path: root/src
diff options
authorjoe2011-04-21 23:35:02 +0200
committerjoe2011-04-21 23:35:02 +0200
commit7cb508eb877ae0a696427073b1105ee8d9c19876 (patch)
tree5dd6a3f734fa3de750785d17ec470ccc27e16af7 /src
parentmainboard serial formatting if empty (diff)
uniformed ident 3-spaced....
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
13 files changed, 1164 insertions, 1172 deletions
diff --git a/src/downloadmanager.cpp b/src/downloadmanager.cpp
index c772776..1be8964 100644
--- a/src/downloadmanager.cpp
+++ b/src/downloadmanager.cpp
@@ -4,216 +4,212 @@
int DownloadManager::downloaded = 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DownloadManager::DownloadManager() {
- qxtLog->debug() << "Initializing download manager...";
- checkDownloadDirectory();
- _qnam = new QNetworkAccessManager();
- //_qnam->moveToThread(&dmThread);
- dip = false;
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Initializing download manager...";
+ checkDownloadDirectory();
+ _qnam = new QNetworkAccessManager();
+ //_qnam->moveToThread(&dmThread);
+ dip = false;
DownloadManager::~DownloadManager() {
- delete _qnam;
+ delete _qnam;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DownloadManager::checkDownloadDirectory() {
- // check if downloadPath exists, if not create it.
- downloadDir = QDir(downloadPath);
- if (!downloadDir.exists()) {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download directory: " << downloadDir.path()
- << " doesn't exist.";
- // try to create the directory
- if (QDir::current().mkdir(downloadPath))
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Created download directory: "
- << downloadDir.path();
- else {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Failed to create directory: "
- << downloadDir.path();
- // try to save to /tmp/fbgui
- downloadDir.setPath(QDir::tempPath() + "/fbgui");
- if (!downloadDir.exists()) {
- if (QDir::current().mkdir(QDir::tempPath() + "/fbgui"))
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Successfully created: "
- << downloadDir.absolutePath();
- else {
- // just in case
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Failed to create: "
- << downloadDir.absolutePath();
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Exiting...";
- exit( EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- } else
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] " << downloadDir.absolutePath()
- << " already exists.";
- }
- } else
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download directory: "
- << downloadDir.absolutePath() << " already exists.";
+ // check if downloadPath exists, if not create it.
+ downloadDir = QDir(downloadPath);
+ if (!downloadDir.exists()) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download directory: " << downloadDir.path()
+ << " doesn't exist.";
+ // try to create the directory
+ if (QDir::current().mkdir(downloadPath))
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Created download directory: "
+ << downloadDir.path();
+ else {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Failed to create directory: "
+ << downloadDir.path();
+ // try to save to /tmp/fbgui
+ downloadDir.setPath(QDir::tempPath() + "/fbgui");
+ if (!downloadDir.exists()) {
+ if (QDir::current().mkdir(QDir::tempPath() + "/fbgui"))
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Successfully created: "
+ << downloadDir.absolutePath();
+ else {
+ // just in case
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Failed to create: "
+ << downloadDir.absolutePath();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Exiting...";
+ exit( EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ } else
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] " << downloadDir.absolutePath()
+ << " already exists.";
+ }
+ } else
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download directory: "
+ << downloadDir.absolutePath() << " already exists.";
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Saving downloads to: "
- << downloadDir.absolutePath();
- downloadPath = downloadDir.absolutePath();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Saving downloads to: "
+ << downloadDir.absolutePath();
+ downloadPath = downloadDir.absolutePath();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public access
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DownloadManager::downloadFile(const QString& filename) {
- QUrl fileUrl(baseURL.resolved(QUrl(filename)));
- this->processDownloadRequest(fileUrl);
+ QUrl fileUrl(baseURL.resolved(QUrl(filename)));
+ this->processDownloadRequest(fileUrl);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DownloadManager::downloadFile(const QUrl& fileUrl) {
- this->processDownloadRequest(fileUrl);
+ this->processDownloadRequest(fileUrl);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private functions handling download requests and queueing
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DownloadManager::processDownloadRequest(const QUrl& url) {
- if (url.isEmpty()) {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] No URL specified for download.";
- return;
- }
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Enqueueing: " << url.toString();
- dlQ.enqueue(url);
- if (dip) {
- // download in progress, return.
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download in progress! Queued:"
- << url.toString() << "(" << dlQ.size() << " in queue)";
- return;
- }
- // no running downloads: start next in queue
- startNextDownload();
+ if (url.isEmpty()) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] No URL specified for download.";
+ return;
+ }
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Enqueueing: " << url.toString();
+ dlQ.enqueue(url);
+ if (dip) {
+ // download in progress, return.
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download in progress! Queued:" << url.toString()
+ << "(" << dlQ.size() << " in queue)";
+ return;
+ }
+ // no running downloads: start next in queue
+ startNextDownload();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DownloadManager::startNextDownload() {
- QWSServer::instance()->setCursorVisible(false);
- if (dlQ.isEmpty()) {
- emit downloadQueueEmpty();
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download manager ready. (1)";
- return;
- }
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Starting next download: " << dlQ.head().toString()
- << " (" << dlQ.size() - 1 << " in queue.)";
+ QWSServer::instance()->setCursorVisible(false);
+ if (dlQ.isEmpty()) {
+ emit downloadQueueEmpty();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download manager ready. (1)";
+ return;
+ }
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Starting next download: " << dlQ.head().toString()
+ << " (" << dlQ.size() - 1 << " in queue.)";
- // dequeue next URL to download.
- QUrl url = dlQ.dequeue();
+ // dequeue next URL to download.
+ QUrl url = dlQ.dequeue();
- // get filename from URL.
- QString tmp = url.path();
- tmp.remove(0, tmp.lastIndexOf(QChar('/')) + 1);
+ // get filename from URL.
+ QString tmp = url.path();
+ tmp.remove(0, tmp.lastIndexOf(QChar('/')) + 1);
- // check if filename exists on target file system
- if (downloadDir.exists(tmp)) {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] File already exists: "
- << downloadDir.absoluteFilePath(tmp);
- outfile.setFileName(
- QString(downloadDir.absolutePath() + "/" + tmp + ".\%1").arg(
- downloaded));
- } else
- outfile.setFileName(downloadDir.absoluteFilePath(tmp));
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Saving to: " << outfile.fileName();
+ // check if filename exists on target file system
+ if (downloadDir.exists(tmp)) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] File already exists: "
+ << downloadDir.absoluteFilePath(tmp);
+ outfile.setFileName(QString(downloadDir.absolutePath() + "/" + tmp
+ + ".\%1").arg(downloaded));
+ } else
+ outfile.setFileName(downloadDir.absoluteFilePath(tmp));
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Saving to: " << outfile.fileName();
- // try to open for writing
- if (! {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] No write access to " << outfile.fileName()
- << " . Skipping download...";
- return;
- }
+ // try to open for writing
+ if (! {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] No write access to " << outfile.fileName()
+ << " . Skipping download...";
+ return;
+ }
- // send the request for the file
- QNetworkRequest request(url);
- currentDownload = _qnam->get(request);
- lastProgress = 0;
- currentProgress = 0;
- dip = true;
- _time.start();
- QObject::connect(currentDownload, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this,
- SLOT(downloadReady()));
- QObject::connect(currentDownload, SIGNAL(metaDataChanged()), this,
- SLOT(processMetaInfo()));
- QObject::connect(currentDownload, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)),
- this, SLOT(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)));
- QObject::connect(currentDownload, SIGNAL(finished()), this,
- SLOT(downloadFinished()));
+ // send the request for the file
+ QNetworkRequest request(url);
+ currentDownload = _qnam->get(request);
+ lastProgress = 0;
+ currentProgress = 0;
+ dip = true;
+ _time.start();
+ QObject::connect(currentDownload, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(
+ downloadReady()));
+ QObject::connect(currentDownload, SIGNAL(metaDataChanged()), this, SLOT(
+ processMetaInfo()));
+ QObject::connect(currentDownload, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)),
+ this, SLOT(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)));
+ QObject::connect(currentDownload, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(
+ downloadFinished()));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private slots to handle a download in progress
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DownloadManager::processMetaInfo() {
- // fetch filesize from header & filename from URL (for now)
- const QByteArray cltag = "Content-Length";
- QByteArray clinfo = currentDownload->rawHeader(cltag);
- QFileInfo fi(outfile);
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download Info: " << fi.fileName() << " (Size: "
- << clinfo.toDouble() << ")";
- emit downloadInfo(fi.fileName(), clinfo.toDouble());
+ // fetch filesize from header & filename from URL (for now)
+ const QByteArray cltag = "Content-Length";
+ QByteArray clinfo = currentDownload->rawHeader(cltag);
+ QFileInfo fi(outfile);
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download Info: " << fi.fileName() << " (Size: "
+ << clinfo.toDouble() << ")";
+ emit downloadInfo(fi.fileName(), clinfo.toDouble());
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DownloadManager::downloadReady() {
- // data ready, save it
- outfile.write(currentDownload->readAll());
+ // data ready, save it
+ outfile.write(currentDownload->readAll());
