path: root/vorlagen/thesis/src/img/2D-SearchSpace.gnu
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Diffstat (limited to 'vorlagen/thesis/src/img/2D-SearchSpace.gnu')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vorlagen/thesis/src/img/2D-SearchSpace.gnu b/vorlagen/thesis/src/img/2D-SearchSpace.gnu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef3ce16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vorlagen/thesis/src/img/2D-SearchSpace.gnu
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# set terminal pngcairo transparent enhanced font "arial,10" fontscale 1.0 size 500, 350
+# set output 'surface1.16.png'
+#set dummy u,v
+#set label 1 "Doppler frequency bins" at 6, 0, -1 left norotate back nopoint offset character 0, 0, 0
+#set label 2 "u=0" at 5, 6.5, -1 left norotate back nopoint offset character 0, 0, 0
+set label 3 "Peak = 1" at 1.8, 2.5, 0.900248 left norotate back nopoint offset character 0, 0, 0
+#set arrow 1 from 5, -5, -1.2 to 5, 5, -1.2 head back nofilled linetype -1 linewidth 1.000
+#set arrow 2 from 5, 6, -1 to 5, 5, -1 head back nofilled linetype -1 linewidth 1.000
+#set arrow 3 from 3.8, 2.9, 1.500248 to 1.8, 2.16, 1 head back nofilled linetype -1 linewidth 1.000
+set parametric
+set view 52, 34, 1, 1
+#set samples 51, 51
+set isosamples 2, 40
+set hidden3d back offset 1 trianglepattern 3 undefined 1 altdiagonal bentover
+set ztics -1.00000,0.25,1.00000 norangelimit
+set title "Correlation peak over freq/code search space"
+#set xlabel "Frequency (kHz)"
+set xlabel offset character -3, -2, 0 font "" textcolor lt -1 norotate
+set xrange [ 0.8 : 2.2 ] noreverse nowriteback
+#set ylabel "Code-delay(chips) τ"
+set ylabel offset character 3, -2, 0 font "" textcolor lt -1 rotate by -270
+set yrange [ -4.00000 : 4.70000 ] noreverse nowriteback
+set zlabel "Z axis"
+set zlabel offset character -5, 0, 0 font "" textcolor lt -1 norotate
+set zrange [ -0.26000 : 1.00000 ] noreverse nowriteback
+set grid
+set style line 1 linecolor rgb "#1FBED6"
+set style line 2 linecolor rgb "#FF717E"
+set style line 3 linecolor rgb "#555555"
+set style line 4 linecolor rgb "#97C30A"
+mu = 2
+a =(1/(sqrt(delta)*sqrt(2*pi)))
+b = mu
+gausFun(x) = a*e**((-1)*((x-b)**2)/(2*(c**2)))+rand(0)/10
+x0 = 1
+x1 = 1.1
+x2 = 1.2
+x3 = 1.3
+x4 = 1.4
+x5 = 1.5
+x6 = 1.6
+x7 = 1.7
+x8 = 1.8
+x9 = 1.9
+x10 = 2
+x11 = 2.1
+#set term epslatex
+#set output "graph1.eps"
+# choose the SVG terminal
+set terminal svg
+set output '2D-SearchSpace.svg'
+splot [u=0:0.3][v=-4:4] \
+ x0, v, (u<0.25) ? -0.25 : rand(0)/10 ls 3 notitle, \
+ x1, v, (u<0.25) ? -0.25 : rand(0)/10 ls 3 notitle, \
+ x2, v, (u<0.25) ? -0.25 : rand(0)/10 ls 3 notitle, \
+ x3, v, (u<0.25) ? -0.25 : rand(0)/10 ls 3 notitle, \
+ x4, v, (u<0.25) ? -0.25 : rand(0)/10 ls 3 notitle, \
+ x5, v, (u<0.25) ? -0.25 : rand(0)/10 ls 3 notitle, \
+ x6, v, (u<0.25) ? -0.25 : 0.3*gausFun(v)+rand(0)/10 ls 1 notitle, \
+ x7, v, (u<0.25) ? -0.25 : 0.5*gausFun(v)+rand(0)/10 ls 4 notitle, \
+ x8, v, (u<0.25) ? -0.25 : gausFun(v) ls 2 notitle, \
+ x9, v, (u<0.25) ? -0.25 : 0.5*gausFun(v) ls 4 notitle, \
+ x10, v, (u<0.25) ? -0.25 : 0.3*gausFun(v) ls 1 notitle, \
+ x11, v, (u<0.25) ? -0.25 : rand(0)/10 ls 3 notitle
+pause 1