path: root/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 1004 deletions
diff --git a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/.gitignore b/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cf144e..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/Makefile b/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 40ee4ec..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-all: dsp_dump.bin
-%.o: %.S
- $(CROSS)as $< -o $@
-%.bin: %.coff
- $(CROSS)objcopy -j .text -O binary $< $@
-dsp_dump.coff: bl_stage3.o
- $(CROSS)ld --script bl_stage3.o -o $@
- rm -f *.o *.bin *.coff
diff --git a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/ b/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9456a6a..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import struct
-import sys
-def group_by_n(s, n, do_join=True):
- return ( ''.join(x) for x in zip(*[s[i::n] for i in range(n)]) )
-def main(pn, filename):
- # Get all bytes
- f = open(filename, 'r')
- d =
- f.close()
- # Get the data
- ops = ''.join([
- '0x%04x,%s' % (
- struct.unpack('=H', x)[0],
- '\n\t\t\t' if (i&3==3) else ' '
- )
- for i, x
- in enumerate(group_by_n(d, 2))
- ])[:-1]
- ops = '\t\t\t' + ops
- if ops[-1] == '\t':
- ops = ops[:-4]
- # Name
- name = filename.split('.',1)[0]
- # Header / footer
- print """
-#define _SA_DECL (const uint16_t *)&(const uint16_t [])
-static const struct dsp_section %s[] = {
- {
- .addr = 0x,
- .size = 0x%04x,
- .data = _SA_DECL {
- },
- },
- { /* Guard */
- .addr = 0,
- .size = 0,
- .data = NULL,
- },
-#undef _SA_DECL
-""" % (name, len(d)/2, ops)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main(*sys.argv)
diff --git a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/bl_stage3.S b/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/bl_stage3.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 402c3c5..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/bl_stage3.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-BCSR .equ 0x29
-CMD_IDLE .equ 1 ; Do nothing / DSP ready for commands
-CMD_COPY_BLOCK .equ 2 ; (if size == 0, then exec)
-CMD_COPY_MODE .equ 4 ; Select copy mode
- ; (0=code write, 1=data write,
- ; 2=code read, 3=data read,
- ; 4=prom read, 5=drom read)
-CMD_VERSION .equ 0xffff ; API_RAM[0] = bootloader version
-VERSION .equ 0x0100 ; 1.00
- .section .apiram
- .org 0x07fc
-bl_addr_hi .ds 1
-bl_size .ds 1
-bl_addr_lo .ds 1
-bl_status .ds 1
- .text
- .mmregs
- orm #2, *(BCSR) ; ?
- ld #0x1f, DP
- stm #0x1100, SP
- stm #0, AR4
- stm #_api_ram, AR2
- st #CMD_IDLE, @bl_status
- ; Version
- cmpm @bl_status, #CMD_VERSION
- bc 1f, ntc
- bd _done
- st #VERSION, *AR2
- ; Select copy mode
- cmpm @bl_status, #CMD_COPY_MODE
- bc 1f, ntc
- bd _done
- mvdm @_api_ram, AR4
- ; Copy
- cmpm @bl_status, #CMD_COPY_BLOCK
- bc _loop, ntc
- ; Capture values for copy operations
- ; A = full address
- ; AR1 size-1
- ; AR2 api_ram (set previously)
- ; AR3 data/code address
- ; AR4 mode
- ldu @bl_addr_lo, A
- stlm A, AR3
- add @bl_addr_hi, 16, A
- ldu @bl_size, B
- stlm B, AR1
- ; mar *AR1- ; We do this in a delay slot later on ...