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DownloadManager::downloadProgress(qint64 bytesIn, qint64 bytesTotal) {
- if (bytesIn > bytesTotal || bytesTotal <= 0) {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] downloadProgress invalid values:" << "In:"
- << bytesIn << " / Total: " << bytesTotal;
- return;
- }
- // calculate current speed
- double speed = bytesIn * 1000 / _time.elapsed();
- QString unit;
- if (speed < 1024) {
- unit = "bytes/sec";
- } else if (speed < 1024 * 1024) {
- speed /= 1024;
- unit = "KB/s";
- } else {
- speed /= 1024 * 1024;
- unit = "MB/s";
- }
- // update progress only if difference higher than the updateInterval setting
- currentProgress = ((bytesIn * 100) / bytesTotal);
- if (currentProgress - lastProgress >= updateInterval) {
- lastProgress = currentProgress;
- emit
- updateProgress(currentProgress, speed, unit);
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download progress of "
- << currentDownload->url().toString() << ": " << bytesIn << "/"
- << bytesTotal << "(" << currentProgress << "\%)";
- }
+ if (bytesIn > bytesTotal || bytesTotal <= 0) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] downloadProgress invalid values:" << "In:"
+ << bytesIn << " / Total: " << bytesTotal;
+ return;
+ }
+ // calculate current speed
+ double speed = bytesIn * 1000 / _time.elapsed();
+ QString unit;
+ if (speed < 1024) {
+ unit = "bytes/sec";
+ } else if (speed < 1024 * 1024) {
+ speed /= 1024;
+ unit = "KB/s";
+ } else {
+ speed /= 1024 * 1024;
+ unit = "MB/s";
+ }
+ // update progress only if difference higher than the updateInterval setting
+ currentProgress = ((bytesIn * 100) / bytesTotal);
+ if (currentProgress - lastProgress >= updateInterval) {
+ lastProgress = currentProgress;
+ emit updateProgress(currentProgress, speed, unit);
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download progress of "
+ << currentDownload->url().toString() << ": " << bytesIn << "/"
+ << bytesTotal << "(" << currentProgress << "\%)";
+ }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DownloadManager::downloadFinished() {
- // check for errors
- if (currentDownload->error()) {
- outfile.close();
- outfile.remove();
- int statusCode = currentDownload->attribute(
- QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download of "
- << currentDownload->url().toString()
- << " failed with HTTP error code: " << statusCode;
- emit
- notify(QString("Download failed! HTTP Status Code: %1").arg(statusCode));
- currentDownload->deleteLater();
- } else {
- // end download
- outfile.close();
- downloaded++;
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download of "
- << currentDownload->url().toString()
- << " finished. (downloaded = " << downloaded << ")";
- emit
- notify(
- QString("Successfully downloaded %1").arg(
- currentDownload->url().toString()));
- currentDownload->deleteLater();
- }
- dip = false;
- // process next in queue, if any
- if (dlQ.isEmpty()) {
- emit downloadQueueEmpty();
- qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download manager ready. (2)";
- return;
- }
- startNextDownload();
+ // check for errors
+ if (currentDownload->error()) {
+ outfile.close();
+ outfile.remove();
+ int statusCode = currentDownload->attribute(
+ QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download of "
+ << currentDownload->url().toString()
+ << " failed with HTTP error code: " << statusCode;
+ emit notify(QString("Download failed! HTTP Status Code: %1").arg(
+ statusCode));
+ currentDownload->deleteLater();
+ } else {
+ // end download
+ outfile.close();
+ downloaded++;
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download of "
+ << currentDownload->url().toString() << " finished. (downloaded = "
+ << downloaded << ")";
+ emit notify(QString("Successfully downloaded %1").arg(
+ currentDownload->url().toString()));
+ currentDownload->deleteLater();
+ }
+ dip = false;
+ // process next in queue, if any
+ if (dlQ.isEmpty()) {
+ emit downloadQueueEmpty();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[dm] Download manager ready. (2)";
+ return;
+ }
+ startNextDownload();
diff --git a/src/downloadmanager.h b/src/downloadmanager.h
index a7afe23..dfb4d03 100644
--- a/src/downloadmanager.h
+++ b/src/downloadmanager.h
@@ -33,53 +33,53 @@ class DownloadManager: public QObject {
- DownloadManager();
- ~DownloadManager();
- QTime _time;
+ DownloadManager();
+ ~DownloadManager();
+ QTime _time;
- // checks for valid download directory, ran once in constructor
- void checkDownloadDirectory();
- // private control function for queueing mechanism.
- void processDownloadRequest(const QUrl& url);
+ // checks for valid download directory, ran once in constructor
+ void checkDownloadDirectory();
+ // private control function for queueing mechanism.
+ void processDownloadRequest(const QUrl& url);
- // base objects for downloading
- QNetworkAccessManager* _qnam;
- QQueue<QUrl> dlQ;
- QNetworkReply* currentDownload;
- QFile outfile;
- QDir downloadDir;
- // download progress variables
- int currentProgress, lastProgress;
- // download in progress flag
- bool dip;
- // static counter
- static int downloaded;
+ // base objects for downloading
+ QNetworkAccessManager* _qnam;
+ QQueue<QUrl> dlQ;
+ QNetworkReply* currentDownload;
+ QFile outfile;
+ QDir downloadDir;
+ // download progress variables
+ int currentProgress, lastProgress;
+ // download in progress flag
+ bool dip;
+ // static counter
+ static int downloaded;
- // notify sends a message to the javascript interface to be evaluated there
- void notify(const QString& msg);
- // downloadInfo sends static information (name, size) to the interface.
- void downloadInfo(const QString& filename, const double& filesize);
- // updateProgress sends download progress information to the interface.
- void updateProgress(const int& percent, const double& speed,
- const QString& unit);
- // signal emitted when download queue is empty.
- void downloadQueueEmpty();
+ signals:
+ // notify sends a message to the javascript interface to be evaluated there
+ void notify(const QString& msg);
+ // downloadInfo sends static information (name, size) to the interface.
+ void downloadInfo(const QString& filename, const double& filesize);
+ // updateProgress sends download progress information to the interface.
+ void updateProgress(const int& percent, const double& speed,
+ const QString& unit);
+ // signal emitted when download queue is empty.
+ void downloadQueueEmpty();
public slots:
- // public slots to receive download requests.
- void downloadFile(const QUrl& fileUrl);
- // convenience function
- void downloadFile(const QString& fileUrl);
+ // public slots to receive download requests.
+ void downloadFile(const QUrl& fileUrl);
+ // convenience function
+ void downloadFile(const QString& fileUrl);
private slots:
- // private slots to manage the downloading process
- void startNextDownload();
- void processMetaInfo();
- void downloadReady();
- void downloadProgress(qint64 bytesIn, qint64 bytesTotal);
- void downloadFinished();
+ // private slots to manage the downloading process
+ void startNextDownload();
+ void processMetaInfo();
+ void downloadReady();
+ void downloadProgress(qint64 bytesIn, qint64 bytesTotal);
+ void downloadFinished();
diff --git a/src/fbgui.cpp b/src/fbgui.cpp
index 760a490..fdedf1f 100644
--- a/src/fbgui.cpp
+++ b/src/fbgui.cpp
@@ -33,63 +33,62 @@ int debugMode = -1;
* @see DownloadManager
fbgui::fbgui() {
- // test for libsys function
- //SysInfoLibsysfs* sil = new SysInfoLibsysfs();
- //sil->getInfoAboutNetworkInterface();
- //sil->getInfoMainboardSerial();
- //SysInfo si;
- //qxtLog->debug() << si.getInfo("mbserial");
- //si.getInfo("usb");
+ // test for libsys function
+ //SysInfoLibsysfs* sil = new SysInfoLibsysfs();
+ //sil->getInfoAboutNetworkInterface();
+ //sil->getInfoMainboardSerial();
+ //SysInfo si;
+ //qxtLog->debug() << si.getInfo("mbserial");
+ //si.getInfo("usb");
- setupLayout();
- createActions();
+ setupLayout();
+ createActions();
- // initialize javascript interface
- JavascriptInterface* jsi = new JavascriptInterface(
- _webView->page()->mainFrame());
- QObject::connect(jsi, SIGNAL(quitFbgui()), this, SLOT(close()));
- QObject::connect(jsi, SIGNAL(shutDownClient()), this, SLOT(
- performShutDown()));
- QObject::connect(_webView->page()->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(
- javaScriptWindowObjectCleared()), jsi, SLOT(attachToDOM()));
+ // initialize javascript interface
+ JavascriptInterface* jsi = new JavascriptInterface(
+ _webView->page()->mainFrame());
+ QObject::connect(jsi, SIGNAL(quitFbgui()), this, SLOT(close()));
+ QObject::connect(jsi, SIGNAL(shutDownClient()), this,
+ SLOT(performShutDown()));
+ QObject::connect(_webView->page()->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(
+ javaScriptWindowObjectCleared()), jsi, SLOT(attachToDOM()));
- // initialize download manager
- DownloadManager* dm = new DownloadManager();
- QObject::connect(dm, SIGNAL(downloadInfo(const QString&, const double&)),
- jsi, SLOT(downloadInfo(const QString&, const double&)));
- QObject::connect(dm, SIGNAL(notify(const QString&)), jsi,
- SLOT(notify(const QString&)));
- QObject::connect(jsi, SIGNAL(requestFile(const QString&)), dm,
- SLOT(downloadFile(const QString&)));
- QObject::connect(
- dm,
- SIGNAL(updateProgress(const int&, const double&, const QString&)),
- jsi,
- SLOT(updateProgressBar(const int&, const double&, const QString&)));
- QObject::connect(dm, SIGNAL(downloadQueueEmpty()), jsi, SLOT(
- callbackOnFinished()));
- QObject::connect(dm, SIGNAL(downloadQueueEmpty()), this, SLOT(
- prepareKexec()));
+ // initialize download manager
+ DownloadManager* dm = new DownloadManager();
+ QObject::connect(dm, SIGNAL(downloadInfo(const QString&, const double&)),
+ jsi, SLOT(downloadInfo(const QString&, const double&)));
+ QObject::connect(dm, SIGNAL(notify(const QString&)), jsi,
+ SLOT(notify(const QString&)));
+ QObject::connect(jsi, SIGNAL(requestFile(const QString&)), dm,
+ SLOT(downloadFile(const QString&)));
+ QObject::connect(
+ dm,
+ SIGNAL(updateProgress(const int&, const double&, const QString&)),
+ jsi,
+ SLOT(updateProgressBar(const int&, const double&, const QString&)));
+ QObject::connect(dm, SIGNAL(downloadQueueEmpty()), jsi, SLOT(
+ callbackOnFinished()));
+ QObject::connect(dm, SIGNAL(downloadQueueEmpty()), this,
+ SLOT(prepareKexec()));
- // move download manager to its own thread
- //dm->moveToThread(&dmThread);
- //dmThread.start();
+ // move download manager to its own thread
+ //dm->moveToThread(&dmThread);
+ //dmThread.start();
- //_webView->page()->networkAccessManager()->setCookieJar(new QNetworkCookieJar);
- // show page
- _webView->load(QUrl("qrc:/html/preload.html"));
- // start watching for fileToTriggerURL
- watchForTrigger();
- //if (checkHost()) loadURL();
+ // show "waiting for internet" page until triggered.
