tx_rand_acc(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-int gsm48_rr_los(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm48_rr_rach_conf(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint32_t fn);
-extern const char *gsm48_rr_state_names[];
-int gsm48_rr_start_monitor(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm48_rr_stop_monitor(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm48_rr_alter_delay(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-#endif /* _GSM48_RR_H */
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/mncc.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/mncc.h
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index a2b48cf..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/mncc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-/* GSM Mobile Radio Interface Layer 3 messages on the A-bis interface
- * 3GPP TS 04.08 version 7.21.0 Release 1998 / ETSI TS 100 940 V7.21.0 */
-/* (C) 2008-2009 by Harald Welte <>
- * (C) 2008, 2009 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther <>
- * (C) 2009 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _MNCC_H
-#define _MNCC_H
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/mncc.h>
-struct gsm_call {
- struct llist_head entry;
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- uint32_t callref;
- uint8_t init; /* call initiated, no response yet */
- uint8_t hold; /* call on hold */
- uint8_t ring; /* call ringing/knocking */
- struct osmo_timer_list dtmf_timer;
- uint8_t dtmf_state;
- uint8_t dtmf_index;
- char dtmf[32]; /* dtmf sequence */
-#define DTMF_ST_IDLE 0 /* no DTMF active */
-#define DTMF_ST_START 1 /* DTMF started, waiting for resp. */
-#define DTMF_ST_MARK 2 /* wait tone duration */
-#define DTMF_ST_STOP 3 /* DTMF stopped, waiting for resp. */
-#define DTMF_ST_SPACE 4 /* wait space between tones */
-#define MNCC_SETUP_REQ 0x0101
-#define MNCC_SETUP_IND 0x0102
-#define MNCC_SETUP_RSP 0x0103
-#define MNCC_SETUP_CNF 0x0104
-#define MNCC_SETUP_COMPL_REQ 0x0105
-#define MNCC_SETUP_COMPL_IND 0x0106
-/* MNCC_REJ_* is perfomed via MNCC_REL_* */
-#define MNCC_CALL_CONF_IND 0x0107
-#define MNCC_CALL_PROC_REQ 0x0108
-#define MNCC_PROGRESS_REQ 0x0109
-#define MNCC_ALERT_REQ 0x010a
-#define MNCC_ALERT_IND 0x010b
-#define MNCC_NOTIFY_REQ 0x010c
-#define MNCC_NOTIFY_IND 0x010d
-#define MNCC_DISC_REQ 0x010e
-#define MNCC_DISC_IND 0x010f
-#define MNCC_REL_REQ 0x0110
-#define MNCC_REL_IND 0x0111
-#define MNCC_REL_CNF 0x0112
-#define MNCC_FACILITY_REQ 0x0113
-#define MNCC_FACILITY_IND 0x0114
-#define MNCC_START_DTMF_IND 0x0115
-#define MNCC_START_DTMF_RSP 0x0116
-#define MNCC_START_DTMF_REJ 0x0117
-#define MNCC_STOP_DTMF_IND 0x0118
-#define MNCC_STOP_DTMF_RSP 0x0119
-#define MNCC_MODIFY_REQ 0x011a
-#define MNCC_MODIFY_IND 0x011b
-#define MNCC_MODIFY_RSP 0x011c
-#define MNCC_MODIFY_CNF 0x011d
-#define MNCC_MODIFY_REJ 0x011e
-#define MNCC_HOLD_IND 0x011f
-#define MNCC_HOLD_CNF 0x0120
-#define MNCC_HOLD_REJ 0x0121
-#define MNCC_RETRIEVE_IND 0x0122
-#define MNCC_RETRIEVE_CNF 0x0123
-#define MNCC_RETRIEVE_REJ 0x0124
-#define MNCC_USERINFO_REQ 0x0125
-#define MNCC_USERINFO_IND 0x0126
-#define MNCC_REJ_REQ 0x0127
-#define MNCC_REJ_IND 0x0128
-#define MNCC_PROGRESS_IND 0x0129
-#define MNCC_CALL_PROC_IND 0x012a
-#define MNCC_CALL_CONF_REQ 0x012b
-#define MNCC_START_DTMF_REQ 0x012c
-#define MNCC_STOP_DTMF_REQ 0x012d
-#define MNCC_HOLD_REQ 0x012e
-#define MNCC_RETRIEVE_REQ 0x012f
-#define MNCC_BRIDGE 0x0200
-#define MNCC_FRAME_RECV 0x0201
-#define MNCC_FRAME_DROP 0x0202
-#define MNCC_LCHAN_MODIFY 0x0203
-#define GSM_TCHF_FRAME 0x0300
-#define GSM_TCHF_FRAME_EFR 0x0301
-#define MS_NEW 0x0400
-#define MS_DELETE 0x0401
-#define GSM_MAX_FACILITY 128
-#define GSM_MAX_SSVERSION 128
-#define GSM_MAX_USERUSER 128
-#define MNCC_F_BEARER_CAP 0x0001
-#define MNCC_F_CALLED 0x0002
-#define MNCC_F_CALLING 0x0004
-#define MNCC_F_REDIRECTING 0x0008
-#define MNCC_F_CONNECTED 0x0010
-#define MNCC_F_CAUSE 0x0020
-#define MNCC_F_USERUSER 0x0040
-#define MNCC_F_PROGRESS 0x0080
-#define MNCC_F_EMERGENCY 0x0100
-#define MNCC_F_FACILITY 0x0200
-#define MNCC_F_SSVERSION 0x0400
-#define MNCC_F_CCCAP 0x0800
-#define MNCC_F_KEYPAD 0x1000
-#define MNCC_F_SIGNAL 0x2000
-struct gsm_mncc {
- /* context based information */
- u_int32_t msg_type;
- u_int32_t callref;
- /* which fields are present */
- u_int32_t fields;
- /* data derived informations (MNCC_F_ based) */
- struct gsm_mncc_bearer_cap bearer_cap;
- struct gsm_mncc_number called;
- struct gsm_mncc_number calling;
- struct gsm_mncc_number redirecting;
- struct gsm_mncc_number connected;
- struct gsm_mncc_cause cause;
- struct gsm_mncc_progress progress;
- struct gsm_mncc_useruser useruser;
- struct gsm_mncc_facility facility;
- struct gsm_mncc_cccap cccap;
- struct gsm_mncc_ssversion ssversion;
- struct {
- int sup;
- int inv;
- } clir;
- int signal;
- /* data derived information, not MNCC_F based */
- int keypad;
- int more;
- int notify; /* 0..127 */
- int emergency;
- char imsi[16];
- unsigned char lchan_mode;
-struct gsm_data_frame {
- u_int32_t msg_type;
- u_int32_t callref;
- unsigned char data[0];
-const char *get_mncc_name(int value);
-int mncc_recv(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int msg_type, void *arg);
-void mncc_set_cause(struct gsm_mncc *data, int loc, int val);
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/settings.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/settings.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fa6089..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/settings.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _settings_h
-#define _settings_h
-/* type of test SIM key */
-enum {
-struct gsm_settings {
- char layer2_socket_path[128];
- char sap_socket_path[128];
- /* IMEI */
- char imei[16];
- char imeisv[17];
- char imei_random;
- /* network search */
- int plmn_mode; /* PLMN_MODE_* */
- /* SIM */
- int sim_type; /* selects card on power on */
- char emergency_imsi[20]; /* just in case... */
- /* test card simulator settings */
- char test_imsi[20]; /* just in case... */
- uint32_t test_tmsi;
- uint8_t test_ki_type;
- uint8_t test_ki[16]; /* 128 bit max */
- uint8_t test_barr;
- uint8_t test_rplmn_valid;
- uint16_t test_rplmn_mcc, test_rplmn_mnc;
- uint16_t test_lac;
- uint8_t test_always; /* hplmn... */
- /* call related settings */
- uint8_t cw; /* set if call-waiting is allowed */
- uint8_t auto_answer;
- uint8_t clip, clir;
- uint8_t half, half_prefer;
- /* changing default behavior */
- uint8_t alter_tx_power;
- uint8_t alter_tx_power_value;
- int8_t alter_delay;
- uint8_t stick;
- uint16_t stick_arfcn;
- uint8_t no_lupd;
- /* supported by configuration */
- uint8_t cc_dtmf;
- uint8_t sms_ptp;
- uint8_t a5_1;
- uint8_t a5_2;
- uint8_t a5_3;
- uint8_t a5_4;
- uint8_t a5_5;
- uint8_t a5_6;
- uint8_t a5_7;
- uint8_t p_gsm;
- uint8_t e_gsm;
- uint8_t r_gsm;
- uint8_t dcs;
- uint8_t gsm_850;
- uint8_t pcs;
- uint8_t gsm_480;
- uint8_t gsm_450;
- uint8_t class_900;
- uint8_t class_dcs;
- uint8_t class_850;
- uint8_t class_pcs;
- uint8_t class_400;
- uint8_t freq_map[128+38];
- uint8_t full_v1;
- uint8_t full_v2;
- uint8_t full_v3;
- uint8_t half_v1;
- uint8_t half_v3;
- uint8_t ch_cap; /* channel capability */
- int8_t min_rxlev_db; /* min DB to access */
- /* radio */
- uint16_t dsc_max;
- /* dialing */
- struct llist_head abbrev;
- /* EDGE / UMTS / CDMA */
- uint8_t edge_ms_sup;
- uint8_t edge_psk_sup;
- uint8_t edge_psk_uplink;
- uint8_t class_900_edge;
- uint8_t class_dcs_pcs_edge;
- uint8_t umts_fdd;
- uint8_t umts_tdd;
- uint8_t cdma_2000;
- uint8_t dtm;
- uint8_t class_dtm;
- uint8_t dtm_mac;
- uint8_t dtm_egprs;
-struct gsm_settings_abbrev {
- struct llist_head list;
- char abbrev[4];
- char number[32];
- char name[32];
-int gsm_settings_arfcn(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm_settings_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm_settings_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-char *gsm_check_imei(const char *imei, const char *sv);
-int gsm_random_imei(struct gsm_settings *set);
-#endif /* _settings_h */
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/subscriber.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/subscriber.h
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index c6cf57a..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/subscriber.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _SUBSCRIBER_H
-#define _SUBSCRIBER_H
-/* GSM 04.08 SIM update status */
-#define GSM_SIM_U0_NULL 0
-#define GSM_SIM_U1_UPDATED 1
-#define GSM_SIM_U3_ROAMING_NA 3
-struct gsm_sub_plmn_list {
- struct llist_head entry;
- uint16_t mcc, mnc;
-struct gsm_sub_plmn_na {
- struct llist_head entry;
- uint16_t mcc, mnc;
- uint8_t cause;
-#define GSM_IMSI_LENGTH 16
-enum {
-struct gsm_subscriber {
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- /* status */
- uint8_t sim_type; /* type of sim */
- uint8_t sim_valid; /* sim inserted and valid */
- uint8_t ustate; /* update status */
- uint8_t imsi_attached; /* attached state */
- /* IMSI & co */
- char imsi[GSM_IMSI_LENGTH];
- char msisdn[31]; /* may include access codes */
- char iccid[21]; /* 20 + termination */
- /* TMSI / LAI */
- uint32_t tmsi; /* invalid tmsi: 0xffffffff */
- uint16_t mcc, mnc, lac; /* invalid lac: 0x0000 */
- /* key */
- uint8_t key_seq; /* ciphering key sequence number */
- uint8_t key[8]; /* 64 bit */
- /* other */
- struct llist_head plmn_list; /* PLMN Selector field */
- struct llist_head plmn_na; /* not allowed PLMNs */
- uint8_t t6m_hplmn; /* timer for hplmn search */
- /* special things */
- uint8_t always_search_hplmn;
- /* search hplmn in other countries also (for test cards) */
- char sim_name[31]; /* name to load/save sim */
- char sim_spn[17]; /* name of service privider */
- /* PLMN last registered */
- uint8_t plmn_valid;
- uint16_t plmn_mcc, plmn_mnc;
- /* our access */
- uint8_t acc_barr; /* if we may access, if cell barred */
- uint16_t acc_class; /* bitmask of what we may access */
- /* talk to SIM */
- uint8_t sim_state;
- uint8_t sim_pin_required; /* state: wait for PIN */
- uint8_t sim_file_index;
- uint32_t sim_handle_query;
- uint32_t sim_handle_update;
- uint32_t sim_handle_key;
-int gsm_subscr_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm_subscr_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm_subscr_testcard(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t mcc, uint16_t mnc,
- uint16_t lac, uint32_t tmsi);
-int gsm_subscr_simcard(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-void gsm_subscr_sim_pin(struct osmocom_ms *ms, char *pin1, char *pin2,
- int8_t mode);
-int gsm_subscr_write_loci(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int gsm_subscr_generate_kc(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t key_seq,
- uint8_t *rand, uint8_t no_sim);
-int gsm_subscr_remove(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-void new_sim_ustate(struct gsm_subscriber *subscr, int state);
-int gsm_subscr_del_forbidden_plmn(struct gsm_subscriber *subscr, uint16_t mcc,
- uint16_t mnc);
-int gsm_subscr_add_forbidden_plmn(struct gsm_subscriber *subscr, uint16_t mcc,
- uint16_t mnc, uint8_t cause);
-int gsm_subscr_is_forbidden_plmn(struct gsm_subscriber *subscr, uint16_t mcc,
- uint16_t mnc);
-int gsm_subscr_dump_forbidden_plmn(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- void (*print)(void *, const char *, ...), void *priv);
-void gsm_subscr_dump(struct gsm_subscriber *subscr,
- void (*print)(void *, const char *, ...), void *priv);
-char *gsm_check_imsi(const char *imsi);
-#endif /* _SUBSCRIBER_H */
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/support.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/support.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 035e10a..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/support.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _SUPPORT_H
-#define _SUPPORT_H
-#define GSM_CIPHER_A5_1 0
-#define GSM_CIPHER_A5_2 1
-#define GSM_CIPHER_A5_3 2
-#define GSM_CIPHER_A5_4 3
-#define GSM_CIPHER_A5_5 4
-#define GSM_CIPHER_A5_6 5
-#define GSM_CIPHER_A5_7 6
-#define GSM_CAP_SDCCH 0
-struct gsm_support {
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- /* controlled early classmark sending */
- uint8_t es_ind;
- /* revision level */
- uint8_t rev_lev;
- /* support of VGCS */
- uint8_t vgcs;
- /* support of VBS */
- uint8_t vbs;
- /* support of SMS */
- uint8_t sms_ptp;
- /* screening indicator */
- uint8_t ss_ind;
- /* pseudo synchronised capability */
- uint8_t ps_cap;
- /* CM service prompt */
- uint8_t cmsp;
- /* solsa support */
- uint8_t solsa;
- /* location service support */
- uint8_t lcsva;
- /* codec supprot */
- uint8_t a5_1;
- uint8_t a5_2;
- uint8_t a5_3;
- uint8_t a5_4;
- uint8_t a5_5;
- uint8_t a5_6;
- uint8_t a5_7;
- /* radio support */
- uint8_t p_gsm;
- uint8_t e_gsm;
- uint8_t r_gsm;
- uint8_t dcs;
- uint8_t gsm_850;
- uint8_t pcs;
- uint8_t gsm_480;
- uint8_t gsm_450;
- uint8_t class_900;
- uint8_t class_dcs;
- uint8_t class_850;
- uint8_t class_pcs;
- uint8_t class_400;
- /* multi slot support */
- uint8_t ms_sup;
- /* ucs2 treatment */
- uint8_t ucs2_treat;
- /* support extended measurements */
- uint8_t ext_meas;
- /* support switched measurement capability */
- uint8_t meas_cap;
- uint8_t sms_val;
- uint8_t sm_val;
- /* positioning method capability */
- uint8_t loc_serv;
- uint8_t e_otd_ass;
- uint8_t e_otd_based;
- uint8_t gps_ass;
- uint8_t gps_based;
- uint8_t gps_conv;
- /* radio */
- uint8_t ch_cap; /* channel capability */
- int8_t min_rxlev_db;
- uint8_t scan_to;
- uint8_t sync_to;
- uint16_t dsc_max; /* maximum dl signal failure counter */
- /* codecs */
- uint8_t full_v1;
- uint8_t full_v2;
- uint8_t full_v3;
- uint8_t half_v1;
- uint8_t half_v3;
- /* EDGE / UMTS / CDMA */
- uint8_t edge_ms_sup;
- uint8_t edge_psk_sup;
- uint8_t edge_psk_uplink;
- uint8_t class_900_edge;
- uint8_t class_dcs_pcs_edge;
- uint8_t umts_fdd;
- uint8_t umts_tdd;
- uint8_t cdma_2000;
- uint8_t dtm;
- uint8_t class_dtm;
- uint8_t dtm_mac;
- uint8_t dtm_egprs;
-struct gsm_support_scan_max {
- uint16_t start;
- uint16_t end;
- uint16_t max;
- uint16_t temp;
-extern struct gsm_support_scan_max gsm_sup_smax[];
-void gsm_support_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-void gsm_support_dump(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- void (*print)(void *, const char *, ...), void *priv);
-#endif /* _SUPPORT_H */
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/transaction.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/transaction.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aa62f46..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/transaction.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _TRANSACT_H
-#define _TRANSACT_H
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-/* One transaction */
-struct gsm_trans {
- /* Entry in list of all transactions */
- struct llist_head entry;
- /* The protocol within which we live */
- uint8_t protocol;
- /* The current transaction ID */
- uint8_t transaction_id;
- /* To whom we belong */
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- /* reference from MNCC or other application */
- uint32_t callref;
- /* if traffic channel receive was requested */
- int tch_recv;
- union {
- struct {
- /* current call state */
- int state;
- /* most recent progress indicator */
- uint8_t prog_ind;
- /* current timer and message queue */
- int Tcurrent; /* current CC timer */
- int T308_second; /* used to send release again */
- struct osmo_timer_list timer;
- struct gsm_mncc msg; /* stores setup/disconnect/release message */
- } cc;
-#if 0
- struct {
- uint8_t link_id; /* RSL Link ID to be used for this trans */
- int is_mt; /* is this a MO (0) or MT (1) transfer */
- enum gsm411_cp_state cp_state;
- struct osmo_timer_list cp_timer;
- enum gsm411_rp_state rp_state;
- struct gsm_sms *sms;
- } sms;
- };
-struct gsm_trans *trans_find_by_id(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- uint8_t proto, uint8_t trans_id);
-struct gsm_trans *trans_find_by_callref(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- uint32_t callref);
-struct gsm_trans *trans_alloc(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- uint8_t protocol, uint8_t trans_id,
- uint32_t callref);
-void trans_free(struct gsm_trans *trans);
-int trans_assign_trans_id(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- uint8_t protocol, uint8_t ti_flag);
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/vty.h b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/vty.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f1341b..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/include/osmocom/bb/mobile/vty.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef OSMOCOM_VTY_H
-#define OSMOCOM_VTY_H
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/vty.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/buffer.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/command.h>
-enum ms_vty_node {
-enum node_type ms_vty_go_parent(struct vty *vty);
-int ms_vty_init(void);
-extern void vty_notify(struct osmocom_ms *ms, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/ b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 58a5f7f..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-SUBDIRS = common misc mobile
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/ b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index f6e3f83..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir)/include
-noinst_LIBRARIES = liblayer23.a
-liblayer23_a_SOURCES = l1ctl.c l1l2_interface.c sap_interface.c lapdm.c \
- logging.c networks.c sim.c sysinfo.c gps.c
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/gps.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/gps.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 38aae2c..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/gps.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include <termios.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#ifdef _HAVE_GPSD
-#include <gps.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/gps.h>
-struct osmo_gps g = {
- 0,
-#ifdef _HAVE_GPSD
- "localhost",
- "2947",
- "/dev/ttyACM0",
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,0
-static struct osmo_fd gps_bfd;
-#ifdef _HAVE_GPSD
-static struct gps_data_t* gdata;
-int osmo_gpsd_cb(struct osmo_fd *bfd, unsigned int what)
- struct tm *tm;
- unsigned diff = 0;
- g.valid = 0;
- /* gps is offline */
- if (gdata->online)
- goto gps_not_ready;
- /* gps has no data */
- if (gps_waiting(gdata))
- goto gps_not_ready;
- /* polling returned an error */
- if (gps_poll(gdata))
- goto gps_not_ready;
- /* data are valid */
- if (gdata->set & LATLON_SET) {
- g.valid = 1;
- g.gmt = gdata->fix.time;
- tm = localtime(&g.gmt);
- diff = time(NULL) - g.gmt;
- g.latitude = gdata->fix.latitude;
- g.longitude = gdata->fix.longitude;
- LOGP(DGPS, LOGL_INFO, " time=%02d:%02d:%02d %04d-%02d-%02d, "
- "diff-to-host=%d, latitude=%do%.4f, longitude=%do%.4f\n",
- tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, tm->tm_year + 1900,
- tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_mon + 1, diff,
- (int)g.latitude,
- (g.latitude - ((int)g.latitude)) * 60.0,
- (int)g.longitude,
- (g.longitude - ((int)g.longitude)) * 60.0);
- }
- return 0;
- LOGP(DGPS, LOGL_DEBUG, "gps is offline");
- return -1;
-int osmo_gpsd_open(void)
- LOGP(DGPS, LOGL_INFO, "Connecting to gpsd at '%s:%s'\n", g.gpsd_host, g.gpsd_port);
- = NULL;
- gps_bfd.when = BSC_FD_READ;
- gps_bfd.cb = osmo_gpsd_cb;
- gdata = gps_open(g.gpsd_host, g.gpsd_port);
- if (gdata == NULL) {
- LOGP(DGPS, LOGL_ERROR, "Can't connect to gpsd\n");
- return -1;
- }
- gps_bfd.fd = gdata->gps_fd;
- if (gps_bfd.fd < 0)
- return gps_bfd.fd;
- if (gps_stream(gdata, WATCH_ENABLE, NULL) == -1) {
- LOGP(DGPS, LOGL_ERROR, "Error in gps_stream()\n");
- return -1;
- }
- osmo_fd_register(&gps_bfd);
- return 0;
-void osmo_gpsd_close(void)
- if (gps_bfd.fd <= 0)
- return;
- LOGP(DGPS, LOGL_INFO, "Disconnecting from gpsd\n");
- osmo_fd_unregister(&gps_bfd);
- gps_close(gdata);
- gps_bfd.fd = -1; /* -1 or 0 indicates: 'close' */
-static struct termios gps_termios, gps_old_termios;
-static int osmo_serialgps_line(char *line)
- time_t gps_now, host_now;
- struct tm *tm;
- int32_t diff;
- double latitude, longitude;
- if (!!strncmp(line, "$GPGLL", 6))
- return 0;
- line += 7;
- if (strlen(line) < 37)
- return 0;
- line[37] = '\0';
- /* ddmm.mmmm,N,dddmm.mmmm,E,hhmmss.mmm,A */
- /* valid position */
- if (line[36] != 'A') {
- LOGP(DGPS, LOGL_INFO, "%s (invalid)\n", line);
- g.valid = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- g.valid = 1;
- /* time stamp */
- gps_now = line[30] - '0';
- gps_now += (line[29] - '0') * 10;
- gps_now += (line[28] - '0') * 60;
- gps_now += (line[27] - '0') * 600;
- gps_now += (line[26] - '0') * 3600;
- gps_now += (line[25] - '0') * 36000;
- time(&host_now);
- /* calculate the number of seconds the host differs from GPS */
- diff = host_now % 86400 - gps_now;
- if (diff < 0)
- diff += 86400;
- if (diff >= 43200)
- diff -= 86400;
- /* apply the "date" part to the GPS time */
- gps_now = host_now - diff;
- g.gmt = gps_now;
- tm = localtime(&gps_now);
- /* position */
- latitude = (double)(line[0] - '0') * 10.0;
- latitude += (double)(line[1] - '0');
- latitude += (double)(line[2] - '0') / 6.0;
- latitude += (double)(line[3] - '0') / 60.0;
- latitude += (double)(line[5] - '0') / 600.0;
- latitude += (double)(line[6] - '0') / 6000.0;
- latitude += (double)(line[7] - '0') / 60000.0;
- latitude += (double)(line[8] - '0') / 600000.0;
- if (line[10] == 'S')
- latitude = 0.0 - latitude;
- g.latitude = latitude;
- longitude = (double)(line[12] - '0') * 100.0;
- longitude += (double)(line[13] - '0') * 10.0;
- longitude += (double)(line[14] - '0');
- longitude += (double)(line[15] - '0') / 6.0;
- longitude += (double)(line[16] - '0') / 60.0;
- longitude += (double)(line[18] - '0') / 600.0;
- longitude += (double)(line[19] - '0') / 6000.0;
- longitude += (double)(line[20] - '0') / 60000.0;
- longitude += (double)(line[21] - '0') / 600000.0;
- if (line[23] == 'W')
- longitude = 360.0 - longitude;
- g.longitude = longitude;
- LOGP(DGPS, LOGL_DEBUG, "%s\n", line);
- LOGP(DGPS, LOGL_INFO, " time=%02d:%02d:%02d %04d-%02d-%02d, "
- "diff-to-host=%d, latitude=%do%.4f, longitude=%do%.4f\n",
- tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, tm->tm_year + 1900,
- tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_mon + 1, diff,
- (int)g.latitude,
- (g.latitude - ((int)g.latitude)) * 60.0,
- (int)g.longitude,
- (g.longitude - ((int)g.longitude)) * 60.0);
- return 0;
-static int nmea_checksum(char *line)
- uint8_t checksum = 0;
- while (*line) {
- if (*line == '$') {
- line++;
- continue;
- }
- if (*line == '*')
- break;
- checksum ^= *line++;
- }
- return (strtoul(line+1, NULL, 16) == checksum);
-int osmo_serialgps_cb(struct osmo_fd *bfd, unsigned int what)
- char buff[128];
- static char line[128];
- static int lpos = 0;
- int i = 0, len;
- len = read(bfd->fd, buff, sizeof(buff));
- if (len <= 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "error reading GPS device (errno=%d)\n", errno);
- return len;
- }
- while(i < len) {
- if (buff[i] == 13) {
- i++;
- continue;
- }
- if (buff[i] == 10) {
- line[lpos] = '\0';
- lpos = 0;
- i++;
- if (!nmea_checksum(line))
- fprintf(stderr, "NMEA checksum error\n");
- else
- osmo_serialgps_line(line);
- continue;
- }
- line[lpos++] = buff[i++];
- if (lpos == sizeof(line))
- lpos--;
- }
- return 0;
-int osmo_serialgps_open(void)
- int baud = 0;
- if (gps_bfd.fd > 0)
- return 0;
- LOGP(DGPS, LOGL_INFO, "Open GPS device '%s'\n", g.device);
- = NULL;
- gps_bfd.when = BSC_FD_READ;
- gps_bfd.cb = osmo_serialgps_cb;
- gps_bfd.fd = open(g.device, O_RDONLY);
- if (gps_bfd.fd < 0)
- return gps_bfd.fd;
- switch (g.baud) {
- case 4800:
- baud = B4800; break;
- case 9600:
- baud = B9600; break;
- case 19200:
- baud = B19200; break;
- case 38400:
- baud = B38400; break;
- case 57600:
- baud = B57600; break;
- case 115200:
- baud = B115200; break;
- }
- if (isatty(gps_bfd.fd))
- {
- /* get termios */
- tcgetattr(gps_bfd.fd, &gps_old_termios);
- tcgetattr(gps_bfd.fd, &gps_termios);
- /* set baud */
- if (baud) {
- gps_termios.c_cflag |= baud;
- cfsetispeed(&gps_termios, baud);
- cfsetospeed(&gps_termios, baud);
- }
- if (tcsetattr(gps_bfd.fd, TCSANOW, &gps_termios))
- printf("Failed to set termios for GPS\n");
- }
- osmo_fd_register(&gps_bfd);
- return 0;
-void osmo_serialgps_close(void)
- if (gps_bfd.fd <= 0)
- return;
- LOGP(DGPS, LOGL_INFO, "Close GPS device\n");
- osmo_fd_unregister(&gps_bfd);
- if (isatty(gps_bfd.fd))
- tcsetattr(gps_bfd.fd, TCSANOW, &gps_old_termios);
- close(gps_bfd.fd);
- gps_bfd.fd = -1; /* -1 or 0 indicates: 'close' */
-void osmo_gps_init(void)
- memset(&gps_bfd, 0, sizeof(gps_bfd));
-int osmo_gps_open(void)
- switch (g.gps_type) {
-#ifdef _HAVE_GPSD
- return osmo_gpsd_open();
- return osmo_serialgps_open();
- default:
- return 0;
- }
-void osmo_gps_close(void)
- switch (g.gps_type) {
-#ifdef _HAVE_GPSD
- return osmo_gpsd_close();
- return osmo_serialgps_close();
- default:
- return;
- }
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/l1ctl.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/l1ctl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c92244..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/l1ctl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,793 +0,0 @@
-/* Layer1 control code, talking L1CTL protocol with L1 on the phone */
-/* (C) 2010 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther <>
- * (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <l1ctl_proto.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/signal.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/timer.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/tlv.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm_utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/gsmtap_util.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_08_58.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/rsl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1l2_interface.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/lapdm.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-extern struct gsmtap_inst *gsmtap_inst;
-static struct msgb *osmo_l1_alloc(uint8_t msg_type)
- struct l1ctl_hdr *l1h;
- struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(256, 4, "osmo_l1");
- if (!msg) {
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to allocate memory.\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- msg->l1h = msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*l1h));
- l1h = (struct l1ctl_hdr *) msg->l1h;
- l1h->msg_type = msg_type;
- return msg;
-static int osmo_make_band_arfcn(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t arfcn)
- /* TODO: Include the band */
- return arfcn;
-static int rx_l1_fbsb_conf(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct l1ctl_info_dl *dl;
- struct l1ctl_fbsb_conf *sb;
- struct gsm_time tm;
- struct osmobb_fbsb_res fr;
- if (msgb_l3len(msg) < sizeof(*dl) + sizeof(*sb)) {
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "FBSB RESP: MSG too short %u\n",
- msgb_l3len(msg));
- return -1;
- }
- dl = (struct l1ctl_info_dl *) msg->l1h;
- sb = (struct l1ctl_fbsb_conf *) dl->payload;
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "snr=%04x, arfcn=%u result=%u\n", dl->snr,
- ntohs(dl->band_arfcn), sb->result);
- if (sb->result != 0) {
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "FBSB RESP: result=%u\n", sb->result);
- osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_L1CTL, S_L1CTL_FBSB_ERR, ms);
- return 0;
- }
- gsm_fn2gsmtime(&tm, ntohl(dl->frame_nr));
- DEBUGP(DL1C, "SCH: SNR: %u TDMA: (%.4u/%.2u/%.2u) bsic: %d\n",
- dl->snr, tm.t1, tm.t2, tm.t3, sb->bsic);
- = ms;
- fr.snr = dl->snr;
- fr.bsic = sb->bsic;
- osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_L1CTL, S_L1CTL_FBSB_RESP, &fr);
- return 0;
-static int rx_l1_rach_conf(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct l1ctl_info_dl *dl;
- if (msgb_l2len(msg) < sizeof(*dl)) {
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "RACH CONF: MSG too short %u\n",
- msgb_l3len(msg));
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -1;
- }
- dl = (struct l1ctl_info_dl *) msg->l1h;
- l2_ph_chan_conf(msg, ms, dl);
- return 0;
-/* Receive L1CTL_DATA_IND (Data Indication from L1) */
-static int rx_ph_data_ind(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct l1ctl_info_dl *dl, dl_cpy;
- struct l1ctl_data_ind *ccch;
- struct lapdm_entity *le;
- struct rx_meas_stat *meas = &ms->meas;
- uint8_t chan_type, chan_ts, chan_ss;
- uint8_t gsmtap_chan_type;
- struct gsm_time tm;
- if (msgb_l3len(msg) < sizeof(*ccch)) {
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "MSG too short Data Ind: %u\n",
- msgb_l3len(msg));
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -1;
- }
- dl = (struct l1ctl_info_dl *) msg->l1h;
- msg->l2h = dl->payload;
- ccch = (struct l1ctl_data_ind *) msg->l2h;
- gsm_fn2gsmtime(&tm, ntohl(dl->frame_nr));
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(dl->chan_nr, &chan_type, &chan_ss, &chan_ts);
- DEBUGP(DL1C, "%s (%.4u/%.2u/%.2u) %d dBm: %s\n",
- rsl_chan_nr_str(dl->chan_nr), tm.t1, tm.t2, tm.t3,
- (int)dl->rx_level-110,
- osmo_hexdump(ccch->data, sizeof(ccch->data)));
- meas->last_fn = ntohl(dl->frame_nr);
- meas->frames++;
- meas->snr += dl->snr;
- meas->berr += dl->num_biterr;
- meas->rxlev += dl->rx_level;
- /* counting loss criteria */
- if (!(dl->link_id & 0x40)) {
- switch (chan_type) {
- if (!meas->ds_fail)
- break;
- if (dl->fire_crc >= 2)
- meas->dsc -= 4;
- else
- meas->dsc += 1;
- if (meas->dsc > meas->ds_fail)
- meas->dsc = meas->ds_fail;
- if (meas->dsc < meas->ds_fail)
- printf("LOSS counter for CCCH %d\n", meas->dsc);
- if (meas->dsc > 0)
- break;
- meas->ds_fail = 0;
- osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_L1CTL, S_L1CTL_LOSS_IND, ms);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- switch (chan_type) {
- case RSL_CHAN_Bm_ACCHs:
- case RSL_CHAN_Lm_ACCHs:
- if (!meas->rl_fail)
- break;
- if (dl->fire_crc >= 2)
- meas->s -= 1;
- else
- meas->s += 2;
- if (meas->s > meas->rl_fail)
- meas->s = meas->rl_fail;
- if (meas->s < meas->rl_fail)
- printf("LOSS counter for ACCH %d\n", meas->s);
- if (meas->s > 0)
- break;
- meas->rl_fail = 0;
- osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_L1CTL, S_L1CTL_LOSS_IND, ms);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (dl->fire_crc >= 2) {
-printf("Dropping frame with %u bit errors\n", dl->num_biterr);
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_NOTICE, "Dropping frame with %u bit errors\n",
- dl->num_biterr);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* send CCCH data via GSMTAP */
- gsmtap_chan_type = chantype_rsl2gsmtap(chan_type, dl->link_id);
- gsmtap_send(gsmtap_inst, ntohs(dl->band_arfcn), chan_ts,
- gsmtap_chan_type, chan_ss, tm.fn, dl->rx_level-110,
- dl->snr, ccch->data, sizeof(ccch->data));
- /* determine LAPDm entity based on SACCH or not */
- if (dl->link_id & 0x40)
- le = &ms->l2_entity.lapdm_acch;
- else
- le = &ms->l2_entity.lapdm_dcch;
- /* make local stack copy of l1ctl_info_dl, as LAPDm will
- * overwrite skb hdr */
- memcpy(&dl_cpy, dl, sizeof(dl_cpy));
- /* pull the L1 header from the msgb */
- msgb_pull(msg, msg->l2h - (msg->l1h-sizeof(struct l1ctl_hdr)));
- msg->l1h = NULL;
- /* send it up into LAPDm */
- l2_ph_data_ind(msg, le, &dl_cpy);
- return 0;
-/* Receive L1CTL_DATA_CONF (Data Confirm from L1) */
-static int rx_ph_data_conf(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct l1ctl_info_dl *dl;
- struct lapdm_entity *le;
- dl = (struct l1ctl_info_dl *) msg->l1h;
- /* determine LAPDm entity based on SACCH or not */
- if (dl->link_id & 0x40)
- le = &ms->l2_entity.lapdm_acch;
- else
- le = &ms->l2_entity.lapdm_dcch;
- /* send it up into LAPDm */
- l2_ph_data_conf(msg, le);
- return 0;
-/* Transmit L1CTL_DATA_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_data_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg,
- uint8_t chan_nr, uint8_t link_id)
- struct l1ctl_hdr *l1h;
- struct l1ctl_info_ul *l1i_ul;
- uint8_t chan_type, chan_ts, chan_ss;
- uint8_t gsmtap_chan_type;
- DEBUGP(DL1C, "(%s)\n", osmo_hexdump(msg->l2h, msgb_l2len(msg)));
- if (msgb_l2len(msg) > 23) {
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "L1 cannot handle message length "
- "> 23 (%u)\n", msgb_l2len(msg));
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -EINVAL;
- } else if (msgb_l2len(msg) < 23)
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "L1 message length < 23 (%u) "
- "doesn't seem right!\n", msgb_l2len(msg));
- /* send copy via GSMTAP */
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(chan_nr, &chan_type, &chan_ss, &chan_ts);
- gsmtap_chan_type = chantype_rsl2gsmtap(chan_type, link_id);
- gsmtap_send(gsmtap_inst, 0|0x4000, chan_ts, gsmtap_chan_type,
- chan_ss, 0, 127, 255, msg->l2h, msgb_l2len(msg));
- /* prepend uplink info header */
- l1i_ul = (struct l1ctl_info_ul *) msgb_push(msg, sizeof(*l1i_ul));
- l1i_ul->chan_nr = chan_nr;
- l1i_ul->link_id = link_id;
- /* prepend l1 header */
- msg->l1h = msgb_push(msg, sizeof(*l1h));
- l1h = (struct l1ctl_hdr *) msg->l1h;
- l1h->msg_type = L1CTL_DATA_REQ;
- return osmo_send_l1(ms, msg);
-/* Transmit FBSB_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_fbsb_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t arfcn,
- uint8_t flags, uint16_t timeout, uint8_t sync_info_idx,
- uint8_t ccch_mode)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct l1ctl_fbsb_req *req;
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "Sync Req\n");
- msg = osmo_l1_alloc(L1CTL_FBSB_REQ);
- if (!msg)
- return -1;
- req = (struct l1ctl_fbsb_req *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*req));
- req->band_arfcn = htons(osmo_make_band_arfcn(ms, arfcn));
- req->timeout = htons(timeout);
- /* Threshold when to consider FB_MODE1: 4kHz - 1kHz */
- req->freq_err_thresh1 = htons(11000 - 1000);
- /* Threshold when to consider SCH: 1kHz - 200Hz */
- req->freq_err_thresh2 = htons(1000 - 200);
- /* not used yet! */
- req->num_freqerr_avg = 3;
- req->flags = flags;
- req->sync_info_idx = sync_info_idx;
- req->ccch_mode = ccch_mode;
- return osmo_send_l1(ms, msg);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_CCCH_MODE_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_ccch_mode_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t ccch_mode)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct l1ctl_ccch_mode_req *req;
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "CCCH Mode Req\n");
- msg = osmo_l1_alloc(L1CTL_CCCH_MODE_REQ);
- if (!msg)
- return -1;
- req = (struct l1ctl_ccch_mode_req *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*req));
- req->ccch_mode = ccch_mode;
- return osmo_send_l1(ms, msg);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_TCH_MODE_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_tch_mode_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t tch_mode)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct l1ctl_tch_mode_req *req;
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "TCH Mode Req\n");
- msg = osmo_l1_alloc(L1CTL_TCH_MODE_REQ);
- if (!msg)
- return -1;
- req = (struct l1ctl_tch_mode_req *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*req));
- req->tch_mode = tch_mode;
- return osmo_send_l1(ms, msg);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_PARAM_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_param_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t ta, uint8_t tx_power)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct l1ctl_info_ul *ul;
- struct l1ctl_par_req *req;
- msg = osmo_l1_alloc(L1CTL_PARAM_REQ);
- if (!msg)
- return -1;
- DEBUGP(DL1C, "PARAM Req. ta=%d, tx_power=%d\n", ta, tx_power);
- ul = (struct l1ctl_info_ul *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*ul));
- req = (struct l1ctl_par_req *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*req));
- req->tx_power = tx_power;
- req->ta = ta;
- return osmo_send_l1(ms, msg);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_CRYPTO_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_crypto_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t algo, uint8_t *key,
- uint8_t len)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct l1ctl_info_ul *ul;
- struct l1ctl_crypto_req *req;
- msg = osmo_l1_alloc(L1CTL_CRYPTO_REQ);
- if (!msg)
- return -1;
- DEBUGP(DL1C, "CRYPTO Req. algo=%d, len=%d\n", algo, len);
- ul = (struct l1ctl_info_ul *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*ul));
- req = (struct l1ctl_crypto_req *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*req) + len);
- req->algo = algo;
- if (len)
- memcpy(req->key, key, len);
- return osmo_send_l1(ms, msg);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_RACH_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_rach_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t ra, uint16_t offset,
- uint8_t combined)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct l1ctl_info_ul *ul;
- struct l1ctl_rach_req *req;
- msg = osmo_l1_alloc(L1CTL_RACH_REQ);
- if (!msg)
- return -1;
- DEBUGP(DL1C, "RACH Req. offset=%d combined=%d\n", offset, combined);
- ul = (struct l1ctl_info_ul *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*ul));
- req = (struct l1ctl_rach_req *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*req));
- req->ra = ra;
- req->offset = htons(offset);
- req->combined = combined;
- return osmo_send_l1(ms, msg);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_DM_EST_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_dm_est_req_h0(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t band_arfcn,
- uint8_t chan_nr, uint8_t tsc, uint8_t tch_mode)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct l1ctl_info_ul *ul;
- struct l1ctl_dm_est_req *req;
- msg = osmo_l1_alloc(L1CTL_DM_EST_REQ);
- if (!msg)
- return -1;
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "Tx Dedic.Mode Est Req (arfcn=%u, "
- "chan_nr=0x%02x)\n", band_arfcn, chan_nr);
- ul = (struct l1ctl_info_ul *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*ul));
- ul->chan_nr = chan_nr;
- ul->link_id = 0;
- req = (struct l1ctl_dm_est_req *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*req));
- req->tsc = tsc;
- req->h = 0;
- req->h0.band_arfcn = htons(band_arfcn);
- req->tch_mode = tch_mode;
- return osmo_send_l1(ms, msg);
-int l1ctl_tx_dm_est_req_h1(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t maio, uint8_t hsn,
- uint16_t *ma, uint8_t ma_len,
- uint8_t chan_nr, uint8_t tsc, uint8_t tch_mode)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct l1ctl_info_ul *ul;
- struct l1ctl_dm_est_req *req;
- int i;
- msg = osmo_l1_alloc(L1CTL_DM_EST_REQ);
- if (!msg)
- return -1;
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "Tx Dedic.Mode Est Req (maio=%u, hsn=%u, "
- "chan_nr=0x%02x)\n", maio, hsn, chan_nr);
- ul = (struct l1ctl_info_ul *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*ul));
- ul->chan_nr = chan_nr;
- ul->link_id = 0;
- req = (struct l1ctl_dm_est_req *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*req));
- req->tsc = tsc;
- req->h = 1;
- req->h1.maio = maio;
- req->h1.hsn = hsn;
- req->h1.n = ma_len;
- for (i = 0; i < ma_len; i++)
- req->[i] = htons(ma[i]);
- req->tch_mode = tch_mode;
- return osmo_send_l1(ms, msg);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_DM_FREQ_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_dm_freq_req_h0(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t band_arfcn,
- uint8_t tsc, uint16_t fn)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct l1ctl_info_ul *ul;
- struct l1ctl_dm_freq_req *req;
- msg = osmo_l1_alloc(L1CTL_DM_FREQ_REQ);
- if (!msg)
- return -1;
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "Tx Dedic.Mode Freq Req (arfcn=%u, fn=%d)\n",
- band_arfcn, fn);
- ul = (struct l1ctl_info_ul *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*ul));
- ul->chan_nr = 0;
- ul->link_id = 0;
- req = (struct l1ctl_dm_freq_req *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*req));
- req->fn = htons(fn);
- req->tsc = tsc;
- req->h = 0;
- req->h0.band_arfcn = htons(band_arfcn);
- return osmo_send_l1(ms, msg);
-int l1ctl_tx_dm_freq_req_h1(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t maio, uint8_t hsn,
- uint16_t *ma, uint8_t ma_len,
- uint8_t tsc, uint16_t fn)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct l1ctl_info_ul *ul;
- struct l1ctl_dm_freq_req *req;
- int i;
- msg = osmo_l1_alloc(L1CTL_DM_FREQ_REQ);
- if (!msg)
- return -1;
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "Tx Dedic.Mode Freq Req (maio=%u, hsn=%u, "
- "fn=%d)\n", maio, hsn, fn);
- ul = (struct l1ctl_info_ul *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*ul));
- ul->chan_nr = 0;
- ul->link_id = 0;
- req = (struct l1ctl_dm_freq_req *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*req));
- req->fn = htons(fn);
- req->tsc = tsc;
- req->h = 1;
- req->h1.maio = maio;
- req->h1.hsn = hsn;
- req->h1.n = ma_len;
- for (i = 0; i < ma_len; i++)
- req->[i] = htons(ma[i]);
- return osmo_send_l1(ms, msg);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_DM_REL_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_dm_rel_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct l1ctl_info_ul *ul;
- msg = osmo_l1_alloc(L1CTL_DM_REL_REQ);
- if (!msg)
- return -1;
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "Tx Dedic.Mode Rel Req\n");
- ul = (struct l1ctl_info_ul *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*ul));
- return osmo_send_l1(ms, msg);
-int l1ctl_tx_echo_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, unsigned int len)
- struct msgb *msg;
- uint8_t *data;
- unsigned int i;
- msg = osmo_l1_alloc(L1CTL_ECHO_REQ);
- if (!msg)
- return -1;
- data = msgb_put(msg, len);
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- data[i] = i % 8;
- return osmo_send_l1(ms, msg);
-int l1ctl_tx_sim_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length)
- struct msgb *msg;
- uint8_t *dat;
- msg = osmo_l1_alloc(L1CTL_SIM_REQ);
- if (!msg)
- return -1;
- dat = msgb_put(msg, length);
- memcpy(dat, data, length);
- return osmo_send_l1(ms, msg);
-/* just forward the SIM response to the SIM handler */
-static int rx_l1_sim_conf(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- uint16_t len = msg->len - sizeof(struct l1ctl_hdr);
- uint8_t *data = msg->data + sizeof(struct l1ctl_hdr);
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "SIM %s\n", osmo_hexdump(data, len));
- /* pull the L1 header from the msgb */
- msgb_pull(msg, sizeof(struct l1ctl_hdr));
- msg->l1h = NULL;
- sim_apdu_resp(ms, msg);
- return 0;
-/* Transmit L1CTL_PM_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_pm_req_range(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t arfcn_from,
- uint16_t arfcn_to)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct l1ctl_pm_req *pm;
- msg = osmo_l1_alloc(L1CTL_PM_REQ);
- if (!msg)
- return -1;
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "Tx PM Req (%u-%u)\n", arfcn_from, arfcn_to);
- pm = (struct l1ctl_pm_req *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*pm));
- pm->type = 1;
- pm->range.band_arfcn_from = htons(arfcn_from);
- pm->range.band_arfcn_to = htons(arfcn_to);
- return osmo_send_l1(ms, msg);
-/* Transmit L1CTL_RESET_REQ */
-int l1ctl_tx_reset_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t type)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct l1ctl_reset *res;
- msg = osmo_l1_alloc(L1CTL_RESET_REQ);
- if (!msg)
- return -1;
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "Tx Reset Req (%u)\n", type);
- res = (struct l1ctl_reset *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*res));
- res->type = type;
- return osmo_send_l1(ms, msg);
-/* Receive L1CTL_RESET_IND */
-static int rx_l1_reset(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "Layer1 Reset indication\n");
- osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_L1CTL, S_L1CTL_RESET, ms);
- return 0;
-/* Receive L1CTL_PM_CONF */
-static int rx_l1_pm_conf(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct l1ctl_pm_conf *pmr;
- for (pmr = (struct l1ctl_pm_conf *) msg->l1h;
- (uint8_t *) pmr < msg->tail; pmr++) {
- struct osmobb_meas_res mr;
- DEBUGP(DL1C, "PM MEAS: ARFCN: %4u RxLev: %3d %3d\n",
- ntohs(pmr->band_arfcn), pmr->pm[0], pmr->pm[1]);
- mr.band_arfcn = ntohs(pmr->band_arfcn);
- mr.rx_lev = pmr->pm[0];
- = ms;
- osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_L1CTL, S_L1CTL_PM_RES, &mr);
- }
- return 0;
-/* Receive L1CTL_CCCH_MODE_CONF */
-static int rx_l1_ccch_mode_conf(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct osmobb_ccch_mode_conf mc;
- struct l1ctl_ccch_mode_conf *conf;
- if (msgb_l3len(msg) < sizeof(*conf)) {
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "CCCH MODE CONF: MSG too short %u\n",
- msgb_l3len(msg));
- return -1;
- }
- conf = (struct l1ctl_ccch_mode_conf *) msg->l1h;
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "CCCH MODE CONF: mode=%u\n", conf->ccch_mode);
- mc.ccch_mode = conf->ccch_mode;
- = ms;
- osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_L1CTL, S_L1CTL_CCCH_MODE_CONF, &mc);
- return 0;
-/* Receive L1CTL_TCH_MODE_CONF */
-static int rx_l1_tch_mode_conf(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct osmobb_tch_mode_conf mc;
- struct l1ctl_tch_mode_conf *conf;
- if (msgb_l3len(msg) < sizeof(*conf)) {
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "TCH MODE CONF: MSG too short %u\n",
- msgb_l3len(msg));
- return -1;
- }
- conf = (struct l1ctl_tch_mode_conf *) msg->l1h;
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "TCH MODE CONF: mode=%u\n", conf->tch_mode);
- mc.tch_mode = conf->tch_mode;
- = ms;
- osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_L1CTL, S_L1CTL_TCH_MODE_CONF, &mc);
- return 0;
-/* Receive incoming data from L1 using L1CTL format */
-int l1ctl_recv(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- int rc = 0;
- struct l1ctl_hdr *l1h;
- struct l1ctl_info_dl *dl;
- if (msgb_l2len(msg) < sizeof(*dl)) {
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "Short Layer2 message: %u\n",
- msgb_l2len(msg));
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -1;
- }
- l1h = (struct l1ctl_hdr *) msg->l1h;
- /* move the l1 header pointer to point _BEHIND_ l1ctl_hdr,
- as the l1ctl header is of no interest to subsequent code */
- msg->l1h = l1h->data;
- switch (l1h->msg_type) {
- rc = rx_l1_fbsb_conf(ms, msg);
- msgb_free(msg);
- break;
- case L1CTL_DATA_IND:
- rc = rx_ph_data_ind(ms, msg);
- break;
- rc = rx_ph_data_conf(ms, msg);
- break;
- rc = rx_l1_reset(ms);
- msgb_free(msg);
- break;
- case L1CTL_PM_CONF:
- rc = rx_l1_pm_conf(ms, msg);
- if (l1h->flags & L1CTL_F_DONE)
- osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_L1CTL, S_L1CTL_PM_DONE, ms);
- msgb_free(msg);
- break;
- rc = rx_l1_rach_conf(ms, msg);
- break;
- rc = rx_l1_ccch_mode_conf(ms, msg);
- msgb_free(msg);
- break;
- rc = rx_l1_tch_mode_conf(ms, msg);
- msgb_free(msg);
- break;
- case L1CTL_SIM_CONF:
- rc = rx_l1_sim_conf(ms, msg);
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "Unknown MSG: %u\n", l1h->msg_type);
- msgb_free(msg);
- break;
- }
- return rc;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/l1l2_interface.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/l1l2_interface.c
deleted file mode 100644
index abaa64f..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/l1l2_interface.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-/* Layer 1 socket interface of layer2/3 stack */
-/* (C) 2010 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1l2_interface.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/un.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define GSM_L2_LENGTH 256
-#define GSM_L2_HEADROOM 32
-static int layer2_read(struct osmo_fd *fd)
- struct msgb *msg;
- u_int16_t len;
- int rc;
- msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(GSM_L2_LENGTH+GSM_L2_HEADROOM, GSM_L2_HEADROOM, "Layer2");
- if (!msg) {
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to allocate msg.\n");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- rc = read(fd->fd, &len, sizeof(len));
- if (rc < sizeof(len)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Layer2 socket failed\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- if (rc >= 0)
- rc = -EIO;
- layer2_close((struct osmocom_ms *) fd->data);
- return rc;
- }
- len = ntohs(len);
- if (len > GSM_L2_LENGTH) {
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "Length is too big: %u\n", len);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- msg->l1h = msgb_put(msg, len);
- rc = read(fd->fd, msg->l1h, msgb_l1len(msg));
- if (rc != msgb_l1len(msg)) {
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "Can not read data: len=%d rc=%d "
- "errno=%d\n", len, rc, errno);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return rc;
- }
- l1ctl_recv((struct osmocom_ms *) fd->data, msg);
- return 0;
-static int layer2_write(struct osmo_fd *fd, struct msgb *msg)
- int rc;
- if (fd->fd <= 0)
- return -EINVAL;
- rc = write(fd->fd, msg->data, msg->len);
- if (rc != msg->len) {
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to write data: rc: %d\n", rc);
- return rc;
- }
- return 0;
-int layer2_open(struct osmocom_ms *ms, const char *socket_path)
- int rc;
- struct sockaddr_un local;
- ms->l2_wq.bfd.fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (ms->l2_wq.bfd.fd < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create unix domain socket.\n");
- return ms->l2_wq.bfd.fd;
- }
- local.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
- strncpy(local.sun_path, socket_path, sizeof(local.sun_path));
- local.sun_path[sizeof(local.sun_path) - 1] = '\0';
- rc = connect(ms->l2_wq.bfd.fd, (struct sockaddr *) &local,
- sizeof(local));
- if (rc < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to '%s': %s\n", local.sun_path,
- strerror(errno));
- close(ms->l2_wq.bfd.fd);
- return rc;
- }
- osmo_wqueue_init(&ms->l2_wq, 100);
- ms-> = ms;
- ms->l2_wq.bfd.when = BSC_FD_READ;
- ms->l2_wq.read_cb = layer2_read;
- ms->l2_wq.write_cb = layer2_write;
- rc = osmo_fd_register(&ms->l2_wq.bfd);
- if (rc != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to register fd.\n");
- close(ms->l2_wq.bfd.fd);
- return rc;
- }
- return 0;
-int layer2_close(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- if (ms->l2_wq.bfd.fd <= 0)
- return -EINVAL;
- close(ms->l2_wq.bfd.fd);
- ms->l2_wq.bfd.fd = -1;
- osmo_fd_unregister(&ms->l2_wq.bfd);
- return 0;
-int osmo_send_l1(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- uint16_t *len;
- DEBUGP(DL1C, "Sending: '%s'\n", osmo_hexdump(msg->data, msg->len));
- if (msg->l1h != msg->data)
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "Message L1 header != Message Data\n");
- /* prepend 16bit length before sending */
- len = (uint16_t *) msgb_push(msg, sizeof(*len));
- *len = htons(msg->len - sizeof(*len));
- if (osmo_wqueue_enqueue(&ms->l2_wq, msg) != 0) {
- LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to enqueue msg.\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/lapdm.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/lapdm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 974c34c..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/lapdm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2305 +0,0 @@
-/* GSM LAPDm (TS 04.06) implementation */
-/* (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-/* Notes on Buffering: rcv_buffer, tx_queue, tx_hist, send_buffer, send_queue
- *
- * RX data is stored in the rcv_buffer (pointer). If the message is complete, it
- * is removed from rcv_buffer pointer and forwarded to L3. If the RX data is
- * received while there is an incomplete rcv_buffer, it is appended to it.
- *
- * TX data is stored in the send_queue first. When transmitting a frame,
- * the first message in the send_queue is moved to the send_buffer. There it
- * resides until all fragments are acknowledged. Fragments to be sent by I
- * frames are stored in the tx_hist buffer for resend, if required. Also the
- * current fragment is copied into the tx_queue. There it resides until it is
- * forwarded to layer 1.
- *
- * In case we have SAPI 0, we only have a window size of 1, so the unack-
- * nowledged message resides always in the send_buffer. In case of a suspend,
- * it can be written back to the first position of the send_queue.
- *
- * The layer 1 normally sends a PH-READY-TO-SEND. But because we use
- * asynchronous transfer between layer 1 and layer 2 (serial link), we must
- * send a frame before layer 1 reaches the right timeslot to send it. So we
- * move the tx_queue to layer 1 when there is not already a pending frame, and
- * wait until acknowledge after the frame has been sent. If we receive an
- * acknowledge, we can send the next frame from the buffer, if any.
- *
- * The moving of tx_queue to layer 1 may also trigger T200, if desired. Also it
- * will trigger next I frame, if possible.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/timer.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/tlv.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/rsl.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_08_58.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/lapdm.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <l1ctl_proto.h>
-/* TS 04.06 Figure 4 / Section 3.2 */
-#define LAPDm_LPD_NORMAL 0
-#define LAPDm_LPD_SMSCB 1
-#define LAPDm_SAPI_NORMAL 0
-#define LAPDm_SAPI_SMS 3
-#define LAPDm_ADDR(lpd, sapi, cr) ((((lpd) & 0x3) << 5) | (((sapi) & 0x7) << 2) | (((cr) & 0x1) << 1) | 0x1)
-#define LAPDm_ADDR_SAPI(addr) (((addr) >> 2) & 0x7)
-#define LAPDm_ADDR_CR(addr) (((addr) >> 1) & 0x1)
-#define LAPDm_ADDR_EA(addr) ((addr) & 0x1)
-/* TS 04.06 Table 3 / Section 3.4.3 */
-#define LAPDm_CTRL_I(nr, ns, p) ((((nr) & 0x7) << 5) | (((p) & 0x1) << 4) | (((ns) & 0x7) << 1))
-#define LAPDm_CTRL_S(nr, s, p) ((((nr) & 0x7) << 5) | (((p) & 0x1) << 4) | (((s) & 0x3) << 2) | 0x1)
-#define LAPDm_CTRL_U(u, p) ((((u) & 0x1c) << (5-2)) | (((p) & 0x1) << 4) | (((u) & 0x3) << 2) | 0x3)
-#define LAPDm_CTRL_is_I(ctrl) (((ctrl) & 0x1) == 0)
-#define LAPDm_CTRL_is_S(ctrl) (((ctrl) & 0x3) == 1)
-#define LAPDm_CTRL_is_U(ctrl) (((ctrl) & 0x3) == 3)
-#define LAPDm_CTRL_U_BITS(ctrl) ((((ctrl) & 0xC) >> 2) | ((ctrl) & 0xE0) >> 3)
-#define LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(ctrl) (((ctrl) >> 4) & 0x1)
-#define LAPDm_CTRL_S_BITS(ctrl) (((ctrl) & 0xC) >> 2)
-#define LAPDm_CTRL_I_Ns(ctrl) (((ctrl) & 0xE) >> 1)
-#define LAPDm_CTRL_Nr(ctrl) (((ctrl) & 0xE0) >> 5)
-/* TS 04.06 Table 4 / Section 3.8.1 */
-#define LAPDm_U_SABM 0x7
-#define LAPDm_U_DM 0x3
-#define LAPDm_U_UI 0x0
-#define LAPDm_U_DISC 0x8
-#define LAPDm_U_UA 0xC
-#define LAPDm_S_RR 0x0
-#define LAPDm_S_RNR 0x1
-#define LAPDm_S_REJ 0x2
-#define LAPDm_LEN(len) ((len << 2) | 0x1)
-#define LAPDm_MORE 0x2
-/* TS 04.06 Section 5.8.3 */
-#define N201_AB_SACCH 18
-#define N201_AB_SDCCH 20
-#define N201_AB_FACCH 20
-#define N201_Bbis 23
-#define N201_Bter_SACCH 21
-#define N201_Bter_SDCCH 23
-#define N201_Bter_FACCH 23
-#define N201_B4 19
-/* N200 during establish and release */
-#define N200_EST_REL 5
-/* N200 during timer recovery state */
-#define N200_TR_SACCH 5
-#define N200_TR_SDCCH 23
-#define N200_TR_FACCH_FR 34
-#define N200_TR_EFACCH_FR 48
-#define N200_TR_FACCH_HR 29
-/* FIXME: this depends on chan type */
-#define N200 N200_TR_SACCH
-#define CR_MS2BS_CMD 0
-#define CR_MS2BS_RESP 1
-#define CR_BS2MS_CMD 1
-#define CR_BS2MS_RESP 0
-/* Set T200 to 1 Second (OpenBTS uses 900ms) */
-#define T200 1, 0
-/* k value for each SAPI */
-static uint8_t k_sapi[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
-enum lapdm_format {
- LAPDm_FMT_Bbis,
- LAPDm_FMT_Bter,
-static void lapdm_t200_cb(void *data);
-static int rslms_send_i(struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx, int line);
-static inline uint8_t inc_mod8(uint8_t x)
- return (x + 1) & 7;
-static inline uint8_t add_mod8(uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
- return (x + y) & 7;
-static inline uint8_t sub_mod8(uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
- return (x - y) & 7; /* handle negative results correctly */
-static void lapdm_dl_init(struct lapdm_datalink *dl,
- struct lapdm_entity *entity)
- memset(dl, 0, sizeof(*dl));
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&dl->send_queue);
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&dl->tx_queue);
- dl->state = LAPDm_STATE_IDLE;
- dl-> = dl;
- dl->t200.cb = &lapdm_t200_cb;
- dl->entity = entity;
-void lapdm_init(struct lapdm_entity *le, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(le->datalink); i++)
- lapdm_dl_init(&le->datalink[i], le);
- le->ms = ms;
-static void lapdm_dl_flush_send(struct lapdm_datalink *dl)
- struct msgb *msg;
- /* Flush send-queue */
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&dl->send_queue)))
- msgb_free(msg);
- /* Clear send-buffer */
- if (dl->send_buffer) {
- msgb_free(dl->send_buffer);
- dl->send_buffer = NULL;
- }
-static void lapdm_dl_flush_tx(struct lapdm_datalink *dl)
- struct msgb *msg;
- unsigned int i;
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&dl->tx_queue)))
- msgb_free(msg);
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- dl->tx_length[i] = 0;
-void lapdm_exit(struct lapdm_entity *le)
- unsigned int i;
- struct lapdm_datalink *dl;
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(le->datalink); i++) {
- dl = &le->datalink[i];
- lapdm_dl_flush_tx(dl);
- lapdm_dl_flush_send(dl);
- if (dl->rcv_buffer)
- msgb_free(dl->rcv_buffer);
- }
-static void lapdm_dl_newstate(struct lapdm_datalink *dl, uint32_t state)
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "new state %s -> %s\n",
- lapdm_state_names[dl->state], lapdm_state_names[state]);
- dl->state = state;
-static struct lapdm_datalink *datalink_for_sapi(struct lapdm_entity *le, uint8_t sapi)
- switch (sapi) {
- return &le->datalink[0];
- case LAPDm_SAPI_SMS:
- return &le->datalink[1];
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
-/* remove the L2 header from a MSGB */
-static inline unsigned char *msgb_pull_l2h(struct msgb *msg)
- unsigned char *ret = msgb_pull(msg, msg->l3h - msg->l2h);
- msg->l2h = NULL;
- return ret;
-/* Append padding (if required) */
-static void lapdm_pad_msgb(struct msgb *msg, uint8_t n201)
- int pad_len = n201 - msgb_l2len(msg);
- uint8_t *data;
- if (pad_len < 0) {
- "cannot pad message that is already too big!\n");
- return;
- }
- data = msgb_put(msg, pad_len);
- memset(data, 0x2B, pad_len);
-/* write a frame into the tx queue */
-static int tx_ph_data_enqueue(struct lapdm_datalink *dl, struct msgb *msg,
- uint8_t chan_nr, uint8_t link_id, uint8_t n201)
- struct lapdm_entity *le = dl->entity;
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = le->ms;
- /* if there is a pending message, queue it */
- if (le->tx_pending) {
- *msgb_push(msg, 1) = n201;
- *msgb_push(msg, 1) = link_id;
- *msgb_push(msg, 1) = chan_nr;
- msgb_enqueue(&dl->tx_queue, msg);
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- /* send the frame now */
- le->tx_pending = 0; /* disabled flow control */
- lapdm_pad_msgb(msg, n201);
- return l1ctl_tx_data_req(ms, msg, chan_nr, link_id);
-/* get next frame from the tx queue. because the ms has multiple datalinks,
- * each datalink's queue is read round-robin.
- */
-int l2_ph_data_conf(struct msgb *msg, struct lapdm_entity *le)
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = le->ms;
- struct lapdm_datalink *dl;
- int last = le->last_tx_dequeue;
- int i = last, n = ARRAY_SIZE(le->datalink);
- uint8_t chan_nr, link_id, n201;
- /* we may send again */
- le->tx_pending = 0;
- /* free confirm message */
- msgb_free(msg);
- /* round-robin dequeue */
- do {
- /* next */
- i = (i + 1) % n;
- dl = &le->datalink[i];
- if ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&dl->tx_queue)))
- break;
- } while (i != last);
- /* no message in all queues */
- if (!msg)
- return 0;
- /* Pull chan_nr and link_id */
- chan_nr = *msg->data;
- msgb_pull(msg, 1);
- link_id = *msg->data;
- msgb_pull(msg, 1);
- n201 = *msg->data;
- msgb_pull(msg, 1);
- /* Set last dequeue position */
- le->last_tx_dequeue = i;
- /* Pad the frame, we can transmit now */
- le->tx_pending = 1;
- lapdm_pad_msgb(msg, n201);
- return l1ctl_tx_data_req(ms, msg, chan_nr, link_id);
-/* Create RSLms various RSLms messages */
-static int send_rslms_rll_l3(uint8_t msg_type, struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx,
- struct msgb *msg)
- /* Add the RSL + RLL header */
- rsl_rll_push_l3(msg, msg_type, mctx->chan_nr, mctx->link_id, 1);
- /* send off the RSLms message to L3 */
- return rslms_sendmsg(msg, mctx->dl->entity->ms);
-/* Take a B4 format message from L1 and create RSLms UNIT DATA IND */
-static int send_rslms_rll_l3_ui(struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx, struct msgb *msg)
- uint8_t l3_len = msg->tail - (uint8_t *)msgb_l3(msg);
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh;
- /* Add the RSL + RLL header */
- msgb_tv16_push(msg, RSL_IE_L3_INFO, l3_len);
- msgb_push(msg, 2 + 2);
- rsl_rll_push_hdr(msg, RSL_MT_UNIT_DATA_IND, mctx->chan_nr,
- mctx->link_id, 1);
- rllh = (struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *)msgb_l2(msg);
- rllh->data[0] = RSL_IE_TIMING_ADVANCE;
- rllh->data[1] = mctx->ta_ind;
- rllh->data[2] = RSL_IE_MS_POWER;
- rllh->data[3] = mctx->tx_power_ind;
- return rslms_sendmsg(msg, mctx->dl->entity->ms);
-static int send_rll_simple(uint8_t msg_type, struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx)
- struct msgb *msg;
- msg = rsl_rll_simple(msg_type, mctx->chan_nr, mctx->link_id, 1);
- /* send off the RSLms message to L3 */
- return rslms_sendmsg(msg, mctx->dl->entity->ms);
-static int rsl_rll_error(uint8_t cause, struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx)
- struct msgb *msg;
- uint8_t *tlv;
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "sending MDL-ERROR-IND %d\n", cause);
- msg = rsl_rll_simple(RSL_MT_ERROR_IND, mctx->chan_nr, mctx->link_id, 1);
- msg->l2h = msgb_put(msg, sizeof(struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr) + 3);
- tlv = msg->l2h + sizeof(struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr);
- tlv[0] = RSL_IE_RLM_CAUSE;
- tlv[1] = 1;
- tlv[2] = cause;
- return rslms_sendmsg(msg, mctx->dl->entity->ms);
-static int check_length_ind(struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx, uint8_t length_ind)
- if (!(length_ind & 0x01)) {
- /* G.4.1 If the EL bit is set to "0", an MDL-ERROR-INDICATION
- * primitive with cause "frame not implemented" is sent to the
- * mobile management entity. */
- "we don't support multi-octet length\n");
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_FRM_UNIMPL, mctx);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- return 0;
-static int lapdm_send_resend(struct lapdm_datalink *dl)
- struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(23+10, 10, "LAPDm resend");
- int length;
- /* Resend SABM/DISC from tx_hist */
- length = dl->tx_length[0];
- msg->l2h = msgb_put(msg, length);
- memcpy(msg->l2h, dl->tx_hist[dl->V_send], length);
- return tx_ph_data_enqueue(dl, msg, dl->mctx.chan_nr, dl->mctx.link_id,
- dl->mctx.n201);
-static int lapdm_send_ua(struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx, uint8_t len, uint8_t *data)
- uint8_t sapi = mctx->link_id & 7;
- uint8_t f_bit = LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl);
- struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(23+10, 10, "LAPDm UA");
- msg->l2h = msgb_put(msg, 3 + len);
- msg->l2h[0] = LAPDm_ADDR(LAPDm_LPD_NORMAL, sapi, CR_MS2BS_RESP);
- msg->l2h[1] = LAPDm_CTRL_U(LAPDm_U_UA, f_bit);
- msg->l2h[2] = LAPDm_LEN(len);
- if (len)
- memcpy(msg->l2h + 3, data, len);
- return tx_ph_data_enqueue(mctx->dl, msg, mctx->chan_nr, mctx->link_id,
- mctx->n201);
-static int lapdm_send_dm(struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx)
- uint8_t sapi = mctx->link_id & 7;
- uint8_t f_bit = LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl);
- struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(23+10, 10, "LAPDm DM");
- msg->l2h = msgb_put(msg, 3);
- msg->l2h[0] = LAPDm_ADDR(LAPDm_LPD_NORMAL, sapi, CR_MS2BS_RESP);
- msg->l2h[1] = LAPDm_CTRL_U(LAPDm_U_DM, f_bit);
- msg->l2h[2] = 0;
- return tx_ph_data_enqueue(mctx->dl, msg, mctx->chan_nr, mctx->link_id,
- mctx->n201);
-static int lapdm_send_rr(struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx, uint8_t f_bit)
- uint8_t sapi = mctx->link_id & 7;
- struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(23+10, 10, "LAPDm RR");
- msg->l2h = msgb_put(msg, 3);
- msg->l2h[0] = LAPDm_ADDR(LAPDm_LPD_NORMAL, sapi, CR_MS2BS_RESP);
- msg->l2h[1] = LAPDm_CTRL_S(mctx->dl->V_recv, LAPDm_S_RR, f_bit);
- msg->l2h[2] = LAPDm_LEN(0);
- return tx_ph_data_enqueue(mctx->dl, msg, mctx->chan_nr, mctx->link_id,
- mctx->n201);
-static int lapdm_send_rnr(struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx, uint8_t f_bit)
- uint8_t sapi = mctx->link_id & 7;
- struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(23+10, 10, "LAPDm RNR");
- msg->l2h = msgb_put(msg, 3);
- msg->l2h[0] = LAPDm_ADDR(LAPDm_LPD_NORMAL, sapi, CR_MS2BS_RESP);
- msg->l2h[1] = LAPDm_CTRL_S(mctx->dl->V_recv, LAPDm_S_RNR, f_bit);
- msg->l2h[2] = LAPDm_LEN(0);
- return tx_ph_data_enqueue(mctx->dl, msg, mctx->chan_nr, mctx->link_id,
- mctx->n201);
-static int lapdm_send_rej(struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx, uint8_t f_bit)
- uint8_t sapi = mctx->link_id & 7;
- struct msgb *msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(23+10, 10, "LAPDm REJ");
- msg->l2h = msgb_put(msg, 3);
- msg->l2h[0] = LAPDm_ADDR(LAPDm_LPD_NORMAL, sapi, CR_MS2BS_RESP);
- msg->l2h[1] = LAPDm_CTRL_S(mctx->dl->V_recv, LAPDm_S_REJ, f_bit);
- msg->l2h[2] = LAPDm_LEN(0);
- return tx_ph_data_enqueue(mctx->dl, msg, mctx->chan_nr, mctx->link_id,
- mctx->n201);
-/* Timer callback on T200 expiry */
-static void lapdm_t200_cb(void *data)
- struct lapdm_datalink *dl = data;
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "lapdm_t200_cb(%p) state=%u\n", dl, dl->state);
- switch (dl->state) {
- /* */
- if (dl->retrans_ctr + 1 >= N200_EST_REL + 1) {
- /* send RELEASE INDICATION to L3 */
- send_rll_simple(RSL_MT_REL_IND, &dl->mctx);
- /* send MDL ERROR INIDCATION to L3 */
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_T200_EXPIRED, &dl->mctx);
- /* flush tx buffers */
- lapdm_dl_flush_tx(dl);
- /* go back to idle state */
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_IDLE);
- /* NOTE: we must not change any other states or buffers
- * and queues, since we may reconnect after handover
- * failure. the buffered messages is replaced there */
- break;
- }
- /* retransmit SABM command */
- lapdm_send_resend(dl);
- /* increment re-transmission counter */
- dl->retrans_ctr++;
- /* restart T200 (PH-READY-TO-SEND) */
- osmo_timer_schedule(&dl->t200, T200);
- break;
- /* */
- if (dl->retrans_ctr + 1 >= N200_EST_REL + 1) {
- /* send RELEASE INDICATION to L3 */
- send_rll_simple(RSL_MT_REL_CONF, &dl->mctx);
- /* send MDL ERROR INIDCATION to L3 */
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_T200_EXPIRED, &dl->mctx);
- /* flush buffers */
- lapdm_dl_flush_tx(dl);
- lapdm_dl_flush_send(dl);
- /* go back to idle state */
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_IDLE);
- /* NOTE: we must not change any other states or buffers
- * and queues, since we may reconnect after handover
- * failure. the buffered messages is replaced there */
- break;
- }
- /* retransmit DISC command */
- lapdm_send_resend(dl);
- /* increment re-transmission counter */
- dl->retrans_ctr++;
- /* restart T200 (PH-READY-TO-SEND) */
- osmo_timer_schedule(&dl->t200, T200);
- break;
- /* 5.5.7 */
- dl->retrans_ctr = 0;
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_TIMER_RECOV);
- /* fall through */
- dl->retrans_ctr++;
- if (dl->retrans_ctr < N200) {
- /* retransmit I frame (V_s-1) with P=1, if any */
- if (dl->tx_length[sub_mod8(dl->V_send, 1)]) {
- struct msgb *msg;
- int length;
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "retransmit last frame "
- "V(S)=%d\n", sub_mod8(dl->V_send, 1));
- /* Create I frame (segment) from tx_hist */
- length = dl->tx_length[sub_mod8(dl->V_send, 1)];
- msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(23+10, 10, "LAPDm I");
- msg->l2h = msgb_put(msg, length);
- memcpy(msg->l2h,
- dl->tx_hist[sub_mod8(dl->V_send, 1)],
- length);
- msg->l2h[1] = LAPDm_CTRL_I(dl->V_recv,
- sub_mod8(dl->V_send, 1), 1); /* P=1 */
- tx_ph_data_enqueue(dl, msg, dl->mctx.chan_nr,
- dl->mctx.link_id, dl->mctx.n201);
- } else {
- /* OR send appropriate supervision frame with P=1 */
- if (!dl->own_busy && !dl->seq_err_cond) {
- lapdm_send_rr(&dl->mctx, 1);
- /* NOTE: In case of sequence error
- * condition, the REJ frame has been
- * transmitted when entering the
- * condition, so it has not be done
- * here
- */
- } else if (dl->own_busy) {
- lapdm_send_rnr(&dl->mctx, 1);
- } else {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "unhandled, "
- "pls. fix\n");
- }
- }
- /* restart T200 (PH-READY-TO-SEND) */
- osmo_timer_schedule(&dl->t200, T200);
- } else {
- /* send MDL ERROR INIDCATION to L3 */
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_T200_EXPIRED, &dl->mctx);
- }
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "T200 expired in unexpected "
- "dl->state %u\n", dl->state);
- }
-/* Common function to acknowlege frames up to the given N(R) value */
-static void lapdm_acknowledge(struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx)
- struct lapdm_datalink *dl = mctx->dl;
- uint8_t nr = LAPDm_CTRL_Nr(mctx->ctrl);
- int s = 0, rej = 0, t200_reset = 0;
- int i;
- /* supervisory frame ? */
- if (LAPDm_CTRL_is_S(mctx->ctrl))
- s = 1;
- /* REJ frame ? */
- if (s && LAPDm_CTRL_S_BITS(mctx->ctrl) == LAPDm_S_REJ)
- rej = 1;
- /* Flush all transmit buffers of acknowledged frames */
- for (i = dl->V_ack; i != nr; i = inc_mod8(i)) {
- if (dl->tx_length[i]) {
- dl->tx_length[i] = 0;
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "ack frame %d\n", i);
- }
- }
- if (dl->state != LAPDm_STATE_TIMER_RECOV) {
- /* When not in the timer recovery condition, the data
- * link layer entity shall reset the timer T200 on
- * receipt of a valid I frame with N(R) higher than V(A),
- * or an REJ with an N(R) equal to V(A). */
- if ((!rej && nr != dl->V_ack)
- || (rej && nr == dl->V_ack)) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "reset t200\n");
- t200_reset = 1;
- osmo_timer_del(&dl->t200);
- /* Note 1 + 2 imply timer recovery cond. */
- }
- /* 5.7.4: N(R) sequence error
- * N(R) is called valid, if and only if
- * (N(R)-V(A)) mod 8 <= (V(S)-V(A)) mod 8.
- */
- if (sub_mod8(nr, dl->V_ack) > sub_mod8(dl->V_send, dl->V_ack)) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "N(R) sequence error\n");
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_SEQ_ERR, mctx);
- }
- }
- /* V(A) shall be set to the value of N(R) */
- dl->V_ack = nr;
- /* If T200 has been reset by the receipt of an I, RR or RNR frame,
- * and if there are outstanding I frames, restart T200 */
- if (t200_reset && !rej) {
- if (dl->tx_length[dl->V_send - 1]) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "start T200, due to unacked I "
- "frame(s)\n");
- osmo_timer_schedule(&dl->t200, T200);
- }
- }
-/* L1 -> L2 */
-/* Receive a LAPDm U (Unnumbered) message from L1 */
-static int lapdm_rx_u(struct msgb *msg, struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx)
- struct lapdm_datalink *dl = mctx->dl;
- uint8_t length;
- int rc;
- int rsl_msg;
- switch (LAPDm_CTRL_U_BITS(mctx->ctrl)) {
- case LAPDm_U_SABM:
- rsl_msg = RSL_MT_EST_IND;
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "SABM received\n");
- /* 5.7.1 */
- dl->seq_err_cond = 0;
- /* G.2.2 Wrong value of the C/R bit */
- if (LAPDm_ADDR_CR(mctx->addr) == CR_BS2MS_RESP) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "SABM response error\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_FRM_UNIMPL, mctx);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- length = msg->l2h[2] >> 2;
- /* G.4.5 If SABM is received with L>N201 or with M bit
- * set, AN MDL-ERROR-INDICATION is sent to MM.
- */
- if ((msg->l2h[2] & LAPDm_MORE) || length + 3 > mctx->n201) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "SABM too large error\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_UFRM_INC_PARAM, mctx);
- return -EIO;
- }
- /* Must be Format B */
- rc = check_length_ind(mctx, msg->l2h[2]);
- if (rc < 0) {
- msgb_free(msg);
- return rc;
- }
- switch (dl->state) {
- /* Set chan_nr and link_id for established connection */
- memset(&dl->mctx, 0, sizeof(dl->mctx));
- dl->mctx.dl = dl;
- dl->mctx.chan_nr = mctx->chan_nr;
- dl->mctx.link_id = mctx->link_id;
- break;
- if (length == 0) {
- rsl_msg = RSL_MT_EST_CONF;
- break;
- }
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "SABM command, multiple "
- "frame established state\n");
- /* check for contention resoultion */
- if (dl->tx_hist[0][2] >> 2) {
- "during contention resolution\n");
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_SABM_INFO_NOTALL, mctx);
- }
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- /* send DM with F=P */
- lapdm_send_dm(mctx);
- /* reset Timer T200 */
- osmo_timer_del(&dl->t200);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return send_rll_simple(RSL_MT_REL_CONF, mctx);
- default:
- lapdm_send_ua(mctx, length, msg->l2h + 3);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* send UA response */
- lapdm_send_ua(mctx, length, msg->l2h + 3);
- /* set Vs, Vr and Va to 0 */
- dl->V_send = dl->V_recv = dl->V_ack = 0;
- /* clear tx_hist */
- dl->tx_length[0] = 0;
- /* enter multiple-frame-established state */
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_MF_EST);
- /* send notification to L3 */
- if (length == 0) {
- /* Normal establishment procedures */
- rc = send_rll_simple(rsl_msg, mctx);
- msgb_free(msg);
- } else {
- /* Contention resolution establishment */
- msg->l3h = msg->l2h + 3;
- msgb_pull_l2h(msg);
- rc = send_rslms_rll_l3(rsl_msg, mctx, msg);
- }
- break;
- case LAPDm_U_DM:
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "DM received\n");
- /* G.2.2 Wrong value of the C/R bit */
- if (LAPDm_ADDR_CR(mctx->addr) == CR_BS2MS_CMD) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "DM command error\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_FRM_UNIMPL, mctx);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (!LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl)) {
- /* DM responses with the F bit set to "0"
- * shall be ignored.
- */
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- switch (dl->state) {
- break;
- if (LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl) == 1) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "unsolicited DM "
- "response\n");
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_UNSOL_DM_RESP, mctx);
- } else {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "unsolicited DM "
- "response, multiple frame established "
- "state\n");
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_UNSOL_DM_RESP_MF, mctx);
- }
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- /* DM is normal in case PF = 1 */
- if (LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl) == 0) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "unsolicited DM "
- "response, multiple frame established "
- "state\n");
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_UNSOL_DM_RESP_MF, mctx);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- /* reset Timer T200 */
- osmo_timer_del(&dl->t200);
- /* go to idle state */
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_IDLE);
- rc = send_rll_simple(RSL_MT_REL_CONF, mctx);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- /* 5.4.5 all other frame types shall be discarded */
- default:
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "unsolicited DM response! "
- "(discarding)\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* reset T200 */
- osmo_timer_del(&dl->t200);
- rc = send_rll_simple(RSL_MT_REL_IND, mctx);
- msgb_free(msg);
- break;
- case LAPDm_U_UI:
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "UI received\n");
- /* G.2.2 Wrong value of the C/R bit */
- if (LAPDm_ADDR_CR(mctx->addr) == CR_BS2MS_RESP) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "UI indicates response "
- "error\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_FRM_UNIMPL, mctx);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- length = msg->l2h[2] >> 2;
- /* FIXME: G.4.5 If UI is received with L>N201 or with M bit
- * set, AN MDL-ERROR-INDICATION is sent to MM.
- */
- if (mctx->lapdm_fmt == LAPDm_FMT_B4) {
- length = N201_B4;
- msg->l3h = msg->l2h + 2;
- } else {
- rc = check_length_ind(mctx, msg->l2h[2]);
- if (rc < 0) {
- msgb_free(msg);
- return rc;
- }
- length = msg->l2h[2] >> 2;
- msg->l3h = msg->l2h + 3;
- }
- /* do some length checks */
- if (length == 0) {
- /* 5.3.3 UI frames received with the length indicator
- * set to "0" shall be ignored
- */
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "length=0 (discarding)\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- switch (LAPDm_ADDR_SAPI(mctx->addr)) {
- case LAPDm_SAPI_SMS:
- break;
- default:
- /* 5.3.3 UI frames with invalid SAPI values shall be
- * discarded
- */
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "sapi=%u (discarding)\n",
- LAPDm_ADDR_SAPI(mctx->addr));
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- msgb_pull_l2h(msg);
- rc = send_rslms_rll_l3_ui(mctx, msg);
- break;
- case LAPDm_U_DISC:
- rsl_msg = RSL_MT_REL_IND;
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "DISC received\n");
- /* flush buffers */
- lapdm_dl_flush_tx(dl);
- lapdm_dl_flush_send(dl);
- /* 5.7.1 */
- dl->seq_err_cond = 0;
- /* G.2.2 Wrong value of the C/R bit */
- if (LAPDm_ADDR_CR(mctx->addr) == CR_BS2MS_RESP) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "DISC response error\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_FRM_UNIMPL, mctx);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- length = msg->l2h[2] >> 2;
- if (length > 0 || msg->l2h[2] & 0x02) {
- /* G.4.4 If a DISC or DM frame is received with L>0 or
- * with the M bit set to "1", an MDL-ERROR-INDICATION
- * primitive with cause "U frame with incorrect
- * parameters" is sent to the mobile management entity.
- */
- "U frame iwth incorrect parameters ");
- msgb_free(msg);
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_UFRM_INC_PARAM, mctx);
- return -EIO;
- }
- msgb_free(msg);
- switch (dl->state) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "DISC in idle state\n");
- /* send DM with F=P */
- return lapdm_send_dm(mctx);
- /* send DM with F=P */
- lapdm_send_dm(mctx);
- /* reset Timer T200 */
- osmo_timer_del(&dl->t200);
- return send_rll_simple(RSL_MT_REL_IND, mctx);
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "DISC in est state\n");
- break;
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "DISC in disc state\n");
- rsl_msg = RSL_MT_REL_CONF;
- break;
- default:
- lapdm_send_ua(mctx, length, msg->l2h + 3);
- return 0;
- }
- /* send UA response */
- lapdm_send_ua(mctx, length, msg->l2h + 3);
- /* reset Timer T200 */
- osmo_timer_del(&dl->t200);
- /* enter idle state */
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_IDLE);
- /* send notification to L3 */
- rc = send_rll_simple(rsl_msg, mctx);
- break;
- case LAPDm_U_UA:
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "UA received\n");
- /* G.2.2 Wrong value of the C/R bit */
- if (LAPDm_ADDR_CR(mctx->addr) == CR_BS2MS_CMD) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "UA indicates command "
- "error\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_FRM_UNIMPL, mctx);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- length = msg->l2h[2] >> 2;
- /* G.4.5 If UA is received with L>N201 or with M bit
- * set, AN MDL-ERROR-INDICATION is sent to MM.
- */
- if ((msg->l2h[2] & LAPDm_MORE) || length + 3 > mctx->n201) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "UA too large error\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_UFRM_INC_PARAM, mctx);
- return -EIO;
- }
- if (!LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl)) {
- /* A UA response with the F bit set to "0"
- * shall be ignored.
- */
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "F=0 (discarding)\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- switch (dl->state) {
- break;
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "unsolicited UA response! "
- "(discarding)\n");
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_UNSOL_UA_RESP, mctx);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "UA in disconnect state\n");
- /* reset Timer T200 */
- osmo_timer_del(&dl->t200);
- /* go to idle state */
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_IDLE);
- rc = send_rll_simple(RSL_MT_REL_CONF, mctx);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- /* 5.4.5 all other frame types shall be discarded */
- default:
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "unsolicited UA response! "
- "(discarding)\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "UA in SABM state\n");
- /* reset Timer T200 */
- osmo_timer_del(&dl->t200);
- /* compare UA with SABME if contention resolution is applied */
- if (dl->tx_hist[0][2] >> 2) {
- rc = check_length_ind(mctx, msg->l2h[2]);
- if (rc < 0) {
- rc = send_rll_simple(RSL_MT_REL_IND, mctx);
- msgb_free(msg);
- /* go to idle state */
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_IDLE);
- return 0;
- }
- length = msg->l2h[2] >> 2;
- if (length != (dl->tx_hist[0][2] >> 2)
- || !!memcmp(dl->tx_hist[0] + 3, msg->l2h + 3,
- length)) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "**** UA response "
- "mismatches ****\n");
- rc = send_rll_simple(RSL_MT_REL_IND, mctx);
- msgb_free(msg);
- /* go to idle state */
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_IDLE);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /* set Vs, Vr and Va to 0 */
- dl->V_send = dl->V_recv = dl->V_ack = 0;
- /* clear tx_hist */
- dl->tx_length[0] = 0;
- /* enter multiple-frame-established state */
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_MF_EST);
- /* send outstanding frames, if any (resume / reconnect) */
- rslms_send_i(mctx, __LINE__);
- /* send notification to L3 */
- rc = send_rll_simple(RSL_MT_EST_CONF, mctx);
- msgb_free(msg);
- break;
- default:
- /* G.3.1 */
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Unnumbered frame not allowed.\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_FRM_UNIMPL, mctx);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- return rc;
-/* Receive a LAPDm S (Supervisory) message from L1 */
-static int lapdm_rx_s(struct msgb *msg, struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx)
- struct lapdm_datalink *dl = mctx->dl;
- uint8_t length;
- length = msg->l2h[2] >> 2;
- if (length > 0 || msg->l2h[2] & 0x02) {
- /* G.4.3 If a supervisory frame is received with L>0 or
- * with the M bit set to "1", an MDL-ERROR-INDICATION
- * primitive with cause "S frame with incorrect
- * parameters" is sent to the mobile management entity. */
- "S frame with incorrect parameters\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_SFRM_INC_PARAM, mctx);
- return -EIO;
- }
- if (LAPDm_ADDR_CR(mctx->addr) == CR_BS2MS_RESP
- && LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl)
- && dl->state != LAPDm_STATE_TIMER_RECOV) {
- /* Inidcate error on supervisory reponse F=1 */
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "S frame response with F=1 error\n");
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_UNSOL_SPRV_RESP, mctx);
- }
- switch (dl->state) {
- /* if P=1, respond DM with F=1 (5.2.2) */
- /* 5.4.5 all other frame types shall be discarded */
- if (LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl))
- lapdm_send_dm(mctx); /* F=P */
- /* fall though */
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "S frame ignored in this state\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- switch (LAPDm_CTRL_S_BITS(mctx->ctrl)) {
- case LAPDm_S_RR:
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "RR received\n");
- /* Acknowlege all tx frames up the the N(R)-1 */
- lapdm_acknowledge(mctx);
- /* */
- if (LAPDm_ADDR_CR(mctx->addr) == CR_BS2MS_CMD
- && LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl)) {
- if (!dl->own_busy && !dl->seq_err_cond) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "RR frame command "
- "with polling bit set and we are not "
- "busy, so we reply with RR frame\n");
- lapdm_send_rr(mctx, 1);
- /* NOTE: In case of sequence error condition,
- * the REJ frame has been transmitted when
- * entering the condition, so it has not be
- * done here
- */
- } else if (dl->own_busy) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "RR frame command "
- "with polling bit set and we are busy, "
- "so we reply with RR frame\n");
- lapdm_send_rnr(mctx, 1);
- }
- } else if (LAPDm_ADDR_CR(mctx->addr) == CR_BS2MS_RESP
- && LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl)
- && dl->state == LAPDm_STATE_TIMER_RECOV) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "RR response with F==1, "
- "and we are in timer recovery state, so "
- "we leave that state\n");
- /* V(S) to the N(R) in the RR frame */
- dl->V_send = LAPDm_CTRL_Nr(mctx->ctrl);
- /* reset Timer T200 */
- osmo_timer_del(&dl->t200);
- /* 5.5.7 Clear timer recovery condition */
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_MF_EST);
- }
- /* Send message, if possible due to acknowledged data */
- rslms_send_i(mctx, __LINE__);
- break;
- case LAPDm_S_RNR:
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "RNR received\n");
- /* Acknowlege all tx frames up the the N(R)-1 */
- lapdm_acknowledge(mctx);
- /* 5.5.5 */
- /* Set peer receiver busy condition */
- dl->peer_busy = 1;
- if (LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl)) {
- if (LAPDm_ADDR_CR(mctx->addr) == CR_BS2MS_CMD) {
- if (!dl->own_busy) {
- "command and we are not busy, "
- "so we reply with RR final "
- "response\n");
- /* Send RR with F=1 */
- lapdm_send_rr(mctx, 1);
- } else {
- "command and we are busy, so "
- "we reply with RNR final "
- "response\n");
- /* Send RNR with F=1 */
- lapdm_send_rnr(mctx, 1);
- }
- } else if (dl->state == LAPDm_STATE_TIMER_RECOV) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "RNR poll response "
- "and we in timer recovery state, so "
- "we leave that state\n");
- /* 5.5.7 Clear timer recovery condition */
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_MF_EST);
- /* V(S) to the N(R) in the RNR frame */
- dl->V_send = LAPDm_CTRL_Nr(mctx->ctrl);
- }
- } else
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "RNR not polling/final state "
- "received\n");
- /* Send message, if possible due to acknowledged data */
- rslms_send_i(mctx, __LINE__);
- break;
- case LAPDm_S_REJ:
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "REJ received\n");
- /* Acknowlege all tx frames up the the N(R)-1 */
- lapdm_acknowledge(mctx);
- /* */
- if (dl->state != LAPDm_STATE_TIMER_RECOV) {
- /* Clear an existing peer receiver busy condition */
- dl->peer_busy = 0;
- /* V(S) and V(A) to the N(R) in the REJ frame */
- dl->V_send = dl->V_ack = LAPDm_CTRL_Nr(mctx->ctrl);
- /* reset Timer T200 */
- osmo_timer_del(&dl->t200);
- /* */
- if (LAPDm_ADDR_CR(mctx->addr) == CR_BS2MS_CMD
- && LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl)) {
- if (!dl->own_busy && !dl->seq_err_cond) {
- "command not in timer recovery "
- "state and not in own busy "
- "condition received, so we "
- "respond with RR final "
- "response\n");
- lapdm_send_rr(mctx, 1);
- /* NOTE: In case of sequence error
- * condition, the REJ frame has been
- * transmitted when entering the
- * condition, so it has not be done
- * here
- */
- } else if (dl->own_busy) {
- "command not in timer recovery "
- "state and in own busy "
- "condition received, so we "
- "respond with RNR final "
- "response\n");
- lapdm_send_rnr(mctx, 1);
- }
- } else
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "REJ response or not "
- "polling command not in timer recovery "
- "state received\n");
- /* send MDL ERROR INIDCATION to L3 */
- if (LAPDm_ADDR_CR(mctx->addr) == CR_BS2MS_RESP
- && LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl)) {
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_UNSOL_SPRV_RESP, mctx);
- }
- } else if (LAPDm_ADDR_CR(mctx->addr) == CR_BS2MS_RESP
- && LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl)) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "REJ poll response in timer "
- "recovery state received\n");
- /* Clear an existing peer receiver busy condition */
- dl->peer_busy = 0;
- /* 5.5.7 Clear timer recovery condition */
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_MF_EST);
- /* V(S) and V(A) to the N(R) in the REJ frame */
- dl->V_send = dl->V_ack = LAPDm_CTRL_Nr(mctx->ctrl);
- /* reset Timer T200 */
- osmo_timer_del(&dl->t200);
- } else {
- /* Clear an existing peer receiver busy condition */
- dl->peer_busy = 0;
- /* V(S) and V(A) to the N(R) in the REJ frame */
- dl->V_send = dl->V_ack = LAPDm_CTRL_Nr(mctx->ctrl);
- /* */
- if (LAPDm_ADDR_CR(mctx->addr) == CR_BS2MS_CMD
- && LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl)) {
- if (!dl->own_busy && !dl->seq_err_cond) {
- "command in timer recovery "
- "state and not in own busy "
- "condition received, so we "
- "respond with RR final "
- "response\n");
- lapdm_send_rr(mctx, 1);
- /* NOTE: In case of sequence error
- * condition, the REJ frame has been
- * transmitted when entering the
- * condition, so it has not be done
- * here
- */
- } else if (dl->own_busy) {
- "command in timer recovery "
- "state and in own busy "
- "condition received, so we "
- "respond with RNR final "
- "response\n");
- lapdm_send_rnr(mctx, 1);
- }
- } else
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "REJ response or not "
- "polling command in timer recovery "
- "state received\n");
- }
- /* FIXME: 2) */
- /* Send message, if possible due to acknowledged data */
- rslms_send_i(mctx, __LINE__);
- break;
- default:
- /* G.3.1 */
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Supervisory frame not allowed.\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_FRM_UNIMPL, mctx);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
-/* Receive a LAPDm I (Information) message from L1 */
-static int lapdm_rx_i(struct msgb *msg, struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx)
- struct lapdm_datalink *dl = mctx->dl;
- //uint8_t nr = LAPDm_CTRL_Nr(mctx->ctrl);
- uint8_t ns = LAPDm_CTRL_I_Ns(mctx->ctrl);
- uint8_t length;
- int rc;
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "I received\n");
- /* G.2.2 Wrong value of the C/R bit */
- if (LAPDm_ADDR_CR(mctx->addr) == CR_BS2MS_RESP) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "I frame response not allowed\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_FRM_UNIMPL, mctx);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- length = msg->l2h[2] >> 2;
- if (length == 0 || length + 3 > mctx->n201) {
- /* G.4.2 If the length indicator of an I frame is set
- * to a numerical value L>N201 or L=0, an MDL-ERROR-INDICATION
- * primitive with cause "I frame with incorrect length"
- * is sent to the mobile management entity. */
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "I frame length not allowed\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_IFRM_INC_LEN, mctx);
- return -EIO;
- }
- /* G.4.2 If the numerical value of L is L<N201 and the M
- * bit is set to "1", then an MDL-ERROR-INDICATION primitive with
- * cause "I frame with incorrect use of M bit" is sent to the
- * mobile management entity. */
- if ((msg->l2h[2] & LAPDm_MORE) && length + 3 < mctx->n201) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "I frame with M bit too short\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_IFRM_INC_MBITS, mctx);
- return -EIO;
- }
- switch (dl->state) {
- /* if P=1, respond DM with F=1 (5.2.2) */
- /* 5.4.5 all other frame types shall be discarded */
- if (LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl))
- lapdm_send_dm(mctx); /* F=P */
- /* fall though */
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "I frame ignored in this state\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* 5.7.1: N(s) sequence error */
- if (ns != dl->V_recv) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "N(S) sequence error: N(S)=%u, "
- "V(R)=%u\n", ns, dl->V_recv);
- /* discard data */
- msgb_free(msg);
- if (!dl->seq_err_cond) {
- /* FIXME: help me understand what exactly todo here
- dl->seq_err_cond = 1;
- */
- lapdm_send_rej(mctx, LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl));
- } else {
- }
- return -EIO;
- }
- dl->seq_err_cond = 0;
- /* Increment receiver state */
- dl->V_recv = inc_mod8(dl->V_recv);
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "incrementing V(R) to %u\n", dl->V_recv);
- /* Acknowlege all transmitted frames up the the N(R)-1 */
- lapdm_acknowledge(mctx); /* V(A) is also set here */
- /* Only if we are not in own receiver busy condition */
- if (!dl->own_busy) {
- /* if the frame carries a complete segment */
- if (!(msg->l2h[2] & LAPDm_MORE)
- && !dl->rcv_buffer) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "message in single I frame\n");
- /* send a DATA INDICATION to L3 */
- msg->l3h = msg->l2h + 3;
- msgb_pull_l2h(msg);
- msg->len = length;
- msg->tail = msg->data + length;
- rc = send_rslms_rll_l3(RSL_MT_DATA_IND, mctx, msg);
- } else {
- /* create rcv_buffer */
- if (!dl->rcv_buffer) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "message in multiple I "
- "frames (first message)\n");
- dl->rcv_buffer = msgb_alloc_headroom(200+56, 56,
- "LAPDm RX");
- dl->rcv_buffer->l3h = dl->rcv_buffer->data;
- }
- /* concat. rcv_buffer */
- if (msgb_l3len(dl->rcv_buffer) + length > 200) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Received frame "
- "overflow!\n");
- } else {
- memcpy(msgb_put(dl->rcv_buffer, length),
- msg->l2h + 3, length);
- }
- /* if the last segment was received */
- if (!(msg->l2h[2] & LAPDm_MORE)) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "message in multiple I "
- "frames (last message)\n");
- rc = send_rslms_rll_l3(RSL_MT_DATA_IND, mctx,
- dl->rcv_buffer);
- dl->rcv_buffer = NULL;
- } else
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "message in multiple I "
- "frames (next message)\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- }
- } else
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "I frame ignored during own receiver "
- "busy condition\n");
- /* Check for P bit */
- if (LAPDm_CTRL_PF_BIT(mctx->ctrl)) {
- /* */
- /* check if we are not in own receiver busy */
- if (!dl->own_busy) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "we are not busy, send RR\n");
- /* Send RR with F=1 */
- rc = lapdm_send_rr(mctx, 1);
- } else {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "we are busy, send RNR\n");
- /* Send RNR with F=1 */
- rc = lapdm_send_rnr(mctx, 1);
- }
- } else {
- /* */
- /* check if we are not in own receiver busy */
- if (!dl->own_busy) {
- /* NOTE: V(R) is already set above */
- rc = rslms_send_i(mctx, __LINE__);
- if (rc) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "we are not busy and "
- "have no pending data, send RR\n");
- /* Send RR with F=0 */
- return lapdm_send_rr(mctx, 0);
- }
- /* all I or one RR is sent, we are done */
- return 0;
- } else {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "we are busy, send RNR\n");
- /* Send RNR with F=0 */
- rc = lapdm_send_rnr(mctx, 0);
- }
- }
- /* Send message, if possible due to acknowledged data */
- rslms_send_i(mctx, __LINE__);
- return rc;
-/* Receive a LAPDm message from L1 */
-static int lapdm_ph_data_ind(struct msgb *msg, struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx)
- int rc;
- /* G.2.3 EA bit set to "0" is not allowed in GSM */
- if (!LAPDm_ADDR_EA(mctx->addr)) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "EA bit 0 is not allowed in GSM\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- rsl_rll_error(RLL_CAUSE_FRM_UNIMPL, mctx);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (LAPDm_CTRL_is_U(mctx->ctrl))
- rc = lapdm_rx_u(msg, mctx);
- else if (LAPDm_CTRL_is_S(mctx->ctrl))
- rc = lapdm_rx_s(msg, mctx);
- else if (LAPDm_CTRL_is_I(mctx->ctrl))
- rc = lapdm_rx_i(msg, mctx);
- else {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "unknown LAPDm format\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- rc = -EINVAL;
- }
- return rc;
-/* input into layer2 (from layer 1) */
-int l2_ph_data_ind(struct msgb *msg, struct lapdm_entity *le, struct l1ctl_info_dl *l1i)
- uint8_t cbits = l1i->chan_nr >> 3;
- uint8_t sapi = l1i->link_id & 7;
- struct lapdm_msg_ctx mctx;
- int rc = 0;
- /* when we reach here, we have a msgb with l2h pointing to the raw
- * 23byte mac block. The l1h has already been purged. */
- mctx.dl = datalink_for_sapi(le, sapi);
- mctx.chan_nr = l1i->chan_nr;
- mctx.link_id = l1i->link_id;
- mctx.addr = mctx.ctrl = 0;
- /* G.2.1 No action schall be taken on frames containing an unallocated
- * SAPI.
- */
- if (!mctx.dl) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Received frame for unsupported "
- "SAPI %d!\n", sapi);
- return -EINVAL;
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -EIO;
- }
- /* check for L1 chan_nr/link_id and determine LAPDm hdr format */
- if (cbits == 0x10 || cbits == 0x12) {
- /* Format Bbis is used on BCCH and CCCH(PCH, NCH and AGCH) */
- mctx.lapdm_fmt = LAPDm_FMT_Bbis;
- mctx.n201 = N201_Bbis;
- } else {
- if (mctx.link_id & 0x40) {
- /* It was received from network on SACCH, thus
- * lapdm_fmt must be B4 */
- mctx.lapdm_fmt = LAPDm_FMT_B4;
- mctx.n201 = N201_B4;
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "fmt=B4\n");
- /* SACCH frames have a two-byte L1 header that
- * OsmocomBB L1 doesn't strip */
- mctx.tx_power_ind = msg->l2h[0] & 0x1f;
- mctx.ta_ind = msg->l2h[1];
- msgb_pull(msg, 2);
- msg->l2h += 2;
- } else {
- mctx.lapdm_fmt = LAPDm_FMT_B;
- mctx.n201 = 23; // FIXME: select correct size by chan.
