path: root/src/sysinfo.cpp
blob: 4797a86d77a1baff93d8063bf208452ad4e8a22b (plain) (tree)















































#include "sysinfo.h"

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * A empty constructor.
SysInfo::SysInfo() {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * A empty destructor.
SysInfo::~SysInfo() {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This method returns system informations.
 * This method returns system informations according to the parameter.
 * This method can be called from the JavascriptInterface class with the
 * method JavascriptInterface::getSysInfo(const QString& info).
 * @param infoName
 *   Is of type QString. Defines which method will be called. Possible values are:
 *     - mac
 *     - ip
 *     - mbserial
 *     - usb
 * @return QString
 *   the output of the called method or "info_error" if an error occurred
 *   (e. g. invalid parameter).
 * @see JavascriptInterface::getSysInfo(const QString& info)
const QString SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName) {
   qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] requested " << infoName;
   if (infoName == QString("mac"))
      return getMACAddress();
   else if (infoName == QString("ip"))
      return getIPAddress();
   else if (infoName == QString("all"))
      return getAllInfos();
   else if (infoName == QString("mbserial"))
      return getMainboardSerial();
   else if (infoName == QString("usb"))
      return getUsbVendorIdProductIdSerialNumber();
   else if (infoName == QString("json"))
      return getNames();
   /* unknown code */
   qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] unknown requested";
   return "info_error";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This method returns the clients MAC-Address.
 * This method returns the clients MAC-Address of the "eth0" interface.
 * The MAC-Address is used as part of the data to compute the
 * hardwarehash of the client machine. To call this method use the
 * SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName) method with
 * the parameter "mac"
 * @return QString
 *   the MAC-Address or "no_eth0" if an error occurred.
 * @see fbgui::generatePOSTData()
 * @see SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName)
const QString SysInfo::getMACAddress() {
   // Returns MAC address of eth0 for now
   QNetworkInterface qni = QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName(QString("eth0"));
   if (!qni.isValid()) {
      qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] MAC Address: No interface matching \"eth0\" found.";
      return "no_eth0";
   //eth0_index = qni.index();
   return qni.hardwareAddress();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This method returns the clients IP-Address.
 * This method returns the clients IP-Address of the "eth0" interface.
 * To call this method use the
 * SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName) method with
 * the parameter "ip"
 * @return QString
 *   the IP-Address or "ip_error" if an error occurred.
 * @see SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName)
const QString SysInfo::getIPAddress() {
   // Again for eth0 only at the moment.
   // TODO: this doesn't quite work yet...
   QNetworkInterface qni = QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName(QString("eth0"));
   QList<QHostAddress> addrlist = qni.allAddresses();
   // This is does not return the right IP atm...
   foreach(QHostAddress addr, addrlist)
         if (addr.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol && addr != QHostAddress::LocalHost) {
            return addr.toString();
   // still here?
   qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] IP Address: ip_error";
   return "ip_error";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * just a test method for json.
const QByteArray SysInfo::getNames() {

   QVariantMap foo;
   foo.insert("name", "foo");
   foo.insert("type", 123);

   QVariantMap fooo;
   fooo.insert("name", "boo");
   fooo.insert("type", 321);

   QVariantList jsonV;
   jsonV << foo << fooo;

   QJson::Serializer serializer;
   QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(jsonV);

   qxtLog->debug() << json;
   return json;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * just a test method for json.
QString SysInfo::getAllInfos() {
   QVariantMap infos;
   infos.insert("mac", getMACAddress());
   infos.insert("ip", getIPAddress());
   infos.insert("whoami", getScriptOutput("whoami"));
   //infos.insert("pwd", getScriptOutput("pwd"));