- ; Start
- bc 1f, bneq ; B still contains size
- bacc A
- ; Select
- stm #AR4, AR5 ; AR5 = &AR4
- bit *AR5, 13 ; Test mode(2)
- bcd _read_rom, tc
- mar *AR1-
- bit *AR5, 15 ; Test mode(0) lsb
- bcd _copy_data, tc
- bit *AR5, 14 ; Test mode(1)
- nop
- ; Copy to/from Program space
- bc _read_prog, tc
- ; Copy from API -> prog space (mode 0)
- rpt *(AR1)
- writa *AR2+
- b _done
- ; Copy from prog space -> API (mode 2)
- rpt *(AR1)
- reada *AR2+
- b _done
- ; Copy to/from Data space
- bc _read_data, tc
- ; Copy from API -> data space (mode 1)
- rpt *(AR1)
- mvdd *AR2+, *AR3+
- b _done
- ; Copy from data space -> API (mode 3)
- rpt *(AR1)
- mvdd *AR3+, *AR2+
- b _done
- ; Read from {D,P}ROM bypassing protection
- ldm AR1, B ; Can't put those two ops in the delay slot of
- stlm B, BRC ; 'bc' because of unprotected pipeline conflicts
- bc _read_rom_data, tc
- rptb 1f - 1
- call prom_read_xplt
- b _done
- rptb 1f - 1
- call drom_read_xplt
- b _done
-drom_read_xplt .equ 0xe4b8
-prom_read_xplt .equ 0x7213
- .end
diff --git a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/ b/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5663302..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- apiram (RWXI) : ORIGIN = 0x0800, LENGTH = 0x2000
- . = 0x0800;
- .apiram :
- {
- PROVIDE(_api_ram = .);
- *(.apiram)
- } > apiram
- .text :
- {
- *(.text)
- } > apiram
diff --git a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/ b/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/
deleted file mode 100755
index 67a49e8..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from collections import namedtuple
-import re
-import sys
-import struct
-DATA = 0
-DATA = 1
-class Section(object):
- DATA = 0
- CODE = 1
- STYP_NOLOAD = 0x0002
- STYP_TEXT = 0x0020
- STYP_DATA = 0x0040
- STYP_BSS = 0x0080
- def __init__(self, name, type, start, size, data=None):
- = name
- self.type = type
- self.start = start
- self.size = size
- = data
- @property
- def flags(self):
- if self.type == Section.DATA:
- return Section.STYP_DATA if else Section.STYP_BSS
- else:
- return Section.STYP_TEXT if else Section.STYP_NOLOAD
-class CalypsoCOFF(object):
- F_RELFLG = 0x0001 # Relocation information stripped from the file
- F_EXEC = 0x0002 # File is executable (i.e., no unresolved external references)
- F_LNNO = 0x0004 # Line numbers stripped from the file
- F_LSYMS = 0x0010 # Local symbols stripped from the file
- F_LITTLE = 0x0100 # Little endian
- def __init__(self, data_seg_base=0x80000000):
- self.sections = {}
- self.data_seg_base = data_seg_base
- self.ver_magic = 0x00c1
- self.tgt_magic = 0x0098
- self.flags = \
- CalypsoCOFF.F_RELFLG | \
- CalypsoCOFF.F_EXEC | \
- CalypsoCOFF.F_LNNO | \
- CalypsoCOFF.F_LSYMS | \
- def _data_pack(self, d):
- return ''.join(struct.pack('<H', x) for x in d)
- def save(self, filename):
- # Formats
- HDR_FILE = '<HHlllHHH'
- HDR_SECTIONS = '<8sLLllllHHHcc'
- # Optional header
- oh = ''
- # File header
- fh = struct.pack(HDR_FILE,
- self.ver_magic, # unsigned short f_ver_magic; /* version magic number */
- len(self.sections), # unsigned short f_nscns; /* number of section */
- 0, # long f_timdat; /* time and date stamp */
- 0, # long f_symptr; /* file ptr to symbol table */
- 0, # long f_nsyms; /* number entries in the sym table */
- len(oh), # unsigned short f_opthdr; /* size of optional header */
- self.flags, # unsigned short f_flags; /* flags */
- self.tgt_magic, # unsigned short f_tgt_magic; /* target magic number */
- )
- # File header size + #sections * sizeof(section header)
- dptr = struct.calcsize(HDR_FILE) + len(oh) + len(self.sections) * struct.calcsize(HDR_SECTIONS)
- # Section headers