- }
- }
- switch (mctx.lapdm_fmt) {
- case LAPDm_FMT_A:
- case LAPDm_FMT_B:
- case LAPDm_FMT_B4:
- mctx.addr = msg->l2h[0];
- if (!(mctx.addr & 0x01)) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_ERROR, "we don't support "
- "multibyte addresses (discarding)\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- mctx.ctrl = msg->l2h[1];
- /* obtain SAPI from address field */
- mctx.link_id |= LAPDm_ADDR_SAPI(mctx.addr);
- rc = lapdm_ph_data_ind(msg, &mctx);
- break;
- case LAPDm_FMT_Bter:
- /* FIXME */
- msgb_free(msg);
- break;
- case LAPDm_FMT_Bbis:
- /* directly pass up to layer3 */
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "fmt=Bbis UI\n");
- msg->l3h = msg->l2h;
- msgb_pull_l2h(msg);
- rc = send_rslms_rll_l3(RSL_MT_UNIT_DATA_IND, &mctx, msg);
- break;
- default:
- msgb_free(msg);
- }
- return rc;
-/* L3 -> L2 / RSLMS -> LAPDm */
-/* L3 requests establishment of data link */
-static int rslms_rx_rll_est_req(struct msgb *msg, struct lapdm_datalink *dl)
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- uint8_t chan_nr = rllh->chan_nr;
- uint8_t link_id = rllh->link_id;
- uint8_t sapi = rllh->link_id & 7;
- struct tlv_parsed tv;
- uint8_t length;
- uint8_t n201 = 23; //FIXME
- /* Set chan_nr and link_id for established connection */
- memset(&dl->mctx, 0, sizeof(dl->mctx));
- dl->mctx.dl = dl;
- dl->mctx.n201 = n201;
- dl->mctx.chan_nr = chan_nr;
- dl->mctx.link_id = link_id;
- rsl_tlv_parse(&tv, rllh->data, msgb_l2len(msg)-sizeof(*rllh));
- if (TLVP_PRESENT(&tv, RSL_IE_L3_INFO)) {
- /* contention resolution establishment procedure */
- if (sapi != 0) {
- /* According to clause 6, the contention resolution
- * procedure is only permitted with SAPI value 0 */
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_ERROR, "SAPI != 0 but contention"
- "resolution (discarding)\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return send_rll_simple(RSL_MT_REL_IND, &dl->mctx);
- }
- /* transmit a SABM command with the P bit set to "1". The SABM
- * command shall contain the layer 3 message unit */
- length = TLVP_LEN(&tv, RSL_IE_L3_INFO);
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "perform establishment with content "
- "(SABM)\n");
- } else {
- /* normal establishment procedure */
- length = 0;
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "perform normal establishm. (SABM)\n");
- }
- /* check if the layer3 message length exceeds N201 */
- if (length + 3 > 21) { /* FIXME: do we know the channel N201? */
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_ERROR, "frame too large: %d > N201(%d) "
- "(discarding)\n", length + 3, 21);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return send_rll_simple(RSL_MT_REL_IND, &dl->mctx);
- }
- /* Flush send-queue */
- /* Clear send-buffer */
- lapdm_dl_flush_send(dl);
- /* Discard partly received L3 message */
- if (dl->rcv_buffer) {
- msgb_free(dl->rcv_buffer);
- dl->rcv_buffer = NULL;
- }
- /* Remove RLL header from msgb */
- msgb_pull_l2h(msg);
- /* Push LAPDm header on msgb */
- msg->l2h = msgb_push(msg, 3);
- msg->l2h[0] = LAPDm_ADDR(LAPDm_LPD_NORMAL, sapi, CR_MS2BS_CMD);
- msg->l2h[1] = LAPDm_CTRL_U(LAPDm_U_SABM, 1);
- msg->l2h[2] = LAPDm_LEN(length);
- /* Transmit-buffer carries exactly one segment */
- memcpy(dl->tx_hist[0], msg->l2h, 3 + length);
- dl->tx_length[0] = 3 + length;
- /* set Vs to 0, because it is used as index when resending SABM */
- dl->V_send = 0;
- /* Set states */
- dl->own_busy = dl->peer_busy = 0;
- dl->retrans_ctr = 0;
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_SABM_SENT);
- /* Tramsmit and start T200 */
- osmo_timer_schedule(&dl->t200, T200);
- return tx_ph_data_enqueue(dl, msg, chan_nr, link_id, n201);
-/* L3 requests transfer of unnumbered information */
-static int rslms_rx_rll_udata_req(struct msgb *msg, struct lapdm_datalink *dl)
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- uint8_t chan_nr = rllh->chan_nr;
- uint8_t link_id = rllh->link_id;
- uint8_t sapi = link_id & 7;
- struct tlv_parsed tv;
- int length;
- uint8_t n201 = 23; //FIXME
- uint8_t ta = 0, tx_power = 0;
- /* check if the layer3 message length exceeds N201 */
- rsl_tlv_parse(&tv, rllh->data, msgb_l2len(msg)-sizeof(*rllh));
- }
- tx_power = *TLVP_VAL(&tv, RSL_IE_MS_POWER);
- }
- if (!TLVP_PRESENT(&tv, RSL_IE_L3_INFO)) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_ERROR, "unit data request without message "
- "error\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- length = TLVP_LEN(&tv, RSL_IE_L3_INFO);
- /* check if the layer3 message length exceeds N201 */
- if (length + 5 > 23) { /* FIXME: do we know the channel N201? */
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_ERROR, "frame too large: %d > N201(%d) "
- "(discarding)\n", length + 5, 23);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -EIO;
- }
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "sending unit data (tx_power=%d, ta=%d)\n",
- tx_power, ta);
- /* Remove RLL header from msgb */
- msgb_pull_l2h(msg);
- /* Push L1 + LAPDm header on msgb */
- msg->l2h = msgb_push(msg, 2 + 3);
- msg->l2h[0] = tx_power;
- msg->l2h[1] = ta;
- msg->l2h[2] = LAPDm_ADDR(LAPDm_LPD_NORMAL, sapi, CR_MS2BS_CMD);
- msg->l2h[3] = LAPDm_CTRL_U(LAPDm_U_UI, 0);
- msg->l2h[4] = LAPDm_LEN(length);
- // FIXME: short L2 header support
- /* Tramsmit */
- return tx_ph_data_enqueue(dl, msg, chan_nr, link_id, n201);
-/* L3 requests transfer of acknowledged information */
-static int rslms_rx_rll_data_req(struct msgb *msg, struct lapdm_datalink *dl)
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- struct tlv_parsed tv;
- rsl_tlv_parse(&tv, rllh->data, msgb_l2len(msg)-sizeof(*rllh));
- if (!TLVP_PRESENT(&tv, RSL_IE_L3_INFO)) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_ERROR, "data request without message "
- "error\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "writing message to send-queue\n");
- /* Remove the RSL/RLL header */
- msgb_pull_l2h(msg);
- /* Write data into the send queue */
- msgb_enqueue(&dl->send_queue, msg);
- /* Send message, if possible */
- rslms_send_i(&dl->mctx, __LINE__);
- return 0;
-/* Send next I frame from queued/buffered data */
-static int rslms_send_i(struct lapdm_msg_ctx *mctx, int line)
- struct lapdm_datalink *dl = mctx->dl;
- uint8_t chan_nr = mctx->chan_nr;
- uint8_t link_id = mctx->link_id;
- uint8_t sapi = link_id & 7;
- int k = k_sapi[sapi];
- struct msgb *msg;
- int length, left;
- int rc = - 1; /* we sent nothing */
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "%s() called from line %d\n", __func__, line);
- next_frame:
- if (dl->peer_busy) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "peer busy, not sending\n");
- return rc;
- }
- if (dl->state == LAPDm_STATE_TIMER_RECOV) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "timer recovery, not sending\n");
- return rc;
- }
- /* If the send state variable V(S) is equal to V(A) plus k
- * (where k is the maximum number of outstanding I frames - see
- * subclause 5.8.4), the data link layer entity shall not transmit any
- * new I frames, but shall retransmit an I frame as a result
- * of the error recovery procedures as described in subclauses 5.5.4 and
- * 5.5.7. */
- if (dl->V_send == add_mod8(dl->V_ack, k)) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "k frames outstanding, not sending "
- "more (k=%u V(S)=%u V(A)=%u)\n", k, dl->V_send,
- dl->V_ack);
- return rc;
- }
- /* if we have no tx_hist yet, we create it */
- if (!dl->tx_length[dl->V_send]) {
- /* Get next message into send-buffer, if any */
- if (!dl->send_buffer) {
- next_message:
- dl->send_out = 0;
- dl->send_buffer = msgb_dequeue(&dl->send_queue);
- /* No more data to be sent */
- if (!dl->send_buffer)
- return rc;
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "get message from "
- "send-queue\n");
- }
- /* How much is left in the send-buffer? */
- left = msgb_l3len(dl->send_buffer) - dl->send_out;
- /* Segment, if data exceeds N201 */
- length = left;
- if (length > mctx->n201 - 3)
- length = mctx->n201 - 3;
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "msg-len %d sent %d left %d N201 %d "
- "length %d first byte %02x\n",
- msgb_l3len(dl->send_buffer), dl->send_out, left,
- mctx->n201, length, dl->send_buffer->l3h[0]);
- /* If message in send-buffer is completely sent */
- if (left == 0) {
- msgb_free(dl->send_buffer);
- dl->send_buffer = NULL;
- goto next_message;
- }
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "send I frame %sV(S)=%d\n",
- (left > length) ? "segment " : "", dl->V_send);
- /* Create I frame (segment) and transmit-buffer content */
- msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(23+10, 10, "LAPDm I");
- msg->l2h = msgb_put(msg, 3 + length);
- msg->l2h[0] = LAPDm_ADDR(LAPDm_LPD_NORMAL, sapi, CR_MS2BS_CMD);
- msg->l2h[1] = LAPDm_CTRL_I(dl->V_recv, dl->V_send, 0);
- msg->l2h[2] = LAPDm_LEN(length);
- if (left > length)
- msg->l2h[2] |= LAPDm_MORE;
- memcpy(msg->l2h + 3, dl->send_buffer->l3h + dl->send_out,
- length);
- memcpy(dl->tx_hist[dl->V_send], msg->l2h, 3 + length);
- dl->tx_length[dl->V_send] = 3 + length;
- /* Add length to track how much is already in the tx buffer */
- dl->send_out += length;
- } else {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "resend I frame from tx buffer "
- "V(S)=%d\n", dl->V_send);
- /* Create I frame (segment) from tx_hist */
- length = dl->tx_length[dl->V_send];
- msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(23+10, 10, "LAPDm I");
- msg->l2h = msgb_put(msg, length);
- memcpy(msg->l2h, dl->tx_hist[dl->V_send], length);
- msg->l2h[1] = LAPDm_CTRL_I(dl->V_recv, dl->V_send, 0);
- }
- /* The value of the send state variable V(S) shall be incremented by 1
- * at the end of the transmission of the I frame */
- dl->V_send = inc_mod8(dl->V_send);
- /* If timer T200 is not running at the time right before transmitting a
- * frame, when the PH-READY-TO-SEND primitive is received from the
- * physical layer., it shall be set. */
- if (!osmo_timer_pending(&dl->t200))
- osmo_timer_schedule(&dl->t200, T200);
- tx_ph_data_enqueue(dl, msg, chan_nr, link_id, mctx->n201);
- rc = 0; /* we sent something */
- goto next_frame;
-/* L3 requests suspension of data link */
-static int rslms_rx_rll_susp_req(struct msgb *msg, struct lapdm_datalink *dl)
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- uint8_t sapi = rllh->link_id & 7;
- if (sapi != 0) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_ERROR, "SAPI != 0 while suspending\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "perform suspension\n");
- /* put back the send-buffer to the send-queue (first position) */
- if (dl->send_buffer) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "put frame in sendbuffer back to "
- "queue\n");
- llist_add(&dl->send_buffer->list, &dl->send_queue);
- dl->send_buffer = NULL;
- } else
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "no frame in sendbuffer\n");
- /* Clear transmit buffer, but keep send buffer */
- lapdm_dl_flush_tx(dl);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return send_rll_simple(RSL_MT_SUSP_CONF, &dl->mctx);
-/* L3 requests resume of data link */
-static int rslms_rx_rll_res_req(struct msgb *msg, struct lapdm_datalink *dl)
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- uint8_t chan_nr = rllh->chan_nr;
- uint8_t link_id = rllh->link_id;
- uint8_t sapi = rllh->link_id & 7;
- struct tlv_parsed tv;
- uint8_t length;
- uint8_t n201 = 23; //FIXME
- /* Set chan_nr and link_id for established connection */
- memset(&dl->mctx, 0, sizeof(dl->mctx));
- dl->mctx.dl = dl;
- dl->mctx.n201 = n201;
- dl->mctx.chan_nr = chan_nr;
- dl->mctx.link_id = link_id;
- rsl_tlv_parse(&tv, rllh->data, msgb_l2len(msg)-sizeof(*rllh));
- if (!TLVP_PRESENT(&tv, RSL_IE_L3_INFO)) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_ERROR, "resume without message error\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return send_rll_simple(RSL_MT_REL_IND, &dl->mctx);
- }
- length = TLVP_LEN(&tv, RSL_IE_L3_INFO);
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "perform re-establishment (SABM) length=%d\n",
- length);
- /* Replace message in the send-buffer (reconnect) */
- if (dl->send_buffer)
- msgb_free(dl->send_buffer);
- dl->send_out = 0;
- if (length) {
- /* Remove the RSL/RLL header */
- msgb_pull_l2h(msg);
- /* Write data into the send buffer, to be sent first */
- dl->send_buffer = msg;
- }
- /* Discard partly received L3 message */
- if (dl->rcv_buffer) {
- msgb_free(dl->rcv_buffer);
- dl->rcv_buffer = NULL;
- }
- /* Create new msgb (old one is now free) */
- msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(23+10, 10, "LAPDm SABM");
- msg->l2h = msgb_put(msg, 3);
- msg->l2h[0] = LAPDm_ADDR(LAPDm_LPD_NORMAL, sapi, CR_MS2BS_CMD);
- msg->l2h[1] = LAPDm_CTRL_U(LAPDm_U_SABM, 1);
- msg->l2h[2] = LAPDm_LEN(0);
- /* Transmit-buffer carries exactly one segment */
- memcpy(dl->tx_hist[0], msg->l2h, 3);
- dl->tx_length[0] = 3;
- /* set Vs to 0, because it is used as index when resending SABM */
- dl->V_send = 0;
- /* Set states */
- dl->own_busy = dl->peer_busy = 0;
- dl->retrans_ctr = 0;
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_SABM_SENT);
- /* Tramsmit and start T200 */
- osmo_timer_schedule(&dl->t200, T200);
- return tx_ph_data_enqueue(dl, msg, chan_nr, link_id, n201);
-/* L3 requests release of data link */
-static int rslms_rx_rll_rel_req(struct msgb *msg, struct lapdm_datalink *dl)
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- uint8_t chan_nr = rllh->chan_nr;
- uint8_t link_id = rllh->link_id;
- uint8_t sapi = rllh->link_id & 7;
- uint8_t mode = 0;
- /* get release mode */
- if (rllh->data[0] == RSL_IE_RELEASE_MODE)
- mode = rllh->data[1] & 1;
- /* local release */
- if (mode) {
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "perform local release\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- /* reset Timer T200 */
- osmo_timer_del(&dl->t200);
- /* enter idle state */
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_IDLE);
- /* flush buffers */
- lapdm_dl_flush_tx(dl);
- lapdm_dl_flush_send(dl);
- /* send notification to L3 */
- return send_rll_simple(RSL_MT_REL_CONF, &dl->mctx);
- }
- /* in case we are already disconnecting */
- if (dl->state == LAPDm_STATE_DISC_SENT)
- return -EBUSY;
- LOGP(DLAPDM, LOGL_INFO, "perform normal release (DISC)\n");
- /* Pull rllh */
- msgb_pull(msg, msg->tail - msg->l2h);
- /* Push LAPDm header on msgb */
- msg->l2h = msgb_push(msg, 3);
- msg->l2h[0] = LAPDm_ADDR(LAPDm_LPD_NORMAL, sapi, CR_MS2BS_CMD);
- msg->l2h[1] = LAPDm_CTRL_U(LAPDm_U_DISC, 1);
- msg->l2h[2] = LAPDm_LEN(0);
- /* Transmit-buffer carries exactly one segment */
- memcpy(dl->tx_hist[0], msg->l2h, 3);
- dl->tx_length[0] = 3;
- /* Set states */
- dl->own_busy = dl->peer_busy = 0;
- dl->retrans_ctr = 0;
- lapdm_dl_newstate(dl, LAPDm_STATE_DISC_SENT);
- /* Tramsmit and start T200 */
- osmo_timer_schedule(&dl->t200, T200);
- return tx_ph_data_enqueue(dl, msg, chan_nr, link_id, dl->mctx.n201);
-/* L3 requests release in idle state */
-static int rslms_rx_rll_rel_req_idle(struct msgb *msg, struct lapdm_datalink *dl)
- msgb_free(msg);
- /* send notification to L3 */
- return send_rll_simple(RSL_MT_REL_CONF, &dl->mctx);
-/* L3 requests channel in idle state */
-static int rslms_rx_chan_rqd(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct abis_rsl_cchan_hdr *cch = msgb_l2(msg);
- int rc;
- if (msgb_l2len(msg) < sizeof(*cch) + 4 + 2 + 2) {
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_ERROR, "Message too short for CHAN RQD!\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (cch->data[0] != RSL_IE_REQ_REFERENCE) {
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (cch->data[4] != RSL_IE_ACCESS_DELAY) {
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (cch->data[6] != RSL_IE_MS_POWER) {
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* TA = 0 - delay */
- rc = l1ctl_tx_param_req(ms, 0 - cch->data[5], cch->data[7]);
- rc = l1ctl_tx_rach_req(ms, cch->data[1],
- ((cch->data[2] & 0x7f) << 8) | cch->data[3], cch->data[2] >> 7);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return rc;
-/* L1 confirms channel request */
-int l2_ph_chan_conf(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- struct l1ctl_info_dl *dl)
- struct abis_rsl_cchan_hdr *ch;
- struct gsm_time tm;
- struct gsm48_req_ref *ref;
- gsm_fn2gsmtime(&tm, htonl(dl->frame_nr));
- msgb_pull_l2h(msg);
- msg->l2h = msgb_push(msg, sizeof(*ch) + sizeof(*ref));
- ch = (struct abis_rsl_cchan_hdr *)msg->l2h;
- rsl_init_cchan_hdr(ch, RSL_MT_CHAN_CONF);
- ch->chan_nr = RSL_CHAN_RACH;
- ch->data[0] = RSL_IE_REQ_REFERENCE;
- ref = (struct gsm48_req_ref *) (ch->data + 1);
- ref->t1 = tm.t1;
- ref->t2 = tm.t2;
- ref->t3_low = tm.t3 & 0x7;
- ref->t3_high = tm.t3 >> 3;
- return rslms_sendmsg(msg, ms);
-/* Names for Radio Link Layer Management */
-static const struct value_string rsl_msg_names[] = {
- { 0, NULL }
-const char *get_rsl_name(int value)
- return get_value_string(rsl_msg_names, value);
-const char *lapdm_state_names[] = {
-/* statefull handling for RSLms RLL messages from L3 */
-static struct l2downstate {
- uint32_t states;
- int type;
- int (*rout) (struct msgb *msg, struct lapdm_datalink *dl);
-} l2downstatelist[] = {
- /* create and send UI command */
- RSL_MT_UNIT_DATA_REQ, rslms_rx_rll_udata_req},
- /* create and send SABM command */
- RSL_MT_EST_REQ, rslms_rx_rll_est_req},
- /* create and send I command */
- RSL_MT_DATA_REQ, rslms_rx_rll_data_req},
- /* suspend datalink */
- RSL_MT_SUSP_REQ, rslms_rx_rll_susp_req},
- /* create and send SABM command (resume) */
- RSL_MT_RES_REQ, rslms_rx_rll_res_req},
- /* create and send SABM command (reconnect) */
- RSL_MT_RECON_REQ, rslms_rx_rll_res_req},
- /* create and send DISC command */
- RSL_MT_REL_REQ, rslms_rx_rll_rel_req},
- /* release in idle state */
- RSL_MT_REL_REQ, rslms_rx_rll_rel_req_idle},
-#define L2DOWNSLLEN \
- (sizeof(l2downstatelist) / sizeof(struct l2downstate))
-/* incoming RSLms RLL message from L3 */
-static int rslms_rx_rll(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- int msg_type = rllh->c.msg_type;
- uint8_t sapi = rllh->link_id & 7;
- struct lapdm_entity *le;
- struct lapdm_datalink *dl;
- int i, supported = 0;
- int rc = 0;
- if (msgb_l2len(msg) < sizeof(*rllh)) {
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_ERROR, "Message too short for RLL hdr!\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (rllh->link_id & 0x40)
- le = &ms->l2_entity.lapdm_acch;
- else
- le = &ms->l2_entity.lapdm_dcch;
- /* G.2.1 No action schall be taken on frames containing an unallocated
- * SAPI.
- */
- dl = datalink_for_sapi(le, sapi);
- if (!dl) {
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_ERROR, "No instance for SAPI %d!\n", sapi);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) RLL Message '%s' received in state %s\n",
- ms->name, get_rsl_name(msg_type), lapdm_state_names[dl->state]);
- /* find function for current state and message */
- for (i = 0; i < L2DOWNSLLEN; i++) {
- if (msg_type == l2downstatelist[i].type)
- supported = 1;
- if ((msg_type == l2downstatelist[i].type)
- && ((1 << dl->state) & l2downstatelist[i].states))
- break;
- }
- if (!supported) {
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_NOTICE, "Message unsupported.\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- if (i == L2DOWNSLLEN) {
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_NOTICE, "Message unhandled at this state.\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- rc = l2downstatelist[i].rout(msg, dl);
- return rc;
-/* incoming RSLms COMMON CHANNEL message from L3 */
-static int rslms_rx_com_chan(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct abis_rsl_cchan_hdr *cch = msgb_l2(msg);
- int msg_type = cch->c.msg_type;
- int rc = 0;
- if (msgb_l2len(msg) < sizeof(*cch)) {
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_ERROR, "Message too short for COM CHAN hdr!\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- switch (msg_type) {
- /* create and send RACH request */
- rc = rslms_rx_chan_rqd(ms, msg);
- break;
- default:
- msg_type);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- return rc;
-/* input into layer2 (from layer 3) */
-int rslms_recvmsg(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct abis_rsl_common_hdr *rslh = msgb_l2(msg);
- int rc = 0;
- if (msgb_l2len(msg) < sizeof(*rslh)) {
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_ERROR, "Message too short RSL hdr!\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- switch (rslh->msg_discr & 0xfe) {
- rc = rslms_rx_rll(msg, ms);
- break;
- rc = rslms_rx_com_chan(msg, ms);
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_ERROR, "unknown RSLms message "
- "discriminator 0x%02x", rslh->msg_discr);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- return rc;
-/* input function that L2 calls when sending messages up to L3 */
-int rslms_sendmsg(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- if (!ms->l2_entity.msg_handler) {
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -EIO;
- }
- /* call the layer2 message handler that is registered */
- return ms->l2_entity.msg_handler(msg, ms);
-/* register message handler for messages that are sent from L2->L3 */
-int osmol2_register_handler(struct osmocom_ms *ms, osmol2_cb_t cb)
- ms->l2_entity.msg_handler = cb;
- return 0;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/logging.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/logging.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5283935..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/logging.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-/* Logging/Debug support of the layer2/3 stack */
-/* (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-static const struct log_info_cat default_categories[] = {
- [DRSL] = {
- .name = "DRSL",
- .description = "Radio Signalling Link (MS)",
- .color = "\033[1;35m",
- .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_NOTICE,
- },
- [DCS] = {
- .name = "DCS",
- .description = "Cell selection",
- .color = "\033[34m",
- .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
- },
- [DPLMN] = {
- .name = "DPLMN",
- .description = "PLMN selection",
- .color = "\033[32m",
- .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
- },
- [DRR] = {
- .name = "DRR",
- .description = "Radio Resource",
- .color = "\033[1;34m",
- .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
- },
- [DMM] = {
- .name = "DMM",
- .description = "Mobility Management",
- .color = "\033[1;32m",
- .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
- },
- [DCC] = {
- .name = "DCC",
- .description = "Call Control",
- .color = "\033[1;33m",
- .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
- },
- [DSMS] = {
- .name = "DSMS",
- .description = "Short Message Service",
- .color = "\033[1;37m",
- .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
- },
- [DMNCC] = {
- .name = "DMNCC",
- .description = "Mobile Network Call Control",
- .color = "\033[1;37m",
- .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
- },
- [DMEAS] = {
- .name = "DMEAS",
- .description = "MEasurement Reporting",
- .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
- },
- [DPAG] = {
- .name = "DPAG",
- .description = "Paging",
- .color = "\033[33m",
- .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
- },
- [DLAPDM] = {
- .name = "DLAPDM",
- .description = "LAPDm Layer2",
- .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_NOTICE,
- },
- [DL1C] = {
- .name = "DL1C",
- .description = "Layer 1 Control",
- .color = "\033[1;31m",
- .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_NOTICE,
- },
- [DSAP] = {
- .name = "DSAP",
- .description = "SAP Control",
- .color = "\033[1;31m",
- .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
- },
- [DSUM] = {
- .name = "DSUM",
- .description = "Summary of Process",
- .color = "\033[1;37m",
- .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
- },
- [DSIM] = {
- .name = "DSIM",
- .description = "SIM client",
- .color = "\033[0;35m",
- .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
- },
- [DGPS] = {
- .name = "DGPS",
- .description = "GPS",
- .color = "\033[1;35m",
- .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG,
- },
-const struct log_info log_info = {
- .filter_fn = NULL,
- .cat = default_categories,
- .num_cat = ARRAY_SIZE(default_categories),
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/main.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a307222..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-/* Main method of the layer2/3 stack */
-/* (C) 2010 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1l2_interface.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/sap_interface.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/misc/layer3.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/lapdm.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l23_app.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/select.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/gsmtap_util.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/gsmtap.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-struct log_target *stderr_target;
-void *l23_ctx = NULL;
-static char *layer2_socket_path = "/tmp/osmocom_l2";
-static char *sap_socket_path = "/tmp/osmocom_sap";
-struct llist_head ms_list;
-static struct osmocom_ms *ms = NULL;
-static char *gsmtap_ip = NULL;
-unsigned short vty_port = 4247;
-int (*l23_app_work) (struct osmocom_ms *ms) = NULL;
-int (*l23_app_exit) (struct osmocom_ms *ms) = NULL;
-int quit = 0;
-struct gsmtap_inst *gsmtap_inst;
-const char *openbsc_copyright =
- "%s"
- "%s\n"
- "License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later "
- "<>\n"
- "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\n"
- "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n\n";
-static void print_usage(const char *app)
- printf("Usage: %s\n", app);
-static void print_help()
- int options = 0xff;
- struct l23_app_info *app = l23_app_info();
- if (app && app->cfg_supported != 0)
- options = app->cfg_supported();
- printf(" Some help...\n");
- printf(" -h --help this text\n");
- printf(" -s --socket /tmp/osmocom_l2. Path to the unix "
- "domain socket (l2)\n");
- if (options & L23_OPT_SAP)
- printf(" -S --sap /tmp/osmocom_sap. Path to the "
- "unix domain socket (BTSAP)\n");
- if (options & L23_OPT_ARFCN)
- printf(" -a --arfcn NR The ARFCN to be used for layer2.\n");
- if (options & L23_OPT_TAP)
- printf(" -i --gsmtap-ip The destination IP used for GSMTAP.\n");
- if (options & L23_OPT_VTY)
- printf(" -v --vty-port The VTY port number to telnet "
- "to. (default %u)\n", vty_port);
- if (options & L23_OPT_DBG)
- printf(" -d --debug Change debug flags.\n");
- if (app && app->cfg_print_help)
- app->cfg_print_help();
-static void build_config(char **opt, struct option **option)
- struct l23_app_info *app;
- struct option *app_opp = NULL;
- int app_len = 0, len;
- static struct option long_options[] = {
- {"help", 0, 0, 'h'},
- {"socket", 1, 0, 's'},
- {"sap", 1, 0, 'S'},
- {"arfcn", 1, 0, 'a'},
- {"gsmtap-ip", 1, 0, 'i'},
- {"vty-port", 1, 0, 'v'},
- {"debug", 1, 0, 'd'},
- };
- app = l23_app_info();
- *opt = talloc_asprintf(l23_ctx, "hs:S:a:i:v:d:%s",
- app && app->getopt_string ? app->getopt_string : "");
- len = ARRAY_SIZE(long_options);
- if (app && app->cfg_getopt_opt)
- app_len = app->cfg_getopt_opt(&app_opp);
- *option = talloc_zero_array(l23_ctx, struct option, len + app_len + 1);
- memcpy(*option, long_options, sizeof(long_options));
- memcpy(*option + len, app_opp, app_len * sizeof(struct option));
-static void handle_options(int argc, char **argv)
- struct l23_app_info *app = l23_app_info();
- struct option *long_options;
- char *opt;
- build_config(&opt, &long_options);
- while (1) {
- int option_index = 0, c;
- c = getopt_long(argc, argv, opt,
- long_options, &option_index);
- if (c == -1)
- break;
- switch (c) {
- case 'h':
- print_usage(argv[0]);
- print_help();
- exit(0);
- break;
- case 's':
- layer2_socket_path = talloc_strdup(l23_ctx, optarg);
- break;
- case 'S':
- sap_socket_path = talloc_strdup(l23_ctx, optarg);
- break;
- case 'a':
- ms->test_arfcn = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'i':
- gsmtap_ip = optarg;
- break;
- case 'v':
- vty_port = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'd':
- log_parse_category_mask(stderr_target, optarg);
- break;
- default:
- if (app && app->cfg_handle_opt)
- app->cfg_handle_opt(c, optarg);
- break;
- }
- }
- talloc_free(opt);
- talloc_free(long_options);
-void sighandler(int sigset)
- int rc = 0;
- if (sigset == SIGHUP || sigset == SIGPIPE)
- return;
- fprintf(stderr, "Signal %d recevied.\n", sigset);
- if (l23_app_exit)
- rc = l23_app_exit(ms);
- if (rc != -EBUSY)
- exit (0);
-static void print_copyright()
- struct l23_app_info *app;
- app = l23_app_info();
- printf(openbsc_copyright,
- app && app->copyright ? app->copyright : "",
- app && app->contribution ? app->contribution : "");
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- int rc;
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&ms_list);
- log_init(&log_info);
- stderr_target = log_target_create_stderr();
- log_add_target(stderr_target);
- log_set_all_filter(stderr_target, 1);
- l23_ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 1, "layer2 context");
- ms = talloc_zero(l23_ctx, struct osmocom_ms);
- if (!ms) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate MS\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- print_copyright();
- llist_add_tail(&ms->entity, &ms_list);
- sprintf(ms->name, "1");
- ms->test_arfcn = 871;
- handle_options(argc, argv);
- rc = layer2_open(ms, layer2_socket_path);
- if (rc < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed during layer2_open()\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- rc = sap_open(ms, sap_socket_path);
- if (rc < 0)
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed during sap_open(), no SIM reader\n");
- lapdm_init(&ms->l2_entity.lapdm_dcch, ms);
- lapdm_init(&ms->l2_entity.lapdm_acch, ms);
- rc = l23_app_init(ms);
- if (rc < 0)
- exit(1);
- if (gsmtap_ip) {
- gsmtap_inst = gsmtap_source_init(gsmtap_ip, GSMTAP_UDP_PORT, 1);
- if (!gsmtap_inst) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed during gsmtap_init()\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- gsmtap_source_add_sink(gsmtap_inst);
- }
- signal(SIGINT, sighandler);
- signal(SIGHUP, sighandler);
- signal(SIGTERM, sighandler);
- signal(SIGPIPE, sighandler);
- while (!quit) {
- if (l23_app_work)
- l23_app_work(ms);
- osmo_select_main(0);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/networks.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/networks.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f35dcb1..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/networks.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1983 +0,0 @@
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/networks.h>
-/* list of networks */
-struct gsm_networks gsm_networks[] = {
- { 0x001, -1, "Test" },
- { 0x001, 0x01f, "Test" },
- { 0x412, -1, "Afghanistan" },
- { 0x412, 0x01f, "AWCC" },
- { 0x412, 0x20f, "Roshan" },
- { 0x412, 0x30f, "New1" },
- { 0x412, 0x40f, "Areeba" },
- { 0x412, 0x50f, "Etisalat" }, /* ? */
- { 0x412, 0x88f, "Afghan Telecom" },
- { 0x276, -1, "Albania" },
- { 0x276, 0x01f, "AMC" },
- { 0x276, 0x02f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x276, 0x03f, "Eagle Mobile" },
- { 0x276, 0x04f, "Mobile 4 AL" },
- { 0x603, -1, "Algeria" },
- { 0x603, 0x01f, "Algerie Telecom" },
- { 0x603, 0x02f, "Orascom Telecom Algerie" },
- { 0x603, 0x03f, "Nedjma" }, /* ? */
- { 0x213, -1, "Andorra" },
- { 0x213, 0x03f, "Mobiland" },
- { 0x631, -1, "Angola" },
- { 0x631, 0x02f, "UNITEL" },
- { 0x365, -1, "Anguilla" },
- { 0x365, 0x010, "Weblinks Limited" },
- { 0x365, 0x840, "Cable & Wireless" }, /* ? */
- { 0x344, -1, "Antigua and Barbuda" },
- { 0x344, 0x030, "APUA PCS" },
- { 0x338, 0x050, "Digicel" }, /* ? */
- { 0x344, 0x920, "Cable & Wireless (Antigua)" },
- { 0x344, 0x930, "AT&T Wireless (Antigua)" },
- { 0x722, -1, "Argentina" },
- { 0x722, 0x010, "Companie de Radiocomunicatciones Moviles S.A." },
- { 0x722, 0x020, "Nextel Argentina srl" },
- { 0x722, 0x070, "Telefonica Communicationes Personales S.A." },
- { 0x722, 0x310, "CTI PCS S.A" },
- { 0x722, 0x320, "Compania de Telefonos del Interior Norte S.A." },
- { 0x722, 0x330, "Companie de Telefonos del Interior S.A." },
- { 0x722, 0x340, "Personal" }, /* ? */
- { 0x722, 0x341, "Telecom Personal S.A." },
- { 0x722, 0x350, "Hutchinson (PORT HABLE)" }, /* ? */
- { 0x283, -1, "Armenia" },
- { 0x283, 0x01f, "Beeline" },
- { 0x283, 0x05f, "VivaCell-MTS" },
- { 0x283, 0x10f, "Orange" },
- { 0x363, -1, "Aruba" },
- { 0x363, 0x01f, "SETAR" },
- { 0x363, 0x02f, "Digicel" }, /* ? */
- { 0x505, -1, "Australia" },
- { 0x505, 0x01f, "Telstra" },
- { 0x505, 0x02f, "Optus" },
- { 0x505, 0x03f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x505, 0x04f, "Department of Defence" },
- { 0x505, 0x05f, "Ozitel" },
- { 0x505, 0x06f, "Hutchison 3G"},
- { 0x505, 0x07f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x505, 0x08f, "One.Tel" },
- { 0x505, 0x09f, "Airnet" },
- { 0x505, 0x10f, "Norfolk Telecom" },
- { 0x505, 0x11f, "Telstra" },
- { 0x505, 0x12f, "3" },
- { 0x505, 0x13f, "Railcorp" },
- { 0x505, 0x14f, "AAPT" },
- { 0x505, 0x15f, "3GIS" },
- { 0x505, 0x16f, "Victorian Rail Track" },
- { 0x505, 0x17f, "Vivid Wireless Pty Ltd" },
- { 0x505, 0x18f, "Pactel International Pty Ltd" },
- { 0x505, 0x19f, "Lycamobile Pty Ltd" },
- { 0x505, 0x21f, "SOUL" }, /* ? */
- { 0x505, 0x24f, "Advanced Communications Technologies Pty. Ltd." },
- { 0x505, 0x38f, "Crazy John's" }, /* ? */
- { 0x505, 0x71f, "Telstra" },
- { 0x505, 0x72f, "Telstra" },
- { 0x505, 0x88f, "Localstar Holding Pty. Ltd." },
- { 0x505, 0x90f, "Optus" },
- { 0x505, 0x99f, "One.Tel" },
- { 0x232, -1, "Austria" },
- { 0x232, 0x01f, "A1" },
- { 0x232, 0x02f, "A1" },
- { 0x232, 0x03f, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x232, 0x04f, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x232, 0x05f, "Orange" },
- { 0x232, 0x06f, "Orange" },
- { 0x232, 0x07f, "T-Mobile (tele.ring)" },
- { 0x232, 0x09f, "Mobilkom Austria" },
- { 0x232, 0x10f, "Hutchison 3G Austria" },
- { 0x232, 0x11f, "Mobilkom Austria" },
- { 0x232, 0x12f, "Orange Austria" },
- { 0x232, 0x14f, "Hutchison 3G Austria" },
- { 0x232, 0x15f, "Barablu Mobile Austria" },
- { 0x232, 0x16f, "3" }, /* ? */
- { 0x232, 0x91f, "OBB - Infrastruktur Bau AG" },
- { 0x400, -1, "Azerbaijan" },
- { 0x400, 0x01f, "Azercell" },
- { 0x400, 0x02f, "Bakcell" },
- { 0x400, 0x03f, "Catel JV" },
- { 0x400, 0x04f, "Azerphone LLC" },
- { 0x364, -1, "Bahamas" },
- { 0x364, 0x390, "BaTelCo" },
- { 0x426, -1, "Bahrain" },
- { 0x426, 0x01f, "BHR Mobile Plus" },
- { 0x426, 0x02f, "zain BH" }, /* ? */
- { 0x426, 0x04f, "VIVA" }, /* ? */
- { 0x470, -1, "Bangladesh" },
- { 0x470, 0x01f, "Grameenphone" },
- { 0x470, 0x02f, "Aktel" },
- { 0x470, 0x03f, "Mobile 2000" },
- { 0x470, 0x04f, "TeleTalk" }, /* ? */
- { 0x470, 0x05f, "Citycell" }, /* ? */
- { 0x470, 0x06f, "Warid" }, /* ? */
- { 0x470, 0x07f, "WTBL" }, /* ? */
- { 0x342, -1, "Barbados" },
- { 0x342, 0x600, "Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Ltd." },
- { 0x342, 0x750, "Digicel" }, /* ? */
- { 0x342, 0x820, "Sunbeach Communications" },
- { 0x257, -1, "Belarus" },
- { 0x257, 0x01f, "MCD Velcom" },
- { 0x257, 0x02f, "MTS" },
- { 0x257, 0x04f, "life:)" }, /* ? */
- { 0x257, 0x03f, "DIALLOG" }, /* ? */
- { 0x206, -1, "Belgium" },
- { 0x206, 0x01f, "Proximus" },
- { 0x206, 0x02f, "SNCB GSM-R" }, /* ? */
- { 0x206, 0x10f, "Mobistar" },
- { 0x206, 0x20f, "BASE" },
- { 0x702, -1, "Belize" },
- { 0x702, 0x67f, "Belize Telemedia" },
- { 0x702, 0x68f, "International Telecommunications Ltd." },
- { 0x702, 0x00f, "Smart" }, /* ? */
- { 0x616, -1, "Benin" },
- { 0x616, 0x01f, "Libercom" },
- { 0x616, 0x02f, "Telecel" },
- { 0x616, 0x03f, "Spacetel Benin" },
- { 0x616, 0x04f, "BBCOM" }, /* ? */
- { 0x616, 0x05f, "Glo" }, /* ? */
- { 0x350, -1, "Bermuda" },
- { 0x350, 0x01f, "Digicel Bermuda" }, /* ? */
- { 0x350, 0x02f, "Mobility" }, /* ? */
- { 0x338, 0x050, "Digicel Bermuda" }, /* ? */
- { 0x310, 0x00f, "Cellular One" }, /* ? */
- { 0x402, -1, "Bhutan" },
- { 0x402, 0x11f, "Bhutan Telecom Ltd" },
- { 0x402, 0x77f, "B-Mobile" },
- { 0x736, -1, "Bolivia" },
- { 0x736, 0x01f, "Nuevatel" },
- { 0x736, 0x02f, "Entel" },
- { 0x736, 0x03f, "Telecel" },
- { 0x218, -1, "Bosnia and Herzegovina" },
- { 0x218, 0x03f, "HT-ERONET" },
- { 0x218, 0x05f, "MOBI'S" },
- { 0x218, 0x90f, "GSMBIH" },
- { 0x652, -1, "Botswana" },
- { 0x652, 0x01f, "Mascom" },
- { 0x652, 0x02f, "Orange" },
- { 0x652, 0x04f, "BTC Mobile" },
- { 0x724, -1, "Brazil" },
- { 0x724, 0x00f, "Telet" },
- { 0x724, 0x01f, "CRT Cellular" },
- { 0x724, 0x02f, "TIM" },
- { 0x724, 0x03f, "TIM" },
- { 0x724, 0x04f, "TIM" },
- { 0x724, 0x05f, "Claro" },
- { 0x724, 0x06f, "Vivo" },
- { 0x724, 0x07f, "CTBC Celular" },
- { 0x724, 0x08f, "TIM" },
- { 0x724, 0x10f, "Vivo" },
- { 0x724, 0x11f, "Vivo" },
- { 0x724, 0x15f, "Sercomtel" },
- { 0x724, 0x16f, "Oi / Brasil Telecom" },
- { 0x724, 0x23f, "Vivo" },
- { 0x724, 0x24f, "Oi / Amazonia Celular" },
- { 0x724, 0x31f, "Oi" },
- { 0x724, 0x32f, "CTBC Celular" },
- { 0x724, 0x33f, "CTBC Celular" },
- { 0x724, 0x34f, "CTBC Celular" },
- { 0x724, 0x35f, "TIM" },
- { 0x724, 0x37f, "aeiou" },
- { 0x724, 0x39f, "TIM" },
- { 0x724, 0x41f, "TIM" },
- { 0x724, 0x43f, "TIM" },
- { 0x724, 0x45f, "TIM" },
- { 0x724, 0x47f, "TIM" },
- { 0x724, 0x48f, "TIM" },
- { 0x724, 0x51f, "TIM" },
- { 0x724, 0x53f, "TIM" },
- { 0x724, 0x55f, "TIM" },
- { 0x724, 0x57f, "TIM" },
- { 0x724, 0x59f, "TIM" },
- { 0x724, 0x00f, "Nextel" },
- { 0x348, -1, "British Virgin Islands" },
- { 0x348, 0x170, "Cable & Wireless" },
- { 0x348, 0x370, "BVI Cable TV Ltd" },
- { 0x348, 0x570, "CCT Boatphone" },
- { 0x348, 0x770, "Digicel (BVI) Ltd" },
- { 0x528, -1, "Brunei" },
- { 0x528, 0x01f, "Jabatan Telekom" }, /* ? */
- { 0x528, 0x02f, "B-Mobile" }, /* ? */
- { 0x528, 0x11f, "DSTCom" },
- { 0x284, -1, "Bulgaria" },
- { 0x284, 0x01f, "M-Tel" },
- { 0x284, 0x03f, "Vivacom" }, /* ? */
- { 0x284, 0x05f, "GLOBUL" },
- { 0x613, -1, "Burkina Faso" },
- { 0x613, 0x01f, "Onatel" }, /* ? */
- { 0x613, 0x02f, "Celtel / Zain" },
- { 0x613, 0x03f, "Telecel Faso" },
- { 0x642, -1, "Burundi" },
- { 0x642, 0x01f, "Econet / Spacetel" },
- { 0x642, 0x02f, "Africell" },
- { 0x642, 0x03f, "Onamob" },
- { 0x642, 0x07f, "Lacell" },
- { 0x642, 0x08f, "Hits" },
- { 0x642, 0x82f, "U.COM / Onatel" },
- { 0x456, -1, "Cambodia" },
- { 0x456, 0x01f, "Mobitel" },
- { 0x456, 0x02f, "hello" },
- { 0x456, 0x03f, "S Telecom" },
- { 0x456, 0x04f, "Cadcomms / qb" },
- { 0x456, 0x05f, "Star-Cell" },
- { 0x456, 0x06f, "Smart" },
- { 0x456, 0x08f, "Viettel" },
- { 0x456, 0x18f, "Mfone" },
-// { 0x456, ?, "Excell" }, /* ? */
- { 0x456, 0x09f, "Beeline" }, /* ? */
- { 0x456, 0x08f, "Metfone" }, /* ? */
- { 0x624, -1, "Cameroon" },
- { 0x624, 0x01f, "MTN Cameroon" },
- { 0x624, 0x02f, "Orange" },
- { 0x302, -1, "Canada" },
- { 0x302, 0x220, "Telus" },
- { 0x302, 0x221, "Telus" },
- { 0x302, 0x290, "Airtel Wireless" },
- { 0x302, 0x350, "FIRST" },
- { 0x302, 0x360, "MiKe" },
- { 0x302, 0x361, "Telus" },
- { 0x302, 0x370, "Fido" },
- { 0x302, 0x380, "DMTS" },
- { 0x302, 0x490, "WIND Mobile" },
- { 0x302, 0x500, "Videotron" },
- { 0x302, 0x510, "Videotron" },
- { 0x302, 0x610, "Bell" },
- { 0x302, 0x620, "ICE Wireless" },
- { 0x302, 0x640, "Bell" },
- { 0x302, 0x651, "Bell" },
- { 0x302, 0x652, "BC Tel Mobility (Telus)" },
- { 0x302, 0x653, "Telus" },
- { 0x302, 0x655, "MTS" },
- { 0x302, 0x656, "TBay" },
- { 0x302, 0x657, "Telus" },
- { 0x302, 0x680, "SaskTel" },
- { 0x302, 0x701, "MB Tel Mobility" },
- { 0x302, 0x702, "MT&T Mobility (Aliant)" },
- { 0x302, 0x703, "New Tel Mobility (Aliant)" },
- { 0x302, 0x710, "Globalstar" },
- { 0x302, 0x720, "Rogers Wireless" },
- { 0x302, 0x780, "SaskTel" },
- { 0x302, 0x880, "Bell / Telus" },
- { 0x625, -1, "Cape Verde" },
- { 0x625, 0x01f, "CVMOVEL" },
- { 0x625, 0x02f, "T+" },
- { 0x346, -1, "Cayman Islands" },
- { 0x346, 0x140, "Cable & Wireless" },
- { 0x338, 0x050, "Digicel" }, /* ? */
- { 0x623, -1, "Central African Republic" },
- { 0x623, 0x01f, "CTP" },
- { 0x623, 0x02f, "TC" },
- { 0x623, 0x03f, "Celca / Socatel / Orange" },
- { 0x623, 0x04f, "Nationlink" }, /* ? */
- { 0x622, -1, "Chad" },
- { 0x622, 0x01f, "Celtel / Zain" },
- { 0x622, 0x02f, "Tchad Mobile" },
- { 0x622, 0x03f, "TIGO - Millicom" }, /* ? */
- { 0x622, 0x02f, "TAWALI" }, /* ? */
- { 0x622, 0x04f, "Salam" }, /* ? */
- { 0x730, -1, "Chile" },
- { 0x730, 0x01f, "Entel" },
- { 0x730, 0x02f, "movistar" },
- { 0x730, 0x03f, "Smartcom / Claro" },
- { 0x730, 0x04f, "Centennial Cayman Corp / Nextel" },
- { 0x730, 0x05f, "Multikom S.A." },
- { 0x730, 0x06f, "Blue Two Chile S.A." },
- { 0x730, 0x07f, "Telefonica" },
- { 0x730, 0x10f, "Entel" },
- { 0x730, 0x99f, "WILL" }, /* ? */
- { 0x460, -1, "China" },
- { 0x460, 0x00f, "China Mobile" },
- { 0x460, 0x01f, "China Unicom" },
- { 0x460, 0x02f, "China Mobile" },
- { 0x460, 0x03f, "China Unicom CMDA" },
- { 0x460, 0x04f, "China Satellite Global Star Network" },
- { 0x460, 0x05f, "China Telecom" }, /* ? */
- { 0x460, 0x06f, "China Unicom" }, /* ? */
- { 0x460, 0x20f, "China TIETONG" }, /* ? */
- { 0x732, -1, "Colombia" },
- { 0x732, 0x001, "Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A." },
- { 0x732, 0x002, "Edatel" },
- { 0x732, 0x020, "Emtelsa" },
- { 0x732, 0x099, "Emcali" },
- { 0x732, 0x101, "Comcel" },
- { 0x732, 0x102, "Bellsouth / movistar" },
- { 0x732, 0x103, "Colombia Movil / Tigo" },
- { 0x732, 0x111, "Colombia Movil / Tigo" },
- { 0x732, 0x123, "movistar" },
- { 0x732, 0x12f, "movistar" }, /* ? */
- { 0x732, 0x130, "Avantel" },
- { 0x654, -1, "Comoros" },
- { 0x654, 0x01f, "HURI - SNPT" },
- { 0x629, -1, "Republic of the Congo" },
- { 0x629, 0x01f, "Celtel / Zain" },
- { 0x629, 0x10f, "Libertis Telecom" },
-// { 0x629, ?, "Warid Telecom" },
- { 0x548, -1, "Cook Islands" },
- { 0x548, 0x01f, "Telecom Cook" },
- { 0x712, -1, "Costa Rica" },
- { 0x712, 0x01f, "ICE" },
- { 0x712, 0x02f, "ICE" }, /* ? */
- { 0x712, 0x03f, "ICE" }, /* ? */
- { 0x219, -1, "Croatia" },
- { 0x219, 0x01f, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x219, 0x02f, "Tele2" },
- { 0x219, 0x10f, "VIPnet" },
- { 0x368, -1, "Cuba" },
- { 0x368, 0x01f, "ETECSA" },
- { 0x280, -1, "Cyprus" },
- { 0x280, 0x01f, "Cytamobile-Vodafone" },
- { 0x280, 0x10f, "Scanacom / MTN" },
- { 0x230, -1, "Czech Republic" },
- { 0x230, 0x01f, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x230, 0x02f, "O2" },
- { 0x230, 0x03f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x230, 0x04f, "Mobilkom / U:fon" },
- { 0x230, 0x98f, "SZDC s.o." },
- { 0x230, 0x99f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x630, -1, "Democratic Republic of the Congo" },
- { 0x630, 0x01f, "Vodacom" },
- { 0x630, 0x02f, "Zain" }, /* ? */
- { 0x630, 0x04f, "Cellco" }, /* ? */
- { 0x630, 0x05f, "Supercell" },
- { 0x630, 0x86f, "CCT" },
- { 0x630, 0x89f, "SAIT Telecom" }, /* ? */
-// { 0x630, ?, "Africell" },
- { 0x238, -1, "Denmark" },
- { 0x238, 0x01f, "TDC" },
- { 0x238, 0x02f, "Sonofon / Telenor" },
- { 0x238, 0x03f, "MIGway A/S" },
- { 0x238, 0x05f, "ApS KBUS" },
- { 0x238, 0x06f, "Hi3G" },
- { 0x238, 0x07f, "Lycamobile / Barablu Mobile" },
- { 0x238, 0x09f, "Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S" }, /* ? */
- { 0x238, 0x10f, "TDC" },
- { 0x238, 0x11f, "Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S" }, /* ? */
- { 0x238, 0x12f, "Lycamobile Denmark Ltd" },
- { 0x238, 0x20f, "Telia" },
- { 0x238, 0x30f, "Telia" },
- { 0x238, 0x40f, "Ericsson Danmark A/S" }, /* ? */
- { 0x238, 0x77f, "Tele2 / Telenor" },
- { 0x638, -1, "Djibouti" },
- { 0x638, 0x01f, "Evatis" },
- { 0x366, -1, "Dominica" },
- { 0x366, 0x020, "Digicel" }, /* ? */
- { 0x366, 0x110, "Cable & Wireless" }, /* ? */
- { 0x370, -1, "Dominican Republic" },
- { 0x370, 0x01f, "Orange" },
- { 0x370, 0x02f, "Verizon / Claro" },
- { 0x370, 0x03f, "Tricom" },
- { 0x370, 0x04f, "CentennialDominicana / Viva" },
- { 0x514, -1, "East Timor" },
- { 0x514, 0x02f, "Timor Telecom" }, /* ? */
- { 0x740, -1, "Ecuador" },
- { 0x740, 0x00f, "Otecel / Bellsouth / Movistar" },
- { 0x740, 0x01f, "Porta GSM" },
- { 0x740, 0x02f, "Telecsa / Alegro" },
- { 0x602, -1, "Egypt" },
- { 0x602, 0x01f, "Mobinil" },
- { 0x602, 0x02f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x602, 0x03f, "Etisalat" },
- { 0x706, -1, "El Salvador" },
- { 0x706, 0x01f, "CTE Telecom Personal" },
- { 0x706, 0x02f, "digicel" },
- { 0x706, 0x03f, "Telemovil EL Salvador" },
- { 0x706, 0x04f, "movistar" }, /* ? */
- { 0x706, 0x10f, "Claro" }, /* ? */
- { 0x627, -1, "Equatorial Guinea" },
- { 0x627, 0x01f, "Orange GQ" },
- { 0x627, 0x03f, "Hits GQ" },
- { 0x657, -1, "Eritrea" },
- { 0x657, 0x01f, "Eritel" }, /* ? */
- { 0x248, -1, "Estonia" },
- { 0x248, 0x01f, "EMT" },
- { 0x248, 0x02f, "RLE / Elisa" },
- { 0x248, 0x03f, "Tele 2" },
- { 0x248, 0x04f, "OY Top Connect" },
- { 0x248, 0x05f, "AS Bravocom Mobiil" },
- { 0x248, 0x06f, "Pro Group Holding / ViaTel" },
- { 0x248, 0x07f, "Televorgu AS" },
- { 0x248, 0x71f, "Siseministeerium" },
- { 0x636, -1, "Ethiopia" },
- { 0x636, 0x01f, "ETMTN" },
- { 0x750, -1, "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" },
- { 0x750, 0x001, "Touch" },
- { 0x288, -1, "Faroe Islands" },
- { 0x288, 0x01f, "Faroese Telecom" },
- { 0x288, 0x02f, "Kall / Vodafone" },
- { 0x274, 0x02f, "P/F Kall" },
- { 0x542, -1, "Fiji" },
- { 0x542, 0x01f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x542, 0x02f, "Digicel" },
- { 0x542, 0x03f, "Telecom Fiji" },
- { 0x244, -1, "Finland" },
- { 0x244, 0x03f, "DNA" }, /* ? */
- { 0x244, 0x04f, "Finnet" },
- { 0x244, 0x05f, "Elisa" },
- { 0x244, 0x07f, "Nokia" },
- { 0x244, 0x08f, "Unknown" },
- { 0x244, 0x09f, "Finnet Group" },
- { 0x244, 0x10f, "TDC Oy" },
- { 0x244, 0x12f, "Finnet Networks / DNA" },
- { 0x244, 0x14f, "AMT" },
- { 0x244, 0x16f, "Oy Finland Tele2" },
- { 0x244, 0x21f, "Saunalahti" },
- { 0x244, 0x29f, "Scnl Truphone" }, /* ? */
- { 0x244, 0x91f, "Sonera" },
- { 0x208, -1, "France" },
- { 0x208, 0x00f, "Orange" }, /* ? */
- { 0x208, 0x01f, "Orange" },
- { 0x208, 0x02f, "Orange" },
- { 0x208, 0x05f, "Globalstar Europe" },
- { 0x208, 0x06f, "Globalstar Europe" },
- { 0x208, 0x07f, "Globalstar Europe" },
- { 0x208, 0x10f, "SFR" },
- { 0x208, 0x11f, "SFR" },
- { 0x208, 0x13f, "SFR" }, /* ? */
- { 0x208, 0x20f, "Bouygues" },
- { 0x208, 0x21f, "Bouygues" },
- { 0x208, 0x22f, "Transatel Mobile" },
- { 0x208, 0x88f, "Bouygues" },
- { 0x628, -1, "Gabon" },
- { 0x628, 0x01f, "Libertis" },
- { 0x628, 0x02f, "Moov (Telecel) Gabon S.A." },
- { 0x628, 0x03f, "Celtel / Zain" },
- { 0x628, 0x04f, "USAN Gabon" },
- { 0x607, -1, "Gambia" },
- { 0x607, 0x01f, "Gamcel" },
- { 0x607, 0x02f, "Africel" },
- { 0x607, 0x03f, "Comium" },
- { 0x607, 0x04f, "QCell" }, /* ? */
- { 0x282, -1, "Georgia" },
- { 0x282, 0x01f, "Geocell" },
- { 0x282, 0x02f, "MagtiCom" },
- { 0x282, 0x03f, "Iberiatel" },
- { 0x282, 0x04f, "Beeline" },
- { 0x282, 0x05f, "Silknet JSC" },
- { 0x289, 0x67f, "Aquafon" }, /* ? */
- { 0x289, 0x88f, "A-Mobile" }, /* ? */
- { 0x262, -1, "Germany" },
- { 0x262, 0x01f, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x262, 0x02f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x262, 0x03f, "E-Plus" },
- { 0x262, 0x04f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x262, 0x05f, "E-Plus" },
- { 0x262, 0x06f, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x262, 0x07f, "O2" },
- { 0x262, 0x08f, "O2" },
- { 0x262, 0x09f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x262, 0x10f, "DB Systel GSM-R" },
- { 0x262, 0x11f, "O2" },
- { 0x262, 0x12f, "Dolphin Telecom" },
- { 0x262, 0x13f, "Mobilcom Multimedia" },
- { 0x262, 0x14f, "Group 3G UMTS" },
- { 0x262, 0x15f, "Airdata" },
- { 0x262, 0x16f, "Vistream" }, /* ? */
- { 0x262, 0x42f, "OpenBSC" }, /* ? */
- { 0x262, 0x60f, "DB Telematik" },
- { 0x262, 0x76f, "Siemens AG" },
- { 0x262, 0x77f, "E-Plus" },
- { 0x262, 0x901, "Debitel" }, /* ? */
- { 0x620, -1, "Ghana" },
- { 0x620, 0x01f, "Spacefon / MTN" },
- { 0x620, 0x02f, "Ghana Telecom Mobile / Vodafone" },
- { 0x620, 0x03f, "Mobiltel / tiGO" },
- { 0x620, 0x04f, "Kasapa / Hutchison Telecom" },
- { 0x620, 0x06f, "Zain" }, /* ? */
- { 0x620, 0x10f, "Netafriques" }, /* ? */
- { 0x266, -1, "Gibraltar" },
- { 0x266, 0x01f, "GibTel" },
- { 0x266, 0x06f, "CTS Mobile" },
- { 0x266, 0x09f, "Cloud9 Mobile Communications" },
- { 0x202, -1, "Greece" },
- { 0x202, 0x01f, "Cosmote" },
- { 0x202, 0x05f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x202, 0x09f, "Infoquest / Wind" },
- { 0x202, 0x10f, "Wind" },
- { 0x290, -1, "Greenland" },
- { 0x290, 0x01f, "TELE Greenland A/S" },
- { 0x352, -1, "Grenada" },
- { 0x352, 0x030, "Digicel" },
- { 0x352, 0x110, "Cable & Wireless" },
- { 0x340, -1, "Guadeloupe" },
- { 0x340, 0x01f, "Orange" },
- { 0x340, 0x02f, "Outremer" },
- { 0x340, 0x03f, "Telcell" },
- { 0x340, 0x08f, "MIO GSM" },
- { 0x340, 0x10f, "Guadeloupe Telephone Mobile" },
- { 0x340, 0x20f, "Digicel" },
- { 0x310, -1, "United States of America" },
- { 0x310, 0x010, "Verizon Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x012, "Verizon Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x013, "Verizon Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x016, "Cricket Communications" },
- { 0x310, 0x017, "North Sight Communications Inc." },
- { 0x310, 0x020, "Union Telephone Company" },
- { 0x310, 0x030, "Centennial Communications" },
- { 0x310, 0x035, "ETEX Communications dba ETEX Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x040, "MTA Communications dba MTA Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x050, "ACS Wireless Inc." },
- { 0x310, 0x060, "Consolidated Telecom" },
- { 0x310, 0x070, "Cingular Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x080, "Corr Wireless Communications LLC" },
- { 0x310, 0x090, "Cingular Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x100, "New Mexicu RSA 4 East Ltd. Partnership" },
- { 0x310, 0x110, "Pacific Telecom Inc." },
- { 0x310, 0x130, "Carolina West Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x140, "GTA Wireless LLC" },
- { 0x310, 0x150, "Cingular Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x160, "T-Mobile USA" },
- { 0x310, 0x170, "Cingular Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x180, "West Central Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x190, "Alaska Wireless Communications LLC" },
- { 0x310, 0x200, "T-Mobile USA" },
- { 0x310, 0x210, "T-Mobile USA" },
- { 0x310, 0x220, "T-Mobile USA" },
- { 0x310, 0x230, "T-Mobile USA" },
- { 0x310, 0x240, "T-Mobile USA" },
- { 0x310, 0x250, "T-Mobile USA" },
- { 0x310, 0x260, "T-Mobile USA" },
- { 0x310, 0x270, "T-Mobile USA" },
- { 0x310, 0x280, "Contennial Puerto Rio License Corp." },
- { 0x310, 0x290, "Nep Cellcorp Inc." },
- { 0x310, 0x300, "Blanca Telephone Company" },
- { 0x310, 0x310, "T-Mobile USA" },
- { 0x310, 0x320, "Simth Bagley Inc, dba Cellular One" },
- { 0x310, 0x340, "High Plains Midwest LLC, dba Wetlink Communications" },
- { 0x310, 0x350, "Mohave Cellular L.P." },
- { 0x310, 0x360, "Cellular Network Partnership dba Pioneer Cellular" },
- { 0x310, 0x370, "Guamcell Cellular and Paging" },
- { 0x310, 0x380, "New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC" },
- { 0x310, 0x390, "TX-11 Acquisition LLC" },
- { 0x310, 0x400, "Wave Runner LLC" },
- { 0x310, 0x410, "Cingular Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x420, "Cincinnati Bell Wireless LLC" },
- { 0x310, 0x430, "Alaska Digital LLC" },
- { 0x310, 0x440, "Numerex Corp" },
- { 0x310, 0x450, "North East Cellular Inc" },
- { 0x310, 0x460, "TMP Corporation" },
- { 0x310, 0x470, "nTELOS Communications Inc" },
- { 0x310, 0x480, "Choice Phone LLC" },
- { 0x310, 0x490, "T-Mobile USA" },
- { 0x310, 0x500, "Public Service Cellular, Inc." },
- { 0x310, 0x520, "Transactions Network Services" },
- { 0x310, 0x530, "Iowa Wireless Services LLC" },
- { 0x310, 0x540, "Oklahoma Western Telephone Company" },
- { 0x310, 0x550, "Wireless Solutions International" },
- { 0x310, 0x560, "Cingular Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x570, "MTPCS LLC" },
- { 0x310, 0x580, "Inland Celluar Telephone Company" },
- { 0x310, 0x590, "Western Wireless Corporation" },
- { 0x310, 0x600, "New Cell Inc. dba Cellcom" },
- { 0x310, 0x610, "Elkhart Telephone Co. Inc. dba Epic Touch Co." },
- { 0x310, 0x620, "Coleman County Telecommunications Inc. (Trans Texas PCS)" },
- { 0x310, 0x640, "Airadigm Communications" },
- { 0x310, 0x650, "Jasper Wireless Inc." },
- { 0x310, 0x660, "T-Mobile USA" },
- { 0x310, 0x670, "AT&T Mobility Vanguard Services" },
- { 0x310, 0x680, "Cingular Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x690, "Keystane Wireless LLC" },
- { 0x310, 0x700, "Cross Valiant Cellular Partnership" },
- { 0x310, 0x710, "Arctic Slope Telephone Association Cooperative" },
- { 0x310, 0x720, "Wireless Solutions International Inc." },
- { 0x310, 0x730, "US Cellular" },
- { 0x310, 0x740, "Convey Communications Inc" },
- { 0x310, 0x750, "East Kentucky Network LLC dba Appalachian Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x760, "Lynch 3G Communcations Corporation" },
- { 0x310, 0x770, "Iowa Wireless Services LLC dba I Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x780, "Connect Net Inc" },
- { 0x310, 0x790, "PinPoint Communications Inc."},
- { 0x310, 0x800, "T-Mobile USA" },
- { 0x310, 0x810, "LCFR LLC" },
- { 0x310, 0x820, "South Canaan Cellular Communications Co. LP" },
- { 0x310, 0x830, "Caprock Cellular Ltd. Partnership" },
- { 0x310, 0x840, "Telecom North America Mobile Inc" },
- { 0x310, 0x850, "Aeris Communications Inc." },
- { 0x310, 0x860, "TX RSA 15B2, LP dba Five Star Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x870, "Kaplan Telephone Company, Inc" },
- { 0x310, 0x890, "Rural Cellular Corporation" },
- { 0x310, 0x900, "Cable & Communications Corporation dba Mid-Rivers Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x910, "Verizon Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x930, "Copper Valley Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x940, "Iris Wireless LLC" },
- { 0x310, 0x950, "Texas RSA 1 dba XIT Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x960, "UBET Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x970, "Globalstar USA" },
- { 0x310, 0x980, "Texas RSA 7B3 dba Peoples Wireless Services" },
- { 0x310, 0x99, "Worldcall Interconnect" },
- { 0x704, -1, "Guatemala" },
- { 0x704, 0x01f, "Claro" },
- { 0x704, 0x02f, "Comcel / Tigo" },
- { 0x704, 0x03f, "movistar" },
-// { 0x704, ?, "digicel" },
- { 0x234, -1, "Guernsey" },
- { 0x234, 0x55f, "Sure Mobile" },
- { 0x234, 0x50f, "Wave Telecom" },
- { 0x234, 0x03f, "Airtel Vodafone" },
- { 0x611, -1, "Guinea" },
- { 0x611, 0x01f, "Orange / Spacetel" },
- { 0x611, 0x02f, "Sotelgui / Lagui" },
- { 0x611, 0x03f, "Telecel Guinee" }, /* ? */
- { 0x611, 0x04f, "MTN" }, /* ? */
- { 0x611, 0x05f, "Cellcom Guinee" },
- { 0x632, -1, "Guinea-Bissau" },
- { 0x632, 0x01f, "Guinetel" },
- { 0x632, 0x02f, "Spacetel / Areeba" },
- { 0x632, 0x03f, "Orange" },
- { 0x738, -1, "Guyana" },
- { 0x738, 0x01f, "Digicel" },
- { 0x738, 0x02f, "GT&T Cellink Plus" }, /* ? */
- { 0x372, -1, "Haiti" },
- { 0x372, 0x01f, "Comcel / Voila" },
- { 0x338, 0x050, "Digicel" },
- { 0x338, 0x03f, "Rectel" },
- { 0x708, -1, "Honduras" },
- { 0x708, 0x01f, "Claro" },
- { 0x708, 0x02f, "Celtel / Tigo" },
- { 0x708, 0x30f, "Hondutel" }, /* ? */
- { 0x708, 0x40f, "DIGICEL" },
- { 0x454, -1, "Hong Kong" },
- { 0x454, 0x00f, "1O1O and One2Free" },
- { 0x454, 0x01f, "CITIC Telecom 1616" },
- { 0x454, 0x02f, "CSL Limited" },
- { 0x454, 0x03f, "3 (3G)" },
- { 0x454, 0x04f, "3 DualBand (2G)" },
- { 0x454, 0x05f, "3 CDMA" },
- { 0x454, 0x06f, "SmarTone-Vodafone" },
- { 0x454, 0x07f, "China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited" },
- { 0x454, 0x08f, "Trident" },
- { 0x454, 0x09f, "China Motion Telecom" },
- { 0x454, 0x10f, "New World Mobility" },
- { 0x454, 0x11f, "China-Hongkong Telecom" },
- { 0x454, 0x12f, "CMCC HK" },
- { 0x454, 0x14f, "Hutchison Telecom" },
- { 0x454, 0x15f, "SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited" },
- { 0x454, 0x16f, "PCCW Mobile (2G)" },
- { 0x454, 0x17f, "SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited" },
- { 0x454, 0x18f, "CSL Limited" },
- { 0x454, 0x19f, "Sunday3G" },
- { 0x454, 0x19f, "PCCW Mobile (3G)" },
- { 0x454, 0x29f, "PCCW Mobile (CDMA)" },
- { 0x216, -1, "Hungary" },
- { 0x216, 0x01f, "Pannon GSM" },
- { 0x216, 0x30f, "Westel 900" },
- { 0x216, 0x70f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x274, -1, "Iceland" },
- { 0x274, 0x01f, "Siminn" },
- { 0x274, 0x02f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x274, 0x03f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x274, 0x04f, "IMC Viking" },
- { 0x274, 0x06f, "N?ll n?u ehf" }, /* ? */
- { 0x274, 0x07f, "IceCell" },
- { 0x274, 0x08f, "On-waves" },
- { 0x274, 0x11f, "Nova" },
- /* FIXME: update the list from here below */
- { 0x404, -1, "India" },
- { 0x404, 0x01f, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x404, 0x02f, "AirTel" },
- { 0x404, 0x04f, "IDEA" },
- { 0x404, 0x05f, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x404, 0x07f, "IDEA" },
- { 0x404, 0x09f, "Reliance" },
- { 0x404, 0x10f, "AirTel" },
- { 0x404, 0x11f, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x404, 0x12f, "IDEA" },
- { 0x404, 0x13f, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x404, 0x14f, "IDEA" },
- { 0x404, 0x15f, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x404, 0x17f, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x404, 0x19f, "IDEA" },
- { 0x404, 0x20f, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x404, 0x21f, "Loop Mobile" },
- { 0x404, 0x22f, "IDEA" },
- { 0x404, 0x24f, "IDEA" },
- { 0x404, 0x27f, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x404, 0x28f, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x404, 0x29f, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x404, 0x30f, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x404, 0x31f, "AirTel" },
- { 0x404, 0x34f, "CellOne" },
- { 0x404, 0x36f, "Reliance" },
- { 0x404, 0x37f, "Aircel" },
- { 0x404, 0x38f, "CellOne" },
- { 0x404, 0x41f, "Aircel" },
- { 0x404, 0x42f, "Aircel" },
- { 0x404, 0x44f, "IDEA" },
- { 0x404, 0x45f, "Airtel" },
- { 0x404, 0x51f, "CellOne" },
- { 0x404, 0x52f, "Reliance" },
- { 0x404, 0x53f, "CellOne" },
- { 0x404, 0x54f, "CellOne" },
- { 0x404, 0x55f, "CellOne" },
- { 0x404, 0x56f, "IDEA" },
- { 0x404, 0x57f, "CellOne" },
- { 0x404, 0x58f, "CellOne" },
- { 0x404, 0x59f, "CellOne" },
- { 0x404, 0x60f, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x404, 0x62f, "CellOne" },
- { 0x404, 0x64f, "CellOne" },
- { 0x404, 0x66f, "CellOne" },
- { 0x404, 0x67f, "Reliance GSM" },
- { 0x404, 0x68f, "DOLPHIN" },
- { 0x404, 0x69f, "DOLPHIN" },
- { 0x404, 0x72f, "CellOne" },
- { 0x404, 0x74f, "CellOne" },
- { 0x404, 0x76f, "CellOne" },
- { 0x404, 0x78f, "Idea Cellular Ltd" },
- { 0x404, 0x80f, "BSNL MOBILE" },
- { 0x404, 0x81f, "CellOne" },
- { 0x404, 0x82f, "Idea" },
- { 0x404, 0x83f, "Reliance Smart GSM" },
- { 0x404, 0x84f, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x404, 0x85f, "Reliance" },
- { 0x404, 0x86f, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x404, 0x90f, "AirTel" },
- { 0x404, 0x91f, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x404, 0x92f, "AirTel" },
- { 0x404, 0x93f, "AirTel" },
- { 0x404, 0x96f, "AirTel" },
- { 0x405, 0x05f, "Reliance" },
- { 0x405, 0x10f, "Reliance" },
- { 0x405, 0x13f, "Reliance" },
- { 0x405, 0x025, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x026, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x027, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x029, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x030, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x031, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x032, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x034, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x035, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x036, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x037, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x038, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x039, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x041, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x042, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x043, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x044, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x045, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x046, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x047, "TATA DOCOMO" },
- { 0x405, 0x51f, "AirTel" },
- { 0x405, 0x52f, "AirTel" },
- { 0x405, 0x54f, "AirTel" },
- { 0x405, 0x56f, "AirTel" },
- { 0x405, 0x66f, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x405, 0x70f, "IDEA" },
- { 0x405, 0x750, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x405, 0x751, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x405, 0x752, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x405, 0x753, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x405, 0x754, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x405, 0x755, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x405, 0x756, "Vodafone IN" },
- { 0x405, 0x799, "IDEA" },
- { 0x405, 0x800, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x405, 0x801, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x405, 0x802, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x405, 0x803, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x405, 0x804, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x405, 0x805, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x405, 0x806, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x405, 0x807, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x405, 0x808, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x405, 0x809, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x405, 0x810, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x405, 0x811, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x405, 0x812, "AIRCEL" },
- { 0x405, 0x819, "Uninor" },
- { 0x405, 0x818, "[Uninor]" },
- { 0x405, 0x820, "Uninor" },
- { 0x405, 0x821, "Uninor" },
- { 0x405, 0x822, "Uninor" },
- { 0x405, 0x880, "Uninor" },
- { 0x405, 0x824, "Videocon Datacom" },
- { 0x405, 0x834, "Videocon Datacom" },
- { 0x405, 0x844, "Uninor" },
- { 0x405, 0x845, "IDEA" },
- { 0x405, 0x848, "IDEA" },
- { 0x405, 0x850, "IDEA" },
- { 0x405, 0x855, "Loop Mobile" },
- { 0x405, 0x864, "Loop Mobile" },
- { 0x405, 0x865, "Loop Mobile" },
- { 0x405, 0x875, "Uninor" },
- { 0x405, 0x881, "S Tel" },
- { 0x405, 0x912, "Etisalat DB" },
- { 0x405, 0x913, "Etisalat DB" },
- { 0x405, 0x917, "Etisalat DB" },
- { 0x405, 0x929, "Uninor" },
- { 0x510, -1, "Indonesia" },
- { 0x510, 0x00f, "PSN" },
- { 0x510, 0x01f, "INDOSAT" },
- { 0x510, 0x03f, "StarOne" },
- { 0x510, 0x07f, "TelkomFlexi" },
- { 0x510, 0x08f, "AXIS" },
- { 0x510, 0x09f, "SMART" },
- { 0x510, 0x10f, "Telkomsel" },
- { 0x510, 0x11f, "XL" },
- { 0x510, 0x20f, "TELKOMMobile" },
- { 0x510, 0x21f, "IM3" },
- { 0x510, 0x27f, "Ceria" },
- { 0x510, 0x28f, "Fren/Hepi" },
- { 0x510, 0x89f, "3" },
- { 0x510, 0x99f, "Esia " },
- { 0x432, -1, "Iran" },
- { 0x432, 0x11f, "MCI" },
- { 0x432, 0x14f, "TKC" },
- { 0x432, 0x19f, "MTCE" },
- { 0x432, 0x32f, "Taliya" },
- { 0x432, 0x35f, "Irancell" },
- { 0x418, -1, "Iraq" },
- { 0x418, 0x20f, "Zain IQ" },
- { 0x418, 0x30f, "Zain IQ" },
- { 0x418, 0x05f, "Asia Cell" },
- { 0x418, 0x40f, "Korek" },
- { 0x418, 0x08f, "SanaTel" },
-// { 0x418, ?, "IRAQNA" },
- { 0x272, -1, "Ireland" },
- { 0x272, 0x01f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x272, 0x02f, "O2" },
- { 0x272, 0x03f, "Meteor" },
- { 0x272, 0x04f, "Access Telecom" },
- { 0x272, 0x05f, "3" },
- { 0x272, 0x07f, "Eircom" },
- { 0x272, 0x09f, "Clever Communications" },
- { 0x234, -1, "Isle of Man" },
- { 0x234, 0x58f, "Pronto GSM" },
- { 0x425, -1, "Israel" },
- { 0x425, 0x01f, "Orange" },
- { 0x425, 0x02f, "Cellcom" },
- { 0x425, 0x03f, "Pelephone" },
- { 0x425, 0x77f, "Mirs" },
- { 0x222, -1, "Italy" },
- { 0x222, 0x01f, "TIM" },
- { 0x222, 0x02f, "Elsacom" },
- { 0x222, 0x10f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x222, 0x30f, "RFI" },
- { 0x222, 0x77f, "IPSE 2000" },
- { 0x222, 0x88f, "Wind" },
- { 0x222, 0x98f, "Blu" },
- { 0x222, 0x99f, "3 Italia" },
- { 0x612, -1, "Ivory Coast" },
- { 0x612, 0x01f, "Cora de Comstar" },
- { 0x612, 0x02f, "Moov" },
- { 0x612, 0x03f, "Orange" },
- { 0x612, 0x04f, "KoZ" },
- { 0x612, 0x05f, "MTN" },
- { 0x612, 0x06f, "ORICEL" },
- { 0x338, -1, "Jamaica" },
- { 0x338, 0x020, "LIME (formerly known as Cable & Wireless)" },
- { 0x338, 0x050, "Digicel" },
- { 0x338, 0x070, "Claro" },
- { 0x338, 0x180, "LIME (formerly known as Cable & Wireless)" },
- { 0x440, -1, "Japan" },
- { 0x440, 0x00f, "eMobile" },
- { 0x440, 0x01f, "NTT docomo" },
- { 0x440, 0x02f, "NTT docomo" },
- { 0x440, 0x03f, "NTT docomo" },
- { 0x440, 0x04f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x06f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x07f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x08f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x09f, "NTT docomo" },
- { 0x440, 0x10f, "NTT docomo" },
- { 0x440, 0x11f, "NTT docomo" },
- { 0x440, 0x12f, "NTT docomo" },
- { 0x440, 0x13f, "NTT docomo" },
- { 0x440, 0x14f, "NTT docomo" },
- { 0x440, 0x15f, "NTT docomo" },
- { 0x440, 0x16f, "NTT docomo" },
- { 0x440, 0x17f, "NTT docomo" },
- { 0x440, 0x18f, "NTT docomo" },
- { 0x440, 0x19f, "NTT docomo" },
- { 0x440, 0x20f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x21f, "NTT docomo" },
- { 0x440, 0x22f, "NTT docomo" },
- { 0x440, 0x23f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x24f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x25f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x26f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x27f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x28f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x29f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x30f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x31f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x32f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x33f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x34f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x35f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x36f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x37f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x38f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x39f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x40f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x41f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x42f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x43f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x44f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x45f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x46f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x47f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x48f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x49f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x50f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x51f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x52f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x53f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x54f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x55f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x56f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x58f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x60f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x61f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x62f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x63f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x64f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x65f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x66f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x67f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x68f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x69f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x70f, "au" },
- { 0x440, 0x71f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x72f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x73f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x74f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x75f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x76f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x77f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x78f, "Okinawa Cellular Telephone" },
- { 0x440, 0x79f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x80f, "TU-KA" },
- { 0x440, 0x81f, "TU-KA" },
- { 0x440, 0x82f, "TU-KA" },
- { 0x440, 0x83f, "TU-KA" },
- { 0x440, 0x84f, "TU-KA" },
- { 0x440, 0x85f, "TU-KA" },
- { 0x440, 0x86f, "TU-KA" },
- { 0x440, 0x87f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x440, 0x88f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x89f, "KDDI" },
- { 0x440, 0x90f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x92f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x93f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x94f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x95f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x96f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x97f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x98f, "SoftBank" },
- { 0x440, 0x99f, "DoCoMo" },
- { 0x234, -1, "Jersey" },
- { 0x234, 0x50f, "JT-Wave" },
- { 0x234, 0x55f, "Sure Mobile" },
- { 0x234, 0x03f, "Airtel Vodafone" },
- { 0x416, -1, "Jordan" },
- { 0x416, 0x01f, "zain JO" },
- { 0x416, 0x02f, "XPress Telecom" },
- { 0x416, 0x03f, "Umniah" },
- { 0x416, 0x77f, "Orange" },
- { 0x401, -1, "Kazakhstan" },
- { 0x401, 0x01f, "Beeline" },
- { 0x401, 0x02f, "Kcell" },
- { 0x401, 0x07f, "Dalacom" },
- { 0x401, 0x77f, "Mobile Telecom Service" },
- { 0x639, -1, "Kenya" },
- { 0x639, 0x02f, "Safaricom" },
- { 0x639, 0x03f, "Zain" },
- { 0x639, 0x07f, "Orange Kenya" },
- { 0x545, -1, "Kiribati" },
- { 0x545, 0x09f, "Kiribati Frigate" },
- { 0x467, -1, "North Korea" },
- { 0x467, 0x193, "SUN NET" },
- { 0x450, -1, "South Korea" },
- { 0x450, 0x02f, "KT" },
- { 0x450, 0x03f, "Power 017" },
- { 0x450, 0x04f, "KT" },
- { 0x450, 0x05f, "SKT" },
- { 0x450, 0x06f, "LGT" },
- { 0x450, 0x08f, "KT SHOW" },
- { 0x212, -1, "Kosovo" },
- { 0x212, 0x01f, "Vala" },
- { 0x293, 0x41f, "iPKO" },
- { 0x293, 0x41f, "D3 Mobile" },
- { 0x212, 0x01f, "Z Mobile" },
- { 0x419, -1, "Kuwait" },
- { 0x419, 0x02f, "zain KW" },
- { 0x419, 0x03f, "Wataniya" },
- { 0x419, 0x04f, "Viva" },
- { 0x437, -1, "Kyrgyzstan" },
- { 0x437, 0x01f, "Beeline" },
- { 0x437, 0x05f, "MegaCom" },
- { 0x437, 0x09f, "O!" },
- { 0x457, -1, "Laos" },
- { 0x457, 0x01f, "LaoTel" },
- { 0x457, 0x02f, "ETL" },
- { 0x457, 0x03f, "Unitel" },
- { 0x457, 0x08f, "Tigo" },
- { 0x247, -1, "Latvia" },
- { 0x247, 0x01f, "LMT" },
- { 0x247, 0x02f, "Tele2" },
- { 0x247, 0x03f, "TRIATEL" },
- { 0x247, 0x05f, "Bite" },
- { 0x247, 0x06f, "Rigatta" },
- { 0x247, 0x07f, "MTS" },
- { 0x247, 0x08f, "IZZI" },
- { 0x247, 0x09f, "Camel Mobile" },
- { 0x415, -1, "Lebanon" },
- { 0x415, 0x01f, "Alfa" },
- { 0x415, 0x03f, "MTC-Touch" },
- { 0x651, -1, "Lesotho" },
- { 0x651, 0x01f, "Vodacom" },
- { 0x651, 0x02f, "Econet Ezin-cel" },
- { 0x618, -1, "Liberia" },
- { 0x618, 0x01f, "Lonestar Cell" },
- { 0x618, 0x04f, "Comium" },
- { 0x618, 0x20f, "LIBTELCO" },
- { 0x606, -1, "Libya" },
- { 0x606, 0x00f, "Libyana" },
- { 0x606, 0x01f, "Madar" },
- { 0x295, -1, "Liechtenstein" },
- { 0x295, 0x01f, "Swisscom" },
- { 0x295, 0x02f, "Orange" },
- { 0x295, 0x05f, "FL1" },
- { 0x295, 0x77f, "Tele 2" },
- { 0x246, -1, "Lithuania" },
- { 0x246, 0x01f, "Omnitel" },
- { 0x246, 0x02f, "BITE" },
- { 0x246, 0x03f, "Tele 2" },
- { 0x270, -1, "Luxembourg" },
- { 0x270, 0x01f, "LuxGSM" },
- { 0x270, 0x77f, "Tango" },
- { 0x270, 0x99f, "Orange" },
- { 0x455, -1, "Macau" },
- { 0x455, 0x00f, "SmarTone" },
- { 0x455, 0x01f, "CTM" },
- { 0x455, 0x02f, "China Telecom" },
- { 0x455, 0x03f, "3" },
- { 0x455, 0x04f, "CTM" },
- { 0x455, 0x05f, "3" },
- { 0x294, -1, "Republic of Macedonia" },
- { 0x294, 0x01f, "T-Mobile MK" },
- { 0x294, 0x02f, "ONE" },
- { 0x294, 0x03f, "Vip MK" },
- { 0x646, -1, "Madagascar" },
- { 0x646, 0x01f, "Zain" },
- { 0x646, 0x02f, "Orange" },
- { 0x646, 0x03f, "Sacel" },
- { 0x646, 0x04f, "Telma" },
- { 0x650, -1, "Malawi" },
- { 0x650, 0x01f, "TNM" },
- { 0x650, 0x10f, "Zain" },
- { 0x502, -1, "Malaysia" },
- { 0x502, 0x12f, "Maxis" },
- { 0x502, 0x13f, "Celcom" },
- { 0x502, 0x16f, "DiGi" },
- { 0x502, 0x17f, "Maxis" },
- { 0x502, 0x18f, "U Mobile" },
- { 0x502, 0x19f, "Celcom" },
- { 0x472, -1, "Maldives" },
- { 0x472, 0x01f, "Dhiraagu" },
- { 0x472, 0x02f, "Wataniya" },
- { 0x610, -1, "Mali" },
- { 0x610, 0x01f, "Malitel" },
- { 0x610, 0x02f, "Orange" },
- { 0x278, -1, "Malta" },
- { 0x278, 0x01f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x278, 0x21f, "GO" },
- { 0x278, 0x77f, "Melita" },
- { 0x000, -1, "Marshall Islands" },
-// { 0x000, ?, "?" },
- { 0x340, -1, "Martinique" },
- { 0x340, 0x01f, "Orange" },
- { 0x340, 0x02f, "Outremer" },
- { 0x340, 0x20f, "Digicel" },
- { 0x609, -1, "Mauritania" },
- { 0x609, 0x01f, "Mattel" },
- { 0x609, 0x10f, "Mauritel" },
- { 0x617, -1, "Mauritius" },
- { 0x617, 0x01f, "Orange" },
- { 0x617, 0x02f, "MTML" },
- { 0x617, 0x10f, "Emtel" },
- { 0x334, -1, "Mexico" },
- { 0x334, 0x01f, "Nextel" },
- { 0x334, 0x02f, "Telcel" },
- { 0x334, 0x03f, "movistar" },
- { 0x334, 0x04f, "Iusacell / Unefon" },
- { 0x550, -1, "Federated States of Micronesia" },
- { 0x550, 0x01f, "FSM Telecom" },
- { 0x259, -1, "Moldova" },
- { 0x259, 0x01f, "Orange" },
- { 0x259, 0x02f, "Moldcell" },
- { 0x259, 0x03f, "IDC" },
- { 0x259, 0x03f, "Unit?" },
- { 0x259, 0x04f, "Eventis" },
- { 0x259, 0x05f, "Unit?" },
- { 0x212, -1, "Monaco" },
- { 0x212, 0x01f, "Office des Telephones" },
- { 0x428, -1, "Mongolia" },
- { 0x428, 0x99f, "MobiCom" },
- { 0x428, 0x88f, "Unitel" },
- { 0x428, 0x91f, "Skytel" },
- { 0x428, 0x98f, "G.Mobile" },
- { 0x297, -1, "Montenegro" },
- { 0x297, 0x01f, "Telenor" },
- { 0x297, 0x02f, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x297, 0x03f, "m:tel CG" },
- { 0x604, -1, "Morocco" },
- { 0x604, 0x00f, "Moditel" },
- { 0x604, 0x01f, "IAM" },
- { 0x604, 0x02f, "INWI" },
- { 0x605, 0x03f, "yassine" },
- { 0x643, -1, "Mozambique" },
- { 0x643, 0x01f, "mCel" },
- { 0x643, 0x04f, "Vodacom" },
- { 0x414, -1, "Myanmar" },
- { 0x414, 0x01f, "MPT" },
- { 0x649, -1, "Namibia" },
- { 0x649, 0x01f, "MTC" },
- { 0x649, 0x02f, "switch" },
- { 0x649, 0x03f, "Leo" },
- { 0x536, -1, "Nauru" },
- { 0x429, -1, "Nepal" },
- { 0x429, 0x01f, "Namaste / NT Mobile" },
- { 0x429, 0x02f, "Ncell" },
- { 0x429, 0x03f, "Sky/C-Phone" },
- { 0x204, -1, "Netherlands" },
- { 0x204, 0x01f, "OneFoon" },
- { 0x204, 0x02f, "Tele2" },
- { 0x204, 0x03f, "Blyk" },
- { 0x204, 0x04f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x204, 0x05f, "Elephant Talk" },
- { 0x204, 0x06f, "Barablu Mobile" },
- { 0x204, 0x07f, "Teleena" },
- { 0x204, 0x08f, "KPN" },
- { 0x204, 0x09f, "Lycamobile" },
- { 0x204, 0x10f, "KPN" },
- { 0x204, 0x12f, "Telfort" },
- { 0x204, 0x14f, "6Gmobile" },
- { 0x204, 0x16f, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x204, 0x18f, "Telfort" },
- { 0x204, 0x20f, "Orange Nederland" },
- { 0x204, 0x21f, "NS Railinfrabeheer B.V." },
- { 0x204, 0x67f, "RadioAccess" },
- { 0x204, 0x69f, "KPN Mobile" },
- { 0x362, -1, "Netherlands Antilles" },
- { 0x362, 0x51f, "Telcell" },
- { 0x362, 0x69f, "Digicel" },
- { 0x362, 0x91f, "UTS" },
- { 0x362, 0x00f, "East Caribbean Cellular" },
- { 0x362, 0x00f, "Antiliano Por N.V." },
- { 0x362, 0x95f, "MIO" },
- { 0x362, 0x94f, "Bay?s" },
- { 0x546, -1, "New Caledonia" },
- { 0x546, 0x01f, "Mobilis" },
- { 0x530, -1, "New Zealand" },
- { 0x530, 0x00f, "Telecom" },
- { 0x530, 0x01f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x530, 0x02f, "Telecom" },
- { 0x530, 0x03f, "Woosh" },
- { 0x530, 0x04f, "TelstraClear" },
- { 0x530, 0x05f, "XT Mobile Network" },
- { 0x530, 0x12f, "360" },
- { 0x530, 0x24f, "2degrees" },
- { 0x710, -1, "Nicaragua" },
- { 0x710, 0x21f, "Claro" },
- { 0x710, 0x30f, "movistar" },
- { 0x710, 0x73f, "SERCOM" },
- { 0x614, -1, "Niger" },
- { 0x614, 0x01f, "SahelCom" },
- { 0x614, 0x02f, "Zain" },
- { 0x614, 0x03f, "Telecel" },
- { 0x614, 0x04f, "Orange" },
- { 0x621, -1, "Nigeria" },
- { 0x621, 0x20f, "Zain" },
- { 0x621, 0x30f, "MTN" },
- { 0x621, 0x40f, "M-Tel" },
- { 0x621, 0x50f, "Glo" },
- { 0x621, 0x60f, "Etisalat" },
- { 0x242, -1, "Norway" },
- { 0x242, 0x01f, "Telenor" },
- { 0x242, 0x02f, "NetCom" },
- { 0x242, 0x03f, "Teletopia" },
- { 0x242, 0x04f, "Tele2" },
- { 0x242, 0x05f, "Network Norway" },
- { 0x242, 0x06f, "Ice" },
- { 0x242, 0x07f, "Ventelo" },
- { 0x242, 0x08f, "TDC Mobil AS" },
- { 0x242, 0x09f, "Barablu Mobile Norway Ltd" },
- { 0x242, 0x20f, "Jernbaneverket AS" },
- { 0x422, -1, "Oman" },
- { 0x422, 0x02f, "Oman Mobile" },
- { 0x422, 0x03f, "Nawras" },
- { 0x410, -1, "Pakistan" },
- { 0x410, 0x01f, "Mobilink" },
- { 0x410, 0x03f, "Ufone" },
- { 0x410, 0x04f, "Zong" },
- { 0x410, 0x06f, "Telenor" },
- { 0x410, 0x07f, "Warid" },
- { 0x552, -1, "Palau" },
- { 0x552, 0x01f, "PNCC" },
- { 0x552, 0x80f, "Palau Mobile" },
- { 0x423, -1, "Palestinian Authority" },
- { 0x423, 0x05f, "Jawwal" },
- { 0x423, 0x06f, "Wataniya" },
- { 0x714, -1, "Panama" },
- { 0x714, 0x01f, "Cable & Wireless" },
- { 0x714, 0x02f, "movistar" },
- { 0x714, 0x04f, "Digicel" },
- { 0x714, 0x03f, "Claro" },
- { 0x537, -1, "Papua New Guinea" },
- { 0x537, 0x01f, "B-Mobile" },
- { 0x537, 0x03f, "Digicel" },
- { 0x744, -1, "Paraguay" },
- { 0x744, 0x01f, "VOX" },
- { 0x744, 0x02f, "Claro" },
- { 0x744, 0x04f, "Tigo" },
- { 0x744, 0x05f, "Personal" },
- { 0x716, -1, "Peru" },
- { 0x716, 0x06f, "movistar" },
- { 0x716, 0x10f, "Claro" },
- { 0x716, 0x17f, "NEXTEL" },
- { 0x515, -1, "Philippines" },
- { 0x515, 0x01f, "Islacom" },
- { 0x515, 0x02f, "Globe" },
- { 0x515, 0x03f, "Smart" },
- { 0x515, 0x05f, "Sun" },
- { 0x515, 0x11f, "PLDT via ACeS Philippines" },
- { 0x515, 0x18f, "Cure" },
- { 0x515, 0x88f, "Nextel" },
- { 0x260, -1, "Poland" },
- { 0x260, 0x01f, "Plus" },
- { 0x260, 0x02f, "Era" },
- { 0x260, 0x03f, "Orange" },
- { 0x260, 0x04f, "Netia S.A." },
- { 0x260, 0x05f, "Polska Telefonia Kom?rkowa Centertel Sp. z o.o." },
- { 0x260, 0x06f, "Play" },
- { 0x260, 0x07f, "Netia" },
- { 0x260, 0x08f, "E-Telko Sp. z o.o." },
- { 0x260, 0x09f, "Telekomunikacja Kolejowa Sp. z o.o." },
- { 0x260, 0x10f, "Sferia" },
- { 0x260, 0x11f, "Nordisk Polska" },
- { 0x260, 0x12f, "Cyfrowy Polsat" },
- { 0x260, 0x13f, "Sferia" },
- { 0x260, 0x14f, "Sferia" },
- { 0x260, 0x15f, "CenterNet" },
- { 0x260, 0x16f, "Mobyland" },
- { 0x260, 0x17f, "Aero2" },
- { 0x268, -1, "Portugal" },
- { 0x268, 0x01f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x268, 0x03f, "Optimus" },
- { 0x268, 0x06f, "TMN" },
- { 0x268, 0x21f, "Zapp" },
- { 0x330, -1, "Puerto Rico" },
- { 0x330, 0x11f, "Claro" },
- { 0x427, -1, "Qatar" },
- { 0x427, 0x01f, "Qatarnet" },
- { 0x427, 0x02f, "Vodafone Qatar" },
- { 0x647, -1, "R&?union" },
- { 0x647, 0x00f, "Orange" },
- { 0x647, 0x02f, "Outremer" },
- { 0x647, 0x10f, "SFR Reunion" },
- { 0x226, -1, "Romania" },
- { 0x226, 0x01f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x226, 0x02f, "Romtelecom" },
- { 0x226, 0x03f, "Cosmote" },
- { 0x226, 0x04f, "Cosmote" },
- { 0x226, 0x05f, "Digi.Mobil" },
- { 0x226, 0x06f, "Cosmote" },
- { 0x226, 0x10f, "Orange" },
- { 0x250, -1, "Russian Federation" },
- { 0x250, 0x01f, "MTS" },
- { 0x250, 0x02f, "MegaFon" },
- { 0x250, 0x03f, "NCC" },
- { 0x250, 0x04f, "Sibchallenge" },
- { 0x250, 0x05f, "ETK" },
- { 0x250, 0x06f, "Skylink" },
- { 0x250, 0x07f, "SMARTS" },
- { 0x250, 0x09f, "Skylink" },
- { 0x250, 0x10f, "DTC" },
- { 0x250, 0x11f, "Orensot" },
- { 0x250, 0x12f, "Baykalwestcom" },
- { 0x250, 0x12f, "Akos" },
- { 0x250, 0x13f, "KUGSM" },
- { 0x250, 0x15f, "SMARTS" },
- { 0x250, 0x16f, "NTC" },
- { 0x250, 0x17f, "Utel" },
- { 0x250, 0x19f, "INDIGO" },
- { 0x250, 0x20f, "Tele2" },
- { 0x250, 0x23f, "Mobicom - Novosibirsk" },
- { 0x250, 0x28f, "Beeline" },
- { 0x250, 0x35f, "MOTIV" },
- { 0x250, 0x38f, "Tambov GSM" },
- { 0x250, 0x39f, "Utel" },
- { 0x250, 0x44f, "Stavtelesot / North Caucasian GSM" },
- { 0x250, 0x92f, "Primtelefon" },
- { 0x250, 0x93f, "Telecom XXI" },
- { 0x250, 0x99f, "Beeline" },
-// { 0x250, ?, "SkyLink/MTS/the Moscow Cellular communication" },
- { 0x635, -1, "Rwanda" },
- { 0x635, 0x10f, "MTN" },
- { 0x635, 0x13f, "Tigo" },
- { 0x356, -1, "Saint Kitts and Nevis" },
- { 0x356, 0x050, "Digicel" },
- { 0x356, 0x110, "Cable & Wireless" },
- { 0x358, -1, "Saint Lucia" },
- { 0x358, 0x050, "Digicel" },
- { 0x358, 0x110, "Cable & Wireless" },
- { 0x308, -1, "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" },
- { 0x308, 0x01f, "Ameris" },
- { 0x360, -1, "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" },
- { 0x360, 0x070, "Digicel" },
- { 0x360, 0x100, "Cingular Wireless" },
- { 0x360, 0x110, "Cable & Wireless" },
- { 0x549, -1, "Samoa" },
- { 0x549, 0x01f, "Digicel" },
- { 0x549, 0x27f, "SamoaTel" },
- { 0x292, -1, "San Marino" },
- { 0x292, 0x01f, "PRIMA" },
- { 0x626, -1, "Sao Tome and Principe" },
- { 0x626, 0x01f, "CSTmovel" },
- { 0x420, -1, "Saudi Arabia" },
- { 0x420, 0x01f, "Al Jawal" },
- { 0x420, 0x03f, "Mobily" },
- { 0x420, 0x07f, "EAE" },
- { 0x420, 0x04f, "Zain SA" },
- { 0x608, -1, "Senegal" },
- { 0x608, 0x01f, "Orange (telecommunications)" },
- { 0x608, 0x02f, "Tigo" },
- { 0x608, 0x03f, "Expresso" },
- { 0x220, -1, "Serbia" },
- { 0x220, 0x01f, "Telenor" },
- { 0x220, 0x03f, "mt:s" },
- { 0x220, 0x05f, "VIP" },
- { 0x633, -1, "Seychelles" },
- { 0x633, 0x01f, "Cable & Wireless" },
- { 0x633, 0x02f, "Mediatech International" },
- { 0x633, 0x10f, "Airtel" },
- { 0x619, -1, "Sierra Leone" },
- { 0x619, 0x01f, "Zain" },
- { 0x619, 0x02f, "Millicom" },
- { 0x619, 0x03f, "Datatel" },
- { 0x619, 0x04f, "Comium" },
- { 0x619, 0x05f, "Africell" },
- { 0x619, 0x25f, "Mobitel" },
-// { 0x619, ?, "LeoneCel" },
- { 0x525, -1, "Singapore" },
- { 0x525, 0x01f, "SingTel" },
- { 0x525, 0x02f, "SingTel-G18" },
- { 0x525, 0x03f, "M1" },
- { 0x525, 0x05f, "StarHub" },
- { 0x525, 0x12f, "Digital Trunked Radio Network" },
- { 0x231, -1, "Slovakia" },
- { 0x231, 0x01f, "Orange" },
- { 0x231, 0x02f, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x231, 0x03f, "Unient Communications" },
- { 0x231, 0x04f, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x231, 0x05f, "Mobile Entertainment Company" },
- { 0x231, 0x06f, "O2" },
- { 0x231, 0x99f, "?SR" },
- { 0x293, -1, "Slovenia" },
- { 0x293, 0x40f, "Si.mobil" },
- { 0x293, 0x41f, "Mobitel" },
- { 0x293, 0x64f, "T-2" },
- { 0x293, 0x70f, "Tu?mobil" },
- { 0x540, -1, "Solomon Islands" },
- { 0x637, -1, "Somalia" },
- { 0x637, 0x01f, "Telesom" },
- { 0x637, 0x04f, "Somafone" },
- { 0x637, 0x10f, "Nationlink" },
- { 0x637, 0x25f, "Hormuud" },
- { 0x637, 0x30f, "Golis" },
- { 0x637, 0x82f, "Telcom" },
- { 0x655, -1, "South Africa" },
- { 0x655, 0x01f, "Vodacom" },
- { 0x655, 0x06f, "Sentech" },
- { 0x655, 0x07f, "Cell C" },
- { 0x655, 0x10f, "MTN" },
- { 0x655, 0x11f, "SAPS Gauteng" },
- { 0x655, 0x13f, "Neotel" },
- { 0x655, 0x21f, "Cape Town Metropolitan Council" },
- { 0x655, 0x30f, "Bokamoso Consortium" },
- { 0x655, 0x31f, "Karabo Telecoms (Pty) Ltd." },
- { 0x655, 0x32f, "Ilizwi Telecommunications" },
- { 0x655, 0x33f, "Thinta Thinta Telecommunications" },
- { 0x655, 0x02f, "Telkom" },
- { 0x214, -1, "Spain" },
- { 0x214, 0x01f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x214, 0x03f, "Orange" },
- { 0x214, 0x04f, "Yoigo" },
- { 0x214, 0x05f, "TME" },
- { 0x214, 0x06f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x214, 0x07f, "movistar" },
- { 0x214, 0x08f, "Euskaltel" },
- { 0x214, 0x09f, "Orange" },
- { 0x214, 0x15f, "BT" },
- { 0x214, 0x16f, "TeleCable" },
- { 0x214, 0x17f, "M?bil R" },
- { 0x214, 0x18f, "ONO" },
- { 0x214, 0x19f, "Simyo" },
- { 0x214, 0x21f, "Jazztel" },
- { 0x214, 0x22f, "DigiMobil" },
- { 0x214, 0x23f, "Barablu" },
- { 0x413, -1, "Sri Lanka" },
- { 0x413, 0x01f, "Mobitel" },
- { 0x413, 0x02f, "Dialog" },
- { 0x413, 0x03f, "Etisalat" },
- { 0x413, 0x05f, "Airtel" },
- { 0x413, 0x08f, "Hutch" },
- { 0x413, 0x00f, "RTEC Mobile" },
- { 0x634, -1, "Sudan" },
- { 0x634, 0x01f, "Zain SD" },
- { 0x634, 0x02f, "MTN" },
- { 0x634, 0x05f, "Vivacell" },
- { 0x746, -1, "Suriname" },
- { 0x746, 0x05f, "Telesur" },
- { 0x653, -1, "Swaziland" },
- { 0x653, 0x10f, "Swazi MTN" },
- { 0x240, -1, "Sweden" },
- { 0x240, 0x01f, "Telia" },
- { 0x240, 0x02f, "3" },
- { 0x240, 0x03f, "" },
- { 0x240, 0x04f, "3G Infrastructure Services" },
- { 0x240, 0x05f, "Sweden 3G" },
- { 0x240, 0x06f, "Telenor" },
- { 0x240, 0x07f, "Tele2" },
- { 0x240, 0x08f, "Telenor" },
- { 0x240, 0x09f, "djuice" },
- { 0x240, 0x10f, "Spring Mobil" },
- { 0x240, 0x11f, "Lindholmen Science Park" },
- { 0x240, 0x12f, "Barablu Mobile Scandinavia" },
- { 0x240, 0x13f, "Ventelo Sverige" },
- { 0x240, 0x14f, "TDC Mobil" },
- { 0x240, 0x15f, "Wireless Maingate Nordic" },
- { 0x240, 0x16f, "42IT" },
- { 0x240, 0x17f, "G?talandsn?tet" },
- { 0x240, 0x20f, "Wireless Maingate Message Services" },
- { 0x240, 0x21f, "MobiSir" },
- { 0x240, 0x25f, "DigiTelMobile" },
- { 0x228, -1, "Switzerland" },
- { 0x228, 0x01f, "Swisscom" },
- { 0x228, 0x02f, "Sunrise" },
- { 0x228, 0x03f, "Orange" },
- { 0x228, 0x05f, "Togewanet AG (Comfone)" },
- { 0x228, 0x06f, "SBB AG" },
- { 0x228, 0x07f, "IN&Phone" },
- { 0x228, 0x08f, "Tele2" },
- { 0x228, 0x50f, "3G Mobile AG" },
- { 0x228, 0x51f, "BebbiCell AG" },
- { 0x417, -1, "Syria" },
- { 0x417, 0x01f, "Syriatel" },
- { 0x417, 0x02f, "MTN" },
- { 0x466, -1, "Taiwan" },