   //QJson::Serializer serializer;
   QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(infos);

   qxtLog->debug() << json;
   return json;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * This method returns the Mainboard Serial Number.
 * This method returns the Mainboard Serial Number. The mainboard serial
 * number is used as part of the data to compute the hardwarehash of the
 * client machine. To call this method use the
 * SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName) method with
 * the parameter "mbserial"
 * @return QString
 *   the mainboard serial or "mainboard_serial_error" if an error occurred.
 * @see fbgui::generatePOSTData()
 * @see SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName)
const QString SysInfo::getMainboardSerial() {
   QString out = "";
   struct sysfs_class_device *class_device = sysfs_open_class_device("dmi", "id");
   struct dlist *attrlist = sysfs_get_classdev_attributes(class_device);
   struct sysfs_device *device = sysfs_get_classdev_device(class_device);

   if (attrlist != NULL) {
      struct sysfs_attribute *attr = NULL;
      dlist_for_each_data(attrlist, attr, struct sysfs_attribute) {
         QVariantMap a;
         if(QString(attr->name) == QString("board_serial")) {
            out = QString(attr->value);
      qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Mainboard Serial: " + out;
      return out;
         << "[sysinfo] Mainboard Serial: attrlist is null! return: mainboard_serial_error";
   return "mainboard_serial_error";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This method returns inforamtions about connected usb devices.
 * This method returns the inforamtions about connected usb devices
 * as a json formated string.
 * Those informations are:
 *   - the vendor
 *   - the vendorID
 *   - the product
 *   - the productID
 *   - the manufacturer
 *   - the serial number
 *   To call this method use the SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName)
 *   method with the parameter "usb"
 * @return QString
 *   all above described informations as a json formated string or "error"
 *   if an error occurred.
 * @see SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName)
const QString SysInfo::getUsbVendorIdProductIdSerialNumber() {
   QString tag = "[sysinfo] Usb Serial:";
   QString out = "";
   QVariantList list;

   libusb_device **devs;
   libusb_context *ctx = NULL; //a libusb session
   ssize_t cnt; //holding number of devices in list
   int r = 1;
   r = libusb_init(&ctx);
   if (r < 0) {
      qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to initialise libusb";
      return "error";
   cnt = libusb_get_device_list(ctx, &devs); //get the list of devices
   if (cnt < 0) {
      qxtLog->debug() << tag + "Get Device Error"; //there was an error
   qxtLog->debug() << tag + cnt + " Devices in list."; //print total number of usb devices
   ssize_t i; //for iterating through the list#
   for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
      //printdev(devs[i]); //print specs of this device
      QVariantMap infos;
      libusb_device *dev = devs[i];
      libusb_device_descriptor desc;
      int re = libusb_get_device_descriptor(dev, &desc);
      if (re < 0) {
         qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to get device descriptor";
         return "error";
      infos.insert("vendorId", desc.idVendor);
      infos.insert("productId", desc.idProduct);
      unsigned char string[256];
      libusb_device_handle *handle;
      re = libusb_open(dev, &handle);
      if (re != 0) {
         qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to get handler / fail to open device";
         return "error";
      re = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(handle, desc.iSerialNumber, string, sizeof(string));
      if (re < 0) {
         qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to get SerialNumber";
         return "error";
      infos.insert("serialnumber", QString((const char *) string));
      re = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(handle, desc.iProduct, string, sizeof(string));
      if (re < 0) {
         qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to get Product";
         return "error";
      infos.insert("product", QString((const char *) string));
      re = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(handle, desc.iManufacturer, string, sizeof(string));
      if (re < 0) {
         qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to get Product";
         return "error";
      infos.insert("manuacturer", QString((const char *) string));

      list << infos;
   libusb_free_device_list(devs, 1); //free the list, unref the devices in it
   libusb_exit(ctx); //close the session

   QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(list);
   qxtLog->debug() << tag + "json object: " + json;
   return json;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This method returns the output of the provided script.
 * This method returns the output of the provided script.
 * Script could be any command.
 * This method is not used so far.
 * @param cmd
 *   Is of type QString. The command which will be executed
 * @return QString
 *   output of the script.
QString SysInfo::getScriptOutput(QString cmd) {
   QProcess *process = new QProcess();
   qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Script Output: try to open: " << cmd;
   process->start(cmd, QIODevice::ReadOnly);

   if (!process->waitForStarted())
      qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Script Output: process couldn't get opened";

   QString output;

   QTextStream *txt_stream = new QTextStream(process);

   while (!txt_stream->atEnd()) {
      qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Script Output: read output: ";
      QString tmp_str = txt_stream->readLine();
      output += tmp_str;
      qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Script Output: " << tmp_str;
   qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Script Output: process finished: ";
   return output;