- sh = []
- sd = []
- sk = lambda x: self.data_seg_base + x.start if x.type==Section.DATA else x.start
- for s in sorted(self.sections.values(), key=sk):
- # Values
- if s.type == Section.DATA:
- mp = 0x80
- sa = s.start
- else:
- mp = 0
- sa = s.start
- sptr = dptr if else 0
- # Header
- sh.append(struct.pack(HDR_SECTIONS,
-, # char[8] s_name; /* 8-character null padded section name */
- sa, # long int s_paddr; /* Physical address of section */
- sa, # long int s_vaddr; /* Virtual address of section */
- s.size, # long int s_size; /* Section size in bytes */
- sptr, # long int s_scnptr; /* File pointer to raw data */
- 0, # long int s_relptr; /* File pointer to relocation entries */
- 0, # long int s_lnnoptr;/* File pointer to line number entries */
- 0, # unsigned short s_nreloc; /* Number of relocation entrie */
- 0, # unsigned short s_nlnno; /* Number of line number entries */
- s.flags,# unsigned short s_flags; /* Flags (see ``Section header flags'') */
- '\x00', # /
- chr(mp),# char s_mempage;/* Memory page number */
- ))
- # Data
- if
- sd.append(self._data_pack(
- dptr += s.size * 2
- # Write the thing
- f = open(filename, 'wb')
- f.write(fh)
- f.write(oh)
- f.write(''.join(sh))
- f.write(''.join(sd))
- f.close()
- def add_section(self, name, type, addr, size, data=None):
- self.sections[name] = Section(name, type, addr, size, data=data)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Dump loading
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RE_DUMP_HDR = re.compile(
- r"^DSP dump: (\w*) \[([0-9a-fA-F]{5})-([0-9a-fA-F]{5})\]$"
-def _file_strip_gen(f):
- while True:
- l = f.readline()
- if not l:
- return
- yield l.strip()
-def dump_load_section(fg, sa, ea):
- data = []
- ca = sa
- for l in fg:
- if not l:
- break
- ra = int(l[0:5], 16)
- if ra != ca:
- raise ValueError('Invalid dump address %05x != %05x', ra, ca)
- v = l[8:].split()
- if len(v) != 16:
- raise ValueError('Invalid dump format')
- v = [int(x,16) for x in v]
- data.extend(v)
- ca += 0x10
- if ca != ea:
- raise ValueError('Missing dump data %05x != %05x', ra, ea)
- return data
-def dump_load(filename):
- # Open file
- f = open(filename, 'r')
- fg = _file_strip_gen(f)
- # Scan line by line for a dump header line
- sections = []
- for l in fg:
- m = RE_DUMP_HDR.match(l)
- if not m:
- continue
- name =
- sa = int(, 16)
- ea = int(, 16) + 1
- sections.append((
- name, sa, ea,
- dump_load_section(fg, sa, ea),
- ))
- # Done
- f.close()
- return sections
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Main
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def main(pname, dump_filename, out_filename):
- # Section to place in the COFF
- sections = [
- # name type start size
- ('.regs', Section.DATA, 0x00000, 0x0060),
- ('.scratch', Section.DATA, 0x00060, 0x0020),
- ('.drom', Section.DATA, 0x09000, 0x5000),
- ('.pdrom', Section.CODE, 0x0e000, 0x2000),
- ('.prom0', Section.CODE, 0x07000, 0x7000),
- ('.prom1', Section.CODE, 0x18000, 0x8000),
- ('.prom2', Section.CODE, 0x28000, 0x8000),
- ('.prom3', Section.CODE, 0x38000, 0x2000),
- ('.daram0', Section.DATA, 0x00080, 0x0780),
- ('.api', Section.DATA, 0x00800, 0x2000),
- ('.daram1', Section.DATA, 0x02800, 0x4800),
- ]
- # COFF name -> dump name
- dump_mapping = {
- # '.regs' : 'Registers',
- '.drom' : 'DROM',
- '.pdrom' : 'PDROM',
- '.prom0' : 'PROM0',
- '.prom1' : 'PROM1',
- '.prom2' : 'PROM2',
- '.prom3' : 'PROM3',
- }
- # Load the dump
- dump_sections = dict([(s[0], s) for s in dump_load(dump_filename)])
- # Create the COFF
- coff = CalypsoCOFF()
- # Add each section (with data if we have some)
- for name, type, start, size in sections:
- # Dumped data ?