- { 0x466, 0x01f, "FarEasTone" },
- { 0x466, 0x02f, "APTG" },
- { 0x466, 0x06f, "Tuntex" },
- { 0x466, 0x11f, "Chunghwa LDM" },
- { 0x466, 0x88f, "KG Telecom" },
- { 0x466, 0x89f, "VIBO" },
- { 0x466, 0x92f, "Chungwa" },
- { 0x466, 0x93f, "MobiTai" },
- { 0x466, 0x97f, "Taiwan Mobile" },
- { 0x466, 0x99f, "TransAsia" },
- { 0x436, -1, "Tajikistan" },
- { 0x436, 0x01f, "Tcell" },
- { 0x436, 0x02f, "Indigo" },
- { 0x436, 0x03f, "MLT" },
- { 0x436, 0x04f, "Babilon-M" },
- { 0x436, 0x05f, "Beeline" },
- { 0x640, -1, "Tanzania" },
- { 0x640, 0x06f, "SasaTel" },
- { 0x640, 0x02f, "tiGO" },
- { 0x640, 0x03f, "Zantel" },
- { 0x640, 0x04f, "Vodacom" },
- { 0x640, 0x05f, "Zain" },
- { 0x520, -1, "Thailand" },
- { 0x520, 0x00f, "Hutch" },
- { 0x520, 0x01f, "AIS" },
- { 0x520, 0x02f, "CAT CDMA" },
- { 0x520, 0x10f, "?" },
- { 0x520, 0x15f, "Thai Mobile" },
- { 0x520, 0x15f, "TOT 3G" },
- { 0x520, 0x18f, "dtac" },
- { 0x520, 0x23f, "AIS GSM 1800" },
- { 0x520, 0x99f, "True Move" },
- { 0x520, 0x00f, "WE PCT" },
- { 0x615, -1, "Togo" },
- { 0x615, 0x01f, "Togo Cell" },
- { 0x615, 0x03f, "Moov" },
- { 0x539, -1, "Tonga" },
- { 0x539, 0x01f, "Tonga Communications Corporation" },
- { 0x539, 0x43f, "Shoreline Communication" },
- { 0x539, 0x88f, "Digicel" },
- { 0x374, -1, "Trinidad and Tobago" },
- { 0x374, 0x12f, "bmobile" },
- { 0x374, 0x13f, "Digicel" },
- { 0x605, -1, "Tunisia" },
- { 0x605, 0x01f, "Orange" },
- { 0x605, 0x02f, "Tunicell" },
- { 0x605, 0x03f, "Tunisiana" },
- { 0x286, -1, "Turkey" },
- { 0x286, 0x01f, "Turkcell" },
- { 0x286, 0x02f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x286, 0x03f, "Avea" },
- { 0x286, 0x04f, "Aycell" },
- { 0x438, -1, "Turkmenistan" },
- { 0x438, 0x01f, "MTS" },
- { 0x438, 0x02f, "TM-Cell" },
- { 0x376, -1, "Turks and Caicos Islands" },
- { 0x376, 0x350, "C&W" },
- { 0x376, 0x352, "Islandcom" },
- { 0x338, 0x05f, "Digicel" },
- { 0x553, -1, "Tuvalu" },
- { 0x553, 0x01f, "TTC" },
- { 0x641, -1, "Uganda" },
- { 0x641, 0x01f, "Zain" },
- { 0x641, 0x10f, "MTN" },
- { 0x641, 0x11f, "Uganda Telecom Ltd." },
- { 0x641, 0x22f, "Warid Telecom" },
- { 0x641, 0x14f, "Orange" },
- { 0x255, -1, "Ukraine" },
- { 0x255, 0x01f, "MTS" },
- { 0x255, 0x02f, "Beeline" },
- { 0x255, 0x03f, "Kyivstar" },
- { 0x255, 0x04f, "IT" },
- { 0x255, 0x05f, "Golden Telecom" },
- { 0x255, 0x06f, "life:)" },
- { 0x255, 0x07f, "Ukrtelecom" },
- { 0x255, 0x21f, "PEOPLEnet" },
- { 0x255, 0x23f, "CDMA Ukraine" },
- { 0x424, -1, "United Arab Emirates" },
- { 0x424, 0x02f, "Etisalat" },
- { 0x424, 0x03f, "du" },
- { 0x234, -1, "United Kingdom" },
- { 0x234, 0x00f, "BT" },
- { 0x234, 0x01f, "UK01" },
- { 0x234, 0x02f, "O2" },
- { 0x234, 0x03f, "Airtel-Vodafone" },
- { 0x234, 0x04f, "FMS Solutions Ltd" },
- { 0x234, 0x07f, "Cable and Wireless UK" },
- { 0x234, 0x08f, "OnePhone Ltd" },
- { 0x234, 0x10f, "O2" },
- { 0x234, 0x11f, "O2" },
- { 0x234, 0x12f, "Railtrack" },
- { 0x234, 0x14f, "Hay Systems Ltd" },
- { 0x234, 0x15f, "Vodafone" },
- { 0x234, 0x16f, "Opal Telecom Ltd" },
- { 0x234, 0x18f, "Cloud9" },
- { 0x234, 0x19f, "Teleware" },
- { 0x234, 0x20f, "3" },
- { 0x234, 0x22f, "RoutoMessaging" },
- { 0x234, 0x25f, "Truphone" },
- { 0x234, 0x30f, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x234, 0x31f, "Virgin" },
- { 0x234, 0x32f, "Virgin" },
- { 0x234, 0x33f, "Orange" },
- { 0x234, 0x34f, "Orange" },
- { 0x234, 0x50f, "JT-Wave" },
- { 0x234, 0x55f, "Cable & Wireless Guernsey / Sure Mobile (Jersey)" },
- { 0x234, 0x58f, "Manx Telecom" },
- { 0x234, 0x75f, "Inquam" },
- { 0x234, 0x77f, "BT" },
- { 0x200, -1, "United States of America" },
- { 0x200, 0x053, "Virgin Mobile US" },
- { 0x200, 0x054, "Alltel US" },
- { 0x200, 0x066, "U.S. Cellular" },
- /* 0x310 taken from Annex to ITU Operational Bulletin No. 958 – 15.VI.2010 */
- { 0x310, 0x00f, "nTelos" },
- { 0x310, 0x000, "Mid-Tex Cellular" },
- { 0x310, 0x004, "Verizon" },
- { 0x310, 0x010, "MCI" },
- { 0x310, 0x012, "Verizon" },
- { 0x310, 0x013, "MobileTel" },
- { 0x310, 0x014, "Testing" },
- { 0x310, 0x016, "Cricket Communications" },
- { 0x310, 0x017, "North Sight Communications Inc." },
- { 0x310, 0x020, "Union Telephone Company" },
- { 0x310, 0x026, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x030, "Centennial" },
- { 0x310, 0x034, "Airpeak" },
- { 0x310, 0x038, "AT&T" },
- { 0x310, 0x040, "Concho" },
- { 0x310, 0x046, "SIMMETRY" },
- { 0x310, 0x060, "Consolidated Telcom" },
- { 0x310, 0x070, "Highland Cellular" },
- { 0x310, 0x080, "Corr" },
- { 0x310, 0x090, "AT&T" },
- { 0x310, 0x100, "Plateau Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x110, "PTI Pacifica" },
- { 0x310, 0x120, "Sprint" },
- { 0x310, 0x150, "AT&T" },
- { 0x310, 0x160, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x170, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x180, "West Central" },
- { 0x310, 0x190, "Dutch Harbor" },
- { 0x310, 0x200, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x210, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x220, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x230, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x240, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x250, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x260, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x270, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x280, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x290, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x300, "iSmart Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x310, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x311, "Farmers Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x320, "Cellular One" },
- { 0x310, 0x330, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x340, "Westlink" },
- { 0x310, 0x350, "Carolina Phone" },
- { 0x310, 0x380, "AT&T Mobility" },
- { 0x310, 0x390, "Cellular One of East Texas" },
- { 0x310, 0x400, "i CAN_GSM" },
- { 0x310, 0x410, "AT&T" },
- { 0x310, 0x420, "Cincinnati Bell" },
- { 0x310, 0x430, "Alaska Digitel" },
- { 0x310, 0x440, "Cellular One" },
- { 0x310, 0x450, "Viaero" },
- { 0x310, 0x460, "Simmetry" },
- { 0x310, 0x480, "Choice Phone" },
- { 0x310, 0x490, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x500, "Alltel" },
- { 0x310, 0x510, "Airtel" },
- { 0x310, 0x520, "VeriSign" },
- { 0x310, 0x530, "West Virginia Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x540, "Oklahoma Western" },
- { 0x310, 0x560, "AT&T" },
- { 0x310, 0x570, "Cellular One" },
- { 0x310, 0x580, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x590, "Alltel" },
- { 0x310, 0x610, "Epic Touch" },
- { 0x310, 0x620, "Coleman County Telecom" },
- { 0x310, 0x630, "AmeriLink PCS" },
- { 0x310, 0x640, "Airadigm" },
- { 0x310, 0x650, "Jasper" },
- { 0x310, 0x660, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x670, "Northstar" },
- { 0x310, 0x680, "AT&T" },
- { 0x310, 0x690, "Conestoga" },
- { 0x310, 0x730, "SeaMobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x740, "Convey" },
- { 0x310, 0x760, "Panhandle" },
- { 0x310, 0x770, "i wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x780, "Airlink PCS" },
- { 0x310, 0x790, "PinPoint" },
- { 0x310, 0x800, "T-Mobile" },
- { 0x310, 0x830, "Caprock" },
- { 0x310, 0x850, "Aeris" },
- { 0x310, 0x870, "PACE" },
- { 0x310, 0x880, "Advantage" },
- { 0x310, 0x890, "Unicel" },
- { 0x310, 0x900, "Mid-Rivers Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x910, "First Cellular" },
- { 0x310, 0x940, "Iris Wireless LLC" },
- { 0x310, 0x950, "XIT Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x960, "Plateau Wireless" },
- { 0x310, 0x970, "Globalstar" },
- { 0x310, 0x980, "AT&T Mobility" },
- { 0x310, 0x990, "AT&T Mobility" },
- { 0x311, 0x000, "Mid-Tex Cellular" },
- { 0x311, 0x010, "Chariton Valley" },
- { 0x311, 0x020, "Missouri RSA 5 Partnership" },
- { 0x311, 0x030, "Indigo Wireless" },
- { 0x311, 0x040, "Commnet Wireless" },
- { 0x311, 0x050, "Wikes Cellular" },
- { 0x311, 0x060, "Farmers Cellular" },
- { 0x311, 0x070, "Easterbrooke" },
- { 0x311, 0x080, "Pine Cellular" },
- { 0x311, 0x090, "Long Lines Wireless" },
- { 0x311, 0x100, "High Plains Wireless" },
- { 0x311, 0x110, "High Plains Wireless" },
- { 0x311, 0x120, "Choice Phone" },
- { 0x311, 0x130, "Cell One Amarillo" },
- { 0x311, 0x140, "Sprocket" },
- { 0x311, 0x150, "Wilkes Cellular" },
- { 0x311, 0x160, "Endless Mountains Wireless" },
- { 0x311, 0x170, "PetroCom" },
- { 0x311, 0x180, "Cingular Wireless" },
- { 0x311, 0x190, "Cellular Properties" },
- { 0x311, 0x210, "Farmers Cellular" },
- { 0x316, 0x010, "Nextel" },
- { 0x316, 0x011, "Southern Communications Services" },
- { 0x748, -1, "Uruguay" },
- { 0x748, 0x00f, "Ancel" },
- { 0x748, 0x01f, "Ancel" },
- { 0x748, 0x07f, "Movistar" },
- { 0x748, 0x10f, "Claro" },
- { 0x434, -1, "Uzbekistan" },
- { 0x434, 0x01f, "Buztel" },
- { 0x434, 0x02f, "Uzmacom" },
- { 0x434, 0x04f, "Beeline" },
- { 0x434, 0x05f, "Ucell" },
- { 0x434, 0x06f, "Perfectum Mobile" },
- { 0x434, 0x07f, "MTS" },
- { 0x541, -1, "Vanuatu" },
- { 0x541, 0x01f, "SMILE" },
- { 0x225, -1, "Vatican" },
- { 0x734, -1, "Venezuela" },
- { 0x734, 0x01f, "Digitel" },
- { 0x734, 0x02f, "Digitel" },
- { 0x734, 0x03f, "Digitel" },
- { 0x734, 0x04f, "movistar" },
- { 0x734, 0x06f, "Movilnet" },
- { 0x452, -1, "Vietnam" },
- { 0x452, 0x01f, "MobiFone" },
- { 0x452, 0x02f, "Vinaphone" },
- { 0x452, 0x03f, "S-Fone" },
- { 0x452, 0x04f, "Viettel Mobile" },
- { 0x452, 0x05f, "Vietnamobile" },
- { 0x452, 0x06f, "E-Mobile" },
- { 0x452, 0x07f, "Beeline VN" },
- { 0x421, -1, "Yemen" },
- { 0x421, 0x01f, "SabaFon" },
- { 0x421, 0x02f, "MTN" },
- { 0x421, 0x03f, "Yemen Mobile" },
- { 0x421, 0x04f, "HiTS-UNITEL" },
- { 0x645, -1, "Zambia" },
- { 0x645, 0x01f, "Zain" },
- { 0x645, 0x02f, "MTN" },
- { 0x645, 0x03f, "ZAMTEL" },
- { 0x648, -1, "Zimbabwe" },
- { 0x648, 0x01f, "Net*One" },
- { 0x648, 0x03f, "Telecel" },
- { 0x648, 0x04f, "Econet" },
- { 0x901, -1, "International" },
- { 0x901, 0x01f, "ICO" },
- { 0x901, 0x02f, "Sense Communications International" },
- { 0x901, 0x03f, "Iridium" },
- { 0x901, 0x04f, "Globalstar" },
- { 0x901, 0x05f, "Thuraya RMSS Network" },
- { 0x901, 0x06f, "Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications Company" },
- { 0x901, 0x07f, "Ellipso" },
- { 0x901, 0x08f, "" },
- { 0x901, 0x09f, "Tele1 Europe" },
- { 0x901, 0x10f, "ACeS" },
- { 0x901, 0x11f, "Inmarsat" },
- { 0x901, 0x12f, "MCP" },
- { 0x901, 0x13f, "GSM.AQ" },
- { 0x901, 0x14f, "AeroMobile AS" },
- { 0x901, 0x15f, "OnAir Switzerland Sarl" },
- { 0x901, 0x16f, "Jasper Systems" },
- { 0x901, 0x17f, "Navitas" },
- { 0x901, 0x18f, "Cellular @Sea" },
- { 0x901, 0x19f, "Vodafone Malta Maritime" },
- { 0x901, 0x21f, "Seanet" },
- { 0x901, 0x24f, "iNum" },
- { 0x901, 0x29f, "Telenor" },
- { 0, 0, NULL }
-/* GSM 03.22 Annex A */
-int gsm_match_mcc(uint16_t mcc, char *imsi)
- uint16_t sim_mcc;
- sim_mcc = ((imsi[0] - '0') << 8)
- + ((imsi[1] - '0') << 4)
- + imsi[2] - '0';
- return (mcc == sim_mcc);
-/* GSM 03.22 Annex A */
-int gsm_match_mnc(uint16_t mcc, uint8_t mnc, char *imsi)
- uint16_t sim_mnc;
- /* 1. SIM-MCC = BCCH-MCC */
- if (!gsm_match_mcc(mcc, imsi))
- return 0;
- /* 2. 3rd digit of BCCH-MNC is not 0xf */
- if ((mnc & 0x00f) != 0x00f) {
- /* 3. 3 digit SIM-MNC = BCCH-MNC */
- sim_mnc = ((imsi[3] - '0') << 8)
- + ((imsi[4] - '0') << 4)
- + imsi[5] - '0';
- return (mnc == sim_mnc);
- }
- /* 4. BCCH-MCC in the range 310-316 */
- if (mcc >= 310 && mcc <= 316) {
- /* 5. 3rd diit of SIM-MNC is 0 */
- if (imsi[5] != 0)
- return 0;
- }
- /* 6. 1st 2 digits of SIM-MNC and BCCH-MNC match */
- sim_mnc = ((imsi[3] - '0') << 8)
- + ((imsi[4] - '0') << 4)
- + 0x00f;
- return (mnc == sim_mnc);
-const char *gsm_print_mcc(uint16_t mcc)
- static char string[5] = "000";
- snprintf(string, 4, "%03x", mcc);
- return string;
-const char *gsm_print_mnc(uint16_t mnc)
- static char string[7];
- /* invalid format: return hex value */
- if ((mnc & 0xf000)
- || (mnc & 0x0f00) > 0x0900
- || (mnc & 0x00f0) > 0x0090
- || ((mnc & 0x000f) > 0x0009 && (mnc & 0x000f) < 0x000f)) {
- snprintf(string, 6, "0x%03x", mnc);
- return string;
- }
- /* two digits */
- if ((mnc & 0x000f) == 0x000f) {
- snprintf(string, 6, "%02x", mnc >> 4);
- return string;
- }
- /* three digits */
- snprintf(string, 6, "%03x", mnc);
- return string;
-const uint16_t gsm_input_mcc(char *string)
- uint16_t mcc;
- if (strlen(string) != 3)
- return 0;
- if (string[0] < '0' || string [0] > '9'
- || string[1] < '0' || string [1] > '9'
- || string[2] < '0' || string [2] > '9')
- return 0;
- mcc = ((string[0] - '0') << 8)
- | ((string[1] - '0') << 4)
- | ((string[2] - '0'));
- return mcc;
-const uint16_t gsm_input_mnc(char *string)
- uint16_t mnc = 0;
- if (strlen(string) == 2) {
- if (string[0] < '0' || string [0] > '9'
- || string[1] < '0' || string [1] > '9')
- return 0;
- mnc = ((string[0] - '0') << 8)
- | ((string[1] - '0') << 4)
- | 0x00f;
- } else
- if (strlen(string) == 3) {
- if (string[0] < '0' || string [0] > '9'
- || string[1] < '0' || string [1] > '9'
- || string[2] < '0' || string [2] > '9')
- return 0;
- mnc = ((string[0] - '0') << 8)
- | ((string[1] - '0') << 4)
- | ((string[2] - '0'));
- }
- return mnc;
-const char *gsm_get_mcc(uint16_t mcc)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; gsm_networks[i].name; i++)
- if (gsm_networks[i].mnc < 0 && gsm_networks[i].mcc == mcc)
- return gsm_networks[i].name;
- return gsm_print_mcc(mcc);
-const char *gsm_get_mnc(uint16_t mcc, uint16_t mnc)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; gsm_networks[i].name; i++)
- if (gsm_networks[i].mcc == mcc && gsm_networks[i].mnc == mnc)
- return gsm_networks[i].name;
- return gsm_print_mnc(mnc);
-/* get MCC from IMSI */
-const char *gsm_imsi_mcc(char *imsi)
- int i, found = 0;
- uint16_t mcc;
- mcc = ((imsi[0] - '0') << 8)
- | ((imsi[1] - '0') << 4)
- | ((imsi[2] - '0'));
- for (i = 0; gsm_networks[i].name; i++) {
- if (gsm_networks[i].mcc == mcc) {
- found = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (found == 0)
- return "Unknown";
- return gsm_networks[i].name;
-/* get MNC from IMSI */
-const char *gsm_imsi_mnc(char *imsi)
- int i, found = 0, position = 0;
- uint16_t mcc, mnc2, mnc3;
- mcc = ((imsi[0] - '0') << 8)
- | ((imsi[1] - '0') << 4)
- | ((imsi[2] - '0'));
- mnc2 = ((imsi[3] - '0') << 8)
- + ((imsi[4] - '0') << 4)
- + 0x00f;
- mnc3 = ((imsi[3] - '0') << 8)
- + ((imsi[4] - '0') << 4)
- + imsi[5] - '0';
- for (i = 0; gsm_networks[i].name; i++) {
- if (gsm_networks[i].mcc != mcc)
- continue;
- if ((gsm_networks[i].mnc & 0x00f) == 0x00f) {
- if (mnc2 == gsm_networks[i].mnc) {
- found++;
- position = i;
- }
- } else {
- if (mnc3 == gsm_networks[i].mnc) {
- found++;
- position = i;
- }
- }
- }
- if (found == 0)
- return "Unknown";
- if (found > 1)
- return "Ambiguous";
- return gsm_networks[position].name;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/sap_interface.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/sap_interface.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fd5cdc3..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/sap_interface.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-/* BTSAP socket interface of layer2/3 stack */
-/* (C) 2010 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/sap_interface.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/un.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define GSM_SAP_LENGTH 300
-#define GSM_SAP_HEADROOM 32
-static int sap_read(struct osmo_fd *fd)
- struct msgb *msg;
- u_int16_t len;
- int rc;
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = (struct osmocom_ms *) fd->data;
- msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(GSM_SAP_LENGTH+GSM_SAP_HEADROOM, GSM_SAP_HEADROOM, "Layer2");
- if (!msg) {
- LOGP(DSAP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to allocate msg.\n");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- rc = read(fd->fd, &len, sizeof(len));
- if (rc < sizeof(len)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "SAP socket failed\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- if (rc >= 0)
- rc = -EIO;
- sap_close(ms);
- return rc;
- }
- len = ntohs(len);
- if (len > GSM_SAP_LENGTH) {
- LOGP(DSAP, LOGL_ERROR, "Length is too big: %u\n", len);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- msg->l1h = msgb_put(msg, len);
- rc = read(fd->fd, msg->l1h, msgb_l1len(msg));
- if (rc != msgb_l1len(msg)) {
- LOGP(DSAP, LOGL_ERROR, "Can not read data: len=%d rc=%d "
- "errno=%d\n", len, rc, errno);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return rc;
- }
- if (ms->sap_entity.msg_handler)
- ms->sap_entity.msg_handler(msg, ms);
- return 0;
-static int sap_write(struct osmo_fd *fd, struct msgb *msg)
- int rc;
- if (fd->fd <= 0)
- return -EINVAL;
- rc = write(fd->fd, msg->data, msg->len);
- if (rc != msg->len) {
- LOGP(DSAP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to write data: rc: %d\n", rc);
- return rc;
- }
- return 0;
-int sap_open(struct osmocom_ms *ms, const char *socket_path)
- int rc;
- struct sockaddr_un local;
- ms->sap_wq.bfd.fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (ms->sap_wq.bfd.fd < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create unix domain socket.\n");
- return ms->sap_wq.bfd.fd;
- }
- local.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
- strncpy(local.sun_path, socket_path, sizeof(local.sun_path));
- local.sun_path[sizeof(local.sun_path) - 1] = '\0';
- rc = connect(ms->sap_wq.bfd.fd, (struct sockaddr *) &local,
- sizeof(local.sun_family) + strlen(local.sun_path));
- if (rc < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to '%s'.\n", local.sun_path);
- close(ms->sap_wq.bfd.fd);
- return rc;
- }
- osmo_wqueue_init(&ms->sap_wq, 100);
- ms-> = ms;
- ms->sap_wq.bfd.when = BSC_FD_READ;
- ms->sap_wq.read_cb = sap_read;
- ms->sap_wq.write_cb = sap_write;
- rc = osmo_fd_register(&ms->sap_wq.bfd);
- if (rc != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to register fd.\n");
- return rc;
- }
- return 0;
-int sap_close(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- if (ms->sap_wq.bfd.fd <= 0)
- return -EINVAL;
- close(ms->sap_wq.bfd.fd);
- ms->sap_wq.bfd.fd = -1;
- osmo_fd_unregister(&ms->sap_wq.bfd);
- return 0;
-int osmosap_send(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- uint16_t *len;
- if (ms->sap_wq.bfd.fd <= 0)
- return -EINVAL;
- DEBUGP(DSAP, "Sending: '%s'\n", osmo_hexdump(msg->data, msg->len));
- if (msg->l1h != msg->data)
- LOGP(DSAP, LOGL_ERROR, "Message SAP header != Message Data\n");
- /* prepend 16bit length before sending */
- len = (uint16_t *) msgb_push(msg, sizeof(*len));
- *len = htons(msg->len - sizeof(*len));
- if (osmo_wqueue_enqueue(&ms->sap_wq, msg) != 0) {
- LOGP(DSAP, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to enqueue msg.\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-/* register message handler for messages that are sent from L2->L3 */
-int osmosap_register_handler(struct osmocom_ms *ms, osmosap_cb_t cb)
- ms->sap_entity.msg_handler = cb;
- return 0;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/sim.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/sim.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aca693..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/sim.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1236 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-extern void *l23_ctx;
-static int sim_process_job(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
- * support
- */
-uint32_t new_handle = 1;
-static struct gsm1111_df_name {
- uint16_t file;
- const char *name;
-} gsm1111_df_name[] = {
- { 0x3f00, "MF" },
- { 0x7f20, "DFgsm" },
- { 0x7f10, "DFtelecom" },
- { 0x7f22, "DFis-41" },
- { 0x7f23, "DFfp-cts" },
- { 0x5f50, "DFgraphics" },
- { 0x5f30, "DFiridium" },
- { 0x5f31, "DFglobst" },
- { 0x5f32, "DFico" },
- { 0x5f33, "DFaces" },
- { 0x5f40, "DFeia/tia-553" },
- { 0x5f60, "DFcts" },
- { 0x5f70, "DFsolsa" },
- { 0x5f3c, "DFmexe" },
- { 0, NULL }
-static const char *get_df_name(uint16_t fid)
- int i;
- static char text[7];
- for (i = 0; gsm1111_df_name[i].file; i++)
- if (gsm1111_df_name[i].file == fid)
- break;
- if (gsm1111_df_name[i].file)
- return gsm1111_df_name[i].name;
- sprintf(text, "0x%04x", fid);
- return text;
-static struct gsm_sim_handler *sim_get_handler(struct gsm_sim *sim,
- uint32_t handle)
- struct gsm_sim_handler *handler;
- llist_for_each_entry(handler, &sim->handlers, entry)
- if (handler->handle == handle)
- return handler;
- return NULL;
- * messages
- */
-static const struct value_string sim_job_names[] = {
- { 0, NULL }
-static const char *get_job_name(int value)
- return get_value_string(sim_job_names, value);
-/* allocate sim client message (upper layer) */
-struct msgb *gsm_sim_msgb_alloc(uint32_t handle, uint8_t job_type)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct sim_hdr *nsh;
- msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(SIM_ALLOC_SIZE+SIM_ALLOC_HEADROOM,
- if (!msg)
- return NULL;
- nsh = (struct sim_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*nsh));
- nsh->handle = handle;
- nsh->job_type = job_type;
- return msg;
-/* reply to job, after it is done. reuse the msgb in the job */
-void gsm_sim_reply(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t result_type, uint8_t *result,
- uint16_t result_len)
- struct gsm_sim *sim = &ms->sim;
- struct msgb *msg = sim->job_msg;
- struct sim_hdr *sh;
- uint8_t *payload;
- uint16_t payload_len;
- struct gsm_sim_handler *handler;
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "sending result to callback function "
- "(type=%d)\n", result_type);
- /* if no handler, or no callback, just free the job */
- sh = (struct sim_hdr *)msg->data;
- handler = sim_get_handler(sim, sh->handle);
- if (!handler || !handler->cb) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "no callback or no handler, "
- "dropping result\n");
- msgb_free(sim->job_msg);
- sim->job_msg = NULL;
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_IDLE;
- return;
- }
- payload = msg->data + sizeof(*sh);
- payload_len = msg->len - sizeof(*sh);
- /* remove data */
- msg->tail -= payload_len;
- msg->len -= payload_len;
- /* add reply data */
- sh->job_type = result_type;
- if (result_len)
- memcpy(msgb_put(msg, result_len), result, result_len);
- /* callback */
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_IDLE;
- sim->job_msg = NULL;
- handler->cb(ms, msg);
-/* send APDU to card reader */
-static int sim_apdu_send(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length)
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "sending APDU (class 0x%02x, ins 0x%02x)\n",
- data[0], data[1]);
- l1ctl_tx_sim_req(ms, data, length);
- return 0;
-/* dequeue messages (RSL-SAP) */
-int gsm_sim_job_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_sim *sim = &ms->sim;
- struct sim_hdr *sh;
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct gsm_sim_handler *handler;
- /* already have a job */
- if (sim->job_msg)
- return 0;
- /* get next job */
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&sim->jobs))) {
- /* resolve handler */
- sh = (struct sim_hdr *) msg->data;
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "got new job: %s (handle=%08x)\n",
- get_job_name(sh->job_type), sh->handle);
- handler = sim_get_handler(sim, sh->handle);
- if (!handler) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "no handler, ignoring job\n");
- /* does not exist anymore */
- msgb_free(msg);
- continue;
- }
- /* init job */
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_IDLE;
- sim->job_msg = msg;
- sim->job_handle = sh->handle;
- /* process current job, message is freed there */
- sim_process_job(ms);
- return 1; /* work done */
- }
- return 0;
- * SIM commands
- */
-/* 9.2.1 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_select(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t fid)
- uint8_t buffer[5 + 2];
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "SELECT (file=0x%04x)\n", fid);
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_SELECT;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = 0x00;
- buffer[4] = 2;
- buffer[5] = fid >> 8;
- buffer[6] = fid;
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5 + 2);
-#if 0
-/* 9.2.2 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_status(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- uint8_t buffer[5];
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_STATUS;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = 0x00;
- buffer[4] = 0;
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5);
-/* 9.2.3 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_read_binary(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t offset,
- uint8_t length)
- uint8_t buffer[5];
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "READ BINARY (offset=%d len=%d)\n", offset,
- length);
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_READ_BINARY;
- buffer[2] = offset >> 8;
- buffer[3] = offset;
- buffer[4] = length;
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5);
-/* 9.2.4 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_update_binary(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t offset,
- uint8_t *data, uint8_t length)
- uint8_t buffer[5 + length];
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "UPDATE BINARY (offset=%d len=%d)\n", offset,
- length);
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_UPDATE_BINARY;
- buffer[2] = offset >> 8;
- buffer[3] = offset;
- buffer[4] = length;
- memcpy(buffer + 5, data, length);
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5 + length);
-/* 9.2.5 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_read_record(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t rec_no,
- uint8_t mode, uint8_t length)
- uint8_t buffer[5];
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "READ RECORD (rec_no=%d mode=%d len=%d)\n",
- rec_no, mode, length);
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_READ_RECORD;
- buffer[2] = rec_no;
- buffer[3] = mode;
- buffer[4] = length;
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5);
-/* 9.2.6 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_update_record(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t rec_no,
- uint8_t mode, uint8_t *data, uint8_t length)
- uint8_t buffer[5 + length];
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "UPDATE RECORD (rec_no=%d mode=%d len=%d)\n",
- rec_no, mode, length);
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_UPDATE_RECORD;
- buffer[2] = rec_no;
- buffer[3] = mode;
- buffer[4] = length;
- memcpy(buffer + 5, data, length);
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5 + length);
-/* 9.2.7 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_seek(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t type_mode,
- uint8_t *pattern, uint8_t length)
- uint8_t buffer[5 + length];
- uint8_t type = type_mode >> 4;
- uint8_t mode = type_mode & 0x0f;
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "SEEK (type=%d mode=%d len=%d)\n", type, mode,
- length);
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_SEEK;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = type_mode;
- buffer[4] = length;
- memcpy(buffer + 5, pattern, length);
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5 + length);
-/* 9.2.8 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_increase(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint32_t value)
- uint8_t buffer[5 + 3];
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "INCREASE (value=%d)\n", value);
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_INCREASE;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = 0x00;
- buffer[4] = 3;
- buffer[5] = value >> 16;
- buffer[6] = value >> 8;
- buffer[7] = value;
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5 + 3);
-/* 9.2.9 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_verify_chv(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t chv_no,
- uint8_t *chv, uint8_t length)
- uint8_t buffer[5 + 8];
- int i;
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "VERIFY CHV (CHV%d)\n", chv_no);
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_VERIFY_CHV;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = chv_no;
- buffer[4] = 8;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- if (i < length)
- buffer[5 + i] = chv[i];
- else
- buffer[5 + i] = 0xff;
- }
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5 + 8);
-/* 9.2.10 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_change_chv(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t chv_no,
- uint8_t *chv_old, uint8_t length_old, uint8_t *chv_new,
- uint8_t length_new)
- uint8_t buffer[5 + 16];
- int i;
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "CHANGE CHV (CHV%d)\n", chv_no);
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_CHANGE_CHV;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = chv_no;
- buffer[4] = 16;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- if (i < length_old)
- buffer[5 + i] = chv_old[i];
- else
- buffer[5 + i] = 0xff;
- if (i < length_new)
- buffer[13 + i] = chv_new[i];
- else
- buffer[13 + i] = 0xff;
- }
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5 + 16);
-/* 9.2.11 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_disable_chv(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *chv,
- uint8_t length)
- uint8_t buffer[5 + 8];
- int i;
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_DISABLE_CHV;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = 0x01;
- buffer[4] = 8;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- if (i < length)
- buffer[5 + i] = chv[i];
- else
- buffer[5 + i] = 0xff;
- }
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5 + 8);
-/* 9.2.12 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_enable_chv(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *chv,
- uint8_t length)
- uint8_t buffer[5 + 8];
- int i;
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_ENABLE_CHV;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = 0x01;
- buffer[4] = 8;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- if (i < length)
- buffer[5 + i] = chv[i];
- else
- buffer[5 + i] = 0xff;
- }
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5 + 8);
-/* 9.2.13 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_unblock_chv(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t chv_no,
- uint8_t *chv_unblk, uint8_t length_unblk, uint8_t *chv_new,
- uint8_t length_new)
- uint8_t buffer[5 + 16];
- int i;
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "UNBLOCK CHV (CHV%d)\n", (chv_no == 2) ? 2 : 1);
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_UNBLOCK_CHV;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = (chv_no == 1) ? 0 : chv_no;
- buffer[4] = 16;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- if (i < length_unblk)
- buffer[5 + i] = chv_unblk[i];
- else
- buffer[5 + i] = 0xff;
- if (i < length_new)
- buffer[13 + i] = chv_new[i];
- else
- buffer[13 + i] = 0xff;
- }
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5 + 16);
-/* 9.2.14 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_invalidate(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- uint8_t buffer[5];
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_INVALIDATE;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = 0x00;
- buffer[4] = 0;
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5);
-/* 9.2.15 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_rehabilitate(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- uint8_t buffer[5];
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_REHABLILITATE;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = 0x00;
- buffer[4] = 0;
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5);
-/* 9.2.16 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_run_gsm_algo(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *rand)
- uint8_t buffer[5 + 16];
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_RUN_GSM_ALGO;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = 0x00;
- buffer[4] = 16;
- memcpy(buffer + 5, rand, 16);
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5 + 16);
-#if 0
-/* 9.2.17 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_sleep(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- uint8_t buffer[5];
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_SLEEP;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = 0x00;
- buffer[4] = 0;
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5);
-/* 9.2.18 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_get_response(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t length)
- uint8_t buffer[5];
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "GET RESPONSE (len=%d)\n", length);
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_GET_RESPONSE;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = 0x00;
- buffer[4] = length;
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5);
-#if 0
-/* 9.2.19 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_terminal_profile(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data,
- uint8_t length)
- uint8_t buffer[5 + length];
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "TERMINAL PROFILE (len=%d)\n", length);
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_TERMINAL_PROFILE;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = 0x00;
- buffer[4] = length;
- memcpy(buffer + 5, data, length);
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5 + length);
-/* 9.2.20 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_envelope(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data,
- uint8_t length)
- uint8_t buffer[5 + length];
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "ENVELOPE (len=%d)\n", length);
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_ENVELOPE;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = 0x00;
- buffer[4] = length;
- memcpy(buffer + 5, data, length);
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5 + length);
-/* 9.2.21 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_fetch(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t length)
- uint8_t buffer[5];
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "FETCH (len=%d)\n", length);
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[1] = GSM1111_INST_FETCH;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = 0x00;
- buffer[4] = length;
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5);
-/* 9.2.22 */
-static int gsm1111_tx_terminal_response(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data,
- uint8_t length)
- uint8_t buffer[5 + length];
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "TERMINAL RESPONSE (len=%d)\n", length);
- buffer[0] = GSM1111_CLASS_GSM;
- buffer[2] = 0x00;
- buffer[3] = 0x00;
- buffer[4] = length;
- memcpy(buffer + 5, data, length);
- return sim_apdu_send(ms, buffer, 5 + length);
- * SIM state machine
- */
-/* process job */
-static int sim_process_job(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_sim *sim = &ms->sim;
- uint8_t *payload, *payload2;
- uint16_t payload_len, payload_len2;
- struct sim_hdr *sh;
- uint8_t cause;
- int i;
- /* no current */
- if (!sim->job_msg)
- return 0;
- sh = (struct sim_hdr *)sim->job_msg->data;
- payload = sim->job_msg->data + sizeof(*sh);
- payload_len = sim->job_msg->len - sizeof(*sh);
- /* do reset before sim reading */
- if (!sim->reset) {
- sim->reset = 1;
- // FIXME: send reset command to L1
- }
- /* navigate to right DF */
- switch (sh->job_type) {
- /* check MF / DF */
- i = 0;
- while (sh->path[i] && sim->path[i]) {
- if (sh->path[i] != sim->path[i])
- break;
- i++;
- }
- /* if path in message is shorter or if paths are different */
- if (sim->path[i]) {
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_SELECT_MFDF;
- /* go MF */
- sim->path[0] = 0;
- return gsm1111_tx_select(ms, 0x3f00);
- }
- /* if path in message is longer */
- if (sh->path[i]) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "requested path is longer, go "
- "child %s\n", get_df_name(sh->path[i]));
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_SELECT_MFDF;
- /* select child */
- sim->path[i] = sh->path[i];
- sim->path[i + 1] = 0;
- return gsm1111_tx_select(ms, sh->path[i]);
- }
- /* if paths are equal, continue */
- }
- /* set state and trigger SIM process */
- switch (sh->job_type) {
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_SELECT_EF;
- sim->file = sh->file;
- return gsm1111_tx_select(ms, sh->file);
- if (payload_len != 16) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "random not 16 bytes\n");
- break;
- }
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_RUN_GSM_ALGO;
- return gsm1111_tx_run_gsm_algo(ms, payload);
- payload_len = strlen((char *)payload);
- if (payload_len < 4 || payload_len > 8) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "key not in range 4..8\n");
- break;
- }
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_PIN1_UNLOCK;
- return gsm1111_tx_verify_chv(ms, 0x01, payload, payload_len);
- payload_len = strlen((char *)payload);
- if (payload_len < 4 || payload_len > 8) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "key not in range 4..8\n");
- break;
- }
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_PIN2_UNLOCK;
- return gsm1111_tx_verify_chv(ms, 0x02, payload, payload_len);
- payload_len = strlen((char *)payload);
- payload2 = payload + payload_len + 1;
- payload_len2 = strlen((char *)payload2);
- if (payload_len < 4 || payload_len > 8) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "key1 not in range 4..8\n");
- break;
- }
- if (payload_len2 < 4 || payload_len2 > 8) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "key2 not in range 4..8\n");
- break;
- }
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_PIN1_CHANGE;
- return gsm1111_tx_change_chv(ms, 0x01, payload, payload_len,
- payload2, payload_len2);
- payload_len = strlen((char *)payload);
- payload2 = payload + payload_len + 1;
- payload_len2 = strlen((char *)payload2);
- if (payload_len < 4 || payload_len > 8) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "key1 not in range 4..8\n");
- break;
- }
- if (payload_len2 < 4 || payload_len2 > 8) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "key2 not in range 4..8\n");
- break;
- }
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_PIN2_CHANGE;
- return gsm1111_tx_change_chv(ms, 0x02, payload, payload_len,
- payload2, payload_len2);
- payload_len = strlen((char *)payload);
- if (payload_len < 4 || payload_len > 8) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "key not in range 4..8\n");
- break;
- }
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_PIN1_DISABLE;
- return gsm1111_tx_disable_chv(ms, payload, payload_len);
- payload_len = strlen((char *)payload);
- if (payload_len < 4 || payload_len > 8) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "key not in range 4..8\n");
- break;
- }
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_PIN1_ENABLE;
- return gsm1111_tx_enable_chv(ms, payload, payload_len);
- payload_len = strlen((char *)payload);
- payload2 = payload + payload_len + 1;
- payload_len2 = strlen((char *)payload2);
- if (payload_len != 8) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "key1 not 8 digits\n");
- break;
- }
- if (payload_len2 < 4 || payload_len2 > 8) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "key2 not in range 4..8\n");
- break;
- }
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_PIN1_UNBLOCK;
- /* NOTE: CHV1 is coded 0x00 here */
- return gsm1111_tx_unblock_chv(ms, 0x00, payload, payload_len,
- payload2, payload_len2);
- payload_len = strlen((char *)payload);
- payload2 = payload + payload_len + 1;
- payload_len2 = strlen((char *)payload2);
- if (payload_len != 8) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "key1 not 8 digits\n");
- break;
- }
- if (payload_len2 < 4 || payload_len2 > 8) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "key2 not in range 4..8\n");
- break;
- }
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_PIN2_UNBLOCK;
- return gsm1111_tx_unblock_chv(ms, 0x02, payload, payload_len,
- payload2, payload_len2);
- }
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "unknown job %x, please fix\n", sh->job_type);
- gsm_sim_reply(ms, SIM_JOB_ERROR, &cause, 1);
- return 0;
-/* receive SIM response */
-int sim_apdu_resp(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_sim *sim = &ms->sim;
- uint8_t *payload;
- uint16_t payload_len;
- uint8_t *data = msg->data;
- int length = msg->len, ef_len;
- uint8_t sw1, sw2;
- uint8_t cause;
- uint8_t pin_cause[2];
- struct sim_hdr *sh;
- struct gsm1111_response_ef *ef;
- struct gsm1111_response_mfdf *mfdf;
- struct gsm1111_response_mfdf_gsm *mfdf_gsm;
- int i;
- /* ignore, if current job already gone */
- if (!sim->job_msg) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "received APDU but no job, "
- "please fix!\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- sh = (struct sim_hdr *)sim->job_msg->data;
- payload = sim->job_msg->data + sizeof(*sh);
- payload_len = sim->job_msg->len - sizeof(*sh);
- /* process status */
- if (length < 2) {
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- sw1 = data[length - 2];
- sw2 = data[length - 1];
- length -= 2;
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "received APDU (len=%d sw1=0x%02x sw2=0x%02x)\n",
- length, sw1, sw2);
- switch (sw1) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_NOTICE, "SIM Security\n");
- /* error */
- if (sw2 != GSM1111_SEC_NO_ACCESS && sw2 != GSM1111_SEC_BLOCKED)
- goto sim_error;
- /* select the right remaining counter an cause */
- // FIXME: read status to replace "*_remain"-counters
- switch (sim->job_state) {
- if (sw2 == GSM1111_SEC_NO_ACCESS) {
- pin_cause[0] = SIM_CAUSE_PIN1_BLOCKED;
- pin_cause[1] = --sim->unblk1_remain;
- } else {
- pin_cause[0] = SIM_CAUSE_PUC_BLOCKED;
- pin_cause[1] = 0;
- }
- break;
- if (sw2 == GSM1111_SEC_NO_ACCESS && sim->chv2_remain) {
- pin_cause[0] = SIM_CAUSE_PIN2_REQUIRED;
- pin_cause[1] = sim->chv2_remain--;
- } else {
- pin_cause[0] = SIM_CAUSE_PIN2_BLOCKED;
- pin_cause[1] = sim->unblk2_remain;
- }
- break;
- if (sw2 == GSM1111_SEC_NO_ACCESS) {
- pin_cause[0] = SIM_CAUSE_PIN2_BLOCKED;
- pin_cause[1] = --sim->unblk2_remain;
- } else {
- pin_cause[0] = SIM_CAUSE_PUC_BLOCKED;
- pin_cause[1] = 0;
- }
- default:
- if (sw2 == GSM1111_SEC_NO_ACCESS && sim->chv1_remain) {
- pin_cause[0] = SIM_CAUSE_PIN1_REQUIRED;
- pin_cause[1] = sim->chv1_remain--;
- } else {
- pin_cause[0] = SIM_CAUSE_PIN1_BLOCKED;
- pin_cause[1] = sim->unblk1_remain;
- }
- break;
- }
- gsm_sim_reply(ms, SIM_JOB_ERROR, pin_cause, 2);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- if (sw2 >= 0x40) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_NOTICE, "memory of SIM failed\n");
- sim_error:
- gsm_sim_reply(ms, SIM_JOB_ERROR, &cause, 1);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_NOTICE, "memory of SIM is bad (write took %d "
- "times to succeed)\n", sw2);
- /* fall through */
- case GSM1111_STAT_NORMAL:
- case GSM1111_STAT_DL_ERROR:
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "command successfull\n");
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "command failed\n");
- request_error:
- gsm_sim_reply(ms, SIM_JOB_ERROR, &cause, 1);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- switch (sim->job_state) {
- /* step 1: after selecting MF / DF, request the response */
- /* not enough data */
- if (sw2 < 22) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_NOTICE, "expecting minimum 22 bytes\n");
- goto sim_error;
- }
- /* request response */
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_SELECT_MFDF_RESP;
- gsm1111_tx_get_response(ms, sw2);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- /* step 2: after getting response of selecting MF / DF, continue
- * to "process_job".
- */
- if (length < 22) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_NOTICE, "expecting minimum 22 bytes\n");
- goto sim_error;
- }
- mfdf = (struct gsm1111_response_mfdf *)data;
- mfdf_gsm = (struct gsm1111_response_mfdf_gsm *)(data + 13);
- sim->chv1_remain = mfdf_gsm->chv1_remain;
- sim->chv2_remain = mfdf_gsm->chv2_remain;
- sim->unblk1_remain = mfdf_gsm->unblk1_remain;
- sim->unblk2_remain = mfdf_gsm->unblk2_remain;
- /* if MF was selected */
- if (sim->path[0] == 0) {
- /* if MF was selected, but MF is not indicated */
- if (ntohs(mfdf->file_id) != 0x3f00) {
- goto sim_error;
- }
- /* if MF was selected, but type is not indicated */
- if (mfdf->tof != GSM1111_TOF_MF) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_NOTICE, "MF %02x != %02x "
- "%04x\n", mfdf->tof, GSM1111_TOF_MF,
- sim->path[0]);
- goto sim_error;
- }
- /* now continue */
- msgb_free(msg);
- return sim_process_job(ms);
- }
- /* if DF was selected, but this DF is not indicated */
- i = 0;
- while (sim->path[i + 1])
- i++;
- if (ntohs(mfdf->file_id) != sim->path[i]) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Path %04x != %04x\n",
- ntohs(mfdf->file_id), sim->path[i]);
- goto sim_error;
- }
- /* if DF was selected, but type is not indicated */
- if (mfdf->tof != GSM1111_TOF_DF) {
- goto sim_error;
- }
- /* now continue */
- msgb_free(msg);
- return sim_process_job(ms);
- /* step 1: after selecting EF, request response of SELECT */
- /* not enough data */
- if (sw2 < 14) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_NOTICE, "expecting minimum 14 bytes\n");
- goto sim_error;
- }
- /* request response */
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_SELECT_EF_RESP;
- gsm1111_tx_get_response(ms, sw2);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- /* step 2: after getting response of selecting EF, do file command */
- if (length < 14) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_NOTICE, "expecting minimum 14 bytes\n");
- goto sim_error;
- }
- ef = (struct gsm1111_response_ef *)data;
- /* if EF was selected, but type is not indicated */
- if (ntohs(ef->file_id) != sim->file) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_NOTICE, "EF ID %04x != %04x\n",
- ntohs(ef->file_id), sim->file);
- goto sim_error;
- }
- /* get length of file */
- ef_len = ntohs(ef->file_size);
- /* do file command */
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_WAIT_FILE;
- switch (sh->job_type) {
- // FIXME: do chunks when greater or equal 256 bytes */
- gsm1111_tx_read_binary(ms, 0, ef_len);
- break;
- // FIXME: do chunks when greater or equal 256 bytes */
- if (ef_len < payload_len) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_NOTICE, "selected file is "
- "smaller (%d) than data to update "
- "(%d)\n", ef_len, payload_len);
- goto request_error;
- }
- gsm1111_tx_update_binary(ms, 0, payload, payload_len);
- break;
- gsm1111_tx_read_record(ms, sh->rec_no, sh->rec_mode,
- ef_len);
- break;
- if (ef_len != payload_len) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_NOTICE, "selected file length "
- "(%d) does not equal record to update "
- "(%d)\n", ef_len, payload_len);
- goto request_error;
- }
- gsm1111_tx_update_record(ms, sh->rec_no, sh->rec_mode,
- payload, payload_len);
- break;
- gsm1111_tx_seek(ms, sh->seek_type_mode, data, length);
- break;
- if (length != 4) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "expecting uint32_t as "
- "value lenght, but got %d bytes\n",
- length);
- goto request_error;
- }
- gsm1111_tx_increase(ms, *((uint32_t *)data));
- break;
- gsm1111_tx_invalidate(ms);
- break;
- gsm1111_tx_rehabilitate(ms);
- break;
- }
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- /* step 3: after processing file command, job is done */
- /* reply job with data */
- gsm_sim_reply(ms, SIM_JOB_OK, data, length);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- /* step 1: after running GSM algorithm, request response */
- /* not enough data */
- if (sw2 < 12) {
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_NOTICE, "expecting minimum 12 bytes\n");
- goto sim_error;
- }
- /* request response */
- sim->job_state = SIM_JST_RUN_GSM_ALGO_RESP;
- gsm1111_tx_get_response(ms, sw2);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- /* step 2: after processing GSM command, job is done */
- /* reply job with data */
- gsm_sim_reply(ms, SIM_JOB_OK, data, length);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- /* reply job with data */
- gsm_sim_reply(ms, SIM_JOB_OK, data, length);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_ERROR, "unknown state %u, please fix!\n",
- sim->job_state);
- goto request_error;
- * API
- */
-/* open access to sim */
-uint32_t sim_open(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- void (*cb)(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg))
- struct gsm_sim *sim = &ms->sim;
- struct gsm_sim_handler *handler;
- /* create handler and attach */
- handler = talloc_zero(l23_ctx, struct gsm_sim_handler);
- if (!handler)
- return 0;
- handler->handle = new_handle++;
- handler->cb = cb;
- llist_add_tail(&handler->entry, &sim->handlers);
- return handler->handle;
-/* close access to sim */
-void sim_close(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint32_t handle)
- struct gsm_sim *sim = &ms->sim;
- struct gsm_sim_handler *handler;
- handler = sim_get_handler(sim, handle);
- if (!handle)
- return;
- /* kill ourself */
- llist_del(&handler->entry);
- talloc_free(handler);
-/* send job */
-void sim_job(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_sim *sim = &ms->sim;
- msgb_enqueue(&sim->jobs, msg);
- * init
- */
-int gsm_sim_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_sim *sim = &ms->sim;
- /* current path is undefined, forching MF */
- sim->path[0] = 0x0bad;
- sim->path[1] = 0;
- sim->file = 0;
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&sim->handlers);
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&sim->jobs);
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "init SIM client\n");
- return 0;
-int gsm_sim_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_sim *sim = &ms->sim;
- struct gsm_sim_handler *handler, *handler2;
- struct msgb *msg;
- LOGP(DSIM, LOGL_INFO, "exit SIM client\n");
- /* remove pending job msg */
- if (sim->job_msg) {
- msgb_free(sim->job_msg);
- sim->job_msg = NULL;
- }
- /* flush handlers */
- llist_for_each_entry_safe(handler, handler2, &sim->handlers, entry)
- sim_close(ms, handler->handle);
- /* flush jobs */
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&sim->jobs)))
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/sysinfo.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/sysinfo.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 92a0516..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/common/sysinfo.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,832 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/bitvec.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/networks.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/sysinfo.h>
-#define MIN(a, b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
- * dumping
- */
-// FIXME: move to libosmocore
-char *gsm_print_arfcn(uint16_t arfcn)
- static char text[10];
- sprintf(text, "%d", arfcn & 1023);
- if ((arfcn & ARFCN_PCS))
- strcat(text, "(PCS)");
- else if (arfcn >= 512 && arfcn <= 885)
- strcat(text, "(DCS)");
- return text;
-/* check if the cell 'talks' about DCS (0) or PCS (1) */
-uint8_t gsm_refer_pcs(uint16_t arfcn, struct gsm48_sysinfo *s)
- /* If ARFCN is PCS band, the cell refers to PCS */
- if ((arfcn & ARFCN_PCS))
- return 1;
- /* If no SI1 is available, we assume DCS. Be sure to call this
- * function only if SI 1 is available. */
- if (!s->si1)
- return 0;
- /* If band indicator indicates PCS band, the cell refers to PCSThe */
- return s->band_ind;
-int gsm48_sysinfo_dump(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s, uint16_t arfcn,
- void (*print)(void *, const char *, ...), void *priv, uint8_t *freq_map)
- char buffer[81];
- int i, j, k, index;
- int refer_pcs = gsm_refer_pcs(arfcn, s);
- /* available sysinfos */
- print(priv, "ARFCN = %s channels 512+ refer to %s\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(arfcn),
- (refer_pcs) ? "PCS (1900)" : "DCS (1800)");
- print(priv, "Available SYSTEM INFORMATIONS =");
- if (s->si1)
- print(priv, " 1");
- if (s->si2)
- print(priv, " 2");
- if (s->si2bis)
- print(priv, " 2bis");
- if (s->si2ter)
- print(priv, " 2ter");
- if (s->si3)
- print(priv, " 3");
- if (s->si4)
- print(priv, " 4");
- if (s->si5)
- print(priv, " 5");
- if (s->si5bis)
- print(priv, " 5bis");
- if (s->si5ter)
- print(priv, " 5ter");
- if (s->si6)
- print(priv, " 6");
- print(priv, "\n");
- print(priv, "\n");
- /* frequency list */
- j = 0; k = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
- if ((s->freq[i].mask & FREQ_TYPE_SERV)) {
- if (!k) {
- sprintf(buffer, "serv. cell : ");
- j = strlen(buffer);
- }
- if (j >= 75) {
- buffer[j - 1] = '\0';
- print(priv, "%s\n", buffer);
- sprintf(buffer, " ");
- j = strlen(buffer);
- }
- sprintf(buffer + j, "%d,", i);
- j = strlen(buffer);
- k++;
- }
- }
- if (j) {
- buffer[j - 1] = '\0';
- print(priv, "%s\n", buffer);
- }
- j = 0; k = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
- if ((s->freq[i].mask & FREQ_TYPE_NCELL)) {
- if (!k) {
- sprintf(buffer, "SI2 (neigh.) BA=%d: ",
- s->nb_ba_ind_si2);
- j = strlen(buffer);
- }
- if (j >= 70) {
- buffer[j - 1] = '\0';
- print(priv, "%s\n", buffer);
- sprintf(buffer, " ");
- j = strlen(buffer);
- }
- sprintf(buffer + j, "%d,", i);
- j = strlen(buffer);
- k++;
- }
- }
- if (j) {
- buffer[j - 1] = '\0';
- print(priv, "%s\n", buffer);
- }
- j = 0; k = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
- if ((s->freq[i].mask & FREQ_TYPE_REP)) {
- if (!k) {
- sprintf(buffer, "SI5 (report) BA=%d: ",
- s->nb_ba_ind_si5);
- j = strlen(buffer);
- }
- if (j >= 70) {
- buffer[j - 1] = '\0';
- print(priv, "%s\n", buffer);
- sprintf(buffer, " ");
- j = strlen(buffer);
- }
- sprintf(buffer + j, "%d,", i);
- j = strlen(buffer);
- k++;
- }
- }
- if (j) {
- buffer[j - 1] = '\0';
- print(priv, "%s\n", buffer);
- }
- print(priv, "\n");
- /* frequency map */
- for (i = 0; i < 1024; i += 64) {
- sprintf(buffer, " %3d ", i);
- for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
- index = i+j;
- if (refer_pcs && index >= 512 && index <= 885)
- index = index-512+1024;
- if ((s->freq[i+j].mask & FREQ_TYPE_SERV))
- buffer[j + 5] = 'S';
- else if ((s->freq[i+j].mask & FREQ_TYPE_NCELL)
- && (s->freq[i+j].mask & FREQ_TYPE_REP))
- buffer[j + 5] = 'b';
- else if ((s->freq[i+j].mask & FREQ_TYPE_NCELL))
- buffer[j + 5] = 'n';
- else if ((s->freq[i+j].mask & FREQ_TYPE_REP))
- buffer[j + 5] = 'r';
- else if (!freq_map || (freq_map[index >> 3]
- & (1 << (index & 7))))
- buffer[j + 5] = '.';
- else
- buffer[j + 5] = ' ';
- }
- for (; j < 64; j++)
- buffer[j + 5] = ' ';
- sprintf(buffer + 69, " %d", i + 63);
- print(priv, "%s\n", buffer);
- }
- print(priv, " 'S' = serv. cell 'n' = SI2 (neigh.) 'r' = SI5 (rep.) "
- "'b' = SI2+SI5\n\n");
- /* serving cell */
- print(priv, "Serving Cell:\n");
- print(priv, " BSIC = %d,%d MCC = %s MNC = %s LAC = 0x%04x Cell ID "
- "= 0x%04x\n", s->bsic >> 3, s->bsic & 0x7,
- gsm_print_mcc(s->mcc), gsm_print_mnc(s->mnc), s->lac,
- s->cell_id);
- print(priv, " Country = %s Network Name = %s\n", gsm_get_mcc(s->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(s->mcc, s->mnc));
- print(priv, " MAX_RETRANS = %d TX_INTEGER = %d re-establish = %s\n",
- s->max_retrans, s->tx_integer,
- (s->reest_denied) ? "denied" : "allowed");
- print(priv, " Cell barred = %s barred classes =",
- (s->cell_barr ? "yes" : "no"));
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- if ((s->class_barr & (1 << i)))
- print(priv, " C%d", i);
- }
- print(priv, "\n");
- if (s->sp)
- print(priv, " CBQ = %d CRO = %d TEMP_OFFSET = %d "
- "PENALTY_TIME = %d\n", s->sp_cbq, s->sp_cro, s->sp_to,
- s->sp_pt);
- if (s->nb_ncc_permitted_si2) {
- print(priv, "NCC Permitted BCCH =");
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- if ((s->nb_ncc_permitted_si2 & (1 << i)))
- print(priv, " %d", i);
- print(priv, "\n");
- }
- if (s->nb_ncc_permitted_si6) {
- print(priv, "NCC Permitted SACCH/TCH =");
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- if ((s->nb_ncc_permitted_si6 & (1 << i)))
- print(priv, " %d", i);
- print(priv, "\n");
- }
- print(priv, "\n");
- /* neighbor cell */
- print(priv, "Neighbor Cell:\n");
- print(priv, " MAX_RETRANS = %d TX_INTEGER = %d re-establish = %s\n",
- s->nb_max_retrans, s->nb_tx_integer,
- (s->nb_reest_denied) ? "denied" : "allowed");
- print(priv, " Cell barred = %s barred classes =",
- (s->nb_cell_barr ? "yes" : "no"));
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- if ((s->nb_class_barr & (1 << i)))
- print(priv, " C%d", i);
- }
- print(priv, "\n");
- print(priv, "\n");
- /* cell selection */
- print(priv, "MX_TXPWR_MAX_CCCH = %d CRH = %d RXLEV_MIN = %d "
- "NECI = %d ACS = %d\n", s->ms_txpwr_max_cch,
- s->cell_resel_hyst_db, s->rxlev_acc_min_db, s->neci, s->acs);
- /* bcch options */
- print(priv, "BCCH link timeout = %d DTX = %d PWRC = %d\n",
- s->bcch_radio_link_timeout, s->bcch_dtx, s->bcch_pwrc);
- /* sacch options */
- print(priv, "SACCH link timeout = %d DTX = %d PWRC = %d\n",
- s->sacch_radio_link_timeout, s->sacch_dtx, s->sacch_pwrc);
- /* control channel */
- switch(s->ccch_conf) {
- case 0:
- print(priv, "CCCH Config = 1 CCCH");
- break;
- case 1:
- print(priv, "CCCH Config = 1 CCCH + SDCCH");
- break;
- case 2:
- print(priv, "CCCH Config = 2 CCCH");
- break;
- case 4:
- print(priv, "CCCH Config = 3 CCCH");
- break;
- case 6:
- print(priv, "CCCH Config = 4 CCCH");
- break;
- default:
- print(priv, "CCCH Config = reserved");
- }
- print(priv, " BS-PA-MFMS = %d Attachment = %s\n",
- s->pag_mf_periods, (s->att_allowed) ? "allowed" : "denied");
- print(priv, "BS-AG_BLKS_RES = %d\n", s->bs_ag_blks_res);
- /* channel description */
- if (s->h)
- print(priv, "chan_nr = 0x%02x TSC = %d MAIO = %d HSN = %d\n",
- s->chan_nr, s->tsc, s->maio, s->hsn);
- else
- print(priv, "chan_nr = 0x%02x TSC = %d ARFCN = %d\n",
- s->chan_nr, s->tsc, s->arfcn);
- print(priv, "\n");
- return 0;
- * decoding
- */
-int gsm48_decode_lai(struct gsm48_loc_area_id *lai, uint16_t *mcc,
- uint16_t *mnc, uint16_t *lac)
- *mcc = ((lai->digits[0] & 0x0f) << 8)
- | (lai->digits[0] & 0xf0)
- | (lai->digits[1] & 0x0f);
- *mnc = ((lai->digits[2] & 0x0f) << 8)
- | (lai->digits[2] & 0xf0)
- | ((lai->digits[1] & 0xf0) >> 4);
- *lac = ntohs(lai->lac);
- return 0;
-int gsm48_decode_chan_h0(struct gsm48_chan_desc *cd, uint8_t *tsc,
- uint16_t *arfcn)
- *tsc = cd->h0.tsc;
- *arfcn = cd->h0.arfcn_low | (cd->h0.arfcn_high << 8);
- return 0;
-int gsm48_decode_chan_h1(struct gsm48_chan_desc *cd, uint8_t *tsc,
- uint8_t *maio, uint8_t *hsn)
- *tsc = cd->h1.tsc;
- *maio = cd->h1.maio_low | (cd->h1.maio_high << 2);
- *hsn = cd->h1.hsn;
- return 0;
-/* decode "Cell Channel Description" ( and other frequency lists */
-static int decode_freq_list(struct gsm_sysinfo_freq *f, uint8_t *cd,
- uint8_t len, uint8_t mask, uint8_t frqt)
-#if 0
- /* only Bit map 0 format for P-GSM */
- if ((cd[0] & 0xc0 & mask) != 0x00 &&
- (set->p_gsm && !set->e_gsm && !set->r_gsm && !set->dcs))
- return 0;
- return gsm48_decode_freq_list(f, cd, len, mask, frqt);
-/* decode "Cell Selection Parameters" ( */
-static int gsm48_decode_cell_sel_param(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_cell_sel_par *cs)
-#ifdef TODO
- convert ms_txpwr_max_ccch dependant on the current frequenc and support
- to the right powe level
- s->ms_txpwr_max_cch = cs->ms_txpwr_max_ccch;
- s->cell_resel_hyst_db = cs->cell_resel_hyst * 2;
- s->rxlev_acc_min_db = cs->rxlev_acc_min - 110;
- s->neci = cs->neci;
- s->acs = cs->acs;
- return 0;
-/* decode "Cell Options (BCCH)" ( */
-static int gsm48_decode_cellopt_bcch(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_cell_options *co)
- s->bcch_radio_link_timeout = (co->radio_link_timeout + 1) * 4;
- s->bcch_dtx = co->dtx;
- s->bcch_pwrc = co->pwrc;
- return 0;
-/* decode "Cell Options (SACCH)" ( */
-static int gsm48_decode_cellopt_sacch(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_cell_options *co)
- s->sacch_radio_link_timeout = (co->radio_link_timeout + 1) * 4;
- s->sacch_dtx = co->dtx;
- s->sacch_pwrc = co->pwrc;
- return 0;
-/* decode "Control Channel Description" ( */
-static int gsm48_decode_ccd(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_control_channel_descr *cc)
- s->ccch_conf = cc->ccch_conf;
- s->bs_ag_blks_res = cc->bs_ag_blks_res;
- s->att_allowed = cc->att;
- s->pag_mf_periods = cc->bs_pa_mfrms + 2;
- s->t3212 = cc->t3212 * 360; /* convert deci-hours to seconds */
- return 0;
-/* decode "Mobile Allocation" ( */
-int gsm48_decode_mobile_alloc(struct gsm_sysinfo_freq *freq,
- uint8_t *ma, uint8_t len, uint16_t *hopping, uint8_t *hopp_len, int si4)
- int i, j = 0;
- uint16_t f[len << 3];
- /* not more than 64 hopping indexes allowed in IE */
- if (len > 8)
- return -EINVAL;
- /* tabula rasa */
- *hopp_len = 0;
- if (si4) {
- for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
- freq[i].mask &= ~FREQ_TYPE_HOPP;
- }
- /* generating list of all frequencies (1..1023,0) */
- for (i = 1; i <= 1024; i++) {
- if ((freq[i & 1023].mask & FREQ_TYPE_SERV)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Serving cell ARFCN #%d: %d\n",
- j, i & 1023);
- f[j++] = i & 1023;
- if (j == (len << 3))
- break;
- }
- }
- /* fill hopping table with frequency index given by IE
- * and set hopping type bits
- */
- for (i = 0; i < (len << 3); i++) {
- /* if bit is set, this frequency index is used for hopping */
- if ((ma[len - 1 - (i >> 3)] & (1 << (i & 7)))) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Hopping ARFCN: %d (bit %d)\n",
- i, f[i]);
- /* index higher than entries in list ? */
- if (i >= j) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Mobile Allocation "
- "hopping index %d exceeds maximum "
- "number of cell frequencies. (%d)\n",
- i + 1, j);
- break;
- }
- hopping[(*hopp_len)++] = f[i];
- if (si4)
- freq[f[i]].mask |= FREQ_TYPE_HOPP;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* Rach Control decode tables */
-static uint8_t gsm48_max_retrans[4] = {
- 1, 2, 4, 7
-static uint8_t gsm48_tx_integer[16] = {
- 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20, 25, 32, 50
-/* decode "RACH Control Parameter" ( */
-static int gsm48_decode_rach_ctl_param(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_rach_control *rc)
- s->reest_denied = rc->re;
- s->cell_barr = rc->cell_bar;
- s->tx_integer = gsm48_tx_integer[rc->tx_integer];
- s->max_retrans = gsm48_max_retrans[rc->max_trans];
- s->class_barr = (rc->t2 << 8) | rc->t3;
- return 0;
-static int gsm48_decode_rach_ctl_neigh(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_rach_control *rc)
- s->nb_reest_denied = rc->re;
- s->nb_cell_barr = rc->cell_bar;
- s->nb_tx_integer = gsm48_tx_integer[rc->tx_integer];
- s->nb_max_retrans = gsm48_max_retrans[rc->max_trans];
- s->nb_class_barr = (rc->t2 << 8) | rc->t3;
- return 0;
-/* decode "SI 1 Rest Octets" ( */
-static int gsm48_decode_si1_rest(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s, uint8_t *si,
- uint8_t len)
- struct bitvec bv;
- memset(&bv, 0, sizeof(bv));
- bv.data_len = len;
- = si;
- /* Optional Selection Parameters */
- if (bitvec_get_bit_high(&bv) == H) {
- s->nch = 1;
- s->nch_position = bitvec_get_uint(&bv, 5);
- } else
- s->nch = 0;
- if (bitvec_get_bit_high(&bv) == H)
- s->band_ind = 1;
- else
- s->band_ind = 0;
- return 0;
-/* decode "SI 3 Rest Octets" ( */
-static int gsm48_decode_si3_rest(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s, uint8_t *si,
- uint8_t len)
- struct bitvec bv;
- memset(&bv, 0, sizeof(bv));
- bv.data_len = len;
- = si;
- /* Optional Selection Parameters */
- if (bitvec_get_bit_high(&bv) == H) {
- s->sp = 1;
- s->sp_cbq = bitvec_get_uint(&bv, 1);
- s->sp_cro = bitvec_get_uint(&bv, 6);
- s->sp_to = bitvec_get_uint(&bv, 3);
- s->sp_pt = bitvec_get_uint(&bv, 5);
- } else
- s->sp = 0;
- /* Optional Power Offset */
- if (bitvec_get_bit_high(&bv) == H) {
- s->po = 1;
- s->po_value = bitvec_get_uint(&bv, 3);
- } else
- s->po = 0;
- /* System Onformation 2ter Indicator */
- if (bitvec_get_bit_high(&bv) == H)
- s->si2ter_ind = 1;
- else
- s->si2ter_ind = 0;
- /* Early Classark Sending Control */
- if (bitvec_get_bit_high(&bv) == H)
- s->ecsm = 1;
- else
- s->ecsm = 0;
- /* Scheduling if and where */
- if (bitvec_get_bit_high(&bv) == H) {
- s->sched = 1;
- s->sched_where = bitvec_get_uint(&bv, 3);
- } else
- s->sched = 0;
- /* GPRS Indicator */
- s->gi_ra_colour = bitvec_get_uint(&bv, 3);
- s->gi_si13_pos = bitvec_get_uint(&bv, 1);
- return 0;
-/* decode "SI 4 Rest Octets" ( */
-static int gsm48_decode_si4_rest(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s, uint8_t *si,
- uint8_t len)
- return 0;
-/* decode "SI 6 Rest Octets" ( */
-static int gsm48_decode_si6_rest(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s, uint8_t *si,
- uint8_t len)
- return 0;
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo1(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_1 *si, int len)
- int payload_len = len - sizeof(*si);
- memcpy(s->si1_msg, si, MIN(len, sizeof(s->si1_msg)));
- /* Cell Channel Description */
- decode_freq_list(s->freq, si->cell_channel_description,
- sizeof(si->cell_channel_description), 0xce, FREQ_TYPE_SERV);
- /* RACH Control Parameter */
- gsm48_decode_rach_ctl_param(s, &si->rach_control);
- /* SI 1 Rest Octets */
- if (payload_len)
- gsm48_decode_si1_rest(s, si->rest_octets, payload_len);
- if (!s->si1 && s->si4) {
- s->si1 = 1;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Now decoding previously received "
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo4(s,
- (struct gsm48_system_information_type_4 *) s->si4_msg,
- sizeof(s->si4_msg));
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- s->si1 = 1;
- return 0;
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo2(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_2 *si, int len)
- memcpy(s->si2_msg, si, MIN(len, sizeof(s->si2_msg)));
- /* Neighbor Cell Description */
- s->nb_ext_ind_si2 = (si->bcch_frequency_list[0] >> 6) & 1;
- s->nb_ba_ind_si2 = (si->bcch_frequency_list[0] >> 5) & 1;
- decode_freq_list(s->freq, si->bcch_frequency_list,
- sizeof(si->bcch_frequency_list), 0xce, FREQ_TYPE_NCELL_2);
- /* NCC Permitted */
- s->nb_ncc_permitted_si2 = si->ncc_permitted;
- /* RACH Control Parameter */
- gsm48_decode_rach_ctl_neigh(s, &si->rach_control);
- s->si2 = 1;
- return 0;
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo2bis(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_2bis *si, int len)
- memcpy(s->si2b_msg, si, MIN(len, sizeof(s->si2b_msg)));
- /* Neighbor Cell Description */
- s->nb_ext_ind_si2bis = (si->bcch_frequency_list[0] >> 6) & 1;
- s->nb_ba_ind_si2bis = (si->bcch_frequency_list[0] >> 5) & 1;
- decode_freq_list(s->freq, si->bcch_frequency_list,
- sizeof(si->bcch_frequency_list), 0xce, FREQ_TYPE_NCELL_2bis);
- /* RACH Control Parameter */
- gsm48_decode_rach_ctl_neigh(s, &si->rach_control);
- s->si2bis = 1;
- return 0;
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo2ter(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_2ter *si, int len)
- memcpy(s->si2t_msg, si, MIN(len, sizeof(s->si2t_msg)));
- /* Neighbor Cell Description 2 */
- s->nb_multi_rep_si2ter = (si->ext_bcch_frequency_list[0] >> 6) & 3;
- s->nb_ba_ind_si2ter = (si->ext_bcch_frequency_list[0] >> 5) & 1;
- decode_freq_list(s->freq, si->ext_bcch_frequency_list,
- sizeof(si->ext_bcch_frequency_list), 0x8e,
- s->si2ter = 1;
- return 0;
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo3(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_3 *si, int len)
- int payload_len = len - sizeof(*si);
- memcpy(s->si3_msg, si, MIN(len, sizeof(s->si3_msg)));
- /* Cell Identity */
- s->cell_id = ntohs(si->cell_identity);
- /* LAI */
- gsm48_decode_lai(&si->lai, &s->mcc, &s->mnc, &s->lac);
- /* Control Channel Description */
- gsm48_decode_ccd(s, &si->control_channel_desc);
- /* Cell Options (BCCH) */
- gsm48_decode_cellopt_bcch(s, &si->cell_options);
- /* Cell Selection Parameters */
- gsm48_decode_cell_sel_param(s, &si->cell_sel_par);
- /* RACH Control Parameter */
- gsm48_decode_rach_ctl_param(s, &si->rach_control);
- /* SI 3 Rest Octets */
- if (payload_len >= 4)
- gsm48_decode_si3_rest(s, si->rest_octets, payload_len);
- "lac 0x%04x)\n", gsm_print_mcc(s->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(s->mnc), s->lac);
- s->si3 = 1;
- return 0;
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo4(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_4 *si, int len)
- int payload_len = len - sizeof(*si);
- uint8_t *data = si->data;
- struct gsm48_chan_desc *cd;
- memcpy(s->si4_msg, si, MIN(len, sizeof(s->si4_msg)));
- if (!s->si1) {
- "until SI 1 is received.\n");
- s->si4 = 1;
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- /* LAI */
- gsm48_decode_lai(&si->lai, &s->mcc, &s->mnc, &s->lac);
- /* Cell Selection Parameters */
- gsm48_decode_cell_sel_param(s, &si->cell_sel_par);
- /* RACH Control Parameter */
- gsm48_decode_rach_ctl_param(s, &si->rach_control);
- /* CBCH Channel Description */
- if (payload_len >= 1 && data[0] == GSM48_IE_CBCH_CHAN_DESC) {
- if (payload_len < 4) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Short read!\n");
- return -EIO;
- }
- cd = (struct gsm48_chan_desc *) (data + 1);
- s->chan_nr = cd->chan_nr;
- if (cd->h0.h) {
- s->h = 1;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h1(cd, &s->tsc, &s->maio, &s->hsn);
- } else {
- s->h = 0;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h0(cd, &s->tsc, &s->arfcn);
- }
- payload_len -= 4;
- data += 4;
- }
- /* CBCH Mobile Allocation */
- if (payload_len >= 1 && data[0] == GSM48_IE_CBCH_MOB_AL) {
- if (payload_len < 1 || payload_len < 2 + data[1])
- goto short_read;
- gsm48_decode_mobile_alloc(s->freq, data + 2, data[1],
- s->hopping, &s->hopp_len, 1);
- payload_len -= 2 + data[1];
- data += 2 + data[1];
- }
- /* SI 4 Rest Octets */
- if (payload_len > 0)
- gsm48_decode_si4_rest(s, data, payload_len);
- s->si4 = 1;
- return 0;
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo5(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_5 *si, int len)
- memcpy(s->si5_msg, si, MIN(len, sizeof(s->si5_msg)));
- /* Neighbor Cell Description */
- s->nb_ext_ind_si5 = (si->bcch_frequency_list[0] >> 6) & 1;
- s->nb_ba_ind_si5 = (si->bcch_frequency_list[0] >> 5) & 1;
- decode_freq_list(s->freq, si->bcch_frequency_list,
- sizeof(si->bcch_frequency_list), 0xce, FREQ_TYPE_REP_5);
- s->si5 = 1;
- return 0;
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo5bis(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_5bis *si, int len)
- memcpy(s->si5b_msg, si, MIN(len, sizeof(s->si5b_msg)));
- /* Neighbor Cell Description */
- s->nb_ext_ind_si5bis = (si->bcch_frequency_list[0] >> 6) & 1;
- s->nb_ba_ind_si5bis = (si->bcch_frequency_list[0] >> 5) & 1;
- decode_freq_list(s->freq, si->bcch_frequency_list,
- sizeof(si->bcch_frequency_list), 0xce, FREQ_TYPE_REP_5bis);
- s->si5bis = 1;
- return 0;
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo5ter(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_5ter *si, int len)
- memcpy(s->si5t_msg, si, MIN(len, sizeof(s->si5t_msg)));
- /* Neighbor Cell Description */
- s->nb_multi_rep_si5ter = (si->bcch_frequency_list[0] >> 6) & 3;
- s->nb_ba_ind_si5ter = (si->bcch_frequency_list[0] >> 5) & 1;
- decode_freq_list(s->freq, si->bcch_frequency_list,
- sizeof(si->bcch_frequency_list), 0x8e, FREQ_TYPE_REP_5ter);
- s->si5ter = 1;
- return 0;
-int gsm48_decode_sysinfo6(struct gsm48_sysinfo *s,
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_6 *si, int len)
- int payload_len = len - sizeof(*si);
- memcpy(s->si6_msg, si, MIN(len, sizeof(s->si6_msg)));
- /* Cell Identity */
- if (s->si6 && s->cell_id != ntohs(si->cell_identity))
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Cell ID on SI 6 differs from previous "
- "read.\n");
- s->cell_id = ntohs(si->cell_identity);
- /* LAI */
- gsm48_decode_lai(&si->lai, &s->mcc, &s->mnc, &s->lac);
- /* Cell Options (SACCH) */
- gsm48_decode_cellopt_sacch(s, &si->cell_options);
- /* NCC Permitted */
- s->nb_ncc_permitted_si6 = si->ncc_permitted;
- /* SI 6 Rest Octets */
- if (payload_len >= 4)
- gsm48_decode_si6_rest(s, si->rest_octets, payload_len);
- s->si6 = 1;
- return 0;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/ b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 15d46a8..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir)/include
-LDADD = ../common/liblayer23.a $(LIBOSMOCORE_LIBS) $(LIBOSMOGSM_LIBS)
-bin_PROGRAMS = bcch_scan ccch_scan echo_test cell_log cbch_sniff
-bcch_scan_SOURCES = ../common/main.c app_bcch_scan.c bcch_scan.c
-ccch_scan_SOURCES = ../common/main.c app_ccch_scan.c rslms.c
-echo_test_SOURCES = ../common/main.c app_echo_test.c
-cell_log_LDADD = $(LDADD) -lm
-cell_log_SOURCES = ../common/main.c app_cell_log.c cell_log.c \
- ../../../gsmmap/geo.c
-cbch_sniff_SOURCES = ../common/main.c app_cbch_sniff.c
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/app_bcch_scan.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/app_bcch_scan.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ad426d..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/app_bcch_scan.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-/* "Application" code of the layer2/3 stack */
-/* (C) 2010 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/lapdm.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l23_app.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/misc/layer3.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/select.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/signal.h>
-static int signal_cb(unsigned int subsys, unsigned int signal,
- void *handler_data, void *signal_data)
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- if (subsys != SS_L1CTL)
- return 0;
- switch (signal) {
- case S_L1CTL_RESET:
- ms = signal_data;
- return fps_start(ms);
- }
- return 0;
-int l23_app_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- /* don't do layer3_init() as we don't want an actualy L3 */
- fps_init(ms);
- l1ctl_tx_reset_req(ms, L1CTL_RES_T_FULL);
- return osmo_signal_register_handler(SS_L1CTL, &signal_cb, NULL);
-static struct l23_app_info info = {
- .copyright = "Copyright (C) 2010 Harald Welte <>\n",
- .contribution = "Contributions by Holger Hans Peter Freyther\n",
-struct l23_app_info *l23_app_info()
- return &info;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/app_cbch_sniff.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/app_cbch_sniff.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bda9aae..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/app_cbch_sniff.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-/* CBCH passive sniffer */
-/* (C) 2010 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- * (C) 2010 by Alex Badea <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/lapdm.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l23_app.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/misc/layer3.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/select.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/signal.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/rsl.h>
-struct osmocom_ms *g_ms;
-struct gsm48_sysinfo g_sysinfo = {};
-static int try_cbch(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct gsm48_sysinfo *s)
- if (!s->si1 || !s->si4)
- return 0;
- if (!s->chan_nr) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "no CBCH chan_nr found\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if (s->h) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "chan_nr = 0x%02x TSC = %d MAIO = %d "
- "HSN = %d hseq (%d): %s\n",
- s->chan_nr, s->tsc, s->maio, s->hsn,
- s->hopp_len,
- osmo_hexdump((unsigned char *) s->hopping, s->hopp_len * 2));
- return l1ctl_tx_dm_est_req_h1(ms,
- s->maio, s->hsn, s->hopping, s->hopp_len,
- s->chan_nr, s->tsc,
- } else {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "chan_nr = 0x%02x TSC = %d ARFCN = %d\n",
- s->chan_nr, s->tsc, s->arfcn);
- return l1ctl_tx_dm_est_req_h0(ms, s->arfcn,
- s->chan_nr, s->tsc, GSM48_CMODE_SIGN);
- }
-/* receive BCCH at RR layer */
-static int bcch(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_header *sih = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = &g_sysinfo;
- if (msgb_l3len(msg) != 23) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Invalid BCCH message length\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- switch (sih->system_information) {
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_1:
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo1(s,
- (struct gsm48_system_information_type_1 *) sih,
- msgb_l3len(msg));
- return try_cbch(ms, s);
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_4:
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo4(s,
- (struct gsm48_system_information_type_4 *) sih,
- msgb_l3len(msg));
- return try_cbch(ms, s);
- default:
- return 0;
- }
-static int unit_data_ind(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- struct tlv_parsed tv;
- uint8_t ch_type, ch_subch, ch_ts;
- DEBUGP(DRSL, "RSLms UNIT DATA IND chan_nr=0x%02x link_id=0x%02x\n",
- rllh->chan_nr, rllh->link_id);
- rsl_tlv_parse(&tv, rllh->data, msgb_l2len(msg)-sizeof(*rllh));
- if (!TLVP_PRESENT(&tv, RSL_IE_L3_INFO)) {
- DEBUGP(DRSL, "UNIT_DATA_IND without L3 INFO ?!?\n");
- return -EIO;
- }
- msg->l3h = (uint8_t *) TLVP_VAL(&tv, RSL_IE_L3_INFO);
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(rllh->chan_nr, &ch_type, &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- switch (ch_type) {
- return bcch(ms, msg);
- default:
- return 0;
- }
-static int rcv_rll(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- int msg_type = rllh->c.msg_type;
- if (msg_type == RSL_MT_UNIT_DATA_IND) {
- unit_data_ind(ms, msg);
- } else
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_NOTICE, "RSLms message unhandled\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
-static int rcv_rsl(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct abis_rsl_common_hdr *rslh = msgb_l2(msg);
- int rc = 0;
- switch (rslh->msg_discr & 0xfe) {
- rc = rcv_rll(ms, msg);
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_NOTICE, "unknown RSLms msg_discr 0x%02x\n",
- rslh->msg_discr);
- msgb_free(msg);
- rc = -EINVAL;
- break;
- }
- return rc;
-static int signal_cb(unsigned int subsys, unsigned int signal,
- void *handler_data, void *signal_data)
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- if (subsys != SS_L1CTL)
- return 0;
- switch (signal) {
- case S_L1CTL_RESET:
- case S_L1CTL_FBSB_ERR:
- ms = g_ms;
- return l1ctl_tx_fbsb_req(ms, ms->test_arfcn,
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
-int l23_app_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- /* don't do layer3_init() as we don't want an actualy L3 */
- g_ms = ms;
- osmol2_register_handler(ms, &rcv_rsl);
- l1ctl_tx_reset_req(ms, L1CTL_RES_T_FULL);
- /* FIXME: L1CTL_RES_T_FULL doesn't reset dedicated mode
- * (if previously set), so we release it here. */
- l1ctl_tx_dm_rel_req(ms);
- return osmo_signal_register_handler(SS_L1CTL, &signal_cb, NULL);
-static struct l23_app_info info = {
- .copyright = "Copyright (C) 2010 Harald Welte <>\n",
- .contribution = "Contributions by Holger Hans Peter Freyther\n",
-struct l23_app_info *l23_app_info()
- return &info;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/app_ccch_scan.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/app_ccch_scan.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 02b5e47..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/app_ccch_scan.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
-/* CCCH passive sniffer */
-/* (C) 2010-2011 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/rsl.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/tlv.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm48_ie.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm48.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/signal.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/lapdm.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/misc/rslms.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/misc/layer3.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l23_app.h>
-static struct {
- int has_si1;
- int ccch_mode;
- int ccch_enabled;
- int rach_count;
- struct gsm_sysinfo_freq cell_arfcns[1024];
-} app_state;
-static void dump_bcch(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t tc, const uint8_t *data)
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_header *si_hdr;
- si_hdr = (struct gsm48_system_information_type_header *) data;
- /* GSM 05.02 § Mapping of BCCH data */
- switch (si_hdr->system_information) {
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_1:
- if (tc != 0)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "SI1 on the wrong TC: %d\n", tc);
- if (!app_state.has_si1) {
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_1 *si1 =
- (struct gsm48_system_information_type_1 *)data;
- gsm48_decode_freq_list(app_state.cell_arfcns,
- si1->cell_channel_description,
- sizeof(si1->cell_channel_description),
- 0xff, 0x01);
- app_state.has_si1 = 1;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "SI1 received.\n");
- }
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_2:
- if (tc != 1)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "SI2 on the wrong TC: %d\n", tc);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_3:
- if (tc != 2 && tc != 6)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "SI3 on the wrong TC: %d\n", tc);
- if (app_state.ccch_mode == CCCH_MODE_NONE) {
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_3 *si3 =
- (struct gsm48_system_information_type_3 *)data;
- if (si3->control_channel_desc.ccch_conf == RSL_BCCH_CCCH_CONF_1_C)
- app_state.ccch_mode = CCCH_MODE_COMBINED;
- else
- app_state.ccch_mode = CCCH_MODE_NON_COMBINED;
- l1ctl_tx_ccch_mode_req(ms, app_state.ccch_mode);
- }
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_4:
- if (tc != 3 && tc != 7)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "SI4 on the wrong TC: %d\n", tc);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_5:
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_6:
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_7:
- if (tc != 7)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "SI7 on the wrong TC: %d\n", tc);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_8:
- if (tc != 3)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "SI8 on the wrong TC: %d\n", tc);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_9:
- if (tc != 4)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "SI9 on the wrong TC: %d\n", tc);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_13:
- if (tc != 4 && tc != 0)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "SI13 on the wrong TC: %d\n", tc);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_16:
- if (tc != 6)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "SI16 on the wrong TC: %d\n", tc);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_17:
- if (tc != 2)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "SI17 on the wrong TC: %d\n", tc);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_2bis:
- if (tc != 5)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "SI2bis on the wrong TC: %d\n", tc);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_2ter:
- if (tc != 5 && tc != 4)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "SI2ter on the wrong TC: %d\n", tc);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_5bis:
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_5ter:
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "\tUnknown SI");
- break;
- };
- * This method used to send a l1ctl_tx_dm_est_req_h0 or
- * a l1ctl_tx_dm_est_req_h1 to the layer1 to follow this
- * assignment. The code has been removed.
- */
-static int gsm48_rx_imm_ass(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_imm_ass *ia = msgb_l3(msg);
- uint8_t ch_type, ch_subch, ch_ts;
- /* Discard packet TBF assignement */
- if (ia->page_mode & 0xf0)
- return 0;
- /* FIXME: compare RA and GSM time with when we sent RACH req */
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(ia->chan_desc.chan_nr, &ch_type, &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- if (!ia->chan_desc.h0.h) {
- /* Non-hopping */
- uint16_t arfcn;
- arfcn = ia->chan_desc.h0.arfcn_low | (ia->chan_desc.h0.arfcn_high << 8);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "GSM48 IMM ASS (ra=0x%02x, chan_nr=0x%02x, "
- "ARFCN=%u, TS=%u, SS=%u, TSC=%u) ", ia->req_ref.ra,
- ia->chan_desc.chan_nr, arfcn, ch_ts, ch_subch,
- ia->chan_desc.h0.tsc);
- } else {
- /* Hopping */
- uint8_t maio, hsn, ma_len;
- uint16_t ma[64], arfcn;
- int i, j, k;
- hsn = ia->chan_desc.h1.hsn;
- maio = ia->chan_desc.h1.maio_low | (ia->chan_desc.h1.maio_high << 2);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "GSM48 IMM ASS (ra=0x%02x, chan_nr=0x%02x, "
- "HSN=%u, MAIO=%u, TS=%u, SS=%u, TSC=%u) ", ia->req_ref.ra,
- ia->chan_desc.chan_nr, hsn, maio, ch_ts, ch_subch,
- ia->chan_desc.h1.tsc);
- /* decode mobile allocation */
- ma_len = 0;
- for (i=1, j=0; i<=1024; i++) {
- arfcn = i & 1023;
- if (app_state.cell_arfcns[arfcn].mask & 0x01) {
- k = ia->mob_alloc_len - (j>>3) - 1;
- if (ia->mob_alloc[k] & (1 << (j&7))) {
- ma[ma_len++] = arfcn;
- }
- j++;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static const char *pag_print_mode(int mode)
- switch (mode) {
- case 0:
- return "Normal paging";
- case 1:
- return "Extended paging";
- case 2:
- return "Paging reorganization";
- case 3:
- return "Same as before";
- default:
- return "invalid";
- }
-static char *chan_need(int need)
- switch (need) {
- case 0:
- return "any";
- case 1:
- return "sdch";
- case 2:
- return "tch/f";
- case 3:
- return "tch/h";
- default:
- return "invalid";
- }
-static char *mi_type_to_string(int type)
- switch (type) {
- return "none";
- return "imsi";
- return "imei";
- return "imeisv";
- return "tmsi";
- default:
- return "invalid";
- }
- * This can contain two MIs. The size checking is a bit of a mess.