+ _webView->load(QUrl("qrc:/html/preload.html"));
+ //statusBar()->showMessage("Waiting for internet...");
+ // start watching for fileToTriggerURL
+ watchForTrigger();
- // set properties
- setWindowTitle("fbgui");
- setAttribute(Qt::WA_QuitOnClose, true);
- setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
- showFullScreen();
+ // set properties
+ setWindowTitle("fbgui");
+ setAttribute(Qt::WA_QuitOnClose, true);
+ setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
+ showFullScreen();
fbgui::~fbgui() {
- //dmThread.quit();
+ //dmThread.quit();
// Layout / actions setup
@@ -103,28 +102,28 @@ fbgui::~fbgui() {
* out console
void fbgui::setupLayout() {
- // setup layout of the gui: debug split or browser
- _webView = new QWebView(this);
- if (debugMode == 1) {
- // split main window in browser & debug console
- createDebugConsole();
- _splitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical, this);
- _splitter->addWidget(_webView);
- _splitter->addWidget(_debugConsole);
- setCentralWidget(_splitter);
- } else
- setCentralWidget(_webView);
+ // setup layout of the gui: debug split or browser
+ _webView = new QWebView(this);
+ if (debugMode == 1) {
+ // split main window in browser & debug console
+ createDebugConsole();
+ _splitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical, this);
+ _splitter->addWidget(_webView);
+ _splitter->addWidget(_debugConsole);
+ setCentralWidget(_splitter);
+ } else
+ setCentralWidget(_webView);
* This method enables a shortcut for closing the program.
+ * The shortcut itself is not configurable: CTRL + X
void fbgui::createActions() {
- // CTRL + X to kill the gui
- _quit = new QAction(tr("&quit"), this);
- _quit->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_X));
- this->addAction(_quit);
- connect(_quit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close()));
+ _quit = new QAction(tr("&quit"), this);
+ _quit->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_X));
+ this->addAction(_quit);
+ connect(_quit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close()));
// File system watching
@@ -139,29 +138,28 @@ void fbgui::createActions() {
void fbgui::watchForTrigger() {
- // check if fileToTriggerURL already exists
- QFile file(fileToTriggerURL);
- if (file.exists()) {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[watcher] " << fileToTriggerURL
- << " exists already!";
- // try to load URL
- loadURL();
- } else {
- // create it
- if ( {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Created: " << fileToTriggerURL;
- file.close();
- } else {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Creation of " << fileToTriggerURL
- << " failed! Exiting...";
- exit( EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- }
- // watch the path where trigger file is expected
- qxtLog->debug() << "[watcher] Watching " << fileToTriggerURL;
- _watcher = new QFileSystemWatcher(QStringList(fileToTriggerURL), this);
+ // check if fileToTriggerURL already exists
+ QFile file(fileToTriggerURL);
+ if (file.exists()) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[watcher] " << fileToTriggerURL << " found.";
+ // try to load URL
+ loadURL();
+ } else {
+ // create it
+ if ( {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Created: " << fileToTriggerURL;
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Creation of " << fileToTriggerURL
+ << " failed! Exiting...";
+ exit( EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ }
+ // watch the path to trigger file
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[watcher] Watching " << fileToTriggerURL;
+ _watcher = new QFileSystemWatcher(QStringList(fileToTriggerURL), this);
QObject::connect(_watcher, SIGNAL(fileChanged(const QString&)), this,
- SLOT(prepareURLLoad()));
+ SLOT(prepareURLLoad()));
@@ -176,13 +174,13 @@ QObject::connect(_watcher, SIGNAL(fileChanged(const QString&)), this,
* @see fbgui::loadURL()
void fbgui::prepareURLLoad() {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[watcher] " << fileToTriggerURL << " changed!";
- // disconnect _watcher, his job is done
- qxtLog->debug() << "[watcher] disconnected.";
- _watcher->disconnect(this);
- _watcher->deleteLater();
- // try to load URL
- loadURL();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[watcher] " << fileToTriggerURL << " changed!";
+ // disconnect _watcher, his job is done
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[watcher] disconnected.";
+ _watcher->disconnect(this);
+ _watcher->deleteLater();
+ // try to load URL
+ loadURL();
// Preparations for URL load
@@ -193,16 +191,15 @@ void fbgui::prepareURLLoad() {
* This method checks if is connected to the internet.
bool fbgui::checkHost() const {
- QHostInfo hostInfo = QHostInfo::fromName(;
- if (hostInfo.error() != QHostInfo::NoError) {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Lookup of " <<
- << "failed. Exiting...";
- return false;
- } else {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Lookup of " <<
- << " succeeded.";
- return true;
- }
+ QHostInfo hostInfo = QHostInfo::fromName(;
+ if (hostInfo.error() != QHostInfo::NoError) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Lookup of " <<
+ << "failed. Exiting...";
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Lookup of " << << " succeeded.";
+ return true;
+ }
@@ -216,15 +213,17 @@ bool fbgui::checkHost() const {
* @see fbgui::generatePOSTData()
void fbgui::loadURL() {
- if (checkHost()) {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Loading URL...";
- QByteArray postData = generatePOSTData();
- QNetworkRequest req(baseURL);
- // show arrow cursor
- QWSServer::instance()->setCursorVisible(true);
- //qApp->setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor));
- _webView->load(req, QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation, postData);
- }
+ if (checkHost()) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Loading URL...";
+ // Generate POST identification data needed by PBS.
+ QByteArray postData = generatePOSTData();
+ QNetworkRequest req(baseURL);
+ // show cursor again since user is about to interact.
+ QWSServer::instance()->setCursorVisible(true);
+ _webView->load(req, QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation, postData);
+ }
@@ -240,85 +239,43 @@ void fbgui::loadURL() {
* @see SysInfo::getMainboardSerial()
QByteArray fbgui::generatePOSTData() {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Generating POST data...";
- // use MAC address as base data
- SysInfo si;
- QByteArray data(si.getInfo("mac").toUtf8());
- // append mainboard serial to the mac address for more unique hardwarehash
- QByteArray mbserial(si.getInfo("mbserial").toUtf8());
- if (!mbserial.isEmpty())
- data.append(mbserial);
- else {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Mainboard serial was empty. Not appending...";
- }
- qxtLog->debug() << "[post] Hashing: " << data;
- // generate MD5 hash of data
- QByteArray hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(data, QCryptographicHash::Md5);
- qxtLog->debug() << "[post] MD5 Hash: " << hash.toHex();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Generating POST data...";
+ // use MAC address as base data
+ SysInfo si;
+ QByteArray data(si.getInfo("mac").toUtf8());
+ // append mainboard serial to the mac address for more unique hardwarehash
+ QByteArray mbserial(si.getInfo("mbserial").toUtf8());
+ if (!mbserial.isEmpty())
+ data.append(mbserial);
+ else {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Mainboard serial was empty. Not appending...";
+ }
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[post] Hashing: " << data;
+ // generate MD5 hash of data
+ QByteArray hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(data, QCryptographicHash::Md5);
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[post] MD5 Hash: " << hash.toHex();
- // fetch serial number from usb
- QByteArray serial;
- QFile file(serialLocation);
- if (! {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[post] No such file: " << file.fileName();
- }
- // everything ok, read data
- serial = file.readAll();
- file.close();
- serial.chop(1); // chop EOF
- qxtLog->debug() << "[post] Serial number is: " << serial;
+ // fetch serial number from usb
+ QByteArray serial;
+ QFile file(serialLocation);
+ if (! {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[post] No such file: " << file.fileName();
+ }
+ // everything ok, read data
+ serial = file.readAll();
+ file.close();
+ serial.chop(1); // chop EOF
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[post] Serial number is: " << serial;
- // construct final byte array
- QByteArray postData("mac=");
- postData.append(si.getInfo("mac"));
- postData.append("&hardwarehash=" + hash.toHex());
- postData.append("&serialnumber=" + serial);
- qxtLog->debug() << "[post] POST data: " << postData;
- return postData;
-// Debug console setup / control
- * This method creates a debug console as a widget.