- d_data = None
- if (name in dump_mapping) and (dump_mapping[name] in dump_sections):
- d_name, d_sa, d_ea, d_data = dump_sections[dump_mapping[name]]
- # Add sections
- coff.add_section(name, type, start, size, d_data)
- # Save result
- return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main(*sys.argv))
diff --git a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/ida/README.txt b/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/ida/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a793908..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/ida/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-Here's a few steps to get started quickly and get something readable:
- - Compile a patched for the IDA TMS320C54 module
- I made several enhancement to it to support the calypso better (the tms320c54
- module is part of the SDK and can be modded and recompiled) :
- - Add support for memory mappings so that the same memory zone can
- 'appear' at several place in the address space (to handle data & code
- overlay)
- - Fix the section handling when loading a file:
- . to set XPC properly,
- . to not override section name
- . to support more than 2 sections
- - Fix a bug in cross reference detection when dealing with section
- having selectors != 0
- - Add stub support for the type system. This allows loading of a .h
- header file with the NDB structure definition
- - Add definition for the IO ports so that they are symbolically
- displayed
- I can't publically distribute the IDA processor module modification
- because even just the patch contains some hex-rays code, so I'll handle
- this on a case by case basis. (just ask me privately and we'll work it out)
- - Dump the DSP ROM
- Using the compal_dsp_dump.bin, you must create a text dump of the DSP ROM,
- just piping the console output to a text file.
- - Generate COFF image
- The script can convert the text dump into a usable COFF file
- containing all the correct sections and addresses.
- - Load this COFF image into IDA
- In the load dialog make sure :
- - Uncheck the 'Fill segment gaps (COFF)' checkbox
- - Select 'TMS320C54' in 'Change processor'
- - In 'Analysis Options/Processor specific analysis options' :
- - 'Choose device name': CALYPSO
- - 'Data segment address': 0x80000000
- - 'Add mapping' (do it several time)
- - From 0x00000060 -> 0x80000060 size 0x6FA0
- - From 0x00010060 -> 0x80000060 size 0x6FA0
- - From 0x00020060 -> 0x80000060 size 0x6FA0
- - From 0x00030060 -> 0x80000060 size 0x6FA0
- - From 0x8000E000 -> 0x0000E000 size 0x2000
- - Set 'stub' compiler options to allow the type system to load .h files
- In 'Options/Compiler':
- - Compiler: 'GNU C++'
- - Calling convention: 'Cdecl'
- - Memory model: 'Code Near, Data Near'
- - Pointer size: 'Near 16bit, Far 32bit'
- - Include directory: '/usr/include' (or a directory with your includes
- ... needs to exist)
- - Load the NDB types
- - Load the ndb.h file
- - In the local types view, import all structure / enum into the database
- - Then declare the following symbol and set them as struct type
- appropriately.