- */
-static int gsm48_rx_paging_p1(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_paging1 *pag;
- int len1, len2, mi_type, tag;
- char mi_string[GSM48_MI_SIZE];
- /* is there enough room for the header + LV? */
- if (msgb_l3len(msg) < sizeof(*pag) + 2) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "PagingRequest is too short.\n");
- return -1;
- }
- pag = msgb_l3(msg);
- len1 = pag->data[0];
- mi_type = pag->data[1] & GSM_MI_TYPE_MASK;
- if (msgb_l3len(msg) < sizeof(*pag) + 2 + len1) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "PagingRequest with wrong MI\n");
- return -1;
- }
- if (mi_type != GSM_MI_TYPE_NONE) {
- gsm48_mi_to_string(mi_string, sizeof(mi_string), &pag->data[1], len1);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Paging1: %s chan %s to %s M(%s) \n",
- pag_print_mode(pag->pag_mode),
- chan_need(pag->cneed1),
- mi_type_to_string(mi_type),
- mi_string);
- }
- /* check if we have a MI type in here */
- if (msgb_l3len(msg) < sizeof(*pag) + 2 + len1 + 3)
- return 0;
- tag = pag->data[2 + len1 + 0];
- len2 = pag->data[2 + len1 + 1];
- mi_type = pag->data[2 + len1 + 2] & GSM_MI_TYPE_MASK;
- if (tag == GSM48_IE_MOBILE_ID && mi_type != GSM_MI_TYPE_NONE) {
- if (msgb_l3len(msg) < sizeof(*pag) + 2 + len1 + 3 + len2) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Optional MI does not fit here.\n");
- return -1;
- }
- gsm48_mi_to_string(mi_string, sizeof(mi_string), &pag->data[2 + len1 + 2], len2);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Paging2: %s chan %s to %s M(%s) \n",
- pag_print_mode(pag->pag_mode),
- chan_need(pag->cneed2),
- mi_type_to_string(mi_type),
- mi_string);
- }
- return 0;
-static int gsm48_rx_paging_p2(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_paging2 *pag;
- int tag, len, mi_type;
- char mi_string[GSM48_MI_SIZE];
- if (msgb_l3len(msg) < sizeof(*pag)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Paging2 message is too small.\n");
- return -1;
- }
- pag = msgb_l3(msg);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Paging1: %s chan %s to TMSI M(0x%x) \n",
- pag_print_mode(pag->pag_mode),
- chan_need(pag->cneed1), pag->tmsi1);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Paging2: %s chan %s to TMSI M(0x%x) \n",
- pag_print_mode(pag->pag_mode),
- chan_need(pag->cneed1), pag->tmsi2);
- /* no optional element */
- if (msgb_l3len(msg) < sizeof(*pag) + 3)
- return 0;
- tag = pag->data[0];
- len = pag->data[1];
- mi_type = pag->data[2] & GSM_MI_TYPE_MASK;
- if (tag != GSM48_IE_MOBILE_ID)
- return 0;
- if (msgb_l3len(msg) < sizeof(*pag) + 3 + len) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Optional MI does not fit in here\n");
- return -1;
- }
- gsm48_mi_to_string(mi_string, sizeof(mi_string), &pag->data[2], len);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Paging3: %s chan %s to %s M(%s) \n",
- pag_print_mode(pag->pag_mode),
- "n/a ",
- mi_type_to_string(mi_type),
- mi_string);
- return 0;
-int gsm48_rx_ccch(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_header *sih = msgb_l3(msg);
- int rc = 0;
- if (sih->rr_protocol_discriminator != GSM48_PDISC_RR)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "PCH pdisc != RR\n");
- switch (sih->system_information) {
- case GSM48_MT_RR_PAG_REQ_1:
- gsm48_rx_paging_p1(msg, ms);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_PAG_REQ_2:
- gsm48_rx_paging_p2(msg, ms);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_PAG_REQ_3:
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "PAGING of type 3 is not implemented.\n");
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_IMM_ASS:
- gsm48_rx_imm_ass(msg, ms);
- break;
- /* notification for voice call groups and such */
- break;
- case 0x07:
- /* wireshark know that this is SI2 quater and for 3G interop */
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "unknown PCH/AGCH type 0x%02x\n",
- sih->system_information);
- rc = -EINVAL;
- }
- return rc;
-int gsm48_rx_bcch(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- /* FIXME: we have lost the gsm frame time until here, need to store it
- * in some msgb context */
- //dump_bcch(dl->, ccch->data);
- dump_bcch(ms, 0, msg->l3h);
- /* Req channel logic */
- if (app_state.ccch_enabled && (app_state.rach_count < 2)) {
- l1ctl_tx_rach_req(ms, app_state.rach_count, 0,
- app_state.ccch_mode == CCCH_MODE_COMBINED);
- app_state.rach_count++;
- }
- return 0;
-void layer3_app_reset(void)
- /* Reset state */
- app_state.has_si1 = 0;
- app_state.ccch_mode = CCCH_MODE_NONE;
- app_state.ccch_enabled = 0;
- app_state.rach_count = 0;
- memset(&app_state.cell_arfcns, 0x00, sizeof(app_state.cell_arfcns));
-static int signal_cb(unsigned int subsys, unsigned int signal,
- void *handler_data, void *signal_data)
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- if (subsys != SS_L1CTL)
- return 0;
- switch (signal) {
- case S_L1CTL_RESET:
- ms = signal_data;
- layer3_app_reset();
- return l1ctl_tx_fbsb_req(ms, ms->test_arfcn,
- L1CTL_FBSB_F_FB01SB, 100, 0,
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-int l23_app_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- osmo_signal_register_handler(SS_L1CTL, &signal_cb, NULL);
- l1ctl_tx_reset_req(ms, L1CTL_RES_T_FULL);
- return layer3_init(ms);
-static struct l23_app_info info = {
- .copyright = "Copyright (C) 2010 Harald Welte <>\n",
- .contribution = "Contributions by Holger Hans Peter Freyther\n",
-struct l23_app_info *l23_app_info()
- return &info;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/app_cell_log.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/app_cell_log.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0def20d..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/app_cell_log.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-/* "Application" code of the layer2/3 stack */
-/* (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l23_app.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/gps.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/misc/cell_log.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-extern struct log_target *stderr_target;
-extern void *l23_ctx;
-//HACK: /var/log/osmocom.log, - for putting everything to stdout
-char *logname = "-";
-int RACH_MAX = 2;
-int _scan_work(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- return 0;
-int _scan_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- /* in case there is a lockup during exit */
- signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
- signal(SIGHUP, SIG_DFL);
- signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
- signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
- scan_exit();
- return 0;
-int l23_app_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- int rc;
- srand(time(NULL));
-// log_parse_category_mask(stderr_target, "DL1C:DRSL:DRR:DGPS:DSUM");
- log_parse_category_mask(stderr_target, "DSUM");
- log_set_log_level(stderr_target, LOGL_INFO);
- l23_app_work = _scan_work;
- l23_app_exit = _scan_exit;
- rc = scan_init(ms);
- if (rc)
- return rc;
- l1ctl_tx_reset_req(ms, L1CTL_RES_T_FULL);
- printf("Mobile initialized, please start phone now!\n");
- return 0;
-static int l23_cfg_supported()
- return L23_OPT_TAP | L23_OPT_DBG;
-static int l23_getopt_options(struct option **options)
- static struct option opts [] = {
- {"logfile", 1, 0, 'l'},
- {"rach", 1, 0, 'r'},
- {"no-rach", 1, 0, 'n'},
-#ifdef _HAVE_GPSD
- {"gpsd-host", 1, 0, 'g'},
- {"gpsd-port", 1, 0, 'p'},
- {"gps", 1, 0, 'g'},
- {"baud", 1, 0, 'b'}
- };
- *options = opts;
- return ARRAY_SIZE(opts);
-static int l23_cfg_print_help()
- printf("\nApplication specific\n");
- printf(" -l --logfile LOGFILE Logfile for the cell log.\n");
- printf(" -r --rach RACH Nr. of RACH bursts to send.\n");
- printf(" -n --no-rach Send no rach bursts.\n");
- printf(" -g --gpsd-host HOST gpsd host.\n");
- printf(" -p --port PORT 2947. gpsd port\n");
- printf(" -f --gps DEVICE /dev/ttyACM0. GPS serial device.\n");
- printf(" -b --baud BAUDRAT The baud rate of the GPS device\n");
- return 0;
-static int l23_cfg_handle(int c, const char *optarg)
- switch (c) {
- case 'l':
- logname = talloc_strdup(l23_ctx, optarg);
- break;
- case 'r':
- RACH_MAX = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'n':
- RACH_MAX = 0;
- break;
- case 'g':
-#ifdef _HAVE_GPSD
- snprintf(g.gpsd_host, ARRAY_SIZE(g.gpsd_host), "%s", optarg);
- /* force string terminator */
- g.gpsd_host[ARRAY_SIZE(g.gpsd_host) - 1] = '\0';
- if (g.gps_type != GPS_TYPE_UNDEF)
- goto cmd_line_error;
- g.gps_type = GPS_TYPE_GPSD;
- LOGP(DGPS, LOGL_INFO, "Using gpsd host %s\n", g.gpsd_host);
- printf("Gpsd support not compiled.\n");
- exit(1);
- break;
- case 'p':
-#ifdef _HAVE_GPSD
- snprintf(g.gpsd_port, ARRAY_SIZE(g.gpsd_port), "%s", optarg);
- /* force string terminator */
- g.gpsd_port[ARRAY_SIZE(g.gpsd_port) - 1] = '\0';
- g.gps_type = GPS_TYPE_GPSD;
- LOGP(DGPS, LOGL_INFO, "Using gpsd port %s\n", g.gpsd_port);
- printf("Gpsd support not compiled.\n");
- exit(1);
- break;
- case 'f':
- snprintf(g.device, ARRAY_SIZE(g.device), "%s", optarg);
- /* force string terminator */
- g.device[ARRAY_SIZE(g.device) - 1] = '\0';
- if (g.gps_type != GPS_TYPE_UNDEF)
- goto cmd_line_error;
- g.gps_type = GPS_TYPE_SERIAL;
- LOGP(DGPS, LOGL_INFO, "Using GPS serial device %s\n", g.device);
- break;
- case 'b':
- g.baud = atoi(optarg);
- g.gps_type = GPS_TYPE_SERIAL;
- LOGP(DGPS, LOGL_INFO, "Setting GPS baudrate to %u\n", g.baud);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- printf("\nYou can't specify both gpsd and serial gps!!\n\n");
- exit(1);
-static struct l23_app_info info = {
- .copyright = "Copyright (C) 2010 Andreas Eversberg\n",
- .getopt_string = "g:p:l:r:nf:b:",
- .cfg_supported = l23_cfg_supported,
- .cfg_getopt_opt = l23_getopt_options,
- .cfg_handle_opt = l23_cfg_handle,
- .cfg_print_help = l23_cfg_print_help,
-struct l23_app_info *l23_app_info()
- return &info;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/app_echo_test.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/app_echo_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d937d2..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/app_echo_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-/* TEST code, regularly transmit ECHO REQ packet to L1 */
-/* (C) 2010 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/lapdm.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l23_app.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/misc/layer3.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/select.h>
-static struct {
- struct osmo_timer_list timer;
-} test_data;
-static void test_tmr_cb(void *data)
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = data;
- l1ctl_tx_echo_req(ms, 62);
- osmo_timer_schedule(&test_data.timer, 1, 0);
-int l23_app_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- test_data.timer.cb = &test_tmr_cb;
- = ms;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&test_data.timer, 1, 0);
- return 0;
-static struct l23_app_info info = {
- .copyright = "Copyright (C) 2010 Harald Welte <>\n",
- .contribution = "Contributions by Holger Hans Peter Freyther\n",
-struct l23_app_info *l23_app_info()
- return &info;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/bcch_scan.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/bcch_scan.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ddd0eea..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/bcch_scan.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-/* BCCH Scanning code for OsmocomBB */
-/* (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <l1ctl_proto.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/signal.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/timer.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/tlv.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm_utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_08_58.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/rsl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/lapdm.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-/* somewhere in 05.08 */
-#define MAX_CELLS_IN_BA 32
-/* Information about a single cell / BCCH */
-struct cell_info {
- struct llist_head list;
- uint16_t band_arfcn;
- uint8_t bsic;
- uint8_t rxlev;
- struct {
- uint16_t mcc; /* Mobile Country Code */
- uint16_t mnc; /* Mobile Network Code */
- uint16_t lac; /* Location Area Code */
- uint16_t rac; /* Routing Area Code */
- uint16_t cid; /* Cell ID */
- } id;
- uint16_t ba_arfcn[MAX_CELLS_IN_BA];
- uint8_t ba_arfcn_num;
- struct {
- int32_t fn_delta; /* delta to current L1 fn */
- int16_t qbit_delta;
- int16_t afc_delta;
- } l1_sync;
-#define AFS_F_PM_DONE 0x01
-#define AFS_F_TESTED 0x02
-#define AFS_F_BCCH 0x04
-struct arfcn_state {
- uint8_t rxlev;
- uint8_t flags;
-enum bscan_state {
-enum fps_state {
- FPS_S_PM_GSM900,
- FPS_S_PM_GSM1800,
-struct full_power_scan {
- /* Full Power Scan */
- enum fps_state fps_state;
- struct arfcn_state arfcn_state[1024];
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- /* BCCH info part */
- enum bscan_state state;
- struct llist_head cell_list;
- struct cell_info *cur_cell;
- uint16_t cur_arfcn;
- struct osmo_timer_list timer;
-static struct full_power_scan fps;
-static int get_next_arfcn(struct full_power_scan *fps)
- unsigned int i;
- uint8_t best_rxlev = 0;
- int best_arfcn = -1;
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(fps->arfcn_state); i++) {
- struct arfcn_state *af = &fps->arfcn_state[i];
- /* skip ARFCN's where we don't have a PM */
- if (!(af->flags & AFS_F_PM_DONE))
- continue;
- /* skip ARFCN's that we already tested */
- if (af->flags & AFS_F_TESTED)
- continue;
- /* if current arfcn_state is better than best so far,
- * select it */
- if (af->rxlev > best_rxlev) {
- best_rxlev = af->rxlev;
- best_arfcn = i;
- }
- }
- printf("arfcn=%d rxlev=%u\n", best_arfcn, best_rxlev);
- return best_arfcn;
-static struct cell_info *cell_info_alloc(void)
- struct cell_info *ci = talloc_zero(NULL, struct cell_info);
- return ci;
-static void cell_info_free(struct cell_info *ci)
- talloc_free(ci);
-/* start to scan for one ARFCN */
-static int _cinfo_start_arfcn(unsigned int band_arfcn)
- int rc;
- /* ask L1 to try to tune to new ARFCN */
- /* FIXME: decode band */
- rc = l1ctl_tx_fbsb_req(, band_arfcn,
- if (rc < 0)
- return rc;
- /* allocate new cell info structure */
- fps.cur_cell = cell_info_alloc();
- fps.cur_arfcn = band_arfcn;
- fps.cur_cell->band_arfcn = band_arfcn;
- /* FIXME: start timer in case we never get a sync */
- fps.state = BSCAN_S_WAIT_DATA;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&fps.timer, 2, 0);
- return 0;
-static void cinfo_next_cell(void *data)
- int rc;
- /* we've been waiting for BCCH info */
- fps.arfcn_state[fps.cur_arfcn].flags |= AFS_F_TESTED;
- /* if there is a BCCH, we need to add the collected BCCH
- * information to our list */
- if (fps.arfcn_state[fps.cur_arfcn].flags & AFS_F_BCCH)
- llist_add(&fps.cur_cell->list, &fps.cell_list);
- else
- cell_info_free(fps.cur_cell);
- rc = get_next_arfcn(&fps);
- if (rc < 0) {
- fps.state = BSCAN_S_DONE;
- return;
- }
- /* start syncing to the next ARFCN */
- _cinfo_start_arfcn(rc);
-static void cinfo_timer_cb(void *data)
- switch (fps.state) {
- cinfo_next_cell(data);
- break;
- }
-/* Update cell_info for current cell with received BCCH info */
-static int rx_bcch_info(const uint8_t *data)
- struct cell_info *ci = fps.cur_cell;
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_header *si_hdr;
- si_hdr = (struct gsm48_system_information_type_header *) data;;
- /* we definitely have a BCCH on this channel */
- fps.arfcn_state[ci->band_arfcn].flags |= AFS_F_BCCH;
- switch (si_hdr->system_information) {
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_1:
- /* FIXME: CA, RACH control */
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_2:
- /* FIXME: BA, NCC, RACH control */
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_3:
- /* FIXME: cell_id, LAI */
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_4:
- /* FIXME: LAI */
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-/* Update L1/SCH information (AFC/QBIT/FN offset, BSIC) */
-static int rx_sch_info()
- /* FIXME */
-static int bscan_sig_cb(unsigned int subsys, unsigned int signal,
- void *handler_data, void *signal_data)
- struct cell_info *ci = fps.cur_cell;
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- struct osmobb_meas_res *mr;
- uint16_t arfcn;
- int rc;
- if (subsys != SS_L1CTL)
- return 0;
- switch (signal) {
- case S_L1CTL_PM_RES:
- mr = signal_data;
- /* check if PM result is for same MS */
- if ( != mr->ms)
- return 0;
- arfcn = mr->band_arfcn & 0x3ff;
- /* update RxLev and notice that PM was done */
- fps.arfcn_state[arfcn].rxlev = mr->rx_lev;
- fps.arfcn_state[arfcn].flags |= AFS_F_PM_DONE;
- break;
- case S_L1CTL_PM_DONE:
- ms = signal_data;
- switch (fps.fps_state) {
- case FPS_S_PM_GSM900:
- fps.fps_state = FPS_S_PM_EGSM900;
- return l1ctl_tx_pm_req_range(ms, 955, 1023);
- case FPS_S_PM_EGSM900:
- fps.fps_state = FPS_S_PM_GSM1800;
- return l1ctl_tx_pm_req_range(ms, 512, 885);
- case FPS_S_PM_GSM1800:
- /* power measurement has finished, we can start
- * to actually iterate over the ARFCN's and try
- * to sync to BCCHs */
- fps.fps_state = FPS_S_BINFO;
- rc = get_next_arfcn(&fps);
- if (rc < 0) {
- fps.state = BSCAN_S_DONE;
- return;
- }
- _cinfo_start_arfcn(rc);
- break;
- }
- break;
- /* We actually got a FCCH/SCH burst */
-#if 0
- fps.arfcn_state[ci->band_arfcn].flags |= AFS_F_BCCH;
- /* fallthrough */
- break;
- case S_L1CTL_FBSB_ERR:
- /* We timed out, move on */
- if (fps.state == BSCAN_S_WAIT_DATA)
- cinfo_next_cell(NULL);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-/* start the full power scan */
-int fps_start(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- memset(&fps, 0, sizeof(fps));
- = ms;
- fps.timer.cb = cinfo_timer_cb;
- = &fps;
- /* Start by scanning the good old GSM900 band */
- fps.fps_state = FPS_S_PM_GSM900;
- return l1ctl_tx_pm_req_range(ms, 0, 124);
-int fps_init(void)
- return osmo_signal_register_handler(SS_L1CTL, &bscan_sig_cb, NULL);
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/cell_log.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/cell_log.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f51f87..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/cell_log.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,819 +0,0 @@
-/* Cell Scanning code for OsmocomBB */
-/* (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <l1ctl_proto.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/timer.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/signal.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm_utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/rsl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/lapdm.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/networks.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/gps.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/misc/cell_log.h>
-#include "../../../gsmmap/geo.h"
-#define READ_WAIT 2, 0
-#define RACH_WAIT 0, 900000
-#define MIN_RXLEV -106
-#define MAX_DIST 2000
-enum {
-/* ranges of bands */
-static uint16_t band_range[][2] = {{0, 124}, {512, 885}, {955, 1023}, {0, 0}};
-#define INFO_FLG_PM 1
-#define INFO_FLG_SYNC 2
-#define INFO_FLG_SI1 4
-#define INFO_FLG_SI2 8
-#define INFO_FLG_SI2bis 16
-#define INFO_FLG_SI2ter 32
-#define INFO_FLG_SI3 64
-#define INFO_FLG_SI4 128
-static struct osmocom_ms *ms;
-static struct osmo_timer_list timer;
-static struct pm_info {
- uint16_t flags;
- int8_t rxlev;
-} pm[1024];
-static int started = 0;
-static int state;
-static int8_t min_rxlev = MIN_RXLEV;
-static int sync_count;
-static int pm_index, pm_gps_valid;
-static double pm_gps_x, pm_gps_y, pm_gps_z;
-static int arfcn;
-static int rach_count;
-static FILE *logfp = NULL;
-extern char *logname;
-extern int RACH_MAX;
-static struct gsm48_sysinfo sysinfo;
-static struct log_si {
- uint16_t flags;
- uint8_t bsic;
- int8_t rxlev;
- uint16_t mcc, mnc, lac, cellid;
- uint8_t ta;
- double latitude, longitude;
-} log_si;
-struct rach_ref {
- uint8_t valid;
- uint8_t cr;
- uint8_t t1, t2, t3;
-} rach_ref;
-#define LOGFILE(fmt, args...) \
- fprintf(logfp, fmt, ## args);
-#define LOGFLUSH() \
- fflush(logfp);
-static void start_sync(void);
-static void start_rach(void);
-static void start_pm(void);
-static void log_gps(void)
- if (!g.enable || !g.valid)
- return;
- LOGFILE("position %.8f %.8f\n", g.longitude, g.latitude);
-static void log_time(void)
- time_t now;
- if (g.enable && g.valid)
- now = g.gmt;
- else
- time(&now);
- LOGFILE("time %lu\n", now);
-static void log_frame(char *tag, uint8_t *data)
- int i;
- LOGFILE("%s", tag);
- for (i = 0; i < 23; i++)
- LOGFILE(" %02x", *data++);
- LOGFILE("\n");
-static void log_pm(void)
- int count = 0, i;
- LOGFILE("[power]\n");
- log_time();
- log_gps();
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023; i++) {
- if ((pm[i].flags & INFO_FLG_PM)) {
- if (!count)
- LOGFILE("arfcn %d", i);
- LOGFILE(" %d", pm[i].rxlev);
- count++;
- if (count == 12) {
- LOGFILE("\n");
- count = 0;
- }
- } else {
- if (count) {
- LOGFILE("\n");
- count = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if (count)
- LOGFILE("\n");
- LOGFILE("\n");
-static void log_sysinfo(void)
- struct rx_meas_stat *meas = &ms->meas;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = &sysinfo;
- int8_t rxlev;
- char ta_str[32] = "";
- if (log_si.ta != 0xff)
- sprintf(ta_str, " TA=%d", log_si.ta);
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Cell: ARFCN=%d MCC=%s MNC=%s (%s, %s)%s\n",
- arfcn, gsm_print_mcc(s->mcc), gsm_print_mnc(s->mnc),
- gsm_get_mcc(s->mcc), gsm_get_mnc(s->mcc, s->mnc), ta_str);
- LOGFILE("[sysinfo]\n");
- LOGFILE("arfcn %d\n", s->arfcn);
- log_time();
- log_gps();
- LOGFILE("bsic %d,%d\n", s->bsic >> 3, s->bsic & 7);
- rxlev = meas->rxlev / meas->frames - 110;
- LOGFILE("rxlev %d\n", rxlev);
- if (s->si1)
- log_frame("si1", s->si1_msg);
- if (s->si2)
- log_frame("si2", s->si2_msg);
- if (s->si2bis)
- log_frame("si2bis", s->si2b_msg);
- if (s->si2ter)
- log_frame("si2ter", s->si2t_msg);
- if (s->si3)
- log_frame("si3", s->si3_msg);
- if (s->si4)
- log_frame("si4", s->si4_msg);
- if (log_si.ta != 0xff)
- LOGFILE("ta %d\n", log_si.ta);
- LOGFILE("\n");
-static void timeout_cb(void *arg)
- switch (state) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Timeout reading BCCH\n");
- start_sync();
- break;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Timeout on RACH\n");
- rach_count++;
- start_rach();
- break;
- }
-static void stop_timer(void)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&timer))
- osmo_timer_del(&timer);
-static void start_timer(int sec, int micro)
- stop_timer();
- timer.cb = timeout_cb;
- = ms;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&timer, sec, micro);
-static void start_rach(void)
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = &sysinfo;
- uint8_t chan_req_val, chan_req_mask;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct abis_rsl_cchan_hdr *ncch;
- if (rach_count == RACH_MAX) {
- log_sysinfo();
- start_sync();
- return;
- }
- state = SCAN_STATE_RACH;
- if (s->neci) {
- chan_req_mask = 0x0f;
- chan_req_val = 0x01;
- "(OTHER with NECI)\n", chan_req_val);
- } else {
- chan_req_mask = 0x1f;
- chan_req_val = 0xe0;
- chan_req_val);
- }
- rach_ref.valid = 0;
- = random();
- &= chan_req_mask;
- |= chan_req_val;
- nmsg = msgb_alloc_headroom(RSL_ALLOC_SIZE+RSL_ALLOC_HEADROOM,
- if (!nmsg)
- return;
- nmsg->l2h = nmsg->data;
- ncch = (struct abis_rsl_cchan_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*ncch)
- + 4 + 2 + 2);
- rsl_init_cchan_hdr(ncch, RSL_MT_CHAN_RQD);
- ncch->chan_nr = RSL_CHAN_RACH;
- ncch->data[0] = RSL_IE_REQ_REFERENCE;
- ncch->data[1] =;
- ncch->data[2] = (s->ccch_conf == 1) << 7;
- ncch->data[3] = 0;
- ncch->data[4] = RSL_IE_ACCESS_DELAY;
- ncch->data[5] = 0; /* no delay */
- ncch->data[6] = RSL_IE_MS_POWER;
- ncch->data[7] = 0; /* full power */
- start_timer(RACH_WAIT);
- rslms_recvmsg(nmsg, ms);
-static void start_sync(void)
- int rxlev = -128;
- int i, dist = 0;
- char dist_str[32] = "";
- arfcn = 0xffff;
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023; i++) {
- if ((pm[i].flags & INFO_FLG_PM)
- && !(pm[i].flags & INFO_FLG_SYNC)) {
- if (pm[i].rxlev > rxlev) {
- rxlev = pm[i].rxlev;
- arfcn = i;
- }
- }
- }
- /* if GPS becomes valid, like after exitting a tunnel */
- if (!pm_gps_valid && g.valid) {
- pm_gps_valid = 1;
- geo2space(&pm_gps_x, &pm_gps_y, &pm_gps_z, g.longitude,
- g.latitude);
- }
- if (pm_gps_valid && g.valid) {
- double x, y, z;
- geo2space(&x, &y, &z, g.longitude, g.latitude);
- dist = distinspace(pm_gps_x, pm_gps_y, pm_gps_z, x, y, z);
- sprintf(dist_str, " dist %d", (int)dist);
- }
- if (dist > MAX_DIST || arfcn == 0xffff || rxlev < min_rxlev) {
- memset(pm, 0, sizeof(pm));
- pm_index = 0;
- sync_count = 0;
- start_pm();
- return;
- }
- pm[arfcn].flags |= INFO_FLG_SYNC;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Sync ARFCN %d (rxlev %d, %d syncs "
- "left)%s\n", arfcn, pm[arfcn].rxlev, sync_count--, dist_str);
- memset(&sysinfo, 0, sizeof(sysinfo));
- sysinfo.arfcn = arfcn;
- state = SCAN_STATE_SYNC;
- l1ctl_tx_reset_req(ms, L1CTL_RES_T_FULL);
- l1ctl_tx_fbsb_req(ms, arfcn, L1CTL_FBSB_F_FB01SB, 100, 0,
-static void start_pm(void)
- uint16_t from, to;
- state = SCAN_STATE_PM;
- from = band_range[pm_index][0];
- to = band_range[pm_index][1];
- if (from == 0 && to == 0) {
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Measurement done\n");
- pm_gps_valid = g.enable && g.valid;
- if (pm_gps_valid)
- geo2space(&pm_gps_x, &pm_gps_y, &pm_gps_z,
- g.longitude, g.latitude);
- log_pm();
- start_sync();
- return;
- }
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Measure from %d to %d\n", from, to);
- l1ctl_tx_reset_req(ms, L1CTL_RES_T_FULL);
- l1ctl_tx_pm_req_range(ms, from, to);
-static int signal_cb(unsigned int subsys, unsigned int signal,
- void *handler_data, void *signal_data)
- struct osmobb_meas_res *mr;
- struct osmobb_fbsb_res *fr;
- uint16_t index;
- if (subsys != SS_L1CTL)
- return 0;
- switch (signal) {
- case S_L1CTL_PM_RES:
- mr = signal_data;
- index = mr->band_arfcn & 0x3ff;
- pm[index].flags |= INFO_FLG_PM;
- pm[index].rxlev = mr->rx_lev - 110;
- if (pm[index].rxlev >= min_rxlev)
- sync_count++;
-// printf("rxlev %d = %d (sync_count %d)\n", index, pm[index].rxlev, sync_count);
- break;
- case S_L1CTL_PM_DONE:
- pm_index++;
- start_pm();
- break;
- fr = signal_data;
- sysinfo.bsic = fr->bsic;
- state = SCAN_STATE_READ;
- memset(&ms->meas, 0, sizeof(ms->meas));
- memset(&log_si, 0, sizeof(log_si));
- log_si.flags |= INFO_FLG_SYNC;
- log_si.ta = 0xff; /* invalid */
- start_timer(READ_WAIT);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Synchronized, start reading\n");
- break;
- case S_L1CTL_FBSB_ERR:
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Sync failed\n");
- start_sync();
- break;
- case S_L1CTL_RESET:
- if (started)
- break;
- started = 1;
- memset(pm, 0, sizeof(pm));
- pm_index = 0;
- sync_count = 0;
- start_pm();
- }
- return 0;
-static int ta_result(uint8_t ta)
- stop_timer();
- if (ta == 0xff)
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Got assignment reject\n");
- else {
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_DEBUG, "Got assignment TA = %d\n", ta);
- log_si.ta = ta;
- }
- log_sysinfo();
- start_sync();
- return 0;
-/* match request reference agains request */
-static int match_ra(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct gsm48_req_ref *ref)
- uint8_t ia_t1, ia_t2, ia_t3;
- /* filter confirmed RACH requests only */
- if (rach_ref.valid && ref->ra == {
- ia_t1 = ref->t1;
- ia_t2 = ref->t2;
- ia_t3 = (ref->t3_high << 3) | ref->t3_low;
- if (ia_t1 == rach_ref.t1 && ia_t2 == rach_ref.t2
- && ia_t3 == rach_ref.t3) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "request %02x matches "
- "(fn=%d,%d,%d)\n", ref->ra, ia_t1, ia_t2,
- ia_t3);
- return 1;
- } else
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "request %02x matches but not "
- "frame number (IMM.ASS fn=%d,%d,%d != RACH "
- "fn=%d,%d,%d)\n", ref->ra, ia_t1, ia_t2, ia_t3,
- rach_ref.t1, rach_ref.t2, rach_ref.t3);
- }
- return 0;
-/* 9.1.18 IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT is received */
-static int imm_ass(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_imm_ass *ia = msgb_l3(msg);
- if (state != SCAN_STATE_RACH) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Not for us, no request.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- /* request ref */
- if (match_ra(ms, &ia->req_ref)) {
- return ta_result(ia->timing_advance);
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Request, but not for us.\n");
- return 0;
-/* 9.1.19 IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT EXTENDED is received */
-static int imm_ass_ext(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_imm_ass_ext *ia = msgb_l3(msg);
- if (state != SCAN_STATE_RACH) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Not for us, no request.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- /* request ref 1 */
- if (match_ra(ms, &ia->req_ref1)) {
- return ta_result(ia->timing_advance1);
- }
- /* request ref 2 */
- if (match_ra(ms, &ia->req_ref2)) {
- return ta_result(ia->timing_advance2);
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Request, but not for us.\n");
- return 0;
-/* 9.1.20 IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT is received */
-static int imm_ass_rej(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_imm_ass_rej *ia = msgb_l3(msg);
- int i;
- struct gsm48_req_ref *req_ref;
- if (state != SCAN_STATE_RACH) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Not for us, no request.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- /* request reference */
- req_ref = (struct gsm48_req_ref *)
- (((uint8_t *)&ia->req_ref1) + i * 4);
- "(ref 0x%02x)\n", req_ref->ra);
- if (match_ra(ms, req_ref)) {
- return ta_result(0xff);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* receive CCCH at RR layer */
-static int pch_agch(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_header *sih = msgb_l3(msg);
- switch (sih->system_information) {
- case GSM48_MT_RR_PAG_REQ_1:
- case GSM48_MT_RR_PAG_REQ_2:
- case GSM48_MT_RR_PAG_REQ_3:
- return 0;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_IMM_ASS:
- return imm_ass(ms, msg);
- return imm_ass_ext(ms, msg);
- return imm_ass_rej(ms, msg);
- default:
- return -EINVAL;
- }
-/* check if sysinfo is complete, change to RACH state */
-static int new_sysinfo(void)
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = &sysinfo;
- /* restart timer */
- start_timer(READ_WAIT);
- /* mandatory */
- if (!s->si1 || !s->si2 || !s->si3 || !s->si4) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "not all mandatory SI received\n");
- return 0;
- }
- /* extended band */
- if (s->nb_ext_ind_si2 && !s->si2bis) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "extended ba, but si2bis not received\n");
- return 0;
- }
- /* 2ter */
- if (s->si2ter_ind && !s->si2ter) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "si2ter_ind, but si2ter not received\n");
- return 0;
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Sysinfo complete\n");
- stop_timer();
- rach_count = 0;
- start_rach();
- return 0;
-/* receive BCCH at RR layer */
-static int bcch(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = &sysinfo;
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_header *sih = msgb_l3(msg);
- uint8_t ccch_mode;
- if (msgb_l3len(msg) != 23) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Invalid BCCH message length\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- switch (sih->system_information) {
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_1:
- if (!memcmp(sih, s->si1_msg, sizeof(s->si1_msg)))
- return 0;
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo1(s,
- (struct gsm48_system_information_type_1 *) sih,
- msgb_l3len(msg));
- return new_sysinfo();
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_2:
- if (!memcmp(sih, s->si2_msg, sizeof(s->si2_msg)))
- return 0;
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo2(s,
- (struct gsm48_system_information_type_2 *) sih,
- msgb_l3len(msg));
- return new_sysinfo();
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_2bis:
- if (!memcmp(sih, s->si2b_msg, sizeof(s->si2b_msg)))
- return 0;
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo2bis(s,
- (struct gsm48_system_information_type_2bis *) sih,
- msgb_l3len(msg));
- return new_sysinfo();
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_2ter:
- if (!memcmp(sih, s->si2t_msg, sizeof(s->si2t_msg)))
- return 0;
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo2ter(s,
- (struct gsm48_system_information_type_2ter *) sih,
- msgb_l3len(msg));
- return new_sysinfo();
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_3:
- if (!memcmp(sih, s->si3_msg, sizeof(s->si3_msg)))
- return 0;
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo3(s,
- (struct gsm48_system_information_type_3 *) sih,
- msgb_l3len(msg));
- ccch_mode = (s->ccch_conf == 1) ? CCCH_MODE_COMBINED :
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Changing CCCH_MODE to %d\n", ccch_mode);
- l1ctl_tx_ccch_mode_req(ms, ccch_mode);
- return new_sysinfo();
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_4:
- if (!memcmp(sih, s->si4_msg, sizeof(s->si4_msg)))
- return 0;
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo4(s,
- (struct gsm48_system_information_type_4 *) sih,
- msgb_l3len(msg));
- return new_sysinfo();
- default:
- return -EINVAL;
- }
-static int unit_data_ind(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- struct tlv_parsed tv;
- uint8_t ch_type, ch_subch, ch_ts;
- DEBUGP(DRSL, "RSLms UNIT DATA IND chan_nr=0x%02x link_id=0x%02x\n",
- rllh->chan_nr, rllh->link_id);
- rsl_tlv_parse(&tv, rllh->data, msgb_l2len(msg)-sizeof(*rllh));
- if (!TLVP_PRESENT(&tv, RSL_IE_L3_INFO)) {
- DEBUGP(DRSL, "UNIT_DATA_IND without L3 INFO ?!?\n");
- return -EIO;
- }
- msg->l3h = (uint8_t *) TLVP_VAL(&tv, RSL_IE_L3_INFO);
- if (state != SCAN_STATE_READ && state != SCAN_STATE_RACH) {
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(rllh->chan_nr, &ch_type, &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- switch (ch_type) {
- return pch_agch(ms, msg);
- return bcch(ms, msg);
-#if 0
- case RSL_CHAN_Bm_ACCHs:
- case RSL_CHAN_Lm_ACCHs:
- return rx_acch(ms, msg);
- default:
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_NOTICE, "RSL with chan_nr 0x%02x unknown.\n",
- rllh->chan_nr);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
-static int rcv_rll(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- int msg_type = rllh->c.msg_type;
- if (msg_type == RSL_MT_UNIT_DATA_IND) {
- unit_data_ind(ms, msg);
- } else
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_NOTICE, "RSLms message unhandled\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
-int chan_conf(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct abis_rsl_cchan_hdr *ch = msgb_l2(msg);
- struct gsm48_req_ref *ref = (struct gsm48_req_ref *) (ch->data + 1);
- if (msgb_l2len(msg) < sizeof(*ch) + sizeof(*ref)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "CHAN_CNF too slort\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- rach_ref.valid = 1;
- rach_ref.t1 = ref->t1;
- rach_ref.t2 = ref->t2;
- rach_ref.t3 = ref->t3_low | (ref->t3_high << 3);
- return 0;
-static int rcv_cch(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct abis_rsl_cchan_hdr *ch = msgb_l2(msg);
- int msg_type = ch->c.msg_type;
- int rc;
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_INFO, "Received '%s' from layer1\n",
- get_rsl_name(msg_type));
- if (state == SCAN_STATE_RACH && msg_type == RSL_MT_CHAN_CONF) {
- rc = chan_conf(ms, msg);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return rc;
- }
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_NOTICE, "RSLms message unhandled\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
-static int rcv_rsl(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct abis_rsl_common_hdr *rslh = msgb_l2(msg);
- int rc = 0;
- switch (rslh->msg_discr & 0xfe) {
- rc = rcv_rll(ms, msg);
- break;
- rc = rcv_cch(ms, msg);
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_NOTICE, "unknown RSLms msg_discr 0x%02x\n",
- rslh->msg_discr);
- msgb_free(msg);
- rc = -EINVAL;
- break;
- }
- return rc;
-int scan_init(struct osmocom_ms *_ms)
- ms = _ms;
- osmo_signal_register_handler(SS_L1CTL, &signal_cb, NULL);
- memset(&timer, 0, sizeof(timer));
- osmol2_register_handler(ms, &rcv_rsl);
- g.enable = 1;
- osmo_gps_init();
- if (osmo_gps_open())
- g.enable = 0;
- if (!strcmp(logname, "-"))
- logfp = stdout;
- else
- logfp = fopen(logname, "a");
- if (!logfp) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open logfile '%s'\n", logname);
- scan_exit();
- return -errno;
- }
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Scanner initialized\n");
- return 0;
-int scan_exit(void)
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Scanner exit\n");
- if (g.valid)
- osmo_gps_close();
- if (logfp)
- fclose(logfp);
- osmo_signal_unregister_handler(SS_L1CTL, &signal_cb, NULL);
- stop_timer();
- return 0;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/rslms.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/rslms.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 93d22fd..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/misc/rslms.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-/* RSLms - GSM 08.58 like protocol between L2 and L3 of GSM Um interface */
-/* (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/rsl.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/tlv.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/lapdm.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/misc/rslms.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/misc/layer3.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-/* Send a 'simple' RLL request to L2 */
-int rslms_tx_rll_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t msg_type,
- uint8_t chan_nr, uint8_t link_id)
- struct msgb *msg;
- msg = rsl_rll_simple(msg_type, chan_nr, link_id, 1);
- return rslms_recvmsg(msg, ms);
-/* Send a RLL request (including L3 info) to L2 */
-int rslms_tx_rll_req_l3(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t msg_type,
- uint8_t chan_nr, uint8_t link_id, struct msgb *msg)
- rsl_rll_push_l3(msg, msg_type, chan_nr, link_id, 1);
- return rslms_recvmsg(msg, ms);
-static int rslms_rx_udata_ind(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- struct tlv_parsed tv;
- int rc = 0;
- DEBUGP(DRSL, "RSLms UNIT DATA IND chan_nr=0x%02x link_id=0x%02x\n",
- rllh->chan_nr, rllh->link_id);
- rsl_tlv_parse(&tv, rllh->data, msgb_l2len(msg)-sizeof(*rllh));
- if (!TLVP_PRESENT(&tv, RSL_IE_L3_INFO)) {
- DEBUGP(DRSL, "UNIT_DATA_IND without L3 INFO ?!?\n");
- return -EIO;
- }
- msg->l3h = (uint8_t *) TLVP_VAL(&tv, RSL_IE_L3_INFO);
- if (rllh->chan_nr == RSL_CHAN_PCH_AGCH) {
- rc = gsm48_rx_ccch(msg, ms);
- } else if (rllh->chan_nr == RSL_CHAN_BCCH) {
- rc = gsm48_rx_bcch(msg, ms);
- }
- return rc;
-static int rslms_rx_rll(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- int rc = 0;
- switch (rllh->c.msg_type) {
- /* FIXME: implement this */
- break;
- rc = rslms_rx_udata_ind(msg, ms);
- break;
- case RSL_MT_EST_IND:
- /* FIXME: implement this */
- break;
- /* FIXME: implement this */
- break;
- /* FIXME: implement this */
- break;
- /* FIXME: implement this */
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_NOTICE, "unknown RSLms message type "
- "0x%02x\n", rllh->c.msg_type);
- rc = -EINVAL;
- break;
- }
- msgb_free(msg);
- return rc;
-/* input function that L2 calls when sending messages up to L3 */
-static int layer3_from_layer2(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct abis_rsl_common_hdr *rslh = msgb_l2(msg);
- int rc = 0;
- switch (rslh->msg_discr & 0xfe) {
- rc = rslms_rx_rll(msg, ms);
- break;
- default:
- /* FIXME: implement this */
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_NOTICE, "unknown RSLms msg_discr 0x%02x\n",
- rslh->msg_discr);
- msgb_free(msg);
- rc = -EINVAL;
- break;
- }
- return rc;
-int layer3_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- return osmol2_register_handler(ms, &layer3_from_layer2);
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/ b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/
deleted file mode 100644
index fb0423e..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir)/include
-noinst_LIBRARIES = libmobile.a
-libmobile_a_SOURCES = gsm322.c gsm48_cc.c gsm48_mm.c gsm48_rr.c \
- mnccms.c settings.c subscriber.c support.c \
- transaction.c vty_interface.c
-bin_PROGRAMS = mobile
-mobile_SOURCES = main.c app_mobile.c
-mobile_LDADD = libmobile.a $(LDADD)
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/app_mobile.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/app_mobile.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dc585a..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/app_mobile.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
-/* "Application" code of the layer2/3 stack */
-/* (C) 2010 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1l2_interface.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/lapdm.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/gps.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm48_rr.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/vty.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/app_mobile.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/mncc.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/telnet_interface.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/select.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/signal.h>
-extern void *l23_ctx;
-extern struct llist_head ms_list;
-extern int vty_reading;
-int mncc_recv_mobile(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int msg_type, void *arg);
-int mncc_recv_dummy(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int msg_type, void *arg);
-int (*mncc_recv_app)(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int, void *);
-static int quit;
-/* handle ms instance */
-int mobile_work(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- int work = 0, w;
- do {
- w = 0;
- w |= gsm48_rsl_dequeue(ms);
- w |= gsm48_rr_dequeue(ms);
- w |= gsm48_mmxx_dequeue(ms);
- w |= gsm48_mmr_dequeue(ms);
- w |= gsm48_mmevent_dequeue(ms);
- w |= gsm322_plmn_dequeue(ms);
- w |= gsm322_cs_dequeue(ms);
- w |= gsm_sim_job_dequeue(ms);
- w |= mncc_dequeue(ms);
- if (w)
- work = 1;
- } while (w);
- return work;
-/* run ms instance, if layer1 is available */
-int mobile_signal_cb(unsigned int subsys, unsigned int signal,
- void *handler_data, void *signal_data)
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- struct gsm_settings *set;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- if (subsys != SS_L1CTL)
- return 0;
- switch (signal) {
- case S_L1CTL_RESET:
- ms = signal_data;
- set = &ms->settings;
- if (ms->started)
- break;
- /* insert test card, if enabled */
- switch (set->sim_type) {
- /* trigger sim card reader process */
- gsm_subscr_simcard(ms);
- break;
- gsm_subscr_testcard(ms, set->test_rplmn_mcc,
- set->test_rplmn_mnc, set->test_lac,
- set->test_tmsi);
- break;
- default:
- /* no SIM, trigger PLMN selection process */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_SWITCH_ON);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_SWITCH_ON);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- }
- ms->started = 1;
- }
- return 0;
-/* power-off ms instance */
-int mobile_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int force)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- if (!force && ms->started) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- ms->shutdown = 1; /* going down */
- nmsg = gsm48_mmevent_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MM_EVENT_IMSI_DETACH);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm48_mmevent_msg(mm->ms, nmsg);
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- gsm322_exit(ms);
- gsm48_mm_exit(ms);
- gsm48_rr_exit(ms);
- gsm_subscr_exit(ms);
- gsm48_cc_exit(ms);
- gsm_sim_exit(ms);
- lapdm_exit(&ms->l2_entity.lapdm_acch);
- lapdm_exit(&ms->l2_entity.lapdm_dcch);
- ms->shutdown = 2; /* being down */
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Power off!\n");
- printf("Power off! (MS %s)\n", ms->name);
- return 0;
-/* power-on ms instance */
-int mobile_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- int rc;
- gsm_settings_arfcn(ms);
- lapdm_init(&ms->l2_entity.lapdm_dcch, ms);
- lapdm_init(&ms->l2_entity.lapdm_acch, ms);
- gsm_sim_init(ms);
- gsm48_cc_init(ms);
- gsm_subscr_init(ms);
- gsm48_rr_init(ms);
- gsm48_mm_init(ms);
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&ms->trans_list);
- gsm322_init(ms);
- rc = layer2_open(ms, ms->settings.layer2_socket_path);
- if (rc < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed during layer2_open()\n");
- ms->l2_wq.bfd.fd = -1;
- mobile_exit(ms, 1);
- return rc;
- }
-#if 0
- rc = sap_open(ms, ms->settings.sap_socket_path);
- if (rc < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed during sap_open(), no SIM reader\n");
- ms->sap_wq.bfd.fd = -1;
- mobile_exit(ms, 1);
- return rc;
- }
- if (mncc_recv_app)
- ms->cclayer.mncc_recv = mncc_recv_app;
- else if (ms->settings.ch_cap == GSM_CAP_SDCCH)
- ms->cclayer.mncc_recv = mncc_recv_dummy;
- else
- ms->cclayer.mncc_recv = mncc_recv_mobile;
- gsm_random_imei(&ms->settings);
- ms->shutdown = 0;
- ms->started = 0;
- l1ctl_tx_reset_req(ms, L1CTL_RES_T_FULL);
- printf("Mobile '%s' initialized, please start phone now!\n", ms->name);
- return 0;
-/* create ms instance */
-struct osmocom_ms *mobile_new(char *name)
- static struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- ms = talloc_zero(l23_ctx, struct osmocom_ms);
- if (!ms) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate MS\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- llist_add_tail(&ms->entity, &ms_list);
- strcpy(ms->name, name);
- ms->l2_wq.bfd.fd = -1;
- ms->sap_wq.bfd.fd = -1;
- gsm_support_init(ms);
- gsm_settings_init(ms);
- ms->shutdown = 2; /* being down */
- if (mncc_recv_app) {
- struct msgb *msg;
- msg = msgb_alloc(sizeof(struct gsm_mncc), "MNCC");
- if (msg) {
- struct gsm_mncc *mncc = (struct gsm_mncc *)msg->data;
- mncc->msg_type = MS_NEW;
- mncc_recv_app(ms, mncc->msg_type, mncc);
- }
- ms->cclayer.mncc_recv = mncc_recv_app;
- } else
- ms->cclayer.mncc_recv = mncc_recv_dummy;
- return ms;
-/* destroy ms instance */
-int mobile_delete(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int force)
- int rc;
- ms->deleting = 1;
- if (ms->shutdown == 0 || (ms->shutdown == 1 && force)) {
- rc = mobile_exit(ms, force);
- if (rc < 0)
- return rc;
- }
- if (mncc_recv_app) {
- struct msgb *msg;
- msg = msgb_alloc(sizeof(struct gsm_mncc), "MNCC");
- if (msg) {
- struct gsm_mncc *mncc = (struct gsm_mncc *)msg->data;
- mncc->msg_type = MS_DELETE;
- mncc_recv_app(ms, mncc->msg_type, mncc);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* handle global shutdown */
-int global_signal_cb(unsigned int subsys, unsigned int signal,
- void *handler_data, void *signal_data)
- struct osmocom_ms *ms, *ms2;
- if (subsys != SS_GLOBAL)
- return 0;
- switch (signal) {
- llist_for_each_entry_safe(ms, ms2, &ms_list, entity)
- mobile_delete(ms, quit);
- /* if second signal is received, force to exit */
- quit = 1;
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-/* global work handler */
-int l23_app_work(int *_quit)
- struct osmocom_ms *ms, *ms2;
- int work = 0;
- llist_for_each_entry_safe(ms, ms2, &ms_list, entity) {
- if (ms->shutdown != 2)
- work |= mobile_work(ms);
- if (ms->shutdown == 2) {
- if (ms->l2_wq.bfd.fd > -1) {
- layer2_close(ms);
- ms->l2_wq.bfd.fd = -1;
- }
- if (ms->sap_wq.bfd.fd > -1) {
- sap_close(ms);
- ms->sap_wq.bfd.fd = -1;
- }
- if (ms->deleting) {
- gsm_settings_exit(ms);
- llist_del(&ms->entity);
- talloc_free(ms);
- work = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- /* return, if a shutdown was scheduled (quit = 1) */
- *_quit = quit;
- return work;
-/* global exit */
-int l23_app_exit(void)
- osmo_signal_unregister_handler(SS_L1CTL, &gsm322_l1_signal, NULL);
- osmo_signal_unregister_handler(SS_L1CTL, &mobile_signal_cb, NULL);
- osmo_signal_unregister_handler(SS_GLOBAL, &global_signal_cb, NULL);
- osmo_gps_close();
- return 0;
-static struct vty_app_info vty_info = {
- .name = "OsmocomBB",
- .version = PACKAGE_VERSION,
- .go_parent_cb = ms_vty_go_parent,
-/* global init */
-int l23_app_init(int (*mncc_recv)(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int, void *),
- const char *config_file, uint16_t vty_port)
- struct telnet_connection dummy_conn;
- int rc = 0;
- mncc_recv_app = mncc_recv;
- osmo_gps_init();
- vty_init(&vty_info);
- ms_vty_init();
- dummy_conn.priv = NULL;
- vty_reading = 1;
- if (config_file != NULL) {
- rc = vty_read_config_file(config_file, &dummy_conn);
- if (rc < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse the config file:"
- " '%s'\n", config_file);
- fprintf(stderr, "Please check or create config file"
- " using: 'touch %s'\n", config_file);
- return rc;
- }
- }
- vty_reading = 0;
- telnet_init(l23_ctx, NULL, vty_port);
- if (rc < 0)
- return rc;
- printf("VTY available on port %u.\n", vty_port);
- osmo_signal_register_handler(SS_GLOBAL, &global_signal_cb, NULL);
- osmo_signal_register_handler(SS_L1CTL, &mobile_signal_cb, NULL);
- osmo_signal_register_handler(SS_L1CTL, &gsm322_l1_signal, NULL);
- if (llist_empty(&ms_list)) {
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- printf("No Mobile Station defined, creating: MS '1'\n");
- ms = mobile_new("1");
- if (ms)
- mobile_init(ms);
- }
- quit = 0;
- return 0;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/gsm322.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/gsm322.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bcf3c78..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/gsm322.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3697 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm48.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/signal.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/networks.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/vty.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/app_mobile.h>
-const char *ba_version = "osmocom BA V1\n";
-extern void *l23_ctx;
-static void gsm322_cs_timeout(void *arg);
-static void gsm322_cs_loss(void *arg);
-static int gsm322_cs_select(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int any, int plmn_allowed);
-static int gsm322_m_switch_on(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-#warning HACKING!!!
-int hack;
- * notes
- */
-/* Cell selection process
- *
- * The process depends on states and events (finites state machine).
- *
- * During states of cell selection or cell re-selection, the search for a cell
- * is performed in two steps:
- *
- * 1. Measurement of received level of all relevant frequencies (rx-lev)
- *
- * 2. Receive system information messages of all relevant frequencies
- *
- * During this process, the results are stored in a list of all frequencies.
- * This list is checked whenever a cell is selected. It depends on the results
- * if the cell is 'suitable' and 'allowable' to 'camp' on.
- *
- * This list is also used to generate a list of available networks.
- *
- * The states are:
- *
- * - cs->list[0..(1023+299)].xxx for each cell, where
- * - flags and rxlev are used to store outcome of cell scanning process
- * - sysinfo pointing to sysinfo memory, allocated temporarily
- * - cs->selected and cs->sel_* states of the current / last selected cell.
- *
- *
- * There is a special state: GSM322_PLMN_SEARCH
- * It is used to search for all cells, to find the HPLMN. This is triggered
- * by a timer. Also it is used before selecting PLMN from list.
- *
- */
-/* PLMN selection process
- *
- * The PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network = Operator's Network) has two different
- * search processes:
- *
- * 1. Automatic search
- *
- * 2. Manual search
- *
- * The process depends on states and events (finites state machine).
- *
- */
-/* File format of BA list:
- *
- * uint16_t mcc
- * uint16_t mcc
- * uint8_t freq[128+38];
- * where frequency 0 is bit 0 of first byte
- *
- * If not end-of-file, the next BA list is stored.
- */
-/* List of lists:
- *
- * * subscr->plmn_list
- *
- * The "PLMN Selector list" stores prefered networks to select during PLMN
- * search process. This list is also stored in the SIM.
- *
- * * subscr->plmn_na
- *
- * The "forbidden PLMNs" list stores all networks that rejected us. The stored
- * network will not be used when searching PLMN automatically. This list is
- * also stored din the SIM.
- *
- * * plmn->forbidden_la
- *
- * The "forbidden LAs for roaming" list stores all location areas where roaming
- * was not allowed.
- *
- * * cs->list[1024+299]
- *
- * This list stores measurements and cell informations during cell selection
- * process. It can be used to speed up repeated cell selection.
- *
- * * cs->ba_list
- *
- * This list stores a map of frequencies used for a PLMN. If this lists exists
- * for a PLMN, it helps to speedup cell scan process.
- *
- * * plmn->sorted_plmn
- *
- * This list is generated whenever a PLMN search is started and a list of PLMNs
- * is required. It consists of home PLMN, PLMN Selector list, and PLMNs found
- * during scan process.
- */
- * event messages
- */
-static const struct value_string gsm322_event_names[] = {
- { 0, NULL }
-const char *get_event_name(int value)
- return get_value_string(gsm322_event_names, value);
-/* allocate a 03.22 event message */
-struct msgb *gsm322_msgb_alloc(int msg_type)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct gsm322_msg *gm;
- msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(sizeof(*gm), 0, "GSM 03.22 event");
- if (!msg)
- return NULL;
- gm = (struct gsm322_msg *)msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*gm));
- gm->msg_type = msg_type;
- return msg;
-/* queue PLMN selection message */
-int gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- msgb_enqueue(&plmn->event_queue, msg);
- return 0;
-/* queue cell selection message */
-int gsm322_cs_sendmsg(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- msgb_enqueue(&cs->event_queue, msg);
- return 0;
- * support
- */
-uint16_t index2arfcn(int index)
- if (index >= 1024)
- return (index-1024+512) | ARFCN_PCS;
- return index;
-int arfcn2index(uint16_t arfcn)
- if ((arfcn & ARFCN_PCS))
- return (arfcn & 1023)-512+1024;
- return arfcn & 1023;
-char *gsm_print_rxlev(uint8_t rxlev)
- static char string[5];
- if (rxlev == 0)
- return "<=-110";
- if (rxlev >= 63)
- return ">=-48";
- sprintf(string, "-%d", 110 - rxlev);
- return string;
-static int gsm322_sync_to_cell(struct gsm322_cellsel *cs)
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = cs->ms;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = cs->si;
- struct rx_meas_stat *meas = &ms->meas;
- cs->ccch_state = GSM322_CCCH_ST_INIT;
- if (s && s->si3) {
- if (s->ccch_conf == 1) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Sync to ARFCN=%s rxlev=%s "
- "(Sysinfo, ccch mode COMB)\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(cs->arfcn),
- gsm_print_rxlev(cs->list[cs->arfci].rxlev));
- cs->ccch_mode = CCCH_MODE_COMBINED;
- } else {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Sync to ARFCN=%s rxlev=%s "
- "(Sysinfo, ccch mode NON-COMB)\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(cs->arfcn),
- gsm_print_rxlev(cs->list[cs->arfci].rxlev));
- cs->ccch_mode = CCCH_MODE_NON_COMBINED;
- }
- } else {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Sync to ARFCN=%s rxlev=%s (No sysinfo "
- "yet, ccch mode NONE)\n", gsm_print_arfcn(cs->arfcn),
- gsm_print_rxlev(cs->list[cs->arfci].rxlev));
- cs->ccch_mode = CCCH_MODE_NONE;
- }
- meas->frames = meas->snr = meas->berr = meas->rxlev = 0;
- l1ctl_tx_reset_req(ms, L1CTL_RES_T_FULL);
- return l1ctl_tx_fbsb_req(ms, cs->arfcn,
- L1CTL_FBSB_F_FB01SB, 100, 0,
- cs->ccch_mode);
-static void gsm322_unselect_cell(struct gsm322_cellsel *cs)
- cs->selected = 0;
- if (cs->si)
- cs->si->si5 = 0; /* unset SI5* */
- cs->si = NULL;
- memset(&cs->sel_si, 0, sizeof(cs->sel_si));
- cs->sel_mcc = cs->sel_mnc = cs->sel_lac = cs->sel_id = 0;
-/* print to DCS logging */
-static void print_dcs(void *priv, const char *fmt, ...)
- char buffer[1000];
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, fmt);
- vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, fmt, args);
- buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
- va_end(args);
- if (buffer[0])
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "%s", buffer);
-// printf("%s", buffer);
-/* del forbidden LA */
-int gsm322_del_forbidden_la(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t mcc,
- uint16_t mnc, uint16_t lac)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm322_la_list *la;
- llist_for_each_entry(la, &plmn->forbidden_la, entry) {
- if (la->mcc == mcc && la->mnc == mnc && la->lac == lac) {
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Delete from list of forbidden "
- "LAs (mcc=%s, mnc=%s, lac=%04x)\n",
- gsm_print_mcc(mcc), gsm_print_mnc(mnc), lac);
- llist_del(&la->entry);
- talloc_free(la);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return -EINVAL;
-/* add forbidden LA */
-int gsm322_add_forbidden_la(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t mcc,
- uint16_t mnc, uint16_t lac, uint8_t cause)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm322_la_list *la;
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Add to list of forbidden LAs "
- "(mcc=%s, mnc=%s, lac=%04x)\n", gsm_print_mcc(mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(mnc), lac);
- la = talloc_zero(l23_ctx, struct gsm322_la_list);
- if (!la)
- return -ENOMEM;
- la->mcc = mcc;
- la->mnc = mnc;
- la->lac = lac;
- la->cause = cause;
- llist_add_tail(&la->entry, &plmn->forbidden_la);
- return 0;
-/* search forbidden LA */
-int gsm322_is_forbidden_la(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t mcc, uint16_t mnc,
- uint16_t lac)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm322_la_list *la;
- llist_for_each_entry(la, &plmn->forbidden_la, entry) {
- if (la->mcc == mcc && la->mnc == mnc && la->lac == lac)
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-/* search for PLMN in all BA lists */
-static struct gsm322_ba_list *gsm322_find_ba_list(struct gsm322_cellsel *cs,
- uint16_t mcc, uint16_t mnc)
- struct gsm322_ba_list *ba, *ba_found = NULL;
- /* search for BA list */
- llist_for_each_entry(ba, &cs->ba_list, entry) {
- if (ba->mcc == mcc
- && ba->mnc == mnc) {
- ba_found = ba;
- break;
- }
- }
- return ba_found;
-/* search available PLMN */
-int gsm322_is_plmn_avail(struct gsm322_cellsel *cs, uint16_t mcc, uint16_t mnc)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- if (cs->list[i].sysinfo
- && cs->list[i].sysinfo->mcc == mcc
- && cs->list[i].sysinfo->mnc == mnc)
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-/* search available HPLMN */
-int gsm322_is_hplmn_avail(struct gsm322_cellsel *cs, char *imsi)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- if (cs->list[i].sysinfo
- && gsm_match_mnc(cs->list[i].sysinfo->mcc,
- cs->list[i].sysinfo->mnc, imsi))
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-/* del forbidden LA */
- * timer
- */
-/*plmn search timer event */
-static void plmn_timer_timeout(void *arg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = arg;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "HPLMN search timer has fired.\n");
- /* indicate PLMN selection T timeout */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_HPLMN_SEARCH);
- if (!nmsg)
- return;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(plmn->ms, nmsg);
-/* start plmn search timer */
-static void start_plmn_timer(struct gsm322_plmn *plmn, int secs)
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Starting HPLMN search timer with %d minutes.\n",
- secs / 60);
- plmn->timer.cb = plmn_timer_timeout;
- plmn-> = plmn;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&plmn->timer, secs, 0);
-/* stop plmn search timer */
-static void stop_plmn_timer(struct gsm322_plmn *plmn)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&plmn->timer)) {
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Stopping pending timer.\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&plmn->timer);
- }
-/* start cell selection timer */
-void start_cs_timer(struct gsm322_cellsel *cs, int sec, int micro)
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_DEBUG, "Starting CS timer with %d seconds.\n", sec);
- cs->timer.cb = gsm322_cs_timeout;
- cs-> = cs;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&cs->timer, sec, micro);
-/* stop cell selection timer */
-static void stop_cs_timer(struct gsm322_cellsel *cs)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&cs->timer)) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_DEBUG, "stopping pending CS timer.\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&cs->timer);
- }
- * state change
- */
-const char *plmn_a_state_names[] = {
- "A0 null",
- "A1 trying RPLMN",
- "A2 on PLMN",
- "A3 trying PLMN",
- "A4 wait for PLMN to appear",
- "A5 HPLMN search",
- "A6 no SIM inserted"
-const char *plmn_m_state_names[] = {
- "M0 null",
- "M1 trying RPLMN",
- "M2 on PLMN",
- "M3 not on PLMN",
- "M4 trying PLMN",
- "M5 no SIM inserted"
-const char *cs_state_names[] = {
- "C0 null",
- "C1 normal cell selection",
- "C2 stored cell selection",
- "C3 camped normally",
- "C4 normal cell re-selection",
- "C5 choose cell",
- "C6 any cell selection",
- "C7 camped on any cell",
- "C8 any cell re-selection",
- "C9 choose any cell",
- "PLMN search",
- "HPLMN search"
-/* new automatic PLMN search state */
-static void new_a_state(struct gsm322_plmn *plmn, int state)
- if (plmn->ms->settings.plmn_mode != PLMN_MODE_AUTO) {
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_FATAL, "not in auto mode, please fix!\n");
- return;
- }
- stop_plmn_timer(plmn);
- if (state < 0 || state >= (sizeof(plmn_a_state_names) / sizeof(char *)))
- return;
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "new state '%s' -> '%s'\n",
- plmn_a_state_names[plmn->state], plmn_a_state_names[state]);
- plmn->state = state;
-/* new manual PLMN search state */
-static void new_m_state(struct gsm322_plmn *plmn, int state)
- if (plmn->ms->settings.plmn_mode != PLMN_MODE_MANUAL) {
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_FATAL, "not in manual mode, please fix!\n");
- return;
- }
- if (state < 0 || state >= (sizeof(plmn_m_state_names) / sizeof(char *)))
- return;
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "new state '%s' -> '%s'\n",
- plmn_m_state_names[plmn->state], plmn_m_state_names[state]);
- plmn->state = state;
-/* new Cell selection state */
-static void new_c_state(struct gsm322_cellsel *cs, int state)
- if (state < 0 || state >= (sizeof(cs_state_names) / sizeof(char *)))
- return;
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "new state '%s' -> '%s'\n",
- cs_state_names[cs->state], cs_state_names[state]);
- /* stop cell selection timer, if running */
- stop_cs_timer(cs);
- /* stop scanning of power measurement */
- if (cs->powerscan) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "changing state while power scanning\n");
- l1ctl_tx_reset_req(cs->ms, L1CTL_RES_T_FULL);
- cs->powerscan = 0;
- }
- cs->state = state;
- * list of PLMNs
- */
-/* 4.4.3 create sorted list of PLMN
- *
- * the source of entries are
- *
- * - HPLMN
- * - entries found in the SIM's PLMN Selector list
- * - scanned PLMNs above -85 dB (random order)
- * - scanned PLMNs below or equal -85 (by received level)
- *
- * NOTE:
- *
- * The list only includes networks found at last scan.
- *
- * The list always contains HPLMN if available, even if not used by PLMN
- * search process at some conditions.
- *
- * The list contains all PLMNs even if not allowed, so entries have to be
- * removed when selecting from the list. (In case we use manual cell selection,
- * we need to provide non-allowed networks also.)
- */
-static int gsm322_sort_list(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm_sub_plmn_list *sim_entry;
- struct gsm_sub_plmn_na *na_entry;
- struct llist_head temp_list;
- struct gsm322_plmn_list *temp, *found;
- struct llist_head *lh, *lh2;
- int i, entries, move;
- int8_t search = 0;
- /* flush list */
- llist_for_each_safe(lh, lh2, &plmn->sorted_plmn) {
- llist_del(lh);
- talloc_free(lh);
- }
- /* Create a temporary list of all networks */
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&temp_list);
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- if (!(cs->list[i].flags & GSM322_CS_FLAG_TEMP_AA)
- || !cs->list[i].sysinfo)
- continue;
- /* search if network has multiple cells */
- found = NULL;
- llist_for_each_entry(temp, &temp_list, entry) {
- if (temp->mcc == cs->list[i].sysinfo->mcc
- && temp->mnc == cs->list[i].sysinfo->mnc) {
- found = temp;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* update or create */
- if (found) {
- if (cs->list[i].rxlev > found->rxlev)
- found->rxlev = cs->list[i].rxlev;
- } else {
- temp = talloc_zero(l23_ctx, struct gsm322_plmn_list);
- if (!temp)
- return -ENOMEM;
- temp->mcc = cs->list[i].sysinfo->mcc;
- temp->mnc = cs->list[i].sysinfo->mnc;
- temp->rxlev = cs->list[i].rxlev;
- llist_add_tail(&temp->entry, &temp_list);
- }
- }
- /* move Home PLMN, if in list, else add it */
- if (subscr->sim_valid) {
- found = NULL;
- llist_for_each_entry(temp, &temp_list, entry) {
- if (gsm_match_mnc(temp->mcc, temp->mnc, subscr->imsi)) {
- found = temp;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (found) {
- /* move */
- llist_del(&found->entry);
- llist_add_tail(&found->entry, &plmn->sorted_plmn);
- }
- }
- /* move entries if in SIM's PLMN Selector list */
- llist_for_each_entry(sim_entry, &subscr->plmn_list, entry) {
- found = NULL;
- llist_for_each_entry(temp, &temp_list, entry) {
- if (temp->mcc == sim_entry->mcc
- && temp->mnc == sim_entry->mnc) {
- found = temp;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (found) {
- llist_del(&found->entry);
- llist_add_tail(&found->entry, &plmn->sorted_plmn);
- }
- }
- /* move PLMN above -85 dBm in random order */
- entries = 0;
- llist_for_each_entry(temp, &temp_list, entry) {
- if (rxlev2dbm(temp->rxlev) > -85)
- entries++;
- }
- while(entries) {
- move = random() % entries;
- i = 0;
- llist_for_each_entry(temp, &temp_list, entry) {
- if (rxlev2dbm(temp->rxlev) > -85) {
- if (i == move) {
- llist_del(&temp->entry);
- llist_add_tail(&temp->entry,
- &plmn->sorted_plmn);
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- }
- entries--;
- }
- /* move ohter PLMN in decreasing order */
- while(1) {
- found = NULL;
- llist_for_each_entry(temp, &temp_list, entry) {
- if (!found
- || temp->rxlev > search) {
- search = temp->rxlev;
- found = temp;
- }
- }
- if (!found)
- break;
- llist_del(&found->entry);
- llist_add_tail(&found->entry, &plmn->sorted_plmn);
- }
- /* mark forbidden PLMNs, if in list of forbidden networks */
- i = 0;
- llist_for_each_entry(temp, &plmn->sorted_plmn, entry) {
- llist_for_each_entry(na_entry, &subscr->plmn_na, entry) {
- if (temp->mcc == na_entry->mcc
- && temp->mnc == na_entry->mnc) {
- temp->cause = na_entry->cause;
- break;
- }
- }
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Creating Sorted PLMN list. "
- "(%02d: mcc %s mnc %s allowed %s rx-lev %s)\n",
- i, gsm_print_mcc(temp->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(temp->mnc), (temp->cause) ? "no ":"yes",
- gsm_print_rxlev(temp->rxlev));
- i++;
- }
- gsm322_dump_sorted_plmn(ms);
- return 0;
- * handler for automatic search
- */
-/* go On PLMN state */
-static int gsm322_a_go_on_plmn(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- new_a_state(plmn, GSM322_A2_ON_PLMN);
- /* start timer, if on VPLMN of home country OR special case */
- if (!gsm_match_mnc(plmn->mcc, plmn->mnc, subscr->imsi)
- && (subscr->always_search_hplmn
- || gsm_match_mcc(plmn->mcc, subscr->imsi))
- && subscr->sim_valid && subscr->t6m_hplmn)
- start_plmn_timer(plmn, subscr->t6m_hplmn * 360);
- else
- stop_plmn_timer(plmn);
- return 0;
-/* indicate selected PLMN */
-static int gsm322_a_indicate_selected(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Selected Network: %s, %s\n",
- gsm_get_mcc(plmn->mcc), gsm_get_mnc(plmn->mcc, plmn->mnc));
- return gsm322_a_go_on_plmn(ms, msg);
-/* no (more) PLMN in list */
-static int gsm322_a_no_more_plmn(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- int found;
- /* any allowable PLMN available? */
- plmn->mcc = plmn->mnc = 0;
- found = gsm322_cs_select(ms, 0, 1);
- /* if no PLMN in list */
- if (found < 0) {
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Not any PLMN allowable.\n");
- new_a_state(plmn, GSM322_A4_WAIT_FOR_PLMN);
-#if 0
- /* we must forward this, otherwhise "Any cell selection"
- * will not start automatically.
- */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Trigger full PLMN search.\n");
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_PLMN_SEARCH_START);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* select first PLMN in list */
- plmn->mcc = cs->list[found].sysinfo->mcc;
- plmn->mnc = cs->list[found].sysinfo->mnc;
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "PLMN available (mcc=%s mnc=%s %s, %s)\n",
- gsm_print_mcc(plmn->mcc), gsm_print_mnc(plmn->mnc),
- gsm_get_mcc(plmn->mcc), gsm_get_mnc(plmn->mcc, plmn->mnc));
- /* indicate New PLMN */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_NEW_PLMN);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- /* go On PLMN */
- return gsm322_a_indicate_selected(ms, msg);
-/* select first PLMN in list */
-static int gsm322_a_sel_first_plmn(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm322_plmn_list *plmn_entry;
- struct gsm322_plmn_list *plmn_first = NULL;
- int i;
- /* generate list */
- gsm322_sort_list(ms);
- /* select first entry */
- i = 0;
- llist_for_each_entry(plmn_entry, &plmn->sorted_plmn, entry) {
- /* if last selected PLMN was HPLMN, we skip that */
- if (gsm_match_mnc(plmn_entry->mcc, plmn_entry->mnc,
- subscr->imsi)
- && plmn_entry->mcc == plmn->mcc
- && plmn_entry->mnc == plmn->mnc) {
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Skip HPLMN, because it was "
- "previously selected.\n");
- i++;
- continue;
- }
- /* select first allowed network */
- if (!plmn_entry->cause) {
- plmn_first = plmn_entry;
- break;
- }
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Skip PLMN (%02d: mcc=%s, mnc=%s), "
- "because it is not allowed (cause %d).\n", i,
- gsm_print_mcc(plmn_entry->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(plmn_entry->mnc),
- plmn_entry->cause);
- i++;
- }
- plmn->plmn_curr = i;
- /* if no PLMN in list */
- if (!plmn_first) {
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "No PLMN in list.\n");
- gsm322_a_no_more_plmn(ms, msg);
- return 0;
- }
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Selecting PLMN from list. (%02d: mcc=%s "
- "mnc=%s %s, %s)\n", plmn->plmn_curr,
- gsm_print_mcc(plmn_first->mcc), gsm_print_mnc(plmn_first->mnc),
- gsm_get_mcc(plmn_first->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(plmn_first->mcc, plmn_first->mnc));
- /* set current network */
- plmn->mcc = plmn_first->mcc;
- plmn->mnc = plmn_first->mnc;
- new_a_state(plmn, GSM322_A3_TRYING_PLMN);
- /* indicate New PLMN */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_NEW_PLMN);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-/* select next PLMN in list */
-static int gsm322_a_sel_next_plmn(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm322_plmn_list *plmn_entry;
- struct gsm322_plmn_list *plmn_next = NULL;
- int i, ii;
- /* select next entry from list */
- i = 0;
- ii = plmn->plmn_curr + 1;
- llist_for_each_entry(plmn_entry, &plmn->sorted_plmn, entry) {
- /* skip previously selected networks */
- if (i < ii) {
- i++;
- continue;
- }
- /* select next allowed network */
- if (!plmn_entry->cause) {
- plmn_next = plmn_entry;
- break;
- }
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Skip PLMN (%02d: mcc=%s, mnc=%s), "
- "because it is not allowed (cause %d).\n", i,
- gsm_print_mcc(plmn_entry->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(plmn_entry->mnc),
- plmn_entry->cause);
- i++;
- }
- plmn->plmn_curr = i;
- /* if no more PLMN in list */
- if (!plmn_next) {
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "No more PLMN in list.\n");
- gsm322_a_no_more_plmn(ms, msg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* set next network */
- plmn->mcc = plmn_next->mcc;
- plmn->mnc = plmn_next->mnc;
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Selecting PLMN from list. (%02d: mcc=%s "
- "mnc=%s %s, %s)\n", plmn->plmn_curr,
- gsm_print_mcc(plmn->mcc), gsm_print_mnc(plmn->mnc),
- gsm_get_mcc(plmn->mcc), gsm_get_mnc(plmn->mcc, plmn->mnc));
- new_a_state(plmn, GSM322_A3_TRYING_PLMN);
- /* indicate New PLMN */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_NEW_PLMN);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-/* User re-selection event */
-static int gsm322_a_user_resel(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_plmn_list *plmn_entry;
- struct gsm322_plmn_list *plmn_found = NULL;
- if (!subscr->sim_valid) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* try again later, if not idle */
- if (rr->state != GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE) {
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Not idle, rejecting.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- /* search current PLMN in list */
- llist_for_each_entry(plmn_entry, &plmn->sorted_plmn, entry) {
- if (plmn_entry->mcc == plmn->mcc
- && plmn_entry->mnc == plmn->mnc)
- plmn_found = plmn_entry;
- break;
- }
- /* abort if list is empty */
- if (!plmn_found) {
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Selected PLMN not in list, strange!\n");
- return 0;
- }
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Movin selected PLMN to the bottom of the list "
- "and restarting PLMN search process.\n");
- /* move entry to end of list */
- llist_del(&plmn_found->entry);
- llist_add_tail(&plmn_found->entry, &plmn->sorted_plmn);
- /* select first PLMN in list */
- return gsm322_a_sel_first_plmn(ms, msg);
-/* PLMN becomes available */
-static int gsm322_a_plmn_avail(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm322_msg *gm = (struct gsm322_msg *) msg->data;
- if (subscr->plmn_valid && subscr->plmn_mcc == gm->mcc
- && subscr->plmn_mnc == gm->mnc) {
- /* go On PLMN */
- plmn->mcc = gm->mcc;
- plmn->mnc = gm->mnc;
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "RPLMN became available.\n");
- return gsm322_a_go_on_plmn(ms, msg);
- } else {
- /* select first PLMN in list */
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "PLMN became available, start PLMN "
- "search process.\n");
- return gsm322_a_sel_first_plmn(ms, msg);
- }
-/* loss of radio coverage */
-static int gsm322_a_loss_of_radio(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- int found;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- /* any PLMN available */
- found = gsm322_cs_select(ms, 0, 1);
- /* if PLMN in list */
- if (found >= 0) {
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "PLMN available (mcc=%s mnc=%s "
- "%s, %s)\n", gsm_print_mcc(
- cs->list[found].sysinfo->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(cs->list[found].sysinfo->mnc),
- gsm_get_mcc(cs->list[found].sysinfo->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(cs->list[found].sysinfo->mcc,
- cs->list[found].sysinfo->mnc));
- return gsm322_a_sel_first_plmn(ms, msg);
- }
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "PLMN not available.\n");
- plmn->mcc = plmn->mnc = 0;
- new_a_state(plmn, GSM322_A4_WAIT_FOR_PLMN);
- /* Tell cell selection process to handle "no cell found". */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-/* MS is switched on OR SIM is inserted OR removed */
-static int gsm322_a_switch_on(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- if (!subscr->sim_valid) {
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "SIM is removed\n");
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "SIM is removed\n");
- new_a_state(plmn, GSM322_A6_NO_SIM);
- return 0;
- }
- /* if there is a registered PLMN */
- if (subscr->plmn_valid) {
- /* select the registered PLMN */
- plmn->mcc = subscr->plmn_mcc;
- plmn->mnc = subscr->plmn_mnc;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Start search of last registered PLMN "
- "(mcc=%s mnc=%s %s, %s)\n", gsm_print_mcc(plmn->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(plmn->mnc), gsm_get_mcc(plmn->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(plmn->mcc, plmn->mnc));
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Use RPLMN (mcc=%s mnc=%s "
- "%s, %s)\n", gsm_print_mcc(plmn->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(plmn->mnc), gsm_get_mcc(plmn->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(plmn->mcc, plmn->mnc));
- new_a_state(plmn, GSM322_A1_TRYING_RPLMN);
- /* indicate New PLMN */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_NEW_PLMN);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* initiate search at cell selection */
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Search for network\n");
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Switch on, start PLMN search first.\n");
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_PLMN_SEARCH_START);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-/* MS is switched off */
-static int gsm322_a_switch_off(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- new_a_state(plmn, GSM322_A0_NULL);
- return 0;
-static int gsm322_a_sim_insert(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "SIM already inserted when switched on.\n");
- return 0;
-/* SIM is removed */
-static int gsm322_a_sim_removed(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_msg *gm = (struct gsm322_msg *) msg->data;
- int msg_type = gm->msg_type;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- if (msg_type == GSM322_EVENT_INVALID_SIM) {
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "SIM not valid\n");
- }
- /* indicate SIM remove to cell selection process */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_SIM_REMOVE);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return gsm322_a_switch_on(ms, msg);
-/* location update response: "Roaming not allowed" */
-static int gsm322_a_roaming_na(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- /* store in list of forbidden LAs is done in gsm48* */
- return gsm322_a_sel_first_plmn(ms, msg);
-/* On VPLMN of home country and timeout occurs */
-static int gsm322_a_hplmn_search_start(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- /* try again later, if not idle and not camping */
- if (rr->state != GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE
- || cs->state != GSM322_C3_CAMPED_NORMALLY) {
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Not camping, wait some more.\n");
- start_plmn_timer(plmn, 60);
- return 0;
- }
- new_a_state(plmn, GSM322_A5_HPLMN_SEARCH);
- /* initiate search at cell selection */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_PLMN_SEARCH_START);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-/* manual mode selected */
-static int gsm322_a_sel_manual(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- /* restart state machine */
- gsm322_a_switch_off(ms, msg);
- ms->settings.plmn_mode = PLMN_MODE_MANUAL;
- gsm322_m_switch_on(ms, msg);
- nmsg = gsm48_mmevent_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MM_EVENT_USER_PLMN_SEL);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm48_mmevent_msg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- * handler for manual search
- */
-/* display PLMNs and to Not on PLMN */
-static int gsm322_m_display_plmns(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_msg *gm = (struct gsm322_msg *) msg->data;
- int msg_type = gm->msg_type;
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm_sub_plmn_list *temp;
- /* generate list */
- gsm322_sort_list(ms);
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- switch (msg_type) {
- vty_notify(ms, "Failed to register to network %s, %s "
- "(%s, %s)\n",
- gsm_print_mcc(plmn->mcc), gsm_print_mnc(plmn->mnc),
- gsm_get_mcc(plmn->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(plmn->mcc, plmn->mnc));
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, "No cell found for network %s, %s "
- "(%s, %s)\n",
- gsm_print_mcc(plmn->mcc), gsm_print_mnc(plmn->mnc),
- gsm_get_mcc(plmn->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(plmn->mcc, plmn->mnc));
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, "Roaming not allowed to network %s, %s "
- "(%s, %s)\n",
- gsm_print_mcc(plmn->mcc), gsm_print_mnc(plmn->mnc),
- gsm_get_mcc(plmn->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(plmn->mcc, plmn->mnc));
- break;
- }
- if (llist_empty(&plmn->sorted_plmn))
- vty_notify(ms, "Search network!\n");
- else {
- vty_notify(ms, "Search or select from network:\n");
- llist_for_each_entry(temp, &plmn->sorted_plmn, entry)
- vty_notify(ms, " Network %s, %s (%s, %s)\n",
- gsm_print_mcc(temp->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(temp->mnc),
- gsm_get_mcc(temp->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(temp->mcc, temp->mnc));
- }
- /* go Not on PLMN state */
- new_m_state(plmn, GSM322_M3_NOT_ON_PLMN);
- return 0;
-/* user starts reselection */
-static int gsm322_m_user_resel(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- if (!subscr->sim_valid) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* try again later, if not idle */
- if (rr->state != GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE) {
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Not idle, rejecting.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- /* initiate search at cell selection */
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Searching Network, please wait...\n");
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "User re-select, start PLMN search first.\n");
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_PLMN_SEARCH_START);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-/* MS is switched on OR SIM is inserted OR removed */
-static int gsm322_m_switch_on(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- if (!subscr->sim_valid) {
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "SIM is removed\n");
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Switch on without SIM.\n");
- new_m_state(plmn, GSM322_M5_NO_SIM);
- return 0;
- }
- /* if there is a registered PLMN */
- if (subscr->plmn_valid) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- /* select the registered PLMN */
- plmn->mcc = subscr->plmn_mcc;
- plmn->mnc = subscr->plmn_mnc;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Start search of last registered PLMN "
- "(mcc=%s mnc=%s %s, %s)\n", gsm_print_mcc(plmn->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(plmn->mnc), gsm_get_mcc(plmn->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(plmn->mcc, plmn->mnc));
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Use RPLMN (mcc=%s mnc=%s "
- "%s, %s)\n", gsm_print_mcc(plmn->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(plmn->mnc), gsm_get_mcc(plmn->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(plmn->mcc, plmn->mnc));
- new_m_state(plmn, GSM322_M1_TRYING_RPLMN);
- /* indicate New PLMN */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_NEW_PLMN);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* initiate search at cell selection */
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Search for network\n");
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Switch on, start PLMN search first.\n");
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Searching Network, please wait...\n");
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_PLMN_SEARCH_START);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-/* MS is switched off */
-static int gsm322_m_switch_off(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- stop_plmn_timer(plmn);
- new_m_state(plmn, GSM322_M0_NULL);
- return 0;
-static int gsm322_m_sim_insert(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "SIM already inserted when switched on.\n");
- return 0;
-/* SIM is removed */
-static int gsm322_m_sim_removed(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- stop_plmn_timer(plmn);
- /* indicate SIM remove to cell selection process */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_SIM_REMOVE);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return gsm322_m_switch_on(ms, msg);
-/* go to On PLMN state */
-static int gsm322_m_go_on_plmn(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- /* set last registered PLMN */
- subscr->plmn_valid = 1;
- subscr->plmn_mcc = plmn->mcc;
- subscr->plmn_mnc = plmn->mnc;
-#ifdef TODO
- store on sim
- new_m_state(plmn, GSM322_M2_ON_PLMN);
- return 0;
-/* indicate selected PLMN */
-static int gsm322_m_indicate_selected(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Selected Network: %s, %s\n",
- gsm_get_mcc(plmn->mcc), gsm_get_mnc(plmn->mcc, plmn->mnc));
- return gsm322_m_go_on_plmn(ms, msg);
-/* previously selected PLMN becomes available again */
-static int gsm322_m_plmn_avail(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- new_m_state(plmn, GSM322_M1_TRYING_RPLMN);
- if (cs->mcc != plmn->mcc || cs->mnc != plmn->mnc) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "PLMN available, but currently not "
- "selected, so start selection.\n");
- /* indicate New PLMN */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_NEW_PLMN);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- }
- return 0;
-/* the user has selected given PLMN */
-static int gsm322_m_choose_plmn(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm322_msg *gm = (struct gsm322_msg *) msg->data;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- /* use user selection */
- plmn->mcc = gm->mcc;
- plmn->mnc = gm->mnc;
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Selected Network: %s, %s\n",
- gsm_get_mcc(plmn->mcc), gsm_get_mnc(plmn->mcc, plmn->mnc));
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "User selects PLMN. (mcc=%s mnc=%s "
- "%s, %s)\n", gsm_print_mcc(plmn->mcc), gsm_print_mnc(plmn->mnc),
- gsm_get_mcc(plmn->mcc), gsm_get_mnc(plmn->mcc, plmn->mnc));
- /* if selected PLMN is in list of forbidden PLMNs */
- gsm_subscr_del_forbidden_plmn(subscr, plmn->mcc, plmn->mnc);
- new_m_state(plmn, GSM322_M4_TRYING_PLMN);
- /* indicate New PLMN */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_NEW_PLMN);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-/* auto mode selected */
-static int gsm322_m_sel_auto(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- /* restart state machine */
- gsm322_m_switch_off(ms, msg);
- ms->settings.plmn_mode = PLMN_MODE_AUTO;
- gsm322_a_switch_on(ms, msg);
- nmsg = gsm48_mmevent_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MM_EVENT_USER_PLMN_SEL);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm48_mmevent_msg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-/* if no cell is found in other states than in *_TRYING_* states */
-static int gsm322_am_no_cell_found(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- /* Tell cell selection process to handle "no cell found". */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- * cell scanning process
- */
-/* select a suitable and allowable cell */
-static int gsm322_cs_select(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int any, int plmn_allowed)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s;
- int i, found = -1, power = 0;
- uint8_t flags, mask;
- uint16_t acc_class;
- /* set out access class depending on the cell selection type */
- if (any) {
- acc_class = subscr->acc_class | 0x0400; /* add emergency */
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_DEBUG, "Select using access class with "
- "Emergency class.\n");
- } else {
- acc_class = subscr->acc_class;
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_DEBUG, "Select using access class \n");
- }
- /* flags to match */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_C2_STORED_CELL_SEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C5_CHOOSE_CELL)
- mask |= GSM322_CS_FLAG_BA;
- flags = mask; /* all masked flags are requied */
- /* loop through all scanned frequencies and select cell */
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- cs->list[i].flags &= ~GSM322_CS_FLAG_TEMP_AA;
- s = cs->list[i].sysinfo;
- /* channel has no informations for us */
- if (!s || (cs->list[i].flags & mask) != flags) {
- continue;
- }
- /* check C1 criteria not fullfilled */
- // TODO: C1 is also dependant on power class and max power
- if (rxlev2dbm(cs->list[i].rxlev) < s->rxlev_acc_min_db
- && !set->stick) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Skip ARFCN %s: C1 criteria "
- "not met. (rxlev %s < min %d)\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(i)),
- gsm_print_rxlev(cs->list[i].rxlev),
- s->rxlev_acc_min_db);
- continue;
- }
- /* if cell is barred and we don't override */
- if (!subscr->acc_barr
- && (cs->list[i].flags & GSM322_CS_FLAG_BARRED)) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Skip ARFCN %s: Cell is "
- "barred.\n", gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(i)));
- continue;
- }
- /* if cell is in list of forbidden LAs */
- if ((cs->list[i].flags & GSM322_CS_FLAG_FORBIDD)) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Skip ARFCN %s: Cell is in "
- "list of forbidden LAs. (mcc=%s mnc=%s "
- "lai=%04x)\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(i)),
- gsm_print_mcc(s->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(s->mnc), s->lac);
- continue;
- }
- /* if cell is in list of forbidden PLMNs */
- if (plmn_allowed && gsm_subscr_is_forbidden_plmn(subscr,
- s->mcc, s->mnc)) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Skip ARFCN %s: Cell is in "
- "list of forbidden PLMNs. (mcc=%s mnc=%s)\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(i)),
- gsm_print_mcc(s->mcc), gsm_print_mnc(s->mnc));
- continue;
- }
- /* if we have no access to the cell and we don't override */
- if (!subscr->acc_barr
- && !(acc_class & (s->class_barr ^ 0xffff))) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Skip ARFCN %s: Class is "
- "barred for out access. (access=%04x "
- "barred=%04x)\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(i)),
- acc_class, s->class_barr);
- continue;
- }
- /* store temporary available and allowable flag */
- cs->list[i].flags |= GSM322_CS_FLAG_TEMP_AA;
- /* if we search a specific PLMN, but it does not match */
- if (!any && cs->mcc && (cs->mcc != s->mcc
- || cs->mnc != s->mnc)) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Skip ARFCN %s: PLMN of cell "
- "does not match target PLMN. (mcc=%s "
- "mnc=%s)\n", gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(i)),
- gsm_print_mcc(s->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(s->mnc));
- continue;
- }
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Cell ARFCN %s: Cell found, (rxlev=%s "
- "mcc=%s mnc=%s lac=%04x %s, %s)\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(i)),
- gsm_print_rxlev(cs->list[i].rxlev),
- gsm_print_mcc(s->mcc), gsm_print_mnc(s->mnc), s->lac,
- gsm_get_mcc(s->mcc), gsm_get_mnc(s->mcc, s->mnc));
- /* find highest power cell */
- if (found < 0 || cs->list[i].rxlev > power) {
- power = cs->list[i].rxlev;
- found = i;
- }
- }
- if (found >= 0)
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Cell ARFCN %s selected.\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(found)));
- return found;
-/* tune to first/next unscanned frequency and search for PLMN */
-static int gsm322_cs_scan(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- int i;
- int j;
- uint8_t mask, flags;
- uint32_t weight = 0, test = cs->scan_state;
- /* search for strongest unscanned cell */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_C2_STORED_CELL_SEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C5_CHOOSE_CELL)
- mask |= GSM322_CS_FLAG_BA;
- flags = mask; /* all masked flags are requied */
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- /* skip if band has enough frequencies scanned (3.2.1) */
- for (j = 0; gsm_sup_smax[j].max; j++) {
- if (gsm_sup_smax[j].end > gsm_sup_smax[j].start) {
- if (gsm_sup_smax[j].start >= i
- && gsm_sup_smax[j].end <= i)
- break;
- } else {
- if (gsm_sup_smax[j].end <= i
- || gsm_sup_smax[j].start >= i)
- break;
- }
- }
- if (gsm_sup_smax[j].max) {
- if (gsm_sup_smax[j].temp == gsm_sup_smax[j].max)
- continue;
- }
- /* search for unscanned frequency */
- if ((cs->list[i].flags & mask) == flags) {
- /* weight depends on the power level
- * if it is the same, it depends on arfcn
- */
- test = cs->list[i].rxlev + 1;
- test = (test << 16) | i;
- if (test >= cs->scan_state)
- continue;
- if (test > weight)
- weight = test;
- }
- }
- cs->scan_state = weight;
- if (!weight)
- gsm322_dump_cs_list(cs, GSM322_CS_FLAG_SYSINFO, print_dcs,
- NULL);
- /* special case for PLMN search */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_PLMN_SEARCH && !weight) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- /* create AA flag */
- cs->mcc = cs->mnc = 0;
- gsm322_cs_select(ms, 0, 0);
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_C0_NULL);
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_PLMN_SEARCH_END);
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "PLMN search finished.\n");
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* special case for HPLMN search */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_HPLMN_SEARCH && !weight) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND);
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "HPLMN search finished, no cell.\n");
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_C3_CAMPED_NORMALLY);
- cs->arfcn = cs->sel_arfcn;
- cs->arfci = arfcn2index(cs->arfcn);
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Tuning back to frequency %s (rxlev "
- "%s).\n", gsm_print_arfcn(cs->arfcn),
- gsm_print_rxlev(cs->list[cs->arfci].rxlev));
- hack = 1;
- gsm322_sync_to_cell(cs);
- return 0;
- }
- /* if all frequencies have been searched */
- if (!weight) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
-#if 0
- int found, any = 0;
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "All frequencies scanned.\n");
- /* just see, if we search for any cell */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_C6_ANY_CELL_SEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C8_ANY_CELL_RESEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C9_CHOOSE_ANY_CELL)
- any = 1;
- found = gsm322_cs_select(ms, any, 0);
- /* if found */
- if (found >= 0) {
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Tune to frequency index %d.\n",
- found);
- /* tune */
- cs->arfci = found;
- cs->arfcn = index2arfcn(cs->arfci);
- cs->si = cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo;
- hack = 1;
- gsm322_sync_to_cell(cs);
- /* selected PLMN (manual) or any PLMN (auto) */
- switch (ms->settings.plmn_mode) {
- if (plmn->state == GSM322_A4_WAIT_FOR_PLMN) {
- /* PLMN becomes available */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- }
- break;
- if (plmn->state == GSM322_M3_NOT_ON_PLMN
- && gsm322_is_plmn_avail(cs, plmn->mcc,
- plmn->mnc)) {
- /* PLMN becomes available */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set selected cell */
- cs->selected = 1;
- cs->sel_arfcn = cs->arfcn;
- memcpy(&cs->sel_si, cs->si, sizeof(cs->sel_si));
- cs->sel_mcc = cs->si->mcc;
- cs->sel_mnc = cs->si->mnc;
- cs->sel_lac = cs->si->lac;
- cs->sel_id = cs->si->cell_id;
- /* tell CS process about available cell */
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Cell available.\n");
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_CELL_FOUND);
- } else {
- /* unset selected cell */
- gsm322_unselect_cell(cs);
- /* tell CS process about no cell available */
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "No cell available.\n");
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND);
-// }
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_c_event(ms, nmsg);
- msgb_free(nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* NOTE: We might already have system information from previous
- * scan. But we need recent informations, so we scan again!
- */
- /* Tune to frequency for a while, to receive broadcasts. */
- cs->arfci = weight & 0xffff;
- cs->arfcn = index2arfcn(cs->arfci);
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_DEBUG, "Scanning frequency %s (rxlev %s).\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(cs->arfcn),
- gsm_print_rxlev(cs->list[cs->arfci].rxlev));
- hack = 1;
- gsm322_sync_to_cell(cs);
- /* Allocate/clean system information. */
- cs->list[cs->arfci].flags &= ~GSM322_CS_FLAG_SYSINFO;
- if (cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo)
- memset(cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo, 0,
- sizeof(struct gsm48_sysinfo));
- else
- cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo = talloc_zero(l23_ctx,
- struct gsm48_sysinfo);
- if (!cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo)
- exit(-ENOMEM);
- cs->si = cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo;
- /* increase scan counter for each maximum scan range */
- if (gsm_sup_smax[j].max) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_DEBUG, "%d frequencies left in band %d..%d\n",
- gsm_sup_smax[j].max - gsm_sup_smax[j].temp,
- gsm_sup_smax[j].start, gsm_sup_smax[j].end);
- gsm_sup_smax[j].temp++;
- }
- return 0;
-/* check if cell is now suitable and allowable */
-static int gsm322_cs_store(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = cs->si;
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- int found, any = 0;
- if (cs->state != GSM322_C2_STORED_CELL_SEL
- && cs->state != GSM322_C1_NORMAL_CELL_SEL
- && cs->state != GSM322_C6_ANY_CELL_SEL
- && cs->state != GSM322_C4_NORMAL_CELL_RESEL
- && cs->state != GSM322_C8_ANY_CELL_RESEL
- && cs->state != GSM322_C5_CHOOSE_CELL
- && cs->state != GSM322_C9_CHOOSE_ANY_CELL
- && cs->state != GSM322_PLMN_SEARCH
- && cs->state != GSM322_HPLMN_SEARCH) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_FATAL, "This must only happen during cell "
- "(re-)selection, please fix!\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* store sysinfo */
- cs->list[cs->arfci].flags |= GSM322_CS_FLAG_SYSINFO;
- if (s->cell_barr
- && !(cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo && cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo->sp &&
- cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo->sp_cbq))
- cs->list[cs->arfci].flags |= GSM322_CS_FLAG_BARRED;
- else
- cs->list[cs->arfci].flags &= ~GSM322_CS_FLAG_BARRED;
-#if 0
- cs->list[cs->arfci].min_db = s->rxlev_acc_min_db;
- cs->list[cs->arfci].class_barr = s->class_barr;
- cs->list[cs->arfci].max_pwr = s->ms_txpwr_max_ccch;
- /* store selected network */
- if (s->mcc) {
-#if 0
- cs->list[cs->arfci].mcc = s->mcc;
- cs->list[cs->arfci].mnc = s->mnc;
- cs->list[cs->arfci].lac = s->lac;
- if (gsm322_is_forbidden_la(ms, s->mcc, s->mnc, s->lac))
- cs->list[cs->arfci].flags |= GSM322_CS_FLAG_FORBIDD;
- else
- cs->list[cs->arfci].flags &= ~GSM322_CS_FLAG_FORBIDD;
- }
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_DEBUG, "Scan frequency %s: Cell found. (rxlev %s "
- "mcc %s mnc %s lac %04x)\n", gsm_print_arfcn(cs->arfcn),
- gsm_print_rxlev(cs->list[cs->arfci].rxlev),
- gsm_print_mcc(s->mcc), gsm_print_mnc(s->mnc), s->lac);
- /* special case for PLMN search */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_PLMN_SEARCH)
- /* tune to next cell */
- return gsm322_cs_scan(ms);
- /* special case for HPLMN search */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_HPLMN_SEARCH) {
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- if (!gsm322_is_hplmn_avail(cs, subscr->imsi))
- /* tune to next cell */
- return gsm322_cs_scan(ms);
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_CELL_FOUND);
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "HPLMN search finished, cell found.\n");
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* just see, if we search for any cell */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_C6_ANY_CELL_SEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C8_ANY_CELL_RESEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C9_CHOOSE_ANY_CELL)
- any = 1;
- found = gsm322_cs_select(ms, any, 0);
- /* if not found */
- if (found < 0) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Cell not suitable and allowable.\n");
- /* tune to next cell */
- return gsm322_cs_scan(ms);
- }
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Tune to frequency %d.\n", found);
- /* tune */
- cs->arfci = found;
- cs->arfcn = index2arfcn(cs->arfci);
- cs->si = cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo;
- hack = 1;
- gsm322_sync_to_cell(cs);
- /* selected PLMN (manual) or any PLMN (auto) */
- switch (ms->settings.plmn_mode) {
- if (plmn->state == GSM322_A4_WAIT_FOR_PLMN) {
- /* PLMN becomes available */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_PLMN_AVAIL);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- }
- break;
- if (plmn->state == GSM322_M3_NOT_ON_PLMN
- && gsm322_is_plmn_avail(cs, plmn->mcc,
- plmn->mnc)) {
- /* PLMN becomes available */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_PLMN_AVAIL);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- }
- break;
- }
- /* set selected cell */
- cs->selected = 1;
- cs->sel_arfcn = cs->arfcn;
- memcpy(&cs->sel_si, cs->si, sizeof(cs->sel_si));
- cs->sel_mcc = cs->si->mcc;
- cs->sel_mnc = cs->si->mnc;
- cs->sel_lac = cs->si->lac;
- cs->sel_id = cs->si->cell_id;
- /* tell CS process about available cell */
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Cell available.\n");
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_CELL_FOUND);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_c_event(ms, nmsg);
- msgb_free(nmsg);
- return 0;
-/* process system information when returing to idle mode */
-struct gsm322_ba_list *gsm322_cs_sysinfo_sacch(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s;
- struct gsm322_ba_list *ba = NULL;
- int i, refer_pcs;
- uint8_t freq[128+38];
- if (!cs) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "No BA, because no cell selected\n");
- return ba;
- }
- s = cs->si;
- if (!s) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "No BA, because no sysinfo\n");
- return ba;
- }
- /* collect system information received during dedicated mode */
- if (s->si5 && (!s->nb_ext_ind_si5 || s->si5bis)) {
- /* find or create ba list */
- ba = gsm322_find_ba_list(cs, s->mcc, s->mnc);
- if (!ba) {
- ba = talloc_zero(l23_ctx, struct gsm322_ba_list);
- if (!ba)
- return NULL;
- ba->mcc = s->mcc;
- ba->mnc = s->mnc;
- llist_add_tail(&ba->entry, &cs->ba_list);
- }
- /* update (add) ba list */
- refer_pcs = gsm_refer_pcs(cs->arfcn, s);
- memset(freq, 0, sizeof(freq));
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023; i++) {
- if ((s->freq[i].mask & (FREQ_TYPE_SERV
- if (refer_pcs && i >= 512 && i <= 810)
- freq[(i-512+1024) >> 3] |= (1 << (i&7));
- else
- freq[i >> 3] |= (1 << (i & 7));
- }
- }
- if (!!memcmp(freq, ba->freq, sizeof(freq))) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "New BA list (mcc=%s mnc=%s "
- "%s, %s).\n", gsm_print_mcc(ba->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(ba->mnc), gsm_get_mcc(ba->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(ba->mcc, ba->mnc));
- memcpy(ba->freq, freq, sizeof(freq));
- }
- }
- return ba;
-/* store BA whenever a system informations changes */
-static int gsm322_store_ba_list(struct gsm322_cellsel *cs,
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s)
- struct gsm322_ba_list *ba;
- int i, refer_pcs;
- uint8_t freq[128+38];
- /* find or create ba list */
- ba = gsm322_find_ba_list(cs, s->mcc, s->mnc);
- if (!ba) {
- ba = talloc_zero(l23_ctx, struct gsm322_ba_list);
- if (!ba)
- return -ENOMEM;
- ba->mcc = s->mcc;
- ba->mnc = s->mnc;
- llist_add_tail(&ba->entry, &cs->ba_list);
- }
- /* update ba list */
- refer_pcs = gsm_refer_pcs(cs->arfcn, s);
- memset(freq, 0, sizeof(freq));
- freq[(cs->arfci) >> 3] |= (1 << (cs->arfci & 7));
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023; i++) {
- if ((s->freq[i].mask &
- if (refer_pcs && i >= 512 && i <= 810)
- freq[(i-512+1024) >> 3] |= (1 << (i & 7));
- else
- freq[i >> 3] |= (1 << (i & 7));
- }
- }
- if (!!memcmp(freq, ba->freq, sizeof(freq))) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "New BA list (mcc=%s mnc=%s "
- "%s, %s).\n", gsm_print_mcc(ba->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(ba->mnc), gsm_get_mcc(ba->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(ba->mcc, ba->mnc));
- memcpy(ba->freq, freq, sizeof(freq));
- }
- return 0;
-/* process system information during camping on a cell */
-static int gsm322_c_camp_sysinfo_bcch(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
-// struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = cs->si;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm322_msg *gm = (struct gsm322_msg *) msg->data;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
-#if 0
- if (rr->state != GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Ignoring in dedicated mode.\n");
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- /* Store BA if we have full system info about cells and neigbor cells.
- * Depending on the extended bit in the channel description,
- * we require more or less system informations about neighbor cells
- */
- if (s->mcc
- && s->mnc
- && (gm->sysinfo == GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_1
- || gm->sysinfo == GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_2
- || gm->sysinfo == GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_2bis
- || gm->sysinfo == GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_2ter)
- && s->si1
- && s->si2
- && (!s->nb_ext_ind_si2
- || (s->si2bis && s->nb_ext_ind_si2 && !s->nb_ext_ind_si2bis)
- || (s->si2bis && s->si2ter && s->nb_ext_ind_si2
- && s->nb_ext_ind_si2bis)))
- gsm322_store_ba_list(cs, s);
- /* update sel_si, if all relevant system informations received */
- if (s->si1 && s->si2 && s->si3
- && (!s->nb_ext_ind_si2
- || (s->si2bis && s->nb_ext_ind_si2 && !s->nb_ext_ind_si2bis)
- || (s->si2bis && s->si2ter && s->nb_ext_ind_si2
- && s->nb_ext_ind_si2bis))) {
- if (cs->selected) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Sysinfo of selected cell is "
- "updated.\n");
- memcpy(&cs->sel_si, s, sizeof(cs->sel_si));
- //gsm48_sysinfo_dump(s, print_dcs, NULL);
- }
- }
- /* check for barred cell */
- if (gm->sysinfo == GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_1) {
- /* check if cell becomes barred */
- if (!subscr->acc_barr && s->cell_barr
- && !(cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo
- && cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo->sp
- && cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo->sp_cbq)) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Cell becomes barred.\n");
- trigger_resel:
- /* mark cell as unscanned */
- cs->list[cs->arfci].flags &= ~GSM322_CS_FLAG_SYSINFO;
- if (cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "free sysinfo arfcn=%s\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(cs->arfcn));
- talloc_free(cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo);
- cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo = NULL;
- gsm322_unselect_cell(cs);
- }
- /* trigger reselection without queueing,
- * because other sysinfo message may be queued
- * before
- */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_CELL_RESEL);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_c_event(ms, nmsg);
- msgb_free(nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* check if cell access becomes barred */
- if (!((subscr->acc_class & 0xfbff)
- & (s->class_barr ^ 0xffff))) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Cell access becomes barred.\n");
- goto trigger_resel;
- }
- }
- /* check if MCC, MNC, LAC, cell ID changes */
- if (cs->sel_mcc != s->mcc || cs->sel_mnc != s->mnc
- || cs->sel_lac != s->lac) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_NOTICE, "Cell changes location area. "
- "This is not good!\n");
- goto trigger_resel;
- }
- if (cs->sel_id != s->cell_id) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_NOTICE, "Cell changes cell ID. "
- "This is not good!\n");
- goto trigger_resel;
- }
- return 0;
-/* process system information during channel scanning */
-static int gsm322_c_scan_sysinfo_bcch(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = cs->si;
- struct gsm322_msg *gm = (struct gsm322_msg *) msg->data;
- /* no sysinfo if we are not done with power scan */
- if (cs->powerscan) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Ignoring sysinfo during power scan.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* Store BA if we have full system info about cells and neigbor cells.
- * Depending on the extended bit in the channel description,
- * we require more or less system informations about neighbor cells
- */
- if (s->mcc
- && s->mnc
- && (gm->sysinfo == GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_1
- || gm->sysinfo == GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_2
- || gm->sysinfo == GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_2bis
- || gm->sysinfo == GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_2ter)
- && s->si1
- && s->si2
- && (!s->nb_ext_ind_si2 || s->si2bis)
- && (!s->si2ter_ind || s->si2ter))
- gsm322_store_ba_list(cs, s);
- /* all relevant system informations received */
- if (s->si1 && s->si2 && s->si3
- && (!s->nb_ext_ind_si2 || s->si2bis)
- && (!s->si2ter_ind || s->si2ter)) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_DEBUG, "Received relevant sysinfo.\n");
- /* stop timer */
- stop_cs_timer(cs);
- //gsm48_sysinfo_dump(s, print_dcs, NULL);
- /* store sysinfo and continue scan */
- return gsm322_cs_store(ms);
- }
- /* wait for more sysinfo or timeout */
- return 0;
-static void gsm322_cs_timeout(void *arg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = arg;
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = cs->ms;
- /* if we have no lock, we retry */
- if (cs->ccch_state != GSM322_CCCH_ST_SYNC)
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Cell selection failed, sync timeout.\n");
- else
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Cell selection failed, read timeout.\n");
- /* remove system information */
- cs->list[cs->arfci].flags &= ~GSM322_CS_FLAG_SYSINFO;
- if (cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_DEBUG, "free sysinfo arfcn=%s\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(cs->arfcn));
- talloc_free(cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo);
- cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo = NULL;
- gsm322_unselect_cell(cs);
- }
- /* tune to next cell */
- gsm322_cs_scan(ms);
- return;
- * power scan process
- */
-/* search for block of unscanned frequencies and start scanning */
-static int gsm322_cs_powerscan(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- int i, s = -1, e;
- uint8_t mask, flags;
- again:
- flags = GSM322_CS_FLAG_SUPPORT;
- /* in case of sticking to a cell, we only select it */
- if (set->stick) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_DEBUG, "Scanning power for sticked cell.\n");
- i = arfcn2index(set->stick_arfcn);
- if ((cs->list[i].flags & mask) == flags)
- s = e = i;
- } else {
- /* search for first frequency to scan */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_C2_STORED_CELL_SEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C5_CHOOSE_CELL) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_DEBUG, "Scanning power for stored BA "
- "list.\n");
- mask |= GSM322_CS_FLAG_BA;
- flags |= GSM322_CS_FLAG_BA;
- } else
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_DEBUG, "Scanning power for all "
- "frequencies.\n");
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- if ((cs->list[i].flags & mask) == flags) {
- s = e = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* if there is no more frequency, we can tune to that cell */
- if (s < 0) {
- int found = 0;
- /* stop power level scanning */
- cs->powerscan = 0;
- /* check if no signal is found */
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- if ((cs->list[i].flags & GSM322_CS_FLAG_SIGNAL))
- found++;
- }
- if (!found) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Found no frequency.\n");
- /* on normal cell selection, start over */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_C1_NORMAL_CELL_SEL) {
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- /* clear flag that this was scanned */
- cs->list[i].flags &=
- if (cs->list[i].sysinfo) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "free "
- "sysinfo arfcn=%s\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(
- index2arfcn(i)));
- talloc_free(
- cs->list[i].sysinfo);
- cs->list[i].sysinfo = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* no cell selected */
- gsm322_unselect_cell(cs);
- goto again;
- }
- /* on other cell selection, indicate "no cell found" */
- /* NOTE: PLMN search process handles it.
- * If not handled there, CS process gets indicated.
- * If we would continue to process CS, then we might get
- * our list of scanned cells disturbed.
- */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_PLMN_SEARCH)
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(
- else
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- /* if HPLMN search, select last frequency */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_HPLMN_SEARCH) {
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_C3_CAMPED_NORMALLY);
- cs->arfcn = cs->sel_arfcn;
- cs->arfci = arfcn2index(cs->arfcn);
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Tuning back to frequency "
- "%s (rxlev %s).\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(cs->arfcn),
- gsm_print_rxlev(
- cs->list[cs->arfci].rxlev));
- hack = 1;
- gsm322_sync_to_cell(cs);
- } else
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_C0_NULL);
- return 0;
- }
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Found %d frequencies.\n", found);
- cs->scan_state = 0xffffffff; /* higher than high */
- /* clear counter of scanned frequencies of each range */
- for (i = 0; gsm_sup_smax[i].max; i++)
- gsm_sup_smax[i].temp = 0;
- return gsm322_cs_scan(ms);
- }
- /* search last frequency to scan (en block) */
- e = i;
- if (!set->stick) {
- for (i = s + 1; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- if (i == 1024)
- break;
- if ((cs->list[i].flags & mask) == flags)
- e = i;
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_DEBUG, "Scanning frequencies. (%s..%s)\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(s)),
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(e)));
- /* start scan on radio interface */
- if (!cs->powerscan) {
- l1ctl_tx_reset_req(ms, L1CTL_RES_T_FULL);
- cs->powerscan = 1;
- }
-//#warning TESTING!!!!
- return l1ctl_tx_pm_req_range(ms, index2arfcn(s), index2arfcn(e));
-int gsm322_l1_signal(unsigned int subsys, unsigned int signal,
- void *handler_data, void *signal_data)
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs;
- struct osmobb_meas_res *mr;
- struct osmobb_fbsb_res *fr;
- int i;
- int8_t rxlev;
- if (subsys != SS_L1CTL)
- return 0;
- switch (signal) {
- case S_L1CTL_PM_RES:
- mr = signal_data;
- ms = mr->ms;
- cs = &ms->cellsel;
- if (!cs->powerscan)
- return -EINVAL;
- i = arfcn2index(mr->band_arfcn);
- rxlev = mr->rx_lev;
- if ((cs->list[i].flags & GSM322_CS_FLAG_POWER)) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_ERROR, "Getting PM for ARFCN %s "
- "twice. Overwriting the first! Please fix "
- "prim_pm.c\n", gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(i)));
- }
- cs->list[i].rxlev = rxlev;
- cs->list[i].flags |= GSM322_CS_FLAG_POWER;
- cs->list[i].flags &= ~GSM322_CS_FLAG_SIGNAL;
- /* if minimum level is reached or if we stick to a cell */
- if (rxlev2dbm(rxlev) >= ms->settings.min_rxlev_db
- || ms->settings.stick) {
- cs->list[i].flags |= GSM322_CS_FLAG_SIGNAL;
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Found signal (ARFCN %s "
- "rxlev %s (%d))\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(i)),
- gsm_print_rxlev(rxlev), rxlev);
- }
- break;
- case S_L1CTL_PM_DONE:
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_DEBUG, "Done with power scanning range.\n");
- ms = signal_data;
- cs = &ms->cellsel;
- if (!cs->powerscan)
- return -EINVAL;
- gsm322_cs_powerscan(ms);
- break;
- fr = signal_data;
- ms = fr->ms;
- cs = &ms->cellsel;
- if (cs->ccch_state == GSM322_CCCH_ST_INIT) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Channel synched. (ARFCN=%s, "
- "snr=%u, BSIC=%u)\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(cs->arfcn), fr->snr, fr->bsic);
- cs->ccch_state = GSM322_CCCH_ST_SYNC;
- if (cs->si)
- cs->si->bsic = fr->bsic;
-#if 0
- stop_cs_timer(cs);
- /* in dedicated mode */
- if (ms->rrlayer.state == GSM48_RR_ST_CONN_PEND)
- return gsm48_rr_tx_rand_acc(ms, NULL);
- /* set timer for reading BCCH */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_C2_STORED_CELL_SEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C1_NORMAL_CELL_SEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C6_ANY_CELL_SEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C4_NORMAL_CELL_RESEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C8_ANY_CELL_RESEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C5_CHOOSE_CELL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C9_CHOOSE_ANY_CELL
- || cs->state == GSM322_PLMN_SEARCH
- || cs->state == GSM322_HPLMN_SEARCH)
- start_cs_timer(cs, ms->support.scan_to, 0);
- // TODO: timer depends on BCCH config
- /* set downlink signalling failure criterion */
- ms->meas.ds_fail = ms->meas.dsc = ms->settings.dsc_max;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "using DSC of %d\n", ms->meas.dsc);
- }
- break;
- case S_L1CTL_FBSB_ERR:
-#if 0
- if (hack) {
- ms = signal_data;
- cs = &ms->cellsel;
- gsm322_sync_to_cell(cs);
- hack--;
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Channel sync error, try again\n");
- break;
- }
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Channel sync error.\n");
- ms = signal_data;
- cs = &ms->cellsel;
- stop_cs_timer(cs);
- if (cs->selected)
- gsm322_cs_loss(cs);
- else
- gsm322_cs_timeout(cs);
- break;
- case S_L1CTL_LOSS_IND:
- ms = signal_data;
- cs = &ms->cellsel;
- gsm322_cs_loss(cs);
- break;
- case S_L1CTL_RESET:
- ms = signal_data;
- if (ms->mmlayer.power_off_idle) {
- mobile_exit(ms, 1);
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-static void gsm322_cs_loss(void *arg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = arg;
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = cs->ms;
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Loss of CCCH.\n");
- if (cs->state == GSM322_C3_CAMPED_NORMALLY
- || cs->state == GSM322_C7_CAMPED_ANY_CELL) {
- if (rr->state == GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Loss of CCCH, Trigger "
- "re-selection.\n");
- /* unset selected cell */
- gsm322_unselect_cell(cs);
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_CELL_RESEL);
- if (!nmsg)
- return;
- gsm322_c_event(ms, nmsg);
- msgb_free(nmsg);
- } else {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Loss of SACCH, Trigger RR "
- "abort.\n");
- /* keep cell info for re-selection */
- gsm48_rr_los(ms);
- /* be shure that nothing else is done after here
- * because the function call above may cause
- * to return from idle state and trigger cell re-sel.
- */
- }
- }
- return;
- * handler for cell selection process
- */
-/* start PLMN search */
-static int gsm322_c_plmn_search(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- int i;
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_PLMN_SEARCH);
- /* mark all frequencies except our own BA to be scanned */
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- cs->list[i].flags &= ~(GSM322_CS_FLAG_POWER
- if (cs->list[i].sysinfo) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "free sysinfo ARFCN=%s\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(i)));
- talloc_free(cs->list[i].sysinfo);
- cs->list[i].sysinfo = NULL;
- gsm322_unselect_cell(cs);
- }
- }
- /* unset selected cell */
- gsm322_unselect_cell(cs);
- /* start power scan */
- return gsm322_cs_powerscan(ms);
-/* start HPLMN search */
-static int gsm322_c_hplmn_search(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- int i, sel_i = arfcn2index(cs->sel_arfcn);
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_HPLMN_SEARCH);
- /* mark all frequencies except our own BA to be scanned */
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- if (i != sel_i
- && (cs->list[i].flags & GSM322_CS_FLAG_SYSINFO)
- && !(cs->list[i].flags & GSM322_CS_FLAG_BA)) {
- cs->list[i].flags &= ~(GSM322_CS_FLAG_POWER
- if (cs->list[i].sysinfo) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "free sysinfo ARFCN=%s\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(i)));
- talloc_free(cs->list[i].sysinfo);
- cs->list[i].sysinfo = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- /* no cell selected */
- gsm322_unselect_cell(cs);
- /* start power scan */
- return gsm322_cs_powerscan(ms);
-/* start stored cell selection */
-static int gsm322_c_stored_cell_sel(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct gsm322_ba_list *ba)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- int i;
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_C2_STORED_CELL_SEL);
- /* flag all frequencies that are in current band allocation */
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- if ((ba->freq[i >> 3] & (1 << (i & 7))))
- cs->list[i].flags |= GSM322_CS_FLAG_BA;
- else
- cs->list[i].flags &= ~GSM322_CS_FLAG_BA;
- }
- /* unset selected cell */
- gsm322_unselect_cell(cs);
- /* start power scan */
- return gsm322_cs_powerscan(ms);
-/* start noraml cell selection */
-static int gsm322_c_normal_cell_sel(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- int i;
- /* except for stored cell selection state, we weed to rescan ?? */
- if (cs->state != GSM322_C2_STORED_CELL_SEL) {
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- cs->list[i].flags &= ~(GSM322_CS_FLAG_POWER
- if (cs->list[i].sysinfo) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "free sysinfo ARFCN=%s\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(i)));
- talloc_free(cs->list[i].sysinfo);
- cs->list[i].sysinfo = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_C1_NORMAL_CELL_SEL);
- /* unset selected cell */
- gsm322_unselect_cell(cs);
- /* start power scan */
- return gsm322_cs_powerscan(ms);
-/* start any cell selection */
-static int gsm322_c_any_cell_sel(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- /* in case we already tried any cell (re-)selection, power scan again */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_C0_NULL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C6_ANY_CELL_SEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C8_ANY_CELL_RESEL) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- cs->list[i].flags &= ~(GSM322_CS_FLAG_POWER
- if (cs->list[i].sysinfo) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "free sysinfo ARFCN=%s\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(i)));
- talloc_free(cs->list[i].sysinfo);
- cs->list[i].sysinfo = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- /* after re-selection, indicate no cell found */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_C6_ANY_CELL_SEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C8_ANY_CELL_RESEL) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- /* tell that we have no cell found */
- nmsg = gsm48_mmevent_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MM_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm48_mmevent_msg(ms, nmsg);
- } else {
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_C6_ANY_CELL_SEL);
- }
- cs->mcc = cs->mnc = 0;
- /* unset selected cell */
- gsm322_unselect_cell(cs);
- /* start power scan */
- return gsm322_cs_powerscan(ms);
-/* start noraml cell re-selection */
-static int gsm322_c_normal_cell_resel(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_C4_NORMAL_CELL_RESEL);
- /* NOTE: We keep our scan info we have so far.
- * This may cause a skip in power scan. */
- /* start power scan */
- return gsm322_cs_powerscan(ms);
-/* start any cell re-selection */
-static int gsm322_c_any_cell_resel(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_C8_ANY_CELL_RESEL);
- /* NOTE: We keep our scan info we have so far.
- * This may cause a skip in power scan. */
- /* start power scan */
- return gsm322_cs_powerscan(ms);
-/* a suitable cell was found, so we camp normally */
-static int gsm322_c_camp_normally(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Camping normally on cell (ARFCN=%s mcc=%s "
- "mnc=%s %s, %s)\n", gsm_print_arfcn(cs->sel_arfcn),
- gsm_print_mcc(cs->sel_mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(cs->sel_mnc), gsm_get_mcc(cs->sel_mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(cs->sel_mcc, cs->sel_mnc));
- /* tell that we have selected a (new) cell */
- nmsg = gsm48_mmevent_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MM_EVENT_CELL_SELECTED);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm48_mmevent_msg(ms, nmsg);
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_C3_CAMPED_NORMALLY);
- return 0;
-/* a not suitable cell was found, so we camp on any cell */
-static int gsm322_c_camp_any_cell(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Camping on any cell (ARFCN=%s mcc=%s "
- "mnc=%s %s, %s)\n", gsm_print_arfcn(cs->sel_arfcn),
- gsm_print_mcc(cs->sel_mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(cs->sel_mnc), gsm_get_mcc(cs->sel_mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(cs->sel_mcc, cs->sel_mnc));
- /* tell that we have selected a (new) cell */
- nmsg = gsm48_mmevent_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MM_EVENT_CELL_SELECTED);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm48_mmevent_msg(ms, nmsg);
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_C7_CAMPED_ANY_CELL);
- return 0;
-/* create temporary ba range with given frequency ranges */
-struct gsm322_ba_list *gsm322_cs_ba_range(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- uint32_t *range, uint8_t ranges, uint8_t refer_pcs)
- static struct gsm322_ba_list ba;
- int lower, higher;
- memset(&ba, 0, sizeof(ba));
- while(ranges--) {
- lower = *range & 1023;
- higher = (*range >> 16) & 1023;
- if (refer_pcs && lower >= 512 && lower <= 810) {
- if (higher < 512 || higher > 810 || higher < lower) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_NOTICE, "Illegal PCS range: "
- "%d..%d\n", lower, higher);
- range++;
- continue;
- }
- lower += 1024-512;
- higher += 1024-512;
- }
- range++;
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Use BA range: %s..%s\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(lower)),
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(higher)));
- /* GSM 05.08 6.3 */
- while (1) {
- ba.freq[lower >> 3] |= 1 << (lower & 7);
- if (lower == higher)
- break;
- lower++;
- /* wrap arround, only if not PCS */
- if (lower == 1024)
- lower = 0;
- }
- }
- return &ba;
-/* common part of gsm322_c_choose_cell and gsm322_c_choose_any_cell */
-static int gsm322_cs_choose(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_ba_list *ba = NULL;
- int i;
- /* NOTE: The call to this function is synchron to RR layer, so
- * we may access the BA range there.