- *
- * It is basicly a QTextEdit widget as provided by QT's Framework.
- * An action to toggle this widget is implemented (CTRL + D).
- *
- * @see fbgui::toggleDebugConsole()
- */
-void fbgui::createDebugConsole() {
- // create the debug console widget
- _debugConsole = new QTextEdit(this);
- _debugConsole->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
- // fanciness
- QPalette pal;
- pal.setColor(QPalette::Base, Qt::black);
- _debugConsole->setPalette(pal);
- _debugConsole->setTextColor(Qt::white);
- // enable custom logger engine
- qxtLog->addLoggerEngine("fb_logger", new LoggerEngine_fb(_debugConsole));
- //qxtLog->initLoggerEngine("fb_logger");
- qxtLog->setMinimumLevel("fb_logger", QxtLogger::DebugLevel);
- // CTRL + D toggles debug window
- _toggleDebugConsole = new QAction(tr("&toggleDebug"), this);
- _toggleDebugConsole->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_D));
- addAction(_toggleDebugConsole);
- connect(_toggleDebugConsole, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(
- toggleDebugConsole()));
- * This method toggles the debug console.
- *
- * Toggle the visibility of the debug console if the action _toggleDebugConsole is triggered.
- *
- * @see fbgui::createDebugConsole()
- */
-void fbgui::toggleDebugConsole() {
- (_debugConsole->isVisible()) ? _debugConsole->hide()
- : _debugConsole->show();
+ // construct final byte array
+ QByteArray postData("mac=");
+ postData.append(si.getInfo("mac"));
+ postData.append("&hardwarehash=" + hash.toHex());
+ postData.append("&serialnumber=" + serial);
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[post] POST data: " << postData;
+ return postData;
// System Calls Functions
@@ -338,14 +295,13 @@ void fbgui::toggleDebugConsole() {
* @see JavascriptInterface::shutDown()
void fbgui::performShutDown() {
- QFile file("/proc/sysrq-trigger");
- if ( {
- file.write("o");
- file.close();
- }
- else {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Could not open /proc/sysrq-trigger";
- }
+ QFile file("/proc/sysrq-trigger");
+ if ( {
+ file.write("o");
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Could not open /proc/sysrq-trigger";
+ }
@@ -362,14 +318,13 @@ void fbgui::performShutDown() {
* @see JavascriptInterface::reboot()
void fbgui::performReboot() {
- QFile file("/proc/sysrq-trigger");
- if ( {
- file.write("b");
- file.close();
- }
- else {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Could not open /proc/sysrq-trigger";
- }
+ QFile file("/proc/sysrq-trigger");
+ if ( {
+ file.write("b");
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Could not open /proc/sysrq-trigger";
+ }
// Preparing System Boot (Stage 3)
@@ -383,55 +338,55 @@ void fbgui::performReboot() {
void fbgui::prepareKexec() {
- // try to read KCL file that was downloaded.
- QFile file(downloadPath + "/kcl");
- if (! {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] No such file: " << file.fileName();
- }
- // everything ok, read data.
- QString kcl = file.readAll();
- file.close();
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] KCL from PBS: " << kcl;
+ // try to read KCL file that was downloaded.
+ QFile file(downloadPath + "/kcl");
+ if (! {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] No such file: " << file.fileName();
+ }
+ // everything ok, read data.
+ QString kcl = file.readAll();
+ file.close();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] KCL from PBS: " << kcl;
- // try to read ipconfig file generated by udhcpc.
- file.setFileName("/tmp/ip_config_fbgui");
- if (! {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] No such file: " << file.fileName();
- }
- // everything ok, read data.
- QString ipConfig = file.readAll();
- file.close();
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] IP config: " << ipConfig;
+ // try to read ipconfig file generated by udhcpc.
+ file.setFileName("/tmp/ip_config_fbgui");
+ if (! {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] No such file: " << file.fileName();
+ }
+ // everything ok, read data.
+ QString ipConfig = file.readAll();
+ file.close();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] IP config: " << ipConfig;
- // append ipConfig
- kcl.append(" ip=");
- kcl.append(ipConfig);
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Complete KCL: " << kcl;
+ // append ipConfig
+ kcl.append(" ip=");
+ kcl.append(ipConfig);
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Complete KCL: " << kcl;
- // load the kernel + initramfs + append of kcl into kexec.
- QProcess *process = new QProcess(this);
- QString cmdline = "kexec -l " + downloadPath.toUtf8() + "/kernel --initrd="
- + downloadPath.toUtf8() + "/initramfs --append=\"" + kcl.toUtf8()
- + "\"";
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] kexec cmdline: " << cmdline;
- process->start(cmdline);
- bool ret = process->waitForFinished();
- if (!ret) {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Failed to load kexec! Exiting...";
- exit( EXIT_FAILURE);
- } else {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Kexec load successfull.";
- if (debugMode < 0) {
- // if process successfully finished, try to run kexec -e
- runKexec();
- } else {
- qxtLog->debug()
- << "[gui] Skipping execution of kexec - open debug shell.";
- qxtLog->debug()
- << "[gui] To start the system execute \"kexec -e\" in your shell.";
- close();
- }
- }
+ // load the kernel + initramfs + append of kcl into kexec.
+ QProcess *process = new QProcess(this);
+ QString cmdline = "kexec -l " + downloadPath.toUtf8() + "/kernel --initrd="
+ + downloadPath.toUtf8() + "/initramfs --append=\"" + kcl.toUtf8()
+ + "\"";
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] kexec cmdline: " << cmdline;
+ process->start(cmdline);
+ bool ret = process->waitForFinished();
+ if (!ret) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Failed to load kexec! Exiting...";
+ exit( EXIT_FAILURE);
+ } else {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Kexec load successfull.";
+ if (debugMode < 0) {
+ // if process successfully finished, try to run kexec -e
+ runKexec();
+ } else {
+ qxtLog->debug()
+ << "[gui] Skipping execution of kexec - open debug shell.";
+ qxtLog->debug()
+ << "[gui] To start the system execute \"kexec -e\" in your shell.";
+ close();
+ }
+ }
@@ -442,11 +397,53 @@ void fbgui::prepareKexec() {
void fbgui::runKexec() {
- QProcess *process = new QProcess(this);
- process->startDetached("kexec -e");
- if (!process->waitForStarted()) {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Failed to execute: kexec -e";
- exit( EXIT_FAILURE);
- //TODO: Handle failure properly...
- }
+ QProcess *process = new QProcess(this);
+ process->startDetached("kexec -e");
+ if (!process->waitForStarted()) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[gui] Failed to execute: kexec -e";
+ exit( EXIT_FAILURE);
+ //TODO: Handle failure properly...
+ }
+// Debug console setup / control
+ * This method creates a debug console as a widget.
+ *
+ * It is basicly a QTextEdit widget as provided by QT's Framework.
+ * An action to toggle this widget is implemented (CTRL + D).
+ *
+ * @see fbgui::toggleDebugConsole()
+ */
+void fbgui::createDebugConsole() {
+ // create the debug console widget
+ _debugConsole = new QTextEdit(this);
+ _debugConsole->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
+ // fanciness
+ QPalette pal;
+ pal.setColor(QPalette::Base, Qt::black);
+ _debugConsole->setPalette(pal);
+ _debugConsole->setTextColor(Qt::white);
+ // enable custom logger engine
+ qxtLog->addLoggerEngine("fb_logger", new LoggerEngine_fb(_debugConsole));
+ //qxtLog->initLoggerEngine("fb_logger");
+ qxtLog->setMinimumLevel("fb_logger", QxtLogger::DebugLevel);
+ // CTRL + D toggles debug window
+ _toggleDebugConsole = new QAction(tr("&toggleDebug"), this);
+ _toggleDebugConsole->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_D));
+ addAction(_toggleDebugConsole);
+ connect(_toggleDebugConsole, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(
+ toggleDebugConsole()));
+ * This method toggles the debug console.
+ *
+ * Toggle the visibility of the debug console if the action _toggleDebugConsole is triggered.
+ *
+ * @see fbgui::createDebugConsole()
+ */
+void fbgui::toggleDebugConsole() {
+ (_debugConsole->isVisible()) ? _debugConsole->hide() : _debugConsole->show();
diff --git a/src/fbgui.h b/src/fbgui.h
index 891e17a..664eea4 100644
--- a/src/fbgui.h
+++ b/src/fbgui.h
@@ -44,75 +44,74 @@ extern QUrl baseURL;
extern int debugMode;
extern int updateInterval;
class fbgui: public QMainWindow {
- fbgui();
- ~fbgui();
+ fbgui();
+ ~fbgui();
- //-------------------
- // layout setup:
- //-------------------
- // Sets the layout depending on the debug mode:
- // no debug or debugMode = 0 -> only browser shown.
- // debugMode = 1 -> split main window in browser and debug console.
- void setupLayout();
- // Create all actions for the GUI. (Currently only quit.)
- void createActions();
- // Create a debug console widget as QTextEdit in order to print debug messages
- // directly within the GUI. This was needed since ttys can't really be used
- // for debugging purposes in the preboot environment.