- 0x80000800 api_w_page_0 db_mcu_to_dsp
- 0x80000814 api_w_page_1 db_mcu_to_dsp
- 0x80000828 api_r_page_0 db_dsp_to_mcu
- 0x8000083c api_r_page_1 db_dsp_to_mcu
- 0x800008d4 ndb ndb_mcu_dsp
diff --git a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/ida/ndb.h b/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/ida/ndb.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ad9c105..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/ida/ndb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-typedef unsigned char API;
-typedef signed char API_SIGNED;
-struct db_mcu_to_dsp
- API d_task_d;
- API d_burst_d;
- API d_task_u;
- API d_burst_u;
- API d_task_md;
- API d_background;
- API d_debug;
- API d_task_ra;
- API d_fn;
- API d_ctrl_tch;
- API hole;
- API d_ctrl_abb;
- API a_a5fn[2];
- API d_power_ctl;
- API d_afc;
- API d_ctrl_system;
-struct db_dsp_to_mcu
- API d_task_d;
- API d_burst_d;
- API d_task_u;
- API d_burst_u;
- API d_task_md;
- API d_background;
- API d_debug;
- API d_task_ra;
- API a_serv_demod[4];
- API a_pm[3];
- API a_sch[5];
-struct param_mcu_dsp
- API_SIGNED d_transfer_rate;
- API_SIGNED d_lat_mcu_bridge;
- API_SIGNED d_lat_mcu_hom2sam;
- API_SIGNED d_lat_mcu_bef_fast_access;
- API_SIGNED d_lat_dsp_after_sam;
- API_SIGNED d_gprs_install_address;
- API_SIGNED d_misc_config;
- API_SIGNED d_cn_sw_workaround;
- API_SIGNED d_hole2_param[4];
- API_SIGNED d_fb_margin_beg;
- API_SIGNED d_fb_margin_end;
- API_SIGNED d_nsubb_idle;
- API_SIGNED d_nsubb_dedic;
- API_SIGNED d_fb_thr_det_iacq;
- API_SIGNED d_fb_thr_det_track;
- API_SIGNED d_dc_off_thres;
- API_SIGNED d_dummy_thres;
- API_SIGNED d_dem_pond_gewl;
- API_SIGNED d_dem_pond_red;
- API_SIGNED d_maccthresh1;
- API_SIGNED d_mldt;
- API_SIGNED d_maccthresh;
- API_SIGNED d_gu;
- API_SIGNED d_go;
- API_SIGNED d_attmax;
- API_SIGNED d_sm;
- API_SIGNED d_v42b_switch_hyst;
- API_SIGNED d_v42b_switch_min;
- API_SIGNED d_v42b_switch_max;
- API_SIGNED d_v42b_reset_delay;
- API_SIGNED d_ldT_hr;
- API_SIGNED d_maccthresh_hr;
- API_SIGNED d_maccthresh1_hr;
- API_SIGNED d_gu_hr;
- API_SIGNED d_go_hr;
- API_SIGNED d_b_hr;
- API_SIGNED d_sm_hr;
- API_SIGNED d_attmax_hr;
- API_SIGNED c_mldt_efr;
- API_SIGNED c_maccthresh_efr;
- API_SIGNED c_maccthresh1_efr;
- API_SIGNED c_gu_efr;
- API_SIGNED c_go_efr;
- API_SIGNED c_b_efr;
- API_SIGNED c_sm_efr;
- API_SIGNED c_attmax_efr;
- API_SIGNED d_sd_min_thr_tchfs;
- API_SIGNED d_ma_min_thr_tchfs;
- API_SIGNED d_md_max_thr_tchfs;
- API_SIGNED d_md1_max_thr_tchfs;
- API_SIGNED d_sd_min_thr_tchhs;
- API_SIGNED d_ma_min_thr_tchhs;
- API_SIGNED d_sd_av_thr_tchhs;
- API_SIGNED d_md_max_thr_tchhs;
- API_SIGNED d_md1_max_thr_tchhs;
- API_SIGNED d_sd_min_thr_tchefs;
- API_SIGNED d_ma_min_thr_tchefs;
- API_SIGNED d_md_max_thr_tchefs;
- API_SIGNED d_md1_max_thr_tchefs;
- API_SIGNED d_wed_fil_ini;