- */
- if (rr->ba_ranges)
- ba = gsm322_cs_ba_range(ms, rr->ba_range, rr->ba_ranges,
- gsm_refer_pcs(cs->sel_arfcn, &cs->sel_si));
- else {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "No BA range(s), try sysinfo.\n");
- /* get and update BA of last received sysinfo 5* */
- ba = gsm322_cs_sysinfo_sacch(ms);
- if (!ba) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "No BA on sysinfo, try stored "
- "BA list.\n");
- ba = gsm322_find_ba_list(cs, cs->sel_si.mcc,
- cs->sel_si.mnc);
- }
- }
- if (!ba) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "No BA list to use.\n");
- /* tell CS to start over */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_c_event(ms, nmsg);
- msgb_free(nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* flag all frequencies that are in current band allocation */
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- if (cs->state == GSM322_C5_CHOOSE_CELL) {
- if ((ba->freq[i >> 3] & (1 << (i & 7)))) {
- cs->list[i].flags |= GSM322_CS_FLAG_BA;
- } else {
- cs->list[i].flags &= ~GSM322_CS_FLAG_BA;
- }
- }
- cs->list[i].flags &= ~(GSM322_CS_FLAG_POWER
- if (cs->list[i].sysinfo) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "free sysinfo ARFCN=%s\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(i)));
- talloc_free(cs->list[i].sysinfo);
- cs->list[i].sysinfo = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* unset selected cell */
- gsm322_unselect_cell(cs);
- /* start power scan */
- return gsm322_cs_powerscan(ms);
-/* start 'Choose cell' after returning to idle mode */
-static int gsm322_c_choose_cell(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm322_msg *gm = (struct gsm322_msg *) msg->data;
- /* After location updating, we choose the last cell */
- if (gm->same_cell) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- if (!cs->selected) {
- printf("No cell selected when ret.idle, please fix!\n");
- exit(0L);
- }
- cs->arfcn = cs->sel_arfcn;
- cs->arfci = arfcn2index(cs->arfcn);
- /* be sure to go to current camping frequency on return */
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Selecting ARFCN %s. after LOC.UPD.\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(cs->arfcn));
- hack = 1;
- gsm322_sync_to_cell(cs);
- cs->si = cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo;
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_C3_CAMPED_NORMALLY);
- /* tell that we have selected the cell, so RR returns IDLE */
- nmsg = gsm48_mmevent_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MM_EVENT_CELL_SELECTED);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm48_mmevent_msg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_C5_CHOOSE_CELL);
- return gsm322_cs_choose(ms);
-/* start 'Choose any cell' after returning to idle mode */
-static int gsm322_c_choose_any_cell(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_C9_CHOOSE_ANY_CELL);
- return gsm322_cs_choose(ms);
-/* a new PLMN is selected by PLMN search process */
-static int gsm322_c_new_plmn(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm322_ba_list *ba;
- cs->mcc = plmn->mcc;
- cs->mnc = plmn->mnc;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Selecting network (mcc=%s "
- "mnc=%s %s, %s)\n", gsm_print_mcc(cs->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(cs->mnc), gsm_get_mcc(cs->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(cs->mcc, cs->mnc));
- /* search for BA list */
- ba = gsm322_find_ba_list(cs, plmn->mcc, plmn->mnc);
- if (ba) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Start stored cell selection.\n");
- return gsm322_c_stored_cell_sel(ms, ba);
- } else {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Start normal cell selection.\n");
- return gsm322_c_normal_cell_sel(ms, msg);
- }
-/* go connected mode */
-static int gsm322_c_conn_mode_1(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- /* check for error */
- if (!cs->selected)
- return -EINVAL;
- cs->arfcn = cs->sel_arfcn;
- cs->arfci = arfcn2index(cs->arfcn);
- /* be sure to go to current camping frequency on return */
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Going to camping (normal) ARFCN %s.\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(cs->arfcn));
- hack = 1;
- gsm322_sync_to_cell(cs);
- cs->si = cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo;
- return 0;
-static int gsm322_c_conn_mode_2(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- /* check for error */
- if (!cs->selected)
- return -EINVAL;
- cs->arfcn = cs->sel_arfcn;
- cs->arfci = arfcn2index(cs->arfcn);
- /* be sure to go to current camping frequency on return */
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Going to camping (any cell) ARFCN %s.\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(cs->arfcn));
- hack = 1;
- gsm322_sync_to_cell(cs);
- cs->si = cs->list[cs->arfci].sysinfo;
- return 0;
-/* switch on */
-static int gsm322_c_switch_on(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- /* if no SIM is is MS */
- if (!subscr->sim_valid) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Switch on without SIM.\n");
- return gsm322_c_any_cell_sel(ms, msg);
- }
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Switch on with SIM inserted.\n");
- /* stay in NULL state until PLMN is selected */
- return 0;
- * state machines
- */
-/* state machine for automatic PLMN selection events */
-static struct plmnastatelist {
- uint32_t states;
- int type;
- int (*rout) (struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-} plmnastatelist[] = {
- {SBIT(GSM322_A0_NULL),
- GSM322_EVENT_SWITCH_ON, gsm322_a_switch_on},
- /* special case for full search */
- {SBIT(GSM322_A0_NULL),
- GSM322_EVENT_PLMN_SEARCH_END, gsm322_a_sel_first_plmn},
- GSM322_EVENT_SWITCH_OFF, gsm322_a_switch_off},
- GSM322_EVENT_SIM_INSERT, gsm322_a_switch_on},
- GSM322_EVENT_SIM_INSERT, gsm322_a_sim_insert},
- GSM322_EVENT_SIM_REMOVE, gsm322_a_sim_removed},
- GSM322_EVENT_INVALID_SIM, gsm322_a_sim_removed},
- GSM322_EVENT_REG_FAILED, gsm322_a_sel_first_plmn},
- GSM322_EVENT_ROAMING_NA, gsm322_a_sel_first_plmn},
- GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND, gsm322_a_sel_first_plmn},
- GSM322_EVENT_REG_SUCCESS, gsm322_a_indicate_selected},
- GSM322_EVENT_ROAMING_NA, gsm322_a_roaming_na},
- GSM322_EVENT_HPLMN_SEARCH, gsm322_a_hplmn_search_start},
- GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND, gsm322_a_loss_of_radio},
- GSM322_EVENT_USER_RESEL, gsm322_a_user_resel},
- GSM322_EVENT_REG_FAILED, gsm322_a_sel_next_plmn},
- GSM322_EVENT_ROAMING_NA, gsm322_a_sel_next_plmn},
- GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND, gsm322_a_sel_next_plmn},
- GSM322_EVENT_CELL_FOUND, gsm322_a_sel_first_plmn},
- GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND, gsm322_a_go_on_plmn},
- GSM322_EVENT_PLMN_AVAIL, gsm322_a_plmn_avail},
- GSM322_EVENT_PLMN_SEARCH_END, gsm322_a_plmn_avail},
- GSM322_EVENT_SEL_MANUAL, gsm322_a_sel_manual},
- GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND, gsm322_am_no_cell_found},
-#define PLMNASLLEN \
- (sizeof(plmnastatelist) / sizeof(struct plmnastatelist))
-static int gsm322_a_event(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm322_msg *gm = (struct gsm322_msg *) msg->data;
- int msg_type = gm->msg_type;
- int rc;
- int i;
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) Event '%s' for automatic PLMN "
- "selection in state '%s'\n", ms->name, get_event_name(msg_type),
- plmn_a_state_names[plmn->state]);
- /* find function for current state and message */
- for (i = 0; i < PLMNASLLEN; i++)
- if ((msg_type == plmnastatelist[i].type)
- && ((1 << plmn->state) & plmnastatelist[i].states))
- break;
- if (i == PLMNASLLEN) {
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_NOTICE, "Event unhandled at this state.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- rc = plmnastatelist[i].rout(ms, msg);
- return rc;
-/* state machine for manual PLMN selection events */
-static struct plmnmstatelist {
- uint32_t states;
- int type;
- int (*rout) (struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-} plmnmstatelist[] = {
- {SBIT(GSM322_M0_NULL),
- GSM322_EVENT_SWITCH_ON, gsm322_m_switch_on},
- GSM322_EVENT_PLMN_SEARCH_END, gsm322_m_display_plmns},
- GSM322_EVENT_SWITCH_OFF, gsm322_m_switch_off},
- GSM322_EVENT_SIM_INSERT, gsm322_m_switch_on},
- GSM322_EVENT_SIM_INSERT, gsm322_m_sim_insert},
- GSM322_EVENT_SIM_REMOVE, gsm322_m_sim_removed},
- GSM322_EVENT_REG_FAILED, gsm322_m_display_plmns},
- GSM322_EVENT_ROAMING_NA, gsm322_m_display_plmns},
- GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND, gsm322_m_display_plmns},
- GSM322_EVENT_REG_SUCCESS, gsm322_m_indicate_selected},
- GSM322_EVENT_ROAMING_NA, gsm322_m_display_plmns},
- GSM322_EVENT_INVALID_SIM, gsm322_m_sim_removed},
- GSM322_EVENT_USER_RESEL, gsm322_m_user_resel},
- GSM322_EVENT_PLMN_AVAIL, gsm322_m_plmn_avail},
- GSM322_EVENT_CHOOSE_PLMN, gsm322_m_choose_plmn},
- GSM322_EVENT_REG_SUCCESS, gsm322_m_go_on_plmn},
- GSM322_EVENT_REG_FAILED, gsm322_m_display_plmns},
- GSM322_EVENT_ROAMING_NA, gsm322_m_display_plmns},
- GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND, gsm322_m_display_plmns},
- GSM322_EVENT_SEL_AUTO, gsm322_m_sel_auto},
- GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND, gsm322_am_no_cell_found},
-#define PLMNMSLLEN \
- (sizeof(plmnmstatelist) / sizeof(struct plmnmstatelist))
-static int gsm322_m_event(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm322_msg *gm = (struct gsm322_msg *) msg->data;
- int msg_type = gm->msg_type;
- int rc;
- int i;
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) Event '%s' for manual PLMN selection "
- "in state '%s'\n", ms->name, get_event_name(msg_type),
- plmn_m_state_names[plmn->state]);
- /* find function for current state and message */
- for (i = 0; i < PLMNMSLLEN; i++)
- if ((msg_type == plmnmstatelist[i].type)
- && ((1 << plmn->state) & plmnmstatelist[i].states))
- break;
- if (i == PLMNMSLLEN) {
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_NOTICE, "Event unhandled at this state.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- rc = plmnmstatelist[i].rout(ms, msg);
- return rc;
-/* dequeue GSM 03.22 PLMN events */
-int gsm322_plmn_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct msgb *msg;
- int work = 0;
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&plmn->event_queue))) {
- /* send event to PLMN select process */
- if (ms->settings.plmn_mode == PLMN_MODE_AUTO)
- gsm322_a_event(ms, msg);
- else
- gsm322_m_event(ms, msg);
- msgb_free(msg);
- work = 1; /* work done */
- }
- return work;
-/* state machine for channel selection events */
-static struct cellselstatelist {
- uint32_t states;
- int type;
- int (*rout) (struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-} cellselstatelist[] = {
- GSM322_EVENT_SWITCH_ON, gsm322_c_switch_on},
- GSM322_EVENT_SIM_REMOVE, gsm322_c_any_cell_sel},
- GSM322_EVENT_NEW_PLMN, gsm322_c_new_plmn},
- GSM322_EVENT_PLMN_SEARCH_START, gsm322_c_plmn_search},
- GSM322_EVENT_CELL_FOUND, gsm322_c_camp_normally},
- GSM322_EVENT_CELL_FOUND, gsm322_c_camp_any_cell},
- GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND, gsm322_c_any_cell_sel},
- GSM322_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND, gsm322_c_normal_cell_sel},
- GSM322_EVENT_LEAVE_IDLE, gsm322_c_conn_mode_1},
- GSM322_EVENT_LEAVE_IDLE, gsm322_c_conn_mode_2},
- GSM322_EVENT_RET_IDLE, gsm322_c_choose_cell},
- GSM322_EVENT_RET_IDLE, gsm322_c_choose_any_cell},
- GSM322_EVENT_CELL_RESEL, gsm322_c_normal_cell_resel},
- GSM322_EVENT_CELL_RESEL, gsm322_c_any_cell_resel},
- GSM322_EVENT_CELL_FOUND, gsm322_c_normal_cell_sel},
- GSM322_EVENT_SYSINFO, gsm322_c_scan_sysinfo_bcch},
- GSM322_EVENT_SYSINFO, gsm322_c_camp_sysinfo_bcch},
- GSM322_EVENT_HPLMN_SEARCH, gsm322_c_hplmn_search},
- (sizeof(cellselstatelist) / sizeof(struct cellselstatelist))
-int gsm322_c_event(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm322_msg *gm = (struct gsm322_msg *) msg->data;
- int msg_type = gm->msg_type;
- int rc;
- int i;
- if (msg_type != GSM322_EVENT_SYSINFO)
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) Event '%s' for Cell selection "
- "in state '%s'\n", ms->name, get_event_name(msg_type),
- cs_state_names[cs->state]);
- /* find function for current state and message */
- for (i = 0; i < CELLSELSLLEN; i++)
- if ((msg_type == cellselstatelist[i].type)
- && ((1 << cs->state) & cellselstatelist[i].states))
- break;
- if (i == CELLSELSLLEN) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_NOTICE, "Event unhandled at this state.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- rc = cellselstatelist[i].rout(ms, msg);
- return rc;
-/* dequeue GSM 03.22 cell selection events */
-int gsm322_cs_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct msgb *msg;
- int work = 0;
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&cs->event_queue))) {
- /* send event to cell selection process */
- gsm322_c_event(ms, msg);
- msgb_free(msg);
- work = 1; /* work done */
- }
- return work;
- * dump lists
- */
-int gsm322_dump_sorted_plmn(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm322_plmn_list *temp;
- printf("MCC |MNC |allowed|rx-lev\n");
- printf("-------+-------+-------+-------\n");
- llist_for_each_entry(temp, &plmn->sorted_plmn, entry) {
- printf("%s |%s%s |%s |%s\n", gsm_print_mcc(temp->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(temp->mnc),
- ((temp->mnc & 0x00f) == 0x00f) ? " ":"",
- (temp->cause) ? "no ":"yes",
- gsm_print_rxlev(temp->rxlev));
- }
- return 0;
-int gsm322_dump_cs_list(struct gsm322_cellsel *cs, uint8_t flags,
- void (*print)(void *, const char *, ...), void *priv)
- int i;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s;
- print(priv, "ARFCN |MCC |MNC |LAC |cell ID|forb.LA|prio |"
- "min-db |max-pwr|rx-lev\n");
- print(priv, "-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+"
- "-------+-------+-------\n");
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- s = cs->list[i].sysinfo;
- if (!s || !(cs->list[i].flags & flags))
- continue;
- if (i >= 1024)
- print(priv, "%4dPCS|", i-1024+512);
- else if (i >= 512 && i <= 885)
- print(priv, "%4dDCS|", i);
- else
- print(priv, "%4d |", i);
- if ((cs->list[i].flags & GSM322_CS_FLAG_SYSINFO)) {
- print(priv, "%s |%s%s |", gsm_print_mcc(s->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(s->mnc),
- ((s->mnc & 0x00f) == 0x00f) ? " ":"");
- print(priv, "0x%04x |0x%04x |", s->lac, s->cell_id);
- if ((cs->list[i].flags & GSM322_CS_FLAG_FORBIDD))
- print(priv, "yes |");
- else
- print(priv, "no |");
- if ((cs->list[i].flags & GSM322_CS_FLAG_BARRED))
- print(priv, "barred |");
- else {
- if (cs->list[i].sysinfo->cell_barr)
- print(priv, "low |");
- else
- print(priv, "normal |");
- }
- print(priv, "%4d |%4d |%s\n", s->rxlev_acc_min_db,
- s->ms_txpwr_max_cch,
- gsm_print_rxlev(cs->list[i].rxlev));
- } else
- print(priv, "n/a |n/a |n/a |n/a |n/a |"
- "n/a |n/a |n/a\n");
- }
- print(priv, "\n");
- return 0;
-int gsm322_dump_forbidden_la(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- void (*print)(void *, const char *, ...), void *priv)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm322_la_list *temp;
- print(priv, "MCC |MNC |LAC |cause\n");
- print(priv, "-------+-------+-------+-------\n");
- llist_for_each_entry(temp, &plmn->forbidden_la, entry)
- print(priv, "%s |%s%s |0x%04x |#%d\n",
- gsm_print_mcc(temp->mcc), gsm_print_mnc(temp->mnc),
- ((temp->mnc & 0x00f) == 0x00f) ? " ":"",
- temp->lac, temp->cause);
- return 0;
-int gsm322_dump_ba_list(struct gsm322_cellsel *cs, uint16_t mcc, uint16_t mnc,
- void (*print)(void *, const char *, ...), void *priv)
- struct gsm322_ba_list *ba;
- int i;
- llist_for_each_entry(ba, &cs->ba_list, entry) {
- if (mcc && mnc && (mcc != ba->mcc || mnc != ba->mnc))
- continue;
- print(priv, "Band Allocation of network: MCC %s MNC %s "
- "(%s, %s)\n", gsm_print_mcc(ba->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(ba->mnc), gsm_get_mcc(ba->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(ba->mcc, ba->mnc));
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- if ((ba->freq[i >> 3] & (1 << (i & 7))))
- print(priv, " %s",
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(i)));
- }
- print(priv, "\n");
- }
- return 0;
- * initialization
- */
-int gsm322_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- FILE *fp;
- char filename[PATH_MAX];
- int i;
- struct gsm322_ba_list *ba;
- uint8_t buf[4];
- char version[32];
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "init PLMN process\n");
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "init Cell Selection process\n");
- memset(plmn, 0, sizeof(*plmn));
- memset(cs, 0, sizeof(*cs));
- plmn->ms = ms;
- cs->ms = ms;
- /* set initial state */
- plmn->state = 0;
- cs->state = 0;
- ms->settings.plmn_mode = PLMN_MODE_AUTO;
- /* init lists */
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&plmn->event_queue);
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&cs->event_queue);
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&plmn->sorted_plmn);
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&plmn->forbidden_la);
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&cs->ba_list);
- /* set supported frequencies in cell selection list */
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++)
- if ((ms->settings.freq_map[i >> 3] & (1 << (i & 7))))
- cs->list[i].flags |= GSM322_CS_FLAG_SUPPORT;
- /* read BA list */
- sprintf(filename, "%s/", config_dir, ms->name);
- fp = fopen(filename, "r");
- if (fp) {
- int rc;
- char *s_rc;
- s_rc = fgets(version, sizeof(version), fp);
- version[sizeof(version) - 1] = '\0';
- if (!s_rc || !!strcmp(ba_version, version)) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_NOTICE, "BA version missmatch, "
- "stored BA list becomes obsolete.\n");
- } else
- while(!feof(fp)) {
- ba = talloc_zero(l23_ctx, struct gsm322_ba_list);
- if (!ba)
- return -ENOMEM;
- rc = fread(buf, 4, 1, fp);
- if (!rc) {
- talloc_free(ba);
- break;
- }
- ba->mcc = (buf[0] << 8) | buf[1];
- ba->mnc = (buf[2] << 8) | buf[3];
- rc = fread(ba->freq, sizeof(ba->freq), 1, fp);
- if (!rc) {
- talloc_free(ba);
- break;
- }
- llist_add_tail(&ba->entry, &cs->ba_list);
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Read stored BA list (mcc=%s "
- "mnc=%s %s, %s)\n", gsm_print_mcc(ba->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(ba->mnc), gsm_get_mcc(ba->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(ba->mcc, ba->mnc));
- }
- fclose(fp);
- } else
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "No stored BA list\n");
- return 0;
-int gsm322_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct llist_head *lh, *lh2;
- struct msgb *msg;
- FILE *fp;
- char filename[PATH_MAX];
- struct gsm322_ba_list *ba;
- uint8_t buf[4];
- int i;
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "exit PLMN process\n");
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "exit Cell Selection process\n");
- /* stop cell selection process (if any) */
- new_c_state(cs, GSM322_C0_NULL);
- /* stop timers */
- stop_cs_timer(cs);
- stop_plmn_timer(plmn);
- /* flush sysinfo */
- for (i = 0; i <= 1023+299; i++) {
- if (cs->list[i].sysinfo) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "free sysinfo ARFCN=%s\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(index2arfcn(i)));
- talloc_free(cs->list[i].sysinfo);
- cs->list[i].sysinfo = NULL;
- }
- cs->list[i].flags = 0;
- }
- /* store BA list */
- sprintf(filename, "%s/", config_dir, ms->name);
- fp = fopen(filename, "w");
- if (fp) {
- int rc;
- fputs(ba_version, fp);
- llist_for_each_entry(ba, &cs->ba_list, entry) {
- buf[0] = ba->mcc >> 8;
- buf[1] = ba->mcc & 0xff;
- buf[2] = ba->mnc >> 8;
- buf[3] = ba->mnc & 0xff;
- rc = fwrite(buf, 4, 1, fp);
- rc = fwrite(ba->freq, sizeof(ba->freq), 1, fp);
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Write stored BA list (mcc=%s "
- "mnc=%s %s, %s)\n", gsm_print_mcc(ba->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(ba->mnc), gsm_get_mcc(ba->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(ba->mcc, ba->mnc));
- }
- fclose(fp);
- } else
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to write BA list\n");
- /* free lists */
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&plmn->event_queue)))
- msgb_free(msg);
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&cs->event_queue)))
- msgb_free(msg);
- llist_for_each_safe(lh, lh2, &plmn->sorted_plmn) {
- llist_del(lh);
- talloc_free(lh);
- }
- llist_for_each_safe(lh, lh2, &plmn->forbidden_la) {
- llist_del(lh);
- talloc_free(lh);
- }
- llist_for_each_safe(lh, lh2, &cs->ba_list) {
- llist_del(lh);
- talloc_free(lh);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/gsm48_cc.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/gsm48_cc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5abf3f8..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/gsm48_cc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2161 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm48.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/mncc.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/transaction.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm48_cc.h>
-extern void *l23_ctx;
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_release(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg);
-static int gsm48_rel_null_free(struct gsm_trans *trans);
-int mncc_release_ind(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct gsm_trans *trans,
- u_int32_t callref, int location, int value);
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_disconnect(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg);
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_connect_ack(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg);
- * init
- */
-int gsm48_cc_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_cclayer *cc = &ms->cclayer;
- cc->ms = ms;
- if (!cc-> == 0)
- return 0;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "init Call Control\n");
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&cc->mncc_upqueue);
- return 0;
-int gsm48_cc_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_cclayer *cc = &ms->cclayer;
- struct gsm_trans *trans, *trans2;
- struct msgb *msg;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "exit Call Control processes for %s\n", ms->name);
- llist_for_each_entry_safe(trans, trans2, &ms->trans_list, entry) {
- if (trans->protocol == GSM48_PDISC_CC)
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Free pendig CC-transaction.\n");
- trans_free(trans);
- }
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&cc->mncc_upqueue)))
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- * messages
- */
-/* names of MNCC-SAP */
-static const struct value_string gsm_mncc_names[] = {
- { 0, NULL }
-const char *get_mncc_name(int value)
- return get_value_string(gsm_mncc_names, value);
-/* push MMCC header and send to MM */
-static int gsm48_cc_to_mm(struct msgb *msg, struct gsm_trans *trans,
- int msg_type)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *mmh;
- int emergency = 0;
- /* Add protocol type and transaction ID */
- gh->proto_discr = trans->protocol | (trans->transaction_id << 4);
- /* indicate emergency setup to MM layer */
- if (gh->msg_type == GSM48_MT_CC_EMERG_SETUP)
- emergency = 1;
- /* push RR header */
- msgb_push(msg, sizeof(struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr));
- mmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)msg->data;
- mmh->msg_type = msg_type;
- mmh->ref = trans->callref;
- mmh->transaction_id = trans->transaction_id;
- mmh->emergency = emergency;
- /* send message to MM */
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "Sending '%s' using %s (callref=%x, "
- "transaction_id=%d)\n", gsm48_cc_msg_name(gh->msg_type),
- get_mmxx_name(msg_type), trans->callref, trans->transaction_id);
- return gsm48_mmxx_downmsg(trans->ms, msg);
-/* enqueue message to application (MNCC-SAP) */
-static int mncc_recvmsg(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct gsm_trans *trans,
- int msg_type, struct gsm_mncc *mncc)
- struct gsm48_cclayer *cc = &ms->cclayer;
- struct msgb *msg;
- if (trans)
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s ti %x) Sending '%s' to MNCC.\n",
- ms->name, trans->transaction_id,
- get_mncc_name(msg_type));
- else
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s ti -) Sending '%s' to MNCC.\n",
- ms->name, get_mncc_name(msg_type));
- mncc->msg_type = msg_type;
- msg = msgb_alloc(sizeof(struct gsm_mncc), "MNCC");
- if (!msg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- memcpy(msg->data, mncc, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- msgb_enqueue(&cc->mncc_upqueue, msg);
- return 0;
-/* dequeue messages to layer 4 */
-int mncc_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_cclayer *cc = &ms->cclayer;
- struct gsm_mncc *mncc;
- struct msgb *msg;
- int work = 0;
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&cc->mncc_upqueue))) {
- mncc = (struct gsm_mncc *)msg->data;
- if (cc->mncc_recv)
- cc->mncc_recv(ms, mncc->msg_type, mncc);
- work = 1; /* work done */
- talloc_free(msg);
- }
- return work;
- * state transition
- */
-static void new_cc_state(struct gsm_trans *trans, int state)
- if (state > 31 || state < 0)
- return;
- DEBUGP(DCC, "new state %s -> %s\n",
- gsm48_cc_state_name(trans->cc.state),
- gsm48_cc_state_name(state));
- trans->cc.state = state;
- * timers
- */
-/* timeout events of all timers */
-static void gsm48_cc_timeout(void *arg)
- struct gsm_trans *trans = arg;
- int disconnect = 0, release = 0, abort = 1;
- int mo_cause = GSM48_CC_CAUSE_RECOVERY_TIMER;
- int mo_location = GSM48_CAUSE_LOC_PRN_S_LU;
- int l4_cause = GSM48_CC_CAUSE_NORMAL_UNSPEC;
- int l4_location = GSM48_CAUSE_LOC_PRN_S_LU;
- struct gsm_mncc mo_rel, l4_rel;
- memset(&mo_rel, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- mo_rel.callref = trans->callref;
- memset(&l4_rel, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- l4_rel.callref = trans->callref;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "Timer T%x has fired.\n", trans->cc.Tcurrent);
- switch(trans->cc.Tcurrent) {
- case 0x303:
- /* abort if connection is not already esablished */
- if (trans->cc.state == GSM_CSTATE_MM_CONNECTION_PEND)
- abort = 1;
- else
- release = 1;
- break;
- case 0x305:
- release = 1;
- mo_cause = trans->cc.msg.cause.value;
- mo_location = trans->cc.msg.cause.location;
- break;
- case 0x308:
- if (!trans->cc.T308_second) {
- /* restart T308 a second time */
- gsm48_cc_tx_release(trans, &trans->cc.msg);
- trans->cc.T308_second = 1;
- break; /* stay in release state */
- }
- /* release MM conn, got NULL state, free trans */
- gsm48_rel_null_free(trans);
- return;
- case 0x310:
- disconnect = 1;
- break;
- case 0x313:
- disconnect = 1;
- /* unknown, did not find it in the specs */
- break;
- default:
- release = 1;
- }
- if ((release || abort) && trans->callref) {
- /* process release towards layer 4 */
- mncc_release_ind(trans->ms, trans, trans->callref,
- l4_location, l4_cause);
- }
- if (disconnect && trans->callref) {
- /* process disconnect towards layer 4 */
- mncc_set_cause(&l4_rel, l4_location, l4_cause);
- mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_DISC_IND, &l4_rel);
- }
- /* process disconnect towards mobile station */
- if (disconnect || release || abort) {
- mncc_set_cause(&mo_rel, mo_location, mo_cause);
- mo_rel.cause.diag[0] =
- ((trans->cc.Tcurrent & 0xf00) >> 8) + '0';
- mo_rel.cause.diag[1] =
- ((trans->cc.Tcurrent & 0x0f0) >> 4) + '0';
- mo_rel.cause.diag[2] = (trans->cc.Tcurrent & 0x00f) + '0';
- mo_rel.cause.diag_len = 3;
- if (disconnect)
- gsm48_cc_tx_disconnect(trans, &mo_rel);
- if (release)
- gsm48_cc_tx_release(trans, &mo_rel);
- if (abort) {
- /* release MM conn, got NULL state, free trans */
- gsm48_rel_null_free(trans);
- }
- }
-/* start various timers */
-static void gsm48_start_cc_timer(struct gsm_trans *trans, int current,
- int sec, int micro)
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "starting timer T%x with %d seconds\n", current,
- sec);
- trans->cc.timer.cb = gsm48_cc_timeout;
- trans-> = trans;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&trans->cc.timer, sec, micro);
- trans->cc.Tcurrent = current;
-/* stop various timers */
-static void gsm48_stop_cc_timer(struct gsm_trans *trans)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&trans->cc.timer)) {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "stopping pending timer T%x\n",
- trans->cc.Tcurrent);
- osmo_timer_del(&trans->cc.timer);
- trans->cc.Tcurrent = 0;
- }
- * process handlers (misc)
- */
-/* Call Control Specific transaction release.
- * gets called by trans_free, DO NOT CALL YOURSELF!
- */
-void _gsm48_cc_trans_free(struct gsm_trans *trans)
- gsm48_stop_cc_timer(trans);
- /* send release to L4, if callref still exists */
- if (trans->callref) {
- /* Ressource unavailable */
- mncc_release_ind(trans->ms, trans, trans->callref,
- }
- if (trans->cc.state != GSM_CSTATE_NULL)
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_NULL);
-/* release MM connection, go NULL state, free transaction */
-static int gsm48_rel_null_free(struct gsm_trans *trans)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- /* release MM connection */
- nmsg = gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MMCC_REL_REQ, trans->callref,
- trans->transaction_id);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm48_mmxx_downmsg(trans->ms, nmsg);
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_NULL);
- trans->callref = 0;
- trans_free(trans);
- return 0;
-void mncc_set_cause(struct gsm_mncc *data, int loc, int val)
- data->fields |= MNCC_F_CAUSE;
- data->cause.coding = 0x3;
- data->cause.location = loc;
- data->cause.value = val;
-/* send release indication to upper layer */
-int mncc_release_ind(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct gsm_trans *trans,
- u_int32_t callref, int location, int value)
- struct gsm_mncc rel;
- memset(&rel, 0, sizeof(rel));
- rel.callref = callref;
- mncc_set_cause(&rel, location, value);
- return mncc_recvmsg(ms, trans, MNCC_REL_IND, &rel);
-/* sending status message in response to unknown message */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_status(struct gsm_trans *trans, int cause)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- uint8_t *cause_ie, *call_state_ie;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "sending STATUS (cause %d)\n", cause);
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_STATUS;
- cause_ie = msgb_put(nmsg, 3);
- cause_ie[0] = 2;
- cause_ie[1] = GSM48_CAUSE_CS_GSM | GSM48_CAUSE_LOC_PRN_S_LU;
- cause_ie[2] = 0x80 | cause;
- call_state_ie = msgb_put(nmsg, 1);
- call_state_ie[0] = 0xc0 | trans->cc.state;
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
-/* reply status enquiry */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_status_enq(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- return gsm48_cc_tx_status(trans, GSM48_CC_CAUSE_RESP_STATUS_INQ);
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_status(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct gsm_mncc_cause cause;
- if (payload_len < 1 || payload_len < gh->data[0] + 1) {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Short read of status message "
- "error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- gsm48_decode_cause(&cause, gh->data);
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "received STATUS (cause %d)\n", cause.value);
- return 0;
- * process handlers (mobile originating call establish)
- */
-/* on SETUP request from L4, init MM connection */
-static int gsm48_cc_init_mm(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm_mncc *data = arg;
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *nmmh;
- /* store setup message */
- memcpy(&trans->cc.msg, data, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_MM_CONNECTION_PEND);
- /* establish MM connection */
- nmsg = gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MMCC_EST_REQ, trans->callref,
- trans->transaction_id);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nmmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *) nmsg->data;
- if (data->emergency)
- nmmh->emergency = 1;
- return gsm48_mmxx_downmsg(trans->ms, nmsg);
-/* abort connection prior SETUP */
-static int gsm48_cc_abort_mm(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- /* abort MM connection */
- nmsg = gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MMCC_REL_REQ, trans->callref,
- trans->transaction_id);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm48_mmxx_downmsg(trans->ms, nmsg);
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_NULL);
- trans->callref = 0;
- trans_free(trans);
- return 0;
-/* setup message from upper layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_setup(struct gsm_trans *trans)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- struct gsm_mncc *setup = &trans->cc.msg;
- int rc, transaction_id;
- uint8_t *ie;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "sending SETUP\n");
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- /* transaction id must not be assigned */
- if (trans->transaction_id != 0xff) { /* unasssigned */
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "TX Setup with assigned transaction. "
- "This is not allowed!\n");
- /* Temporarily out of order */
- rc = mncc_release_ind(trans->ms, trans, trans->callref,
- trans->callref = 0;
- trans_free(trans);
- return rc;
- }
- /* Get free transaction_id */
- transaction_id = trans_assign_trans_id(trans->ms, GSM48_PDISC_CC, 0);
- if (transaction_id < 0) {
- /* no free transaction ID */
- rc = mncc_release_ind(trans->ms, trans, trans->callref,
- trans->callref = 0;
- trans_free(trans);
- return rc;
- }
- trans->transaction_id = transaction_id;
- gh->msg_type = (setup->emergency) ? GSM48_MT_CC_EMERG_SETUP :
- /* actually we have to start it when CM SERVICE REQUEST has been sent,
- * but there is no primitive for that defined. i think it is ok to
- * do it here rather than inventing MMCC-NOTIFY-IND.
- */
- gsm48_start_cc_timer(trans, 0x303, GSM48_T303_MS);
- /* bearer capability (optional for emergency calls only) */
- if (setup->fields & MNCC_F_BEARER_CAP)
- gsm48_encode_bearer_cap(nmsg, 0, &setup->bearer_cap);
- if (!setup->emergency) {
- /* facility */
- if (setup->fields & MNCC_F_FACILITY)
- gsm48_encode_facility(nmsg, 0, &setup->facility);
- /* called party BCD number */
- if (setup->fields & MNCC_F_CALLED)
- gsm48_encode_called(nmsg, &setup->called);
- /* user-user */
- if (setup->fields & MNCC_F_USERUSER)
- gsm48_encode_useruser(nmsg, 0, &setup->useruser);
- /* ss version */
- if (setup->fields & MNCC_F_SSVERSION)
- gsm48_encode_ssversion(nmsg, &setup->ssversion);
- /* CLIR suppression */
- if (setup->clir.sup) {
- ie = msgb_put(nmsg, 1);
- ie[0] = GSM48_IE_CLIR_SUPP;
- }
- /* CLIR invocation */
- if (setup->clir.inv) {
- ie = msgb_put(nmsg, 1);
- ie[0] = GSM48_IE_CLIR_INVOC;
- }
- /* cc cap */
- if (setup->fields & MNCC_F_CCCAP)
- gsm48_encode_cccap(nmsg, &setup->cccap);
- }
- /* actually MM CONNECTION PENDING */
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_INITIATED);
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
-/* progress is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_progress(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- struct gsm_mncc progress;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "received PROGRESS\n");
- memset(&progress, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- progress.callref = trans->callref;
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_att_tlvdef, gh->data, payload_len,
- /* progress */
- progress.fields |= MNCC_F_PROGRESS;
- gsm48_decode_progress(&progress.progress,
- /* store last progress indicator */
- trans->cc.prog_ind = progress.progress.descr;
- }
- /* user-user */
- progress.fields |= MNCC_F_USERUSER;
- gsm48_decode_useruser(&progress.useruser,
- }
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_PROGRESS_IND, &progress);
-/* call proceeding is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_call_proceeding(struct gsm_trans *trans,
- struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- struct gsm_mncc call_proc;
- gsm48_stop_cc_timer(trans);
- memset(&call_proc, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- call_proc.callref = trans->callref;
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_att_tlvdef, gh->data, payload_len, 0, 0);
-#if 0
- /* repeat */
- call_conf.repeat = 1;
- call_conf.repeat = 2;
- /* bearer capability */
- call_proc.fields |= MNCC_F_BEARER_CAP;
- gsm48_decode_bearer_cap(&call_proc.bearer_cap,
- }
- /* facility */
- call_proc.fields |= MNCC_F_FACILITY;
- gsm48_decode_facility(&call_proc.facility,
- }
- /* progress */
- call_proc.fields |= MNCC_F_PROGRESS;
- gsm48_decode_progress(&call_proc.progress,
- /* store last progress indicator */
- trans->cc.prog_ind = call_proc.progress.descr;
- }
- /* start T310, if last progress indicator was 1 or 2 or 64 */
- if (trans->cc.prog_ind == 1
- || trans->cc.prog_ind == 2
- || trans->cc.prog_ind == 64)
- gsm48_start_cc_timer(trans, 0x310, GSM48_T310_MS);
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_MO_CALL_PROC);
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_CALL_PROC_IND,
- &call_proc);
-/* alerting is received by the lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_alerting(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- struct gsm_mncc alerting;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "received ALERTING\n");
- gsm48_stop_cc_timer(trans);
- /* no T301 in MS call control */
- memset(&alerting, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- alerting.callref = trans->callref;
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_att_tlvdef, gh->data, payload_len, 0, 0);
- /* facility */
- alerting.fields |= MNCC_F_FACILITY;
- gsm48_decode_facility(&alerting.facility,
- }
- /* progress */
- alerting.fields |= MNCC_F_PROGRESS;
- gsm48_decode_progress(&alerting.progress,
- }
- /* user-user */
- alerting.fields |= MNCC_F_USERUSER;
- gsm48_decode_useruser(&alerting.useruser,
- }
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_CALL_DELIVERED);
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_ALERT_IND,
- &alerting);
-/* connect is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_connect(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- struct gsm_mncc connect;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "received CONNECT\n");
- gsm48_stop_cc_timer(trans);
- memset(&connect, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- connect.callref = trans->callref;
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_att_tlvdef, gh->data, payload_len, 0, 0);
- /* facility */
- connect.fields |= MNCC_F_FACILITY;
- gsm48_decode_facility(&connect.facility,
- }
- /* connected */
- connect.fields |= MNCC_F_CONNECTED;
- gsm48_decode_connected(&connect.connected,
- TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_CONN_BCD)-1);
- }
- /* progress */
- connect.fields |= MNCC_F_PROGRESS;
- gsm48_decode_progress(&connect.progress,
- }
- /* user-user */
- connect.fields |= MNCC_F_USERUSER;
- gsm48_decode_useruser(&connect.useruser,
- }
- /* ACTIVE state is set during this: */
- gsm48_cc_tx_connect_ack(trans, NULL);
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_SETUP_CNF, &connect);
-/* connect ack message from upper layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_connect_ack(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_CONNECT_ACK;
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_ACTIVE);
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
- * process handlers (mobile terminating call establish)
- */
-/* setup is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_setup(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- struct gsm_mncc setup;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "received SETUP\n");
- memset(&setup, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- setup.callref = trans->callref;
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_att_tlvdef, gh->data, payload_len, 0, 0);
- /* bearer capability */
- setup.fields |= MNCC_F_BEARER_CAP;
- gsm48_decode_bearer_cap(&setup.bearer_cap,
- }
- /* facility */
- setup.fields |= MNCC_F_FACILITY;
- gsm48_decode_facility(&setup.facility,
- }
- /* progress */
- setup.fields |= MNCC_F_PROGRESS;
- gsm48_decode_progress(&setup.progress,
- }
- /* signal */
- setup.fields |= MNCC_F_SIGNAL;
- gsm48_decode_signal(&setup.signal,
- TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_SIGNAL)-1);
- }
- /* calling party bcd number */
- setup.fields |= MNCC_F_CALLING;
- gsm48_decode_calling(&setup.calling,
- }
- /* called party bcd number */
- setup.fields |= MNCC_F_CALLED;
- gsm48_decode_called(&setup.called,
- }
- /* redirecting party bcd number */
- setup.fields |= MNCC_F_REDIRECTING;
- gsm48_decode_redirecting(&setup.redirecting,
- }
- /* user-user */
- setup.fields |= MNCC_F_USERUSER;
- gsm48_decode_useruser(&setup.useruser,
- }
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_CALL_PRESENT);
- /* indicate setup to MNCC */
- mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_SETUP_IND, &setup);
- return 0;
-/* call conf message from upper layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_call_conf(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct gsm_mncc *confirm = arg;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "sending CALL CONFIRMED (proceeding)\n");
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_CALL_CONF;
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_MO_TERM_CALL_CONF);
- /* bearer capability */
- if (confirm->fields & MNCC_F_BEARER_CAP)
- gsm48_encode_bearer_cap(nmsg, 0, &confirm->bearer_cap);
- /* cause */
- if (confirm->fields & MNCC_F_CAUSE)
- gsm48_encode_cause(nmsg, 0, &confirm->cause);
- /* cc cap */
- if (confirm->fields & MNCC_F_CCCAP)
- gsm48_encode_cccap(nmsg, &confirm->cccap);
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
-/* alerting message from upper layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_alerting(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct gsm_mncc *alerting = arg;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_ALERTING;
- /* facility */
- if (alerting->fields & MNCC_F_FACILITY)
- gsm48_encode_facility(nmsg, 0, &alerting->facility);
- /* user-user */
- if (alerting->fields & MNCC_F_USERUSER)
- gsm48_encode_useruser(nmsg, 0, &alerting->useruser);
- /* ss version */
- if (alerting->fields & MNCC_F_SSVERSION)
- gsm48_encode_ssversion(nmsg, &alerting->ssversion);
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_CALL_RECEIVED);
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
-/* connect message from upper layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_connect(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct gsm_mncc *connect = arg;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "sending CONNECT\n");
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_CONNECT;
- gsm48_stop_cc_timer(trans);
- gsm48_start_cc_timer(trans, 0x313, GSM48_T313_MS);
- /* facility */
- if (connect->fields & MNCC_F_FACILITY)
- gsm48_encode_facility(nmsg, 0, &connect->facility);
- /* user-user */
- if (connect->fields & MNCC_F_USERUSER)
- gsm48_encode_useruser(nmsg, 0, &connect->useruser);
- /* ss version */
- if (connect->fields & MNCC_F_SSVERSION)
- gsm48_encode_ssversion(nmsg, &connect->ssversion);
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_CONNECT_REQUEST);
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
-/* connect ack is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_connect_ack(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_mncc connect_ack;
- gsm48_stop_cc_timer(trans);
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_ACTIVE);
- memset(&connect_ack, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- connect_ack.callref = trans->callref;
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_SETUP_COMPL_IND,
- &connect_ack);
- * process handlers (during active state)
- */
-/* notify message from upper layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_notify(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct gsm_mncc *notify = arg;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "sending NOTIFY\n");
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_NOTIFY;
- /* notify */
- gsm48_encode_notify(nmsg, notify->notify);
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
-/* notify is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_notify(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct gsm_mncc notify;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "received NOTIFY\n");
- memset(&notify, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- notify.callref = trans->callref;
- /* notify */
- if (payload_len < 1) {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Short read of notify message error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- gsm48_decode_notify(&notify.notify, gh->data);
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_NOTIFY_IND, &notify);
-/* start dtmf message from upper layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_start_dtmf(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct gsm_mncc *dtmf = arg;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_START_DTMF;
- /* keypad */
- gsm48_encode_keypad(nmsg, dtmf->keypad);
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
-/* start dtmf ack is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_start_dtmf_ack(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- struct gsm_mncc dtmf;
- memset(&dtmf, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- dtmf.callref = trans->callref;
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_att_tlvdef, gh->data, payload_len, 0, 0);
- /* keypad facility */
- dtmf.fields |= MNCC_F_KEYPAD;
- gsm48_decode_keypad(&dtmf.keypad,
- }
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_START_DTMF_RSP, &dtmf);
-/* start dtmf rej is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_start_dtmf_rej(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct gsm_mncc dtmf;
- memset(&dtmf, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- dtmf.callref = trans->callref;
- /* cause */
- if (payload_len < 1) {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Short read of dtmf reject message "
- "error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- gsm48_decode_cause(&dtmf.cause, gh->data);
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_START_DTMF_REJ, &dtmf);
-/* stop dtmf message from upper layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_stop_dtmf(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "sending STOP DTMF\n");
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_STOP_DTMF;
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
-/* stop dtmf ack is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_stop_dtmf_ack(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- struct gsm_mncc dtmf;
- memset(&dtmf, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- dtmf.callref = trans->callref;
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_att_tlvdef, gh->data, payload_len, 0, 0);
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_STOP_DTMF_RSP, &dtmf);
-/* hold message from upper layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_hold(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "sending HOLD\n");
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_HOLD;
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
-/* hold ack is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_hold_ack(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_mncc hold;
- memset(&hold, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- hold.callref = trans->callref;
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_HOLD_CNF, &hold);
-/* hold rej is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_hold_rej(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct gsm_mncc hold;
- memset(&hold, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- hold.callref = trans->callref;
- /* cause */
- if (payload_len < 1) {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Short read of hold reject message "
- "error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- gsm48_decode_cause(&hold.cause, gh->data);
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_HOLD_REJ, &hold);
-/* retrieve message from upper layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_retrieve(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_RETR;
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
-/* retrieve ack is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_retrieve_ack(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_mncc retrieve;
- memset(&retrieve, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- retrieve.callref = trans->callref;
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_RETRIEVE_CNF, &retrieve);
-/* retrieve rej is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_retrieve_rej(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct gsm_mncc retrieve;
- memset(&retrieve, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- retrieve.callref = trans->callref;
- /* cause */
- if (payload_len < 1) {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Short read of retrieve reject message "
- "error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- gsm48_decode_cause(&retrieve.cause, gh->data);
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_RETRIEVE_REJ, &retrieve);
-/* facility message from upper layer or from timer event */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_facility(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct gsm_mncc *fac = arg;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_FACILITY;
- /* facility */
- gsm48_encode_facility(nmsg, 1, &fac->facility);
- /* ss version */
- if (fac->fields & MNCC_F_SSVERSION)
- gsm48_encode_ssversion(nmsg, &fac->ssversion);
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
-/* facility is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_facility(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct gsm_mncc fac;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "received FACILITY\n");
- memset(&fac, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- fac.callref = trans->callref;
- if (payload_len < 1) {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Short read of facility message "
- "error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* facility */
- gsm48_decode_facility(&fac.facility, gh->data);
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_FACILITY_IND, &fac);
-/* user info message from upper layer or from timer event */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_userinfo(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct gsm_mncc *user = arg;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_USER_INFO;
- /* user-user */
- if (user->fields & MNCC_F_USERUSER)
- gsm48_encode_useruser(nmsg, 1, &user->useruser);
- /* more data */
- if (user->more)
- gsm48_encode_more(nmsg);
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
-/* user info is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_userinfo(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- struct gsm_mncc user;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "received USERINFO\n");
- memset(&user, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- user.callref = trans->callref;
- if (payload_len < 1) {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Short read of userinfo message "
- "error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_att_tlvdef, gh->data, payload_len,
- /* user-user */
- gsm48_decode_useruser(&user.useruser,
- /* more data */
- user.more = 1;
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_USERINFO_IND, &user);
-/* modify message from upper layer or from timer event */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_modify(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct gsm_mncc *modify = arg;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "sending MODIFY\n");
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_MODIFY;
- gsm48_start_cc_timer(trans, 0x323, GSM48_T323_MS);
- /* bearer capability */
- gsm48_encode_bearer_cap(nmsg, 1, &modify->bearer_cap);
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_MO_TERM_MODIFY);
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
-/* modify complete is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_modify_complete(struct gsm_trans *trans,
- struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct gsm_mncc modify;
- gsm48_stop_cc_timer(trans);
- memset(&modify, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- modify.callref = trans->callref;
- if (payload_len < 1) {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Short read of modify complete message "
- "error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* bearer capability */
- gsm48_decode_bearer_cap(&modify.bearer_cap, gh->data);
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_ACTIVE);
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_MODIFY_CNF, &modify);
-/* modify reject is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_modify_reject(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- struct gsm_mncc modify;
- gsm48_stop_cc_timer(trans);
- memset(&modify, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- modify.callref = trans->callref;
- if (payload_len < 1) {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Short read of modify reject message "
- "error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_att_tlvdef, gh->data, payload_len,
- /* bearer capability */
- modify.fields |= MNCC_F_BEARER_CAP;
- gsm48_decode_bearer_cap(&modify.bearer_cap,
- }
- /* cause */
- if (TLVP_PRESENT(&tp, GSM48_IE_CAUSE)) {
- modify.fields |= MNCC_F_CAUSE;
- gsm48_decode_cause(&modify.cause,
- TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_CAUSE)-1);
- }
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_ACTIVE);
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_MODIFY_REJ, &modify);
-/* modify is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_modify(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct gsm_mncc modify;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "received MODIFY\n");
- memset(&modify, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- modify.callref = trans->callref;
- if (payload_len < 1) {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Short read of modify message error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* bearer capability */
- gsm48_decode_bearer_cap(&modify.bearer_cap, gh->data);
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_MO_ORIG_MODIFY);
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_MODIFY_IND, &modify);
-/* modify complete message from upper layer or from timer event */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_modify_complete(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct gsm_mncc *modify = arg;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_MODIFY_COMPL;
- /* bearer capability */
- gsm48_encode_bearer_cap(nmsg, 1, &modify->bearer_cap);
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_ACTIVE);
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
-/* modify reject message from upper layer or from timer event */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_modify_reject(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct gsm_mncc *modify = arg;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_MODIFY_REJECT;
- /* bearer capability */
- gsm48_encode_bearer_cap(nmsg, 1, &modify->bearer_cap);
- /* cause */
- gsm48_encode_cause(nmsg, 1, &modify->cause);
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_ACTIVE);
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
- * process handlers (call clearing)
- */
-static struct gsm_mncc_cause default_cause = {
- .location = GSM48_CAUSE_LOC_PRN_S_LU,
- .coding = 0,
- .rec = 0,
- .rec_val = 0,
- .diag_len = 0,
- .diag = { 0 },
-/* disconnect message from upper layer or from timer event */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_disconnect(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct gsm_mncc *disc = arg;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_DISCONNECT;
- gsm48_stop_cc_timer(trans);
- gsm48_start_cc_timer(trans, 0x305, GSM48_T305_MS);
- /* cause */
- if (disc->fields & MNCC_F_CAUSE)
- gsm48_encode_cause(nmsg, 1, &disc->cause);
- else
- gsm48_encode_cause(nmsg, 1, &default_cause);
- /* facility */
- if (disc->fields & MNCC_F_FACILITY)
- gsm48_encode_facility(nmsg, 0, &disc->facility);
- /* progress */
- if (disc->fields & MNCC_F_PROGRESS)
- gsm48_encode_progress(nmsg, 0, &disc->progress);
- /* user-user */
- if (disc->fields & MNCC_F_USERUSER)
- gsm48_encode_useruser(nmsg, 0, &disc->useruser);
- /* ss version */
- if (disc->fields & MNCC_F_SSVERSION)
- gsm48_encode_ssversion(nmsg, &disc->ssversion);
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_DISCONNECT_REQ);
- return gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
-/* release message from upper layer or from timer event */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_release(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct gsm_mncc *rel = arg;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "sending RELEASE\n");
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_RELEASE;
- gsm48_stop_cc_timer(trans);
- gsm48_start_cc_timer(trans, 0x308, GSM48_T308_MS);
- /* cause */
- if (rel->fields & MNCC_F_CAUSE)
- gsm48_encode_cause(nmsg, 0, &rel->cause);
- /* facility */
- if (rel->fields & MNCC_F_FACILITY)
- gsm48_encode_facility(nmsg, 0, &rel->facility);
- /* user-user */
- if (rel->fields & MNCC_F_USERUSER)
- gsm48_encode_useruser(nmsg, 0, &rel->useruser);
- /* ss version */
- if (rel->fields & MNCC_F_SSVERSION)
- gsm48_encode_ssversion(nmsg, &rel->ssversion);
- trans->cc.T308_second = 0;
- memcpy(&trans->cc.msg, rel, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- if (trans->cc.state != GSM_CSTATE_RELEASE_REQ)
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_RELEASE_REQ);
- gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
-#if 0
- /* release without sending MMCC_REL_REQ */
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_NULL);
- trans->callref = 0;
- trans_free(trans);
- return 0;
-/* reject message from upper layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_tx_release_compl(struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg)
- struct gsm_mncc *rel = arg;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_RELEASE_COMPL;
- gsm48_stop_cc_timer(trans);
- /* cause */
- if (rel->fields & MNCC_F_CAUSE)
- gsm48_encode_cause(nmsg, 0, &rel->cause);
- /* facility */
- if (rel->fields & MNCC_F_FACILITY)
- gsm48_encode_facility(nmsg, 0, &rel->facility);
- /* user-user */
- if (rel->fields & MNCC_F_USERUSER)
- gsm48_encode_useruser(nmsg, 0, &rel->useruser);
- /* ss version */
- if (rel->fields & MNCC_F_SSVERSION)
- gsm48_encode_ssversion(nmsg, &rel->ssversion);
- /* release without sending MMCC_REL_REQ */
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_NULL);
- trans->callref = 0;
- trans_free(trans);
- return 0;
-/* disconnect is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_disconnect(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- struct gsm_mncc disc;
- gsm48_stop_cc_timer(trans);
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_DISCONNECT_IND);
- memset(&disc, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- disc.callref = trans->callref;
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_att_tlvdef, gh->data, payload_len,
- GSM48_IE_CAUSE, 0);
- /* cause */
- if (TLVP_PRESENT(&tp, GSM48_IE_CAUSE)) {
- disc.fields |= MNCC_F_CAUSE;
- gsm48_decode_cause(&disc.cause,
- TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_CAUSE)-1);
- }
- /* facility */
- disc.fields |= MNCC_F_FACILITY;
- gsm48_decode_facility(&disc.facility,
- }
- /* progress */
- disc.fields |= MNCC_F_PROGRESS;
- gsm48_decode_progress(&disc.progress,
- }
- /* user-user */
- disc.fields |= MNCC_F_USERUSER;
- gsm48_decode_useruser(&disc.useruser,
- }
- /* store disconnect cause for T305 expiry */
- memcpy(&trans->cc.msg, &disc, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- return mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_DISC_IND, &disc);
-/* release is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_release(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- struct gsm_mncc rel;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "received RELEASE\n");
- gsm48_stop_cc_timer(trans);
- memset(&rel, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- rel.callref = trans->callref;
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_att_tlvdef, gh->data, payload_len, 0, 0);
- /* cause */
- if (TLVP_PRESENT(&tp, GSM48_IE_CAUSE)) {
- rel.fields |= MNCC_F_CAUSE;
- gsm48_decode_cause(&rel.cause,
- TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_CAUSE)-1);
- }
- /* facility */
- rel.fields |= MNCC_F_FACILITY;
- gsm48_decode_facility(&rel.facility,
- }
- /* user-user */
- rel.fields |= MNCC_F_USERUSER;
- gsm48_decode_useruser(&rel.useruser,
- }
- /* in case we receive a relase, when we are already in NULL state */
- if (trans->cc.state == GSM_CSTATE_NULL) {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "ignoring RELEASE in NULL state\n");
- /* release MM conn, free trans */
- return gsm48_rel_null_free(trans);
- }
- if (trans->cc.state == GSM_CSTATE_RELEASE_REQ) {
- /* release collision 5.4.5 */
- mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_REL_CNF, &rel);
- } else {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- /* forward cause only */
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_CC_RELEASE_COMPL;
- if (rel.fields & MNCC_F_CAUSE)
- gsm48_encode_cause(nmsg, 0, &rel.cause);
- gsm48_cc_to_mm(nmsg, trans, GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ);
- /* release indication */
- mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans, MNCC_REL_IND, &rel);
- }
- /* release MM conn, got NULL state, free trans */
- return gsm48_rel_null_free(trans);
-/* release complete is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_cc_rx_release_compl(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- struct gsm_mncc rel;
- gsm48_stop_cc_timer(trans);
- memset(&rel, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- rel.callref = trans->callref;
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_att_tlvdef, gh->data, payload_len, 0, 0);
- /* cause */
- if (TLVP_PRESENT(&tp, GSM48_IE_CAUSE)) {
- rel.fields |= MNCC_F_CAUSE;
- gsm48_decode_cause(&rel.cause,
- TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_CAUSE)-1);
- }
- /* facility */
- rel.fields |= MNCC_F_FACILITY;
- gsm48_decode_facility(&rel.facility,
- }
- /* user-user */
- rel.fields |= MNCC_F_USERUSER;
- gsm48_decode_useruser(&rel.useruser,
- }
- if (trans->callref) {
- switch (trans->cc.state) {
- mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans,
- MNCC_REJ_IND, &rel);
- break;
- mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans,
- MNCC_REL_CNF, &rel);
- break;
- default:
- mncc_recvmsg(trans->ms, trans,
- MNCC_REL_IND, &rel);
- }
- }
- /* release MM conn, got NULL state, free trans */
- return gsm48_rel_null_free(trans);
- * state machines
- */
-/* state trasitions for MNCC messages (upper layer) */
-static struct downstate {
- u_int32_t states;
- int type;
- int (*rout) (struct gsm_trans *trans, void *arg);
-} downstatelist[] = {
- /* mobile originating call establishment */
- {SBIT(GSM_CSTATE_NULL), /* 5.2.1 */
- MNCC_SETUP_REQ, gsm48_cc_init_mm},
- MNCC_REL_REQ, gsm48_cc_abort_mm},
- /* mobile terminating call establishment */
- MNCC_CALL_CONF_REQ, gsm48_cc_tx_call_conf},
- MNCC_ALERT_REQ, gsm48_cc_tx_alerting},
- MNCC_SETUP_RSP, gsm48_cc_tx_connect},
- /* signalling during call */
- {SBIT(GSM_CSTATE_ACTIVE), /* 5.3.1 */
- MNCC_NOTIFY_REQ, gsm48_cc_tx_notify},
- {ALL_STATES, /* */
- MNCC_START_DTMF_REQ, gsm48_cc_tx_start_dtmf},
- {ALL_STATES, /* */
- MNCC_STOP_DTMF_REQ, gsm48_cc_tx_stop_dtmf},
- MNCC_HOLD_REQ, gsm48_cc_tx_hold},
- MNCC_RETRIEVE_REQ, gsm48_cc_tx_retrieve},
- MNCC_FACILITY_REQ, gsm48_cc_tx_facility},
- MNCC_USERINFO_REQ, gsm48_cc_tx_userinfo},
- /* clearing */
- MNCC_DISC_REQ, gsm48_cc_tx_disconnect},
- MNCC_REJ_REQ, gsm48_cc_tx_release_compl},
- MNCC_REL_REQ, gsm48_cc_tx_release},
- /* modify */
- MNCC_MODIFY_REQ, gsm48_cc_tx_modify},
- MNCC_MODIFY_RSP, gsm48_cc_tx_modify_complete},
- MNCC_MODIFY_REJ, gsm48_cc_tx_modify_reject},
-#define DOWNSLLEN \
- (sizeof(downstatelist) / sizeof(struct downstate))
-int mncc_send(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int msg_type, void *arg)
- struct gsm_mncc *data = arg;
- struct gsm_trans *trans;
- int i, rc;
- /* Find callref */
- trans = trans_find_by_callref(ms, data->callref);
- if (!trans) {
- /* check for SETUP message */
- if (msg_type != MNCC_SETUP_REQ) {
- /* Invalid call reference */
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "transaction not found\n");
- return mncc_release_ind(ms, NULL, data->callref,
- }
- if (data->callref >= 0x40000000) {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_FATAL, "MNCC ref wrong.\n");
- return mncc_release_ind(ms, NULL, data->callref,
- }
- /* Create transaction */
- trans = trans_alloc(ms, GSM48_PDISC_CC, 0xff, data->callref);
- if (!trans) {
- /* No memory or whatever */
- return mncc_release_ind(ms, NULL, data->callref,
- }
- }
- switch (msg_type) {
- printf("TCH/F frame ignored!\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* Find function for current state and message */
- for (i = 0; i < DOWNSLLEN; i++)
- if ((msg_type == downstatelist[i].type)
- && ((1 << trans->cc.state) & downstatelist[i].states))
- break;
- if (i == DOWNSLLEN) {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Message unhandled at this "
- "state.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- rc = downstatelist[i].rout(trans, arg);
- return rc;
-/* state trasitions for call control messages (lower layer) */
-static struct datastate {
- u_int32_t states;
- int type;
- int (*rout) (struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg);
-} datastatelist[] = {
- /* mobile originating call establishment */
- GSM48_MT_CC_CALL_PROC, gsm48_cc_rx_call_proceeding},
- GSM48_MT_CC_PROGRESS, gsm48_cc_rx_progress},
- GSM48_MT_CC_ALERTING, gsm48_cc_rx_alerting},
- GSM48_MT_CC_CONNECT, gsm48_cc_rx_connect},
- /* mobile terminating call establishment */
- GSM48_MT_CC_SETUP, gsm48_cc_rx_setup},
- GSM48_MT_CC_CONNECT_ACK, gsm48_cc_rx_connect_ack},
- /* signalling during call */
- {SBIT(GSM_CSTATE_ACTIVE), /* 5.3.1 */
- GSM48_MT_CC_NOTIFY, gsm48_cc_rx_notify},
- {ALL_STATES, /* 8.4 */
- GSM48_MT_CC_STATUS_ENQ, gsm48_cc_rx_status_enq},
- GSM48_MT_CC_STATUS, gsm48_cc_rx_status},
- {ALL_STATES, /* */
- GSM48_MT_CC_START_DTMF_ACK, gsm48_cc_rx_start_dtmf_ack},
- {ALL_STATES, /* */
- GSM48_MT_CC_START_DTMF_REJ, gsm48_cc_rx_start_dtmf_rej},
- {ALL_STATES, /* */
- GSM48_MT_CC_STOP_DTMF_ACK, gsm48_cc_rx_stop_dtmf_ack},
- GSM48_MT_CC_HOLD_ACK, gsm48_cc_rx_hold_ack},
- GSM48_MT_CC_HOLD_REJ, gsm48_cc_rx_hold_rej},
- GSM48_MT_CC_RETR_ACK, gsm48_cc_rx_retrieve_ack},
- GSM48_MT_CC_RETR_REJ, gsm48_cc_rx_retrieve_rej},
- GSM48_MT_CC_FACILITY, gsm48_cc_rx_facility},
- GSM48_MT_CC_USER_INFO, gsm48_cc_rx_userinfo},
- /* clearing */
- GSM48_MT_CC_DISCONNECT, gsm48_cc_rx_disconnect},
- {ALL_STATES, /* & 5.4.5!!!*/
- GSM48_MT_CC_RELEASE, gsm48_cc_rx_release},
- {ALL_STATES, /* */
- GSM48_MT_CC_RELEASE_COMPL, gsm48_cc_rx_release_compl},
- /* modify */
- GSM48_MT_CC_MODIFY, gsm48_cc_rx_modify},
- GSM48_MT_CC_MODIFY_COMPL, gsm48_cc_rx_modify_complete},
- GSM48_MT_CC_MODIFY_REJECT, gsm48_cc_rx_modify_reject},
-#define DATASLLEN \
- (sizeof(datastatelist) / sizeof(struct datastate))
-static int gsm48_cc_data_ind(struct gsm_trans *trans, struct msgb *msg)
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = trans->ms;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- int msg_type = gh->msg_type & 0xbf;
- uint8_t transaction_id = ((gh->proto_discr & 0xf0) ^ 0x80) >> 4;
- /* flip */
- int msg_supported = 0; /* determine, if message is supported at all */
- int i, rc;
- /* set transaction ID, if not already */
- trans->transaction_id = transaction_id;
- /* pull the MMCC header */
- msgb_pull(msg, sizeof(struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr));
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) Received '%s' in CC state %s\n", ms->name,
- gsm48_cc_msg_name(msg_type),
- gsm48_cc_state_name(trans->cc.state));
- /* find function for current state and message */
- for (i = 0; i < DATASLLEN; i++) {
- if (msg_type == datastatelist[i].type)
- msg_supported = 1;
- if ((msg_type == datastatelist[i].type)
- && ((1 << trans->cc.state) & datastatelist[i].states))
- break;
- }
- if (i == DATASLLEN) {
- if (msg_supported) {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Message unhandled at this "
- "state.\n");
- return gsm48_cc_tx_status(trans,
- } else {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Message not supported.\n");
- return gsm48_cc_tx_status(trans,
- }
- }
- rc = datastatelist[i].rout(trans, msg);
- return rc;
-/* receive message from MM layer */
-int gsm48_rcv_cc(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *mmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)msg->data;
- int msg_type = mmh->msg_type;
- struct gsm_trans *trans;
- int rc = 0;
- trans = trans_find_by_callref(ms, mmh->ref);
- if (!trans) {
- trans = trans_alloc(ms, GSM48_PDISC_CC, mmh->transaction_id,
- mmh->ref);
- if (!trans)
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) Received '%s' in CC state %s\n", ms->name,
- get_mmxx_name(msg_type),
- gsm48_cc_state_name(trans->cc.state));
- switch (msg_type) {
- case GSM48_MMCC_EST_IND:
- /* data included */
- rc = gsm48_cc_data_ind(trans, msg);
- break;
- case GSM48_MMCC_EST_CNF:
- /* send setup after confirm */
- if (trans->cc.state == GSM_CSTATE_MM_CONNECTION_PEND)
- rc = gsm48_cc_tx_setup(trans);
- else
- "%d?\n", trans->cc.state);
- break;
- case GSM48_MMCC_ERR_IND: /* no supporting re-establishment */
- case GSM48_MMCC_REL_IND:
- /* release L4, release transaction */
- mncc_release_ind(trans->ms, trans, trans->callref,
- GSM48_CAUSE_LOC_PRN_S_LU, mmh->cause);
- /* release without sending MMCC_REL_REQ */
- new_cc_state(trans, GSM_CSTATE_NULL);
- trans->callref = 0;
- trans_free(trans);
- break;
- rc = gsm48_cc_data_ind(trans, msg);
- break;
- break;
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_NOTICE, "Message unhandled.\n");
- rc = -ENOTSUP;
- }
- return rc;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/gsm48_mm.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/gsm48_mm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a276a9e..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/gsm48_mm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4175 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm48.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/networks.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/gsm48_cc.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/app_mobile.h>
-extern void *l23_ctx;
-void mm_conn_free(struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn);
-static int gsm48_rcv_rr(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-static int gsm48_rcv_mmr(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-static int gsm48_mm_ev(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int msg_type, struct msgb *msg);
-static int gsm48_mm_tx_id_rsp(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t mi_type);
-static int gsm48_mm_tx_loc_upd_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-static int gsm48_mm_loc_upd_failed(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-static int gsm48_mm_conn_go_dedic(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-static int gsm48_mm_init_mm_reject(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-static int gsm48_mm_data_ind(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-static void new_mm_state(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm, int state, int substate);
-static int gsm48_mm_loc_upd_normal(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-static int gsm48_mm_loc_upd_periodic(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-static int gsm48_mm_loc_upd(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
- * notes
- */
- * Notes on IMSI detach procedure:
- *
- * At the end of the procedure, the state of MM, RR, cell selection: No SIM.
- *
- * In MM IDLE state, cell available: RR is establised, IMSI detach specific
- * procedure is performed.
- *
- * In MM IDLE state, no cell: State is silently changed to No SIM.
- *
- * During any MM connection state, or Wait for network command: All MM
- * connections (if any) are released locally, and IMSI detach specific
- * procedure is performed.
- *
- * During IMSI detach processing: Request of IMSI detach is ignored.
- *
- * Any other state: The special 'delay_detach' flag is set only. If set, at any
- * state transition we will clear the flag and restart the procedure again.
- *
- * The procedure is not spec conform, but always succeeds.
- *
- */
-/* Notes on Service states:
- *
- * There are two PLMN search states:
- *
- *
- * They are entered, if: (
- * - ME is switched on
- * - SIM is inserted
- * - user has asked PLMN selection in certain Service states
- * - coverage is lost in certain Service states
- * - roaming is denied
- * - (optionally see
- *
- * PLMN SEARCH NORMAL state is then entered, if all these conditions are met:
- * - SIM is valid
- * - SIM state is U1
- * - SIM LAI valid
- * - cell selected
- * - cell == SIM LAI
- *
- * Otherwhise PLMN SEARCH is entered.
- *
- * During PLMN SEARCH NORMAL state: (
- * - on expirery of T3211 or T3213: Perform location update, when back
- * to NORMAL SERVICE state.
- * - on expirery of T3212: Perform periodic location update, when back
- * to NORMAL SERVICE state.
- * - perform IMSI detach
- * - perform MM connections
- * - respond to paging (if possible)
- *
- * During PLMN SEARCH state: (
- * - reject MM connection except for emergency calls
- *
- *
- * The NO CELL AVAILABLE state is entered, if:
- * - no cell found during PLMN search
- *
- * During NO CELL AVAILABLE state:
- * - reject any MM connection
- *
- *
- * The NO IMSI state is entered if:
- * - SIM is invalid
- * - and cell is selected during PLMN SEARCH states
- *
- * During NO IMSO state: (
- * - reject MM connection except for emergency calls
- *
- *
- * The LIMITED SERVICE state is entered if:
- * - SIM is valid
- * - and SIM state is U3
- * - and cell is selected
- *
- * During LIMITED SERVICE state: (
- * - reject MM connection except for emergency calls
- * - perform location update, if new LAI is entered
- *
- *
- * The LOCATION UPDATE NEEDED state is entered if:
- * - SIM is valid
- * - and location update must be performed for any reason
- *
- * - reject MM connection except for emergency calls
- *
- * This state is left if location update is possible and directly enter
- * state ATTEMPTING TO UPDATE and trigger location update.
- * The function gsm48_mm_loc_upd_possible() is used to check this on state
- * change.
- *
- *
- * The ATTEMPTING TO UPDATE state is entered if:
- * - SIM is valid
- * - and SIM state is U2
- * - and cell is selected
- *
- * During ATTEMPTING TO UPDATE state: (
- * - on expirery of T3211 or T3213: Perform location updated
- * - on expirery of T3212: Perform location updated
- * - on change of LAI: Perform location update
- * - (abnormal cases unsupported)
- * - accept MM connection for emergency calls
- * - trigger location update on any other MM connection
- * - respond to paging (with IMSI only, because in U2 TMSI is not valid)
- *
- *
- * The NORMAL SERVICE state is entered if:
- * - SIM is valid
- * - and SIM state is U1
- * - and cell is selected
- * - and SIM LAI == cell
- *
- * During NORMAL SERVICE state: (
- * - on expirery of T3211 or T3213: Perform location updated
- * - on expirery of T3212: Perform location updated
- * - on change of LAI: Perform location update
- * - perform IMSI detach
- * - perform MM connections
- * - respond to paging
- *
- *
- * gsm48_mm_set_plmn_search() is used enter PLMN SEARCH or PLMN SEARCH NORMAL
- * state. Depending on the conditions above, the appropiate state is selected.
- *
- *
- * gsm48_mm_return_idle() is used to select the Service state when returning
- * to MM IDLE state after cell reselection.
- *
- *
- * If cell selection process indicates NO_CELL_FOUND:
- *
- * - NO CELL AVAILABLE state is entered, if not already.
- *
- * gsm48_mm_no_cell_found() is used to select the Service state.
- *
- *
- * If cell selection process indicates CELL_SELECTED:
- *
- * - NO IMSI state is entered, if no SIM valid.
- * - Otherwise NORMAL SERVICES state is entered, if
- * SIM state is U1, SIM LAI == cell, IMSI is attached, T3212 not expired.
- * - Otherwise NORMAL SERVICES state is entered, if
- * SIM state is U1, SIM LAI == cell, attach not required, T3212 not expired.
- * - Otherwise LIMITED SERVICE state is entered, if
- * CS mode is automatic, cell is forbidden PLMN or forbidden LA.
- * - Otherwise LIMITED SERVICE state is entered, if
- * CS mode is manual, cell is not the selected one.
- * - Otherwise LOCATION UPDATE NEEDED state is entered.
- *
- * gsm48_mm_cell_selected() is used to select the Service state.
- *
- */
- * support functions
- */
-/* get supported power level of given arfcn */
-uint8_t gsm48_current_pwr_lev(struct gsm_settings *set, uint16_t arfcn)
- uint8_t pwr_lev;
- if (arfcn >= (512 | ARFCN_PCS) && arfcn <= (810 | ARFCN_PCS))
- pwr_lev = set->class_pcs - 1;
- else if (arfcn >= 512 && arfcn <= 885)
- pwr_lev = set->class_dcs - 1;
- else if (arfcn >= 259 && arfcn <= 340)
- pwr_lev = set->class_400 - 1;
- else if (arfcn >= 128 && arfcn <= 251)
- pwr_lev = set->class_850 - 1;
- else
- pwr_lev = set->class_900 - 1;
- return pwr_lev;
-/* decode network name */
-static int decode_network_name(char *name, int name_len,
- const uint8_t *lv)
- uint8_t in_len = lv[0];
- int length, padding;
- name[0] = '\0';
- if (in_len < 1)
- return -EINVAL;
- /* must be CB encoded */
- if ((lv[1] & 0x70) != 0x00)
- return -ENOTSUP;
- padding = lv[1] & 0x03;
- length = ((in_len - 1) * 8 - padding) / 7;
- if (length <= 0)
- return 0;
- if (length >= name_len)
- length = name_len - 1;
- gsm_7bit_decode(name, lv + 2, length);
- name[length] = '\0';
- return length;
-/* encode 'mobile identity' */
-int gsm48_encode_mi(uint8_t *buf, struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- uint8_t mi_type)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- uint8_t *ie;
- switch(mi_type) {
- gsm48_generate_mid_from_tmsi(buf, subscr->tmsi);
- break;
- gsm48_generate_mid_from_imsi(buf, subscr->imsi);
- break;
- gsm48_generate_mid_from_imsi(buf, set->imei);
- break;
- gsm48_generate_mid_from_imsi(buf, set->imeisv);
- break;
- default:
- buf[0] = GSM48_IE_MOBILE_ID;
- buf[1] = 1;
- buf[2] = 0xf0;
- break;
- }
- /* alter MI type */
- buf[2] = (buf[2] & ~GSM_MI_TYPE_MASK) | mi_type;
- if (msg) {
- /* MI as LV */
- ie = msgb_put(msg, 1 + buf[1]);
- memcpy(ie, buf + 1, 1 + buf[1]);
- }
- return 0;
-/* encode 'classmark 1' */
-int gsm48_encode_classmark1(struct gsm48_classmark1 *cm, uint8_t rev_lev,
- uint8_t es_ind, uint8_t a5_1, uint8_t pwr_lev)
- memset(cm, 0, sizeof(*cm));
- cm->rev_lev = rev_lev;
- cm->es_ind = es_ind;
- cm->a5_1 = !a5_1;
- cm->pwr_lev = pwr_lev;
- return 0;
- * timers
- */
-static void timeout_mm_t3210(void *arg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = arg;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "timer T3210 (loc. upd. timeout) has fired\n");
- gsm48_mm_ev(mm->ms, GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3210, NULL);
-static void timeout_mm_t3211(void *arg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = arg;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Location update retry\n");
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "timer T3211 (loc. upd. retry delay) has fired\n");
- gsm48_mm_ev(mm->ms, GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3211, NULL);
-static void timeout_mm_t3212(void *arg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = arg;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Periodic location update\n");
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "timer T3212 (periodic loc. upd. delay) has "
- "fired\n");
- /* reset attempt counter when attempting to update ( */
- if (mm->state == GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE
- && mm->substate == GSM48_MM_SST_ATTEMPT_UPDATE)
- mm->lupd_attempt = 0;
- gsm48_mm_ev(mm->ms, GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3212, NULL);
-static void timeout_mm_t3213(void *arg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = arg;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Location update retry\n");
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "timer T3213 (delay after RA failure) has "
- "fired\n");
- gsm48_mm_ev(mm->ms, GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3213, NULL);
-static void timeout_mm_t3230(void *arg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = arg;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "timer T3230 (MM connection timeout) has "
- "fired\n");
- gsm48_mm_ev(mm->ms, GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3230, NULL);
-static void timeout_mm_t3220(void *arg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = arg;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "timer T3220 (IMSI detach keepalive) has "
- "fired\n");
- gsm48_mm_ev(mm->ms, GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3220, NULL);
-static void timeout_mm_t3240(void *arg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = arg;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "timer T3240 (RR release timeout) has fired\n");
- gsm48_mm_ev(mm->ms, GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3240, NULL);
-static void start_mm_t3210(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "starting T3210 (loc. upd. timeout) with %d.%d "
- "seconds\n", GSM_T3210_MS);
- mm->t3210.cb = timeout_mm_t3210;
- mm-> = mm;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&mm->t3210, GSM_T3210_MS);
-static void start_mm_t3211(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "starting T3211 (loc. upd. retry delay) with "
- "%d.%d seconds\n", GSM_T3211_MS);
- mm->t3211.cb = timeout_mm_t3211;
- mm-> = mm;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&mm->t3211, GSM_T3211_MS);
-static void start_mm_t3212(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm, int sec)
- /* don't start, if is not available */
- if (!sec)
- return;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "starting T3212 (periodic loc. upd. delay) with "
- "%d seconds\n", sec);
- mm->t3212.cb = timeout_mm_t3212;
- mm-> = mm;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&mm->t3212, sec, 0);
-static void start_mm_t3213(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "starting T3213 (delay after RA failure) with "
- "%d.%d seconds\n", GSM_T3213_MS);
- mm->t3213.cb = timeout_mm_t3213;
- mm-> = mm;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&mm->t3213, GSM_T3213_MS);
-static void start_mm_t3220(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "starting T3220 (IMSI detach keepalive) with "
- "%d.%d seconds\n", GSM_T3220_MS);
- mm->t3220.cb = timeout_mm_t3220;
- mm-> = mm;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&mm->t3220, GSM_T3220_MS);
-static void start_mm_t3230(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "starting T3230 (MM connection timeout) with "
- "%d.%d seconds\n", GSM_T3230_MS);
- mm->t3230.cb = timeout_mm_t3230;
- mm-> = mm;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&mm->t3230, GSM_T3230_MS);
-static void start_mm_t3240(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "starting T3240 (RR release timeout) with %d.%d "
- "seconds\n", GSM_T3240_MS);
- mm->t3240.cb = timeout_mm_t3240;
- mm-> = mm;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&mm->t3240, GSM_T3240_MS);
-static void stop_mm_t3210(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&mm->t3210)) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "stopping pending (loc. upd. timeout) "
- "timer T3210\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&mm->t3210);
- }
-static void stop_mm_t3211(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&mm->t3211)) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "stopping pending (loc. upd. retry "
- "delay) timer T3211\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&mm->t3211);
- }
-static void stop_mm_t3212(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&mm->t3212)) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "stopping pending (periodic loc. upd. "
- "delay) timer T3212\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&mm->t3212);
- }
-static void stop_mm_t3213(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&mm->t3213)) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "stopping pending (delay after RA "
- "failure) timer T3213\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&mm->t3213);
- }
-static void stop_mm_t3220(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&mm->t3220)) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "stopping pending (IMSI detach keepalive) "
- "timer T3220\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&mm->t3220);
- }
-static void stop_mm_t3230(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&mm->t3230)) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "stopping pending (MM connection timeout) "
- "timer T3230\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&mm->t3230);
- }
-static void stop_mm_t3240(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&mm->t3240)) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "stopping pending (RR release timeout) "
- "timer T3240\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&mm->t3240);
- }
-static void stop_mm_t3241(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm)
- /* not implemented, not required */
- * messages
- */
-/* names of MM events */
-static const struct value_string gsm48_mmevent_names[] = {
- { 0, NULL }
-const char *get_mmevent_name(int value)
- return get_value_string(gsm48_mmevent_names, value);
-/* names of MM-SAP */
-static const struct value_string gsm48_mm_msg_names[] = {
- { 0, NULL }
-const char *get_mm_name(int value)
- return get_value_string(gsm48_mm_msg_names, value);
-/* names of MMxx-SAP */
-static const struct value_string gsm48_mmxx_msg_names[] = {
- { 0, NULL }
-const char *get_mmxx_name(int value)
- return get_value_string(gsm48_mmxx_msg_names, value);
-/* names of MMR-SAP */
-static const struct value_string gsm48_mmr_msg_names[] = {
- { 0, NULL }
-const char *get_mmr_name(int value)
- return get_value_string(gsm48_mmr_msg_names, value);
-/* allocate GSM 04.08 message (MMxx-SAP) */
-struct msgb *gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(int msg_type, uint32_t ref,
- uint8_t transaction_id)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *mmh;
- msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(MMXX_ALLOC_SIZE+MMXX_ALLOC_HEADROOM,
- if (!msg)
- return NULL;
- mmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*mmh));
- mmh->msg_type = msg_type;
- mmh->ref = ref;
- mmh->transaction_id = transaction_id;
- return msg;
-/* allocate MM event message */
-struct msgb *gsm48_mmevent_msgb_alloc(int msg_type)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct gsm48_mm_event *mme;
- msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(sizeof(*mme), 0, "GSM 04.08 MM event");
- if (!msg)
- return NULL;
- mme = (struct gsm48_mm_event *)msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*mme));
- mme->msg_type = msg_type;
- return msg;
-/* allocate MMR message */
-struct msgb *gsm48_mmr_msgb_alloc(int msg_type)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct gsm48_mmr *mmr;
- msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(sizeof(*mmr), 0, "GSM 04.08 MMR");
- if (!msg)
- return NULL;
- mmr = (struct gsm48_mmr *)msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*mmr));
- mmr->msg_type = msg_type;
- return msg;
-/* queue message (MMxx-SAP) */
-int gsm48_mmxx_upmsg(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- msgb_enqueue(&mm->mmxx_upqueue, msg);
- return 0;
-/* queue message (MMR-SAP) */
-int gsm48_mmr_downmsg(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- msgb_enqueue(&mm->mmr_downqueue, msg);
- return 0;
-/* queue MM event message */
-int gsm48_mmevent_msg(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- msgb_enqueue(&mm->event_queue, msg);
- return 0;
-/* dequeue messages (MMxx-SAP) */
-int gsm48_mmxx_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *mmh;
- int work = 0;
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&mm->mmxx_upqueue))) {
- mmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *) msg->data;
- switch (mmh->msg_type & GSM48_MMXX_MASK) {
- case GSM48_MMCC_CLASS:
- gsm48_rcv_cc(ms, msg);
- break;
-#if 0
- case GSM48_MMSS_CLASS:
- gsm48_rcv_ss(ms, msg);
- break;
- gsm48_rcv_sms(ms, msg);
- break;
- }
- msgb_free(msg);
- work = 1; /* work done */
- }
- return work;
-/* dequeue messages (MMR-SAP) */
-int gsm48_mmr_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct gsm48_mmr *mmr;
- int work = 0;
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&mm->mmr_downqueue))) {
- mmr = (struct gsm48_mmr *) msg->data;
- gsm48_rcv_mmr(ms, msg);
- msgb_free(msg);
- work = 1; /* work done */
- }
- return work;
-/* dequeue messages (RR-SAP) */
-int gsm48_rr_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct msgb *msg;
- int work = 0;
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&mm->rr_upqueue))) {
- /* msg is freed there */
- gsm48_rcv_rr(ms, msg);
- work = 1; /* work done */
- }
- return work;
-/* dequeue MM event messages */
-int gsm48_mmevent_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_mm_event *mme;
- struct msgb *msg;
- int work = 0;
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&mm->event_queue))) {
- mme = (struct gsm48_mm_event *) msg->data;
- gsm48_mm_ev(ms, mme->msg_type, msg);
- msgb_free(msg);
- work = 1; /* work done */
- }
- return work;
-/* push RR header and send to RR */
-static int gsm48_mm_to_rr(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg,
- int msg_type, uint8_t cause)
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *rrh;
- /* push RR header */
- msgb_push(msg, sizeof(struct gsm48_rr_hdr));
- rrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *) msg->data;
- rrh->msg_type = msg_type;
- rrh->cause = cause;
- /* send message to RR */
- return gsm48_rr_downmsg(ms, msg);
- * state transition
- */
-const char *gsm48_mm_state_names[] = {
- "NULL",
- "undefined 1",
- "undefined 2",
- "location updating initiated",
- "undefined 4",
- "wait for outgoing MM connection",
- "MM connection active",
- "IMSI detach initiated",
- "process CM service prompt",
- "wait for network command",
- "location updating reject",
- "undefined 11",
- "undefined 12",
- "wait for RR connection (location updating)",
- "wait for RR connection (MM connection)",
- "wait for RR connection (IMSI detach)",
- "undefined 16",
- "wait for re-establishment",
- "wait for RR connection active",
- "MM idle",
- "wait for additional outgoing MM connection",
- "location updating pending",
- "IMSI detach pending",
- "RR connection release not allowed"
-const char *gsm48_mm_substate_names[] = {
- "NULL",
- "normal service",
- "attempting to update",
- "limited service",
- "no IMSI",
- "no cell available",
- "location updating needed",
- "PLMN search",
- "PLMN search (normal)",
-static int gsm48_mm_loc_upd_possible(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm)
- // TODO: check if really possible
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE, GSM48_MM_SST_ATTEMPT_UPDATE);
- return gsm48_mm_loc_upd_normal(mm->ms, NULL);
-/* Set new MM state, also new substate in case of MM IDLE state. */
-static void new_mm_state(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm, int state, int substate)
- /* IDLE -> IDLE */
- if (mm->state == GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE && state == mm->state)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "new MM IDLE state %s -> %s\n",
- gsm48_mm_substate_names[mm->substate],
- gsm48_mm_substate_names[substate]);
- /* IDLE -> non-IDLE */
- else if (mm->state == GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "new state MM IDLE, %s -> %s\n",
- gsm48_mm_substate_names[mm->substate],
- gsm48_mm_state_names[state]);
- /* non-IDLE -> IDLE */
- else if (state == GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "new state %s -> MM IDLE, %s\n",
- gsm48_mm_state_names[mm->state],
- gsm48_mm_substate_names[substate]);
- /* non-IDLE -> non-IDLE */
- else
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "new state %s -> %s\n",
- gsm48_mm_state_names[mm->state],
- gsm48_mm_state_names[state]);
- /* remember most recent substate */
- if (mm->state == GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE)
- mm->mr_substate = mm->substate;
- mm->state = state;
- mm->substate = substate;
- /* resend detach event, if flag is set */
- if (state == GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE && mm->delay_detach) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- mm->delay_detach = 0;
- nmsg = gsm48_mmevent_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MM_EVENT_IMSI_DETACH);
- if (!nmsg)
- return;
- gsm48_mmevent_msg(mm->ms, nmsg);
- }
- /* 4.4.2 start T3212 in MM IDLE mode if not started or has expired */
- if (state == GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE
- && (substate == GSM48_MM_SST_NORMAL_SERVICE
- || substate == GSM48_MM_SST_ATTEMPT_UPDATE)) {
- /* start periodic location update timer */
- if (!osmo_timer_pending(&mm->t3212))
- start_mm_t3212(mm, mm->t3212_value);
- /* perform pending location update */
- if (mm->lupd_retry) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Loc. upd. pending (type %d)\n",
- mm->lupd_type);
- mm->lupd_retry = 0;
- gsm48_mm_loc_upd(mm->ms, NULL);
- /* must exit, because this function can be called
- * recursively
- */
- return;
- }
- if (mm->lupd_periodic) {
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = &mm->ms->cellsel.sel_si;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Periodic loc. upd. pending "
- "(type %d)\n", mm->lupd_type);
- mm->lupd_periodic = 0;
- if (s->t3212)
- gsm48_mm_loc_upd_periodic(mm->ms, NULL);
- else
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "but not requred\n");
- /* must exit, because this function can be called
- * recursively
- */
- return;
- }
- }
- /* check if location update is possible */
- if (state == GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE
- && substate == GSM48_MM_SST_LOC_UPD_NEEDED) {
- gsm48_mm_loc_upd_possible(mm);
- /* must exit, because this function can be called recursively */
- return;
- }
-/* return PLMN SEARCH or PLMN SEARCH NORMAL state */
-static int gsm48_mm_set_plmn_search(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- /* SIM not inserted */
- if (!subscr->sim_valid) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Selecting PLMN SEARCH state, because "
- "no SIM.\n");
- }
- /* SIM not updated */
- if (subscr->ustate != GSM_SIM_U1_UPDATED) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Selecting PLMN SEARCH state, because "
- "SIM not updated.\n");
- }
- if (subscr->lac == 0x0000 || subscr->lac >= 0xfffe) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Selecting PLMN SEARCH state, because "
- "LAI in SIM not valid.\n");
- }
- /* no cell selected */
- if (!cs->selected) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Selecting PLMN SEARCH state, because "
- "no cell selected.\n");
- }
- /* selected cell's LAI not equal to LAI stored on the sim */
- if (cs->sel_mcc != subscr->mcc
- || cs->sel_mnc != subscr->mnc
- || cs->sel_lac != subscr->lac) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Selecting PLMN SEARCH state, because "
- "LAI of selected cell (MCC %s MNC %s LAC 0x%04x) "
- "!= LAI in SIM (MCC %s MNC %s LAC 0x%04x).\n",
- gsm_print_mcc(cs->sel_mcc), gsm_print_mnc(cs->sel_mnc),
- cs->sel_lac, gsm_print_mcc(subscr->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(subscr->mnc), subscr->lac);
- }
- /* SIM is updated in this LA */
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Selecting PLMN SEARCH NORMAL state.\n");
-/* 4.2.3 when returning to MM IDLE state, this function is called */
-static int gsm48_mm_return_idle(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- /* start T3211 when RR is released */
- if (mm->start_t3211) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Starting T3211 after RR release.\n");
- mm->start_t3211 = 0;
- start_mm_t3211(mm);
- }
- /* return from location update with "Roaming not allowed" */
- if (mm->state == GSM48_MM_ST_LOC_UPD_REJ && mm->lupd_rej_cause == 13) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Roaming not allowed as returning to "
- "MM IDLE\n");
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE,
- gsm48_mm_set_plmn_search(ms));
- return 0;
- }
- /* no SIM present or invalid */
- if (!subscr->sim_valid) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "SIM invalid as returning to MM IDLE\n");
- /* stop periodic location updating */
- mm->lupd_pending = 0;
- stop_mm_t3212(mm); /* 4.4.2 */
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE, GSM48_MM_SST_NO_IMSI);
- return 0;
- }
- /* selected cell equals the registered LAI */
- if (subscr->lac /* valid */
- && cs->sel_mcc == subscr->mcc
- && cs->sel_mnc == subscr->mnc
- && cs->sel_lac == subscr->lac) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "We are in registered LAI as returning "
- "to MM IDLE\n");
- /* if SIM not updated (abnormal case as described in */
- if (subscr->ustate != GSM_SIM_U1_UPDATED)
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE,
- else
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE,
- return 0;
- }
- /* location update allowed */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_C3_CAMPED_NORMALLY) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "We are camping normally as returning to "
- "MM IDLE\n");
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE,
- } else { /* location update not allowed */
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "We are camping on any cell as returning "
- "to MM IDLE\n");
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE,
- }
- return 0;
-/* Service state PLMN SEARCH (NORMAL) is left if no cell found */
-static int gsm48_mm_no_cell_found(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE, GSM48_MM_SST_NO_CELL_AVAIL);
- return 0;
-/* Service state PLMN SEARCH (NORMAL) / NO CELL AVAILABLE is left
- * if cell selected
- */
-static int gsm48_mm_cell_selected(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn = &ms->plmn;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = &cs->sel_si;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- /* no SIM is inserted */
- if (!subscr->sim_valid) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "SIM invalid as cell is selected.\n");
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE, GSM48_MM_SST_NO_IMSI);
- return 0;
- }
- /* SIM not updated in this LA */
- if (subscr->ustate == GSM_SIM_U1_UPDATED
- && subscr->lac /* valid */
- && cs->sel_mcc == subscr->mcc
- && cs->sel_mnc == subscr->mnc
- && cs->sel_lac == subscr->lac
- && !mm->lupd_periodic) {
- if (subscr->imsi_attached) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Valid in location area.\n");
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE,
- /* send message to PLMN search process */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_REG_SUCCESS);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!s->att_allowed) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Attachment not required.\n");
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE,
- /* send message to PLMN search process */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_REG_SUCCESS);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* else, continue */
- }
- /* PLMN mode auto and selected cell is forbidden */
- if (set->plmn_mode == PLMN_MODE_AUTO
- && (gsm_subscr_is_forbidden_plmn(subscr, cs->sel_mcc, cs->sel_mnc)
- || gsm322_is_forbidden_la(ms, cs->sel_mcc, cs->sel_mnc,
- cs->sel_lac))) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Selected cell is forbidden.\n");
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE,
- /* send message to PLMN search process */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_ROAMING_NA);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* PLMN mode manual and selected cell not selected PLMN */
- if (set->plmn_mode == PLMN_MODE_MANUAL
- && (plmn->mcc != cs->sel_mcc
- || plmn->mnc != cs->sel_mnc)) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Selected cell not found.\n");
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE,
- /* send message to PLMN search process */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_REG_FAILED);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* other cases */
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE, GSM48_MM_SST_LOC_UPD_NEEDED);
- return 0;
-/* Service state PLMN SEARCH (NORMAL) is entered */
-static int gsm48_mm_plmn_search(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE, gsm48_mm_set_plmn_search(ms));
- return 0;
- * init and exit
- */
-/* initialize Mobility Management process */
-int gsm48_mm_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- memset(mm, 0, sizeof(*mm));
- mm->ms = ms;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "init Mobility Management process\n");
- /* */
- mm->state = GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE;
- mm->substate = gsm48_mm_set_plmn_search(ms);
- /* init lists */
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&mm->mm_conn);
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&mm->rr_upqueue);
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&mm->mmxx_upqueue);
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&mm->mmr_downqueue);
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&mm->event_queue);
- return 0;
-/* exit MM process */
-int gsm48_mm_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn;
- struct msgb *msg;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "exit Mobility Management process\n");
- /* flush lists */
- while (!llist_empty(&mm->mm_conn)) {
- conn = llist_entry(mm->,
- struct gsm48_mm_conn, list);
- mm_conn_free(conn);
- }
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&mm->rr_upqueue)))
- msgb_free(msg);
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&mm->mmxx_upqueue)))
- msgb_free(msg);
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&mm->mmr_downqueue)))
- msgb_free(msg);
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&mm->event_queue)))
- msgb_free(msg);
- /* stop timers */
- stop_mm_t3210(mm);
- stop_mm_t3211(mm);
- stop_mm_t3212(mm);
- stop_mm_t3213(mm);
- stop_mm_t3220(mm);
- stop_mm_t3230(mm);
- stop_mm_t3240(mm);
- return 0;
- * MM connection management
- */
-static const char *gsm48_mmxx_state_names[] = {
- "IDLE",
-uint32_t mm_conn_new_ref = 0x80000001;
-/* new MM connection state */
-static void new_conn_state(struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn, int state)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "(ref %x) new state %s -> %s\n", conn->ref,
- gsm48_mmxx_state_names[conn->state],
- gsm48_mmxx_state_names[state]);
- conn->state = state;
-/* find MM connection by protocol+ID */
-struct gsm48_mm_conn *mm_conn_by_id(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm,
- uint8_t proto, uint8_t transaction_id)
- struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn;
- llist_for_each_entry(conn, &mm->mm_conn, list) {
- if (conn->protocol == proto &&
- conn->transaction_id == transaction_id)
- return conn;
- }
- return NULL;
-/* find MM connection by reference */
-struct gsm48_mm_conn *mm_conn_by_ref(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm,
- uint32_t ref)
- struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn;
- llist_for_each_entry(conn, &mm->mm_conn, list) {
- if (conn->ref == ref)
- return conn;
- }
- return NULL;
-/* create MM connection instance */
-static struct gsm48_mm_conn* mm_conn_new(struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm,
- int proto, uint8_t transaction_id, uint32_t ref)
- struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn = talloc_zero(l23_ctx, struct gsm48_mm_conn);
- if (!conn)
- return NULL;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "New MM Connection (proto 0x%02x trans_id %d "
- "ref %d)\n", proto, transaction_id, ref);
- conn->mm = mm;
- conn->state = GSM48_MMXX_ST_IDLE;
- conn->transaction_id = transaction_id;
- conn->protocol = proto;
- conn->ref = ref;
- llist_add(&conn->list, &mm->mm_conn);
- return conn;
-/* destroy MM connection instance */
-void mm_conn_free(struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Freeing MM Connection\n");
- new_conn_state(conn, GSM48_MMXX_ST_IDLE);
- llist_del(&conn->list);
- talloc_free(conn);
-/* support function to release pending/all ongoing MM connections */
-static int gsm48_mm_release_mm_conn(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int abort_any,
- uint8_t cause, int error)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn, *conn2;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *nmmh;
- if (abort_any)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Release any MM Connection\n");
- else
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Release pending MM Connections\n");
- /* release MM connection(s) */
- llist_for_each_entry_safe(conn, conn2, &mm->mm_conn, list) {
- /* abort any OR the pending connection */
- if (abort_any || conn->state == GSM48_MMXX_ST_CONN_PEND) {
- /* send MMxx-REL-IND */
- nmsg = NULL;
- switch(conn->protocol) {
- case GSM48_PDISC_CC:
- nmsg = gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(
- error ? GSM48_MMCC_ERR_IND
- : GSM48_MMCC_REL_IND, conn->ref,
- conn->transaction_id);
- break;
- case GSM48_PDISC_NC_SS:
- nmsg = gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(
- error ? GSM48_MMSS_ERR_IND
- : GSM48_MMSS_REL_IND, conn->ref,
- conn->transaction_id);
- break;
- case GSM48_PDISC_SMS:
- nmsg = gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(
- error ? GSM48_MMSMS_ERR_IND
- : GSM48_MMSMS_REL_IND, conn->ref,
- conn->transaction_id);
- break;
- }
- if (!nmsg) {
- /* this should not happen */
- mm_conn_free(conn);
- continue; /* skip if not of CC type */
- }
- nmmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)nmsg->data;
- nmmh->cause = cause;
- gsm48_mmxx_upmsg(ms, nmsg);
- mm_conn_free(conn);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- * process handlers (Common procedures)
- */
-/* sending MM STATUS message */
-static int gsm48_mm_tx_mm_status(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t cause)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *ngh;
- uint8_t *reject_cause;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "MM STATUS (cause #%d)\n", cause);
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- ngh = (struct gsm48_hdr *)msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*ngh));
- reject_cause = msgb_put(nmsg, 1);
- ngh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM;
- ngh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_MM_STATUS;
- *reject_cause = cause;
- /* push RR header and send down */
- return gsm48_mm_to_rr(ms, nmsg, GSM48_RR_DATA_REQ, 0);
-/* sending TMSI REALLOCATION COMPLETE message */
-static int gsm48_mm_tx_tmsi_reall_cpl(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *ngh;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- ngh = (struct gsm48_hdr *)msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*ngh));
- ngh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM;
- ngh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_MM_TMSI_REALL_COMPL;
- /* push RR header and send down */
- return gsm48_mm_to_rr(ms, nmsg, GSM48_RR_DATA_REQ, 0);
-/* 4.3.1 TMSI REALLOCATION COMMAND is received */
-static int gsm48_mm_rx_tmsi_realloc_cmd(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct gsm48_loc_area_id *lai = (struct gsm48_loc_area_id *) gh->data;
- uint8_t mi_type, *mi;
- uint32_t tmsi;
- if (payload_len < sizeof(struct gsm48_loc_area_id) + 2) {
- short_read:
- "COMMAND message error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* LAI */
- gsm48_decode_lai(lai, &subscr->mcc, &subscr->mnc, &subscr->lac);
- /* MI */
- mi = gh->data + sizeof(struct gsm48_loc_area_id);
- mi_type = mi[1] & GSM_MI_TYPE_MASK;
- switch (mi_type) {
- if (payload_len + sizeof(struct gsm48_loc_area_id) < 6
- || mi[0] < 5)
- goto short_read;
- memcpy(&tmsi, mi+2, 4);
- subscr->tmsi = ntohl(tmsi);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "TMSI 0x%08x (%u) assigned.\n",
- subscr->tmsi, subscr->tmsi);
- gsm48_mm_tx_tmsi_reall_cpl(ms);
- break;
- subscr->tmsi = 0xffffffff;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "TMSI removed.\n");
- gsm48_mm_tx_tmsi_reall_cpl(ms);
- break;
- default:
- subscr->tmsi = 0xffffffff;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "TMSI reallocation with unknown MI "
- "type %d.\n", mi_type);
- gsm48_mm_tx_mm_status(ms, GSM48_REJECT_INCORRECT_MESSAGE);
- }
- /* store LOCI on sim */
- gsm_subscr_write_loci(ms);
- return 0;
-static int gsm48_mm_rx_auth_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct gsm48_auth_req *ar = (struct gsm48_auth_req *) gh->data;
- uint8_t no_sim = 0;
- if (payload_len < sizeof(struct gsm48_auth_req)) {
- "message error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* SIM is not available */
- if (!subscr->sim_valid) {
- return gsm48_mm_tx_mm_status(ms,
- }
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "AUTHENTICATION REQUEST (seq %d)\n", ar->key_seq);
- /* key_seq and random
- * in case of test card, there is a dummy response.
- * authentication request is possible during emergency call, if
- * IMSI is known to the network. in case of emergency IMSI, we need to
- * send a dummy response also.
- */
- if (mm->est_cause == RR_EST_CAUSE_EMERGENCY && set->emergency_imsi[0])
- no_sim = 1;
- gsm_subscr_generate_kc(ms, ar->key_seq, ar->rand, no_sim);
- /* wait for auth response event from SIM */
- return 0;
-static int gsm48_mm_tx_auth_rsp(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mm_event *mme = (struct gsm48_mm_event *) msg->data;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *ngh;
- uint8_t *sres;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- ngh = (struct gsm48_hdr *)msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*ngh));
- ngh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM;
- ngh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_MM_AUTH_RESP;
- /* SRES */
- sres = msgb_put(nmsg, 4);
- memcpy(sres, mme->sres, 4);
- /* push RR header and send down */
- return gsm48_mm_to_rr(ms, nmsg, GSM48_RR_DATA_REQ, 0);
-/* AUTHENTICATION REJECT is received */
-static int gsm48_mm_rx_auth_rej(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- stop_mm_t3212(mm); /* 4.4.2 */
- /* SIM invalid */
- subscr->sim_valid = 0;
- /* TMSI and LAI invalid */
- subscr->tmsi = 0xffffffff;
- subscr->lac = 0x0000;
- /* key is invalid */
- subscr->key_seq = 7;
- /* update status */
- new_sim_ustate(subscr, GSM_SIM_U3_ROAMING_NA);
- /* store LOCI on sim */
- gsm_subscr_write_loci(ms);
- /* abort IMSI detach procedure */
- if (mm->state == GSM48_MM_ST_IMSI_DETACH_INIT) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *nrrh;
- /* abort RR connection */
- nmsg = gsm48_rr_msgb_alloc(GSM48_RR_ABORT_REQ);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nrrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *) nmsg->data;
- nrrh->cause = GSM48_RR_CAUSE_NORMAL;
- gsm48_rr_downmsg(ms, nmsg);
- /* CS process will trigger: return to MM IDLE / No SIM */
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
-/* IDENTITY REQUEST is received */
-static int gsm48_mm_rx_id_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- uint8_t mi_type;
- if (payload_len < 1) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Short read of IDENTITY REQUEST message "
- "error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* id type */
- mi_type = *gh->data;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "IDENTITY REQUEST (mi_type %d)\n", mi_type);
- /* check if request can be fulfilled */
- if (!subscr->sim_valid && mi_type != GSM_MI_TYPE_IMEI
- && mi_type != GSM_MI_TYPE_IMEISV) {
- return gsm48_mm_tx_mm_status(ms,
- }
- if (mi_type == GSM_MI_TYPE_TMSI && subscr->tmsi == 0xffffffff) {
- "TMSI\n");
- return gsm48_mm_tx_mm_status(ms,
- }
- return gsm48_mm_tx_id_rsp(ms, mi_type);
-/* send IDENTITY RESPONSE message */
-static int gsm48_mm_tx_id_rsp(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t mi_type)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *ngh;
- uint8_t buf[11];
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- ngh = (struct gsm48_hdr *)msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*ngh));
- ngh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM;
- ngh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_MM_ID_RESP;
- /* MI */
- gsm48_encode_mi(buf, nmsg, ms, mi_type);
- /* push RR header and send down */
- return gsm48_mm_to_rr(ms, nmsg, GSM48_RR_DATA_REQ, 0);
-/* sending IMSI DETACH INDICATION message */
-static int gsm48_mm_tx_imsi_detach(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int rr_prim)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *ngh;
- uint8_t pwr_lev;
- uint8_t buf[11];
- struct gsm48_classmark1 cm;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- ngh = (struct gsm48_hdr *)msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*ngh));
- ngh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM;
- ngh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_MM_IMSI_DETACH_IND;
- /* classmark 1 */
- pwr_lev = gsm48_current_pwr_lev(set, rr->cd_now.arfcn);
- gsm48_encode_classmark1(&cm, sup->rev_lev, sup->es_ind, set->a5_1,
- pwr_lev);
- msgb_v_put(nmsg, *((uint8_t *)&cm));
- /* MI */
- if (subscr->tmsi != 0xffffffff) { /* have TMSI ? */
- gsm48_encode_mi(buf, nmsg, ms, GSM_MI_TYPE_TMSI);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, " using TMSI 0x%08x\n", subscr->tmsi);
- } else {
- gsm48_encode_mi(buf, nmsg, ms, GSM_MI_TYPE_IMSI);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, " using IMSI %s\n", subscr->imsi);
- }
- /* push RR header and send down */
- mm->est_cause = RR_EST_CAUSE_OTHER_SDCCH;
- return gsm48_mm_to_rr(ms, nmsg, rr_prim, mm->est_cause);
-/* detach has ended */
-static int gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_end(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "IMSI has been detached.\n");
- /* stop IMSI detach timer (if running) */
- stop_mm_t3220(mm);
- /* SIM invalid */
- subscr->sim_valid = 0;
- /* wait for RR idle and then power off when IMSI is detached */
- if (ms->shutdown) {
- if (mm->state == GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE) {
- mobile_exit(ms, 1);
- return 0;
- }
- /* power off when MM idle */
- mm->power_off_idle = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- /* send SIM remove event to gsm322 */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_SIM_REMOVE);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- /* CS process will trigger return to MM IDLE / No SIM */
- return 0;
-/* start an IMSI detach in MM IDLE */
-static int gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_start(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = &ms->cellsel.sel_si;
- /* we may silently finish IMSI detach */
- if (!s->att_allowed || !subscr->imsi_attached) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "IMSI detach not required.\n");
- return gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_end(ms, msg);
- }
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "IMSI detach started (MM IDLE)\n");
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_RR_CONN_IMSI_D, 0);
- /* establish RR and send IMSI detach */
- return gsm48_mm_tx_imsi_detach(ms, GSM48_RR_EST_REQ);
-/* IMSI detach has been sent, wait for RR release */
-static int gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_sent(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- /* start T3220 ( */
- start_mm_t3220(mm);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "IMSI detach started (Wait for RR release)\n");
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_IMSI_DETACH_INIT, 0);
- return 0;
-/* release MM connection and proceed with IMSI detach */
-static int gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_release(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = &ms->cellsel.sel_si;
- /* stop MM connection timer */
- stop_mm_t3230(mm);
- /* release all connections */
- gsm48_mm_release_mm_conn(ms, 1, 16, 0);
- /* wait for release of RR */
- if (!s->att_allowed || !subscr->imsi_attached) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "IMSI detach not required.\n");
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_NETWORK_CMD, 0);
- /* power off */
- if (ms->shutdown) {
- mobile_exit(ms, 1);
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* send IMSI detach */
- gsm48_mm_tx_imsi_detach(ms, GSM48_RR_DATA_REQ);
- /* go to sent state */
- return gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_sent(ms, msg);
-/* ignore ongoing IMSI detach */
-static int gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_ignore(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- return 0;
-/* delay until state change (and then retry) */
-static int gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_delay(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "IMSI detach delayed.\n");
- /* remember to detach later */
- mm->delay_detach = 1;
- return 0;
-/* ABORT is received */
-static int gsm48_mm_rx_abort(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- uint8_t reject_cause;
- if (payload_len < 1) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Short read of ABORT message error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- reject_cause = *gh->data;
- if (llist_empty(&mm->mm_conn)) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "ABORT (cause #%d) while no MM "
- "connection is established.\n", reject_cause);
- return gsm48_mm_tx_mm_status(ms,
- } else {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "ABORT (cause #%d) while MM connection "
- "is established.\n", reject_cause);
- /* stop MM connection timer */
- stop_mm_t3230(mm);
- gsm48_mm_release_mm_conn(ms, 1, 16, 0);
- }
- if (reject_cause == GSM48_REJECT_ILLEGAL_ME) {
- /* SIM invalid */
- subscr->sim_valid = 0;
- /* TMSI and LAI invalid */
- subscr->tmsi = 0xffffffff;
- subscr->lac = 0x0000;
- /* key is invalid */
- subscr->key_seq = 7;
- /* update status */
- new_sim_ustate(subscr, GSM_SIM_U3_ROAMING_NA);
- /* store LOCI on sim */
- gsm_subscr_write_loci(ms);
- /* CS process will trigger: return to MM IDLE / No SIM */
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
-/* MM INFORMATION is received */
-static int gsm48_mm_rx_info(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Short read of MM INFORMATION message "
- "error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_mm_att_tlvdef, gh->data, payload_len, 0, 0);
- /* long name */
- decode_network_name(mm->name_long, sizeof(mm->name_long),
- }
- /* short name */
- decode_network_name(mm->name_short, sizeof(mm->name_short),
- }
- return 0;
- * process handlers for Location Update + IMSI attach (MM specific procedures)
- */
-/* 4.4.2 received sysinfo change event */
-static int gsm48_mm_sysinfo(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = &ms->cellsel.sel_si;
- /* t3212 not changed in these states */
- if (mm->state == GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE
- && (mm->substate == GSM48_MM_SST_NO_CELL_AVAIL
- || mm->substate == GSM48_MM_SST_LIMITED_SERVICE
- || mm->substate == GSM48_MM_SST_PLMN_SEARCH
- || mm->substate == GSM48_MM_SST_PLMN_SEARCH_NORMAL))
- return 0;
- /* new periodic location update timer timeout */
- if (s->t3212 && s->t3212 != mm->t3212_value) {
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&mm->t3212)) {
- int t;
- struct timeval current_time;
- /* get rest time */
- gettimeofday(&current_time, NULL);
- t = mm->t3212.timeout.tv_sec - current_time.tv_sec;
- if (t < 0)
- t = 0;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "New T3212 while timer is running "
- "(value %d rest %d)\n", s->t3212, t);
- /* rest time modulo given value */
- mm->t3212.timeout.tv_sec = current_time.tv_sec
- + (t % s->t3212);
- } else {
- uint32_t rand = random();
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "New T3212 while timer is not "
- "running (value %d)\n", s->t3212);
- /* value between 0 and given value */
- start_mm_t3212(mm, rand % (s->t3212 + 1));
- }
- mm->t3212_value = s->t3212;
- }
- return 0;
-/* (re)start location update
- *
- * this function is called by
- * - normal location update
- * - periodic location update
- * - imsi attach (normal loc. upd. function)
- * - retry timers (T3211 and T3213)
- */
-static int gsm48_mm_loc_upd(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = &cs->sel_si;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- int msg_type;
- /* (re)start only if we still require location update */
- if (!mm->lupd_pending) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "No loc. upd. pending.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- /* must camp normally */
- if (cs->state != GSM322_C3_CAMPED_NORMALLY) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Loc. upd. not camping normally.\n");
- msg_type = GSM322_EVENT_REG_FAILED;
- stop:
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Location updating not possible\n");
- _stop:
- mm->lupd_pending = 0;
- /* send message to PLMN search process */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(msg_type);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* deny network, if disabled */
- if (set->no_lupd) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Loc. upd. disabled, adding "
- "forbidden PLMN.\n");
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Location updating is disabled by "
- "configuration\n");
- gsm_subscr_add_forbidden_plmn(subscr, cs->sel_mcc,
- cs->sel_mnc, GSM48_REJECT_PLMN_NOT_ALLOWED);
- msg_type = GSM322_EVENT_ROAMING_NA;
- goto _stop;
- }
- /* if LAI is forbidden, don't start */
- if (gsm_subscr_is_forbidden_plmn(subscr, cs->sel_mcc, cs->sel_mnc)) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Loc. upd. not allowed PLMN.\n");
- msg_type = GSM322_EVENT_ROAMING_NA;
- goto stop;
- }
- if (gsm322_is_forbidden_la(ms, cs->sel_mcc,
- cs->sel_mnc, cs->sel_lac)) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Loc. upd. not allowed LA.\n");
- msg_type = GSM322_EVENT_ROAMING_NA;
- goto stop;
- }
- /* if cell is barred, don't start */
- if ((!subscr->acc_barr && s->cell_barr)
- || (!subscr->acc_barr && !((subscr->acc_class & 0xfbff) &
- (s->class_barr ^ 0xffff)))) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Loc. upd. no access.\n");
- msg_type = GSM322_EVENT_ROAMING_NA;
- goto stop;
- }
- mm->lupd_mcc = cs->sel_mcc;
- mm->lupd_mnc = cs->sel_mnc;
- mm->lupd_lac = cs->sel_lac;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Perform location update (MCC %s, MNC %s "
- "LAC 0x%04x)\n", gsm_print_mcc(mm->lupd_mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(mm->lupd_mnc), mm->lupd_lac);
- return gsm48_mm_tx_loc_upd_req(ms);
-/* initiate a normal location update / imsi attach */
-static int gsm48_mm_loc_upd_normal(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = &cs->sel_si;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- /* in case we already have a location update going on */
- if (mm->lupd_pending) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Loc. upd. already pending.\n");
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- /* no location update, if limited service */
- if (cs->state != GSM322_C3_CAMPED_NORMALLY) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Loc. upd. not allowed.\n");
- /* send message to PLMN search process */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_REG_FAILED);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* if location update is not required */
- if (subscr->ustate == GSM_SIM_U1_UPDATED
- && cs->selected
- && cs->sel_mcc == subscr->mcc
- && cs->sel_mnc == subscr->mnc
- && cs->sel_lac == subscr->lac
- && (subscr->imsi_attached
- || !s->att_allowed)) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Loc. upd. not required.\n");
- subscr->imsi_attached = 1;
- /* go straight to normal service state */
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE,
- /* send message to PLMN search process */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_REG_SUCCESS);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* 4.4.3 is attachment required? */
- if (subscr->ustate == GSM_SIM_U1_UPDATED
- && cs->selected
- && cs->sel_mcc == subscr->mcc
- && cs->sel_mnc == subscr->mnc
- && cs->sel_lac == subscr->lac
- && !subscr->imsi_attached
- && s->att_allowed) {
- /* do location update for IMSI attach */
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Do Loc. upd. for IMSI attach.\n");
- mm->lupd_type = 2;
- } else {
- /* do normal location update */
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Do normal Loc. upd.\n");
- mm->lupd_type = 0;
- }
- /* start location update */
- mm->lupd_attempt = 0;
- mm->lupd_pending = 1;
- mm->lupd_ra_failure = 0;
- return gsm48_mm_loc_upd(ms, msg);
-/* initiate a periodic location update */
-static int gsm48_mm_loc_upd_periodic(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- /* in case we already have a location update going on */
- if (mm->lupd_pending) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Loc. upd. already pending.\n");
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- /* start periodic location update */
- mm->lupd_type = 1;
- mm->lupd_pending = 1;
- mm->lupd_ra_failure = 0;
- return gsm48_mm_loc_upd(ms, msg);
-/* ignore location update */
-static int gsm48_mm_loc_upd_ignore(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- return 0;
-/* 9.2.15 send LOCATION UPDATING REQUEST message */
-static int gsm48_mm_tx_loc_upd_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *ngh;
- struct gsm48_loc_upd_req *nlu; /* NOTE: mi_len is part of struct */
- uint8_t pwr_lev;
- uint8_t buf[11];
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- ngh = (struct gsm48_hdr *)msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*ngh));
- nlu = (struct gsm48_loc_upd_req *)msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*nlu));
- ngh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM;
- ngh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_MM_LOC_UPD_REQUEST;
- /* location updating type */
- nlu->type = mm->lupd_type;
- /* cipering key */
- nlu->key_seq = subscr->key_seq;
- /* LAI (last SIM stored LAI)
- *
- * NOTE: The TMSI is only valid within a LAI!
