path: root/doxygen/man/man3/NetworkManager.3
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authorNiklas2011-11-09 15:27:51 +0100
committerNiklas2011-11-09 15:27:51 +0100
commit04fec063699f742fcd2ea552ef8c77fb402ce870 (patch)
tree1a7146b53084dc49fa742ed4ca7e318ebb4aad2b /doxygen/man/man3/NetworkManager.3
parentadded some comments (diff)
some documentation changes (adding comments) and doxygen files)
Diffstat (limited to 'doxygen/man/man3/NetworkManager.3')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doxygen/man/man3/NetworkManager.3 b/doxygen/man/man3/NetworkManager.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1c558e
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+++ b/doxygen/man/man3/NetworkManager.3
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+.TH "NetworkManager" 3 "Wed Nov 9 2011" "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery" \" -*- nroff -*- l
+NetworkManager \-
+Manages the network configurations like setting new default routes.
+\fC#include <networkmanager.h>\fP
+.SS "Public Member Functions"
+ +1c
+.ti -1c
+.RI "\fBNetworkManager\fP ()"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "virtual \fB~NetworkManager\fP ()"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "int \fBreplaceDefaultRoute\fP (QString ifname, QString gateway, int metric, int af)"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "int \fBbringInterfaceUP\fP (QString ifname)"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "int \fBbringInterfaceDown\fP (QString ifname)"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "int \fBip4_setManualConfiguration\fP (QString ifname, QString ipAddress, QString netmask, QString broadcast, QString gateway, int metric, int af, QString pathToResolvConf, QList< QString > nameServer)"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "int \fBip4_configureInterface\fP (QString ifname, QString ipAddress, QString broadcast, QString netmask, int af)"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "int \fBip6_addRoute\fP (const char *iface, const struct in6_addr *ip6_dest, int ip6_prefix, const struct in6_addr *ip6_gateway, int metric, int mss)"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "int \fBip6_addAddress\fP (struct ip6_addr *ip6Addr, const char *iface)"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "int \fBwriteResolvConf\fP (QString path, QString ifname, QList< QString > nameServer)" -1c
+.SH "Detailed Description"
+Manages the network configurations like setting new default routes.
+Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - RZ Uni Freiburg Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - OpenSLX Project
+This program/file is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. See
+If you have any feedback please consult and send your feedback to
+General information about OpenSLX can be found under
+Manages the network configurations like setting new default routes. It provides methods for ipv4 and some method for ipv6.
+.SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation"
+.SS "NetworkManager::NetworkManager ()"
+.SS "NetworkManager::~NetworkManager ()\fC [virtual]\fP"
+.SH "Member Function Documentation"
+.SS "int NetworkManager::bringInterfaceDown (QStringifname)"The method brings an interface down.
+.RS 4
+\fIifname\fP the name of the interface
+.RS 4
+0 -> success -1 -> error
+.SS "int NetworkManager::bringInterfaceUP (QStringifname)"The method brings an interface up.
+.RS 4
+\fIifname\fP the name of the interface
+.RS 4
+0 -> success -1 -> error
+.SS "int NetworkManager::ip4_configureInterface (QStringifname, QStringipAddress, QStringbroadcast, QStringnetmask, intaf)"
+.SS "int NetworkManager::ip4_setManualConfiguration (QStringifname, QStringipAddress, QStringnetmask, QStringbroadcast, QStringgateway, intmetric, intaf, QStringpathToResolvConf, QList< QString >nameServer)"This method is used when the manual configuration is needed.
+This method is used when the manual configuration is needed. First we bring up the interface. Than we configure the interface with our manual entered configuration dates. After that we replace the old default route with the new and write a resolv.conf.
+.RS 4
+\fIifname\fP name of the interface which we are about to configure.
+\fIipAddress\fP the new IP-Address.
+\fInetmask\fP the netmask of the IP-Address.
+\fIbroadcast\fP the broadcast address.
+\fIgateway\fP the gateway address.
+\fImetric\fP do not exactly know why we need this. in most cases this should be 0.
+\fIaf\fP the address type. Either AF_INET for IPv4 or AF_INET6 for IPv6.
+\fIpathToResolvConf\fP the path to the resolf.conf file. in most cases '/etc/'.
+\fInameServer\fP the name server addresses.
+.SS "int NetworkManager::ip6_addAddress (struct ip6_addr *ip6Addr, const char *iface)"
+.SS "int NetworkManager::ip6_addRoute (const char *iface, const struct in6_addr *ip6_dest, intip6_prefix, const struct in6_addr *ip6_gateway, intmetric, intmss)"
+.SS "int NetworkManager::replaceDefaultRoute (QStringifname, QStringgateway, intmss, intaf)"This method adds /replaces the default route. This method adds /replaces the default route. To keep it modular, it is possible to specify an ip address family.
+.RS 4
+\fIifName\fP the interface name
+\fIgateway\fP the gateway address (e.g:
+\fImss\fP the mss.
+\fIaf\fP specify the family type of the ip address. possible values are: AF_INET for an IPv4 address AF_INET6 for an IPv6 address
+.RS 4
+return -1 if an error happened. return 0 if everything was ok.
+.SS "int NetworkManager::writeResolvConf (QStringpath, QStringifname, QList< QString >nameServer)"This method writes a resolv.conf file.
+.RS 4
+\fIpath\fP path to the resolv.conf file. (in most cases: /etc/)
+\fIifname\fP name of the interface
+\fIaddresses\fP of the nameserver
+.RS 4
+return 0 if success else -1
+.SH "Author"
+Generated automatically by Doxygen for ndgui/NetworkDiscovery from the source code.