- API_SIGNED d_wed_fil_tc;
- API_SIGNED d_x_min;
- API_SIGNED d_x_max;
- API_SIGNED d_slope;
- API_SIGNED d_y_min;
- API_SIGNED d_y_max;
- API_SIGNED d_wed_diff_threshold;
- API_SIGNED d_mabfi_min_thr_tchhs;
- API_SIGNED d_facch_thr;
- API_SIGNED d_max_ovsp_ul;
- API_SIGNED d_sync_thres;
- API_SIGNED d_idle_thres;
- API_SIGNED d_m1_thres;
- API_SIGNED d_max_ovsp_dl;
- API_SIGNED d_gsm_bgd_mgt;
- API a_fir_holes[4];
- API a_fir31_uplink[31];
- API a_fir31_downlink[31];
-struct ndb_mcu_dsp
- API d_dsp_page;
- API d_error_status;
- API d_spcx_rif;
- API d_tch_mode;
- API d_debug1;
- API d_dsp_test;
- API d_version_number1;
- API d_version_number2;
- API d_debug_ptr;
- API d_debug_bk;
- API d_pll_config;
- API p_debug_buffer;
- API d_debug_buffer_size;
- API d_debug_trace_type;
- API d_dsp_state;
- API d_hole1_ndb[2];
- API d_hole_debug_amr;
- API d_hole2_ndb[1];
- API d_mcsi_select;
- API d_apcdel1_bis;
- API d_apcdel2_bis;
- API d_apcdel2;
- API d_vbctrl2;
- API d_bulgcal;
- API d_afcctladd;
- API d_vbuctrl;
- API d_vbdctrl;
- API d_apcdel1;
- API d_apcoff;
- API d_bulioff;
- API d_bulqoff;
- API d_dai_onoff;
- API d_auxdac;
- API d_vbctrl1;
- API d_bbctrl;
- API d_fb_det;
- API d_fb_mode;
- API a_sync_demod[4];
- API a_sch26[5];
- API d_audio_gain_ul;
- API d_audio_gain_dl;
- API d_audio_compressor_ctrl;
- API d_audio_init;
- API d_audio_status;
- API d_toneskb_init;
- API d_toneskb_status;
- API d_k_x1_t0;
- API d_k_x1_t1;
- API d_k_x1_t2;
- API d_pe_rep;
- API d_pe_off;
- API d_se_off;
- API d_bu_off;
- API d_t0_on;
- API d_t0_off;
- API d_t1_on;
- API d_t1_off;
- API d_t2_on;
- API d_t2_off;
- API d_k_x1_kt0;
- API d_k_x1_kt1;
- API d_dur_kb;
- API d_shiftdl;
- API d_shiftul;
- API d_aec_ctrl;
- API d_es_level_api;
- API d_mu_api;
- API d_melo_osc_used;
- API d_melo_osc_active;
- API a_melo_note0[4];
- API a_melo_note1[4];
- API a_melo_note2[4];
- API a_melo_note3[4];
- API a_melo_note4[4];
- API a_melo_note5[4];
- API a_melo_note6[4];
- API a_melo_note7[4];
- API d_melody_selection;
- API a_melo_holes[3];
- API d_sr_status;
- API d_sr_param;
- API d_sr_bit_exact_test;
- API d_sr_nb_words;
- API d_sr_db_level;
- API d_sr_db_noise;
- API d_sr_mod_size;
- API a_n_best_words[4];
- API a_n_best_score[8];
- API a_dd_1[22];
- API a_du_1[22];
- API d_v42b_nego0;
- API d_v42b_nego1;
- API d_v42b_control;
- API d_v42b_ratio_ind;
- API d_mcu_control;
- API d_mcu_control_sema;
- API d_background_enable;
- API d_background_abort;
- API d_background_state;
- API d_max_background;
- API a_background_tasks[16];
- API a_back_task_io[16];
- API d_gea_mode_ovly;
- API a_gea_kc_ovly[4];
- API d_hole3_ndb[7];
- API d_thr_usf_detect;
- API d_a5mode;
- API d_sched_mode_gprs_ovly;
- API d_hole4_ndb[5];
- API a_ramp[16];
- API a_cd[15];
- API a_fd[15];
- API a_dd_0[22];
- API a_cu[15];