- */
- gsm48_encode_lai(&nlu->lai, subscr->mcc, subscr->mnc, subscr->lac);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, " using LAI (mcc %s mnc %s " "lac 0x%04x)\n",
- gsm_print_mcc(subscr->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(subscr->mnc), subscr->lac);
- /* classmark 1 */
- pwr_lev = gsm48_current_pwr_lev(set, rr->cd_now.arfcn);
- gsm48_encode_classmark1(&nlu->classmark1, sup->rev_lev, sup->es_ind,
- set->a5_1, pwr_lev);
- /* MI */
- if (subscr->tmsi != 0xffffffff) { /* have TMSI ? */
- gsm48_encode_mi(buf, NULL, ms, GSM_MI_TYPE_TMSI);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, " using TMSI 0x%08x\n", subscr->tmsi);
- } else {
- gsm48_encode_mi(buf, NULL, ms, GSM_MI_TYPE_IMSI);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, " using IMSI %s\n", subscr->imsi);
- }
- msgb_put(nmsg, buf[1]); /* length is part of nlu */
- memcpy(&nlu->mi_len, buf + 1, 1 + buf[1]);
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_RR_CONN_LUPD, 0);
- /* push RR header and send down */
- mm->est_cause = RR_EST_CAUSE_LOC_UPD;
- return gsm48_mm_to_rr(ms, nmsg, GSM48_RR_EST_REQ, mm->est_cause);
-/* RR is esablised during location update */
-static int gsm48_mm_est_loc_upd(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- /* start location update timer */
- start_mm_t3210(mm);
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_LOC_UPD_INIT, 0);
- return 0;
-static int gsm48_mm_rx_loc_upd_acc(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm48_loc_area_id *lai = (struct gsm48_loc_area_id *) gh->data;
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- if (payload_len < sizeof(struct gsm48_loc_area_id)) {
- short_read:
- "message error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_mm_att_tlvdef,
- gh->data + sizeof(struct gsm48_loc_area_id),
- payload_len - sizeof(struct gsm48_loc_area_id), 0, 0);
- /* update has finished */
- mm->lupd_pending = 0;
- /* RA was successfull */
- mm->lupd_ra_failure = 0;
- /* stop periodic location updating timer */
- stop_mm_t3212(mm); /* 4.4.2 */
- /* LAI */
- gsm48_decode_lai(lai, &subscr->mcc, &subscr->mnc, &subscr->lac);
- /* stop location update timer */
- stop_mm_t3210(mm);
- /* reset attempt counter */
- mm->lupd_attempt = 0;
- /* mark SIM as attached */
- subscr->imsi_attached = 1;
- /* set the status in the sim to updated */
- new_sim_ustate(subscr, GSM_SIM_U1_UPDATED);
- /* store LOCI on sim */
- gsm_subscr_write_loci(ms);
- /* set last registered PLMN */
- if (subscr->lac > 0x0000 && subscr->lac < 0xfffe) {
- subscr->plmn_valid = 1;
- subscr->plmn_mcc = subscr->mcc;
- subscr->plmn_mnc = subscr->mnc;
- }
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Location update accepted\n");
- "lac 0x%04x)\n", gsm_print_mcc(subscr->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(subscr->mnc), subscr->lac);
- /* remove LA from forbidden list */
- gsm322_del_forbidden_la(ms, subscr->mcc, subscr->mnc, subscr->lac);
- /* MI */
- const uint8_t *mi;
- uint8_t mi_type;
- uint32_t tmsi;
- mi = TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_MOBILE_ID)-1;
- if (mi[0] < 1)
- goto short_read;
- mi_type = mi[1] & GSM_MI_TYPE_MASK;
- switch (mi_type) {
- if (payload_len + sizeof(struct gsm48_loc_area_id) < 6
- || mi[0] < 5)
- goto short_read;
- memcpy(&tmsi, mi+2, 4);
- subscr->tmsi = ntohl(tmsi);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "got TMSI 0x%08x (%u)\n",
- subscr->tmsi, subscr->tmsi);
- /* store LOCI on sim */
- gsm_subscr_write_loci(ms);
- gsm48_mm_tx_tmsi_reall_cpl(ms);
- break;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "TMSI removed\n");
- subscr->tmsi = 0xffffffff;
- /* store LOCI on sim */
- gsm_subscr_write_loci(ms);
- gsm48_mm_tx_tmsi_reall_cpl(ms);
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "TMSI reallocation with unknown "
- "MI type %d.\n", mi_type);
- }
- }
- /* send message to PLMN search process */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_REG_SUCCESS);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- /* follow on proceed */
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "follow-on proceed not supported.\n");
- /* start RR release timer */
- start_mm_t3240(mm);
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_NETWORK_CMD, 0);
- return 0;
-static int gsm48_mm_rx_loc_upd_rej(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- if (payload_len < 1) {
- "message error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* RA was successfull */
- mm->lupd_ra_failure = 0;
- /* stop periodic location updating timer */
- stop_mm_t3212(mm); /* 4.4.2 */
- /* stop location update timer */
- stop_mm_t3210(mm);
- /* store until RR is released */
- mm->lupd_rej_cause = *gh->data;
- /* start RR release timer */
- start_mm_t3240(mm);
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_LOC_UPD_REJ, 0);
- return 0;
-/* RR is released after location update reject */
-static int gsm48_mm_rel_loc_upd_rej(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm322_msg *ngm;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Loc. upd. rejected (cause %d)\n",
- mm->lupd_rej_cause);
- /* stop RR release timer */
- stop_mm_t3240(mm);
- /* new status */
- switch (mm->lupd_rej_cause) {
- /* reset attempt counter */
- mm->lupd_attempt = 0;
- /* SIM invalid */
- subscr->sim_valid = 0;
- // fall through
- /* TMSI and LAI invalid */
- subscr->tmsi = 0xffffffff;
- subscr->lac = 0x0000;
- /* key is invalid */
- subscr->key_seq = 7;
- /* update status */
- new_sim_ustate(subscr, GSM_SIM_U3_ROAMING_NA);
- /* store LOCI on sim */
- gsm_subscr_write_loci(ms);
- /* update has finished */
- mm->lupd_pending = 0;
- }
- /* send event to PLMN search process */
- switch(mm->lupd_rej_cause) {
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_ROAMING_NA);
- break;
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_INVALID_SIM);
- break;
- default:
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_REG_FAILED);
- }
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- ngm = (struct gsm322_msg *)nmsg->data;
- ngm->reject = mm->lupd_rej_cause;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- /* forbidden list */
- switch (mm->lupd_rej_cause) {
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Location update failed (IMSI unknown "
- "in HLR)\n");
- break;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Location update failed (Illegal MS)\n");
- break;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Location update failed (Illegal ME)\n");
- break;
- gsm_subscr_add_forbidden_plmn(subscr, mm->lupd_mcc,
- mm->lupd_mnc, mm->lupd_rej_cause);
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Location update failed (PLMN not "
- "allowed)\n");
- break;
- gsm322_add_forbidden_la(ms, mm->lupd_mcc, mm->lupd_mnc,
- mm->lupd_lac, mm->lupd_rej_cause);
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Location update failed (LAI not "
- "allowed)\n");
- break;
- default:
- /* continue with failure handling */
- return gsm48_mm_loc_upd_failed(ms, NULL);
- }
- /* CS proc triggers: return to IDLE, case 13 is also handled there */
- return 0;
-/* 4.2.2 delay a location update */
-static int gsm48_mm_loc_upd_delay_per(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Schedule a pending periodic loc. upd.\n");
- mm->lupd_periodic = 1;
- return 0;
-/* delay a location update retry */
-static int gsm48_mm_loc_upd_delay_retry(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Schedule a pending periodic loc. upd.\n");
- mm->lupd_retry = 1;
- return 0;
-/* process failues as described in the lower part of */
-static int gsm48_mm_loc_upd_failed(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Location update failed\n");
- /* stop location update timer, if running */
- stop_mm_t3210(mm);
- if (subscr->ustate == GSM_SIM_U1_UPDATED
- && mm->lupd_mcc == subscr->mcc
- && mm->lupd_mnc == subscr->mnc
- && mm->lupd_lac == subscr->lac) {
- if (mm->lupd_attempt < 4) {
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Try location update later\n");
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Loc. upd. failed, retry #%d\n",
- mm->lupd_attempt);
- /* start update retry timer */
- start_mm_t3211(mm);
- /* CS process will trigger: return to MM IDLE */
- return 0;
- } else
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Loc. upd. failed too often.\n");
- }
- /* TMSI and LAI invalid */
- subscr->tmsi = 0xffffffff;
- subscr->lac = 0x0000;
- /* key is invalid */
- subscr->key_seq = 7;
- /* update status */
- new_sim_ustate(subscr, GSM_SIM_U2_NOT_UPDATED);
- /* store LOCI on sim */
- gsm_subscr_write_loci(ms);
- /* start update retry timer (RR connection is released) */
- if (mm->lupd_attempt < 4) {
- mm->start_t3211 = 1;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Try location update later\n");
- }
- /* CS process will trigger: return to MM IDLE */
- return 0;
-/* abort a location update due to radio failure or release */
-static int gsm48_mm_rel_loc_upd_abort(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *rrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *)msg->data;
- /* stop RR release timer */
- stop_mm_t3240(mm);
- if (rrh->msg_type == GSM48_RR_REL_IND) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "RR link released after loc. upd.\n");
- /* continue with failure handling */
- return gsm48_mm_loc_upd_failed(ms, NULL);
- }
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Loc. upd. aborted by radio (cause #%d)\n",
- rrh->cause);
- /* random access failure, but not two successive failures */
- if (rrh->cause == RR_REL_CAUSE_RA_FAILURE && !mm->lupd_ra_failure) {
- mm->lupd_ra_failure = 1;
- /* start RA failure timer */
- start_mm_t3213(mm);
- return 0;
- }
- /* RA was successfull or sent twice */
- mm->lupd_ra_failure = 0;
- /* continue with failure handling */
- return gsm48_mm_loc_upd_failed(ms, NULL);
-/* location update has timed out */
-static int gsm48_mm_loc_upd_timeout(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *nrrh;
- /* abort RR connection */
- nmsg = gsm48_rr_msgb_alloc(GSM48_RR_ABORT_REQ);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nrrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *) nmsg->data;
- nrrh->cause = GSM48_RR_CAUSE_ABNORMAL_TIMER;
- gsm48_rr_downmsg(ms, nmsg);
- /* continue with failure handling */
- return gsm48_mm_loc_upd_failed(ms, NULL);
- * process handlers for MM connections
- */
-/* cm reestablish request message from upper layer */
-static int gsm48_mm_tx_cm_serv_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int rr_prim,
- uint8_t cm_serv)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *ngh;
- struct gsm48_service_request *nsr; /* NOTE: includes MI length */
- uint8_t *cm2lv;
- uint8_t buf[11];
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "CM SERVICE REQUEST (cause %d)\n", mm->est_cause);
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- ngh = (struct gsm48_hdr *)msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*ngh));
- nsr = (struct gsm48_service_request *)msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*nsr));
- cm2lv = (uint8_t *)&nsr->classmark;
- ngh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM;
- ngh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_MM_CM_SERV_REQ;
- /* type and key */
- nsr->cm_service_type = cm_serv;
- nsr->cipher_key_seq = subscr->key_seq;
- /* classmark 2 */
- cm2lv[0] = sizeof(struct gsm48_classmark2);
- gsm48_rr_enc_cm2(ms, (struct gsm48_classmark2 *)(cm2lv + 1));
- /* MI */
- if (mm->est_cause == RR_EST_CAUSE_EMERGENCY && set->emergency_imsi[0]) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "-> Using IMSI %s for emergency\n",
- set->emergency_imsi);
- gsm48_generate_mid_from_imsi(buf, set->emergency_imsi);
- } else
- if (!subscr->sim_valid) { /* have no SIM ? */
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "-> Using IMEI %s\n",
- set->imei);
- gsm48_encode_mi(buf, NULL, ms, GSM_MI_TYPE_IMEI);
- } else
- if (subscr->tmsi != 0xffffffff) { /* have TMSI ? */
- gsm48_encode_mi(buf, NULL, ms, GSM_MI_TYPE_TMSI);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "-> Using TMSI\n");
- } else {
- gsm48_encode_mi(buf, NULL, ms, GSM_MI_TYPE_IMSI);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "-> Using IMSI %s\n",
- subscr->imsi);
- }
- msgb_put(nmsg, buf[1]); /* length is part of nsr */
- memcpy(&nsr->mi_len, buf + 1, 1 + buf[1]);
- /* prio is optional for eMLPP */
- /* push RR header and send down */
- return gsm48_mm_to_rr(ms, nmsg, rr_prim, mm->est_cause);
-/* cm service abort message from upper layer
- * NOTE: T3240 is started by the calling function
- */
-static int gsm48_mm_tx_cm_service_abort(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *ngh;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- ngh = (struct gsm48_hdr *)msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*ngh));
- ngh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_MM;
- ngh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_MM_CM_SERV_ABORT;
- /* push RR header and send down */
- return gsm48_mm_to_rr(ms, nmsg, GSM48_RR_DATA_REQ, 0);
-/* cm service acknowledge is received from lower layer */
-static int gsm48_mm_rx_cm_service_acc(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- /* stop MM connection timer */
- stop_mm_t3230(mm);
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_CONN_ACTIVE, 0);
- return gsm48_mm_conn_go_dedic(ms);
-/* 9.2.6 CM SERVICE REJECT message received */
-static int gsm48_mm_rx_cm_service_rej(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- unsigned int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh);
- uint8_t abort_any = 0;
- uint8_t reject_cause;
- if (payload_len < 1) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Short read of cm service reject "
- "message error.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* reject cause */
- reject_cause = *gh->data;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "CM SERVICE REJECT (cause %d)\n", reject_cause);
- /* stop MM connection timer */
- stop_mm_t3230(mm);
- /* selection action on cause value */
- switch (reject_cause) {
- abort_any = 1;
- /* TMSI and LAI invalid */
- subscr->tmsi = 0xffffffff;
- subscr->lac = 0x0000;
- /* key is invalid */
- subscr->key_seq = 7;
- /* update status */
- new_sim_ustate(subscr, GSM_SIM_U2_NOT_UPDATED);
- /* store LOCI on sim */
- gsm_subscr_write_loci(ms);
- /* change to WAIT_NETWORK_CMD state impied by abort_any == 1 */
- if (reject_cause == GSM48_REJECT_ILLEGAL_ME)
- subscr->sim_valid = 0;
- break;
- default:
- /* state implied by the number of remaining connections */
- ;
- }
- /* release MM connection(s) */
- gsm48_mm_release_mm_conn(ms, abort_any, 16, 0);
- /* state depends on the existance of remaining MM connections */
- if (llist_empty(&mm->mm_conn))
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_NETWORK_CMD, 0);
- else
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_CONN_ACTIVE, 0);
- return 0;
-/* initiate an MM connection
- *
- * this function is called when:
- * - no RR connection exists
- * - an RR connection exists, but this is the first MM connection
- * - an RR connection exists, and there are already MM connection(s)
- */
-static int gsm48_mm_init_mm(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg,
- int rr_prim)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *mmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)msg->data;
- int msg_type = mmh->msg_type;
- int emergency = 0;
- uint8_t cause = 0, cm_serv = 0, proto = 0;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *nmmh;
- struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn, *conn_found = NULL;
- /* reset loc. upd. counter on CM service request */
- mm->lupd_attempt = 0;
- /* find if there is already a pending connection */
- llist_for_each_entry(conn, &mm->mm_conn, list) {
- if (conn->state == GSM48_MMXX_ST_CONN_PEND) {
- conn_found = conn;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* if pending connection */
- if (conn_found) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Init MM Connection, but already have "
- "pending MM Connection.\n");
- cause = 17;
- reject:
- nmsg = NULL;
- switch(msg_type) {
- case GSM48_MMCC_EST_REQ:
- nmsg = gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MMCC_REL_IND,
- mmh->ref, mmh->transaction_id);
- break;
- case GSM48_MMSS_EST_REQ:
- nmsg = gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MMSS_REL_IND,
- mmh->ref, mmh->transaction_id);
- break;
- nmsg = gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MMSMS_REL_IND,
- mmh->ref, mmh->transaction_id);
- break;
- }
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nmmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)nmsg->data;
- nmmh->cause = cause;
- gsm48_mmxx_upmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- /* in case of an emergency setup */
- if (msg_type == GSM48_MMCC_EST_REQ && mmh->emergency)
- emergency = 1;
- /* if sim is not updated */
- if (!emergency && subscr->ustate != GSM_SIM_U1_UPDATED) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Init MM Connection, but SIM not "
- "updated.\n");
- cause = 21;
- goto reject;
- }
- if (mm->state == GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE) {
- /* current MM idle state */
- switch (mm->substate) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Init MM Connection.\n");
- break; /* allow when normal */
- /* store mm request if attempting to update */
- if (!emergency) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Init MM Connection, but "
- "attempting to update.\n");
- cause = 21;
- goto reject;
- /* TODO: implement delay and start loc upd. */
- }
- break;
- default:
- /* reject if not emergency */
- if (!emergency) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Init MM Connection, not "
- "in normal state.\n");
- cause = 21;
- goto reject;
- }
- break;
- }
- } else
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Init another MM Connection.\n");
- /* set cause, service, proto */
- switch(msg_type) {
- case GSM48_MMCC_EST_REQ:
- if (emergency) {
- } else {
- }
- proto = GSM48_PDISC_CC;
- break;
- case GSM48_MMSS_EST_REQ:
- cm_serv = GSM48_CMSERV_SUP_SERV;
- proto = GSM48_PDISC_NC_SS;
- break;
- cm_serv = GSM48_CMSERV_SMS;
- proto = GSM48_PDISC_SMS;
- break;
- }
- /* create MM connection instance */
- conn = mm_conn_new(mm, proto, mmh->transaction_id, mmh->ref);
- if (!conn)
- return -ENOMEM;
- new_conn_state(conn, GSM48_MMXX_ST_CONN_PEND);
- if (rr_prim) {
- mm->est_cause = cause;
- return gsm48_mm_tx_cm_serv_req(ms, rr_prim, cm_serv);
- } else
- return 0;
-/* a) MM connection request triggers RR connection */
-static int gsm48_mm_init_mm_no_rr(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- int rc;
- /* start MM connection by requesting RR connection */
- rc = gsm48_mm_init_mm(ms, msg, GSM48_RR_EST_REQ);
- if (rc)
- return rc;
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_RR_CONN_MM_CON, 0);
- return 0;
-/* a) RR is esablised during mm connection, wait for CM accepted */
-static int gsm48_mm_est_mm_con(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- /* if there is no more MM connection */
- if (llist_empty(&mm->mm_conn)) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "MM Connection, are already gone.\n");
- /* start RR release timer */
- start_mm_t3240(mm);
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_NETWORK_CMD, 0);
- /* send abort */
- return gsm48_mm_tx_cm_service_abort(ms);
- }
- /* start MM connection timer */
- start_mm_t3230(mm);
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_OUT_MM_CONN, 0);
- return 0;
-/* b) MM connection request on existing RR connection */
-static int gsm48_mm_init_mm_first(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- int rc;
- /* start MM connection by sending data */
- rc = gsm48_mm_init_mm(ms, msg, GSM48_RR_DATA_REQ);
- if (rc)
- return rc;
- /* stop "RR connection release not allowed" timer */
- stop_mm_t3241(mm);
- /* start MM connection timer */
- start_mm_t3230(mm);
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_OUT_MM_CONN, 0);
- return 0;
-/* b) another MM connection request on existing RR connection */
-static int gsm48_mm_init_mm_more(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- int rc;
- /* start MM connection by sending data */
- rc = gsm48_mm_init_mm(ms, msg, GSM48_RR_DATA_REQ);
- if (rc)
- return rc;
- /* start MM connection timer */
- start_mm_t3230(mm);
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_ADD_OUT_MM_CON, 0);
- return 0;
-/* b) delay on WAIT FOR NETWORK COMMAND state */
-static int gsm48_mm_init_mm_wait(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- /* reject */
- gsm48_mm_init_mm_reject(ms, msg);
-#if 0
- this requires handling when leaving this state...
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- int rc;
- /* just create the MM connection in pending state */
- rc = gsm48_mm_init_mm(ms, msg, 0);
- if (rc)
- return rc;
- /* start MM connection timer */
- start_mm_t3230(mm);
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_ADD_OUT_MM_CON, 0);
- return 0;
-/* initiate an mm connection other cases */
-static int gsm48_mm_init_mm_reject(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *mmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)msg->data;
- int msg_type = mmh->msg_type;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *nmmh;
- /* reject */
- nmsg = NULL;
- switch(msg_type) {
- case GSM48_MMCC_EST_REQ:
- nmsg = gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MMCC_REL_IND, mmh->ref,
- mmh->transaction_id);
- break;
- case GSM48_MMSS_EST_REQ:
- nmsg = gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MMSS_REL_IND, mmh->ref,
- mmh->transaction_id);
- break;
- nmsg = gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MMSMS_REL_IND, mmh->ref,
- mmh->transaction_id);
- break;
- }
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nmmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)nmsg->data;
- nmmh->cause = 17;
- gsm48_mmxx_upmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-/* accepting pending connection, got dedicated mode
- *
- * this function is called:
- * - when ciphering command is received
- * - when cm service is accepted
- */
-static int gsm48_mm_conn_go_dedic(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn, *conn_found = NULL;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *nmmh;
- /* the first and only pending connection is the recent requested */
- llist_for_each_entry(conn, &mm->mm_conn, list) {
- if (conn->state == GSM48_MMXX_ST_CONN_PEND) {
- conn_found = conn;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* if no pending connection (anymore) */
- if (!conn_found) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "No pending MM Connection.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- new_conn_state(conn, GSM48_MMXX_ST_DEDICATED);
- /* send establishment confirm */
- nmsg = NULL;
- switch(conn_found->protocol) {
- case GSM48_PDISC_CC:
- nmsg = gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MMCC_EST_CNF, conn->ref,
- conn->transaction_id);
- break;
- case GSM48_PDISC_NC_SS:
- nmsg = gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MMSS_EST_CNF, conn->ref,
- conn->transaction_id);
- break;
- case GSM48_PDISC_SMS:
- nmsg = gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MMSMS_EST_CNF, conn->ref,
- conn->transaction_id);
- break;
- }
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nmmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)nmsg->data;
- nmmh->cause = 17;
- gsm48_mmxx_upmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-/* a RR-SYNC-IND is received during MM connection establishment */
-static int gsm48_mm_sync_ind_wait(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *rrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *)msg->data;
- if (rrh->cause != RR_SYNC_CAUSE_CIPHERING) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Ignore sync indication, not waiting "
- "for CM service\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* stop MM connection timer */
- stop_mm_t3230(mm);
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_CONN_ACTIVE, 0);
- return gsm48_mm_conn_go_dedic(ms);
-/* a RR-SYNC-IND is received during MM connection active */
-static int gsm48_mm_sync_ind_active(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *nmmh;
- /* stop MM connection timer */
- stop_mm_t3230(mm);
- /* broadcast all MMCC connection(s) */
- llist_for_each_entry(conn, &mm->mm_conn, list) {
- /* send MMCC-SYNC-IND */
- nmsg = NULL;
- switch(conn->protocol) {
- case GSM48_PDISC_CC:
- nmsg = gsm48_mmxx_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MMCC_SYNC_IND,
- conn->ref, conn->transaction_id);
- break;
- }
- if (!nmsg)
- continue; /* skip if not of CC type */
- nmmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)nmsg->data;
- nmmh->cause = 17;
- /* copy L3 message */
- nmsg->l3h = msgb_put(nmsg, msgb_l3len(msg));
- memcpy(nmsg->l3h, msg->l3h, msgb_l3len(msg));
- gsm48_mmxx_upmsg(ms, nmsg);
- }
- return 0;
-/* RR abort/release is received during MM connection establishment */
-static int gsm48_mm_abort_mm_con(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *rrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *)msg->data;
- int cause;
- /* stop RR release timer */
- stop_mm_t3240(mm);
- /* this conversion is not of any standard */
- switch(rrh->cause) {
- cause = 21;
- break;
- cause = 16;
- break;
- default:
- cause = 47;
- }
- /* stop MM connection timer */
- stop_mm_t3230(mm);
- /* release all connections */
- gsm48_mm_release_mm_conn(ms, 1, cause, 1);
- /* no RR connection, so we return to MM IDLE */
- if (mm->state == GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_RR_CONN_MM_CON)
- return gsm48_mm_return_idle(ms, NULL);
- /* CS process will trigger: return to MM IDLE */
- return 0;
-/* timeout is received during MM connection establishment */
-static int gsm48_mm_timeout_mm_con(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- /* release pending connection */
- gsm48_mm_release_mm_conn(ms, 0, 102, 0);
- /* state depends on the existance of remaining MM connections */
- if (llist_empty(&mm->mm_conn)) {
- /* start RR release timer */
- start_mm_t3240(mm);
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_NETWORK_CMD, 0);
- } else
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_CONN_ACTIVE, 0);
- return 0;
-/* respond to paging */
-static int gsm48_mm_est(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- mm->est_cause = RR_EST_CAUSE_ANS_PAG_ANY;
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_NETWORK_CMD, 0);
- return 0;
-/* send CM data */
-static int gsm48_mm_data(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *mmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)msg->data;
- struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn;
- int msg_type = mmh->msg_type;
- /* get connection, if not exist (anymore), release */
- conn = mm_conn_by_ref(mm, mmh->ref);
- if (!conn) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "MMXX_DATA_REQ with unknown (already "
- "released) ref=%x, sending MMXX_REL_IND\n", mmh->ref);
- switch(msg_type & GSM48_MMXX_MASK) {
- case GSM48_MMCC_CLASS:
- mmh->msg_type = GSM48_MMCC_REL_IND;
- break;
- case GSM48_MMSS_CLASS:
- mmh->msg_type = GSM48_MMSS_REL_IND;
- break;
- mmh->msg_type = GSM48_MMSMS_REL_IND;
- break;
- }
- mmh->cause = 31;
- /* mirror message with REL_IND + cause */
- return gsm48_mmxx_upmsg(ms, msg);
- }
- /* pull MM header */
- msgb_pull(msg, sizeof(struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr));
- /* push RR header and send down */
- return gsm48_mm_to_rr(ms, msg, GSM48_RR_DATA_REQ, 0);
-/* release of MM connection (active state) */
-static int gsm48_mm_release_active(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *mmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)msg->data;
- struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn;
- /* get connection, if not exist (anymore), release */
- conn = mm_conn_by_ref(mm, mmh->ref);
- if (conn)
- mm_conn_free(conn);
- /* state depends on the existance of remaining MM connections */
- if (llist_empty(&mm->mm_conn)) {
- /* start RR release timer */
- start_mm_t3240(mm);
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_NETWORK_CMD, 0);
- } else
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_CONN_ACTIVE, 0);
- return 0;
-/* release of MM connection (wait for additional state) */
-static int gsm48_mm_release_wait_add(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *mmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)msg->data;
- struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn;
- /* get connection, if not exist (anymore), release */
- conn = mm_conn_by_ref(mm, mmh->ref);
- if (conn)
- mm_conn_free(conn);
- return 0;
-/* release of MM connection (wait for active state) */
-static int gsm48_mm_release_wait_active(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *mmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)msg->data;
- struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn;
- /* get connection, if not exist (anymore), release */
- conn = mm_conn_by_ref(mm, mmh->ref);
- if (conn)
- mm_conn_free(conn);
- /* if there is no MM connection during wait for active state */
- if (llist_empty(&mm->mm_conn)) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "No MM Connection during 'wait for "
- "active' state.\n");
- /* start RR release timer */
- start_mm_t3240(mm);
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_NETWORK_CMD, 0);
- /* send abort */
- return gsm48_mm_tx_cm_service_abort(ms);
- }
- return 0;
-/* release of MM connection (wait for RR state) */
-static int gsm48_mm_release_wait_rr(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *mmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)msg->data;
- struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn;
- /* get connection, if not exist (anymore), release */
- conn = mm_conn_by_ref(mm, mmh->ref);
- if (conn)
- mm_conn_free(conn);
- /* later, if RR connection is established, the CM SERIVE ABORT
- * message will be sent
- */
- return 0;
-/* abort RR connection (due to T3240) */
-static int gsm48_mm_abort_rr(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *nrrh;
- /* send abort to RR */
- nmsg = gsm48_rr_msgb_alloc(GSM48_RR_ABORT_REQ);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nrrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *) nmsg->data;
- nrrh->cause = GSM48_RR_CAUSE_ABNORMAL_TIMER;
- gsm48_rr_downmsg(ms, nmsg);
- /* CS process will trigger: return to MM IDLE / No SIM */
- return 0;
- * other processes
- */
-/* RR is released in other states */
-static int gsm48_mm_rel_other(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- /* stop RR release timer (if running) */
- stop_mm_t3240(mm);
- /* CS process will trigger: return to MM IDLE */
- return 0;
- * state machines
- */
-/* state trasitions for MMxx-SAP messages from upper layers */
-static struct downstate {
- uint32_t states;
- uint32_t substates;
- int type;
- int (*rout) (struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-} downstatelist[] = {
- /* Normal service */
- GSM48_MMCC_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_no_rr},
- GSM48_MMSS_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_no_rr},
- GSM48_MMSMS_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_no_rr},
- /* Attempt to update / Loc. Upd. needed */
- GSM48_MMCC_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_no_rr}, /* emergency only */
- /* Limited service */
- GSM48_MMCC_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_no_rr},
- /* No IMSI */
- GSM48_MMCC_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_no_rr},
- /* PLMN search, normal service */
- GSM48_MMCC_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_no_rr},
- GSM48_MMSS_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_no_rr},
- GSM48_MMSMS_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_no_rr},
- /* PLMN search */
- GSM48_MMCC_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_no_rr},
- /* MM Connection (EST) */
- GSM48_MMCC_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_first},
- GSM48_MMSS_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_first},
- GSM48_MMSMS_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_first},
- GSM48_MMCC_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_more},
- GSM48_MMSS_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_more},
- GSM48_MMSMS_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_more},
- GSM48_MMCC_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_wait},
- GSM48_MMSS_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_wait},
- GSM48_MMSMS_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_wait},
- GSM48_MMCC_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_reject},
- GSM48_MMSS_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_reject},
- GSM48_MMSMS_EST_REQ, gsm48_mm_init_mm_reject},
- /* MM Connection (DATA) */
- GSM48_MMCC_DATA_REQ, gsm48_mm_data},
- GSM48_MMSS_DATA_REQ, gsm48_mm_data},
- GSM48_MMSMS_DATA_REQ, gsm48_mm_data},
- /* MM Connection (REL) */
- GSM48_MMCC_REL_REQ, gsm48_mm_release_active},
- GSM48_MMSS_REL_REQ, gsm48_mm_release_active},
- GSM48_MMSMS_REL_REQ, gsm48_mm_release_active},
- GSM48_MMCC_REL_REQ, gsm48_mm_release_wait_add},
- GSM48_MMSS_REL_REQ, gsm48_mm_release_wait_add},
- GSM48_MMSMS_REL_REQ, gsm48_mm_release_wait_add},
- GSM48_MMCC_REL_REQ, gsm48_mm_release_wait_active},
- GSM48_MMSS_REL_REQ, gsm48_mm_release_wait_active},
- GSM48_MMSMS_REL_REQ, gsm48_mm_release_wait_active},
- GSM48_MMCC_REL_REQ, gsm48_mm_release_wait_rr},
- GSM48_MMSS_REL_REQ, gsm48_mm_release_wait_rr},
- GSM48_MMSMS_REL_REQ, gsm48_mm_release_wait_rr},
-#define DOWNSLLEN \
- (sizeof(downstatelist) / sizeof(struct downstate))
-int gsm48_mmxx_downmsg(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *mmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)msg->data;
- int msg_type = mmh->msg_type;
- struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn;
- int i, rc;
- /* keep up to date with the transaction ID */
- conn = mm_conn_by_ref(mm, mmh->ref);
- if (conn)
- conn->transaction_id = mmh->transaction_id;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) Received '%s' event in state %s\n",
- ms->name, get_mmxx_name(msg_type),
- gsm48_mm_state_names[mm->state]);
- if (mm->state == GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "-> substate %s\n",
- gsm48_mm_substate_names[mm->substate]);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "-> callref %x, transaction_id %d\n",
- mmh->ref, mmh->transaction_id);
- /* Find function for current state and message */
- for (i = 0; i < DOWNSLLEN; i++)
- if ((msg_type == downstatelist[i].type)
- && ((1 << mm->state) & downstatelist[i].states)
- && ((1 << mm->substate) & downstatelist[i].substates))
- break;
- if (i == DOWNSLLEN) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Message unhandled at this state.\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- rc = downstatelist[i].rout(ms, msg);
- if (downstatelist[i].rout != gsm48_mm_data)
- msgb_free(msg);
- return rc;
-/* state trasitions for radio ressource messages (lower layer) */
-static struct rrdatastate {
- uint32_t states;
- int type;
- int (*rout) (struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-} rrdatastatelist[] = {
- /* paging */
- GSM48_RR_EST_IND, gsm48_mm_est},
- /* imsi detach */
- GSM48_RR_EST_CNF, gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_sent},
- {SBIT(GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_RR_CONN_IMSI_D), /* (unsuc.) */
- GSM48_RR_REL_IND, gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_end},
- /* also this may happen if SABM is ackwnowledged with DISC */
- {SBIT(GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_RR_CONN_IMSI_D), /* (lost) */
- GSM48_RR_ABORT_IND, gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_end},
- {SBIT(GSM48_MM_ST_IMSI_DETACH_INIT), /* (unsuc.) */
- GSM48_RR_REL_IND, gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_end},
- {SBIT(GSM48_MM_ST_IMSI_DETACH_INIT), /* (lost) */
- GSM48_RR_ABORT_IND, gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_end},
- /* location update */
- GSM48_RR_EST_CNF, gsm48_mm_est_loc_upd},
- GSM48_RR_REL_IND, gsm48_mm_rel_loc_upd_abort},
- GSM48_RR_ABORT_IND, gsm48_mm_rel_loc_upd_abort},
- GSM48_RR_REL_IND, gsm48_mm_rel_loc_upd_rej},
- GSM48_RR_ABORT_IND, gsm48_mm_rel_loc_upd_rej},
- /* MM connection (EST) */
- GSM48_RR_EST_CNF, gsm48_mm_est_mm_con},
- /* MM connection (DATA) */
- GSM48_RR_DATA_IND, gsm48_mm_data_ind},
- /* MM connection (SYNC) */
- GSM48_RR_SYNC_IND, gsm48_mm_sync_ind_wait},
- GSM48_RR_SYNC_IND, gsm48_mm_sync_ind_active},
- /* MM connection (REL/ABORT) */
- GSM48_RR_REL_IND, gsm48_mm_abort_mm_con},
- GSM48_RR_ABORT_IND, gsm48_mm_abort_mm_con},
- /* MM connection (REL/ABORT with re-establishment possibility) */
- {SBIT(GSM48_MM_ST_MM_CONN_ACTIVE), /* not supported */
- GSM48_RR_REL_IND, gsm48_mm_abort_mm_con},
- SBIT(GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_ADD_OUT_MM_CON), /* not supported */
- GSM48_RR_ABORT_IND, gsm48_mm_abort_mm_con},
- /* other (also wait for network command) */
- GSM48_RR_REL_IND, gsm48_mm_rel_other},
- GSM48_RR_ABORT_IND, gsm48_mm_rel_other},
-#define RRDATASLLEN \
- (sizeof(rrdatastatelist) / sizeof(struct rrdatastate))
-static int gsm48_rcv_rr(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *rrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *)msg->data;
- int msg_type = rrh->msg_type;
- int i, rc;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) Received '%s' from RR in state %s\n",
- ms->name, get_rr_name(msg_type),
- gsm48_mm_state_names[mm->state]);
- /* find function for current state and message */
- for (i = 0; i < RRDATASLLEN; i++)
- if ((msg_type == rrdatastatelist[i].type)
- && ((1 << mm->state) & rrdatastatelist[i].states))
- break;
- if (i == RRDATASLLEN) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Message unhandled at this state.\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- rc = rrdatastatelist[i].rout(ms, msg);
- if (rrdatastatelist[i].rout != gsm48_mm_data_ind)
- msgb_free(msg);
- return rc;
-/* state trasitions for mobile managemnt messages (lower layer) */
-static struct mmdatastate {
- uint32_t states;
- int type;
- int (*rout) (struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-} mmdatastatelist[] = {
- {ALL_STATES, /* */
- GSM48_MT_MM_TMSI_REALL_CMD, gsm48_mm_rx_tmsi_realloc_cmd},
- {ALL_STATES, /* */
- GSM48_MT_MM_AUTH_REQ, gsm48_mm_rx_auth_req},
- {ALL_STATES, /* */
- GSM48_MT_MM_AUTH_REJ, gsm48_mm_rx_auth_rej},
- {ALL_STATES, /* */
- GSM48_MT_MM_ID_REQ, gsm48_mm_rx_id_req},
- {ALL_STATES, /* */
- GSM48_MT_MM_ABORT, gsm48_mm_rx_abort},
- {ALL_STATES, /* */
- GSM48_MT_MM_INFO, gsm48_mm_rx_info},
- GSM48_MT_MM_LOC_UPD_ACCEPT, gsm48_mm_rx_loc_upd_acc},
- GSM48_MT_MM_LOC_UPD_REJECT, gsm48_mm_rx_loc_upd_rej},
- {ALL_STATES, /* */
- GSM48_MT_MM_CM_SERV_ACC, gsm48_mm_rx_cm_service_acc},
- {ALL_STATES, /* */
- GSM48_MT_MM_CM_SERV_REJ, gsm48_mm_rx_cm_service_rej},
-#define MMDATASLLEN \
- (sizeof(mmdatastatelist) / sizeof(struct mmdatastate))
-static int gsm48_mm_data_ind(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- uint8_t pdisc = gh->proto_discr & 0x0f;
- uint8_t msg_type = gh->msg_type & 0xbf;
- struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *mmh;
- int msg_supported = 0; /* determine, if message is supported at all */
- int rr_prim = -1, rr_est = -1; /* no prim set */
- uint8_t skip_ind;
- int i, rc;
- /* 9.2.19 */
- if (msg_type == GSM48_MT_MM_NULL)
- return 0;
- if (mm->state == GSM48_MM_ST_IMSI_DETACH_INIT) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "DATA IND ignored during IMSI "
- "detach.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- /* pull the RR header */
- msgb_pull(msg, sizeof(struct gsm48_rr_hdr));
- /* create transaction (if not exists) and push message */
- switch (pdisc) {
- case GSM48_PDISC_CC:
- rr_prim = GSM48_MMCC_DATA_IND;
- rr_est = GSM48_MMCC_EST_IND;
- break;
-#if 0
- case GSM48_PDISC_NC_SS:
- rr_prim = GSM48_MMSS_DATA_IND;
- rr_est = GSM48_MMSS_EST_IND;
- break;
- case GSM48_PDISC_SMS:
- rr_prim = GSM48_MMSMS_DATA_IND;
- rr_est = GSM48_MMSMS_EST_IND;
- break;
- }
- if (rr_prim != -1) {
- uint8_t transaction_id = ((gh->proto_discr & 0xf0) ^ 0x80) >> 4;
- /* flip */
- struct gsm48_mm_conn *conn;
- /* find transaction, if any */
- conn = mm_conn_by_id(mm, pdisc, transaction_id);
- /* create MM connection instance */
- if (!conn) {
- conn = mm_conn_new(mm, pdisc, transaction_id,
- mm_conn_new_ref++);
- rr_prim = rr_est;
- }
- if (!conn)
- return -ENOMEM;
- /* push new header */
- msgb_push(msg, sizeof(struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr));
- mmh = (struct gsm48_mmxx_hdr *)msg->data;
- mmh->msg_type = rr_prim;
- mmh->ref = conn->ref;
- /* go MM CONN ACTIVE state */
- if (mm->state == GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_NETWORK_CMD
- || mm->state == GSM48_MM_ST_RR_CONN_RELEASE_NA) {
- /* stop RR release timer */
- stop_mm_t3240(mm);
- /* stop "RR connection release not allowed" timer */
- stop_mm_t3241(mm);
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_CONN_ACTIVE, 0);
- }
- }
- /* forward message */
- switch (pdisc) {
- case GSM48_PDISC_MM:
- skip_ind = (gh->proto_discr & 0xf0) >> 4;
- /* ignore if skip indicator is not B'0000' */
- if (skip_ind)
- return 0;
- break; /* follow the selection proceedure below */
- case GSM48_PDISC_CC:
- return gsm48_rcv_cc(ms, msg);
-#if 0
- case GSM48_PDISC_NC_SS:
- return gsm48_rcv_ss(ms, msg);
- case GSM48_PDISC_SMS:
- return gsm48_rcv_sms(ms, msg);
- default:
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Protocol type 0x%02x unsupported.\n",
- pdisc);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return gsm48_mm_tx_mm_status(ms,
- }
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) Received '%s' in MM state %s\n", ms->name,
- get_mm_name(msg_type), gsm48_mm_state_names[mm->state]);
- stop_mm_t3212(mm); /* 4.4.2 */
- /* 11.2 re-start pending RR release timer */
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&mm->t3240)) {
- stop_mm_t3240(mm);
- start_mm_t3240(mm);
- }
- /* find function for current state and message */
- for (i = 0; i < MMDATASLLEN; i++) {
- if (msg_type == mmdatastatelist[i].type)
- msg_supported = 1;
- if ((msg_type == mmdatastatelist[i].type)
- && ((1 << mm->state) & mmdatastatelist[i].states))
- break;
- }
- if (i == MMDATASLLEN) {
- msgb_free(msg);
- if (msg_supported) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Message unhandled at this "
- "state.\n");
- return gsm48_mm_tx_mm_status(ms,
- } else {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Message not supported.\n");
- return gsm48_mm_tx_mm_status(ms,
- }
- }
- rc = mmdatastatelist[i].rout(ms, msg);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return rc;
-/* state trasitions for mobile management events */
-static struct eventstate {
- uint32_t states;
- uint32_t substates;
- int type;
- int (*rout) (struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-} eventstatelist[] = {
- /* 4.2.3 return to MM IDLE */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND, gsm48_mm_no_cell_found},
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_CELL_SELECTED, gsm48_mm_return_idle},
- /* Normal service */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND, gsm48_mm_plmn_search}, /* */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_CELL_SELECTED, gsm48_mm_loc_upd_normal}, /* change */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3211, gsm48_mm_loc_upd},
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3213, gsm48_mm_loc_upd},
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3212, gsm48_mm_loc_upd_periodic},
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_IMSI_DETACH, gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_start},
- /* Attempt to update / Loc. upd. needed */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_USER_PLMN_SEL, gsm48_mm_plmn_search}, /* */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND, gsm48_mm_plmn_search}, /* */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_CELL_SELECTED, gsm48_mm_loc_upd_normal}, /* change */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3211, gsm48_mm_loc_upd},
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3213, gsm48_mm_loc_upd},
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3212, gsm48_mm_loc_upd_periodic},
- /* Limited service */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_USER_PLMN_SEL, gsm48_mm_plmn_search}, /* */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND, gsm48_mm_plmn_search}, /* */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_CELL_SELECTED, gsm48_mm_loc_upd_normal}, /* if allow. */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3212, gsm48_mm_loc_upd_delay_per}, /* 4.4.2 */
- /* No IMSI */
- /* PLMN search, normal service */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND, gsm48_mm_no_cell_found}, /* */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_CELL_SELECTED, gsm48_mm_cell_selected}, /* */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3211, gsm48_mm_loc_upd_delay_retry},
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3213, gsm48_mm_loc_upd_delay_retry},
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3212, gsm48_mm_loc_upd_delay_per}, /* 4.4.2 */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_IMSI_DETACH, gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_start},
- /* PLMN search */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_NO_CELL_FOUND, gsm48_mm_no_cell_found}, /* */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_CELL_SELECTED, gsm48_mm_cell_selected}, /* */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3212, gsm48_mm_loc_upd_delay_per}, /* 4.4.2 */
- /* No cell available */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_CELL_SELECTED, gsm48_mm_cell_selected}, /* */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3212, gsm48_mm_loc_upd_delay_per}, /* 4.4.2 */
- /* IMSI detach in other cases */
- {SBIT(GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE), ALL_STATES, /* silently detach */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_IMSI_DETACH, gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_end},
- SBIT(GSM48_MM_ST_WAIT_NETWORK_CMD), ALL_STATES, /* we can release */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_IMSI_DETACH, gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_release},
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_IMSI_DETACH, gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_ignore},
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_IMSI_DETACH, gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_delay},
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3220, gsm48_mm_imsi_detach_end},
- /* location update in other cases */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3212, gsm48_mm_loc_upd_ignore},
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3210, gsm48_mm_loc_upd_timeout},
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3213, gsm48_mm_loc_upd_failed},
- /* c) (but without retry) */
- /* SYSINFO event */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_SYSINFO, gsm48_mm_sysinfo},
- /* T3240 timed out */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3240, gsm48_mm_abort_rr},
- /* T3230 timed out */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_TIMEOUT_T3230, gsm48_mm_timeout_mm_con},
- /* SIM reports SRES */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_AUTH_RESPONSE, gsm48_mm_tx_auth_rsp},
-#if 0
- /* change in classmark is reported */
- GSM48_MM_EVENT_CLASSMARK_CHG, gsm48_mm_classm_chg},
-#define EVENTSLLEN \
- (sizeof(eventstatelist) / sizeof(struct eventstate))
-static int gsm48_mm_ev(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int msg_type, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- int i, rc;
- if (mm->state == GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE) {
- if (msg_type != GSM48_MM_EVENT_SYSINFO)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) Received '%s' event in "
- "state MM IDLE, %s\n", ms->name,
- get_mmevent_name(msg_type),
- gsm48_mm_substate_names[mm->substate]);
- } else
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) Received '%s' event in state "
- "%s\n", ms->name, get_mmevent_name(msg_type),
- gsm48_mm_state_names[mm->state]);
- /* Find function for current state and message */
- for (i = 0; i < EVENTSLLEN; i++)
- if ((msg_type == eventstatelist[i].type)
- && ((1 << mm->state) & eventstatelist[i].states)
- && ((1 << mm->substate) & eventstatelist[i].substates))
- break;
- if (i == EVENTSLLEN) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Message unhandled at this state.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- rc = eventstatelist[i].rout(ms, msg);
- return rc;
- * MM Register (SIM insert and remove)
- */
-/* register new SIM card and trigger attach */
-static int gsm48_mmr_reg_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- /* schedule insertion of SIM */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_SIM_INSERT);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- /* SIM is inserted in state NO IMSI */
- if (mm->state == GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE
- && mm->substate == GSM48_MM_SST_NO_IMSI)
- new_mm_state(mm, GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE,
- gsm48_mm_set_plmn_search(ms));
- return 0;
-/* trigger detach of sim card */
-static int gsm48_mmr_nreg_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- nmsg = gsm48_mmevent_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MM_EVENT_IMSI_DETACH);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm48_mmevent_msg(mm->ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-static int gsm48_rcv_mmr(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmr *mmr = (struct gsm48_mmr *)msg->data;
- int msg_type = mmr->msg_type;
- int rc = 0;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) Received '%s' event\n", ms->name,
- get_mmr_name(msg_type));
- switch(msg_type) {
- case GSM48_MMR_REG_REQ:
- rc = gsm48_mmr_reg_req(ms);
- break;
- case GSM48_MMR_NREG_REQ:
- rc = gsm48_mmr_nreg_req(ms);
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "Message unhandled.\n");
- }
- return rc;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/gsm48_rr.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/gsm48_rr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7911943..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/gsm48_rr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5173 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-/* Very short description of some of the procedures:
- *
- * A radio ressource request causes sendig a channel request on RACH.
- * After receiving of an immediate assignment the link will be establised.
- * After the link is established, the dedicated mode is entered and confirmed.
- *
- * A Paging request also triggers the channel request as above...
- * After the link is established, the dedicated mode is entered and indicated.
- *
- * During dedicated mode, messages are transferred.
- *
- * When an assignment command or a handover command is received, the current
- * link is released. After release, the new channel is activated and the
- * link is established again. After link is establised, pending messages from
- * radio ressource are sent.
- *
- * When the assignment or handover fails, the old channel is activate and the
- * link is established again. Also pending messages are sent.
- *
- */
-/* Testing delayed (immediate) assigment / handover
- *
- * When enabled, the starting time will be set by given frames in the future.
- * If a starting time is given by the network, this time is ignored.
- */
-//#define TEST_STARTING_TIMER 140
-/* Testing if frequency modification works correctly "after time".
- *
- * When enabled, the starting time will be set in the future.
- * A wrong channel is defined "before time", so noise is received until
- * starting time elapses.
- * If a starting time is given by the network, this time is ignored.
- * Also channel definitions "before time" are ignored.
- *
- * NOTE: TEST_STARTING_TIMER MUST be defined also.
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/rsl.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm48.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/bitvec.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1l2_interface.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/networks.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/l1ctl.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/vty.h>
-static void start_rr_t_meas(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr, int sec, int micro);
-static void stop_rr_t_starting(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr);
-static void stop_rr_t3124(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr);
-static int gsm48_rcv_rsl(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-static int gsm48_rr_dl_est(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-static int gsm48_rr_tx_meas_rep(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-static int gsm48_rr_set_mode(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t chan_nr,
- uint8_t mode);
-static int gsm48_rr_rel_cnf(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
- * support
- */
-#define MIN(a, b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
-int gsm48_encode_lai(struct gsm48_loc_area_id *lai, uint16_t mcc,
- uint16_t mnc, uint16_t lac)
- lai->digits[0] = (mcc >> 8) | (mcc & 0xf0);
- lai->digits[1] = (mcc & 0x0f) | (mnc << 4);
- lai->digits[2] = (mnc >> 8) | (mnc & 0xf0);
- lai->lac = htons(lac);
- return 0;
-/* decode "Power Command" ( and ( */
-static int gsm48_decode_power_cmd_acc(struct gsm48_power_cmd *pc,
- uint8_t *power_level, uint8_t *atc)
- *power_level = pc->power_level;
- if (atc) /* only in case of */
- *atc = pc->atc;
- return 0;
-/* decode Starting time IE */
-static int gsm48_decode_start_time(struct gsm48_rr_cd *cd,
- struct gsm48_start_time *st)
- cd->start = 1;
- cd->start_tm.t1 = st->t1;
- cd->start_tm.t2 = st->t2;
- cd->start_tm.t3 = (st->t3_high << 3) | st->t3_low;
- cd->start_tm.fn = gsm_gsmtime2fn(&cd->start_tm);
- return 0;
-/* decode "BA Range" ( */
-static int gsm48_decode_ba_range(const uint8_t *ba, uint8_t ba_len,
- uint32_t *range, uint8_t *ranges, int max_ranges)
- /* ba = pointer to IE without IE type and length octets
- * ba_len = number of octets
- * range = pointer to store decoded range
- * ranges = number of ranges decoded
- * max_ranges = maximum number of decoded ranges that can be stored
- */
- uint16_t lower, higher;
- int i, n, required_octets;
- /* find out how much ba ranges will be decoded */
- n = *ba++;
- ba_len --;
- required_octets = 5 * (n >> 1) + 3 * (n & 1);
- if (required_octets > ba_len) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "BA range IE too short: %d ranges "
- "require %d octets, but only %d octets remain.\n",
- n, required_octets, ba_len);
- *ranges = 0;
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (max_ranges > n)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "BA range %d exceed the maximum number "
- "of ranges supported by this mobile (%d).\n",
- n, max_ranges);
- n = max_ranges;
- /* decode ranges */
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- if (!(i & 1)) {
- /* decode even range number */
- lower = *ba++ << 2;
- lower |= (*ba >> 6);
- higher = (*ba++ & 0x3f) << 4;
- higher |= *ba >> 4;
- } else {
- lower = (*ba++ & 0x0f) << 6;
- lower |= *ba >> 2;
- higher = (*ba++ & 0x03) << 8;
- higher |= *ba++;
- /* decode odd range number */
- }
- *range++ = (higher << 16) | lower;
- }
- *ranges = n;
- return 0;
-/* decode "Cell Description" ( */
-static int gsm48_decode_cell_desc(struct gsm48_cell_desc *cd, uint16_t *arfcn,
- uint8_t *ncc, uint8_t *bcc)
- *arfcn = (cd->arfcn_hi << 8) + cd->arfcn_lo;
- *ncc = cd->ncc;
- *bcc = cd->bcc;
- return 0;
-/* decode "Synchronization Indication" ( */
-static int gsm48_decode_sync_ind(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr,
- struct gsm48_sync_ind *si)
- rr->hando_sync_ind = si->si;
- rr->hando_rot = si->rot;
- rr->hando_nci = si->nci;
- return 0;
-/* set sequence number and increment */
-static int gsm48_apply_v_sd(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- uint8_t pdisc = gh->proto_discr & 0x0f;
- uint8_t v_sd;
- switch (pdisc) {
- case GSM48_PDISC_MM:
- case GSM48_PDISC_CC:
- case GSM48_PDISC_NC_SS:
- /* all thre pdiscs share the same V(SD) */
- pdisc = GSM48_PDISC_MM;
- // fall through
- case GSM48_PDISC_PDSS1:
- case GSM48_PDISC_PDSS2:
- /* extract v_sd(pdisc) */
- v_sd = (rr->v_sd >> pdisc) & 1;
- /* replace bit 7 vy v_sd */
- gh->msg_type &= 0xbf;
- gh->msg_type |= (v_sd << 6);
- /* increment V(SD) */
- rr->v_sd ^= (1 << pdisc);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Using and incrementing V(SD) = %d "
- "(pdisc %x)\n", v_sd, pdisc);
- break;
- case GSM48_PDISC_RR:
- case GSM48_PDISC_SMS:
- /* no V(VSD) is required */
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Error, V(SD) of pdisc %x not handled\n",
- pdisc);
- return -ENOTSUP;
- }
- return 0;
-/* set channel mode if supported, or return error cause */
-static uint8_t gsm48_rr_check_mode(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t chan_nr,
- uint8_t mode)
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- uint8_t ch_type, ch_subch, ch_ts;
- /* only complain if we use TCH/F or TCH/H */
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(chan_nr, &ch_type, &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- if (ch_type != RSL_CHAN_Bm_ACCHs
- && ch_type != RSL_CHAN_Lm_ACCHs)
- return 0;
- switch (mode) {
- case GSM48_CMODE_SIGN:
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Mode: signalling\n");
- break;
- if (ch_type == RSL_CHAN_Bm_ACCHs) {
- if (!set->full_v1) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Not supporting "
- "full-rate speech V1\n");
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Mode: full-rate speech V1\n");
- } else {
- if (!set->half_v1) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Not supporting "
- "half-rate speech V1\n");
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Mode: half-rate speech V1\n");
- }
- break;
- if (ch_type == RSL_CHAN_Bm_ACCHs) {
- if (!set->full_v2) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Not supporting "
- "full-rate speech V2\n");
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Mode: full-rate speech V2\n");
- } else {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Not supporting "
- "half-rate speech V2\n");
- }
- break;
- if (ch_type == RSL_CHAN_Bm_ACCHs) {
- if (!set->full_v3) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Not supporting "
- "full-rate speech V3\n");
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Mode: full-rate speech V3\n");
- } else {
- if (!set->half_v3) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Not supporting "
- "half-rate speech V3\n");
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Mode: half-rate speech V3\n");
- }
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Mode 0x%02x not supported!\n", mode);
- }
- return 0;
-/* apply new "alter_delay" in dedicated mode */
-int gsm48_rr_alter_delay(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &rr->ms->settings;
- if (rr->state != GSM48_RR_ST_DEDICATED)
- return -EINVAL;
- l1ctl_tx_param_req(ms, rr->cd_now.ind_ta - set->alter_delay,
- (set->alter_tx_power) ? set->alter_tx_power_value
- : rr->cd_now.ind_tx_power);
- return 0;
- * state transition
- */
-const char *gsm48_rr_state_names[] = {
- "idle",
- "connection pending",
- "dedicated",
- "release pending",
-static void new_rr_state(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr, int state)
- if (state < 0 || state >=
- (sizeof(gsm48_rr_state_names) / sizeof(char *)))
- return;
- /* must check against equal state */
- if (rr->state == state) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "equal state ? %s\n",
- gsm48_rr_state_names[rr->state]);
- return;
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "new state %s -> %s\n",
- gsm48_rr_state_names[rr->state], gsm48_rr_state_names[state]);
- /* abort handover, in case of release of dedicated mode */
- if (rr->state == GSM48_RR_ST_DEDICATED) {
- /* disable handover / assign state */
- rr->modify_state = GSM48_RR_MOD_NONE;
- /* stop start_time_timer */
- stop_rr_t_starting(rr);
- /* stop handover timer */
- stop_rr_t3124(rr);
- }
- rr->state = state;
- if (state == GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE) {
- struct msgb *msg, *nmsg;
- struct gsm322_msg *em;
- /* release dedicated mode, if any */
- l1ctl_tx_dm_rel_req(rr->ms);
- rr->ms->meas.rl_fail = 0;
- rr->dm_est = 0;
- l1ctl_tx_reset_req(rr->ms, L1CTL_RES_T_FULL);
- /* free establish message, if any */
- rr->rr_est_req = 0;
- if (rr->rr_est_msg) {
- msgb_free(rr->rr_est_msg);
- rr->rr_est_msg = NULL;
- }
- /* free all pending messages */
- while((msg = msgb_dequeue(&rr->downqueue)))
- msgb_free(msg);
- /* clear all descriptions of last channel */
- memset(&rr->cd_now, 0, sizeof(rr->cd_now));
- /* reset ciphering */
- rr->cipher_on = 0;
- /* tell cell selection process to return to idle mode
- * NOTE: this must be sent unbuffered, because it will
- * leave camping state, so it locks against subsequent
- * establishment of dedicated channel, before the
- * cell selection process returned to camping state
- * again. (after cell reselection)
- */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_RET_IDLE);
- if (!nmsg)
- return;
- /* return to same cell after LOC.UPD. */
- if (rr->est_cause == RR_EST_CAUSE_LOC_UPD) {
- em = (struct gsm322_msg *) nmsg->data;
- em->same_cell = 1;
- }
- gsm322_c_event(rr->ms, nmsg);
- msgb_free(nmsg);
- /* reset any BA range */
- rr->ba_ranges = 0;
- }
- * messages
- */
-/* names of RR-SAP */
-static const struct value_string gsm48_rr_msg_names[] = {
- { 0, NULL }
-const char *get_rr_name(int value)
- return get_value_string(gsm48_rr_msg_names, value);
-/* allocate GSM 04.08 layer 3 message */
-struct msgb *gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc(void)
- struct msgb *msg;
- msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(L3_ALLOC_SIZE+L3_ALLOC_HEADROOM,
- L3_ALLOC_HEADROOM, "GSM 04.08 L3");
- if (!msg)
- return NULL;
- msg->l3h = msg->data;
- return msg;
-/* allocate GSM 04.06 layer 2 RSL message */
-struct msgb *gsm48_rsl_msgb_alloc(void)
- struct msgb *msg;
- msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(RSL_ALLOC_SIZE+RSL_ALLOC_HEADROOM,
- if (!msg)
- return NULL;
- msg->l2h = msg->data;
- return msg;
-/* allocate GSM 04.08 message (RR-SAP) */
-struct msgb *gsm48_rr_msgb_alloc(int msg_type)
- struct msgb *msg;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *rrh;
- msg = msgb_alloc_headroom(RR_ALLOC_SIZE+RR_ALLOC_HEADROOM,
- if (!msg)
- return NULL;
- rrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *) msgb_put(msg, sizeof(*rrh));
- rrh->msg_type = msg_type;
- return msg;
-/* queue message (RR-SAP) */
-int gsm48_rr_upmsg(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_mmlayer *mm = &ms->mmlayer;
- msgb_enqueue(&mm->rr_upqueue, msg);
- return 0;
-/* push rsl header and send (RSL-SAP) */
-static int gsm48_send_rsl(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t msg_type,
- struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- if (!msg->l3h) {
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- rsl_rll_push_l3(msg, msg_type, rr->cd_now.chan_nr,
- rr->cd_now.link_id, 1);
- return rslms_recvmsg(msg, ms);
-/* push rsl header + release mode and send (RSL-SAP) */
-static int gsm48_send_rsl_rel(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t msg_type,
- struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- rsl_rll_push_hdr(msg, msg_type, rr->cd_now.chan_nr,
- rr->cd_now.link_id, 1);
- return rslms_recvmsg(msg, ms);
-/* enqueue messages (RSL-SAP) */
-static int gsm48_rx_rsl(struct msgb *msg, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- msgb_enqueue(&rr->rsl_upqueue, msg);
- return 0;
-/* dequeue messages (RSL-SAP) */
-int gsm48_rsl_dequeue(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct msgb *msg;
- int work = 0;
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&rr->rsl_upqueue))) {
- /* msg is freed there */
- gsm48_rcv_rsl(ms, msg);
- work = 1; /* work done */
- }
- return work;
-int gsm48_rr_start_monitor(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- ms->rrlayer.monitor = 1;
- return 0;
-int gsm48_rr_stop_monitor(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- ms->rrlayer.monitor = 0;
- return 0;
- * timers handling
- */
-/* special timer to monitor measurements */
-static void timeout_rr_meas(void *arg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = arg;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &rr->ms->cellsel;
- struct rx_meas_stat *meas = &rr->ms->meas;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &rr->ms->settings;
- int rxlev, berr, snr;
- uint8_t ch_type, ch_subch, ch_ts;
- char text[256];
- if (!cs->selected) {
- goto restart;
- } else if (!meas->frames) {
- sprintf(text, "MON: no cell info");
- } else {
- rxlev = meas->rxlev / meas->frames;
- berr = meas->berr / meas->frames;
- snr = meas->snr / meas->frames;
- sprintf(text, "MON: f=%d lev=%s snr=%2d ber=%3d "
- "LAI=%s %s %04x ID=%04x", cs->sel_arfcn,
- gsm_print_rxlev(rxlev), berr, snr,
- gsm_print_mcc(cs->sel_mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(cs->sel_mnc), cs->sel_lac, cs->sel_id);
- if (rr->state == GSM48_RR_ST_DEDICATED) {
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(rr->cd_now.chan_nr, &ch_type,
- &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- sprintf(text + strlen(text), " TA=%d pwr=%d TS=%d",
- rr->cd_now.ind_ta - set->alter_delay,
- (set->alter_tx_power) ? set->alter_tx_power_value
- : rr->cd_now.ind_tx_power, ch_ts);
- if (ch_type == RSL_CHAN_SDCCH8_ACCH
- || ch_type == RSL_CHAN_SDCCH4_ACCH)
- sprintf(text + strlen(text), "/%d", ch_subch);
- }
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "%s\n", text);
- if (rr->monitor)
- vty_notify(rr->ms, "%s\n", text);
- if (rr->dm_est)
- gsm48_rr_tx_meas_rep(rr->ms);
- meas->frames = meas->snr = meas->berr = meas->rxlev = 0;
- start_rr_t_meas(rr, 1, 0);
-/* special timer to assign / handover when starting time is reached */
-static void timeout_rr_t_starting(void *arg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = arg;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "starting timer has fired\n");
- /* open channel when starting timer of IMM.ASS has fired */
- if (rr->modify_state == GSM48_RR_MOD_IMM_ASS) {
- rr->modify_state = GSM48_RR_MOD_NONE;
- gsm48_rr_dl_est(rr->ms);
- return;
- }
- /* start suspension of current link */
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "request suspension of data link\n");
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return;
- gsm48_send_rsl(rr->ms, RSL_MT_SUSP_REQ, nmsg);
-/* special timer to ensure that UA is sent before disconnecting channel */
-static void timeout_rr_t_rel_wait(void *arg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = arg;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "L2 release timer has fired, done waiting\n");
- /* return to idle now */
- new_rr_state(rr, GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE);
-/* Timeout of T3110 */
-static void timeout_rr_t3110(void *arg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = arg;
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = rr->ms;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- uint8_t *mode;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "timer T3110 has fired, release locally\n");
- new_rr_state(rr, GSM48_RR_ST_REL_PEND);
- /* disconnect the main signalling link */
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return;
- mode = msgb_put(nmsg, 2);
- mode[0] = RSL_IE_RELEASE_MODE;
- mode[1] = 1; /* local release */
- gsm48_send_rsl_rel(ms, RSL_MT_REL_REQ, nmsg);
- return;
-static void timeout_rr_t3122(void *arg)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "timer T3122 has fired\n");
-static void timeout_rr_t3124(void *arg)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "timer T3124 has fired\n");
-static void timeout_rr_t3126(void *arg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = arg;
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = rr->ms;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "timer T3126 has fired\n");
- if (rr->rr_est_req) {
- struct msgb *msg = gsm48_rr_msgb_alloc(GSM48_RR_REL_IND);
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *rrh;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Requesting channel failed\n");
- if (!msg)
- return;
- rrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *)msg->data;
- rrh->cause = RR_REL_CAUSE_RA_FAILURE;
- gsm48_rr_upmsg(ms, msg);
- }
- new_rr_state(rr, GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE);
-static void start_rr_t_meas(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr, int sec, int micro)
- rr->t_meas.cb = timeout_rr_meas;
- rr-> = rr;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&rr->t_meas, sec, micro);
-static void start_rr_t_rel_wait(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr, int sec, int micro)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "starting T_rel_wait with %d.%03d seconds\n", sec,
- micro / 1000);
- rr->t_rel_wait.cb = timeout_rr_t_rel_wait;
- rr-> = rr;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&rr->t_rel_wait, sec, micro);
-static void start_rr_t_starting(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr, int sec, int micro)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "starting T_starting with %d.%03d seconds\n", sec,
- micro / 1000);
- rr->t_starting.cb = timeout_rr_t_starting;
- rr-> = rr;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&rr->t_starting, sec, micro);
-static void start_rr_t3110(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr, int sec, int micro)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "starting T3110 with %d.%03d seconds\n", sec,
- micro / 1000);
- rr->t3110.cb = timeout_rr_t3110;
- rr-> = rr;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&rr->t3110, sec, micro);
-static void start_rr_t3122(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr, int sec, int micro)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "starting T3122 with %d.%03d seconds\n", sec,
- micro / 1000);
- rr->t3122.cb = timeout_rr_t3122;
- rr-> = rr;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&rr->t3122, sec, micro);
-static void start_rr_t3124(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr, int sec, int micro)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "starting T3124 with %d.%03d seconds\n", sec,
- micro / 1000);
- rr->t3124.cb = timeout_rr_t3124;
- rr-> = rr;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&rr->t3124, sec, micro);
-static void start_rr_t3126(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr, int sec, int micro)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "starting T3126 with %d.%03d seconds\n", sec,
- micro / 1000);
- rr->t3126.cb = timeout_rr_t3126;
- rr-> = rr;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&rr->t3126, sec, micro);
-static void stop_rr_t_meas(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&rr->t_meas)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "stopping pending timer T_meas\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&rr->t_meas);
- }
-static void stop_rr_t_starting(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&rr->t_starting)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "stopping pending timer T_starting\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&rr->t_starting);
- }
-static void stop_rr_t_rel_wait(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&rr->t_rel_wait)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "stopping pending timer T_rel_wait\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&rr->t_rel_wait);
- }
-static void stop_rr_t3110(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&rr->t3110)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "stopping pending timer T3110\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&rr->t3110);
- }
-static void stop_rr_t3122(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&rr->t3122)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "stopping pending timer T3122\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&rr->t3122);
- }
-static void stop_rr_t3124(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&rr->t3124)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "stopping pending timer T3124\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&rr->t3124);
- }
-static void stop_rr_t3126(struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&rr->t3126)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "stopping pending timer T3126\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&rr->t3126);
- }
- * status
- */
-/* send rr status request */
-static int gsm48_rr_tx_rr_status(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t cause)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- struct gsm48_rr_status *st;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "RR STATUS (cause #%d)\n", cause);
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- st = (struct gsm48_rr_status *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*st));
- gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_RR;
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_RR_CIPH_M_COMPL;
- /* rr cause */
- st->rr_cause = cause;
- return gsm48_send_rsl(ms, RSL_MT_DATA_REQ, nmsg);
- * ciphering
- */
-/* send chiperhing mode complete */
-static int gsm48_rr_tx_cip_mode_cpl(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t cr)
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *nrrh;
- uint8_t buf[11], *tlv;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_RR;
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_RR_CIPH_M_COMPL;
- /* MI */
- if (cr) {
- gsm48_generate_mid_from_imsi(buf, set->imeisv);
- /* alter MI type */
- buf[2] = (buf[2] & ~GSM_MI_TYPE_MASK) | GSM_MI_TYPE_IMEISV;
- tlv = msgb_put(nmsg, 2 + buf[1]);
- memcpy(tlv, buf, 2 + buf[1]);
- }
- gsm48_send_rsl(ms, RSL_MT_DATA_REQ, nmsg);
- /* send RR_SYNC_IND(ciphering) */
- nmsg = gsm48_rr_msgb_alloc(GSM48_RR_SYNC_IND);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nrrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *)nmsg->data;
- nrrh->cause = RR_SYNC_CAUSE_CIPHERING;
- return gsm48_rr_upmsg(ms, nmsg);
-/* receive ciphering mode command */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_cip_mode_cmd(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm48_cip_mode_cmd *cm = (struct gsm48_cip_mode_cmd *)gh->data;
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh) - sizeof(*cm);
- uint8_t sc, alg_id, cr;
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "message.\n");
- return gsm48_rr_tx_rr_status(ms,
- }
- /* cipher mode setting */
- sc = cm->sc;
- alg_id = cm->alg_id;
- /* cipher mode response */
- cr = cm->cr;
- if (!sc)
- sc, cr);
- else
- "algo=A5/%d cr=%u)\n", sc, alg_id + 1, cr);
- /* */
- if (rr->cipher_on && sc) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "chiphering already applied\n");
- return gsm48_rr_tx_rr_status(ms,
- }
- /* check if we actually support this cipher */
- if (sc && ((alg_id == GSM_CIPHER_A5_1 && !set->a5_1)
- || (alg_id == GSM_CIPHER_A5_2 && !set->a5_2)
- || (alg_id == GSM_CIPHER_A5_3 && !set->a5_3)
- || (alg_id == GSM_CIPHER_A5_4 && !set->a5_4)
- || (alg_id == GSM_CIPHER_A5_5 && !set->a5_5)
- || (alg_id == GSM_CIPHER_A5_6 && !set->a5_6)
- || (alg_id == GSM_CIPHER_A5_7 && !set->a5_7))) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "algo not supported\n");
- return gsm48_rr_tx_rr_status(ms,
- }
- /* check if we have no key */
- if (sc && subscr->key_seq == 7) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "no key available\n");
- return gsm48_rr_tx_rr_status(ms,
- }
- /* change to ciphering */
- rr->cipher_on = sc;
- rr->cipher_type = alg_id;
- if (rr->cipher_on)
- l1ctl_tx_crypto_req(ms, rr->cipher_type + 1, subscr->key, 8);
- else
- l1ctl_tx_crypto_req(ms, 0, NULL, 0);
- /* response (using the new mode) */
- return gsm48_rr_tx_cip_mode_cpl(ms, cr);
- * classmark
- */
-/* Encode "Classmark 3" ( */
-static int gsm48_rr_enc_cm3(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *len)
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct bitvec bv;
- memset(&bv, 0, sizeof(bv));
- = buf;
- bv.data_len = 12;
- /* spare bit */
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, 0);
- /* band 3 supported */
- if (set->dcs)
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- else
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- /* band 2 supported */
- if (set->e_gsm || set->r_gsm)
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- else
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- /* band 1 supported */
- if (set->p_gsm && !(set->e_gsm || set->r_gsm))
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- else
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- /* a5 bits */
- if (set->a5_7)
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- else
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- if (set->a5_6)
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- else
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- if (set->a5_5)
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- else
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- if (set->a5_4)
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- else
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- /* radio capability */
- if (!set->dcs && !set->p_gsm && !(set->e_gsm || set->r_gsm)) {
- /* Fig. 10.5.7 / TS 24.0008: none of dcs, p, e, r */
- } else
- if (set->dcs && !set->p_gsm && !(set->e_gsm || set->r_gsm)) {
- /* dcs only */
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, 0, 4);
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, set->class_dcs, 4);
- } else
- if (set->dcs && (set->p_gsm || (set->e_gsm || set->r_gsm))) {
- /* dcs */
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, set->class_dcs, 4);
- /* low band */
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, set->class_900, 4);
- } else {
- /* low band only */
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, 0, 4);
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, set->class_900, 4);
- }
- /* r support */
- if (set->r_gsm) {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, set->class_900, 3);
- } else {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- }
- /* multi slot support */
- if (sup->ms_sup) {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, sup->ms_sup, 5);
- } else {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- }
- /* ucs2 treatment */
- if (sup->ucs2_treat) {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- } else {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- }
- /* support extended measurements */
- if (sup->ext_meas) {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- } else {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- }
- /* support measurement capability */
- if (sup->meas_cap) {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, sup->sms_val, 4);
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, sup->sm_val, 4);
- } else {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- }
- /* positioning method capability */
- if (sup->loc_serv) {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, sup->e_otd_ass == 1);
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, sup->e_otd_based == 1);
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, sup->gps_ass == 1);
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, sup->gps_based == 1);
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, sup->gps_conv == 1);
- } else {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- }
- /* The following bits are described in TS 24.008 */
- /* EDGE multi slot support */
- if (set->edge_ms_sup) {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, set->edge_ms_sup, 5);
- } else {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- }
- /* EDGE support */
- if (set->edge_psk_sup) {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, set->edge_psk_uplink == 1);
- if (set->p_gsm || (set->e_gsm || set->r_gsm)) {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, set->class_900_edge, 2);
- } else {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- }
- if (set->dcs || set->pcs) {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, set->class_dcs_pcs_edge, 2);
- } else {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- }
- } else {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- }
- /* GSM 400 Bands */
- if (set->gsm_480 || set->gsm_450) {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, set->gsm_480 == 1);
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, set->gsm_450 == 1);
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, set->class_400, 4);
- } else {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- }
- /* GSM 850 Band */
- if (set->gsm_850) {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, set->class_850, 4);
- } else {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- }
- /* PCS Band */
- if (set->pcs) {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, set->class_pcs, 4);
- } else {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- }
- /* RAT Capability */
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, set->umts_fdd == 1);
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, set->umts_tdd == 1);
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, set->cdma_2000 == 1);
- /* DTM */
- if (set->dtm) {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ONE);
- bitvec_set_uint(&bv, set->class_dtm, 2);
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, set->dtm_mac == 1);
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, set->dtm_egprs == 1);
- } else {
- bitvec_set_bit(&bv, ZERO);
- }
- /* info: The max number of bits are about 80. */
- /* partitial bytes will be completed */
- *len = (bv.cur_bit + 7) >> 3;
- bitvec_spare_padding(&bv, (*len * 8) - 1);
- return 0;
-/* encode classmark 2 */
-int gsm48_rr_enc_cm2(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct gsm48_classmark2 *cm)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- cm->pwr_lev = gsm48_current_pwr_lev(set, rr->cd_now.arfcn);
- cm->a5_1 = !set->a5_1;
- cm->es_ind = sup->es_ind;
- cm->rev_lev = sup->rev_lev;
- cm->fc = (set->r_gsm || set->e_gsm);
- cm->vgcs = sup->vgcs;
- cm->vbs = sup->vbs;
- cm->sm_cap = set->sms_ptp;
- cm->ss_scr = sup->ss_ind;
- cm->ps_cap = sup->ps_cap;
- cm->a5_2 = set->a5_2;
- cm->a5_3 = set->a5_3;
- cm->cmsp = sup->cmsp;
- cm->solsa = sup->solsa;
- cm->lcsva_cap = sup->lcsva;
- return 0;
-/* send classmark change */
-static int gsm48_rr_tx_cm_change(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- struct gsm48_cm_change *cc;
- uint8_t cm3[14], *tlv;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- cc = (struct gsm48_cm_change *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*cc));
- gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_RR;
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_RR_CLSM_CHG;
- /* classmark 2 */
- cc->cm2_len = sizeof(cc->cm2);
- gsm48_rr_enc_cm2(ms, &cc->cm2);
- /* classmark 3 */
- if (set->dcs || set->pcs || set->e_gsm || set->r_gsm || set->gsm_850
- || set->a5_7 || set->a5_6 || set->a5_5 || set->a5_4
- || sup->ms_sup
- || sup->ucs2_treat
- || sup->ext_meas || sup->meas_cap
- || sup->loc_serv) {
- cc->cm2.cm3 = 1;
- cm3[0] = GSM48_IE_CLASSMARK3;
- gsm48_rr_enc_cm3(ms, cm3 + 2, &cm3[1]);
- tlv = msgb_put(nmsg, 2 + cm3[1]);
- memcpy(tlv, cm3, 2 + cm3[1]);
- }
- return gsm48_send_rsl(ms, RSL_MT_DATA_REQ, nmsg);
-/* receiving classmark enquiry */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_cm_enq(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- /* send classmark */
- return gsm48_rr_tx_cm_change(ms);
- * random access
- */
-/* start random access */
-static int gsm48_rr_chan_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int cause, int paging)
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = cs->si;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *nrrh;
- uint8_t chan_req_val, chan_req_mask;
- int rc;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Establish radio link due to %s request\n",
- (paging) ? "paging" : "mobility management");
- /* ignore paging, if not camping */
- if (paging
- && (!cs->selected || (cs->state != GSM322_C3_CAMPED_NORMALLY
- && cs->state != GSM322_C7_CAMPED_ANY_CELL))) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Paging, but not camping, ignore.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* tell cell selection process to leave idle mode
- * NOTE: this must be sent unbuffered, because the state may not
- * change until idle mode is left
- */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_LEAVE_IDLE);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- rc = gsm322_c_event(ms, nmsg);
- msgb_free(nmsg);
- if (rc) {
- if (paging)
- return rc;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Failed to leave IDLE mode.\n");
- goto undefined;
- }
- /* */
- new_rr_state(rr, GSM48_RR_ST_CONN_PEND);
- /* set assignment state */
- rr->wait_assign = 0;
- /* number of retransmissions (with first transmission) */
- rr->n_chan_req = s->max_retrans + 1;
- /* generate CHAN REQ (9.1.8) */
- switch (cause) {
- /* 101xxxxx */
- chan_req_mask = 0x1f;
- chan_req_val = 0xa0;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "CHANNEL REQUEST: %02x (Emergency call)\n",
- chan_req_val);
- break;
- chan_req_mask = 0x1f;
- chan_req_val = 0xc0;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "CHANNEL REQUEST: %02x (re-establish "
- "TCH/F)\n", chan_req_val);
- break;
- if (s->neci) {
- chan_req_mask = 0x03;
- chan_req_val = 0x68;
- "(re-establish TCH/H with NECI)\n",
- chan_req_val);
- } else {
- chan_req_mask = 0x1f;
- chan_req_val = 0xc0;
- "(re-establish TCH/H no NECI)\n", chan_req_val);
- }
- break;
- if (s->neci) {
- chan_req_mask = 0x03;
- chan_req_val = 0x6c;
- "(re-establish TCH/H+TCH/H with NECI)\n",
- chan_req_val);
- } else {
- chan_req_mask = 0x1f;
- chan_req_val = 0xc0;
- "(re-establish TCH/H+TCH/H no NECI)\n",
- chan_req_val);
- }
- break;
- chan_req_mask = 0x1f;
- chan_req_val = 0x80;
- "Any channel)\n", chan_req_val);
- break;
- chan_req_mask = 0x0f;
- chan_req_val = 0x10;
- chan_req_val);
- break;
- switch (set->ch_cap) {
- chan_req_mask = 0x0f;
- chan_req_val = 0x10;
- break;
- chan_req_mask = 0x1f;
- chan_req_val = 0x80;
- break;
- default:
- chan_req_mask = 0x0f;
- chan_req_val = 0x20;
- break;
- }
- chan_req_val);
- break;
- switch (set->ch_cap) {
- chan_req_mask = 0x0f;
- chan_req_val = 0x10;
- break;
- chan_req_mask = 0x1f;
- chan_req_val = 0x80;
- break;
- default:
- chan_req_mask = 0x0f;
- chan_req_val = 0x30;
- break;
- }
- "TCH/F)\n", chan_req_val);
- break;
- /* ms supports no dual rate */
- chan_req_mask = 0x1f;
- chan_req_val = 0xe0;
- chan_req_val);
- break;
- if (s->neci) {
- chan_req_mask = 0x0f;
- chan_req_val = 0x00;
- "Update with NECI)\n", chan_req_val);
- } else {
- chan_req_mask = 0x1f;
- chan_req_val = 0x00;
- "Update no NECI)\n", chan_req_val);
- }
- break;
- if (s->neci) {
- chan_req_mask = 0x0f;
- chan_req_val = 0x10;
- "with NECI)\n", chan_req_val);
- } else {
- chan_req_mask = 0x1f;
- chan_req_val = 0xe0;
- "no NECI)\n", chan_req_val);
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (!rr->rr_est_req) /* no request from MM */
- return -EINVAL;
- "establishment cause: %d\n", cause);
- undefined:
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Requesting channel failed\n");
- nmsg = gsm48_rr_msgb_alloc(GSM48_RR_REL_IND);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nrrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *)nmsg->data;
- nrrh->cause = RR_REL_CAUSE_UNDEFINED;
- gsm48_rr_upmsg(ms, nmsg);
- new_rr_state(rr, GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* store value, mask and history */
- rr->chan_req_val = chan_req_val;
- rr->chan_req_mask = chan_req_mask;
- rr->cr_hist[2].valid = 0;
- rr->cr_hist[1].valid = 0;
- rr->cr_hist[0].valid = 0;
- /* store establishment cause, so 'choose cell' selects the last cell
- * after location updating */
- rr->est_cause = cause;
- /* if channel is already active somehow */
- if (cs->ccch_state == GSM322_CCCH_ST_DATA)
- return gsm48_rr_tx_rand_acc(ms, NULL);
- return 0;
-/* send first/next channel request in conn pend state */
-int gsm48_rr_tx_rand_acc(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = &ms->cellsel.sel_si;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct abis_rsl_cchan_hdr *ncch;
- int slots;
- uint8_t chan_req;
- uint8_t tx_power;
- /* already assigned */
- if (rr->wait_assign == 2)
- return 0;
- /* store frame number */
- if (msg) {
- struct abis_rsl_cchan_hdr *ch = msgb_l2(msg);
- struct gsm48_req_ref *ref =
- (struct gsm48_req_ref *) (ch->data + 1);
- if (msgb_l2len(msg) < sizeof(*ch) + sizeof(*ref)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "CHAN_CNF too slort\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* shift history and store */
- memcpy(&(rr->cr_hist[2]), &(rr->cr_hist[1]),
- sizeof(struct gsm48_cr_hist));
- memcpy(&(rr->cr_hist[1]), &(rr->cr_hist[0]),
- sizeof(struct gsm48_cr_hist));
- rr->cr_hist[0].valid = 1;
- rr->cr_hist[0].ref.ra = rr->cr_ra;
- rr->cr_hist[0].ref.t1 = ref->t1;
- rr->cr_hist[0].ref.t2 = ref->t2;
- rr->cr_hist[0].ref.t3_low = ref->t3_low;
- rr->cr_hist[0].ref.t3_high = ref->t3_high;
- }
- if (cs->ccch_state != GSM322_CCCH_ST_DATA) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "CCCH channel activation failed.\n");
- if (rr->rr_est_req) {
- struct msgb *msg =
- gsm48_rr_msgb_alloc(GSM48_RR_REL_IND);
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *rrh;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Requesting channel failed\n");
- if (!msg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- rrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *)msg->data;
- rrh->cause = RR_REL_CAUSE_RA_FAILURE;
- gsm48_rr_upmsg(ms, msg);
- }
- new_rr_state(rr, GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!s || !s->si3 || !s->tx_integer) {
- goto fail;
- }
- if (rr->state == GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "MM already released RR.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "RANDOM ACCESS (requests left %d)\n",
- rr->n_chan_req);
- if (!rr->n_chan_req) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Done with sending RANDOM ACCESS "
- "bursts\n");
- if (!osmo_timer_pending(&rr->t3126))
- start_rr_t3126(rr, 5, 0); /* TODO improve! */
- return 0;
- }
- rr->n_chan_req--;
- if (rr->wait_assign == 0) {
- /* first random acces, without delay of slots */
- slots = 0;
- rr->wait_assign = 1;
- } else {
- /* subsequent random acces, with slots from table 3.1 */
- switch(s->tx_integer) {
- case 3: case 8: case 14: case 50:
- if (s->ccch_conf != 1) /* not combined CCCH */
- slots = 55;
- else
- slots = 41;
- break;
- case 4: case 9: case 16:
- if (s->ccch_conf != 1)
- slots = 76;
- else
- slots = 52;
- break;
- case 5: case 10: case 20:
- if (s->ccch_conf != 1)
- slots = 109;
- else
- slots = 58;
- break;
- case 6: case 11: case 25:
- if (s->ccch_conf != 1)
- slots = 163;
- else
- slots = 86;
- break;
- default:
- if (s->ccch_conf != 1)
- slots = 217;
- else
- slots = 115;
- break;
- }
- }
- chan_req = random();
- chan_req &= rr->chan_req_mask;
- chan_req |= rr->chan_req_val;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "RANDOM ACCESS (Tx-integer %d combined %s "
- "S(lots) %d ra 0x%02x)\n", s->tx_integer,
- (s->ccch_conf == 1) ? "yes": "no", slots, chan_req);
- slots = (random() % s->tx_integer) + slots;
- /* (re)send CHANNEL RQD with new randiom */
- nmsg = gsm48_rsl_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- ncch = (struct abis_rsl_cchan_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*ncch)
- + 4 + 2 + 2);
- rsl_init_cchan_hdr(ncch, RSL_MT_CHAN_RQD);
- ncch->chan_nr = RSL_CHAN_RACH;
- ncch->data[0] = RSL_IE_REQ_REFERENCE;
- ncch->data[1] = chan_req;
- ncch->data[2] = (slots >> 8) | ((s->ccch_conf == 1) << 7);
- ncch->data[3] = slots;
- ncch->data[4] = RSL_IE_ACCESS_DELAY;
- ncch->data[5] = set->alter_delay; /* (-)=earlier (+)=later */
- ncch->data[6] = RSL_IE_MS_POWER;
- if (set->alter_tx_power) {
- tx_power = set->alter_tx_power_value;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Use alternative tx-power %d (%d dBm)\n",
- tx_power,
- ms_pwr_dbm(gsm_arfcn2band(cs->arfcn), tx_power));
- } else {
- tx_power = s->ms_txpwr_max_cch;
- /* power offset in case of DCS1800 */
- if (s->po && (cs->arfcn & 1023) >= 512
- && (cs->arfcn & 1023) <= 885) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Use MS-TXPWR-MAX-CCH power value "
- "%d (%d dBm) with offset %d dBm\n", tx_power,
- ms_pwr_dbm(gsm_arfcn2band(cs->arfcn), tx_power),
- s->po_value * 2);
- /* use reserved bits 7,8 for offset (+ X * 2dB) */
- tx_power |= s->po_value << 6;
- } else
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Use MS-TXPWR-MAX-CCH power value "
- "%d (%d dBm)\n", tx_power,
- ms_pwr_dbm(gsm_arfcn2band(cs->arfcn),
- tx_power));
- }
- ncch->data[7] = tx_power;
- /* set initial indications */
- rr->cd_now.ind_tx_power = s->ms_txpwr_max_cch;
- rr->cd_now.ind_ta = set->alter_delay;
- /* store ra until confirmed, then copy it with time into cr_hist */
- rr->cr_ra = chan_req;
- return rslms_recvmsg(nmsg, ms);
- * system information
- */
-/* send sysinfo event to other layers */
-static int gsm48_new_sysinfo(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t type)
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = ms->;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm322_msg *em;
- /* update list of measurements, if BA(SACCH) is complete and new */
- if (s
- && (type == GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_5
- || type == GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_5bis
- || type == GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_5ter)
- && s->si5
- && (!s->nb_ext_ind_si5 || s->si5bis)) {
- struct gsm48_rr_meas *rrmeas = &ms->rrlayer.meas;
- int n = 0, i, refer_pcs;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Complete set of SI5* for BA(%d)\n",
- s->nb_ba_ind_si5);
- rrmeas->nc_num = 0;
- refer_pcs = gsm_refer_pcs(cs->arfcn, s);
- for (i = 1; i <= 1024; i++) {
- if ((s->freq[i].mask & FREQ_TYPE_REP)) {
- if (n == 32) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "SI5* report "
- "exceeds 32 BCCHs\n");
- break;
- }
- if (refer_pcs && i >= 512 && i <= 810)
- rrmeas->nc_arfcn[n] = i | ARFCN_PCS;
- else
- rrmeas->nc_arfcn[n] = i;
- rrmeas->nc_rxlev[n] = -128;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "SI5* report arfcn %s\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(rrmeas->nc_arfcn[n]));
- n++;
- }
- }
- rrmeas->nc_num = n;
- }
- /* send sysinfo event to other layers */
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_SYSINFO);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- em = (struct gsm322_msg *) nmsg->data;
- em->sysinfo = type;
- gsm322_cs_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- /* send timer info to location update process */
- nmsg = gsm48_mmevent_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MM_EVENT_SYSINFO);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm48_mmevent_msg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-/* receive "SYSTEM INFORMATION 1" message (9.1.31) */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo1(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_1 *si = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = ms->;
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*si);
- if (!s) {
- "ignored\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "message.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (!memcmp(si, s->si1_msg, MIN(msgb_l3len(msg), sizeof(s->si1_msg))))
- return 0;
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo1(s, si, msgb_l3len(msg));
- return gsm48_new_sysinfo(ms, si->header.system_information);
-/* receive "SYSTEM INFORMATION 2" message (9.1.32) */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo2(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_2 *si = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = ms->;
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*si);
- if (!s) {
- "ignored\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "message.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (!memcmp(si, s->si2_msg, MIN(msgb_l3len(msg), sizeof(s->si2_msg))))
- return 0;
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo2(s, si, msgb_l3len(msg));
- return gsm48_new_sysinfo(ms, si->header.system_information);
-/* receive "SYSTEM INFORMATION 2bis" message (9.1.33) */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo2bis(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_2bis *si = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = ms->;
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*si);
- if (!s) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "No cell selected, SYSTEM INFORMATION 2bis"
- " ignored\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "message.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (!memcmp(si, s->si2b_msg, MIN(msgb_l3len(msg), sizeof(s->si2b_msg))))
- return 0;
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo2bis(s, si, msgb_l3len(msg));
- return gsm48_new_sysinfo(ms, si->header.system_information);
-/* receive "SYSTEM INFORMATION 2ter" message (9.1.34) */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo2ter(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_2ter *si = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = ms->;
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*si);
- if (!s) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "No cell selected, SYSTEM INFORMATION 2ter"
- " ignored\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "message.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (!memcmp(si, s->si2t_msg, MIN(msgb_l3len(msg), sizeof(s->si2t_msg))))
- return 0;
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo2ter(s, si, msgb_l3len(msg));
- return gsm48_new_sysinfo(ms, si->header.system_information);
-/* receive "SYSTEM INFORMATION 3" message (9.1.35) */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo3(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_3 *si = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = cs->si;
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*si);
- if (!s) {
- "ignored\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "message.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (!memcmp(si, s->si3_msg, MIN(msgb_l3len(msg), sizeof(s->si3_msg))))
- return 0;
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo3(s, si, msgb_l3len(msg));
- if (cs->ccch_mode == CCCH_MODE_NONE) {
- cs->ccch_mode = (s->ccch_conf == 1) ? CCCH_MODE_COMBINED :
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Changing CCCH_MODE to %d\n",
- cs->ccch_mode);
- l1ctl_tx_ccch_mode_req(ms, cs->ccch_mode);
- }
- return gsm48_new_sysinfo(ms, si->header.system_information);
-/* receive "SYSTEM INFORMATION 4" message (9.1.36) */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo4(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- /* NOTE: pseudo length is not in this structure, so we skip */
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_4 *si = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = ms->;
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*si);
- if (!s) {
- "ignored\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "message.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (!memcmp(si, s->si4_msg, MIN(msgb_l3len(msg), sizeof(s->si4_msg))))
- return 0;
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo4(s, si, msgb_l3len(msg));
- "lac 0x%04x)\n", gsm_print_mcc(s->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(s->mnc), s->lac);
- return gsm48_new_sysinfo(ms, si->header.system_information);
-/* receive "SYSTEM INFORMATION 5" message (9.1.37) */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo5(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- /* NOTE: pseudo length is not in this structure, so we skip */
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_5 *si = msgb_l3(msg) + 1;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = ms->;
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*si) - 1;
- if (!s) {
- "ignored\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "message.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (!memcmp(si, s->si5_msg, MIN(msgb_l3len(msg), sizeof(s->si5_msg))))
- return 0;
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo5(s, si, msgb_l3len(msg));
- return gsm48_new_sysinfo(ms, si->system_information);
-/* receive "SYSTEM INFORMATION 5bis" message (9.1.38) */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo5bis(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- /* NOTE: pseudo length is not in this structure, so we skip */
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_5bis *si = msgb_l3(msg) + 1;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = ms->;
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*si) - 1;
- if (!s) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "No cell selected, SYSTEM INFORMATION 5bis"
- " ignored\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "message.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (!memcmp(si, s->si5b_msg, MIN(msgb_l3len(msg),
- sizeof(s->si5b_msg))))
- return 0;
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo5bis(s, si, msgb_l3len(msg));
- return gsm48_new_sysinfo(ms, si->system_information);
-/* receive "SYSTEM INFORMATION 5ter" message (9.1.39) */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo5ter(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- /* NOTE: pseudo length is not in this structure, so we skip */
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_5ter *si = msgb_l3(msg) + 1;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = ms->;
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*si) - 1;
- if (!s) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "No cell selected, SYSTEM INFORMATION 5ter"
- " ignored\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "message.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (!memcmp(si, s->si5t_msg, MIN(msgb_l3len(msg),
- sizeof(s->si5t_msg))))
- return 0;
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo5ter(s, si, msgb_l3len(msg));
- return gsm48_new_sysinfo(ms, si->system_information);
-/* receive "SYSTEM INFORMATION 6" message (9.1.39) */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo6(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- /* NOTE: pseudo length is not in this structure, so we skip */
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_6 *si = msgb_l3(msg) + 1;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = ms->;
- struct rx_meas_stat *meas = &ms->meas;
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*si) - 1;
- if (!s) {
- "ignored\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "message.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (!memcmp(si, s->si6_msg, MIN(msgb_l3len(msg), sizeof(s->si6_msg))))
- return 0;
- gsm48_decode_sysinfo6(s, si, msgb_l3len(msg));
- "lac 0x%04x SACCH-timeout %d)\n", gsm_print_mcc(s->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(s->mnc), s->lac, s->sacch_radio_link_timeout);
- meas->rl_fail = meas->s = s->sacch_radio_link_timeout;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "using (new) SACCH timeout %d\n", meas->rl_fail);
- return gsm48_new_sysinfo(ms, si->system_information);
- * paging
- */
-/* paging channel request */
-static int gsm48_rr_chan2cause[4] = {
-/* given LV of mobile identity is checked agains ms */
-static int gsm_match_mi(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *mi)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- char imsi[16];
- uint32_t tmsi;
- uint8_t mi_type;
- if (mi[0] < 1)
- return 0;
- mi_type = mi[1] & GSM_MI_TYPE_MASK;
- switch (mi_type) {
- if (mi[0] < 5)
- return 0;
- memcpy(&tmsi, mi+2, 4);
- if (ms->subscr.tmsi == ntohl(tmsi)
- && ms->subscr.mcc == cs->sel_mcc
- && ms->subscr.mnc == cs->sel_mnc
- && ms->subscr.lac == cs->sel_lac) {
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_INFO, " TMSI %08x matches\n",
- ntohl(tmsi));
- return 1;
- } else
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_INFO, " TMSI %08x (not for us)\n",
- ntohl(tmsi));
- break;
- gsm48_mi_to_string(imsi, sizeof(imsi), mi + 1, mi[0]);
- if (!strcmp(imsi, ms->subscr.imsi)) {
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_INFO, " IMSI %s matches\n", imsi);
- return 1;
- } else
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_INFO, " IMSI %s (not for us)\n", imsi);
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_NOTICE, "Paging with unsupported MI type %d.\n",
- mi_type);
- }
- return 0;
-/* 9.1.22 PAGING REQUEST 1 message received */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_pag_req_1(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_paging1 *pa = msgb_l3(msg);
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*pa);
- int chan_1, chan_2;
- uint8_t *mi;
- /* empty paging request */
- if (payload_len >= 2 && (pa->data[1] & GSM_MI_TYPE_MASK) == 0)
- return 0;
- /* ignore paging while not camping on a cell */
- if (rr->state != GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE || !cs->selected
- || (cs->state != GSM322_C3_CAMPED_NORMALLY
- && cs->state != GSM322_C7_CAMPED_ANY_CELL)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "PAGING ignored, we are not camping.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if (payload_len < 2) {
- short_read:
- "message.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* channel needed */
- chan_1 = pa->cneed1;
- chan_2 = pa->cneed2;
- /* first MI */
- mi = pa->data;
- if (payload_len < mi[0] + 1)
- goto short_read;
- if (gsm_match_mi(ms, mi) > 0)
- return gsm48_rr_chan_req(ms, gsm48_rr_chan2cause[chan_1], 1);
- /* second MI */
- payload_len -= mi[0] + 1;
- mi = pa->data + mi[0] + 1;
- if (payload_len < 2)
- return 0;
- if (mi[0] != GSM48_IE_MOBILE_ID)
- return 0;
- if (payload_len < mi[1] + 2)
- goto short_read;
- if (gsm_match_mi(ms, mi + 1) > 0)
- return gsm48_rr_chan_req(ms, gsm48_rr_chan2cause[chan_2], 1);
- return 0;
-/* 9.1.23 PAGING REQUEST 2 message received */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_pag_req_2(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_paging2 *pa = msgb_l3(msg);
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*pa);
- uint8_t *mi;
- int chan_1, chan_2, chan_3;
- /* ignore paging while not camping on a cell */
- if (rr->state != GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE || !cs->selected
- || (cs->state != GSM322_C3_CAMPED_NORMALLY
- && cs->state != GSM322_C7_CAMPED_ANY_CELL)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "PAGING ignored, we are not camping.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- short_read:
- "message .\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* channel needed */
- chan_1 = pa->cneed1;
- chan_2 = pa->cneed2;
- /* first MI */
- if (ms->subscr.tmsi == ntohl(pa->tmsi1)
- && ms->subscr.mcc == cs->sel_mcc
- && ms->subscr.mnc == cs->sel_mnc
- && ms->subscr.lac == cs->sel_lac) {
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_INFO, " TMSI %08x matches\n", ntohl(pa->tmsi1));
- return gsm48_rr_chan_req(ms, gsm48_rr_chan2cause[chan_1], 1);
- } else
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_INFO, " TMSI %08x (not for us)\n",
- ntohl(pa->tmsi1));
- /* second MI */
- if (ms->subscr.tmsi == ntohl(pa->tmsi2)
- && ms->subscr.mcc == cs->sel_mcc
- && ms->subscr.mnc == cs->sel_mnc
- && ms->subscr.lac == cs->sel_lac) {
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_INFO, " TMSI %08x matches\n", ntohl(pa->tmsi2));
- return gsm48_rr_chan_req(ms, gsm48_rr_chan2cause[chan_2], 1);
- } else
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_INFO, " TMSI %08x (not for us)\n",
- ntohl(pa->tmsi2));
- /* third MI */
- mi = pa->data;
- if (payload_len < 2)
- return 0;
- if (mi[0] != GSM48_IE_MOBILE_ID)
- return 0;
- if (payload_len < mi[1] + 2 + 1) /* must include "channel needed" */
- goto short_read;
- chan_3 = mi[mi[1] + 2] & 0x03; /* channel needed */
- if (gsm_match_mi(ms, mi + 1) > 0)
- return gsm48_rr_chan_req(ms, gsm48_rr_chan2cause[chan_3], 1);
- return 0;
-/* 9.1.24 PAGING REQUEST 3 message received */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_pag_req_3(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_paging3 *pa = msgb_l3(msg);
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*pa);
- int chan_1, chan_2, chan_3, chan_4;
- /* ignore paging while not camping on a cell */
- if (rr->state != GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE || !cs->selected
- || (cs->state != GSM322_C3_CAMPED_NORMALLY
- && cs->state != GSM322_C7_CAMPED_ANY_CELL)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "PAGING ignored, we are not camping.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if (payload_len < 0) { /* must include "channel needed", part of *pa */
- "message .\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* channel needed */
- chan_1 = pa->cneed1;
- chan_2 = pa->cneed2;
- chan_3 = pa->cneed3;
- chan_4 = pa->cneed4;
- /* first MI */
- if (ms->subscr.tmsi == ntohl(pa->tmsi1)
- && ms->subscr.mcc == cs->sel_mcc
- && ms->subscr.mnc == cs->sel_mnc
- && ms->subscr.lac == cs->sel_lac) {
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_INFO, " TMSI %08x matches\n", ntohl(pa->tmsi1));
- return gsm48_rr_chan_req(ms, gsm48_rr_chan2cause[chan_1], 1);
- } else
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_INFO, " TMSI %08x (not for us)\n",
- ntohl(pa->tmsi1));
- /* second MI */
- if (ms->subscr.tmsi == ntohl(pa->tmsi2)
- && ms->subscr.mcc == cs->sel_mcc
- && ms->subscr.mnc == cs->sel_mnc
- && ms->subscr.lac == cs->sel_lac) {
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_INFO, " TMSI %08x matches\n", ntohl(pa->tmsi2));
- return gsm48_rr_chan_req(ms, gsm48_rr_chan2cause[chan_2], 1);
- } else
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_INFO, " TMSI %08x (not for us)\n",
- ntohl(pa->tmsi2));
- /* thrid MI */
- if (ms->subscr.tmsi == ntohl(pa->tmsi3)
- && ms->subscr.mcc == cs->sel_mcc
- && ms->subscr.mnc == cs->sel_mnc
- && ms->subscr.lac == cs->sel_lac) {
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_INFO, " TMSI %08x matches\n", ntohl(pa->tmsi3));
- return gsm48_rr_chan_req(ms, gsm48_rr_chan2cause[chan_3], 1);
- } else
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_INFO, " TMSI %08x (not for us)\n",
- ntohl(pa->tmsi3));
- /* fourth MI */
- if (ms->subscr.tmsi == ntohl(pa->tmsi4)
- && ms->subscr.mcc == cs->sel_mcc
- && ms->subscr.mnc == cs->sel_mnc
- && ms->subscr.lac == cs->sel_lac) {
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_INFO, " TMSI %08x matches\n", ntohl(pa->tmsi4));
- return gsm48_rr_chan_req(ms, gsm48_rr_chan2cause[chan_4], 1);
- } else
- LOGP(DPAG, LOGL_INFO, " TMSI %08x (not for us)\n",
- ntohl(pa->tmsi4));
- return 0;
- * (immediate) assignment
- */
-/* match request reference agains request history */
-static int gsm48_match_ra(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct gsm48_req_ref *ref)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- int i;
- uint8_t ia_t1, ia_t2, ia_t3;
- uint8_t cr_t1, cr_t2, cr_t3;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- /* filter confirmed RACH requests only */
- if (rr->cr_hist[i].valid && ref->ra == rr->cr_hist[i].ref.ra) {
- ia_t1 = ref->t1;
- ia_t2 = ref->t2;
- ia_t3 = (ref->t3_high << 3) | ref->t3_low;
- ref = &rr->cr_hist[i].ref;
- cr_t1 = ref->t1;
- cr_t2 = ref->t2;
- cr_t3 = (ref->t3_high << 3) | ref->t3_low;
- if (ia_t1 == cr_t1 && ia_t2 == cr_t2