- void createDebugConsole();
- //----------------------------------------
- // control the display of components:
- //----------------------------------------
- // watches for the file triggering the loading of the URL.
- // the file can be specified by the corresponding option.
- void watchForTrigger();
- bool checkHost() const;
- void loadURL();
- QByteArray generatePOSTData();
- //----------------------------------
- // widgets constituing the gui:
- //----------------------------------
- // QWebView for displaying internet content
- QWebView* _webView;
- // QSplitter to split the main window in two resizable frames.
- QSplitter* _splitter;
- // QTextEdit implementing a minimalistic debug console.
- QTextEdit* _debugConsole;
- //------------------
- // action list:
- //------------------
- // closes the main window provoking the application to quit.
- QAction* _quit;
- // triggers toggleDebugConsole()
- QAction* _toggleDebugConsole;
- // watcher to detect changes in the observed directory.
- QFileSystemWatcher* _watcher;
+ //-------------------
+ // layout setup:
+ //-------------------
+ // Sets the layout depending on the debug mode:
+ // no debug or debugMode = 0 -> only browser shown.
+ // debugMode = 1 -> split main window in browser and debug console.
+ void setupLayout();
+ // Create all actions for the GUI. (Currently only quit.)
+ void createActions();
+ // Create a debug console widget as QTextEdit in order to print debug messages
+ // directly within the GUI. This was needed since ttys can't really be used
+ // for debugging purposes in the preboot environment.
+ void createDebugConsole();
+ //----------------------------------------
+ // control the display of components:
+ //----------------------------------------
+ // watches for the file triggering the loading of the URL.
+ // the file can be specified by the corresponding option.
+ void watchForTrigger();
+ bool checkHost() const;
+ void loadURL();
+ QByteArray generatePOSTData();
+ //----------------------------------
+ // widgets constituing the gui:
+ //----------------------------------
+ // QWebView for displaying internet content
+ QWebView* _webView;
+ // QSplitter to split the main window in two resizable frames.
+ QSplitter* _splitter;
+ // QTextEdit implementing a minimalistic debug console.
+ QTextEdit* _debugConsole;
+ //------------------
+ // action list:
+ //------------------
+ // closes the main window provoking the application to quit.
+ QAction* _quit;
+ // triggers toggleDebugConsole()
+ QAction* _toggleDebugConsole;
+ // watcher to detect changes in the observed directory.
+ QFileSystemWatcher* _watcher;
private slots:
- // toggles debug console when action _toggleDebugConsole happens.
- void toggleDebugConsole();
- // triggered by fileChanged Signal of _watcher
- // deletes _watcher, since we don't need it anymore and tries to load URL.
- void prepareURLLoad();
- // shut off the system
- void performShutDown();
- // reboot the system
- void performReboot();
- // prepareKexec
- void prepareKexec();
- void runKexec();
+ // toggles debug console when action _toggleDebugConsole happens.
+ void toggleDebugConsole();
+ // triggered by fileChanged Signal of _watcher
+ // deletes _watcher, since we don't need it anymore and tries to load URL.
+ void prepareURLLoad();
+ // shut off the system
+ void performShutDown();
+ // reboot the system
+ void performReboot();
+ // prepareKexec
+ void prepareKexec();
+ void runKexec();
#endif // FBGUI_H
diff --git a/src/javascriptinterface.cpp b/src/javascriptinterface.cpp
index 66ec7a5..eba4027 100644
--- a/src/javascriptinterface.cpp
+++ b/src/javascriptinterface.cpp
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
* Is of type QWebFrame.
JavascriptInterface::JavascriptInterface(QWebFrame *parent) {
- qxtLog->debug() << "Initializing javascript interface...";
- _parent = parent;
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Initializing javascript interface...";
+ _parent = parent;
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ JavascriptInterface::~JavascriptInterface() { /* destructor dummy */
* @see JavascriptInterface::loadJQuery()
void JavascriptInterface::attachToDOM() {
- _parent->addToJavaScriptWindowObject(QString("fbgui"), this);
- loadJQuery();
+ _parent->addToJavaScriptWindowObject(QString("fbgui"), this);
+ loadJQuery();
@@ -49,30 +49,30 @@ void JavascriptInterface::attachToDOM() {
* @see JavascriptInterface::attachToDOM()
void JavascriptInterface::loadJQuery() {
- QString js;
- QString pathToJsDir(DEFAULT_QRC_HTML_DIR);
- pathToJsDir.append("/js");
+ QString js;
+ QString pathToJsDir(DEFAULT_QRC_HTML_DIR);
+ pathToJsDir.append("/js");
- QDir qrcJSDir(pathToJsDir);
- QFileInfoList fiList = qrcJSDir.entryInfoList();
- QFileInfo fi;
- foreach(fi, fiList)
- {
- if (fi.suffix() == "js") {
- //qDebug()<< fi.fileName();
- //qxtLog->debug() << fi.fileName();
- if (fi.fileName() != "test.js") {
- QFile file;
- file.setFileName(pathToJsDir + "/" + fi.fileName());
- js = file.readAll();
- file.close();
+ QDir qrcJSDir(pathToJsDir);
+ QFileInfoList fiList = qrcJSDir.entryInfoList();
+ QFileInfo fi;
+foreach(fi, fiList)
+ if (fi.suffix() == "js") {
+ //qDebug()<< fi.fileName();
+ //qxtLog->debug() << fi.fileName();
+ if (fi.fileName() != "test.js") {
+ QFile file;
+ file.setFileName(pathToJsDir + "/" + fi.fileName());
+ js = file.readAll();
+ file.close();
- _parent->evaluateJavaScript(js);
- //qxtLog->debug() << "evaluated " + fi.fileName();
- }
- }
- }
+ _parent->evaluateJavaScript(js);
+ //qxtLog->debug() << "evaluated " + fi.fileName();
+ }
+ }
// Javascript functions for webpage
@@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ void JavascriptInterface::loadJQuery() {
* Emits the JavascriptInterface::requestFile(const QString) signal.
void JavascriptInterface::startDownload(const QString& filename) {
- // ignore if empty filename
- if (filename.isEmpty()) {
- _parent->evaluateJavaScript("alert(\"No filename!\")");
- return;
- }
- emit requestFile(filename);
+ // ignore if empty filename
+ if (filename.isEmpty()) {
+ _parent->evaluateJavaScript("alert(\"No filename!\")");
+ return;
+ }
+ emit requestFile(filename);
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ void JavascriptInterface::startDownload(const QString& filename) {
* @todo add some more informations
void JavascriptInterface::setCallbackOnFinished(const QString& function) {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[jsi] Callback set: " << function;
- _callbackOnDownloadsFinished = QString(function);
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[jsi] Callback set: " << function;
+ _callbackOnDownloadsFinished = QString(function);
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ void JavascriptInterface::setCallbackOnFinished(const QString& function) {
* @see SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName)
const QString JavascriptInterface::getSysInfo(const QString& info) {
- SysInfo si;
- return si.getInfo(info);
+ SysInfo si;
+ return si.getInfo(info);
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ const QString JavascriptInterface::getSysInfo(const QString& info) {
* Emits JavascriptInterface::quitFbgui() signal
void JavascriptInterface::quit() {
- emit quitFbgui();
+ emit quitFbgui();
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ void JavascriptInterface::quit() {
* @see fbgui::performShutDown()
void JavascriptInterface::shutDown() {
- emit shutDownClient();
+ emit shutDownClient();
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ void JavascriptInterface::shutDown() {
* @see fbgui::performReboot()
void JavascriptInterface::reboot() {
- emit rebootClient();
+ emit rebootClient();
// Download Manager information exchange
@@ -179,10 +179,10 @@ void JavascriptInterface::reboot() {
* @todo add some more informations
void JavascriptInterface::downloadInfo(const QString& filename,
- const double& filesize) {
- QString code = QString("downloadInfo('\%1', \%2)").arg(filename).arg(
- filesize);
- _parent->evaluateJavaScript(code);
+ const double& filesize) {
+ QString code = QString("downloadInfo('\%1', \%2)").arg(filename).arg(
+ filesize);
+ _parent->evaluateJavaScript(code);
@@ -194,12 +194,12 @@ void JavascriptInterface::downloadInfo(const QString& filename,
* @todo add some more informations
void JavascriptInterface::updateProgressBar(const int& percent,
- const double& speed, const QString& unit) {
- if (percent == 0)
- return;
- QString code = QString("updateProgress(\%1, \%2, '\%3')").arg(percent).arg(
- speed).arg(unit);
- _parent->evaluateJavaScript(code);
+ const double& speed, const QString& unit) {
+ if (percent == 0)
+ return;
+ QString code = QString("updateProgress(\%1, \%2, '\%3')").arg(percent).arg(
+ speed).arg(unit);
+ _parent->evaluateJavaScript(code);
@@ -208,17 +208,17 @@ void JavascriptInterface::updateProgressBar(const int& percent,
* @todo add some more informations.
void JavascriptInterface::notify(const QString& msg) {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[jsi] Notifying: " << msg;
- QString code = QString("notify('\%1')").arg(msg);
- _parent->evaluateJavaScript(code);
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[jsi] Notifying: " << msg;
+ QString code = QString("notify('\%1')").arg(msg);
+ _parent->evaluateJavaScript(code);
* @todo add some more informations
void JavascriptInterface::callbackOnFinished() {
- QString code = QString("\%1").arg(_callbackOnDownloadsFinished);
- _parent->evaluateJavaScript(code);
+ QString code = QString("\%1").arg(_callbackOnDownloadsFinished);
+ _parent->evaluateJavaScript(code);
@@ -237,10 +237,10 @@ void JavascriptInterface::callbackOnFinished() {
* @see void fbgui::loadURL()
void JavascriptInterface::trigger() {
- QFile file(fileToTriggerURL);
- if ( {
- file.write("data\n");
- qxtLog->debug() << "[jsi] *trigger watcher*";
- }
- file.close();
+ QFile file(fileToTriggerURL);
+ if ( {
+ file.write("data\n");
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[jsi] *trigger watcher*";
+ }
+ file.close();
diff --git a/src/javascriptinterface.h b/src/javascriptinterface.h
index 1f93e38..ce07d93 100644
--- a/src/javascriptinterface.h
+++ b/src/javascriptinterface.h
@@ -23,50 +23,50 @@
class JavascriptInterface: public QObject {
- JavascriptInterface(QWebFrame* parent);
- ~JavascriptInterface();
+ JavascriptInterface(QWebFrame* parent);
+ ~JavascriptInterface();
- // pointer to parent
- QWebFrame* _parent;
- // function to be called withint javascript when downloads are done.