- API a_fu[15];
- API a_du_0[22];
- API d_rach;
- API a_kc[4];
- API d_ra_conf;
- API d_ra_act;
- API d_ra_test;
- API d_ra_statu;
- API d_ra_statd;
- API d_fax;
- API a_data_buf_ul[21];
- API a_data_buf_dl[37];
- API a_tty_holes[8];
- API a_sr_holes0[414];
- API a_new_aec_holes[12];
- // API a_sr_holes1[145];
- struct param_mcu_dsp params;
- API d_cport_init;
- API d_cport_ctrl;
- API a_cport_cfr[2];
- API d_cport_tcl_tadt;
- API d_cport_tdat;
- API d_cport_tvs;
- API d_cport_status;
- API d_cport_reg_value;
- API a_cport_holes[1011];
- API a_model[1041];
- API a_eotd_holes[22];
- API a_amr_config[4];
- API a_ratscch_ul[6];
- API a_ratscch_dl[6];
- API d_amr_snr_est;
- API a_voice_memo_amr_holes[1];
- API d_thr_onset_afs;
- API d_thr_sid_first_afs;
- API d_thr_ratscch_afs;
- API d_thr_update_afs;
- API d_thr_onset_ahs;
- API d_thr_sid_ahs;
- API d_thr_ratscch_marker;
- API d_thr_sp_dgr;
- API d_thr_soft_bits;
- API d_holes[61];
-enum dsp_error {
- DSP_ERR_RHEA = 0x0001,
- DSP_ERR_IQ_SAMPLES = 0x0004,
- DSP_ERR_DMA_PROG = 0x0008,
- DSP_ERR_DMA_TASK = 0x0010,
- DSP_ERR_DMA_PEND = 0x0020,
- DSP_ERR_VM = 0x0080,
- DSP_ERR_DMA_UL_TASK = 0x0100,
- DSP_ERR_DMA_UL_PROG = 0x0200,
- DSP_ERR_DMA_UL_PEND = 0x0400,
- DSP_ERR_STACK_OV = 0x0800,
diff --git a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/ida/tms320c54.cfg b/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/ida/tms320c54.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 7962bee..0000000
--- a/Src/osmocombb/src/target_dsp/calypso/ida/tms320c54.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-; Append this to the tms320c54.cfg shipped with IDA
-; entry _reset 0xff80 Reset vector
-; RIF
-RIF_DXR 0x0000
-RIF_DRR 0x0001
-RIF_SPCX 0x0002
-RIF_SPCR 0x0003
-CYPHER_KC_1 0x2803
-CYPHER_KC_2 0x2804
-CYPHER_KC_3 0x2805
-CYPHER_KC_4 0x2806
-CYPHER_COUNT_1 0x2807
-CYPHER_COUNT_2 0x2808
-CYPHER_DECI_1 0x2809
-CYPHER_DECI_8 0x2810
-CYPHER_ENCI_1 0x2811
-CYPHER_ENCI_2 0x2812
-CYPHER_ENCI_3 0x2813
-CYPHER_ENCI_4 0x2814
-CYPHER_ENCI_5 0x2815
-CYPHER_ENCI_6 0x2816
-CYPHER_ENCI_7 0x2817
-CYPHER_ENCI_8 0x2818
-MCSI_TX0 0x0820
-MCSI_TX1 0x0821
-MCSI_TX2 0x0822
-MCSI_TX3 0x0823
-MCSI_TX4 0x0824
-MCSI_TX5 0x0825
-MCSI_TX6 0x0826
-MCSI_TX7 0x0827
-MCSI_TX8 0x0828
-MCSI_TX9 0x0829
-MCSI_TX10 0x082A
-MCSI_TX11 0x082B
-MCSI_TX12 0x082C
-MCSI_TX13 0x082D
-MCSI_TX14 0x082E
-MCSI_TX15 0x082F
-MCSI_RX0 0x0830
-MCSI_RX1 0x0831
-MCSI_RX2 0x0832
-MCSI_RX3 0x0833
-MCSI_RX4 0x0834
-MCSI_RX5 0x0835
-MCSI_RX6 0x0836
-MCSI_RX7 0x0837
-MCSI_RX8 0x0838
-MCSI_RX9 0x0839
-MCSI_RX10 0x083A
-MCSI_RX11 0x083B
-MCSI_RX12 0x083C
-MCSI_RX13 0x083D
-MCSI_RX14 0x083E
-MCSI_RX15 0x083F
-; API
-API_CONF 0xF900
-; Interrupts
-; DMA
-DMA1_RAD 0xFC10
-DMA1_AAD 0xFC14
-DMA2_RAD 0xFC20
-DMA2_AAD 0xFC24
-DMA3_RAD 0xFC30
-DMA3_AAD 0xFC34
-DMA4_RAD 0xFC40
-DMA4_AAD 0xFC44