- && ia_t3 == cr_t3) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "request %02x matches "
- "(fn=%d,%d,%d)\n", ref->ra, ia_t1,
- ia_t2, ia_t3);
- return 1;
- } else
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "request %02x matches "
- "but not frame number (IMM.ASS "
- "fn=%d,%d,%d != RACH fn=%d,%d,%d)\n",
- ref->ra, ia_t1, ia_t2, ia_t3,
- cr_t1, cr_t2, cr_t3);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* 9.1.18 IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT is received */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_imm_ass(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm48_imm_ass *ia = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = cs->si;
- int ma_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*ia);
- uint8_t ch_type, ch_subch, ch_ts;
- struct gsm48_rr_cd cd;
- uint8_t *st, st_len;
- memset(&cd, 0, sizeof(cd));
- cd.ind_tx_power = rr->cd_now.ind_tx_power;
- if (ma_len < 0 /* mobile allocation IE must be included */
- || ia->mob_alloc_len > ma_len) { /* short read of IE */
- "message.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (ia->mob_alloc_len > 8) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Moble allocation in IMMEDIATE "
- "ASSIGNMENT too large.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* starting time */
- cd.start = 1;
- cd.start_tm.fn = (ms->meas.last_fn + TEST_STARTING_TIMER) % 42432;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " TESTING: starting time ahead\n");
- st_len = ma_len - ia->mob_alloc_len;
- st = ia->mob_alloc + ia->mob_alloc_len;
- if (st_len >= 3 && st[0] == GSM48_IE_START_TIME)
- gsm48_decode_start_time(&cd, (struct gsm48_start_time *)(st+1));
- /* decode channel description */
- cd.chan_nr = ia->chan_desc.chan_nr;
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(cd.chan_nr, &ch_type, &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- if (ia->chan_desc.h0.h) {
- cd.h = 1;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h1(&ia->chan_desc, &cd.tsc, &cd.maio,
- &cd.hsn);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " (ta %d/%dm ra 0x%02x chan_nr 0x%02x "
- "MAIO %u HSN %u TS %u SS %u TSC %u)\n",
- ia->timing_advance,
- ia->timing_advance * GSM_TA_CM / 100,
- ia->req_ref.ra, ia->chan_desc.chan_nr, cd.maio,
- cd.hsn, ch_ts, ch_subch, cd.tsc);
- } else {
- cd.h = 0;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h0(&ia->chan_desc, &cd.tsc, &cd.arfcn);
- if (gsm_refer_pcs(cs->arfcn, s))
- cd.arfcn |= ARFCN_PCS;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " (ta %d/%dm ra 0x%02x chan_nr 0x%02x "
- "ARFCN %s TS %u SS %u TSC %u)\n",
- ia->timing_advance,
- ia->timing_advance * GSM_TA_CM / 100,
- ia->req_ref.ra, ia->chan_desc.chan_nr,
- gsm_print_arfcn(cd.arfcn), ch_ts, ch_subch, cd.tsc);
- }
- /* ignore assignment while idle */
- if (rr->state != GSM48_RR_ST_CONN_PEND || rr->wait_assign == 0) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Not for us, no request.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if (rr->wait_assign == 2) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Ignoring, channel already assigned.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- /* request ref */
- if (gsm48_match_ra(ms, &ia->req_ref)) {
- /* channel description */
- memcpy(&rr->cd_now, &cd, sizeof(rr->cd_now));
- /* timing advance */
- rr->cd_now.ind_ta = ia->timing_advance;
- /* mobile allocation */
- memcpy(&rr->cd_now.mob_alloc_lv, &ia->mob_alloc_len,
- ia->mob_alloc_len + 1);
- rr->wait_assign = 2;
- /* reset scheduler */
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "resetting scheduler\n");
- l1ctl_tx_reset_req(ms, L1CTL_RES_T_SCHED);
- return gsm48_rr_dl_est(ms);
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Request, but not for us.\n");
- return 0;
-/* 9.1.19 IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT EXTENDED is received */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_imm_ass_ext(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = cs->si;
- struct gsm48_imm_ass_ext *ia = msgb_l3(msg);
- int ma_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*ia);
- uint8_t ch_type, ch_subch, ch_ts;
- struct gsm48_rr_cd cd1, cd2;
- uint8_t *st, st_len;
- memset(&cd1, 0, sizeof(cd1));
- cd1.ind_tx_power = rr->cd_now.ind_tx_power;
- memset(&cd2, 0, sizeof(cd2));
- cd2.ind_tx_power = rr->cd_now.ind_tx_power;
- if (ma_len < 0 /* mobile allocation IE must be included */
- || ia->mob_alloc_len > ma_len) { /* short read of IE */
- "EXTENDED message.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (ia->mob_alloc_len > 4) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Moble allocation in IMMEDIATE "
- "ASSIGNMENT EXTENDED too large.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- cd1.start = 1;
- cd2.start_tm.fn = (ms->meas.last_fn + TEST_STARTING_TIMER) % 42432;
- memcpy(&cd2, &cd1, sizeof(cd2));
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " TESTING: starting time ahead\n");
- /* starting time */
- st_len = ma_len - ia->mob_alloc_len;
- st = ia->mob_alloc + ia->mob_alloc_len;
- if (st_len >= 3 && st[0] == GSM48_IE_START_TIME) {
- gsm48_decode_start_time(&cd1,
- (struct gsm48_start_time *)(st+1));
- memcpy(&cd2, &cd1, sizeof(cd2));
- }
- /* decode channel description */
- cd1.chan_nr = ia->chan_desc1.chan_nr;
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(cd1.chan_nr, &ch_type, &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- if (ia->chan_desc1.h0.h) {
- cd1.h = 1;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h1(&ia->chan_desc1, &cd1.tsc, &cd1.maio,
- &cd1.hsn);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " assignment 1 (ta %d/%dm ra 0x%02x "
- "chan_nr 0x%02x MAIO %u HSN %u TS %u SS %u TSC %u)\n",
- ia->timing_advance1,
- ia->timing_advance1 * GSM_TA_CM / 100,
- ia->req_ref1.ra, ia->chan_desc1.chan_nr, cd1.maio,
- cd1.hsn, ch_ts, ch_subch, cd1.tsc);
- } else {
- cd1.h = 0;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h0(&ia->chan_desc1, &cd1.tsc, &cd1.arfcn);
- if (gsm_refer_pcs(cs->arfcn, s))
- cd1.arfcn |= ARFCN_PCS;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " assignment 1 (ta %d/%dm ra 0x%02x "
- "chan_nr 0x%02x ARFCN %s TS %u SS %u TSC %u)\n",
- ia->timing_advance1,
- ia->timing_advance1 * GSM_TA_CM / 100,
- ia->req_ref1.ra, ia->chan_desc1.chan_nr,
- gsm_print_arfcn(cd1.arfcn), ch_ts, ch_subch, cd1.tsc);
- }
- cd2.chan_nr = ia->chan_desc2.chan_nr;
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(cd2.chan_nr, &ch_type, &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- if (ia->chan_desc2.h0.h) {
- cd2.h = 1;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h1(&ia->chan_desc2, &cd2.tsc, &cd2.maio,
- &cd2.hsn);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " assignment 2 (ta %d/%dm ra 0x%02x "
- "chan_nr 0x%02x MAIO %u HSN %u TS %u SS %u TSC %u)\n",
- ia->timing_advance2,
- ia->timing_advance2 * GSM_TA_CM / 100,
- ia->req_ref2.ra, ia->chan_desc2.chan_nr, cd2.maio,
- cd2.hsn, ch_ts, ch_subch, cd2.tsc);
- } else {
- cd2.h = 0;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h0(&ia->chan_desc2, &cd2.tsc, &cd2.arfcn);
- if (gsm_refer_pcs(cs->arfcn, s))
- cd2.arfcn |= ARFCN_PCS;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " assignment 2 (ta %d/%dm ra 0x%02x "
- "chan_nr 0x%02x ARFCN %s TS %u SS %u TSC %u)\n",
- ia->timing_advance2,
- ia->timing_advance2 * GSM_TA_CM / 100,
- ia->req_ref2.ra, ia->chan_desc2.chan_nr,
- gsm_print_arfcn(cd2.arfcn), ch_ts, ch_subch, cd2.tsc);
- }
- /* ignore assignment while idle */
- if (rr->state != GSM48_RR_ST_CONN_PEND || rr->wait_assign == 0) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Not for us, no request.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if (rr->wait_assign == 2) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Ignoring, channel already assigned.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- /* request ref 1 */
- if (gsm48_match_ra(ms, &ia->req_ref1)) {
- /* channel description */
- memcpy(&rr->cd_now, &cd1, sizeof(rr->cd_now));
- /* timing advance */
- rr->cd_now.ind_ta = ia->timing_advance1;
- /* mobile allocation */
- memcpy(&rr->cd_now.mob_alloc_lv, &ia->mob_alloc_len,
- ia->mob_alloc_len + 1);
- rr->wait_assign = 2;
- /* reset scheduler */
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "resetting scheduler\n");
- l1ctl_tx_reset_req(ms, L1CTL_RES_T_SCHED);
- return gsm48_rr_dl_est(ms);
- }
- /* request ref 2 */
- if (gsm48_match_ra(ms, &ia->req_ref2)) {
- /* channel description */
- memcpy(&rr->cd_now, &cd2, sizeof(rr->cd_now));
- /* timing advance */
- rr->cd_now.ind_ta = ia->timing_advance2;
- /* mobile allocation */
- memcpy(&rr->cd_now.mob_alloc_lv, &ia->mob_alloc_len,
- ia->mob_alloc_len + 1);
- rr->wait_assign = 2;
- /* reset scheduler */
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "resetting scheduler\n");
- l1ctl_tx_reset_req(ms, L1CTL_RES_T_SCHED);
- return gsm48_rr_dl_est(ms);
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Request, but not for us.\n");
- return 0;
-/* 9.1.20 IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT is received */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_imm_ass_rej(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm48_imm_ass_rej *ia = msgb_l3(msg);
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*ia);
- int i;
- struct gsm48_req_ref *req_ref;
- uint8_t t3122_value;
- /* ignore assignment while idle */
- if (rr->state != GSM48_RR_ST_CONN_PEND || rr->wait_assign == 0)
- return 0;
- if (rr->wait_assign == 2) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "REJECT message.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- /* request reference */
- req_ref = (struct gsm48_req_ref *)
- (((uint8_t *)&ia->req_ref1) + i * 4);
- "(ref 0x%02x)\n", req_ref->ra);
- if (gsm48_match_ra(ms, req_ref)) {
- /* wait indication */
- t3122_value = *(((uint8_t *)&ia->wait_ind1) + i * 4);
- if (t3122_value)
- start_rr_t3122(rr, t3122_value, 0);
- /* start timer 3126 if not already */
- if (!osmo_timer_pending(&rr->t3126))
- start_rr_t3126(rr, 5, 0); /* TODO improve! */
- /* stop assignmnet requests */
- rr->n_chan_req = 0;
- /* wait until timer 3126 expires, then release
- * or wait for channel assignment */
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* 9.1.1 ADDITIONAL ASSIGMENT is received */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_add_ass(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm48_add_ass *aa = (struct gsm48_add_ass *)gh->data;
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh) - sizeof(*aa);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "message.\n");
- return gsm48_rr_tx_rr_status(ms,
- }
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_rr_att_tlvdef, aa->data, payload_len, 0, 0);
- return gsm48_rr_tx_rr_status(ms, GSM48_RR_CAUSE_PROT_ERROR_UNSPC);
- * measturement reports
- */
-static int gsm48_rr_tx_meas_rep(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = ms->;
- struct rx_meas_stat *meas = &rr->ms->meas;
- struct gsm48_rr_meas *rrmeas = &rr->meas;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- struct gsm48_meas_res *mr;
- uint8_t serv_rxlev_full = 0, serv_rxlev_sub = 0, serv_rxqual_full = 0,
- serv_rxqual_sub = 0;
- uint8_t ta, tx_power;
- uint8_t rep_ba = 0, rep_valid = 0, meas_valid = 0, multi_rep = 0;
- uint8_t n = 0, rxlev_nc[6], bsic_nc[6], bcch_f_nc[6];
- /* just in case! */
- if (!s)
- return -EINVAL;
- /* check if SI5* is completely received, check BA-IND */
- if (s->si5
- && (!s->nb_ext_ind_si5 || s->si5bis)) {
- rep_ba = s->nb_ba_ind_si5;
- if ((s->si5bis && s->nb_ext_ind_si5
- && s->nb_ba_ind_si5bis != rep_ba)
- || (s->si5ter && s->nb_ba_ind_si5ter != rep_ba)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "BA-IND missmatch on SI5*");
- } else
- rep_valid = 1;
- }
- /* check for valid measurements, any frame must exist */
- if (meas->frames) {
- meas_valid = 1;
- serv_rxlev_full = serv_rxlev_sub = meas->rxlev / meas->frames;
- serv_rxqual_full = serv_rxqual_sub = 0; // FIXME
- }
- memset(&rxlev_nc, 0, sizeof(rxlev_nc));
- memset(&bsic_nc, 0, sizeof(bsic_nc));
- memset(&bcch_f_nc, 0, sizeof(bcch_f_nc));
- if (rep_valid) {
- int8_t strongest, current;
- uint8_t ncc;
- int i, index;
- /* multiband reporting, if not: 0 = normal reporting */
- if (s->si5ter)
- multi_rep = s->nb_multi_rep_si5ter;
- /* get 6 strongest measurements */
- // FIXME: multiband report
- strongest = 127; /* infinite */
- for (n = 0; n < 6; n++) {
- current = -128; /* -infinite */
- index = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < rrmeas->nc_num; i++) {
- /* only check if NCC is permitted */
- ncc = rrmeas->nc_bsic[i] >> 3;
- if ((s->nb_ncc_permitted_si6 & (1 << ncc))
- && rrmeas->nc_rxlev[i] > current
- && rrmeas->nc_rxlev[i] < strongest) {
- current = rrmeas->nc_rxlev[i];
- index = i;
- }
- }
- if (current == -128) /* no more found */
- break;
- rxlev_nc[n] = rrmeas->nc_rxlev[index] + 110;
- bsic_nc[n] = rrmeas->nc_bsic[index];
- bcch_f_nc[n] = index;
- }
- }
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- /* use indicated tx-power and TA (not the altered ones) */
- tx_power = rr->cd_now.ind_tx_power;
- // FIXME: degrade power to the max supported level
- ta = rr->cd_now.ind_ta;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- mr = (struct gsm48_meas_res *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*mr));
- gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_RR;
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_RR_MEAS_REP;
- /* measurement results */
- mr->rxlev_full = serv_rxlev_full;
- mr->rxlev_sub = serv_rxlev_sub;
- mr->rxqual_full = serv_rxqual_full;
- mr->rxqual_sub = serv_rxqual_sub;
- mr->dtx_used = 0; // FIXME: no DTX yet
- mr->ba_used = rep_ba;
- mr->meas_valid = !meas_valid; /* 0 = valid */
- if (rep_valid) {
- mr->no_nc_n_hi = n >> 2;
- mr->no_nc_n_lo = n & 3;
- } else {
- /* no results for serving cells */
- mr->no_nc_n_hi = 1;
- mr->no_nc_n_lo = 3;
- }
- mr->rxlev_nc1 = rxlev_nc[0];
- mr->rxlev_nc2_hi = rxlev_nc[1] >> 1;
- mr->rxlev_nc2_lo = rxlev_nc[1] & 1;
- mr->rxlev_nc3_hi = rxlev_nc[2] >> 2;
- mr->rxlev_nc3_lo = rxlev_nc[2] & 3;
- mr->rxlev_nc4_hi = rxlev_nc[3] >> 3;
- mr->rxlev_nc4_lo = rxlev_nc[3] & 7;
- mr->rxlev_nc5_hi = rxlev_nc[4] >> 4;
- mr->rxlev_nc5_lo = rxlev_nc[4] & 15;
- mr->rxlev_nc6_hi = rxlev_nc[5] >> 5;
- mr->rxlev_nc6_lo = rxlev_nc[5] & 31;
- mr->bsic_nc1_hi = bsic_nc[0] >> 3;
- mr->bsic_nc1_lo = bsic_nc[0] & 7;
- mr->bsic_nc2_hi = bsic_nc[1] >> 4;
- mr->bsic_nc2_lo = bsic_nc[1] & 15;
- mr->bsic_nc3_hi = bsic_nc[2] >> 5;
- mr->bsic_nc3_lo = bsic_nc[2] & 31;
- mr->bsic_nc4 = bsic_nc[3];
- mr->bsic_nc5 = bsic_nc[4];
- mr->bsic_nc6 = bsic_nc[5];
- mr->bcch_f_nc1 = bcch_f_nc[0];
- mr->bcch_f_nc2 = bcch_f_nc[1];
- mr->bcch_f_nc3 = bcch_f_nc[2];
- mr->bcch_f_nc4 = bcch_f_nc[3];
- mr->bcch_f_nc5_hi = bcch_f_nc[4] >> 1;
- mr->bcch_f_nc5_lo = bcch_f_nc[4] & 1;
- mr->bcch_f_nc6_hi = bcch_f_nc[5] >> 2;
- mr->bcch_f_nc6_lo = bcch_f_nc[5] & 3;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "MEAS REP: pwr=%d TA=%d meas-invalid=%d "
- "rxlev-full=%d rxlev-sub=%d rxqual-full=%d rxqual-sub=%d "
- "dtx %d ba %d no-ncell-n %d\n", tx_power, ta, mr->meas_valid,
- mr->rxlev_full - 110, mr->rxlev_sub - 110,
- mr->rxqual_full, mr->rxqual_sub, mr->dtx_used, mr->ba_used,
- (mr->no_nc_n_hi << 2) | mr->no_nc_n_lo);
- msgb_tv16_push(nmsg, RSL_IE_L3_INFO,
- nmsg->tail - (uint8_t *)msgb_l3(nmsg));
- msgb_push(nmsg, 2 + 2);
- nmsg->data[0] = RSL_IE_TIMING_ADVANCE;
- nmsg->data[1] = ta;
- nmsg->data[2] = RSL_IE_MS_POWER;
- nmsg->data[3] = tx_power;
- rsl_rll_push_hdr(nmsg, RSL_MT_UNIT_DATA_REQ, rr->cd_now.chan_nr,
- 0x40, 1);
- return rslms_recvmsg(nmsg, ms);
- * link establishment and release
- */
-/* process "Loss Of Signal" */
-int gsm48_rr_los(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- uint8_t *mode;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *nrrh;
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Radio link lost signal\n");
- /* stop T3211 if running */
- stop_rr_t3110(rr);
- switch(rr->state) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "LOS during RACH request\n");
- /* stop pending RACH timer */
- stop_rr_t3126(rr);
- break;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "LOS during dedicated mode, release "
- "locally\n");
- new_rr_state(rr, GSM48_RR_ST_REL_PEND);
- /* release message */
- rel_local:
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- mode = msgb_put(nmsg, 2);
- mode[0] = RSL_IE_RELEASE_MODE;
- mode[1] = 1; /* local release */
- /* start release */
- return gsm48_send_rsl_rel(ms, RSL_MT_REL_REQ, nmsg);
- case GSM48_RR_ST_REL_PEND:
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "LOS during RR release procedure, release "
- "locally\n");
- /* stop pending RACH timer */
- stop_rr_t3110(rr);
- /* release locally */
- goto rel_local;
- default:
- /* this should not happen */
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "LOS in IDLE state, ignoring\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* send inication to upper layer */
- nmsg = gsm48_rr_msgb_alloc(GSM48_RR_REL_IND);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nrrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *)nmsg->data;
- nrrh->cause = RR_REL_CAUSE_LOST_SIGNAL;
- gsm48_rr_upmsg(ms, nmsg);
- /* return idle */
- new_rr_state(rr, GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE);
- return 0;
-/* activation of channel in dedicated mode */
-static int gsm48_rr_activate_channel(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- struct gsm48_rr_cd *cd, uint16_t *ma, uint8_t ma_len)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = ms->;
- struct rx_meas_stat *meas = &ms->meas;
- uint8_t ch_type, ch_subch, ch_ts;
- uint8_t timeout = 64;
- /* setting (new) timing advance */
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "setting indicated TA %d (actual TA %d)\n",
- cd->ind_ta, cd->ind_ta - set->alter_delay);
- l1ctl_tx_param_req(ms, cd->ind_ta - set->alter_delay,
- (set->alter_tx_power) ? set->alter_tx_power_value
- : cd->ind_tx_power);
- /* reset measurement and link timeout */
- meas->ds_fail = 0;
- if (s) {
- if (s->sacch_radio_link_timeout) {
- timeout = s->sacch_radio_link_timeout;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "using last SACCH timeout %d\n",
- timeout);
- } else if (s->bcch_radio_link_timeout) {
- timeout = s->bcch_radio_link_timeout;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "using last BCCH timeout %d\n",
- timeout);
- }
- }
- meas->rl_fail = meas->s = timeout;
- /* setting initial (invalid) measurement report, resetting SI5* */
- if (s) {
- memset(s->si5_msg, 0, sizeof(s->si5_msg));
- memset(s->si5b_msg, 0, sizeof(s->si5b_msg));
- memset(s->si5t_msg, 0, sizeof(s->si5t_msg));
- }
- meas->frames = meas->snr = meas->berr = meas->rxlev = 0;
- rr->meas.nc_num = 0;
- stop_rr_t_meas(rr);
- start_rr_t_meas(rr, 1, 0);
- gsm48_rr_tx_meas_rep(ms);
- /* establish */
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "establishing channel in dedicated mode\n");
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(cd->chan_nr, &ch_type, &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " Channel type %d, subch %d, ts %d, mode %d, "
- "cipher %d\n", ch_type, ch_subch, ch_ts, cd->mode,
- rr->cipher_type + 1);
- if (cd->h)
- l1ctl_tx_dm_est_req_h1(ms, cd->maio, cd->hsn,
- ma, ma_len, cd->chan_nr, cd->tsc, cd->mode);
- else
- l1ctl_tx_dm_est_req_h0(ms, cd->arfcn, cd->chan_nr, cd->tsc,
- cd->mode);
- rr->dm_est = 1;
- /* old SI 5/6 are not valid on a new dedicated channel */
- s->si5 = s->si5bis = s->si5ter = s->si6 = 0;
- if (rr->cipher_on)
- l1ctl_tx_crypto_req(ms, rr->cipher_type + 1, subscr->key, 8);
- return 0;
-/* frequency change of channel "after time" */
-static int gsm48_rr_channel_after_time(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- struct gsm48_rr_cd *cd, uint16_t *ma, uint8_t ma_len, uint16_t fn)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- if (cd->h)
- l1ctl_tx_dm_freq_req_h1(ms, cd->maio, cd->hsn,
- ma, ma_len, cd->tsc, fn);
- else
- l1ctl_tx_dm_freq_req_h0(ms, cd->arfcn, cd->tsc, fn);
- if (rr->cipher_on)
- l1ctl_tx_crypto_req(ms, rr->cipher_type + 1, subscr->key, 8);
- gsm48_rr_set_mode(ms, cd->chan_nr, cd->mode);
- return 0;
-/* render list of hopping channels from channel description elements */
-static int gsm48_rr_render_ma(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct gsm48_rr_cd *cd,
- uint16_t *ma, uint8_t *ma_len)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = cs->si;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- int i, pcs, index;
- uint16_t arfcn;
- pcs = gsm_refer_pcs(cs->arfcn, s) ? ARFCN_PCS : 0;
- /* no hopping (no MA), channel description is valid */
- if (!cd->h) {
- *ma_len = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- /* decode mobile allocation */
- if (cd->mob_alloc_lv[0]) {
- struct gsm_sysinfo_freq *freq = s->freq;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "decoding mobile allocation\n");
- if (cd->cell_desc_lv[0]) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "using cell channel descr.\n");
- if (cd->cell_desc_lv[0] != 16) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "cell channel descr. "
- "has invalid lenght\n");
- }
- gsm48_decode_freq_list(freq, cd->cell_desc_lv + 1, 16,
- 0xce, FREQ_TYPE_SERV);
- }
- gsm48_decode_mobile_alloc(freq, cd->mob_alloc_lv + 1,
- cd->mob_alloc_lv[0], ma, ma_len, 0);
- if (*ma_len < 1) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "mobile allocation with no "
- "frequency available\n");
- }
- } else
- /* decode frequency list */
- if (cd->freq_list_lv[0]) {
- struct gsm_sysinfo_freq f[1024];
- int j = 0;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "decoding frequency list\n");
- /* get bitmap */
- if (gsm48_decode_freq_list(f, cd->freq_list_lv + 1,
- cd->freq_list_lv[0], 0xce, FREQ_TYPE_SERV)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "frequency list invalid\n");
- }
- /* collect channels from bitmap (1..1023,0) */
- for (i = 1; i <= 1024; i++) {
- if ((f[i & 1023].mask & FREQ_TYPE_SERV)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Listed ARFCN #%d: %s\n",
- j, gsm_print_arfcn(i | pcs));
- if (j == 64) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "frequency list "
- "exceeds 64 entries!\n");
- }
- ma[j++] = i;
- }
- }
- *ma_len = j;
- } else
- /* decode frequency channel sequence */
- if (cd->freq_seq_lv[0]) {
- int j = 0, inc;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "decoding frequency channel sequence\n");
- if (cd->freq_seq_lv[0] != 9) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "invalid frequency channel "
- "sequence\n");
- }
- arfcn = cd->freq_seq_lv[1] & 0x7f;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Listed Sequence ARFCN #%d: %s\n", j,
- gsm_print_arfcn(arfcn | pcs));
- ma[j++] = arfcn;
- for (i = 0; i <= 16; i++) {
- if ((i & 1))
- inc = cd->freq_seq_lv[2 + (i >> 1)] & 0x0f;
- else
- inc = cd->freq_seq_lv[2 + (i >> 1)] >> 4;
- if (inc) {
- arfcn += inc;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Listed Sequence ARFCN "
- "#%d: %s\n", j,
- gsm_print_arfcn(i | pcs));
- ma[j++] = arfcn;
- } else
- arfcn += 15;
- }
- *ma_len = j;
- } else {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "hopping, but nothing that tells us "
- "a sequence\n");
- }
- /* convert to band_arfcn and check for unsported frequency */
- for (i = 0; i < *ma_len; i++) {
- arfcn = ma[i] | pcs;
- ma[i] = arfcn;
- index = arfcn2index(arfcn);
- if (!(set->freq_map[index >> 3] & (1 << (index & 7)))) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Hopping ARFCN %s not "
- "supported\n", gsm_print_arfcn(arfcn));
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* activate link and send establish request */
-static int gsm48_rr_dl_est(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- struct gsm48_pag_rsp *pr;
- uint8_t mi[11];
- uint16_t ma[64];
- uint8_t ma_len;
- /* */
- stop_rr_t3126(rr);
- /* check if we have to change channel at starting time (we delay) */
- if (rr->cd_now.start) {
- int32_t now, start, diff;
- uint32_t start_mili = 0;
- /* how much time do we have left? */
- now = ms->meas.last_fn % 42432;
- start = rr->cd_now.start_tm.fn % 42432;
- diff = start - now;
- if (diff < 0)
- diff += 42432;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " (Tnow %d Tstart %d diff %d)\n",
- now, start, diff);
- start_mili = (uint32_t)diff * 19580 / 42432 * 10;
- if (diff >= 32024 || !start_mili) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " -> Start time already "
- "elapsed\n");
- rr->cd_now.start = 0;
- } else {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " -> Start time is %d ms in the "
- "future\n", start_mili);
- }
- /* schedule start of IMM.ASS */
- rr->modify_state = GSM48_RR_MOD_IMM_ASS;
- start_rr_t_starting(rr, start_mili / 1000,
- (start_mili % 1000) * 1000);
- /* when timer fires, start time is already elapsed */
- rr->cd_now.start = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- /* get hopping sequence, if required */
- if (gsm48_rr_render_ma(ms, &rr->cd_now, ma, &ma_len))
- return -EINVAL;
- /* clear all sequence numbers for all possible PDs */
- rr->v_sd = 0;
- /* send DL_EST_REQ */
- if (rr->rr_est_msg) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "sending establish message\n");
- /* use queued message */
- nmsg = rr->rr_est_msg;
- rr->rr_est_msg = 0;
- /* set sequence number and increment */
- gsm48_apply_v_sd(rr, nmsg);
- } else {
- /* create paging response */
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_RR;
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_RR_PAG_RESP;
- pr = (struct gsm48_pag_rsp *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*pr));
- /* key sequence */
- pr->key_seq = subscr->key_seq;
- /* classmark 2 */
- pr->cm2_len = sizeof(pr->cm2);
- gsm48_rr_enc_cm2(ms, &pr->cm2);
- /* mobile identity */
- if (ms->subscr.tmsi != 0xffffffff
- && ms->subscr.mcc == cs->sel_mcc
- && ms->subscr.mnc == cs->sel_mnc
- && ms->subscr.lac == cs->sel_lac) {
- gsm48_generate_mid_from_tmsi(mi, subscr->tmsi);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "sending paging response with "
- "TMSI\n");
- } else if (subscr->imsi[0]) {
- gsm48_generate_mid_from_imsi(mi, subscr->imsi);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "sending paging response with "
- "IMSI\n");
- } else {
- mi[1] = 1;
- mi[2] = 0xf0 | GSM_MI_TYPE_NONE;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "sending paging response without "
- "TMSI/IMSI\n");
- }
- msgb_put(nmsg, 1 + mi[1]);
- memcpy(pr->data, mi + 1, 1 + mi[1]);
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " TESTING: frequency modify IMM.ASS\n");
- memcpy(&rr->cd_before, &rr->cd_now, sizeof(rr->cd_before));
- rr->cd_before.h = 0;
- rr->cd_before.arfcn = 0;
- /* activate channel */
- gsm48_rr_activate_channel(ms, &rr->cd_before, ma, ma_len);
- /* render channel "after time" */
- gsm48_rr_render_ma(ms, &rr->cd_now, ma, &ma_len);
- /* schedule change of channel */
- gsm48_rr_channel_after_time(ms, &rr->cd_now, ma, ma_len,
- rr->cd_now.start_tm.fn);
- /* activate channel */
- gsm48_rr_activate_channel(ms, &rr->cd_now, ma, ma_len);
- /* start establishmnet */
- return gsm48_send_rsl(ms, RSL_MT_EST_REQ, nmsg);
-/* the link is established */
-static int gsm48_rr_estab_cnf(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- uint8_t *mode;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- /* if MM has releases before confirm, we start release */
- if (rr->state == GSM48_RR_ST_REL_PEND) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "MM already released RR.\n");
- /* release message */
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- mode = msgb_put(nmsg, 2);
- mode[0] = RSL_IE_RELEASE_MODE;
- mode[1] = 0; /* normal release */
- /* start release */
- return gsm48_send_rsl_rel(ms, RSL_MT_REL_REQ, nmsg);
- }
- /* */
- new_rr_state(rr, GSM48_RR_ST_DEDICATED);
- /* send confirm to upper layer */
- nmsg = gsm48_rr_msgb_alloc(
- (rr->rr_est_req) ? GSM48_RR_EST_CNF : GSM48_RR_EST_IND);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- return gsm48_rr_upmsg(ms, nmsg);
-/* the link is released in pending state (by l2) */
-static int gsm48_rr_rel_ind(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *nrrh;
- /* switch back to old channel, if modify/ho failed */
- switch (rr->modify_state) {
- case GSM48_RR_MOD_HANDO:
- /* channel is deactivate there */
- return gsm48_rr_rel_cnf(ms, msg);
- rr->modify_state = GSM48_RR_MOD_NONE;
- break;
- }
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Radio link is released\n");
- /* send inication to upper layer */
- nmsg = gsm48_rr_msgb_alloc(GSM48_RR_REL_IND);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nrrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *)nmsg->data;
- nrrh->cause = RR_REL_CAUSE_NORMAL;
- gsm48_rr_upmsg(ms, nmsg);
- /* start release timer, so UA will be transmitted */
- start_rr_t_rel_wait(rr, 1, 500000);
- /* pending release */
- new_rr_state(rr, GSM48_RR_ST_REL_PEND);
- return 0;
-/* 9.1.7 CHANNEL RELEASE is received */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_chan_rel(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm48_chan_rel *cr = (struct gsm48_chan_rel *)gh->data;
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh) - sizeof(*cr);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- uint8_t *mode;
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "message.\n");
- return gsm48_rr_tx_rr_status(ms,
- }
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_rr_att_tlvdef, cr->data, payload_len, 0, 0);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "channel release request with cause 0x%02x)\n",
- cr->rr_cause);
- /* BA range */
- gsm48_decode_ba_range(TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_BA_RANGE),
- *(TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_BA_RANGE) - 1), rr->ba_range,
- &rr->ba_ranges,
- sizeof(rr->ba_range) / sizeof(rr->ba_range[0]));
- /* NOTE: the ranges are kept until IDLE state is returned
- * (see new_rr_state)
- */
- }
- new_rr_state(rr, GSM48_RR_ST_REL_PEND);
- /* start T3110, so that two DISCs can be sent due to T200 timeout */
- start_rr_t3110(rr, 1, 500000);
- /* disconnect the main signalling link */
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- mode = msgb_put(nmsg, 2);
- mode[0] = RSL_IE_RELEASE_MODE;
- mode[1] = 0; /* normal release */
- return gsm48_send_rsl_rel(ms, RSL_MT_REL_REQ, nmsg);
- * frequency redefition, chanel mode modify, assignment, and handover
- */
-/* set channel mode in case of TCH */
-static int gsm48_rr_set_mode(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t chan_nr,
- uint8_t mode)
- uint8_t ch_type, ch_subch, ch_ts;
- /* only apply mode to TCH/F or TCH/H */
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(chan_nr, &ch_type, &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- if (ch_type != RSL_CHAN_Bm_ACCHs
- && ch_type != RSL_CHAN_Lm_ACCHs)
- return -ENOTSUP;
- /* setting (new) timing advance */
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "setting TCH mode to %d\n", mode);
- l1ctl_tx_tch_mode_req(ms, mode);
- return 0;
-/* 9.1.13 FREQUENCY REDEFINITION is received */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_frq_redef(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = cs->si;
- struct gsm48_frq_redef *fr = msgb_l3(msg);
- int mob_al_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*fr);
- uint8_t ch_type, ch_subch, ch_ts;
- struct gsm48_rr_cd cd;
- uint8_t cause;
- uint8_t *st;
- uint16_t ma[64];
- uint8_t ma_len;
- memcpy(&cd, &rr->cd_now, sizeof(cd));
- if (mob_al_len < 0 /* mobile allocation IE must be included */
- || fr->mob_alloc_len + 2 > mob_al_len) { /* short read of IE */
- "message.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (fr->mob_alloc_len > 8) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Moble allocation in FREQUENCY "
- "REDEFINITION too large.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* decode channel description */
- cd.chan_nr = fr->chan_desc.chan_nr;
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(cd.chan_nr, &ch_type, &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- if (fr->chan_desc.h0.h) {
- cd.h = 1;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h1(&fr->chan_desc, &cd.tsc, &cd.maio,
- &cd.hsn);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " (MAIO %u HSN %u TS %u SS %u TSC %u)\n",
- cd.maio, cd.hsn, ch_ts, ch_subch, cd.tsc);
- } else {
- cd.h = 0;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h0(&fr->chan_desc, &cd.tsc, &cd.arfcn);
- if (gsm_refer_pcs(cs->arfcn, s))
- cd.arfcn |= ARFCN_PCS;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " (ARFCN %s TS %u SS %u TSC %u)\n",
- gsm_print_arfcn(cd.arfcn), ch_ts, ch_subch, cd.tsc);
- }
- /* mobile allocation */
- memcpy(rr->cd_now.mob_alloc_lv, &fr->mob_alloc_len,
- fr->mob_alloc_len + 1);
- /* starting time */
- st = fr->mob_alloc + fr->mob_alloc_len;
- gsm48_decode_start_time(&cd, (struct gsm48_start_time *)(st+1));
- /* cell channel description */
- if (mob_al_len >= fr->mob_alloc_len + 2 + 17
- && fr->mob_alloc[fr->mob_alloc_len + 2] == GSM48_IE_CELL_CH_DESC) {
- const uint8_t *v = fr->mob_alloc + fr->mob_alloc_len + 2 + 1;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " using cell channel description)\n");
- cd.cell_desc_lv[0] = 16;
- memcpy(cd.cell_desc_lv + 1, v, 17);
- }
- /* render channel "after time" */
- cause = gsm48_rr_render_ma(ms, &rr->cd_now, ma, &ma_len);
- if (cause)
- return gsm48_rr_tx_rr_status(ms, cause);
- /* update to new channel data */
- memcpy(&rr->cd_now, &cd, sizeof(rr->cd_now));
- /* schedule change of channel */
- gsm48_rr_channel_after_time(ms, &rr->cd_now, ma, ma_len,
- rr->cd_now.start_tm.fn);
- rr->cd_now.start = 0;
- return 0;
-static int gsm48_rr_tx_chan_modify_ack(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- struct gsm48_chan_desc *cd, uint8_t mode)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- struct gsm48_chan_mode_modify *cm;
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- cm = (struct gsm48_chan_mode_modify *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*cm));
- gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_RR;
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_RR_CHAN_MODE_MODIF_ACK;
- /* CD */
- memcpy(&cm->chan_desc, cd, sizeof(struct gsm48_chan_desc));
- /* mode */
- cm->mode = mode;
- return gsm48_send_rsl(ms, RSL_MT_DATA_REQ, nmsg);
-/* 9.1.5 CHANNEL MODE MODIFY is received */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_chan_modify(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = cs->si;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm48_chan_mode_modify *cm =
- (struct gsm48_chan_mode_modify *)gh->data;
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh) - sizeof(*cm);
- struct gsm48_rr_cd *cd = &rr->cd_now;
- uint8_t ch_type, ch_subch, ch_ts;
- uint8_t cause;
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "message.\n");
- return gsm48_rr_tx_rr_status(ms,
- }
- /* decode channel description */
- cd->chan_nr = cm->chan_desc.chan_nr;
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(cd->chan_nr, &ch_type, &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- if (cm->chan_desc.h0.h) {
- cd->h = 1;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h1(&cm->chan_desc, &cd->tsc, &cd->maio,
- &cd->hsn);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " (chan_nr 0x%02x MAIO %u HSN %u TS %u "
- "SS %u TSC %u mode %u)\n", cm->chan_desc.chan_nr,
- cd->maio, cd->hsn, ch_ts, ch_subch, cd->tsc, cm->mode);
- } else {
- cd->h = 0;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h0(&cm->chan_desc, &cd->tsc, &cd->arfcn);
- if (gsm_refer_pcs(cs->arfcn, s))
- cd->arfcn |= ARFCN_PCS;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " (chan_nr 0x%02x ARFCN %s TS %u SS %u "
- "TSC %u mode %u)\n", cm->chan_desc.chan_nr,
- gsm_print_arfcn(cd->arfcn), ch_ts, ch_subch, cd->tsc,
- cm->mode);
- }
- /* mode */
- cause = gsm48_rr_check_mode(ms, cd->chan_nr, cm->mode);
- if (cause)
- return gsm48_rr_tx_rr_status(ms, cause);
- cd->mode = cm->mode;
- gsm48_rr_set_mode(ms, cd->chan_nr, cd->mode);
- return gsm48_rr_tx_chan_modify_ack(ms, &cm->chan_desc, cm->mode);
-/* 9.1.3 sending ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE */
-static int gsm48_rr_tx_ass_cpl(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t cause)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- struct gsm48_ass_cpl *ac;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE (cause #%d)\n", cause);
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- ac = (struct gsm48_ass_cpl *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*ac));
- gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_RR;
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_RR_ASS_COMPL;
- /* RR_CAUSE */
- ac->rr_cause = cause;
- return gsm48_send_rsl(ms, RSL_MT_RES_REQ, nmsg);
-/* 9.1.4 sending ASSIGNMENT FAILURE */
-static int gsm48_rr_tx_ass_fail(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t cause,
- uint8_t rsl_prim)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- struct gsm48_ass_fail *af;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "ASSIGNMENT FAILURE (cause #%d)\n", cause);
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- af = (struct gsm48_ass_fail *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*af));
- gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_RR;
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_RR_ASS_COMPL;
- /* RR_CAUSE */
- af->rr_cause = cause;
- return gsm48_send_rsl(ms, rsl_prim, nmsg);
-/* 9.1.2 ASSIGNMENT COMMAND is received */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_ass_cmd(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = cs->si;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm48_ass_cmd *ac = (struct gsm48_ass_cmd *)gh->data;
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh) - sizeof(*ac);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- struct gsm48_rr_cd *cda = &rr->cd_after;
- struct gsm48_rr_cd *cdb = &rr->cd_before;
- uint8_t ch_type, ch_subch, ch_ts;
- uint8_t before_time = 0;
- uint16_t ma[64];
- uint8_t ma_len;
- uint32_t start_mili = 0;
- uint8_t cause;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- memset(cda, 0, sizeof(*cda));
- cda->ind_tx_power = rr->cd_now.ind_tx_power;
- memset(cdb, 0, sizeof(*cdb));
- cdb->ind_tx_power = rr->cd_now.ind_tx_power;
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "message.\n");
- return gsm48_rr_tx_rr_status(ms,
- }
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_rr_att_tlvdef, ac->data, payload_len, 0, 0);
- /* decode channel description (before time) */
- struct gsm48_chan_desc *ccd = (struct gsm48_chan_desc *)
- cdb->chan_nr = ccd->chan_nr;
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(cdb->chan_nr, &ch_type, &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- if (ccd->h0.h) {
- cdb->h = 1;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h1(ccd, &cdb->tsc, &cdb->maio,
- &cdb->hsn);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " before: (chan_nr 0x%02x MAIO %u "
- "HSN %u TS %u SS %u TSC %u)\n", ccd->chan_nr,
- cdb->maio, cdb->hsn, ch_ts, ch_subch, cdb->tsc);
- } else {
- cdb->h = 0;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h0(ccd, &cdb->tsc, &cdb->arfcn);
- if (gsm_refer_pcs(cs->arfcn, s))
- cdb->arfcn |= ARFCN_PCS;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " before: (chan_nr 0x%02x "
- "ARFCN %s TS %u SS %u TSC %u)\n", ccd->chan_nr,
- gsm_print_arfcn(cdb->arfcn),
- ch_ts, ch_subch, cdb->tsc);
- }
- before_time = 1;
- }
- /* decode channel description (after time) */
- cda->chan_nr = ac->chan_desc.chan_nr;
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(cda->chan_nr, &ch_type, &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- if (ac->chan_desc.h0.h) {
- cda->h = 1;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h1(&ac->chan_desc, &cda->tsc, &cda->maio,
- &cda->hsn);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " after: (chan_nr 0x%02x MAIO %u HSN %u "
- "TS %u SS %u TSC %u)\n", ac->chan_desc.chan_nr,
- cda->maio, cda->hsn, ch_ts, ch_subch, cda->tsc);
- } else {
- cda->h = 0;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h0(&ac->chan_desc, &cda->tsc, &cda->arfcn);
- if (gsm_refer_pcs(cs->arfcn, s))
- cda->arfcn |= ARFCN_PCS;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " after: (chan_nr 0x%02x ARFCN %s TS %u "
- "SS %u TSC %u)\n", ac->chan_desc.chan_nr,
- gsm_print_arfcn(cda->arfcn), ch_ts, ch_subch, cda->tsc);
- }
- /* starting time */
- cda->start = 1;
- cda->start_tm.fn = (ms->meas.last_fn + TEST_STARTING_TIMER) % 42432;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " TESTING: starting time ahead\n");
- gsm48_decode_start_time(cda, (struct gsm48_start_time *)
- /* "... before time IE is not present..." */
- if (!before_time) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " -> channel description after "
- "time only, but starting time\n");
- } else
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " -> channel description before "
- "and after time\n");
- } else {
- /* "... IEs unnecessary in this message." */
- if (before_time) {
- before_time = 0;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " -> channel description before "
- "time, but no starting time, ignoring!\n");
- }
- }
- /* mobile allocation / frequency list after time */
- if (cda->h) {
- const uint8_t *lv =
- TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_MA_AFTER) - 1;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " after: hopping required and "
- "mobile allocation available\n");
- if (*lv + 1 > sizeof(cda->mob_alloc_lv)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Error: no LV space!\n");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- memcpy(cda->mob_alloc_lv, lv, *lv + 1);
- } else
- const uint8_t *lv =
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " after: hopping required and "
- "frequency list available\n");
- if (*lv + 1 > sizeof(cda->freq_list_lv)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Error: no LV space!\n");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- memcpy(cda->freq_list_lv, lv, *lv + 1);
- } else {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, " after: hopping required, but "
- "no mobile allocation / frequency list\n");
- }
- }
- /* mobile allocation / frequency list before time */
- if (cdb->h) {
- const uint8_t *lv =
- TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_MA_BEFORE) - 1;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " before: hopping required and "
- "mobile allocation available\n");
- if (*lv + 1 > sizeof(cdb->mob_alloc_lv)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Error: no LV space!\n");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- memcpy(cdb->mob_alloc_lv, lv, *lv + 1);
- } else
- const uint8_t *lv =
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " before: hopping required and "
- "frequency list available\n");
- if (*lv + 1 > sizeof(cdb->freq_list_lv)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Error: no LV space!\n");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- memcpy(cdb->freq_list_lv, lv, *lv + 1);
- } else
- const uint8_t *v =
- uint8_t len = TLVP_LEN(&tp, GSM48_IE_F_CH_SEQ_BEFORE);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " before: hopping required and "
- "frequency channel sequence available\n");
- if (len + 1 > sizeof(cdb->freq_seq_lv)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Error: no LV space!\n");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- cdb->freq_seq_lv[0] = len;
- memcpy(cdb->freq_seq_lv + 1, v, len);
- } else
- if (cda->mob_alloc_lv[0]) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " before: hopping required and "
- "mobile allocation not available, using "
- "mobile allocation after time\n");
- memcpy(cdb->mob_alloc_lv, cda->mob_alloc_lv,
- sizeof(cdb->mob_alloc_lv));
- } else
- if (cda->freq_list_lv[0]) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " before: hopping required and "
- "frequency list not available, using "
- "frequency list after time\n");
- memcpy(cdb->freq_list_lv, cda->freq_list_lv,
- sizeof(cdb->freq_list_lv));
- } else {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, " before: hopping required, but "
- "no mobile allocation / frequency list\n");
- }
- }
- /* cell channel description */
- const uint8_t *v = TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_CELL_CH_DESC);
- uint8_t len = TLVP_LEN(&tp, GSM48_IE_CELL_CH_DESC);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " both: using cell channel description "
- "in case of mobile allocation\n");
- if (len + 1 > sizeof(cdb->cell_desc_lv)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Error: no LV space!\n");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- cdb->cell_desc_lv[0] = len;
- memcpy(cdb->cell_desc_lv + 1, v, len);
- cda->cell_desc_lv[0] = len;
- memcpy(cda->cell_desc_lv + 1, v, len);
- } else {
- /* keep old */
- memcpy(cdb->cell_desc_lv, rr->cd_now.cell_desc_lv,
- sizeof(cdb->cell_desc_lv));
- memcpy(cda->cell_desc_lv, rr->cd_now.cell_desc_lv,
- sizeof(cda->cell_desc_lv));
- }
- /* channel mode */
- cda->mode = cdb->mode = *TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_CHANMODE_1);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " both: changing channel mode 0x%02x\n",
- cda->mode);
- } else
- cda->mode = cdb->mode = rr->cd_now.mode;
- /* cipher mode setting */
- cda->cipher = cdb->cipher =
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " both: changing cipher mode 0x%02x\n",
- cda->cipher);
- } else
- cda->cipher = cdb->cipher = rr->cd_now.cipher;
- /* power command and TA (before and after time) */
- gsm48_decode_power_cmd_acc(
- (struct gsm48_power_cmd *) &ac->power_command,
- &cda->ind_tx_power, NULL);
- cdb->ind_tx_power = cda->ind_tx_power;
- cda->ind_ta = cdb->ind_ta = rr->cd_now.ind_ta; /* same cell */
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " both: (tx_power %d TA %d)\n", cda->ind_tx_power,
- cda->ind_ta);
- /* check if we have to change channel at starting time */
- if (cda->start) {
- int32_t now, start, diff;
- /* how much time do we have left? */
- now = ms->meas.last_fn % 42432;
- start = cda->start_tm.fn % 42432;
- diff = start - now;
- if (diff < 0)
- diff += 42432;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " after: (Tnow %d Tstart %d diff %d)\n",
- now, start, diff);
- start_mili = (uint32_t)diff * 19580 / 42432 * 10;
- if (diff >= 32024 || !start_mili) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " -> Start time already "
- "elapsed\n");
- before_time = 0;
- cda->start = 0;
- } else {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " -> Start time is %d ms in the "
- "future\n", start_mili);
- }
- }
- /* check if channels are valid */
- cause = gsm48_rr_check_mode(ms, cda->chan_nr, cda->mode);
- if (cause)
- return gsm48_rr_tx_ass_fail(ms, cause, RSL_MT_DATA_REQ);
- if (before_time) {
- cause = gsm48_rr_render_ma(ms, cdb, ma, &ma_len);
- if (cause)
- return gsm48_rr_tx_ass_fail(ms, cause, RSL_MT_DATA_REQ);
- }
- cause = gsm48_rr_render_ma(ms, cda, ma, &ma_len);
- if (cause)
- return gsm48_rr_tx_ass_fail(ms, cause, RSL_MT_DATA_REQ);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " TESTING: frequency modify ASS.CMD\n");
- before_time = 1;
- memcpy(cdb, cda, sizeof(*cdb));
- cdb->h = 0;
- cdb->arfcn = 0;
- /* schedule start of assignment */
- rr->modify_state = GSM48_RR_MOD_ASSIGN;
- if (!before_time && cda->start) {
- start_rr_t_starting(rr, start_mili / 1000, start_mili % 1000);
- /* when timer fires, start time is already elapsed */
- cda->start = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- /* if no starting time, start suspension of current link directly */
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "request suspension of data link\n");
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm48_send_rsl(ms, RSL_MT_SUSP_REQ, nmsg);
- return 0;
-/* 9.1.16 sending HANDOVER COMPLETE */
-static int gsm48_rr_tx_hando_cpl(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t cause)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- struct gsm48_ho_cpl *hc;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "HANDOVER COMPLETE (cause #%d)\n", cause);
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- hc = (struct gsm48_ho_cpl *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*hc));
- gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_RR;
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_RR_HANDO_COMPL;
- /* RR_CAUSE */
- hc->rr_cause = cause;
- // FIXME: mobile observed time
- return gsm48_send_rsl(ms, RSL_MT_RES_REQ, nmsg);
-/* 9.1.4 sending HANDOVER FAILURE */
-static int gsm48_rr_tx_hando_fail(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t cause,
- uint8_t rsl_prim)
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh;
- struct gsm48_ho_fail *hf;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "HANDOVER FAILURE (cause #%d)\n", cause);
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gh = (struct gsm48_hdr *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*gh));
- hf = (struct gsm48_ho_fail *) msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*hf));
- gh->proto_discr = GSM48_PDISC_RR;
- gh->msg_type = GSM48_MT_RR_ASS_COMPL;
- /* RR_CAUSE */
- hf->rr_cause = cause;
- return gsm48_send_rsl(ms, rsl_prim, nmsg);
-/* receiving HANDOVER COMMAND message (9.1.15) */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_hando_cmd(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = cs->si;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm48_ho_cmd *ho = (struct gsm48_ho_cmd *)gh->data;
- int payload_len = msgb_l3len(msg) - sizeof(*gh) - sizeof(*ho);
- struct tlv_parsed tp;
- struct gsm48_rr_cd *cda = &rr->cd_after;
- struct gsm48_rr_cd *cdb = &rr->cd_before;
- uint16_t arfcn;
- uint8_t bcc, ncc;
- uint8_t ch_type, ch_subch, ch_ts;
- uint8_t before_time = 0;
- uint16_t ma[64];
- uint8_t ma_len;
- uint32_t start_mili = 0;
- uint8_t cause;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- memset(cda, 0, sizeof(*cda));
- cda->ind_tx_power = rr->cd_now.ind_tx_power;
- memset(cdb, 0, sizeof(*cdb));
- cdb->ind_tx_power = rr->cd_now.ind_tx_power;
- if (payload_len < 0) {
- "message.\n");
- return gsm48_rr_tx_rr_status(ms,
- }
- /* cell description */
- gsm48_decode_cell_desc(&ho->cell_desc, &arfcn, &ncc, &bcc);
- /* handover reference */
- rr->chan_req_val = ho->ho_ref;
- rr->chan_req_mask = 0x00;
- tlv_parse(&tp, &gsm48_rr_att_tlvdef, ho->data, payload_len, 0, 0);
- /* sync ind */
- gsm48_decode_sync_ind(rr, (struct gsm48_sync_ind *)
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " (sync_ind=%d rot=%d nci=%d)\n",
- rr->hando_sync_ind, rr->hando_rot, rr->hando_nci);
- }
- /* decode channel description (before time) */
- struct gsm48_chan_desc *ccd = (struct gsm48_chan_desc *)
- cdb->chan_nr = ccd->chan_nr;
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(cdb->chan_nr, &ch_type, &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- if (ccd->h0.h) {
- cdb->h = 1;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h1(ccd, &cdb->tsc, &cdb->maio,
- &cdb->hsn);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " before: (chan_nr 0x%02x MAIO %u "
- "HSN %u TS %u SS %u TSC %u)\n", ccd->chan_nr,
- cdb->maio, cdb->hsn, ch_ts, ch_subch, cdb->tsc);
- } else {
- cdb->h = 0;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h0(ccd, &cdb->tsc, &cdb->arfcn);
- if (gsm_refer_pcs(cs->arfcn, s))
- cdb->arfcn |= ARFCN_PCS;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " before: (chan_nr 0x%02x "
- "ARFCN %s TS %u SS %u TSC %u)\n", ccd->chan_nr,
- gsm_print_arfcn(cdb->arfcn),
- ch_ts, ch_subch, cdb->tsc);
- }
- before_time = 1;
- }
- /* decode channel description (after time) */
- cda->chan_nr = ho->chan_desc.chan_nr;
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(cda->chan_nr, &ch_type, &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- if (ho->chan_desc.h0.h) {
- cda->h = 1;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h1(&ho->chan_desc, &cda->tsc, &cda->maio,
- &cda->hsn);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " after: (chan_nr 0x%02x MAIO %u HSN %u "
- "TS %u SS %u TSC %u)\n", ho->chan_desc.chan_nr,
- cda->maio, cda->hsn, ch_ts, ch_subch, cda->tsc);
- } else {
- cda->h = 0;
- gsm48_decode_chan_h0(&ho->chan_desc, &cda->tsc, &cda->arfcn);
- if (gsm_refer_pcs(cs->arfcn, s))
- cda->arfcn |= ARFCN_PCS;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " after: (chan_nr 0x%02x ARFCN %s TS %u "
- "SS %u TSC %u)\n", ho->chan_desc.chan_nr,
- gsm_print_arfcn(cda->arfcn), ch_ts, ch_subch, cda->tsc);
- }
- /* starting time */
- cda->start = 1;
- cda->start_tm.fn = (ms->meas.last_fn + TEST_STARTING_TIMER) % 42432;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " TESTING: starting time ahead\n");
- gsm48_decode_start_time(cda, (struct gsm48_start_time *)
- /* "... before time IE is not present..." */
- if (!before_time) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " -> channel description after "
- "time only, but starting time\n");
- } else
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " -> channel description before "
- "and after time\n");
- } else {
- /* "... IEs unnecessary in this message." */
- if (before_time) {
- before_time = 0;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " -> channel description before "
- "time, but no starting time, ignoring!\n");
- }
- }
- /* mobile allocation / frequency list after time */
- if (cda->h) {
- const uint8_t *lv =
- TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_MA_AFTER) - 1;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " after: hopping required and "
- "mobile allocation available\n");
- if (*lv + 1 > sizeof(cda->mob_alloc_lv)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Error: no LV space!\n");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- memcpy(cda->mob_alloc_lv, lv, *lv + 1);
- } else
- const uint8_t *lv =
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " after: hopping required and "
- "frequency list available\n");
- if (*lv + 1 > sizeof(cda->freq_list_lv)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Error: no LV space!\n");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- memcpy(cda->freq_list_lv, lv, *lv + 1);
- } else {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, " after: hopping required, but "
- "no mobile allocation / frequency list\n");
- }
- }
- /* mobile allocation / frequency list before time */
- if (cdb->h) {
- const uint8_t *lv =
- TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_MA_BEFORE) - 1;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " before: hopping required and "
- "mobile allocation available\n");
- if (*lv + 1 > sizeof(cdb->mob_alloc_lv)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Error: no LV space!\n");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- memcpy(cdb->mob_alloc_lv, lv, *lv + 1);
- } else
- const uint8_t *lv =
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " before: hopping required and "
- "frequency list available\n");
- if (*lv + 1 > sizeof(cdb->freq_list_lv)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Error: no LV space!\n");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- memcpy(cdb->freq_list_lv, lv, *lv + 1);
- } else
- const uint8_t *v =
- uint8_t len = TLVP_LEN(&tp, GSM48_IE_F_CH_SEQ_BEFORE);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " before: hopping required and "
- "frequency channel sequence available\n");
- if (len + 1 > sizeof(cdb->freq_seq_lv)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Error: no LV space!\n");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- cdb->freq_seq_lv[0] = len;
- memcpy(cdb->freq_seq_lv, v + 1, *v);
- } else
- if (cda->mob_alloc_lv[0]) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " before: hopping required and "
- "mobile allocation not available, using "
- "mobile allocation after time\n");
- memcpy(cdb->mob_alloc_lv, cda->mob_alloc_lv,
- sizeof(cdb->mob_alloc_lv));
- } else
- if (cda->freq_list_lv[0]) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " before: hopping required and "
- "frequency list not available, using "
- "frequency list after time\n");
- memcpy(cdb->freq_list_lv, cda->freq_list_lv,
- sizeof(cdb->freq_list_lv));
- } else {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, " before: hopping required, but "
- "no mobile allocation / frequency list\n");
- }
- }
- /* cell channel description */
- const uint8_t *v = TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_CELL_CH_DESC);
- uint8_t len = TLVP_LEN(&tp, GSM48_IE_CELL_CH_DESC);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " both: using cell channel description "
- "in case of mobile allocation\n");
- if (len + 1 > sizeof(cdb->cell_desc_lv)) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Error: no LV space!\n");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- cdb->cell_desc_lv[0] = len;
- memcpy(cdb->cell_desc_lv + 1, v, len);
- cda->cell_desc_lv[0] = len;
- memcpy(cda->cell_desc_lv + 1, v, len);
- } else {
- /* keep old */
- memcpy(cdb->cell_desc_lv, rr->cd_now.cell_desc_lv,
- sizeof(cdb->cell_desc_lv));
- memcpy(cda->cell_desc_lv, rr->cd_now.cell_desc_lv,
- sizeof(cda->cell_desc_lv));
- }
- /* channel mode */
- cda->mode = cdb->mode = *TLVP_VAL(&tp, GSM48_IE_CHANMODE_1);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " both: changing channel mode 0x%02x\n",
- cda->mode);
- } else
- cda->mode = cdb->mode = rr->cd_now.mode;
- /* cipher mode setting */
- cda->cipher = cdb->cipher =
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " both: changing cipher mode 0x%02x\n",
- cda->cipher);
- } else
- cda->cipher = cdb->cipher = rr->cd_now.cipher;
- /* power command and TA (before and after time) */
- gsm48_decode_power_cmd_acc(
- (struct gsm48_power_cmd *) &ho->power_command,
- &cda->ind_tx_power, &rr->hando_act);
- cdb->ind_tx_power = cda->ind_tx_power;
- cda->ind_ta = cdb->ind_ta = rr->cd_now.ind_ta; /* same cell */
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " both: (tx_power %d TA %d access=%s)\n",
- cda->ind_tx_power, cda->ind_ta,
- (rr->hando_act) ? "optional" : "mandatory");
- /* check if we have to change channel at starting time */
- if (cda->start) {
- int32_t now, start, diff;
- /* how much time do we have left? */
- now = ms->meas.last_fn % 42432;
- start = cda->start_tm.fn % 42432;
- diff = start - now;
- if (diff < 0)
- diff += 42432;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " after: (Tnow %d Tstart %d diff %d)\n",
- now, start, diff);
- start_mili = (uint32_t)diff * 19580 / 42432 * 10;
- if (diff >= 32024 || !start_mili) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " -> Start time already "
- "elapsed\n");
- before_time = 0;
- cda->start = 0;
- } else {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " -> Start time is %d ms in the "
- "future\n", start_mili);
- }
- }
- /* check if channels are valid */
- if (before_time) {
- cause = gsm48_rr_render_ma(ms, cdb, ma, &ma_len);
- if (cause)
- return gsm48_rr_tx_hando_fail(ms, cause, RSL_MT_DATA_REQ);
- }
- cause = gsm48_rr_render_ma(ms, cda, ma, &ma_len);
- if (cause)
- return gsm48_rr_tx_hando_fail(ms, cause, RSL_MT_DATA_REQ);
-#if 0
- if (not supported) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "New channel is not supported.\n");
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, " TESTING: frequency modify HANDO.CMD\n");
- before_time = 1;
- memcpy(cdb, cda, sizeof(*cdb));
- cdb->h = 0;
- cdb->arfcn = 0;
- /* schedule start of handover */
- rr->modify_state = GSM48_RR_MOD_HANDO;
- if (!before_time && cda->start) {
- start_rr_t_starting(rr, start_mili / 1000, start_mili % 1000);
- /* when timer fires, start time is already elapsed */
- cda->start = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- /* if no starting time, start suspension of current link directly */
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "request suspension of data link\n");
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm48_send_rsl(ms, RSL_MT_SUSP_REQ, nmsg);
- return 0;
-/* send all queued messages down to layer 2 */
-static int gsm48_rr_dequeue_down(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct msgb *msg;
- while((msg = msgb_dequeue(&rr->downqueue))) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Sending queued message.\n");
- gsm48_send_rsl(ms, RSL_MT_DATA_REQ, msg);
- }
- return 0;
-/* channel is resumed in dedicated mode */
-static int gsm48_rr_estab_cnf_dedicated(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "data link is resumed\n");
- /* transmit queued frames during ho / ass transition */
- gsm48_rr_dequeue_down(ms);
- rr->modify_state = GSM48_RR_MOD_NONE;
- return 0;
-/* suspend confirm in dedicated mode */
-static int gsm48_rr_susp_cnf_dedicated(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- if (rr->modify_state) {
- uint16_t ma[64];
- uint8_t ma_len;
- /* deactivating dedicated mode */
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "suspension coplete, leaving dedicated "
- "mode\n");
- l1ctl_tx_dm_rel_req(ms);
- ms->meas.rl_fail = 0;
- rr->dm_est = 0;
- l1ctl_tx_reset_req(ms, L1CTL_RES_T_SCHED);
- /* store current channel descriptions */
- memcpy(&rr->cd_last, &rr->cd_now, sizeof(rr->cd_last));
- /* copy channel description "after time" */
- memcpy(&rr->cd_now, &rr->cd_after, sizeof(rr->cd_now));
- if (rr->cd_after.start) {
- /* render channel "before time" */
- gsm48_rr_render_ma(ms, &rr->cd_before, ma, &ma_len);
- /* activate channel */
- gsm48_rr_activate_channel(ms, &rr->cd_before, ma,
- ma_len);
- /* render channel "after time" */
- gsm48_rr_render_ma(ms, &rr->cd_now, ma, &ma_len);
- /* schedule change of channel */
- gsm48_rr_channel_after_time(ms, &rr->cd_now, ma, ma_len,
- rr->cd_now.start_tm.fn);
- } else {
- /* render channel "after time" */
- gsm48_rr_render_ma(ms, &rr->cd_now, ma, &ma_len);
- /* activate channel */
- gsm48_rr_activate_channel(ms, &rr->cd_now, ma, ma_len);
- }
- /* send DL-RESUME REQUEST */
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "request resume of data link\n");
- switch (rr->modify_state) {
- gsm48_rr_tx_ass_cpl(ms, GSM48_RR_CAUSE_NORMAL);
- break;
- case GSM48_RR_MOD_HANDO:
- gsm48_rr_tx_hando_cpl(ms, GSM48_RR_CAUSE_NORMAL);
- break;
- }
-#ifdef TODO
- /* trigger RACH */
- if (rr->modify_state == GSM48_RR_MOD_HANDO) {
- gsm48_rr_tx_hando_access(ms);
- rr->hando_acc_left = 3;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- * radio ressource requests
- */
-/* establish request for dedicated mode */
-static int gsm48_rr_est_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s = cs->si;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *rrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *) msg->data;
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- uint8_t cause;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *nrrh;
- uint16_t acc_class;
- /* */
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&rr->t3122)) {
- if (rrh->cause != RR_EST_CAUSE_EMERGENCY) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "T3122 running, rejecting!\n");
- cause = RR_REL_CAUSE_T3122;
- reject:
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Establishing radio link not "
- "possible\n");
- nmsg = gsm48_rr_msgb_alloc(GSM48_RR_REL_IND);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nrrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *)nmsg->data;
- nrrh->cause = cause;
- return gsm48_rr_upmsg(ms, nmsg);
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "T3122 running, but emergency call\n");
- stop_rr_t3122(rr);
- }
- /* if state is not idle */
- if (rr->state != GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "We are not IDLE yet, rejecting!\n");
- goto reject;
- }
- /* cell selected */
- if (!cs->selected) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "No cell selected, rejecting!\n");
- goto reject;
- }
- /* check if camping */
- if (cs->state != GSM322_C3_CAMPED_NORMALLY
- && rrh->cause != RR_EST_CAUSE_EMERGENCY) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Not camping normally, rejecting! "
- "(cs->state = %d)\n", cs->state);
- goto reject;
- }
- if (cs->state != GSM322_C3_CAMPED_NORMALLY
- && cs->state != GSM322_C7_CAMPED_ANY_CELL) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Not camping, rejecting! "
- "(cs->state = %d)\n", cs->state);
- goto reject;
- }
- /* check for relevant informations */
- if (!s->si3) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Not enough SI, rejecting!\n");
- goto reject;
- }
- /* */
- if (!subscr->acc_barr && s->cell_barr) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Cell barred, rejecting!\n");
- goto reject;
- }
- if (rrh->cause == RR_EST_CAUSE_EMERGENCY)
- acc_class = subscr->acc_class | 0x0400;
- else
- acc_class = subscr->acc_class & 0xfbff;
- if (!subscr->acc_barr && !(acc_class & (s->class_barr ^ 0xffff))) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Cell barred for our access class (access "
- "%04x barred %04x)!\n", acc_class, s->class_barr);
- goto reject;
- }
- /* requested by RR */
- rr->rr_est_req = 1;
- /* clone and store REQUEST message */
- if (!gh) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Error, missing l3 message\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- rr->rr_est_msg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!rr->rr_est_msg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- memcpy(msgb_put(rr->rr_est_msg, msgb_l3len(msg)),
- msgb_l3(msg), msgb_l3len(msg));
- /* request channel */
- return gsm48_rr_chan_req(ms, rrh->cause, 0);
-/* 3.4.2 transfer data in dedicated mode */
-static int gsm48_rr_data_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- if (rr->state != GSM48_RR_ST_DEDICATED) {
- msgb_free(msg);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* pull RR header */
- msgb_pull(msg, sizeof(struct gsm48_rr_hdr));
- /* set sequence number and increment */
- gsm48_apply_v_sd(rr, msg);
- /* queue message, during handover or assignment procedure */
- if (rr->modify_state == GSM48_RR_MOD_ASSIGN
- || rr->modify_state == GSM48_RR_MOD_HANDO) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Queueing message during suspend.\n");
- msgb_enqueue(&rr->downqueue, msg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* forward message */
- return gsm48_send_rsl(ms, RSL_MT_DATA_REQ, msg);
- * data indications from data link
- */
-/* 3.4.2 data from layer 2 to RR and upper layer*/
-static int gsm48_rr_data_ind(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_hdr *gh = msgb_l3(msg);
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *rrh;
- uint8_t pdisc = gh->proto_discr & 0x0f;
- if (pdisc == GSM48_PDISC_RR) {
- int rc = -EINVAL;
- uint8_t skip_ind = (gh->proto_discr & 0xf0) >> 4;
- /* ignore if skip indicator is not B'0000' */
- if (skip_ind)
- return 0;
- switch(gh->msg_type) {
- case GSM48_MT_RR_ADD_ASS:
- rc = gsm48_rr_rx_add_ass(ms, msg);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_ASS_CMD:
- rc = gsm48_rr_rx_ass_cmd(ms, msg);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_CIPH_M_CMD:
- rc = gsm48_rr_rx_cip_mode_cmd(ms, msg);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_CLSM_ENQ:
- rc = gsm48_rr_rx_cm_enq(ms, msg);
- break;
- rc = gsm48_rr_rx_chan_modify(ms, msg);
- break;
- rc = gsm48_rr_rx_hando_cmd(ms, msg);
- break;
- rc = gsm48_rr_rx_frq_redef(ms, msg);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_CHAN_REL:
- rc = gsm48_rr_rx_chan_rel(ms, msg);
- break;
- case GSM48_MT_RR_APP_INFO:
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "APP INFO not supported!\n");
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Message type 0x%02x unknown.\n",
- gh->msg_type);
- /* status message */
- gsm48_rr_tx_rr_status(ms, GSM48_RR_CAUSE_MSG_TYPE_N);
- }
- msgb_free(msg);
- return rc;
- }
- /* pull off RSL header up to L3 message */
- msgb_pull(msg, (long)msgb_l3(msg) - (long)msg->data);
- /* push RR header */
- msgb_push(msg, sizeof(struct gsm48_rr_hdr));
- rrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *)msg->data;
- rrh->msg_type = GSM48_RR_DATA_IND;
- return gsm48_rr_upmsg(ms, msg);
-/* receive BCCH at RR layer */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_bcch(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_header *sih = msgb_l3(msg);
- switch (sih->system_information) {
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_1:
- return gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo1(ms, msg);
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_2:
- return gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo2(ms, msg);
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_2bis:
- return gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo2bis(ms, msg);
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_2ter:
- return gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo2ter(ms, msg);
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_3:
- return gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo3(ms, msg);
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_4:
- return gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo4(ms, msg);
- default:
-#if 0
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "BCCH message type 0x%02x not sup.\n",
- sih->system_information);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
-/* receive CCCH at RR layer */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_pch_agch(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_header *sih = msgb_l3(msg);
- switch (sih->system_information) {
- case GSM48_MT_RR_PAG_REQ_1:
- return gsm48_rr_rx_pag_req_1(ms, msg);
- case GSM48_MT_RR_PAG_REQ_2:
- return gsm48_rr_rx_pag_req_2(ms, msg);
- case GSM48_MT_RR_PAG_REQ_3:
- return gsm48_rr_rx_pag_req_3(ms, msg);
- case GSM48_MT_RR_IMM_ASS:
- return gsm48_rr_rx_imm_ass(ms, msg);
- return gsm48_rr_rx_imm_ass_ext(ms, msg);
- return gsm48_rr_rx_imm_ass_rej(ms, msg);
- default:
-#if 0
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "CCCH message type 0x%02x unknown.\n",
- sih->system_information);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
-/* receive ACCH at RR layer */
-static int gsm48_rr_rx_acch(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- struct gsm48_system_information_type_header *sih = msgb_l3(msg);
- uint8_t ind_ta, ind_tx_power;
- if (msgb_l2len(msg) < sizeof(*rllh) + 2 + 2) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_ERROR, "Missing TA and TX_POWER IEs\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- ind_ta = rllh->data[1];
- ind_tx_power = rllh->data[3];
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Indicated ta %d (actual ta %d)\n",
- ind_ta, ind_ta - set->alter_delay);
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Indicated tx_power %d\n",
- ind_tx_power);
- if (ind_ta != rr->cd_now.ind_ta
- || ind_tx_power != rr->cd_now.ind_tx_power) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "setting new ta and tx_power\n");
- l1ctl_tx_param_req(ms, ind_ta - set->alter_delay,
- (set->alter_tx_power) ? set->alter_tx_power_value
- : ind_tx_power);
- rr->cd_now.ind_ta = ind_ta;
- rr->cd_now.ind_tx_power = ind_tx_power;
- }
- switch (sih->system_information) {
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_5:
- return gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo5(ms, msg);
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_5bis:
- return gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo5bis(ms, msg);
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_5ter:
- return gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo5ter(ms, msg);
- case GSM48_MT_RR_SYSINFO_6:
- return gsm48_rr_rx_sysinfo6(ms, msg);
- default:
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "ACCH message type 0x%02x unknown.\n",
- sih->system_information);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
-/* unit data from layer 2 to RR layer */
-static int gsm48_rr_unit_data_ind(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm322_cellsel *cs = &ms->cellsel;
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- struct tlv_parsed tv;
- uint8_t ch_type, ch_subch, ch_ts;
- DEBUGP(DRSL, "RSLms UNIT DATA IND chan_nr=0x%02x link_id=0x%02x\n",
- rllh->chan_nr, rllh->link_id);
- rsl_tlv_parse(&tv, rllh->data, msgb_l2len(msg)-sizeof(*rllh));
- if (!TLVP_PRESENT(&tv, RSL_IE_L3_INFO)) {
- DEBUGP(DRSL, "UNIT_DATA_IND without L3 INFO ?!?\n");
- return -EIO;
- }
- msg->l3h = (uint8_t *) TLVP_VAL(&tv, RSL_IE_L3_INFO);
- if (cs->ccch_state != GSM322_CCCH_ST_SYNC
- && cs->ccch_state != GSM322_CCCH_ST_DATA)
- return -EINVAL;
- /* temporary moved here until confirm is fixed */
- if (cs->ccch_state != GSM322_CCCH_ST_DATA) {
- LOGP(DCS, LOGL_INFO, "Channel provides data.\n");
- cs->ccch_state = GSM322_CCCH_ST_DATA;
- /* in dedicated mode */
- if (ms->rrlayer.state == GSM48_RR_ST_CONN_PEND)
- return gsm48_rr_tx_rand_acc(ms, NULL);
- /* set timer for reading BCCH */
- if (cs->state == GSM322_C2_STORED_CELL_SEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C1_NORMAL_CELL_SEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C6_ANY_CELL_SEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C4_NORMAL_CELL_RESEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C8_ANY_CELL_RESEL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C5_CHOOSE_CELL
- || cs->state == GSM322_C9_CHOOSE_ANY_CELL
- || cs->state == GSM322_PLMN_SEARCH
- || cs->state == GSM322_HPLMN_SEARCH)
- start_cs_timer(cs, ms->support.scan_to, 0);
- // TODO: timer depends on BCCH config
- }
- rsl_dec_chan_nr(rllh->chan_nr, &ch_type, &ch_subch, &ch_ts);
- switch (ch_type) {
- return gsm48_rr_rx_pch_agch(ms, msg);
- return gsm48_rr_rx_bcch(ms, msg);
- case RSL_CHAN_Bm_ACCHs:
- case RSL_CHAN_Lm_ACCHs:
- return gsm48_rr_rx_acch(ms, msg);
- default:
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_NOTICE, "RSL with chan_nr 0x%02x unknown.\n",
- rllh->chan_nr);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
-/* RR abort in dedicated mode (also in conn. pending mode) */
-static int gsm48_rr_abort_req(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- uint8_t *mode;
- /* stop pending RACH timer */
- stop_rr_t3126(rr);
- /* release "normally" if we are in dedicated mode */
- if (rr->state == GSM48_RR_ST_DEDICATED) {
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Abort in dedicated state, send release "
- "to layer 2.\n");
- new_rr_state(rr, GSM48_RR_ST_REL_PEND);
- /* release message */
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- mode = msgb_put(nmsg, 2);
- mode[0] = RSL_IE_RELEASE_MODE;
- mode[1] = 0; /* normal release */
- return gsm48_send_rsl_rel(ms, RSL_MT_REL_REQ, nmsg);
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "Abort in connection pending state, return to "
- "idle state.\n");
- /* return idle */
- new_rr_state(rr, GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE);
- return 0;
-/* release confirm */
-static int gsm48_rr_rel_cnf(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *nrrh;
- uint8_t cause = RR_REL_CAUSE_NORMAL;
- uint16_t ma[64];
- uint8_t ma_len;
- /* switch back to old channel, if modify/ho failed */
- switch (rr->modify_state) {
- case GSM48_RR_MOD_HANDO:
- /* deactivate channel */
- l1ctl_tx_dm_rel_req(ms);
- ms->meas.rl_fail = 0;
- rr->dm_est = 0;
- l1ctl_tx_reset_req(ms, L1CTL_RES_T_SCHED);
- /* get old channel description */
- memcpy(&rr->cd_now, &rr->cd_last, sizeof(rr->cd_now));
- /* render and change radio to old channel */
- gsm48_rr_render_ma(ms, &rr->cd_now, ma, &ma_len);
- gsm48_rr_activate_channel(ms, &rr->cd_now, ma, ma_len);
- /* re-establish old link */
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- if (rr->modify_state == GSM48_RR_MOD_ASSIGN) {
- rr->modify_state = GSM48_RR_MOD_ASSIGN_RESUME;
- return gsm48_rr_tx_ass_fail(ms,
- } else {
- rr->modify_state = GSM48_RR_MOD_HANDO_RESUME;
- return gsm48_rr_tx_hando_fail(ms,
- }
- /* returns above */
- rr->modify_state = GSM48_RR_MOD_NONE;
- break;
- }
- LOGP(DSUM, LOGL_INFO, "Requested channel aborted\n");
- /* stop T3211 if running */
- stop_rr_t3110(rr);
- /* send release indication */
- nmsg = gsm48_rr_msgb_alloc(GSM48_RR_REL_IND);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nrrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *)nmsg->data;
- nrrh->cause = cause;
- gsm48_rr_upmsg(ms, nmsg);
- /* return idle */
- new_rr_state(rr, GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE);
- return 0;
-/* MDL-ERROR */
-static int gsm48_rr_mdl_error_ind(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *nrrh;
- uint8_t *mode;
- uint8_t cause = rllh->data[2];
- switch (cause) {
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "MDL-Error (cause %d) ignoring\n",
- cause);
- }
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "MDL-Error (cause %d) aborting\n", cause);
- /* disconnect the main signalling link */
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- mode = msgb_put(nmsg, 2);
- mode[0] = RSL_IE_RELEASE_MODE;
- mode[1] = 1; /* local release */
- gsm48_send_rsl_rel(ms, RSL_MT_REL_REQ, nmsg);
- /* in case of modify/hando: wait for confirm */
- if (rr->modify_state)
- return 0;
- /* send abort ind to upper layer */
- nmsg = gsm48_rr_msgb_alloc(GSM48_RR_ABORT_IND);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nrrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *)nmsg->data;
- nrrh->cause = RR_REL_CAUSE_LINK_FAILURE;
- gsm48_rr_upmsg(ms, nmsg);
- /* return idle */
- new_rr_state(rr, GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE);
- return 0;
- * state machines
- */
-/* state trasitions for link layer messages (lower layer) */
-static struct dldatastate {
- uint32_t states;
- int type;
- int (*rout) (struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-} dldatastatelist[] = {
- /* data transfer */
- RSL_MT_UNIT_DATA_IND, gsm48_rr_unit_data_ind},
- {SBIT(GSM48_RR_ST_DEDICATED), /* 3.4.2 */
- RSL_MT_DATA_IND, gsm48_rr_data_ind},
- /* esablish */
- RSL_MT_EST_CONF, gsm48_rr_estab_cnf},
- /* resume */
- RSL_MT_EST_CONF, gsm48_rr_estab_cnf_dedicated},
- /* release */
- RSL_MT_REL_IND, gsm48_rr_rel_ind},
- RSL_MT_REL_CONF, gsm48_rr_rel_cnf},
- /* reconnect */
- RSL_MT_REL_CONF, gsm48_rr_rel_cnf},
- /* suspenion */
- RSL_MT_SUSP_CONF, gsm48_rr_susp_cnf_dedicated},
-#if 0
- RSL_MT_CHAN_CNF, gsm48_rr_rand_acc_cnf_dedicated},
- RSL_MT_ERROR_IND, gsm48_rr_mdl_error_ind},
-#define DLDATASLLEN \
- (sizeof(dldatastatelist) / sizeof(struct dldatastate))
-static int gsm48_rcv_rll(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct abis_rsl_rll_hdr *rllh = msgb_l2(msg);
- int msg_type = rllh->c.msg_type;
- int i;
- int rc;
- if (msg_type != RSL_MT_UNIT_DATA_IND) {
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) Received '%s' from L2 in state "
- "%s\n", ms->name, get_rsl_name(msg_type),
- gsm48_rr_state_names[rr->state]);
- }
- /* find function for current state and message */
- for (i = 0; i < DLDATASLLEN; i++)
- if ((msg_type == dldatastatelist[i].type)
- && ((1 << rr->state) & dldatastatelist[i].states))
- break;
- if (i == DLDATASLLEN) {
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_NOTICE, "RSLms message unhandled\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- rc = dldatastatelist[i].rout(ms, msg);
- /* free msgb unless it is forwarded */
- if (dldatastatelist[i].rout != gsm48_rr_data_ind)
- msgb_free(msg);
- return rc;
-static int gsm48_rcv_cch(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct abis_rsl_cchan_hdr *ch = msgb_l2(msg);
- int msg_type = ch->c.msg_type;
- int rc;
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) Received '%s' from L2 in state "
- "%s\n", ms->name, get_rsl_name(msg_type),
- gsm48_rr_state_names[rr->state]);
- if (rr->state == GSM48_RR_ST_CONN_PEND
- && msg_type == RSL_MT_CHAN_CONF) {
- rc = gsm48_rr_tx_rand_acc(ms, msg);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return rc;
- }
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_NOTICE, "RSLms message unhandled\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
-/* input function for L2 messags up to L3 */
-static int gsm48_rcv_rsl(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct abis_rsl_common_hdr *rslh = msgb_l2(msg);
- int rc = 0;
- switch (rslh->msg_discr & 0xfe) {
- rc = gsm48_rcv_rll(ms, msg);
- break;
- rc = gsm48_rcv_cch(ms, msg);
- break;
- default:
- /* FIXME: implement this */
- LOGP(DRSL, LOGL_NOTICE, "unknown RSLms msg_discr 0x%02x\n",
- rslh->msg_discr);
- msgb_free(msg);
- rc = -EINVAL;
- break;
- }
- return rc;
-/* state trasitions for RR-SAP messages from up */
-static struct rrdownstate {
- uint32_t states;
- int type;
- int (*rout) (struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-} rrdownstatelist[] = {
- /* NOTE: If not IDLE, it is rejected there. */
- {ALL_STATES, /* */
- GSM48_RR_EST_REQ, gsm48_rr_est_req},
- {SBIT(GSM48_RR_ST_DEDICATED), /* 3.4.2 */
- GSM48_RR_DATA_REQ, gsm48_rr_data_req},
- GSM48_RR_ABORT_REQ, gsm48_rr_abort_req},
-#define RRDOWNSLLEN \
- (sizeof(rrdownstatelist) / sizeof(struct rrdownstate))
-int gsm48_rr_downmsg(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct gsm48_rr_hdr *rrh = (struct gsm48_rr_hdr *) msg->data;
- int msg_type = rrh->msg_type;
- int i;
- int rc;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) Message '%s' received in state %s\n",
- ms->name, get_rr_name(msg_type),
- gsm48_rr_state_names[rr->state]);
- /* find function for current state and message */
- for (i = 0; i < RRDOWNSLLEN; i++)
- if ((msg_type == rrdownstatelist[i].type)
- && ((1 << rr->state) & rrdownstatelist[i].states))
- break;
- if (i == RRDOWNSLLEN) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Message unhandled at this state.\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- rc = rrdownstatelist[i].rout(ms, msg);
- /* free msgb uless it is forwarded */
- if (rrdownstatelist[i].rout != gsm48_rr_data_req)
- msgb_free(msg);
- return rc;
- * init/exit
- */
-int gsm48_rr_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- memset(rr, 0, sizeof(*rr));
- rr->ms = ms;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "init Radio Ressource process\n");
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&rr->rsl_upqueue);
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&rr->downqueue);
- /* downqueue is handled here, so don't add_work */
- osmol2_register_handler(ms, &gsm48_rx_rsl);
- start_rr_t_meas(rr, 1, 0);
- return 0;
-int gsm48_rr_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct msgb *msg;
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_INFO, "exit Radio Ressource process\n");
- /* flush queues */
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&rr->rsl_upqueue)))
- msgb_free(msg);
- while ((msg = msgb_dequeue(&rr->downqueue)))
- msgb_free(msg);
- if (rr->rr_est_msg) {
- msgb_free(rr->rr_est_msg);
- rr->rr_est_msg = NULL;
- }
- stop_rr_t_meas(rr);
- stop_rr_t_starting(rr);
- stop_rr_t_rel_wait(rr);
- stop_rr_t3110(rr);
- stop_rr_t3122(rr);
- stop_rr_t3124(rr);
- stop_rr_t3126(rr);
- return 0;
-#if 0
-todo rr_sync_ind when receiving ciph, re ass, channel mode modify
-static void timeout_rr_t3124(void *arg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = arg;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- /* stop sending more access bursts when timer expired */
- hando_acc_left = 0;
- /* get old channel description */
- memcpy(&rr->chan_desc, &rr->chan_last, sizeof(rr->chan_desc));
- /* change radio to old channel */
- tx_ph_dm_est_req(ms, rr->cd_now.arfcn, rr->cd_now.chan_nr,
- rr->cd_now.tsc);
- rr->dm_est = 1;
- /* re-establish old link */
- nmsg = gsm48_l3_msgb_alloc();
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- return gsm48_send_rsl(ms, RSL_MT_REEST_REQ, nmsg);
- todo
-/* send HANDOVER ACCESS burst (9.1.14) */
-static int gsm48_rr_tx_hando_access(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- nmsg = msgb_alloc_headroom(20, 16, "HAND_ACCESS");
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- *msgb_put(nmsg, 1) = rr->hando_ref;
- todo burst
- return gsm48_send_rsl(ms, RSL_MT_RAND_ACC_REQ, nmsg);
-/* send next channel request in dedicated state */
-static int gsm48_rr_rand_acc_cnf_dedicated(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm48_rrlayer *rr = &ms->rrlayer;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- int s;
- if (rr->modify_state != GSM48_RR_MOD_HANDO) {
- LOGP(DRR, LOGL_NOTICE, "Random acces confirm, but not in handover state.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- /* send up to four handover access bursts */
- if (rr->hando_acc_left) {
- rr->hando_acc_left--;
- gsm48_rr_tx_hando_access(ms);
- return;
- }
- /* start timer for sending next HANDOVER ACCESS bursts afterwards */
- if (!osmo_timer_pending(&rr->t3124)) {
- if (allocated channel is SDCCH)
- start_rr_t3124(rr, GSM_T3124_675);
- else
- start_rr_t3124(rr, GSM_T3124_320);
- }
- if (!rr->n_chan_req) {
- start_rr_t3126(rr, 5, 0); /* TODO improve! */
- return 0;
- }
- rr->n_chan_req--;
- /* wait for PHYSICAL INFORMATION message or T3124 timeout */
- return 0;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/main.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 01c2b2e..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-/* Main method of the layer2/3 stack */
-/* (C) 2010 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- * (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/app_mobile.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/linuxlist.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/gsmtap_util.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/gsmtap.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/signal.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <libgen.h>
-struct log_target *stderr_target;
-void *l23_ctx = NULL;
-struct llist_head ms_list;
-static char *gsmtap_ip = 0;
-struct gsmtap_inst *gsmtap_inst = NULL;
-unsigned short vty_port = 4247;
-int debug_set = 0;
-char *config_dir = NULL;
-int mobile_delete(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int force);
-int mobile_signal_cb(unsigned int subsys, unsigned int signal,
- void *handler_data, void *signal_data);
-int mobile_work(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int mobile_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int force);
-const char *openbsc_copyright =
- "Copyright (C) 2008-2010 ...\n"
- "Contributions by ...\n\n"
- "License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later "
- "<>\n"
- "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\n"
- "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n";
-static void print_usage(const char *app)
- printf("Usage: %s\n", app);
-static void print_help()
- printf(" Some help...\n");
- printf(" -h --help this text\n");
- printf(" -i --gsmtap-ip The destination IP used for GSMTAP.\n");
- printf(" -v --vty-port The VTY port number to telnet to. "
- "(default %u)\n", vty_port);
- printf(" -d --debug Change debug flags.\n");
-static void handle_options(int argc, char **argv)
- while (1) {
- int option_index = 0, c;
- static struct option long_options[] = {
- {"help", 0, 0, 'h'},
- {"gsmtap-ip", 1, 0, 'i'},
- {"vty-port", 1, 0, 'v'},
- {"debug", 1, 0, 'd'},
- {0, 0, 0, 0},
- };
- c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hi:v:d:",
- long_options, &option_index);
- if (c == -1)
- break;
- switch (c) {
- case 'h':
- print_usage(argv[0]);
- print_help();
- exit(0);
- break;
- case 'i':
- gsmtap_ip = optarg;
- break;
- case 'v':
- vty_port = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'd':
- log_parse_category_mask(stderr_target, optarg);
- debug_set = 1;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
-void sighandler(int sigset)
- if (sigset == SIGHUP || sigset == SIGPIPE)
- return;
- fprintf(stderr, "Signal %d received.\n", sigset);
- /* in case there is a lockup during exit */
- signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
- signal(SIGHUP, SIG_DFL);
- signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
- signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
- osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_GLOBAL, S_GLOBAL_SHUTDOWN, NULL);
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- int quit = 0;
- int rc;
- char const * home;
- size_t len;
- const char osmocomcfg[] = ".osmocom/bb/mobile.cfg";
- char *config_file = NULL;
- printf("%s\n", openbsc_copyright);
- srand(time(NULL));
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&ms_list);
- log_init(&log_info);
- stderr_target = log_target_create_stderr();
- log_add_target(stderr_target);
- log_set_all_filter(stderr_target, 1);
- l23_ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 1, "layer2 context");
- handle_options(argc, argv);
- if (!debug_set)
- log_parse_category_mask(stderr_target, "DCS:DPLMN:DRR:DMM:DSIM:DCC:DMNCC:DPAG:DSUM");
- log_set_log_level(stderr_target, LOGL_INFO);
- if (gsmtap_ip) {
- gsmtap_inst = gsmtap_source_init(gsmtap_ip, GSMTAP_UDP_PORT, 1);
- if (!gsmtap_inst) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed during gsmtap_init()\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- gsmtap_source_add_sink(gsmtap_inst);
- }
- home = getenv("HOME");
- if (home != NULL) {
- len = strlen(home) + 1 + sizeof(osmocomcfg);
- config_file = talloc_size(l23_ctx, len);
- if (config_file != NULL)
- snprintf(config_file, len, "%s/%s", home, osmocomcfg);
- }
- /* save the config file directory name */
- config_dir = talloc_strdup(l23_ctx, config_file);
- config_dir = dirname(config_dir);
- rc = l23_app_init(NULL, config_file, vty_port);
- if (rc)
- exit(rc);
- signal(SIGINT, sighandler);
- signal(SIGHUP, sighandler);
- signal(SIGTERM, sighandler);
- signal(SIGPIPE, sighandler);
- while (1) {
- l23_app_work(&quit);
- if (quit && llist_empty(&ms_list))
- break;
- osmo_select_main(0);
- }
- l23_app_exit();
- return 0;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/mnccms.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/mnccms.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d3abe6..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/mnccms.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,777 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/mncc.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/vty.h>
-void *l23_ctx;
-static uint32_t new_callref = 1;
-static LLIST_HEAD(call_list);
-void mncc_set_cause(struct gsm_mncc *data, int loc, int val);
-static int dtmf_statemachine(struct gsm_call *call, struct gsm_mncc *mncc);
-static void timeout_dtmf(void *arg);
-int mncc_answer(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
- * support functions
- */
-/* DTMF timer */
-static void start_dtmf_timer(struct gsm_call *call, uint16_t ms)
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "starting DTMF timer %d ms\n", ms);
- call->dtmf_timer.cb = timeout_dtmf;
- call-> = call;
- osmo_timer_schedule(&call->dtmf_timer, 0, ms * 1000);
-static void stop_dtmf_timer(struct gsm_call *call)
- if (osmo_timer_pending(&call->dtmf_timer)) {
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "stopping pending DTMF timer\n");
- osmo_timer_del(&call->dtmf_timer);
- }
-/* free call instance */
-static void free_call(struct gsm_call *call)
- stop_dtmf_timer(call);
- llist_del(&call->entry);
- DEBUGP(DMNCC, "(call %x) Call removed.\n", call->callref);
- talloc_free(call);
-struct gsm_call *get_call_ref(uint32_t callref)
- struct gsm_call *callt;
- llist_for_each_entry(callt, &call_list, entry) {
- if (callt->callref == callref)
- return callt;
- }
- return NULL;
-static int8_t mncc_get_bearer(struct gsm_settings *set, uint8_t speech_ver)
- switch (speech_ver) {
- case 4:
- if (set->full_v3)
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " net suggests full rate v3\n");
- else {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " full rate v3 not supported\n");
- speech_ver = -1;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- if (set->full_v2)
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " net suggests full rate v2\n");
- else {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " full rate v2 not supported\n");
- speech_ver = -1;
- }
- break;
- case 0: /* mandatory */
- if (set->full_v1)
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " net suggests full rate v1\n");
- else {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " full rate v1 not supported\n");
- speech_ver = -1;
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- if (set->half_v3)
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " net suggests half rate v3\n");
- else {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " half rate v3 not supported\n");
- speech_ver = -1;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- if (set->half_v1)
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " net suggests half rate v1\n");
- else {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " half rate v1 not supported\n");
- speech_ver = -1;
- }
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " net suggests unknown speech version "
- "%d\n", speech_ver);
- speech_ver = -1;
- }
- return speech_ver;
-static void mncc_set_bearer(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int8_t speech_ver,
- struct gsm_mncc *mncc)
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- int i = 0;
- mncc->fields |= MNCC_F_BEARER_CAP;
- mncc->bearer_cap.coding = 0;
- if (set->ch_cap == GSM_CAP_SDCCH_TCHF_TCHH
- && (set->half_v1 || set->half_v3)) {
- mncc-> = 3;
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " support TCH/H also\n");
- } else {
- mncc-> = 1;
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " support TCH/F only\n");
- }
- mncc->bearer_cap.speech_ctm = 0;
- /* if no specific speech_ver is given */
- if (speech_ver < 0) {
- /* if half rate is supported and prefered */
- if (set->half_v3 && set->half && set->half_prefer) {
- mncc->bearer_cap.speech_ver[i++] = 5;
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " support half rate v3\n");
- }
- if (set->half_v1 && set->half && set->half_prefer) {
- mncc->bearer_cap.speech_ver[i++] = 1;
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " support half rate v1\n");
- }
- /* if full rate is supported */
- if (set->full_v3) {
- mncc->bearer_cap.speech_ver[i++] = 4;
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " support full rate v3\n");
- }
- if (set->full_v2) {
- mncc->bearer_cap.speech_ver[i++] = 2;
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " support full rate v2\n");
- }
- if (set->full_v1) { /* mandatory, so it's always true */
- mncc->bearer_cap.speech_ver[i++] = 0;
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " support full rate v1\n");
- }
- /* if half rate is supported and not prefered */
- if (set->half_v3 && set->half && !set->half_prefer) {
- mncc->bearer_cap.speech_ver[i++] = 5;
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " support half rate v3\n");
- }
- if (set->half_v1 && set->half && !set->half_prefer) {
- mncc->bearer_cap.speech_ver[i++] = 1;
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " support half rate v1\n");
- }
- /* if specific speech_ver is given (it must be supported) */
- } else
- mncc->bearer_cap.speech_ver[i++] = speech_ver;
- mncc->bearer_cap.speech_ver[i] = -1; /* end of list */
- mncc->bearer_cap.transfer = 0;
- mncc->bearer_cap.mode = 0;
- * MNCCms dummy application
- */
-/* this is a minimal implementation as required by GSM 04.08 */
-int mncc_recv_dummy(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int msg_type, void *arg)
- struct gsm_mncc *data = arg;
- uint32_t callref = data->callref;
- struct gsm_mncc rel;
- if (msg_type == MNCC_REL_IND || msg_type == MNCC_REL_CNF)
- return 0;
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Rejecting incoming call\n");
- /* reject, as we don't support Calls */
- memset(&rel, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- rel.callref = callref;
- mncc_set_cause(&rel, GSM48_CAUSE_LOC_USER,
- return mncc_send(ms, MNCC_REL_REQ, &rel);
- * MNCCms basic call application
- */
-int mncc_recv_mobile(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int msg_type, void *arg)
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm_mncc *data = arg;
- struct gsm_call *call = get_call_ref(data->callref);
- struct gsm_mncc mncc;
- uint8_t cause;
- int8_t speech_ver = -1, speech_ver_half = -1, temp;
- int first_call = 0;
- /* call does not exist */
- if (!call && msg_type != MNCC_SETUP_IND) {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Rejecting incoming call "
- "(callref %x)\n", data->callref);
- if (msg_type == MNCC_REL_IND || msg_type == MNCC_REL_CNF)
- return 0;
- release:
- memset(&mncc, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- mncc.callref = data->callref;
- mncc_set_cause(&mncc, GSM48_CAUSE_LOC_USER, cause);
- return mncc_send(ms, MNCC_REL_REQ, &mncc);
- }
- /* setup without call */
- if (!call) {
- if (llist_empty(&call_list))
- first_call = 1;
- call = talloc_zero(l23_ctx, struct gsm_call);
- if (!call)
- return -ENOMEM;
- call->ms = ms;
- call->callref = data->callref;
- llist_add_tail(&call->entry, &call_list);
- }
- /* not in initiated state anymore */
- call->init = 0;
- switch (msg_type) {
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- switch (data->cause.value) {
- vty_notify(ms, "Call: Number not assigned\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, "Call: Destination unreachable\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, "Call: Remote hangs up\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, "Call: Remote busy\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, "Call: Remote not responding\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, "Call: Remote not answering\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, "Call has been rejected\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, "Call: Number changed\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, "Call: Cleared due to pre-emption\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, "Call: Remote out of order\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, "Call: Number invalid or imcomplete\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, "Call: No channel available\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, "Call: Network out of order\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, "Call: Temporary failure\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, "Congestion\n");
- break;
- default:
- vty_notify(ms, "Call has been disconnected "
- "(clear cause %d)\n", data->cause.value);
- }
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Call has been disconnected "
- "(cause %d)\n", data->cause.value);
- if ((data->fields & MNCC_F_PROGRESS)
- && data->progress.descr == 8) {
- vty_notify(ms, "Please hang up!\n");
- break;
- }
- free_call(call);
- goto release;
- case MNCC_REL_IND:
- case MNCC_REL_CNF:
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- if (data->cause.value == GSM48_CC_CAUSE_CALL_REJECTED)
- vty_notify(ms, "Call has been rejected\n");
- else
- vty_notify(ms, "Call has been released\n");
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Call has been released (cause %d)\n",
- data->cause.value);
- free_call(call);
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Call is proceeding\n");
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Call is proceeding\n");
- if ((data->fields & MNCC_F_BEARER_CAP)
- && data->bearer_cap.speech_ver[0] >= 0) {
- mncc_get_bearer(set, data->bearer_cap.speech_ver[0]);
- }
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Call is alerting\n");
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Call is alerting\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Call is answered\n");
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Call is answered\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- if (!first_call && !ms-> {
- vty_notify(ms, "Incoming call rejected while busy\n");
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Incoming call but busy\n");
- goto release;
- }
- /* select first supported speech_ver */
- if ((data->fields & MNCC_F_BEARER_CAP)) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; data->bearer_cap.speech_ver[i] >= 0; i++) {
- temp = mncc_get_bearer(set,
- data->bearer_cap.speech_ver[i]);
- if (temp < 0)
- continue;
- if (temp == 5 || temp == 1) { /* half */
- /* only the first half rate */
- if (speech_ver_half < 0)
- speech_ver_half = temp;
- } else {
- /* only the first full rate */
- if (speech_ver < 0)
- speech_ver = temp;
- }
- }
- /* half and full given */
- if (speech_ver_half >= 0 && speech_ver >= 0) {
- if (set->half_prefer) {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " both supported"
- " codec rates are given, using "
- "preferred half rate\n");
- speech_ver = speech_ver_half;
- } else
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " both supported"
- " codec rates are given, using "
- "preferred full rate\n");
- } else if (speech_ver_half < 0 && speech_ver < 0) {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " no supported codec "
- "rate is given\n");
- /* only half rate is given, use it */
- } else if (speech_ver_half >= 0) {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " only supported half "
- "rate codec is given, using it\n");
- speech_ver = speech_ver_half;
- /* only full rate is given, use it */
- } else {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, " only supported full "
- "rate codec is given, using it\n");
- }
- }
- /* presentation allowed if present == 0 */
- if (data->calling.present || !data->calling.number[0])
- vty_notify(ms, "Incoming call (anonymous)\n");
- else if (data->calling.type == 1)
- vty_notify(ms, "Incoming call (from +%s)\n",
- data->calling.number);
- else if (data->calling.type == 2)
- vty_notify(ms, "Incoming call (from 0-%s)\n",
- data->calling.number);
- else
- vty_notify(ms, "Incoming call (from %s)\n",
- data->calling.number);
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Incoming call (from %s callref %x)\n",
- data->calling.number, call->callref);
- memset(&mncc, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- mncc.callref = call->callref;
- /* only include bearer cap, if not given in setup
- * or if multiple codecs are given
- * or if not only full rate
- * or if given codec is unimplemented
- */
- if (!(data->fields & MNCC_F_BEARER_CAP) || speech_ver < 0)
- mncc_set_bearer(ms, -1, &mncc);
- else if (data->bearer_cap.speech_ver[1] >= 0
- || speech_ver != 0)
- mncc_set_bearer(ms, speech_ver, &mncc);
- /* CC capabilities (optional) */
- if (ms->settings.cc_dtmf) {
- mncc.fields |= MNCC_F_CCCAP;
- mncc.cccap.dtmf = 1;
- }
- mncc_send(ms, MNCC_CALL_CONF_REQ, &mncc);
- if (first_call)
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Ring!\n");
- else {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Knock!\n");
- call->hold = 1;
- }
- call->ring = 1;
- memset(&mncc, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- mncc.callref = call->callref;
- mncc_send(ms, MNCC_ALERT_REQ, &mncc);
- if (ms->settings.auto_answer) {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Auto-answering call\n");
- mncc_answer(ms);
- }
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Call is connected\n");
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Call is connected\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Call is on hold\n");
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Call is on hold\n");
- call->hold = 1;
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Call hold was rejected\n");
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Call hold was rejected\n");
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Call is retrieved\n");
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Call is retrieved\n");
- call->hold = 0;
- break;
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Call retrieve was rejected\n");
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Call retrieve was rejected\n");
- break;
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Facility info not displayed, "
- "unsupported\n");
- break;
- dtmf_statemachine(call, data);
- break;
- default:
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Message 0x%02x unsupported\n",
- msg_type);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- return 0;
-int mncc_call(struct osmocom_ms *ms, char *number)
- struct gsm_call *call;
- struct gsm_mncc setup;
- llist_for_each_entry(call, &call_list, entry) {
- if (!call->hold) {
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Please put active call on hold "
- "first!\n");
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Cannot make a call, busy!\n");
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- }
- call = talloc_zero(l23_ctx, struct gsm_call);
- if (!call)
- return -ENOMEM;
- call->ms = ms;
- call->callref = new_callref++;
- call->init = 1;
- llist_add_tail(&call->entry, &call_list);
- memset(&setup, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- setup.callref = call->callref;
- if (!strncasecmp(number, "emerg", 5)) {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Make emergency call\n");
- /* emergency */
- setup.emergency = 1;
- } else {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Make call to %s\n", number);
- /* called number */
- setup.fields |= MNCC_F_CALLED;
- if (number[0] == '+') {
- number++;
- setup.called.type = 1; /* international */
- } else
- setup.called.type = 0; /* auto/unknown - prefix must be
- used */
- setup.called.plan = 1; /* ISDN */
- strncpy(setup.called.number, number,
- sizeof(setup.called.number) - 1);
- /* bearer capability (mandatory) */
- mncc_set_bearer(ms, -1, &setup);
- if (ms->settings.clir)
- setup.clir.sup = 1;
- else if (ms->settings.clip)
- setup.clir.inv = 1;
- /* CC capabilities (optional) */
- if (ms->settings.cc_dtmf) {
- setup.fields |= MNCC_F_CCCAP;
- setup.cccap.dtmf = 1;
- }
- }
- return mncc_send(ms, MNCC_SETUP_REQ, &setup);
-int mncc_hangup(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_call *call, *found = NULL;
- struct gsm_mncc disc;
- llist_for_each_entry(call, &call_list, entry) {
- if (!call->hold) {
- found = call;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "No active call to hangup\n");
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "No active call\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- memset(&disc, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- disc.callref = found->callref;
- mncc_set_cause(&disc, GSM48_CAUSE_LOC_USER,
- return mncc_send(ms, (call->init) ? MNCC_REL_REQ : MNCC_DISC_REQ,
- &disc);
-int mncc_answer(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_call *call, *alerting = NULL;
- struct gsm_mncc rsp;
- int active = 0;
- llist_for_each_entry(call, &call_list, entry) {
- if (call->ring)
- alerting = call;
- else if (!call->hold)
- active = 1;
- }
- if (!alerting) {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "No call alerting\n");
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "No alerting call\n");
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- if (active) {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Answer but we have an active call\n");
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Please put active call on hold first!\n");
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- alerting->ring = 0;
- alerting->hold = 0;
- memset(&rsp, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- rsp.callref = alerting->callref;
- return mncc_send(ms, MNCC_SETUP_RSP, &rsp);
-int mncc_hold(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_call *call, *found = NULL;
- struct gsm_mncc hold;
- llist_for_each_entry(call, &call_list, entry) {
- if (!call->hold) {
- found = call;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "No active call to hold\n");
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "No active call\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- memset(&hold, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- hold.callref = found->callref;
- return mncc_send(ms, MNCC_HOLD_REQ, &hold);
-int mncc_retrieve(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int number)
- struct gsm_call *call;
- struct gsm_mncc retr;
- int holdnum = 0, active = 0, i = 0;
- llist_for_each_entry(call, &call_list, entry) {
- if (call->hold)
- holdnum++;
- if (!call->hold)
- active = 1;
- }
- if (active) {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "Cannot retrieve during active call\n");
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Hold active call first!\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (holdnum == 0) {
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "No call on hold!\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (holdnum > 1 && number <= 0) {
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Select call 1..%d\n", holdnum);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (holdnum == 1 && number <= 0)
- number = 1;
- if (number > holdnum) {
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Given number %d out of range!\n", number);
- vty_notify(ms, "Select call 1..%d\n", holdnum);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- llist_for_each_entry(call, &call_list, entry) {
- i++;
- if (i == number)
- break;
- }
- memset(&retr, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- retr.callref = call->callref;
- return mncc_send(ms, MNCC_RETRIEVE_REQ, &retr);
- * DTMF
- */
-static int dtmf_statemachine(struct gsm_call *call, struct gsm_mncc *mncc)
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = call->ms;
- struct gsm_mncc dtmf;
- switch (call->dtmf_state) {
- case DTMF_ST_IDLE:
- /* end of string */
- if (!call->dtmf[call->dtmf_index]) {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "done with DTMF\n");
- call->dtmf_state = DTMF_ST_IDLE;
- return -EOF;
- }
- memset(&dtmf, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- dtmf.callref = call->callref;
- dtmf.keypad = call->dtmf[call->dtmf_index++];
- call->dtmf_state = DTMF_ST_START;
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "start DTMF (keypad %c)\n",
- dtmf.keypad);
- return mncc_send(ms, MNCC_START_DTMF_REQ, &dtmf);
- if (mncc->msg_type != MNCC_START_DTMF_RSP) {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "DTMF was rejected\n");
- return -ENOTSUP;
- }
- start_dtmf_timer(call, 70);
- call->dtmf_state = DTMF_ST_MARK;
- break;
- case DTMF_ST_MARK:
- memset(&dtmf, 0, sizeof(struct gsm_mncc));
- dtmf.callref = call->callref;
- call->dtmf_state = DTMF_ST_STOP;
- return mncc_send(ms, MNCC_STOP_DTMF_REQ, &dtmf);
- case DTMF_ST_STOP:
- start_dtmf_timer(call, 120);
- call->dtmf_state = DTMF_ST_SPACE;
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "DTMF is off\n");
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-static void timeout_dtmf(void *arg)
- struct gsm_call *call = arg;
- LOGP(DCC, LOGL_INFO, "DTMF timer has fired\n");
- dtmf_statemachine(call, NULL);
-int mncc_dtmf(struct osmocom_ms *ms, char *dtmf)
- struct gsm_call *call, *found = NULL;
- llist_for_each_entry(call, &call_list, entry) {
- if (!call->hold) {
- found = call;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "No active call to send DTMF\n");
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "No active call\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (call->dtmf_state != DTMF_ST_IDLE) {
- LOGP(DMNCC, LOGL_INFO, "sending DTMF already\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- call->dtmf_index = 0;
- strncpy(call->dtmf, dtmf, sizeof(call->dtmf) - 1);
- return dtmf_statemachine(call, NULL);
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/settings.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/settings.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 15397fa..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/settings.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/networks.h>
-static char *layer2_socket_path = "/tmp/osmocom_l2";
-static char *sap_socket_path = "/tmp/osmocom_sap";
-int gsm_settings_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support;
- strcpy(set->layer2_socket_path, layer2_socket_path);
- strcpy(set->sap_socket_path, sap_socket_path);
- /* IMEI */
- sprintf(set->imei, "000000000000000");
- sprintf(set->imeisv, "0000000000000000");
- /* SIM type */
-#warning TODO: Enable after SIM reader is available in master branch.