- QString _callbackOnDownloadsFinished;
- // loads jQuery code
- void loadJQuery();
+ // pointer to parent
+ QWebFrame* _parent;
+ // function to be called withint javascript when downloads are done.
+ QString _callbackOnDownloadsFinished;
+ // loads jQuery code
+ void loadJQuery();
- // request the file from download manager
- void requestFile(const QString& filename);
- // quit the application
- void quitFbgui();
- // shut off the system. connected to fbgui::performShutDown()
- void shutDownClient();
- // reboot the system. connected to fbgui::performReboot()
- void rebootClient();
+ signals:
+ // request the file from download manager
+ void requestFile(const QString& filename);
+ // quit the application
+ void quitFbgui();
+ // shut off the system. connected to fbgui::performShutDown()
+ void shutDownClient();
+ // reboot the system. connected to fbgui::performReboot()
+ void rebootClient();
public slots:
- // make sure the interface stays attached on webpage reload
- void attachToDOM();
+ // make sure the interface stays attached on webpage reload
+ void attachToDOM();
- // slots for calling from the webpage
- void startDownload(const QString& filename);
- void setCallbackOnFinished(const QString& function);
- const QString getSysInfo(const QString& info);
- void quit();
- void shutDown();
- void reboot();
+ // slots for calling from the webpage
+ void startDownload(const QString& filename);
+ void setCallbackOnFinished(const QString& function);
+ const QString getSysInfo(const QString& info);
+ void quit();
+ void shutDown();
+ void reboot();
- // callback when downloads are done.
- void callbackOnFinished();
+ // callback when downloads are done.
+ void callbackOnFinished();
- // slots for information exchange with the download manager.
- void updateProgressBar(const int& percent, const double& speed,
- const QString& unit);
- void downloadInfo(const QString& filename, const double& filesize);
- void notify(const QString& msg);
+ // slots for information exchange with the download manager.
+ void updateProgressBar(const int& percent, const double& speed,
+ const QString& unit);
+ void downloadInfo(const QString& filename, const double& filesize);
+ void notify(const QString& msg);
- // test stuff
- void trigger();
+ // test stuff
+ void trigger();
diff --git a/src/loggerengine.cpp b/src/loggerengine.cpp
index d37999d..51fba62 100644
--- a/src/loggerengine.cpp
+++ b/src/loggerengine.cpp
@@ -4,83 +4,88 @@
// base of a custom logger engine for the framebuffer
LoggerEngine_fb::LoggerEngine_fb(QTextEdit *parent) :
- QxtLoggerEngine() {
- _debugConsole = parent;
- //_initialized = false;
- //setLogLevelsEnabled(QxtLogger::DebugLevel);
- //enableLogging();
+ QxtLoggerEngine() {
+ _debugConsole = parent;
+ //_initialized = false;
+ //setLogLevelsEnabled(QxtLogger::DebugLevel);
+ //enableLogging();
LoggerEngine_fb::~LoggerEngine_fb() {
void LoggerEngine_fb::initLoggerEngine() {
- //_initialized = true;
- return;
+ //_initialized = true;
+ return;
void LoggerEngine_fb::killLoggerEngine() {
- return;
+ return;
void LoggerEngine_fb::setLogLevelEnabled(QxtLogger::LogLevels level,
- bool enable) {
- //QxtLoggerEngine::setLogLevelsEnabled(level, enable);
- //if (!enable) QxtLoggerEngine::setLogLevelsEnabled(QxtLogger::DebugLevel);
+ bool enable) {
+ //QxtLoggerEngine::setLogLevelsEnabled(level, enable);
+ //if (!enable) QxtLoggerEngine::setLogLevelsEnabled(QxtLogger::DebugLevel);
bool LoggerEngine_fb::isInitialized() const {
- //return _initialized;
- return true;
+ //return _initialized;
+ return true;
-void LoggerEngine_fb::writeFormatted(QxtLogger::LogLevel level,
- const QList<QVariant> & msgs) {
+void LoggerEngine_fb::writeFormatted(QxtLogger::LogLevel level, const QList<
+ QVariant> & msgs) {
- if (msgs.isEmpty())
- return;
- QString header = '[' + QTime::currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz") + "] ";
- _debugConsole->insertPlainText(header);
- // only write to console for debug level
- if (level == QxtLogger::DebugLevel) {
- Q_FOREACH(const QVariant& out, msgs)
- {
- if (!out.isNull())
- _debugConsole->insertPlainText(out.toString());
- }
- _debugConsole->insertPlainText(QString("\n"));
- // autoscroll
- QTextCursor c = _debugConsole->textCursor();
- c.movePosition(QTextCursor::End);
- _debugConsole->setTextCursor(c);
- }
+ // ignore in case no messages was passed.
+ if (msgs.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ // write timestamp header in format: [hh:mm:ss.zzz]
+ // example: [23:58:99.999]
+ QString header = '[' + QTime::currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz") + "] ";
+ _debugConsole->insertPlainText(header);
+ // only write to console for debug level
+ if (level == QxtLogger::DebugLevel) {
+ Q_FOREACH(const QVariant& out, msgs)
+ {
+ if (!out.isNull())
+ _debugConsole->insertPlainText(out.toString());
+ }
+ _debugConsole->insertPlainText(QString("\n"));
+ // autoscroll
+ QTextCursor c = _debugConsole->textCursor();
+ c.movePosition(QTextCursor::End);
+ _debugConsole->setTextCursor(c);
+ }
// slighty modified QxtBasicSTDLoggerEngine
LoggerEngine_std::LoggerEngine_std() :
- QxtBasicSTDLoggerEngine() {
+ QxtBasicSTDLoggerEngine() {
LoggerEngine_std::~LoggerEngine_std() {
-void LoggerEngine_std::writeToStdErr(const QString& str_level,
- const QList<QVariant> &msgs) {
+void LoggerEngine_std::writeToStdErr(const QString& str_level, const QList<
+ QVariant> &msgs) {
- if (msgs.isEmpty())
- return;
- QString header = '[' + QTime::currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz") + "] ";
- QTextStream* errstream = stdErrStream();
- Q_ASSERT(errstream);
- *errstream << header;
- Q_FOREACH(const QVariant& out, msgs)
- {
- if (!out.isNull())
- *errstream << out.toString();
- }
- *errstream << endl;
+ if (msgs.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ QString header = '[' + QTime::currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz") + "] ";
+ QTextStream* errstream = stdErrStream();
+ Q_ASSERT(errstream);
+ *errstream << header;
+ Q_FOREACH(const QVariant& out, msgs)
+ {
+ if (!out.isNull())
+ *errstream << out.toString();
+ }
+ *errstream << endl;
void LoggerEngine_std::writeToStdOut(const QString& level,
- const QList<QVariant> & msgs) {
- // reimplementing this is needed for compiling,
- // we only need write to std::err, so this function is not needed
+ const QList<QVariant> & msgs) {
+ // reimplementing this is needed for compiling,
+ // we only need write to std::err, so this function is not needed
diff --git a/src/loggerengine.h b/src/loggerengine.h
index 9c3ab96..95a8f93 100644
--- a/src/loggerengine.h
+++ b/src/loggerengine.h
@@ -25,20 +25,20 @@
class LoggerEngine_fb: public QxtLoggerEngine {
- LoggerEngine_fb(QTextEdit* parent);
- ~LoggerEngine_fb();
+ LoggerEngine_fb(QTextEdit* parent);
+ ~LoggerEngine_fb();
- // parent widget, target of messages
- QTextEdit *_debugConsole;
- bool _initialized;
+ // parent widget, target of messages
+ QTextEdit *_debugConsole;
+ bool _initialized;
- // reimplemented virtual functions of QxtLoggerEngine
- void initLoggerEngine();
- void killLoggerEngine();
- void writeFormatted(QxtLogger::LogLevel level,
- const QList<QVariant> & messages);
- void setLogLevelEnabled(QxtLogger::LogLevels level, bool enable = true);
- bool isInitialized() const;
+ // reimplemented virtual functions of QxtLoggerEngine
+ void initLoggerEngine();
+ void killLoggerEngine();
+ void writeFormatted(QxtLogger::LogLevel level,
+ const QList<QVariant> & messages);
+ void setLogLevelEnabled(QxtLogger::LogLevels level, bool enable = true);
+ bool isInitialized() const;
@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ public:
class LoggerEngine_std: public QxtBasicSTDLoggerEngine {
- LoggerEngine_std();
- ~LoggerEngine_std();
+ LoggerEngine_std();
+ ~LoggerEngine_std();
- // reimplemented virtual functions of QxtBasicSTDLoggerEngineqqq
- void writeToStdOut(const QString& level, const QList<QVariant> &msgs);
- void writeToStdErr(const QString& str_level, const QList<QVariant> &msgs);
+ // reimplemented virtual functions of QxtBasicSTDLoggerEngineqqq
+ void writeToStdOut(const QString& level, const QList<QVariant> &msgs);
+ void writeToStdErr(const QString& str_level, const QList<QVariant> &msgs);
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index baff7af..9b0a18a 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -8,187 +8,185 @@
#include "fbgui.h"
void printHelp() {
- QTextStream qout(stdout);
- qout << QObject::tr("Usage: ./fbgui [OPTIONS]") << endl;
- qout << QObject::tr("Options:") << endl;
- qout << "-c <path>, --config=<path> " << QObject::tr(
- "Path to configuration file.") << endl;
- qout << "-u <URL>, --url=<URL> " << QObject::tr(
- "Sets the URL to be loaded.") << endl;
- qout << "-d <path>, --download=<path> " << QObject::tr(
- "Specify the download directory.") << endl;
- qout << "-t <path, --trigger=<path> " << QObject::tr(
- "Specify location of the file triggering the URL load.") << endl;
- qout << "-s <path, --serial=<path> " << QObject::tr(
- "Specify location of the file containing the serial number.")