-// set->sim_type = SIM_TYPE_READER;
- /* test SIM */
- strcpy(set->test_imsi, "001010000000000");
- set->test_rplmn_mcc = set->test_rplmn_mnc = 1;
- set->test_lac = 0x0000;
- set->test_tmsi = 0xffffffff;
- /* set all supported features */
- set->sms_ptp = sup->sms_ptp;
- set->a5_1 = sup->a5_1;
- set->a5_2 = sup->a5_2;
- set->a5_3 = sup->a5_3;
- set->a5_4 = sup->a5_4;
- set->a5_5 = sup->a5_5;
- set->a5_6 = sup->a5_6;
- set->a5_7 = sup->a5_7;
- set->p_gsm = sup->p_gsm;
- set->e_gsm = sup->e_gsm;
- set->r_gsm = sup->r_gsm;
- set->dcs = sup->dcs;
- set->class_900 = sup->class_900;
- set->class_dcs = sup->class_dcs;
- set->class_850 = sup->class_850;
- set->class_pcs = sup->class_pcs;
- set->class_400 = sup->class_400;
- set->full_v1 = sup->full_v1;
- set->full_v2 = sup->full_v2;
- set->full_v3 = sup->full_v3;
- set->half_v1 = sup->half_v1;
- set->half_v3 = sup->half_v3;
- set->ch_cap = sup->ch_cap;
- set->min_rxlev_db = sup->min_rxlev_db;
- set->dsc_max = sup->dsc_max;
- if (sup->half_v1 || sup->half_v3)
- set->half = 1;
- /* software features */
- set->cc_dtmf = 1;
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&set->abbrev);
- return 0;
-int gsm_settings_arfcn(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- int i;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- /* set supported frequencies */
- memset(set->freq_map, 0, sizeof(set->freq_map));
- if (set->p_gsm)
- for(i = 1; i <= 124; i++)
- set->freq_map[i >> 3] |= (1 << (i & 7));
- if (set->gsm_850)
- for(i = 128; i <= 251; i++)
- set->freq_map[i >> 3] |= (1 << (i & 7));
- if (set->gsm_450)
- for(i = 259; i <= 293; i++)
- set->freq_map[i >> 3] |= (1 << (i & 7));
- if (set->gsm_480)
- for(i = 306; i <= 340; i++)
- set->freq_map[i >> 3] |= (1 << (i & 7));
- if (set->dcs)
- for(i = 512; i <= 885; i++)
- set->freq_map[i >> 3] |= (1 << (i & 7));
- if (set->pcs)
- for(i = 1024; i <= 1024-512+810; i++)
- set->freq_map[i >> 3] |= (1 << (i & 7));
- if (set->e_gsm) {
- for(i = 975; i <= 1023; i++)
- set->freq_map[i >> 3] |= (1 << (i & 7));
- set->freq_map[0] |= 1;
- }
- if (set->r_gsm)
- for(i = 955; i <= 974; i++)
- set->freq_map[i >> 3] |= (1 << (i & 7));
- return 0;
-int gsm_settings_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm_settings_abbrev *abbrev;
- while (!llist_empty(&set->abbrev)) {
- abbrev = llist_entry(set->,
- struct gsm_settings_abbrev, list);
- llist_del(&abbrev->list);
- talloc_free(abbrev);
- }
- return 0;
-char *gsm_check_imei(const char *imei, const char *sv)
- int i;
- if (!imei || strlen(imei) != 15)
- return "IMEI must have 15 digits!";
- for (i = 0; i < strlen(imei); i++) {
- if (imei[i] < '0' || imei[i] > '9')
- return "IMEI must have digits 0 to 9 only!";
- }
- if (!sv || strlen(sv) != 1)
- return "Software version must have 1 digit!";
- if (sv[0] < '0' || sv[0] > '9')
- return "Software version must have digits 0 to 9 only!";
- return NULL;
-int gsm_random_imei(struct gsm_settings *set)
- int digits = set->imei_random;
- char rand[16];
- if (digits <= 0)
- return 0;
- if (digits > 15)
- digits = 15;
- sprintf(rand, "%08ld", random() % 100000000);
- sprintf(rand + 8, "%07ld", random() % 10000000);
- strcpy(set->imei + 15 - digits, rand + 15 - digits);
- strncpy(set->imeisv, set->imei, 15);
- return 0;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/subscriber.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/subscriber.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a2085a..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/subscriber.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1178 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/comp128.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/networks.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/vty.h>
-void *l23_ctx;
-static void subscr_sim_query_cb(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-static void subscr_sim_update_cb(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
-static void subscr_sim_key_cb(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg);
- * support
- */
-char *gsm_check_imsi(const char *imsi)
- int i;
- if (!imsi || strlen(imsi) != 15)
- return "IMSI must have 15 digits!";
- for (i = 0; i < strlen(imsi); i++) {
- if (imsi[i] < '0' || imsi[i] > '9')
- return "IMSI must have digits 0 to 9 only!";
- }
- return NULL;
-static char *sim_decode_bcd(uint8_t *data, uint8_t length)
- int i, j = 0;
- static char result[32], c;
- for (i = 0; i < (length << 1); i++) {
- if ((i & 1))
- c = (data[i >> 1] >> 4);
- else
- c = (data[i >> 1] & 0xf);
- if (c == 0xf)
- break;
- result[j++] = c + '0';
- if (j == sizeof(result) - 1)
- break;
- }
- result[j] = '\0';
- return result;
-static void xor96(uint8_t *ki, uint8_t *rand, uint8_t *sres, uint8_t *kc)
- int i;
- for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
- sres[i] = rand[i] ^ ki[i];
- for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
- kc[i] = rand[i] ^ ki[i+4];
- * init/exit
- */
-int gsm_subscr_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- memset(subscr, 0, sizeof(*subscr));
- subscr->ms = ms;
- /* set TMSI / LAC invalid */
- subscr->tmsi = 0xffffffff;
- subscr->lac = 0x0000;
- /* set key invalid */
- subscr->key_seq = 7;
- /* init lists */
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&subscr->plmn_list);
- INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&subscr->plmn_na);
- /* open SIM */
- subscr->sim_handle_query = sim_open(ms, subscr_sim_query_cb);
- subscr->sim_handle_update = sim_open(ms, subscr_sim_update_cb);
- subscr->sim_handle_key = sim_open(ms, subscr_sim_key_cb);
- return 0;
-int gsm_subscr_exit(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct llist_head *lh, *lh2;
- if (subscr->sim_handle_query) {
- sim_close(ms, subscr->sim_handle_query);
- subscr->sim_handle_query = 0;
- }
- if (subscr->sim_handle_update) {
- sim_close(ms, subscr->sim_handle_update);
- subscr->sim_handle_update = 0;
- }
- if (subscr->sim_handle_key) {
- sim_close(ms, subscr->sim_handle_key);
- subscr->sim_handle_key = 0;
- }
- /* flush lists */
- llist_for_each_safe(lh, lh2, &subscr->plmn_list) {
- llist_del(lh);
- talloc_free(lh);
- }
- llist_for_each_safe(lh, lh2, &subscr->plmn_na) {
- llist_del(lh);
- talloc_free(lh);
- }
- return 0;
- * test card
- */
-/* Attach test card, no SIM must be currently attached */
-int gsm_subscr_testcard(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint16_t mcc, uint16_t mnc,
- uint16_t lac, uint32_t tmsi)
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- char *error;
- if (subscr->sim_valid) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_ERROR, "Cannot insert card, until current card "
- "is detached.\n");
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- error = gsm_check_imsi(set->test_imsi);
- if (error) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_ERROR, "%s\n", error);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* reset subscriber */
- gsm_subscr_exit(ms);
- gsm_subscr_init(ms);
- subscr->sim_type = GSM_SIM_TYPE_TEST;
- sprintf(subscr->sim_name, "test");
- subscr->sim_valid = 1;
- subscr->ustate = GSM_SIM_U2_NOT_UPDATED;
- subscr->acc_barr = set->test_barr; /* we may access barred cell */
- subscr->acc_class = 0xffff; /* we have any access class */
- subscr->plmn_valid = set->test_rplmn_valid;
- subscr->plmn_mcc = mcc;
- subscr->plmn_mnc = mnc;
- subscr->mcc = mcc;
- subscr->mnc = mnc;
- subscr->lac = lac;
- subscr->tmsi = tmsi;
- subscr->always_search_hplmn = set->test_always;
- subscr->t6m_hplmn = 1; /* try to find home network every 6 min */
- strcpy(subscr->imsi, set->test_imsi);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) Inserting test card (IMSI=%s %s, %s)\n",
- ms->name, subscr->imsi, gsm_imsi_mcc(subscr->imsi),
- gsm_imsi_mnc(subscr->imsi));
- if (subscr->plmn_valid)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "-> Test card registered to %s %s 0x%04x"
- "(%s, %s)\n", gsm_print_mcc(mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(mnc), lac, gsm_get_mcc(mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(mcc, mnc));
- else
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "-> Test card not registered\n");
- /* insert card */
- nmsg = gsm48_mmr_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MMR_REG_REQ);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm48_mmr_downmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- * sim card
- */
-static int subscr_sim_iccid(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data,
- uint8_t length)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- strcpy(subscr->iccid, sim_decode_bcd(data, length));
- sprintf(subscr->sim_name, "sim-%s", subscr->iccid);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "received ICCID %s from SIM\n", subscr->iccid);
- return 0;
-static int subscr_sim_imsi(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data,
- uint8_t length)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- char *imsi;
- /* get actual length */
- if (length < 1)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (data[0] + 1 < length) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "invalid length = %d\n", length);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- length = data[0];
- /* decode IMSI, skip first digit (parity) */
- imsi = sim_decode_bcd(data + 1, length);
- if (strlen(imsi) - 1 > GSM_IMSI_LENGTH - 1 || strlen(imsi) - 1 < 6) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "IMSI invalid length = %d\n",
- strlen(imsi) - 1);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- strncpy(subscr->imsi, imsi + 1, sizeof(subscr->imsi) - 1);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "received IMSI %s from SIM\n", subscr->imsi);
- return 0;
-static int subscr_sim_loci(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data,
- uint8_t length)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm1111_ef_loci *loci;
- if (length < 11)
- return -EINVAL;
- loci = (struct gsm1111_ef_loci *) data;
- /* TMSI */
- subscr->tmsi = ntohl(loci->tmsi);
- /* LAI */
- gsm48_decode_lai(&loci->lai, &subscr->mcc, &subscr->mnc, &subscr->lac);
- /* location update status */
- switch (loci->lupd_status & 0x07) {
- case 0x00:
- subscr->ustate = GSM_SIM_U1_UPDATED;
- break;
- case 0x02:
- case 0x03:
- subscr->ustate = GSM_SIM_U3_ROAMING_NA;
- break;
- default:
- subscr->ustate = GSM_SIM_U2_NOT_UPDATED;
- }
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "received LOCI from SIM (mcc=%s mnc=%s lac=0x%04x "
- "U%d)\n", gsm_print_mcc(subscr->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(subscr->mnc), subscr->lac, subscr->ustate);
- return 0;
-static int subscr_sim_msisdn(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data,
- uint8_t length)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm1111_ef_adn *adn;
- if (length < sizeof(*adn))
- return -EINVAL;
- adn = (struct gsm1111_ef_adn *) (data + length - sizeof(*adn));
- /* empty */
- subscr->msisdn[0] = '\0';
- if (adn->len_bcd <= 1)
- return 0;
- /* number */
- if (adn->ton_npi == 1)
- strcpy(subscr->msisdn, "+");
- if (adn->ton_npi == 2)
- strcpy(subscr->msisdn, "0");
- strncat(subscr->msisdn, sim_decode_bcd(adn->number, adn->len_bcd - 1),
- sizeof(subscr->msisdn) - 2);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "received MSISDN %s from SIM\n", subscr->msisdn);
- return 0;
-static int subscr_sim_kc(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data,
- uint8_t length)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- if (length < 9)
- return -EINVAL;
- /* key */
- memcpy(subscr->key, data, 8);
- /* key sequence */
- subscr->key_seq = data[8] & 0x07;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "received KEY from SIM\n");
- return 0;
-static int subscr_sim_plmnsel(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data,
- uint8_t length)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm_sub_plmn_list *plmn;
- struct llist_head *lh, *lh2;
- uint8_t lai[5];
- uint16_t dummy_lac;
- /* flush list */
- llist_for_each_safe(lh, lh2, &subscr->plmn_list) {
- llist_del(lh);
- talloc_free(lh);
- }
- while(length >= 3) {
- /* end of list inside mandatory fields */
- if (data[0] == 0xff && data[1] == 0xff && data[2] == 0x0ff)
- break;
- /* add to list */
- plmn = talloc_zero(l23_ctx, struct gsm_sub_plmn_list);
- if (!plmn)
- return -ENOMEM;
- lai[0] = data[0];
- lai[1] = data[1];
- lai[2] = data[2];
- gsm48_decode_lai((struct gsm48_loc_area_id *)lai, &plmn->mcc,
- &plmn->mnc, &dummy_lac);
- llist_add_tail(&plmn->entry, &subscr->plmn_list);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "received PLMN selector (mcc=%s mnc=%s) "
- "from SIM\n",
- gsm_print_mcc(plmn->mcc), gsm_print_mnc(plmn->mnc));
- data += 3;
- length -= 3;
- }
- return 0;
-static int subscr_sim_hpplmn(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data,
- uint8_t length)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- if (length < 1)
- return -EINVAL;
- /* HPLMN search interval */
- subscr->t6m_hplmn = *data; /* multiple of 6 minutes */
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "received HPPLMN %d (%d mins) from SIM\n",
- subscr->t6m_hplmn, subscr->t6m_hplmn * 6);
- return 0;
-static int subscr_sim_spn(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data,
- uint8_t length)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- int i;
- /* UCS2 code not supported */
- if (length < 17 || data[1] >= 0x80)
- return -ENOTSUP;
- data++;
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- if (*data == 0xff)
- break;
- subscr->sim_spn[i] = *data++;
- }
- subscr->sim_spn[i] = '\0';
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "received SPN %s from SIM\n", subscr->sim_spn);
- return 0;
-static int subscr_sim_acc(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data,
- uint8_t length)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- uint16_t ac;
- if (length < 2)
- return -EINVAL;
- /* cell access */
- memcpy(&ac, data, sizeof(ac));
- subscr->acc_class = ntohs(ac);
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "received ACC %04x from SIM\n", subscr->acc_class);
- return 0;
-static int subscr_sim_fplmn(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data,
- uint8_t length)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm_sub_plmn_na *na;
- struct llist_head *lh, *lh2;
- uint8_t lai[5];
- uint16_t dummy_lac;
- /* flush list */
- llist_for_each_safe(lh, lh2, &subscr->plmn_na) {
- llist_del(lh);
- talloc_free(lh);
- }
- while (length >= 3) {
- /* end of list inside mandatory fields */
- if (data[0] == 0xff && data[1] == 0xff && data[2] == 0x0ff)
- break;
- /* add to list */
- na = talloc_zero(l23_ctx, struct gsm_sub_plmn_na);
- if (!na)
- return -ENOMEM;
- lai[0] = data[0];
- lai[1] = data[1];
- lai[2] = data[2];
- gsm48_decode_lai((struct gsm48_loc_area_id *)lai, &na->mcc,
- &na->mnc, &dummy_lac);
- na->cause = 0;
- llist_add_tail(&na->entry, &subscr->plmn_na);
- data += 3;
- length -= 3;
- }
- return 0;
-static struct subscr_sim_file {
- uint8_t mandatory;
- uint16_t path[MAX_SIM_PATH_LENGTH];
- uint16_t file;
- int (*func)(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t *data,
- uint8_t length);
-} subscr_sim_files[] = {
- { 1, { 0 }, 0x2fe2, subscr_sim_iccid },
- { 1, { 0x7f20, 0 }, 0x6f07, subscr_sim_imsi },
- { 1, { 0x7f20, 0 }, 0x6f7e, subscr_sim_loci },
- { 0, { 0x7f10, 0 }, 0x6f40, subscr_sim_msisdn },
- { 0, { 0x7f20, 0 }, 0x6f20, subscr_sim_kc },
- { 0, { 0x7f20, 0 }, 0x6f30, subscr_sim_plmnsel },
- { 0, { 0x7f20, 0 }, 0x6f31, subscr_sim_hpplmn },
- { 0, { 0x7f20, 0 }, 0x6f46, subscr_sim_spn },
- { 0, { 0x7f20, 0 }, 0x6f78, subscr_sim_acc },
- { 0, { 0x7f20, 0 }, 0x6f7b, subscr_sim_fplmn },
- { 0, { 0 }, 0, NULL }
-/* request file from SIM */
-static int subscr_sim_request(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct subscr_sim_file *sf = &subscr_sim_files[subscr->sim_file_index];
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct sim_hdr *nsh;
- int i;
- /* we are done, fire up PLMN and cell selection process */
- if (!sf->func) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) Done reading SIM card "
- "(IMSI=%s %s, %s)\n", ms->name, subscr->imsi,
- gsm_imsi_mcc(subscr->imsi), gsm_imsi_mnc(subscr->imsi));
- /* if LAI is valid, set RPLMN */
- if (subscr->lac > 0x0000 && subscr->lac < 0xfffe) {
- subscr->plmn_valid = 1;
- subscr->plmn_mcc = subscr->mcc;
- subscr->plmn_mnc = subscr->mnc;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "-> SIM card registered to %s %s "
- "(%s, %s)\n", gsm_print_mcc(subscr->plmn_mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(subscr->plmn_mnc),
- gsm_get_mcc(subscr->plmn_mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(subscr->plmn_mcc,
- subscr->plmn_mnc));
- } else
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "-> SIM card not registered\n");
- /* insert card */
- nmsg = gsm48_mmr_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MMR_REG_REQ);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm48_mmr_downmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* trigger SIM reading */
- nmsg = gsm_sim_msgb_alloc(subscr->sim_handle_query,
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nsh = (struct sim_hdr *) nmsg->data;
- i = 0;
- while (sf->path[i]) {
- nsh->path[i] = sf->path[i];
- i++;
- }
- nsh->path[i] = 0; /* end of path */
- nsh->file = sf->file;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Requesting SIM file 0x%04x\n", nsh->file);
- sim_job(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-static void subscr_sim_query_cb(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct sim_hdr *sh = (struct sim_hdr *) msg->data;
- uint8_t *payload = msg->data + sizeof(*sh);
- uint16_t payload_len = msg->len - sizeof(*sh);
- int rc;
- struct subscr_sim_file *sf = &subscr_sim_files[subscr->sim_file_index];
- /* error handling */
- if (sh->job_type == SIM_JOB_ERROR) {
- uint8_t cause = payload[0];
- switch (cause) {
- /* unlocking required */
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "PIN is required, %d tries left\n",
- payload[1]);
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "Please give PIN for ICCID %s (you have "
- "%d tries left)\n", subscr->iccid, payload[1]);
- subscr->sim_pin_required = 1;
- break;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "PIN is blocked\n");
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "PIN is blocked\n");
- if (payload[1]) {
- vty_notify(ms, "Please give PUC for ICCID %s "
- "(you have %d tries left)\n",
- subscr->iccid, payload[1]);
- }
- subscr->sim_pin_required = 1;
- break;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "PUC is blocked\n");
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "PUC is blocked\n");
- subscr->sim_pin_required = 1;
- break;
- default:
- if (sf->func && !sf->mandatory) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "SIM reading failed, "
- "ignoring!\n");
- goto ignore;
- }
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "SIM reading failed\n");
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "SIM failed, replace SIM!\n");
- }
- msgb_free(msg);
- return;
- }
- /* if pin was successfully unlocked, then resend request */
- if (subscr->sim_pin_required) {
- subscr->sim_pin_required = 0;
- subscr_sim_request(ms);
- return;
- }
- /* done when nothing more to read. this happens on PIN requests */
- if (!sf->func)
- return;
- /* call function do decode SIM reply */
- rc = sf->func(ms, payload, payload_len);
- if (rc) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "SIM reading failed, file invalid\n");
- if (subscr_sim_files[subscr->sim_file_index].mandatory) {
- vty_notify(ms, NULL);
- vty_notify(ms, "SIM failed, data invalid, replace "
- "SIM!\n");
- msgb_free(msg);
- return;
- }
- }
- msgb_free(msg);
- /* trigger next file */
- subscr->sim_file_index++;
- subscr_sim_request(ms);
-/* enter PIN */
-void gsm_subscr_sim_pin(struct osmocom_ms *ms, char *pin1, char *pin2,
- int8_t mode)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- uint8_t job;
- /* skip, if no real valid SIM */
- if (subscr->sim_type != GSM_SIM_TYPE_READER)
- return;
- switch (mode) {
- case -1:
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "disabling PIN %s\n", pin1);
- break;
- case 1:
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "enabling PIN %s\n", pin1);
- break;
- case 2:
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "changing PIN %s to %s\n", pin1, pin2);
- break;
- case 99:
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "unblocking PIN %s with PUC %s\n", pin1,
- pin2);
- break;
- default:
- if (!subscr->sim_pin_required) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_ERROR, "No PIN required now\n");
- return;
- }
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "entering PIN %s\n", pin1);
- }
- nmsg = gsm_sim_msgb_alloc(subscr->sim_handle_query, job);
- if (!nmsg)
- return;
- memcpy(msgb_put(nmsg, strlen(pin1) + 1), pin1, strlen(pin1) + 1);
- memcpy(msgb_put(nmsg, strlen(pin2) + 1), pin2, strlen(pin2) + 1);
- sim_job(ms, nmsg);
-/* Attach SIM reader, no SIM must be currently attached */
-int gsm_subscr_simcard(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- if (subscr->sim_valid) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_ERROR, "Cannot attach card, until current card "
- "is detached.\n");
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- /* reset subscriber */
- gsm_subscr_exit(ms);
- gsm_subscr_init(ms);
- subscr->sim_type = GSM_SIM_TYPE_READER;
- sprintf(subscr->sim_name, "sim");
- subscr->sim_valid = 1;
- subscr->ustate = GSM_SIM_U2_NOT_UPDATED;
- /* start with first index */
- subscr->sim_file_index = 0;
- return subscr_sim_request(ms);
-/* update plmn not allowed list on SIM */
-static int subscr_write_plmn_na(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct sim_hdr *nsh;
- struct gsm_sub_plmn_na *na, *nas[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
- int count = 0, i;
- uint8_t *data;
- uint8_t lai[5];
- /* skip, if no real valid SIM */
- if (subscr->sim_type != GSM_SIM_TYPE_READER || !subscr->sim_valid)
- return 0;
- /* get tail list from "PLMN not allowed" */
- llist_for_each_entry(na, &subscr->plmn_na, entry) {
- if (count < 4)
- nas[count] = na;
- else {
- nas[0] = nas[1];
- nas[1] = nas[2];
- nas[2] = nas[3];
- nas[3] = na;
- }
- count++;
- }
- /* write to SIM */
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Updating FPLMN on SIM\n");
- nmsg = gsm_sim_msgb_alloc(subscr->sim_handle_update,
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nsh = (struct sim_hdr *) nmsg->data;
- data = msgb_put(nmsg, 12);
- nsh->path[0] = 0x7f20;
- nsh->path[1] = 0;
- nsh->file = 0x6f7b;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (nas[i]) {
- gsm48_encode_lai((struct gsm48_loc_area_id *)lai,
- nas[i]->mcc, nas[i]->mnc, 0);
- *data++ = lai[0];
- *data++ = lai[1];
- *data++ = lai[2];
- } else {
- *data++ = 0xff;
- *data++ = 0xff;
- *data++ = 0xff;
- }
- }
- sim_job(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-/* update LOCI on SIM */
-int gsm_subscr_write_loci(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct sim_hdr *nsh;
- struct gsm1111_ef_loci *loci;
- /* skip, if no real valid SIM */
- if (subscr->sim_type != GSM_SIM_TYPE_READER || !subscr->sim_valid)
- return 0;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Updating LOCI on SIM\n");
- /* write to SIM */
- nmsg = gsm_sim_msgb_alloc(subscr->sim_handle_update,
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nsh = (struct sim_hdr *) nmsg->data;
- nsh->path[0] = 0x7f20;
- nsh->path[1] = 0;
- nsh->file = 0x6f7e;
- loci = (struct gsm1111_ef_loci *)msgb_put(nmsg, sizeof(*loci));
- /* TMSI */
- loci->tmsi = htonl(subscr->tmsi);
- /* LAI */
- gsm48_encode_lai(&loci->lai, subscr->mcc, subscr->mnc, subscr->lac);
- /* TMSI time */
- loci->tmsi_time = 0xff;
- /* location update status */
- switch (subscr->ustate) {
- loci->lupd_status = 0x00;
- break;
- loci->lupd_status = 0x03;
- break;
- default:
- loci->lupd_status = 0x01;
- }
- sim_job(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-static void subscr_sim_update_cb(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct sim_hdr *sh = (struct sim_hdr *) msg->data;
- uint8_t *payload = msg->data + sizeof(*sh);
- /* error handling */
- if (sh->job_type == SIM_JOB_ERROR)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "SIM update failed (cause %d)\n",
- *payload);
- msgb_free(msg);
-int gsm_subscr_generate_kc(struct osmocom_ms *ms, uint8_t key_seq,
- uint8_t *rand, uint8_t no_sim)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct sim_hdr *nsh;
- /* not a SIM */
- if ((subscr->sim_type != GSM_SIM_TYPE_READER
- && subscr->sim_type != GSM_SIM_TYPE_TEST)
- || !subscr->sim_valid || no_sim) {
- struct gsm48_mm_event *nmme;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Sending dummy authentication response\n");
- nmsg = gsm48_mmevent_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MM_EVENT_AUTH_RESPONSE);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nmme = (struct gsm48_mm_event *) nmsg->data;
- nmme->sres[0] = 0x12;
- nmme->sres[1] = 0x34;
- nmme->sres[2] = 0x56;
- nmme->sres[3] = 0x78;
- gsm48_mmevent_msg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- /* test SIM */
- if (subscr->sim_type == GSM_SIM_TYPE_TEST) {
- struct gsm48_mm_event *nmme;
- uint8_t sres[4];
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- if (set->test_ki_type == GSM_SIM_KEY_COMP128)
- comp128(set->test_ki, rand, sres, subscr->key);
- else
- xor96(set->test_ki, rand, sres, subscr->key);
- /* store sequence */
- subscr->key_seq = key_seq;
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Sending authentication response\n");
- nmsg = gsm48_mmevent_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MM_EVENT_AUTH_RESPONSE);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nmme = (struct gsm48_mm_event *) nmsg->data;
- memcpy(nmme->sres, sres, 4);
- gsm48_mmevent_msg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- }
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Generating KEY at SIM\n");
- /* command to SIM */
- nmsg = gsm_sim_msgb_alloc(subscr->sim_handle_key, SIM_JOB_RUN_GSM_ALGO);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nsh = (struct sim_hdr *) nmsg->data;
- nsh->path[0] = 0x7f20;
- nsh->path[1] = 0;
- /* random */
- memcpy(msgb_put(nmsg, 16), rand, 16);
- /* store sequence */
- subscr->key_seq = key_seq;
- sim_job(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
-static void subscr_sim_key_cb(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct msgb *msg)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct sim_hdr *sh = (struct sim_hdr *) msg->data;
- uint8_t *payload = msg->data + sizeof(*sh);
- uint16_t payload_len = msg->len - sizeof(*sh);
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct sim_hdr *nsh;
- struct gsm48_mm_event *nmme;
- uint8_t *data;
- /* error handling */
- if (sh->job_type == SIM_JOB_ERROR) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "key generation on SIM failed "
- "(cause %d)\n", *payload);
- msgb_free(msg);
- return;
- }
- if (payload_len < 12) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_NOTICE, "response from SIM too short\n");
- return;
- }
- /* store key */
- memcpy(subscr->key, payload + 4, 8);
- /* write to SIM */
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "Updating KC on SIM\n");
- nmsg = gsm_sim_msgb_alloc(subscr->sim_handle_update,
- if (!nmsg)
- return;
- nsh = (struct sim_hdr *) nmsg->data;
- nsh->path[0] = 0x7f20;
- nsh->path[1] = 0;
- nsh->file = 0x6f20;
- data = msgb_put(nmsg, 9);
- memcpy(data, subscr->key, 8);
- data[8] = subscr->key_seq;
- sim_job(ms, nmsg);
- /* return signed response */
- nmsg = gsm48_mmevent_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MM_EVENT_AUTH_RESPONSE);
- if (!nmsg)
- return;
- nmme = (struct gsm48_mm_event *) nmsg->data;
- memcpy(nmme->sres, payload, 4);
- gsm48_mmevent_msg(ms, nmsg);
- msgb_free(msg);
- * detach
- */
-/* Detach card */
-int gsm_subscr_remove(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- if (!subscr->sim_valid) {
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_ERROR, "Cannot remove card, no card present\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* remove card */
- nmsg = gsm48_mmr_msgb_alloc(GSM48_MMR_NREG_REQ);
- if (!nmsg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- gsm48_mmr_downmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return 0;
- * state and lists
- */
-static const char *subscr_ustate_names[] = {
- "U0_NULL",
-/* change to new U state */
-void new_sim_ustate(struct gsm_subscriber *subscr, int state)
- LOGP(DMM, LOGL_INFO, "(ms %s) new state %s -> %s\n", subscr->ms->name,
- subscr_ustate_names[subscr->ustate],
- subscr_ustate_names[state]);
- subscr->ustate = state;
-/* del forbidden PLMN */
-int gsm_subscr_del_forbidden_plmn(struct gsm_subscriber *subscr, uint16_t mcc,
- uint16_t mnc)
- struct gsm_sub_plmn_na *na;
- llist_for_each_entry(na, &subscr->plmn_na, entry) {
- if (na->mcc == mcc && na->mnc == mnc) {
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Delete from list of forbidden "
- "PLMNs (mcc=%s, mnc=%s)\n",
- gsm_print_mcc(mcc), gsm_print_mnc(mnc));
- llist_del(&na->entry);
- talloc_free(na);
- /* update plmn not allowed list on SIM */
- subscr_write_plmn_na(subscr->ms);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return -EINVAL;
-/* add forbidden PLMN */
-int gsm_subscr_add_forbidden_plmn(struct gsm_subscriber *subscr, uint16_t mcc,
- uint16_t mnc, uint8_t cause)
- struct gsm_sub_plmn_na *na;
- /* if already in the list, remove and add to tail */
- gsm_subscr_del_forbidden_plmn(subscr, mcc, mnc);
- LOGP(DPLMN, LOGL_INFO, "Add to list of forbidden PLMNs "
- "(mcc=%s, mnc=%s)\n", gsm_print_mcc(mcc), gsm_print_mnc(mnc));
- na = talloc_zero(l23_ctx, struct gsm_sub_plmn_na);
- if (!na)
- return -ENOMEM;
- na->mcc = mcc;
- na->mnc = mnc;
- na->cause = cause;
- llist_add_tail(&na->entry, &subscr->plmn_na);
- /* don't add Home PLMN to SIM */
- if (subscr->sim_valid && gsm_match_mnc(mcc, mnc, subscr->imsi))
- return -EINVAL;
- /* update plmn not allowed list on SIM */
- subscr_write_plmn_na(subscr->ms);
- return 0;
-/* search forbidden PLMN */
-int gsm_subscr_is_forbidden_plmn(struct gsm_subscriber *subscr, uint16_t mcc,
- uint16_t mnc)
- struct gsm_sub_plmn_na *na;
- llist_for_each_entry(na, &subscr->plmn_na, entry) {
- if (na->mcc == mcc && na->mnc == mnc)
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-int gsm_subscr_dump_forbidden_plmn(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- void (*print)(void *, const char *, ...), void *priv)
- struct gsm_subscriber *subscr = &ms->subscr;
- struct gsm_sub_plmn_na *temp;
- print(priv, "MCC |MNC |cause\n");
- print(priv, "-------+-------+-------\n");
- llist_for_each_entry(temp, &subscr->plmn_na, entry)
- print(priv, "%s |%s%s |#%d\n",
- gsm_print_mcc(temp->mcc), gsm_print_mnc(temp->mnc),
- ((temp->mnc & 0x00f) == 0x00f) ? " ":"", temp->cause);
- return 0;
-/* dump subscriber */
-void gsm_subscr_dump(struct gsm_subscriber *subscr,
- void (*print)(void *, const char *, ...), void *priv)
- int i;
- struct gsm_sub_plmn_list *plmn_list;
- struct gsm_sub_plmn_na *plmn_na;
- print(priv, "Mobile Subscriber of MS '%s':\n", subscr->ms->name);
- if (!subscr->sim_valid) {
- print(priv, " No SIM present.\n");
- return;
- }
- print(priv, " IMSI: %s\n", subscr->imsi);
- if (subscr->iccid[0])
- print(priv, " ICCID: %s\n", subscr->iccid);
- if (subscr->sim_spn[0])
- print(priv, " Service Provider Name: %s\n", subscr->sim_spn);
- if (subscr->msisdn[0])
- print(priv, " MSISDN: %s\n", subscr->msisdn);
- print(priv, " Status: %s IMSI %s", subscr_ustate_names[subscr->ustate],
- (subscr->imsi_attached) ? "attached" : "detached");
- if (subscr->tmsi != 0xffffffff)
- print(priv, " TSMI 0x%08x", subscr->tmsi);
- if (subscr->lac > 0x0000 && subscr->lac < 0xfffe) {
- print(priv, "\n");
- print(priv, " LAI: MCC %s MNC %s LAC 0x%04x "
- "(%s, %s)\n", gsm_print_mcc(subscr->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(subscr->mnc), subscr->lac,
- gsm_get_mcc(subscr->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(subscr->mcc, subscr->mnc));
- } else
- print(priv, " LAI: invalid\n");
- if (subscr->key_seq != 7) {
- print(priv, " Key: sequence %d ", subscr->key_seq);
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(subscr->key); i++)
- print(priv, " %02x", subscr->key[i]);
- print(priv, "\n");
- }
- if (subscr->plmn_valid)
- print(priv, " Registered PLMN: MCC %s MNC %s (%s, %s)\n",
- gsm_print_mcc(subscr->plmn_mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(subscr->plmn_mnc),
- gsm_get_mcc(subscr->plmn_mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(subscr->plmn_mcc, subscr->plmn_mnc));
- print(priv, " Access barred cells: %s\n",
- (subscr->acc_barr) ? "yes" : "no");
- print(priv, " Access classes:");
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- if ((subscr->acc_class & (1 << i)))
- print(priv, " C%d", i);
- print(priv, "\n");
- if (!llist_empty(&subscr->plmn_list)) {
- print(priv, " List of preferred PLMNs:\n");
- print(priv, " MCC |MNC\n");
- print(priv, " -------+-------\n");
- llist_for_each_entry(plmn_list, &subscr->plmn_list, entry)
- print(priv, " %s |%s (%s, %s)\n",
- gsm_print_mcc(plmn_list->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(plmn_list->mnc),
- gsm_get_mcc(plmn_list->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(plmn_list->mcc, plmn_list->mnc));
- }
- if (!llist_empty(&subscr->plmn_na)) {
- print(priv, " List of forbidden PLMNs:\n");
- print(priv, " MCC |MNC |cause\n");
- print(priv, " -------+-------+-------\n");
- llist_for_each_entry(plmn_na, &subscr->plmn_na, entry)
- print(priv, " %s |%s%s |#%d "
- "(%s, %s)\n", gsm_print_mcc(plmn_na->mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(plmn_na->mnc),
- ((plmn_na->mnc & 0x00f) == 0x00f) ? " ":"",
- plmn_na->cause, gsm_get_mcc(plmn_na->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(plmn_na->mcc, plmn_na->mnc));
- }
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/support.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/support.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d2947dc..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/support.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-void gsm_support_init(struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support;
- memset(sup, 0, sizeof(*sup));
- sup->ms = ms;
- /* controlled early classmark sending */
- sup->es_ind = 0; /* no */
- /* revision level */
- sup->rev_lev = 1; /* phase 2 mobile station */
- /* support of VGCS */
- sup->vgcs = 0; /* no */
- /* support of VBS */
- sup->vbs = 0; /* no */
- /* support of SMS */
- sup->sms_ptp = 1; /* yes */
- /* screening indicator */
- sup->ss_ind = 1; /* phase 2 error handling */
- /* pseudo synchronised capability */
- sup->ps_cap = 0; /* no */
- /* CM service prompt */
- sup->cmsp = 0; /* no */
- /* solsa support */
- sup->solsa = 0; /* no */
- /* location service support */
- sup->lcsva = 0; /* no */
- sup->loc_serv = 0; /* no */
- /* codec supprot */
- sup->a5_1 = 1;
- sup->a5_2 = 1;
- sup->a5_3 = 0;
- sup->a5_4 = 0;
- sup->a5_5 = 0;
- sup->a5_6 = 0;
- sup->a5_7 = 0;
- /* radio support */
- sup->p_gsm = 1; /* P-GSM */
- sup->e_gsm = 1; /* E-GSM */
- sup->r_gsm = 1; /* R-GSM */
- sup->dcs = 1;
- sup->gsm_850 = 1;
- sup->pcs = 1;
- sup->gsm_480 = 0;
- sup->gsm_450 = 0;
- /* rf power capability */
- sup->class_900 = 4; /* CLASS 4: Handheld 2W */
- sup->class_850 = 4;
- sup->class_400 = 4;
- sup->class_dcs = 1; /* CLASS 1: Handheld 1W */
- sup->class_pcs = 1;
- /* multi slot support */
- sup->ms_sup = 0; /* no */
- /* ucs2 treatment */
- sup->ucs2_treat = 0; /* default */
- /* support extended measurements */
- sup->ext_meas = 0; /* no */
- /* support switched measurement capability */
- sup->meas_cap = 0; /* no */
- //sup->sms_val = ;
- //sup->sm_val = ;
- /* radio */
- sup->ch_cap = GSM_CAP_SDCCH_TCHF_TCHH;
- sup->min_rxlev_db = -106; // TODO
- sup->sync_to = 6; /* how long to wait sync (0.9 s) */
- sup->scan_to = 4; /* how long to wait for all sysinfos (>=4 s) */
- sup->dsc_max = 90; /* the specs defines 90 */
- /* codec */
- sup->full_v1 = 1;
- sup->full_v2 = 1;
- sup->full_v3 = 0;
- sup->half_v1 = 1;
- sup->half_v3 = 0;
-/* (3.2.1) maximum channels to scan within each band */
-struct gsm_support_scan_max gsm_sup_smax[] = {
- { 259, 293, 15, 0 }, /* GSM 450 */
- { 306, 340, 15, 0 }, /* GSM 480 */
- { 438, 511, 25, 0 },
- { 128, 251, 30, 0 }, /* GSM 850 */
- { 955, 124, 30, 0 }, /* P,E,R GSM */
- { 512, 885, 40, 0 }, /* DCS 1800 */
- { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-#define SUP_SET(item) \
- ((sup->item) ? ((set->item) ? "yes" : "disabled") : "no")
-/* dump support */
-void gsm_support_dump(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- void (*print)(void *, const char *, ...), void *priv)
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- print(priv, "Supported features of MS '%s':\n", sup->ms->name);
- print(priv, " Phase %d mobile station\n", sup->rev_lev + 1);
- print(priv, " R-GSM : %s\n", SUP_SET(r_gsm));
- print(priv, " E-GSM : %s\n", SUP_SET(e_gsm));
- print(priv, " P-GSM : %s\n", SUP_SET(p_gsm));
- if (set->r_gsm || set->e_gsm || set->p_gsm)
- print(priv, " GSM900 Class : %d\n", set->class_900);
- print(priv, " DCS 1800 : %s\n", SUP_SET(dcs));
- if (set->dcs)
- print(priv, " DCS Class : %d\n", set->class_dcs);
- print(priv, " GSM 850 : %s\n", SUP_SET(gsm_850));
- if (set->gsm_850)
- print(priv, " GSM 850 Class: %d\n", set->class_850);
- print(priv, " PCS 1900 : %s\n", SUP_SET(pcs));
- if (set->pcs)
- print(priv, " PCS Class : %d\n", set->class_pcs);
- print(priv, " GSM 480 : %s\n", SUP_SET(gsm_480));
- print(priv, " GSM 450 : %s\n", SUP_SET(gsm_450));
- if (set->gsm_480 | set->gsm_450)
- print(priv, " GSM 400 Class: %d\n", set->class_400);
- print(priv, " CECS : %s\n", (sup->es_ind) ? "yes" : "no");
- print(priv, " VGCS : %s\n", (sup->vgcs) ? "yes" : "no");
- print(priv, " VBS : %s\n", (sup->vbs) ? "yes" : "no");
- print(priv, " SMS : %s\n", SUP_SET(sms_ptp));
- print(priv, " SS_IND : %s\n", (sup->ss_ind) ? "yes" : "no");
- print(priv, " PS_CAP : %s\n", (sup->ps_cap) ? "yes" : "no");
- print(priv, " CMSP : %s\n", (sup->cmsp) ? "yes" : "no");
- print(priv, " SoLSA : %s\n", (sup->solsa) ? "yes" : "no");
- print(priv, " LCSVA : %s\n", (sup->lcsva) ? "yes" : "no");
- print(priv, " LOC_SERV : %s\n", (sup->loc_serv) ? "yes" : "no");
- print(priv, " A5/1 : %s\n", SUP_SET(a5_1));
- print(priv, " A5/2 : %s\n", SUP_SET(a5_2));
- print(priv, " A5/3 : %s\n", SUP_SET(a5_3));
- print(priv, " A5/4 : %s\n", SUP_SET(a5_4));
- print(priv, " A5/5 : %s\n", SUP_SET(a5_5));
- print(priv, " A5/6 : %s\n", SUP_SET(a5_6));
- print(priv, " A5/7 : %s\n", SUP_SET(a5_7));
- print(priv, " A5/1 : %s\n", SUP_SET(a5_1));
- switch (set->ch_cap) {
- print(priv, " Channels : SDCCH only\n");
- break;
- print(priv, " Channels : SDCCH + TCH/F\n");
- break;
- print(priv, " Channels : SDCCH + TCH/F + TCH/H\n");
- break;
- }
- print(priv, " Full-Rate V1 : %s\n", SUP_SET(full_v1));
- print(priv, " Full-Rate V2 : %s\n", SUP_SET(full_v2));
- print(priv, " Full-Rate V3 : %s\n", SUP_SET(full_v3));
- print(priv, " Half-Rate V1 : %s\n", SUP_SET(half_v1));
- print(priv, " Half-Rate V3 : %s\n", SUP_SET(half_v3));
- print(priv, " Min RXLEV : %d\n", set->min_rxlev_db);
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/transaction.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/transaction.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b66050..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/transaction.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-/* GSM 04.07 Transaction handling */
-/* (C) 2009 by Harald Welte <>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/timer.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/logging.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/mncc.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/transaction.h>
-extern void *l23_ctx;
-void _gsm48_cc_trans_free(struct gsm_trans *trans);
-struct gsm_trans *trans_find_by_id(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- uint8_t proto, uint8_t trans_id)
- struct gsm_trans *trans;
- llist_for_each_entry(trans, &ms->trans_list, entry) {
- if (trans->protocol == proto &&
- trans->transaction_id == trans_id)
- return trans;
- }
- return NULL;
-struct gsm_trans *trans_find_by_callref(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- uint32_t callref)
- struct gsm_trans *trans;
- llist_for_each_entry(trans, &ms->trans_list, entry) {
- if (trans->callref == callref)
- return trans;
- }
- return NULL;
-struct gsm_trans *trans_alloc(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- uint8_t protocol, uint8_t trans_id,
- uint32_t callref)
- struct gsm_trans *trans;
- trans = talloc_zero(l23_ctx, struct gsm_trans);
- if (!trans)
- return NULL;
- DEBUGP(DCC, "ms %s allocates transaction (proto %d trans_id %d "
- "callref %x mem %p)\n", ms->name, protocol, trans_id, callref,
- trans);
- trans->ms = ms;
- trans->protocol = protocol;
- trans->transaction_id = trans_id;
- trans->callref = callref;
- llist_add_tail(&trans->entry, &ms->trans_list);
- return trans;
-void trans_free(struct gsm_trans *trans)
- switch (trans->protocol) {
- case GSM48_PDISC_CC:
- _gsm48_cc_trans_free(trans);
- break;
-#if 0
- case GSM48_PDISC_SS:
- _gsm411_ss_trans_free(trans);
- break;
- case GSM48_PDISC_SMS:
- _gsm411_sms_trans_free(trans);
- break;
- }
- DEBUGP(DCC, "ms %s frees transaction (mem %p)\n", trans->ms->name,
- trans);
- llist_del(&trans->entry);
- talloc_free(trans);
-/* allocate an unused transaction ID
- * in the given protocol using the ti_flag specified */
-int trans_assign_trans_id(struct osmocom_ms *ms,
- uint8_t protocol, uint8_t ti_flag)
- struct gsm_trans *trans;
- unsigned int used_tid_bitmask = 0;
- int i, j, h;
- if (ti_flag)
- ti_flag = 0x8;
- /* generate bitmask of already-used TIDs for this (proto) */
- llist_for_each_entry(trans, &ms->trans_list, entry) {
- if (trans->protocol != protocol ||
- trans->transaction_id == 0xff)
- continue;
- used_tid_bitmask |= (1 << trans->transaction_id);
- }
- /* find a new one, trying to go in a 'circular' pattern */
- for (h = 6; h > 0; h--)
- if (used_tid_bitmask & (1 << (h | ti_flag)))
- break;
- for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
- j = ((h + i) % 7) | ti_flag;
- if ((used_tid_bitmask & (1 << j)) == 0)
- return j;
- }
- return -1;
diff --git a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/vty_interface.c b/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/vty_interface.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0614c6f..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23/src/mobile/vty_interface.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2572 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2010 by Andreas Eversberg <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
-#include <osmocom/gsm/gsm48.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
-#include <osmocom/core/signal.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/osmocom_data.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/networks.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/common/gps.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/mncc.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/transaction.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/vty.h>
-#include <osmocom/bb/mobile/app_mobile.h>
-#include <osmocom/vty/telnet_interface.h>
-void *l23_ctx;
-int mncc_call(struct osmocom_ms *ms, char *number);
-int mncc_hangup(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int mncc_answer(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int mncc_hold(struct osmocom_ms *ms);
-int mncc_retrieve(struct osmocom_ms *ms, int number);
-int mncc_dtmf(struct osmocom_ms *ms, char *dtmf);
-extern struct llist_head ms_list;
-extern struct llist_head active_connections;
-struct cmd_node ms_node = {
- "%s(ms)#",
- 1
-struct cmd_node testsim_node = {
- "%s(test-sim)#",
- 1
-struct cmd_node support_node = {
- "%s(support)#",
- 1
-static void print_vty(void *priv, const char *fmt, ...)
- char buffer[1000];
- struct vty *vty = priv;
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, fmt);
- vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, fmt, args);
- buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
- va_end(args);
- if (buffer[0]) {
- if (buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] == '\n') {
- buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
- vty_out(vty, "%s%s", buffer, VTY_NEWLINE);
- } else
- vty_out(vty, "%s", buffer);
- }
-int vty_check_number(struct vty *vty, const char *number)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < strlen(number); i++) {
- /* allow international notation with + */
- if (i == 0 && number[i] == '+')
- continue;
- if (!(number[i] >= '0' && number[i] <= '9')
- && number[i] != '*'
- && number[i] != '#'
- && !(number[i] >= 'a' && number[i] <= 'c')) {
- vty_out(vty, "Invalid digit '%c' of number!%s",
- number[i], VTY_NEWLINE);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- }
- if (number[0] == '\0' || (number[0] == '+' && number[1] == '\0')) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given number has no digits!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- return 0;
-int vty_reading = 0;
-static void vty_restart(struct vty *vty, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- if (vty_reading)
- return;
- if (ms->shutdown != 0)
- return;
- vty_out(vty, "You must restart MS '%s' ('shutdown / no shutdown') for "
- "change to take effect!%s", ms->name, VTY_NEWLINE);
-static struct osmocom_ms *get_ms(const char *name, struct vty *vty)
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- llist_for_each_entry(ms, &ms_list, entity) {
- if (!strcmp(ms->name, name)) {
- if (ms->shutdown) {
- vty_out(vty, "MS '%s' is admin down.%s", name,
- return NULL;
- }
- return ms;
- }
- }
- vty_out(vty, "MS name '%s' does not exits.%s", name, VTY_NEWLINE);
- return NULL;
-static void gsm_ms_dump(struct osmocom_ms *ms, struct vty *vty)
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm_trans *trans;
- char *service = "";
- if (!ms->started)
- service = ", radio is not started";
- else if (ms->mmlayer.state == GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE) {
- /* current MM idle state */
- switch (ms->mmlayer.substate) {
- service = ", service is normal";
- break;
- service = ", service is limited (pending)";
- break;
- service = ", service is unavailable";
- break;
- default:
- if (ms->subscr.sim_valid)
- service = ", service is limited";
- else
- service = ", service is limited "
- "(IMSI detached)";
- break;
- }
- } else
- service = ", MM connection active";
- vty_out(vty, "MS '%s' is %s%s%s%s", ms->name,
- (ms->shutdown) ? "administratively " : "",
- (ms->shutdown || !ms->started) ? "down" : "up",
- (!ms->shutdown) ? service : "",
- vty_out(vty, " IMEI: %s%s", set->imei, VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, " IMEISV: %s%s", set->imeisv, VTY_NEWLINE);
- if (set->imei_random)
- vty_out(vty, " IMEI generation: random (%d trailing "
- "digits)%s", set->imei_random, VTY_NEWLINE);
- else
- vty_out(vty, " IMEI generation: fixed%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- if (ms->shutdown)
- return;
- if (set->plmn_mode == PLMN_MODE_AUTO)
- vty_out(vty, " automatic network selection state: %s%s",
- plmn_a_state_names[ms->plmn.state], VTY_NEWLINE);
- else
- vty_out(vty, " manual network selection state: %s%s",
- plmn_m_state_names[ms->plmn.state], VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, " cell selection state: %s",
- cs_state_names[ms->cellsel.state]);
- if (ms->rrlayer.state == GSM48_RR_ST_IDLE && ms->cellsel.selected)
- vty_out(vty, " (ARFCN %s)",
- gsm_print_arfcn(ms->cellsel.sel_arfcn));
- vty_out(vty, "%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, " radio ressource layer state: %s%s",
- gsm48_rr_state_names[ms->rrlayer.state], VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, " mobility management layer state: %s",
- gsm48_mm_state_names[ms->mmlayer.state]);
- if (ms->mmlayer.state == GSM48_MM_ST_MM_IDLE)
- vty_out(vty, ", %s",
- gsm48_mm_substate_names[ms->mmlayer.substate]);
- vty_out(vty, "%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- llist_for_each_entry(trans, &ms->trans_list, entry) {
- vty_out(vty, " call control state: %s%s",
- gsm48_cc_state_name(trans->cc.state), VTY_NEWLINE);
- }
-DEFUN(show_ms, show_ms_cmd, "show ms [MS_NAME]",
- SHOW_STR "Display available MS entities\n")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- if (argc) {
- llist_for_each_entry(ms, &ms_list, entity) {
- if (!strcmp(ms->name, argv[0])) {
- gsm_ms_dump(ms, vty);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
- }
- }
- vty_out(vty, "MS name '%s' does not exits.%s", argv[0],
- return CMD_WARNING;
- } else {
- llist_for_each_entry(ms, &ms_list, entity) {
- gsm_ms_dump(ms, vty);
- vty_out(vty, "%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- }
- }
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(show_support, show_support_cmd, "show support [MS_NAME]",
- SHOW_STR "Display information about MS support\n"
- "Name of MS (see \"show ms\")")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- if (argc) {
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- gsm_support_dump(ms, print_vty, vty);
- } else {
- llist_for_each_entry(ms, &ms_list, entity) {
- gsm_support_dump(ms, print_vty, vty);
- vty_out(vty, "%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- }
- }
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(show_subscr, show_subscr_cmd, "show subscriber [MS_NAME]",
- SHOW_STR "Display information about subscriber\n"
- "Name of MS (see \"show ms\")")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- if (argc) {
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- gsm_subscr_dump(&ms->subscr, print_vty, vty);
- } else {
- llist_for_each_entry(ms, &ms_list, entity) {
- if (!ms->shutdown) {
- gsm_subscr_dump(&ms->subscr, print_vty, vty);
- vty_out(vty, "%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- }
- }
- }
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(show_cell, show_cell_cmd, "show cell MS_NAME",
- SHOW_STR "Display information about received cells\n"
- "Name of MS (see \"show ms\")")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- gsm322_dump_cs_list(&ms->cellsel, GSM322_CS_FLAG_SYSINFO, print_vty,
- vty);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(show_cell_si, show_cell_si_cmd, "show cell MS_NAME <0-1023> [pcs]",
- SHOW_STR "Display information about received cell\n"
- "Name of MS (see \"show ms\")\nRadio frequency number\n"
- "Given frequency is PCS band (1900) rather than DCS band.")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- struct gsm48_sysinfo *s;
- uint16_t arfcn = atoi(argv[1]);
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- if (argc > 2) {
- if (arfcn < 512 || arfcn > 810) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given ARFCN not in PCS band%s",
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- arfcn |= ARFCN_PCS;
- }
- s = ms->cellsel.list[arfcn2index(arfcn)].sysinfo;
- if (!s) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given ARFCN '%s' has no sysinfo available%s",
- argv[1], VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
- }
- gsm48_sysinfo_dump(s, arfcn, print_vty, vty, ms->settings.freq_map);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(show_ba, show_ba_cmd, "show ba MS_NAME [MCC] [MNC]",
- SHOW_STR "Display information about band allocations\n"
- "Name of MS (see \"show ms\")\nMobile Country Code\n"
- "Mobile Network Code")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- uint16_t mcc = 0, mnc = 0;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- if (argc >= 3) {
- mcc = gsm_input_mcc((char *)argv[1]);
- mnc = gsm_input_mnc((char *)argv[2]);
- if (!mcc) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given MCC invalid%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- if (!mnc) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given MNC invalid%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- }
- gsm322_dump_ba_list(&ms->cellsel, mcc, mnc, print_vty, vty);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(show_forb_plmn, show_forb_plmn_cmd, "show forbidden plmn MS_NAME",
- SHOW_STR "Display information about forbidden cells / networks\n"
- "Display forbidden PLMNs\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- gsm_subscr_dump_forbidden_plmn(ms, print_vty, vty);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(show_forb_la, show_forb_la_cmd, "show forbidden location-area MS_NAME",
- SHOW_STR "Display information about forbidden cells / networks\n"
- "Display forbidden location areas\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- gsm322_dump_forbidden_la(ms, print_vty, vty);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(monitor_network, monitor_network_cmd, "monitor network MS_NAME",
- "Monitor...\nMonitor network information\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- gsm48_rr_start_monitor(ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(no_monitor_network, no_monitor_network_cmd, "no monitor network MS_NAME",
- NO_STR "Monitor...\nDeactivate monitor of network information\n"
- "Name of MS (see \"show ms\")")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- gsm48_rr_stop_monitor(ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(sim_test, sim_test_cmd, "sim testcard MS_NAME [MCC] [MNC] [LAC] [TMSI]",
- "SIM actions\nInsert test card\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")\n"
- "Mobile Country Code of RPLMN\nMobile Network Code of RPLMN\n"
- "Optionally locatio area code\nOptionally current assigned TMSI")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- uint16_t mcc = 0x001, mnc = 0x01f, lac = 0x0000;
- uint32_t tmsi = 0xffffffff;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- if (ms->subscr.sim_valid) {
- vty_out(vty, "SIM already presend, remove first!%s",
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- if (argc >= 3) {
- mcc = gsm_input_mcc((char *)argv[1]);
- mnc = gsm_input_mnc((char *)argv[2]);
- if (!mcc) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given MCC invalid%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- if (!mnc) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given MNC invalid%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- }
- if (argc >= 4)
- lac = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 16);
- if (argc >= 5)
- tmsi = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 16);
- gsm_subscr_testcard(ms, mcc, mnc, lac, tmsi);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(sim_reader, sim_reader_cmd, "sim reader MS_NAME",
- "SIM actions\nSelect SIM from reader\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- if (ms->subscr.sim_valid) {
- vty_out(vty, "SIM already presend, remove first!%s",
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- gsm_subscr_simcard(ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(sim_remove, sim_remove_cmd, "sim remove MS_NAME",
- "SIM actions\nRemove SIM card\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- if (!ms->subscr.sim_valid) {
- vty_out(vty, "No Sim inserted!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- gsm_subscr_remove(ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(sim_pin, sim_pin_cmd, "sim pin MS_NAME PIN",
- "SIM actions\nEnter PIN for SIM card\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")\n"
- "PIN number")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- if (strlen(argv[1]) < 4 || strlen(argv[1]) > 8) {
- vty_out(vty, "PIN must be in range 4..8!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- if (!ms->subscr.sim_pin_required) {
- vty_out(vty, "No PIN is required at this time!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- gsm_subscr_sim_pin(ms, (char *)argv[1], "", 0);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(sim_disable_pin, sim_disable_pin_cmd, "sim disable-pin MS_NAME PIN",
- "SIM actions\nDisable PIN of SIM card\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")\n"
- "PIN number")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- if (strlen(argv[1]) < 4 || strlen(argv[1]) > 8) {
- vty_out(vty, "PIN must be in range 4..8!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- gsm_subscr_sim_pin(ms, (char *)argv[1], "", -1);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(sim_enable_pin, sim_enable_pin_cmd, "sim enable-pin MS_NAME PIN",
- "SIM actions\nEnable PIN of SIM card\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")\n"
- "PIN number")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- if (strlen(argv[1]) < 4 || strlen(argv[1]) > 8) {
- vty_out(vty, "PIN must be in range 4..8!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- gsm_subscr_sim_pin(ms, (char *)argv[1], "", 1);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(sim_change_pin, sim_change_pin_cmd, "sim change-pin MS_NAME OLD NEW",
- "SIM actions\nChange PIN of SIM card\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")\n"
- "Old PIN number\nNew PIN number")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- if (strlen(argv[1]) < 4 || strlen(argv[1]) > 8) {
- vty_out(vty, "Old PIN must be in range 4..8!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- if (strlen(argv[2]) < 4 || strlen(argv[2]) > 8) {
- vty_out(vty, "New PIN must be in range 4..8!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- gsm_subscr_sim_pin(ms, (char *)argv[1], (char *)argv[2], 2);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(sim_unblock_pin, sim_unblock_pin_cmd, "sim unblock-pin MS_NAME PUC NEW",
- "SIM actions\nChange PIN of SIM card\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")\n"
- "Personal Unblock Key\nNew PIN number")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- if (strlen(argv[1]) != 8) {
- vty_out(vty, "PUC must be 8 digits!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- if (strlen(argv[2]) < 4 || strlen(argv[2]) > 8) {
- vty_out(vty, "PIN must be in range 4..8!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- gsm_subscr_sim_pin(ms, (char *)argv[1], (char *)argv[2], 99);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(sim_lai, sim_lai_cmd, "sim lai MS_NAME MCC MNC LAC",
- "SIM actions\nChange LAI of SIM card\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")\n"
- "Mobile Country Code\nMobile Network Code\nLocation Area Code "
- " (use 0000 to remove LAI)")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- uint16_t mcc = gsm_input_mcc((char *)argv[1]),
- mnc = gsm_input_mnc((char *)argv[2]),
- lac = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 16);
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- if (!mcc) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given MCC invalid%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- if (!mnc) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given MNC invalid%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- ms->subscr.mcc = mcc;
- ms->subscr.mnc = mnc;
- ms->subscr.lac = lac;
- ms->subscr.tmsi = 0xffffffff;
- gsm_subscr_write_loci(ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(network_select, network_select_cmd, "network select MS_NAME MCC MNC",
- "Select ...\nSelect Network\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")\n"
- "Mobile Country Code\nMobile Network Code")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- struct gsm322_msg *ngm;
- struct gsm322_plmn_list *temp;
- uint16_t mcc = gsm_input_mcc((char *)argv[1]),
- mnc = gsm_input_mnc((char *)argv[2]);
- int found = 0;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- plmn = &ms->plmn;
- if (!mcc) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given MCC invalid%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- if (!mnc) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given MNC invalid%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- llist_for_each_entry(temp, &plmn->sorted_plmn, entry)
- if (temp->mcc == mcc && temp->mnc == mnc)
- found = 1;
- if (!found) {
- vty_out(vty, "Network not in list!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_CHOOSE_PLMN);
- if (!nmsg)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- ngm = (struct gsm322_msg *) nmsg->data;
- ngm->mcc = mcc;
- ngm->mnc = mnc;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(call, call_cmd, "call MS_NAME (NUMBER|emergency|answer|hangup|hold)",
- "Make a call\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")\nPhone number to call "
- "(Use digits '0123456789*#abc', and '+' to dial international)\n"
- "Make an emergency call\nAnswer an incomming call\nHangup a call\n"
- "Hold current active call\n")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- struct gsm_settings *set;
- struct gsm_settings_abbrev *abbrev;
- char *number;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- set = &ms->settings;
- if (set->ch_cap == GSM_CAP_SDCCH) {
- vty_out(vty, "Basic call is not supported for SDCCH only "
- "mobile%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- number = (char *)argv[1];
- if (!strcmp(number, "emergency"))
- mncc_call(ms, number);
- else if (!strcmp(number, "answer"))
- mncc_answer(ms);
- else if (!strcmp(number, "hangup"))
- mncc_hangup(ms);
- else if (!strcmp(number, "hold"))
- mncc_hold(ms);
- else {
- llist_for_each_entry(abbrev, &set->abbrev, list) {
- if (!strcmp(number, abbrev->abbrev)) {
- number = abbrev->number;
- vty_out(vty, "Dialing number '%s'%s", number,
- break;
- }
- }
- if (vty_check_number(vty, number))
- return CMD_WARNING;
- mncc_call(ms, number);
- }
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(call_retr, call_retr_cmd, "call MS_NAME retrieve [NUMBER]",
- "Make a call\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")\n"
- "Retrieve call on hold\nNumber of call to retrieve")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- mncc_retrieve(ms, (argc > 1) ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(call_dtmf, call_dtmf_cmd, "call MS_NAME dtmf DIGITS",
- "Make a call\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")\n"
- "One or more DTMF digits to transmit")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- struct gsm_settings *set;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- set = &ms->settings;
- if (!set->cc_dtmf) {
- vty_out(vty, "DTMF not supported, please enable!%s",
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- mncc_dtmf(ms, (char *)argv[1]);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(network_show, network_show_cmd, "network show MS_NAME",
- "Network ...\nShow results of network search (again)\n"
- "Name of MS (see \"show ms\")")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- struct gsm_settings *set;
- struct gsm322_plmn *plmn;
- struct gsm322_plmn_list *temp;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- set = &ms->settings;
- plmn = &ms->plmn;
- if (set->plmn_mode != PLMN_MODE_AUTO
- && plmn->state != GSM322_M3_NOT_ON_PLMN) {
- vty_out(vty, "Start network search first!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- llist_for_each_entry(temp, &plmn->sorted_plmn, entry)
- vty_out(vty, " Network %s, %s (%s, %s)%s",
- gsm_print_mcc(temp->mcc), gsm_print_mnc(temp->mnc),
- gsm_get_mcc(temp->mcc),
- gsm_get_mnc(temp->mcc, temp->mnc), VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(network_search, network_search_cmd, "network search MS_NAME",
- "Network ...\nTrigger network search\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- ms = get_ms(argv[0], vty);
- if (!ms)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_USER_RESEL);
- if (!nmsg)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_gps_enable, cfg_gps_enable_cmd, "gps enable",
- "GPS receiver")
- if (osmo_gps_open()) {
- g.enable = 1;
- vty_out(vty, "Failed to open GPS device!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- g.enable = 1;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_no_gps_enable, cfg_no_gps_enable_cmd, "no gps enable",
- NO_STR "Disable GPS receiver")
- if (g.enable)
- osmo_gps_close();
- g.enable = 0;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#ifdef _HAVE_GPSD
-DEFUN(cfg_gps_host, cfg_gps_host_cmd, "gps host HOST:PORT",
- "GPS receiver\nSelect gpsd host and port\n"
- "IP and port (optional) of the host running gpsd")
- char* colon = strstr(argv[0], ":");
- if (colon != NULL) {
- memcpy(g.gpsd_host, argv[0], colon - argv[0] - 1);
- g.gpsd_host[colon - argv[0]] = '\0';
- memcpy(g.gpsd_port, colon, strlen(colon));
- g.gpsd_port[strlen(colon)] = '\0';
- } else {
- snprintf(g.gpsd_host, ARRAY_SIZE(g.gpsd_host), "%s", argv[0]);
- g.gpsd_host[ARRAY_SIZE(g.gpsd_host) - 1] = '\0';
- snprintf(g.gpsd_port, ARRAY_SIZE(g.gpsd_port), "2947");
- g.gpsd_port[ARRAY_SIZE(g.gpsd_port) - 1] = '\0';
- }
- g.gps_type = GPS_TYPE_GPSD;
- if (g.enable) {
- osmo_gps_close();
- if (osmo_gps_open()) {
- vty_out(vty, "Failed to connect to gpsd host!%s",
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- }
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_gps_device, cfg_gps_device_cmd, "gps device DEVICE",
- "GPS receiver\nSelect serial device\n"
- "Full path of serial device including /dev/")
- strncpy(g.device, argv[0], sizeof(g.device));
- g.device[sizeof(g.device) - 1] = '\0';
- g.gps_type = GPS_TYPE_SERIAL;
- if (g.enable) {
- osmo_gps_close();
- if (osmo_gps_open()) {
- vty_out(vty, "Failed to open GPS device!%s",
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- }
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_gps_baud, cfg_gps_baud_cmd, "gps baudrate "
- "(default|4800|""9600|19200|38400|57600|115200)",
- "GPS receiver\nSelect baud rate\nDefault, don't modify\n\n\n\n\n\n")
- if (argv[0][0] == 'd')
- g.baud = 0;
- else
- g.baud = atoi(argv[0]);
- if (g.enable) {
- osmo_gps_close();
- if (osmo_gps_open()) {
- g.enable = 0;
- vty_out(vty, "Failed to open GPS device!%s",
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- }
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-/* per MS config */
-DEFUN(cfg_ms, cfg_ms_cmd, "ms MS_NAME",
- "Select a mobile station to configure\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- int found = 0;
- llist_for_each_entry(ms, &ms_list, entity) {
- if (!strcmp(ms->name, argv[0])) {
- found = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- if (!vty_reading) {
- vty_out(vty, "MS name '%s' does not exits, try "
- "'ms %s create'%s", argv[0], argv[0],
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- ms = mobile_new((char *)argv[0]);
- if (!ms) {
- vty_out(vty, "Failed to add MS name '%s'%s", argv[0],
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- }
- vty->index = ms;
- vty->node = MS_NODE;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_create, cfg_ms_create_cmd, "ms MS_NAME create",
- "Select a mobile station to configure\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")\n"
- "Create if MS does not exists")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- int found = 0;
- llist_for_each_entry(ms, &ms_list, entity) {
- if (!strcmp(ms->name, argv[0])) {
- found = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- ms = mobile_new((char *)argv[0]);
- if (!ms) {
- vty_out(vty, "Failed to add MS name '%s'%s", argv[0],
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- }
- vty->index = ms;
- vty->node = MS_NODE;
- vty_out(vty, "MS '%s' created, after configuration, do 'no shutdown'%s",
- argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_rename, cfg_ms_rename_cmd, "ms MS_NAME rename MS_NAME",
- "Select a mobile station to configure\nName of MS (see \"show ms\")\n"
- "Rename MS\nNew name of MS")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- int found = 0;
- llist_for_each_entry(ms, &ms_list, entity) {
- if (!strcmp(ms->name, argv[0])) {
- found = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- vty_out(vty, "MS name '%s' does not exist%s", argv[0],
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- strncpy(ms->name, argv[1], sizeof(ms->name) - 1);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_no_ms, cfg_no_ms_cmd, "no ms MS_NAME",
- NO_STR "Select a mobile station to remove\n"
- "Name of MS (see \"show ms\")")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
- int found = 0;
- llist_for_each_entry(ms, &ms_list, entity) {
- if (!strcmp(ms->name, argv[0])) {
- found = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- vty_out(vty, "MS name '%s' does not exist%s", argv[0],
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- mobile_delete(ms, 1);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define SUP_WRITE(item, cmd) \
- if (sup->item) \
- vty_out(vty, " %s%s%s", (set->item) ? "" : "no ", cmd, \
-static void config_write_ms(struct vty *vty, struct osmocom_ms *ms)
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support;
- struct gsm_settings_abbrev *abbrev;
- vty_out(vty, "ms %s%s", ms->name, VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, " layer2-socket %s%s", set->layer2_socket_path,
- vty_out(vty, " sap-socket %s%s", set->sap_socket_path, VTY_NEWLINE);
- switch(set->sim_type) {
- vty_out(vty, " sim none%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- break;
- vty_out(vty, " sim reader%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- break;
- vty_out(vty, " sim test%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- break;
- }
- vty_out(vty, " network-selection-mode %s%s", (set->plmn_mode
- == PLMN_MODE_AUTO) ? "auto" : "manual", VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, " imei %s %s%s", set->imei,
- set->imeisv + strlen(set->imei), VTY_NEWLINE);
- if (set->imei_random)
- vty_out(vty, " imei-random %d%s", set->imei_random,
- else
- vty_out(vty, " imei-fixed%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- if (set->emergency_imsi[0])
- vty_out(vty, " emergency-imsi %s%s", set->emergency_imsi,
- else
- vty_out(vty, " no emergency-imsi%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, " %scall-waiting%s", (set->cw) ? "" : "no ", VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, " %sauto-answer%s", (set->auto_answer) ? "" : "no ",
- vty_out(vty, " %sclip%s", (set->clip) ? "" : "no ", VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, " %sclir%s", (set->clir) ? "" : "no ", VTY_NEWLINE);
- if (set->alter_tx_power)
- if (set->alter_tx_power_value)
- vty_out(vty, " tx-power %d%s",
- set->alter_tx_power_value, VTY_NEWLINE);
- else
- vty_out(vty, " tx-power full%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- else
- vty_out(vty, " tx-power auto%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- if (set->alter_delay)
- vty_out(vty, " simulated-delay %d%s", set->alter_delay,
- else
- vty_out(vty, " no simulated-delay%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- if (set->stick)
- vty_out(vty, " stick %d%s%s", set->stick_arfcn & 1023,
- (set->stick_arfcn & ARFCN_PCS) ? " pcs" : "",
- else
- vty_out(vty, " no stick%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- if (set->no_lupd)
- vty_out(vty, " no location-updating%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- else
- vty_out(vty, " location-updating%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- if (set->full_v1 || set->full_v2 || set->full_v3) {
- /* mandatory anyway */
- vty_out(vty, " codec full-speed%s%s",
- (!set->half_prefer) ? " prefer" : "",
- }
- if (set->half_v1 || set->half_v3) {
- if (set->half)
- vty_out(vty, " codec half-speed%s%s",
- (set->half_prefer) ? " prefer" : "",
- else
- vty_out(vty, " no codec half-speed%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- }
- if (llist_empty(&set->abbrev))
- vty_out(vty, " no abbrev%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- else {
- llist_for_each_entry(abbrev, &set->abbrev, list)
- vty_out(vty, " abbrev %s %s%s%s%s", abbrev->abbrev,
- abbrev->number, (abbrev->name[0]) ? " " : "",
- abbrev->name, VTY_NEWLINE);
- }
- vty_out(vty, " support%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- SUP_WRITE(sms_ptp, "sms");
- SUP_WRITE(a5_1, "a5/1");
- SUP_WRITE(a5_2, "a5/2");
- SUP_WRITE(a5_3, "a5/3");
- SUP_WRITE(a5_4, "a5/4");
- SUP_WRITE(a5_5, "a5/5");
- SUP_WRITE(a5_6, "a5/6");
- SUP_WRITE(a5_7, "a5/7");
- SUP_WRITE(p_gsm, "p-gsm");
- SUP_WRITE(e_gsm, "e-gsm");
- SUP_WRITE(r_gsm, "r-gsm");
- SUP_WRITE(pcs, "gsm-850");
- SUP_WRITE(gsm_480, "gsm-480");
- SUP_WRITE(gsm_450, "gsm-450");
- SUP_WRITE(dcs, "dcs");
- SUP_WRITE(pcs, "pcs");
- if (sup->r_gsm || sup->e_gsm || sup->p_gsm)
- vty_out(vty, " class-900 %d%s", set->class_900, VTY_NEWLINE);
- if (sup->gsm_850)
- vty_out(vty, " class-850 %d%s", set->class_850, VTY_NEWLINE);
- if (sup->gsm_480 || sup->gsm_450)
- vty_out(vty, " class-400 %d%s", set->class_400, VTY_NEWLINE);
- if (sup->dcs)
- vty_out(vty, " class-dcs %d%s", set->class_dcs, VTY_NEWLINE);
- if (sup->pcs)
- vty_out(vty, " class-pcs %d%s", set->class_pcs, VTY_NEWLINE);
- switch (set->ch_cap) {
- vty_out(vty, " channel-capability sdcch%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- break;
- vty_out(vty, " channel-capability sdcch+tchf%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- break;
- vty_out(vty, " channel-capability sdcch+tchf+tchh%s",
- break;
- }
- SUP_WRITE(full_v1, "full-speech-v1");
- SUP_WRITE(full_v2, "full-speech-v2");
- SUP_WRITE(full_v3, "full-speech-v3");
- SUP_WRITE(half_v1, "half-speech-v1");
- SUP_WRITE(half_v3, "half-speech-v3");
- vty_out(vty, " min-rxlev %d%s", set->min_rxlev_db, VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, " dsc-max %d%s", set->dsc_max, VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, " exit%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, " test-sim%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, " imsi %s%s", set->test_imsi, VTY_NEWLINE);
- switch (set->test_ki_type) {
- vty_out(vty, " ki xor %s%s", osmo_hexdump(set->test_ki, 12),
- break;
- case GSM_SIM_KEY_COMP128:
- vty_out(vty, " ki comp128 %s%s", osmo_hexdump(set->test_ki, 16),
- break;
- }
- vty_out(vty, " %sbarred-access%s", (set->test_barr) ? "" : "no ",
- if (set->test_rplmn_valid) {
- vty_out(vty, " rplmn %s %s",
- gsm_print_mcc(set->test_rplmn_mcc),
- gsm_print_mnc(set->test_rplmn_mnc));
- if (set->test_lac > 0x0000 && set->test_lac < 0xfffe)
- vty_out(vty, " 0x%04x", set->test_lac);
- if (set->test_tmsi != 0xffffffff)
- vty_out(vty, " 0x%08x", set->test_tmsi);
- vty_out(vty, "%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- } else
- vty_out(vty, " no rplmn%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, " hplmn-search %s%s", (set->test_always) ? "everywhere"
- : "foreign-country", VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, " exit%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, " %sshutdown%s", (ms->shutdown) ? "" : "no ",
- vty_out(vty, "exit%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, "!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
-static int config_write(struct vty *vty)
- struct osmocom_ms *ms;
-#ifdef _HAVE_GPSD
- vty_out(vty, "gpsd host %s%s", g.gpsd_host, VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, "gpsd port %s%s", g.gpsd_port, VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, "gps device %s%s", g.device, VTY_NEWLINE);
- if (g.baud)
- vty_out(vty, "gps baudrate %d%s", g.baud, VTY_NEWLINE);
- else
- vty_out(vty, "gps baudrate default%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, "%sgps enable%s", (g.enable) ? "" : "no ", VTY_NEWLINE);
- vty_out(vty, "!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- llist_for_each_entry(ms, &ms_list, entity)
- config_write_ms(vty, ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_show_this, cfg_ms_show_this_cmd, "show this",
- SHOW_STR "Show config of this MS")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- config_write_ms(vty, ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_layer2, cfg_ms_layer2_cmd, "layer2-socket PATH",
- "Define socket path to connect between layer 2 and layer 1\n"
- "Unix socket, default '/tmp/osmocom_l2'")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- strncpy(set->layer2_socket_path, argv[0],
- sizeof(set->layer2_socket_path) - 1);
- vty_restart(vty, ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_sap, cfg_ms_sap_cmd, "sap-socket PATH",
- "Define socket path to connect to SIM reader\n"
- "Unix socket, default '/tmp/osmocom_sap'")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- strncpy(set->sap_socket_path, argv[0],
- sizeof(set->sap_socket_path) - 1);
- vty_restart(vty, ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_sim, cfg_ms_sim_cmd, "sim (none|reader|test)",
- "Set SIM card type when powering on\nNo SIM interted\n"
- "Use SIM from reader\nTest SIM inserted")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- switch (argv[0][0]) {
- case 'n':
- set->sim_type = GSM_SIM_TYPE_NONE;
- break;
- case 'r':
- set->sim_type = GSM_SIM_TYPE_READER;
- break;
- case 't':
- set->sim_type = GSM_SIM_TYPE_TEST;
- break;
- default:
- vty_out(vty, "unknown SIM type%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- vty_restart(vty, ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_mode, cfg_ms_mode_cmd, "network-selection-mode (auto|manual)",
- "Set network selection mode\nAutomatic network selection\n"
- "Manual network selection")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct msgb *nmsg;
- if (!ms->plmn.state) {
- if (argv[0][0] == 'a')
- set->plmn_mode = PLMN_MODE_AUTO;
- else
- set->plmn_mode = PLMN_MODE_MANUAL;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (argv[0][0] == 'a')
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_SEL_AUTO);
- else
- nmsg = gsm322_msgb_alloc(GSM322_EVENT_SEL_MANUAL);
- if (!nmsg)
- return CMD_WARNING;
- gsm322_plmn_sendmsg(ms, nmsg);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_imei, cfg_ms_imei_cmd, "imei IMEI [SV]",
- "Set IMEI (enter without control digit)\n15 Digits IMEI\n"
- "Software version digit")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- char *error, *sv = "0";
- if (argc >= 2)
- sv = (char *)argv[1];
- error = gsm_check_imei(argv[0], sv);
- if (error) {
- vty_out(vty, "%s%s", error, VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- strcpy(set->imei, argv[0]);
- strcpy(set->imeisv, argv[0]);
- strcpy(set->imeisv + 15, sv);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_imei_fixed, cfg_ms_imei_fixed_cmd, "imei-fixed",
- "Use fixed IMEI on every power on")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->imei_random = 0;
- vty_restart(vty, ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_imei_random, cfg_ms_imei_random_cmd, "imei-random <0-15>",
- "Use random IMEI on every power on\n"
- "Number of trailing digits to randomize")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->imei_random = atoi(argv[0]);
- vty_restart(vty, ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_emerg_imsi, cfg_ms_emerg_imsi_cmd, "emergency-imsi IMSI",
- "Use special IMSI for emergency calls\n15 digits IMSI")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- char *error;
- error = gsm_check_imsi(argv[0]);
- if (error) {
- vty_out(vty, "%s%s", error, VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- strcpy(set->emergency_imsi, argv[0]);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_no_emerg_imsi, cfg_ms_no_emerg_imsi_cmd, "no emergency-imsi",
- NO_STR "Use IMSI of SIM or IMEI for emergency calls")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->emergency_imsi[0] = '\0';
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_no_cw, cfg_ms_no_cw_cmd, "no call-waiting",
- NO_STR "Disallow waiting calls")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->cw = 0;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_cw, cfg_ms_cw_cmd, "call-waiting",
- "Allow waiting calls")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->cw = 1;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_no_auto_answer, cfg_ms_no_auto_answer_cmd, "no auto-answer",
- NO_STR "Disable auto-answering calls")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->auto_answer = 0;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_auto_answer, cfg_ms_auto_answer_cmd, "auto-answer",
- "Enable auto-answering calls")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->auto_answer = 1;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_clip, cfg_ms_clip_cmd, "clip",
- "Force caller ID presentation")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->clip = 1;
- set->clir = 0;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_clir, cfg_ms_clir_cmd, "clir",
- "Force caller ID restriction")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->clip = 0;
- set->clir = 1;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_no_clip, cfg_ms_no_clip_cmd, "no clip",
- NO_STR "Disable forcing of caller ID presentation")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->clip = 0;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_no_clir, cfg_ms_no_clir_cmd, "no clir",
- NO_STR "Disable forcing of caller ID restriction")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->clir = 0;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_tx_power, cfg_ms_tx_power_cmd, "tx-power (auto|full)",
- "Set the way to choose transmit power\nControlled by BTS\n"
- "Always full power\nFixed GSM power value if supported")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- switch (argv[0][0]) {
- case 'a':
- set->alter_tx_power = 0;
- break;
- case 'f':
- set->alter_tx_power = 1;
- set->alter_tx_power_value = 0;
- break;
- }
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_tx_power_val, cfg_ms_tx_power_val_cmd, "tx-power <0-31>",
- "Set the way to choose transmit power\n"
- "Fixed GSM power value if supported")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->alter_tx_power = 1;
- set->alter_tx_power_value = atoi(argv[0]);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_sim_delay, cfg_ms_sim_delay_cmd, "simulated-delay <-128-127>",
- "Simulate a lower or higher distance from the BTS\n"
- "Delay in half bits (distance in 553.85 meter steps)")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->alter_delay = atoi(argv[0]);
- gsm48_rr_alter_delay(ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_no_sim_delay, cfg_ms_no_sim_delay_cmd, "no simulated-delay",
- NO_STR "Do not simulate a lower or higher distance from the BTS")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->alter_delay = 0;
- gsm48_rr_alter_delay(ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_stick, cfg_ms_stick_cmd, "stick <0-1023> [pcs]",
- "Stick to the given cell\nARFCN of the cell to stick to\n"
- "Given frequency is PCS band (1900) rather than DCS band.")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- uint16_t arfcn = atoi(argv[0]);
- if (argc > 1) {
- if (arfcn < 512 || arfcn > 810) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given ARFCN not in PCS band%s",
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- arfcn |= ARFCN_PCS;
- }
- set->stick = 1;
- set->stick_arfcn = arfcn;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_no_stick, cfg_ms_no_stick_cmd, "no stick",
- NO_STR "Do not stick to any cell")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->stick = 0;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_lupd, cfg_ms_lupd_cmd, "location-updating",
- "Allow location updating")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->no_lupd = 0;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_no_lupd, cfg_ms_no_lupd_cmd, "no location-updating",
- NO_STR "Do not allow location updating")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->no_lupd = 1;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_codec_full, cfg_ms_codec_full_cmd, "codec full-speed",
- "Enable codec\nFull speed speech codec")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- if (!set->full_v1 && !set->full_v2 && !set->full_v3) {
- vty_out(vty, "Full-rate codec not supported%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_codec_full_pref, cfg_ms_codec_full_pref_cmd, "codec full-speed "
- "prefer",
- "Enable codec\nFull speed speech codec\nPrefer this codec")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- if (!set->full_v1 && !set->full_v2 && !set->full_v3) {
- vty_out(vty, "Full-rate codec not supported%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- set->half_prefer = 0;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_codec_half, cfg_ms_codec_half_cmd, "codec half-speed",
- "Enable codec\nHalf speed speech codec")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- if (!set->half_v1 && !set->half_v3) {
- vty_out(vty, "Half-rate codec not supported%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- set->half = 1;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_codec_half_pref, cfg_ms_codec_half_pref_cmd, "codec half-speed "
- "prefer",
- "Enable codec\nHalf speed speech codec\nPrefer this codec")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- if (!set->half_v1 && !set->half_v3) {
- vty_out(vty, "Half-rate codec not supported%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- set->half = 1;
- set->half_prefer = 1;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_no_codec_half, cfg_ms_no_codec_half_cmd, "no codec half-speed",
- NO_STR "Disable codec\nHalf speed speech codec")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- if (!set->half_v1 && !set->half_v3) {
- vty_out(vty, "Half-rate codec not supported%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- set->half = 0;
- set->half_prefer = 0;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_abbrev, cfg_ms_abbrev_cmd, "abbrev ABBREVIATION NUMBER [NAME]",
- "Store given abbreviation number\n1-3 digits abbreviation\n"
- "Number to store for the abbreviation "
- "(Use digits '0123456789*#abc', and '+' to dial international)\n"
- "Name of the abbreviation")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm_settings_abbrev *abbrev;
- int i;
- llist_for_each_entry(abbrev, &set->abbrev, list) {
- if (!strcmp(argv[0], abbrev->abbrev)) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given abbreviation '%s' already stored, "
- "delete first!%s", argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- }
- if (strlen(argv[0]) >= sizeof(abbrev->abbrev)) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given abbreviation too long%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < strlen(argv[0]); i++) {
- if (argv[0][i] < '0' || argv[0][i] > '9') {
- vty_out(vty, "Given abbreviation must have digits "
- "0..9 only!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- }
- if (vty_check_number(vty, argv[1]))
- return CMD_WARNING;
- abbrev = talloc_zero(l23_ctx, struct gsm_settings_abbrev);
- if (!abbrev) {
- vty_out(vty, "No Memory!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- llist_add_tail(&abbrev->list, &set->abbrev);
- strncpy(abbrev->abbrev, argv[0], sizeof(abbrev->abbrev) - 1);
- strncpy(abbrev->number, argv[1], sizeof(abbrev->number) - 1);
- if (argc >= 3)
- strncpy(abbrev->name, argv[2], sizeof(abbrev->name) - 1);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_no_abbrev, cfg_ms_no_abbrev_cmd, "no abbrev [ABBREVIATION]",
- NO_STR "Remove given abbreviation number or all numbers\n"
- "Abbreviation number to remove")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm_settings_abbrev *abbrev, *abbrev2;
- uint8_t deleted = 0;
- llist_for_each_entry_safe(abbrev, abbrev2, &set->abbrev, list) {
- if (argc < 1 || !strcmp(argv[0], abbrev->abbrev)) {
- llist_del(&abbrev->list);
- deleted = 1;
- }
- }
- if (argc >= 1 && !deleted) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given abbreviation '%s' not found!%s",
- argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-static int config_write_dummy(struct vty *vty)
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-/* per support config */
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_support, cfg_ms_support_cmd, "support",
- "Define supported features")
- vty->node = SUPPORT_NODE;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define SUP_EN(cfg, cfg_cmd, item, cmd, desc, restart) \
-DEFUN(cfg, cfg_cmd, cmd, "Enable " desc "support") \
-{ \
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index; \
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings; \
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support; \
- if (!sup->item) { \
- vty_out(vty, desc " not supported%s", VTY_NEWLINE); \
- if (vty_reading) \
- return CMD_SUCCESS; \
- return CMD_WARNING; \
- } \
- if (restart) \
- vty_restart(vty, ms); \
- set->item = 1; \
- return CMD_SUCCESS; \
-#define SUP_DI(cfg, cfg_cmd, item, cmd, desc, restart) \
-DEFUN(cfg, cfg_cmd, "no " cmd, NO_STR "Disable " desc " support") \
-{ \
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index; \
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings; \
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support; \
- if (!sup->item) { \
- vty_out(vty, desc " not supported%s", VTY_NEWLINE); \
- if (vty_reading) \
- return CMD_SUCCESS; \
- return CMD_WARNING; \
- } \
- if (restart) \
- vty_restart(vty, ms); \
- set->item = 0; \
- return CMD_SUCCESS; \
-#define SET_EN(cfg, cfg_cmd, item, cmd, desc, restart) \
-DEFUN(cfg, cfg_cmd, cmd, "Enable " desc "support") \
-{ \
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index; \
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings; \
- if (restart) \
- vty_restart(vty, ms); \
- set->item = 1; \
- return CMD_SUCCESS; \
-#define SET_DI(cfg, cfg_cmd, item, cmd, desc, restart) \
-DEFUN(cfg, cfg_cmd, "no " cmd, NO_STR "Disable " desc " support") \
-{ \
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index; \
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings; \
- if (restart) \
- vty_restart(vty, ms); \
- set->item = 0; \
- return CMD_SUCCESS; \
-SET_EN(cfg_ms_sup_dtmf, cfg_ms_sup_dtmf_cmd, cc_dtmf, "dtmf", "DTMF", 0);
-SET_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_dtmf, cfg_ms_sup_no_dtmf_cmd, cc_dtmf, "dtmf", "DTMF", 0);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_sms, cfg_ms_sup_sms_cmd, sms_ptp, "sms", "SMS", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_sms, cfg_ms_sup_no_sms_cmd, sms_ptp, "sms", "SMS", 0);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_a5_1, cfg_ms_sup_a5_1_cmd, a5_1, "a5/1", "A5/1", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_1, cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_1_cmd, a5_1, "a5/1", "A5/1", 0);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_a5_2, cfg_ms_sup_a5_2_cmd, a5_2, "a5/2", "A5/2", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_2, cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_2_cmd, a5_2, "a5/2", "A5/2", 0);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_a5_3, cfg_ms_sup_a5_3_cmd, a5_3, "a5/3", "A5/3", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_3, cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_3_cmd, a5_3, "a5/3", "A5/3", 0);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_a5_4, cfg_ms_sup_a5_4_cmd, a5_4, "a5/4", "A5/4", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_4, cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_4_cmd, a5_4, "a5/4", "A5/4", 0);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_a5_5, cfg_ms_sup_a5_5_cmd, a5_5, "a5/5", "A5/5", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_5, cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_5_cmd, a5_5, "a5/5", "A5/5", 0);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_a5_6, cfg_ms_sup_a5_6_cmd, a5_6, "a5/6", "A5/6", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_6, cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_6_cmd, a5_6, "a5/6", "A5/6", 0);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_a5_7, cfg_ms_sup_a5_7_cmd, a5_7, "a5/7", "A5/7", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_7, cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_7_cmd, a5_7, "a5/7", "A5/7", 1);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_p_gsm, cfg_ms_sup_p_gsm_cmd, p_gsm, "p-gsm", "P-GSM (900)",
- 1);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_p_gsm, cfg_ms_sup_no_p_gsm_cmd, p_gsm, "p-gsm",
- "P-GSM (900)", 1);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_e_gsm, cfg_ms_sup_e_gsm_cmd, e_gsm, "e-gsm", "E-GSM (850)",
- 1);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_e_gsm, cfg_ms_sup_no_e_gsm_cmd, e_gsm, "e-gsm",
- "E-GSM (850)", 1);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_r_gsm, cfg_ms_sup_r_gsm_cmd, r_gsm, "r-gsm", "R-GSM (850)",
- 1);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_r_gsm, cfg_ms_sup_no_r_gsm_cmd, r_gsm, "r-gsm",
- "R-GSM (850)", 1);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_dcs, cfg_ms_sup_dcs_cmd, dcs, "dcs", "DCS (1800)", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_dcs, cfg_ms_sup_no_dcs_cmd, dcs, "dcs", "DCS (1800)", 0);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_gsm_850, cfg_ms_sup_gsm_850_cmd, gsm_850, "gsm-850",
- "GSM 850", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_gsm_850, cfg_ms_sup_no_gsm_850_cmd, gsm_850, "gsm-850",
- "GSM 850", 0);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_pcs, cfg_ms_sup_pcs_cmd, pcs, "pcs", "PCS (1900)", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_pcs, cfg_ms_sup_no_pcs_cmd, pcs, "pcs", "PCS (1900)", 0);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_gsm_480, cfg_ms_sup_gsm_480_cmd, gsm_480, "gsm-480",
- "GSM 480", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_gsm_480, cfg_ms_sup_no_gsm_480_cmd, gsm_480, "gsm-480",
- "GSM 480", 0);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_gsm_450, cfg_ms_sup_gsm_450_cmd, gsm_450, "gsm-450",
- "GSM 450", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_gsm_450, cfg_ms_sup_no_gsm_450_cmd, gsm_450, "gsm-450",
- "GSM 450", 0);
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_sup_class_900, cfg_ms_sup_class_900_cmd, "class-900 (1|2|3|4|5)",
- "Select power class for GSM 900\n"
- "20 Watts\n"
- "8 Watts\n"
- "5 Watts\n"
- "2 Watts\n"
- "0.8 Watts")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support;
- set->class_900 = atoi(argv[0]);
- if (set->class_900 < sup->class_900 && !vty_reading)
- vty_out(vty, "Note: You selected a higher class than supported "
- " by hardware!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_sup_class_850, cfg_ms_sup_class_850_cmd, "class-850 (1|2|3|4|5)",
- "Select power class for GSM 850\n"
- "20 Watts\n"
- "8 Watts\n"
- "5 Watts\n"
- "2 Watts\n"
- "0.8 Watts")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support;
- set->class_850 = atoi(argv[0]);
- if (set->class_850 < sup->class_850 && !vty_reading)
- vty_out(vty, "Note: You selected a higher class than supported "
- " by hardware!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_sup_class_400, cfg_ms_sup_class_400_cmd, "class-400 (1|2|3|4|5)",
- "Select power class for GSM 400 (480 and 450)\n"
- "20 Watts\n"
- "8 Watts\n"
- "5 Watts\n"
- "2 Watts\n"
- "0.8 Watts")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support;
- set->class_400 = atoi(argv[0]);
- if (set->class_400 < sup->class_400 && !vty_reading)
- vty_out(vty, "Note: You selected a higher class than supported "
- " by hardware!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_sup_class_dcs, cfg_ms_sup_class_dcs_cmd, "class-dcs (1|2|3)",
- "Select power class for DCS 1800\n"
- "1 Watt\n"
- "0.25 Watts\n"
- "4 Watts")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support;
- set->class_dcs = atoi(argv[0]);
- if (((set->class_dcs + 1) & 3) < ((sup->class_dcs + 1) & 3)
- && !vty_reading)
- vty_out(vty, "Note: You selected a higher class than supported "
- " by hardware!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_sup_class_pcs, cfg_ms_sup_class_pcs_cmd, "class-pcs (1|2|3)",
- "Select power class for PCS 1900\n"
- "1 Watt\n"
- "0.25 Watts\n"
- "4 Watts")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support;
- set->class_pcs = atoi(argv[0]);
- if (((set->class_pcs + 1) & 3) < ((sup->class_pcs + 1) & 3)
- && !vty_reading)
- vty_out(vty, "Note: You selected a higher class than supported "
- " by hardware!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_sup_ch_cap, cfg_ms_sup_ch_cap_cmd, "channel-capability "
- "(sdcch|sdcch+tchf|sdcch+tchf+tchh)",
- "Select channel capability\nSDCCH only\nSDCCH + TCH/F\nSDCCH + TCH/H")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- struct gsm_support *sup = &ms->support;
- uint8_t ch_cap;
- if (!strcmp(argv[0], "sdcch+tchf+tchh"))
- else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "sdcch+tchf"))
- ch_cap = GSM_CAP_SDCCH_TCHF;
- else
- ch_cap = GSM_CAP_SDCCH;
- if (ch_cap > sup->ch_cap && !vty_reading) {
- vty_out(vty, "You selected an higher capability than supported "
- " by hardware!%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- if (ch_cap != set->ch_cap
- && (ch_cap == GSM_CAP_SDCCH || set->ch_cap == GSM_CAP_SDCCH))
- vty_restart(vty, ms);
- set->ch_cap = ch_cap;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_full_v1, cfg_ms_sup_full_v1_cmd, full_v1, "full-speech-v1",
- "Full rate speech V1", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_full_v1, cfg_ms_sup_no_full_v1_cmd, full_v1,
- "full-speech-v1", "Full rate speech V1", 0);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_full_v2, cfg_ms_sup_full_v2_cmd, full_v2, "full-speech-v2",
- "Full rate speech V2 (EFR)", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_full_v2, cfg_ms_sup_no_full_v2_cmd, full_v2,
- "full-speech-v2", "Full rate speech V2 (EFR)", 0);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_full_v3, cfg_ms_sup_full_v3_cmd, full_v3, "full-speech-v3",
- "Full rate speech V3 (AMR)", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_full_v3, cfg_ms_sup_no_full_v3_cmd, full_v3,
- "full-speech-v3", "Full rate speech V3 (AMR)", 0);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_half_v1, cfg_ms_sup_half_v1_cmd, half_v1, "half-speech-v1",
- "Half rate speech V1", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_half_v1, cfg_ms_sup_no_half_v1_cmd, half_v1,
- "half-speech-v1", "Half rate speech V1", 0);
-SUP_EN(cfg_ms_sup_half_v3, cfg_ms_sup_half_v3_cmd, half_v3, "half-speech-v3",
- "Half rate speech V3 (AMR)", 0);
-SUP_DI(cfg_ms_sup_no_half_v3, cfg_ms_sup_no_half_v3_cmd, half_v3,
- "half-speech-v3", "Half rate speech V3 (AMR)", 0);
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_sup_min_rxlev, cfg_ms_sup_min_rxlev_cmd, "min-rxlev <-110--47>",
- "Set the minimum receive level to select a cell\n"
- "Minimum receive level from -110 dBm to -47 dBm")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->min_rxlev_db = atoi(argv[0]);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_sup_dsc_max, cfg_ms_sup_dsc_max_cmd, "dsc-max <90-500>",
- "Set the maximum DSC value. Standard is 90. Increase to make mobile "
- "more reliable against bad RX signal. This increase the propability "
- "of missing a paging requests\n"
- "DSC initial and maximum value (standard is 90)")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->dsc_max = atoi(argv[0]);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-/* per testsim config */
-DEFUN(cfg_ms_testsim, cfg_ms_testsim_cmd, "test-sim",
- "Configure test SIM emulation")
- vty->node = TESTSIM_NODE;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_test_imsi, cfg_test_imsi_cmd, "imsi IMSI",
- "Set IMSI on test card\n15 digits IMSI")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- char *error = gsm_check_imsi(argv[0]);
- if (error) {
- vty_out(vty, "%s%s", error, VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- strcpy(set->test_imsi, argv[0]);
- vty_restart(vty, ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define HEX_STR "\nByte as two digits hexadecimal"
-DEFUN(cfg_test_ki_xor, cfg_test_ki_xor_cmd, "ki xor HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX "
- "Set Key (Kc) on test card\nUse XOR algorithm" HEX_STR HEX_STR HEX_STR
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- uint8_t ki[12];
- const char *p;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
- p = argv[i];
- if (!strncmp(p, "0x", 2))
- p += 2;
- if (strlen(p) != 2) {
- vty_out(vty, "Expecting two digits hex value (with or "
- "without 0x in front)%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- ki[i] = strtoul(p, NULL, 16);
- }
- set->test_ki_type = GSM_SIM_KEY_XOR;
- memcpy(set->test_ki, ki, 12);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_test_ki_comp128, cfg_test_ki_comp128_cmd, "ki comp128 HEX HEX HEX "
- "Set Key (Kc) on test card\nUse XOR algorithm" HEX_STR HEX_STR HEX_STR
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- uint8_t ki[16];
- const char *p;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- p = argv[i];
- if (!strncmp(p, "0x", 2))
- p += 2;
- if (strlen(p) != 2) {
- vty_out(vty, "Expecting two digits hex value (with or "
- "without 0x in front)%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- ki[i] = strtoul(p, NULL, 16);
- }
- set->test_ki_type = GSM_SIM_KEY_COMP128;
- memcpy(set->test_ki, ki, 16);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_test_barr, cfg_test_barr_cmd, "barred-access",
- "Allow access to barred cells")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->test_barr = 1;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_test_no_barr, cfg_test_no_barr_cmd, "no barred-access",
- NO_STR "Deny access to barred cells")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->test_barr = 0;
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_test_no_rplmn, cfg_test_no_rplmn_cmd, "no rplmn",
- NO_STR "Unset Registered PLMN")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- set->test_rplmn_valid = 0;
- vty_restart(vty, ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_test_rplmn, cfg_test_rplmn_cmd, "rplmn MCC MNC [LAC] [TMSI]",
- "Set Registered PLMN\nMobile Country Code\nMobile Network Code\n"
- "Optionally set locatio area code\n"
- "Optionally set current assigned TMSI")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- uint16_t mcc = gsm_input_mcc((char *)argv[0]),
- mnc = gsm_input_mnc((char *)argv[1]);
- if (!mcc) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given MCC invalid%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- if (!mnc) {
- vty_out(vty, "Given MNC invalid%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- set->test_rplmn_valid = 1;
- set->test_rplmn_mcc = mcc;
- set->test_rplmn_mnc = mnc;
- if (argc >= 3)
- set->test_lac = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 16);
- else
- set->test_lac = 0xfffe;
- if (argc >= 4)
- set->test_tmsi = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 16);
- else
- set->test_tmsi = 0xffffffff;
- vty_restart(vty, ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_test_hplmn, cfg_test_hplmn_cmd, "hplmn-search (everywhere|foreign-country)",
- "Set Home PLMN search mode\n"
- "Search for HPLMN when on any other network\n"
- "Search for HPLMN when in a different country")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- struct gsm_settings *set = &ms->settings;
- switch (argv[0][0]) {
- case 'e':
- set->test_always = 1;
- break;
- case 'f':
- set->test_always = 0;
- break;
- }
- vty_restart(vty, ms);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_no_shutdown, cfg_ms_no_shutdown_cmd, "no shutdown",
- NO_STR "Activate and run MS")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index, *tmp;
- int rc;
- if (ms->shutdown != 2)
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
- llist_for_each_entry(tmp, &ms_list, entity) {
- if (tmp->shutdown == 2)
- continue;
- if (!strcmp(ms->settings.layer2_socket_path,
- tmp->settings.layer2_socket_path)) {
- vty_out(vty, "Cannot start MS '%s', because MS '%s' "
- "use the same layer2-socket.%sPlease shutdown "
- "MS '%s' first.%s", ms->name, tmp->name,
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- if (!strcmp(ms->settings.sap_socket_path,
- tmp->settings.sap_socket_path)) {
- vty_out(vty, "Cannot start MS '%s', because MS '%s' "
- "use the same sap-socket.%sPlease shutdown "
- "MS '%s' first.%s", ms->name, tmp->name,
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- }
- rc = mobile_init(ms);
- if (rc < 0) {
- vty_out(vty, "Connection to layer 1 failed!%s",
- return CMD_WARNING;
- }
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_shutdown, cfg_ms_shutdown_cmd, "shutdown",
- "Shut down and deactivate MS")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- if (ms->shutdown == 0)
- mobile_exit(ms, 0);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(cfg_shutdown_force, cfg_ms_shutdown_force_cmd, "shutdown force",
- "Shut down and deactivate MS\nDo not perform IMSI detach")
- struct osmocom_ms *ms = vty->index;
- if (ms->shutdown <= 1)
- mobile_exit(ms, 1);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-enum node_type ms_vty_go_parent(struct vty *vty)
- switch (vty->node) {
- case MS_NODE:
- vty->node = CONFIG_NODE;
- vty->index = NULL;
- break;
- vty->node = MS_NODE;
- break;
- default:
- vty->node = CONFIG_NODE;
- }
- return vty->node;
-/* Down vty node level. */
- ournode_exit_cmd, "exit", "Exit current mode and down to previous mode\n")
- switch (vty->node) {
- case MS_NODE:
- vty->node = CONFIG_NODE;
- vty->index = NULL;
- break;
- vty->node = MS_NODE;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-/* End of configuration. */
- ournode_end_cmd, "end", "End current mode and change to enable mode.")
- switch (vty->node) {
- case VIEW_NODE:
- /* Nothing to do. */
- break;
- case VTY_NODE:
- case MS_NODE:
- vty_config_unlock(vty);
- vty->node = ENABLE_NODE;
- vty->index = NULL;
- vty->index_sub = NULL;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-DEFUN(off, off_cmd, "off",
- "Turn mobiles off (shutdown) and exit")
- osmo_signal_dispatch(SS_GLOBAL, S_GLOBAL_SHUTDOWN, NULL);
- return CMD_SUCCESS;
-#define SUP_NODE(item) \
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_item_cmd);
-int ms_vty_init(void)
- install_element_ve(&show_ms_cmd);
- install_element_ve(&show_subscr_cmd);
- install_element_ve(&show_support_cmd);
- install_element_ve(&show_cell_cmd);
- install_element_ve(&show_cell_si_cmd);
- install_element_ve(&show_ba_cmd);
- install_element_ve(&show_forb_la_cmd);
- install_element_ve(&show_forb_plmn_cmd);
- install_element_ve(&monitor_network_cmd);
- install_element_ve(&no_monitor_network_cmd);
- install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &off_cmd);
- install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &sim_test_cmd);
- install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &sim_reader_cmd);
- install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &sim_remove_cmd);
- install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &sim_pin_cmd);
- install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &sim_disable_pin_cmd);
- install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &sim_enable_pin_cmd);
- install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &sim_change_pin_cmd);
- install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &sim_unblock_pin_cmd);
- install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &sim_lai_cmd);
- install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &network_search_cmd);
- install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &network_show_cmd);
- install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &network_select_cmd);
- install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &call_cmd);
- install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &call_retr_cmd);
- install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &call_dtmf_cmd);
-#ifdef _HAVE_GPSD
- install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_gps_host_cmd);
- install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_gps_device_cmd);
- install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_gps_baud_cmd);
- install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_gps_enable_cmd);
- install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_no_gps_enable_cmd);
- install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_ms_cmd);
- install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_ms_create_cmd);
- install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_ms_rename_cmd);
- install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_no_ms_cmd);
- install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &ournode_end_cmd);
- install_node(&ms_node, config_write);
- install_default(MS_NODE);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &ournode_exit_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &ournode_end_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_show_this_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_layer2_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_sap_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_sim_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_mode_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_imei_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_imei_fixed_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_imei_random_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_no_emerg_imsi_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_emerg_imsi_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_cw_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_no_cw_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_auto_answer_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_no_auto_answer_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_clip_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_clir_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_no_clip_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_no_clir_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_tx_power_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_tx_power_val_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_sim_delay_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_no_sim_delay_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_stick_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_no_stick_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_lupd_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_no_lupd_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_codec_full_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_codec_full_pref_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_codec_half_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_codec_half_pref_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_no_codec_half_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_abbrev_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_no_abbrev_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_testsim_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_support_cmd);
- install_node(&support_node, config_write_dummy);
- install_default(SUPPORT_NODE);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &ournode_exit_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &ournode_end_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_dtmf_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_dtmf_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_sms_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_sms_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_a5_1_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_1_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_a5_2_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_2_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_a5_3_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_3_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_a5_4_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_4_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_a5_5_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_5_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_a5_6_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_6_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_a5_7_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_a5_7_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_p_gsm_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_p_gsm_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_e_gsm_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_e_gsm_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_r_gsm_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_r_gsm_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_dcs_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_dcs_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_gsm_850_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_gsm_850_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_pcs_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_pcs_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_gsm_480_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_gsm_480_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_gsm_450_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_gsm_450_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_class_900_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_class_dcs_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_class_850_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_class_pcs_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_class_400_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_ch_cap_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_full_v1_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_full_v1_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_full_v2_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_full_v2_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_full_v3_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_full_v3_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_half_v1_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_half_v1_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_half_v3_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_no_half_v3_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_min_rxlev_cmd);
- install_element(SUPPORT_NODE, &cfg_ms_sup_dsc_max_cmd);
- install_node(&testsim_node, config_write_dummy);
- install_default(TESTSIM_NODE);
- install_element(TESTSIM_NODE, &ournode_exit_cmd);
- install_element(TESTSIM_NODE, &ournode_end_cmd);
- install_element(TESTSIM_NODE, &cfg_test_imsi_cmd);
- install_element(TESTSIM_NODE, &cfg_test_ki_xor_cmd);
- install_element(TESTSIM_NODE, &cfg_test_ki_comp128_cmd);
- install_element(TESTSIM_NODE, &cfg_test_barr_cmd);
- install_element(TESTSIM_NODE, &cfg_test_no_barr_cmd);
- install_element(TESTSIM_NODE, &cfg_test_no_rplmn_cmd);
- install_element(TESTSIM_NODE, &cfg_test_rplmn_cmd);
- install_element(TESTSIM_NODE, &cfg_test_hplmn_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_shutdown_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_shutdown_force_cmd);
- install_element(MS_NODE, &cfg_ms_no_shutdown_cmd);
- return 0;
-void vty_notify(struct osmocom_ms *ms, const char *fmt, ...)
- struct telnet_connection *connection;
- char buffer[1000];
- va_list args;
- struct vty *vty;
- if (fmt) {
- va_start(args, fmt);
- vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, fmt, args);
- buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
- va_end(args);
- if (!buffer[0])
- return;
- }
- llist_for_each_entry(connection, &active_connections, entry) {
- vty = connection->vty;
- if (!vty)
- continue;
- if (!fmt) {
- vty_out(vty, "%s%% (MS %s)%s", VTY_NEWLINE, ms->name,
- continue;
- }
- if (buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] == '\n') {
- buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
- vty_out(vty, "%% %s%s", buffer, VTY_NEWLINE);
- buffer[strlen(buffer)] = '\n';
- } else
- vty_out(vty, "%% %s", buffer);
- }