- << endl;
- qout << "-D <level>, --debug=<level> " << QObject::tr(
- "Activate debug mode. [0,1]") << endl;
- qout << "-h, --help " << QObject::tr(
- "Prints this help.") << endl;
- qout.flush();
- exit( EXIT_SUCCESS);
+ QTextStream qout(stdout);
+ qout << QObject::tr("Usage: ./fbgui [OPTIONS]") << endl;
+ qout << QObject::tr("Options:") << endl;
+ qout << "-c <path>, --config=<path> " << QObject::tr(
+ "Path to configuration file.") << endl;
+ qout << "-u <URL>, --url=<URL> " << QObject::tr(
+ "Sets the URL to be loaded.") << endl;
+ qout << "-d <path>, --download=<path> " << QObject::tr(
+ "Specify the download directory.") << endl;
+ qout << "-t <path, --trigger=<path> " << QObject::tr(
+ "Specify location of the file triggering the URL load.") << endl;
+ qout << "-s <path, --serial=<path> " << QObject::tr(
+ "Specify location of the file containing the serial number.") << endl;
+ qout << "-D <level>, --debug=<level> " << QObject::tr(
+ "Activate debug mode. [0,1]") << endl;
+ qout << "-h, --help " << QObject::tr(
+ "Prints this help.") << endl;
+ qout.flush();
+ exit( EXIT_SUCCESS);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- // Initialisation of the QApplication:
- // In QT, every application is composed of two separate
- // components: the GUI-Client and the GUI-Server.
- //
- // The third parameter sets the application as the
- // GUI-Server (aswell as the GUI-Client).
- QApplication app(argc, argv, QApplication::GuiServer);
- app.setOrganizationName("team_projekt_2011");
- app.setApplicationName("prebootGUI");
- binPath = QApplication::applicationDirPath();
- QTranslator translator;
- translator.load(":" + QLocale::system().name());
- app.installTranslator(&translator);
- // parse command line arguments using getopt
- QMap<QString, QString> clOpts;
- int longIndex = 0;
- static const char *optString = "c:u:d:s:t:D:h";
- static const struct option longOpts[] = { { "config", required_argument,
- NULL, 'c' }, { "url", required_argument, NULL, 'u' }, { "download",
- required_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "serial", required_argument,
- NULL, 's' }, { "trigger", required_argument, NULL, 't' }, {
- "debug", required_argument, NULL, 'D' }, { "help", no_argument,
- NULL, 'h' } };
- int opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, optString, longOpts, &longIndex);
- while (opt != -1) {
- switch (opt) {
- case 'c':
- clOpts.insert("configFile", optarg);
- break;
- case 'u':
- clOpts.insert("url", optarg);
- break;
- case 'd':
- clOpts.insert("downloadDir", optarg);
- break;
- case 's':
- clOpts.insert("serialLocation", optarg);
- break;
- case 't':
- clOpts.insert("trigger", optarg);
- break;
- case 'D':
- clOpts.insert("debug", optarg);
- break;
- case 'h':
- clOpts.insert("help", "help");
- break;
- }
- opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, optString, longOpts, &longIndex);
- }
- if (clOpts.contains("help"))
- printHelp();
- if (clOpts.contains("debug")) {
- debugMode = clOpts.value("debug").toInt();
- // start basic debug log
- qxtLog->disableLoggerEngine("DEFAULT");
- qxtLog->addLoggerEngine("std_logger", new LoggerEngine_std);
- qxtLog->initLoggerEngine("std_logger");
- qxtLog->setMinimumLevel("std_logger", QxtLogger::DebugLevel);
- qxtLog->enableLogLevels(QxtLogger::DebugLevel);
- qxtLog->debug() << "Initializing fbgui...";
- } else
- debugMode = -1;
- // look for config file either in:
- // - the path found in the configuration file
- // - the user's home directory (as .fbgui.conf)
- // - /etc/fbgui.conf
- QString configFilePath;
- QFileInfo confInfo;
- if (clOpts.contains("configFile"))
- configFilePath = clOpts.value("configFile");
- else {
- confInfo = QFileInfo(QDir::home(), ".fbgui.conf");
- if (confInfo.exists())
- configFilePath = confInfo.absoluteFilePath();
- else {
- confInfo = QFileInfo(QString("/etc/fbgui.conf"));
- if (confInfo.exists())
- configFilePath = QString("/etc/fbgui.conf");
- else
- configFilePath = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH;
- }
- }
- // read the config file
- QSettings confFileSettings(configFilePath, QSettings::IniFormat);
- confFileSettings.setIniCodec("UTF-8");
- // set base URL to be loaded
- if (clOpts.contains("url"))
- baseURL = QUrl(clOpts.value("url"));
- else if (confFileSettings.contains("default/pbs_url"))
- baseURL = confFileSettings.value("default/pbs_url").toUrl();
- else
- // set directory for downloads
- if (clOpts.contains("downloadDir"))
- downloadPath = clOpts.value("downloadDir");
- else if (confFileSettings.contains("default/download_directory"))
- downloadPath
- = confFileSettings.value("default/download_directory").toString();
- else
- downloadPath = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIR;
- if (confFileSettings.contains("default/update_interval"))
- updateInterval
- = confFileSettings.value("default/update_interval").toInt();
- else
- // set which file to watch to trigger loading of URL
- if (clOpts.contains("trigger"))
- fileToTriggerURL = clOpts.value("trigger");
- else if (confFileSettings.contains("default/file_trigger"))
- fileToTriggerURL
- = confFileSettings.value("default/file_trigger").toString();
- else
- // set serial location
- if (clOpts.contains("serialLocation"))
- serialLocation = clOpts.value("serialLocation");
- else if (confFileSettings.contains("default/serial_location"))
- serialLocation
- = confFileSettings.value("default/serial_location").toString();
- else
- serialLocation = QString("/serial"); // tests
- // save ip config location (file generated by uchpc)
- if (confFileSettings.contains("default/ip_config"))
- ipConfigFilePath = confFileSettings.value("default/ip_config").toString();
- //else
- // ipConfigFilePath = QString("/tmp/ip_config");
- // print config
- qxtLog->debug() << "************* CONFIG INFO *************";
- qxtLog->debug() << "configFilePath: " << configFilePath.toUtf8();
- qxtLog->debug() << "ipConfigFilePath:" << ipConfigFilePath.toUtf8();
- qxtLog->debug() << "baseURL: " << baseURL.toString().toUtf8();
- qxtLog->debug() << "downloadDir : " << downloadPath.toUtf8();
- qxtLog->debug() << "trigger: " << fileToTriggerURL.toUtf8();
- qxtLog->debug() << "serialLocation: " << serialLocation.toUtf8();
- qxtLog->debug() << "*******************************************";
- // set invisible cursor
- QWSServer::instance()->setCursorVisible(false);
- QWSServer::instance()->setDefaultKeyboard("TTY:/dev/tty0");
- QWSServer::instance()->setDefaultMouse("IntelliMouse:/dev/mice");
- // start fbgui
- fbgui gui;
- return app.exec();
+ // Initialisation of the QApplication:
+ // In QT, every application is composed of two separate
+ // components: the GUI-Client and the GUI-Server.
+ //
+ // The third parameter sets the application as the
+ // GUI-Server (aswell as the GUI-Client).
+ QApplication app(argc, argv, QApplication::GuiServer);
+ app.setOrganizationName("team_projekt_2011");
+ app.setApplicationName("prebootGUI");
+ binPath = QApplication::applicationDirPath();
+ QTranslator translator;
+ translator.load(":" + QLocale::system().name());
+ app.installTranslator(&translator);
+ // parse command line arguments using getopt
+ QMap<QString, QString> clOpts;
+ int longIndex = 0;
+ static const char *optString = "c:u:d:s:t:D:h";
+ static const struct option longOpts[] = { { "config", required_argument,
+ NULL, 'c' }, { "url", required_argument, NULL, 'u' }, { "download",
+ required_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "serial", required_argument, NULL,
+ 's' }, { "trigger", required_argument, NULL, 't' }, { "debug",
+ required_argument, NULL, 'D' }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' } };
+ int opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, optString, longOpts, &longIndex);
+ while (opt != -1) {
+ switch (opt) {
+ case 'c':
+ clOpts.insert("configFile", optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ clOpts.insert("url", optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ clOpts.insert("downloadDir", optarg);
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ clOpts.insert("serialLocation", optarg);
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ clOpts.insert("trigger", optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ clOpts.insert("debug", optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ clOpts.insert("help", "help");
+ break;
+ }
+ opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, optString, longOpts, &longIndex);
+ }
+ if (clOpts.contains("help"))
+ printHelp();
+ if (clOpts.contains("debug")) {
+ debugMode = clOpts.value("debug").toInt();
+ // start basic debug log
+ qxtLog->disableLoggerEngine("DEFAULT");
+ qxtLog->addLoggerEngine("std_logger", new LoggerEngine_std);
+ qxtLog->initLoggerEngine("std_logger");
+ qxtLog->setMinimumLevel("std_logger", QxtLogger::DebugLevel);
+ qxtLog->enableLogLevels(QxtLogger::DebugLevel);
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Initializing fbgui...";
+ } else
+ debugMode = -1;
+ // look for config file either in:
+ // - the path found in the configuration file
+ // - the user's home directory (as .fbgui.conf)
+ // - /etc/fbgui.conf
+ QString configFilePath;
+ QFileInfo confInfo;
+ if (clOpts.contains("configFile"))
+ configFilePath = clOpts.value("configFile");
+ else {
+ confInfo = QFileInfo(QDir::home(), ".fbgui.conf");
+ if (confInfo.exists())
+ configFilePath = confInfo.absoluteFilePath();
+ else {
+ confInfo = QFileInfo(QString("/etc/fbgui.conf"));
+ if (confInfo.exists())
+ configFilePath = QString("/etc/fbgui.conf");
+ else
+ configFilePath = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH;
+ }
+ }
+ // read the config file
+ QSettings confFileSettings(configFilePath, QSettings::IniFormat);
+ confFileSettings.setIniCodec("UTF-8");
+ // set base URL to be loaded
+ if (clOpts.contains("url"))
+ baseURL = QUrl(clOpts.value("url"));
+ else if (confFileSettings.contains("default/pbs_url"))
+ baseURL = confFileSettings.value("default/pbs_url").toUrl();
+ else
+ // set directory for downloads
+ if (clOpts.contains("downloadDir"))
+ downloadPath = clOpts.value("downloadDir");
+ else if (confFileSettings.contains("default/download_directory"))
+ downloadPath
+ = confFileSettings.value("default/download_directory").toString();
+ else
+ downloadPath = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIR;
+ if (confFileSettings.contains("default/update_interval"))
+ updateInterval
+ = confFileSettings.value("default/update_interval").toInt();
+ else
+ // set which file to watch to trigger loading of URL
+ if (clOpts.contains("trigger"))
+ fileToTriggerURL = clOpts.value("trigger");
+ else if (confFileSettings.contains("default/file_trigger"))
+ fileToTriggerURL
+ = confFileSettings.value("default/file_trigger").toString();
+ else
+ // set serial location
+ if (clOpts.contains("serialLocation"))
+ serialLocation = clOpts.value("serialLocation");
+ else if (confFileSettings.contains("default/serial_location"))
+ serialLocation
+ = confFileSettings.value("default/serial_location").toString();
+ else
+ serialLocation = QString("/serial"); // tests
+ // save ip config location (file generated by uchpc)
+ if (confFileSettings.contains("default/ip_config"))
+ ipConfigFilePath = confFileSettings.value("default/ip_config").toString();
+ //else
+ // ipConfigFilePath = QString("/tmp/ip_config");
+ // print config
+ qxtLog->debug() << "************* CONFIG INFO *************";
+ qxtLog->debug() << "configFilePath: " << configFilePath.toUtf8();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "ipConfigFilePath:" << ipConfigFilePath.toUtf8();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "baseURL: " << baseURL.toString().toUtf8();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "downloadDir : " << downloadPath.toUtf8();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "trigger: " << fileToTriggerURL.toUtf8();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "serialLocation: " << serialLocation.toUtf8();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "*******************************************";
+ // set invisible cursor
+ QWSServer::instance()->setCursorVisible(false);
+ QWSServer::instance()->setDefaultKeyboard("TTY:/dev/tty0");
+ QWSServer::instance()->setDefaultMouse("IntelliMouse:/dev/mice");
+ // start fbgui
+ fbgui gui;
+ return app.exec();
diff --git a/src/sysinfo.cpp b/src/sysinfo.cpp
index ef7dc04..2de7b92 100644
--- a/src/sysinfo.cpp
+++ b/src/sysinfo.cpp
@@ -34,22 +34,22 @@ SysInfo::~SysInfo() {
* @see JavascriptInterface::getSysInfo(const QString& info)
const QString SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName) {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] requested " << infoName;
- if (infoName == QString("mac"))
- return getMACAddress();
- else if (infoName == QString("ip"))
- return getIPAddress();
- else if (infoName == QString("all"))
- return getAllInfos();
- else if (infoName == QString("mbserial"))
- return getMainboardSerial();
- else if (infoName == QString("usb"))
- return getUsbVendorIdProductIdSerialNumber();
- else if (infoName == QString("json"))
- return getNames();
- /* unknown code */
- qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] unknown requested";
- return "info_error";
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] requested " << infoName;
+ if (infoName == QString("mac"))
+ return getMACAddress();
+ else if (infoName == QString("ip"))
+ return getIPAddress();
+ else if (infoName == QString("all"))
+ return getAllInfos();
+ else if (infoName == QString("mbserial"))
+ return getMainboardSerial();
+ else if (infoName == QString("usb"))
+ return getUsbVendorIdProductIdSerialNumber();
+ else if (infoName == QString("json"))
+ return getNames();
+ /* unknown code */
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] unknown requested";
+ return "info_error";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -68,16 +68,16 @@ const QString SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName) {
* @see SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName)
const QString SysInfo::getMACAddress() {
- // Returns MAC address of eth0 for now
- QNetworkInterface qni = QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName(
- QString("eth0"));
- if (!qni.isValid()) {
- qxtLog->debug()
- << "[sysinfo] MAC Address: No interface matching \"eth0\" found.";
- return "no_eth0";
- }
- //eth0_index = qni.index();
- return qni.hardwareAddress();
+ // Returns MAC address of eth0 for now
+ QNetworkInterface qni =
+ QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName(QString("eth0"));
+ if (!qni.isValid()) {
+ qxtLog->debug()
+ << "[sysinfo] MAC Address: No interface matching \"eth0\" found.";
+ return "no_eth0";
+ }
+ //eth0_index = qni.index();
+ return qni.hardwareAddress();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -94,22 +94,22 @@ const QString SysInfo::getMACAddress() {
* @see SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName)
const QString SysInfo::getIPAddress() {
- // Again for eth0 only at the moment.
- // TODO: this doesn't quite work yet...
- QNetworkInterface qni = QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName(
- QString("eth0"));
- QList<QHostAddress> addrlist = qni.allAddresses();
- // This is does not return the right IP atm...
- foreach(QHostAddress addr, addrlist)
- {
- if (addr.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol && addr
- != QHostAddress::LocalHost) {
- return addr.toString();
- }
- }
- // still here?
- qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] IP Address: ip_error";
- return "ip_error";
+ // Again for eth0 only at the moment.
+ // TODO: this doesn't quite work yet...
+ QNetworkInterface qni =
+ QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName(QString("eth0"));
+ QList<QHostAddress> addrlist = qni.allAddresses();
+ // This is does not return the right IP atm...
+ foreach(QHostAddress addr, addrlist)
+ {
+ if (addr.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol && addr
+ != QHostAddress::LocalHost) {
+ return addr.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ // still here?
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] IP Address: ip_error";
+ return "ip_error";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -117,22 +117,22 @@ const QString SysInfo::getIPAddress() {
const QByteArray SysInfo::getNames() {
- QVariantMap foo;
- foo.insert("name", "foo");
- foo.insert("type", 123);
+ QVariantMap foo;
+ foo.insert("name", "foo");
+ foo.insert("type", 123);
- QVariantMap fooo;
- fooo.insert("name", "boo");
- fooo.insert("type", 321);
+ QVariantMap fooo;
+ fooo.insert("name", "boo");
+ fooo.insert("type", 321);
- QVariantList jsonV;
- jsonV << foo << fooo;
+ QVariantList jsonV;
+ jsonV << foo << fooo;
- QJson::Serializer serializer;
- QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(jsonV);
+ QJson::Serializer serializer;
+ QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(jsonV);
- qxtLog->debug() << json;
- return json;
+ qxtLog->debug() << json;
+ return json;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -140,17 +140,17 @@ const QByteArray SysInfo::getNames() {
* just a test method for json.
QString SysInfo::getAllInfos() {
- QVariantMap infos;
- infos.insert("mac", getMACAddress());
- infos.insert("ip", getIPAddress());
- infos.insert("whoami", getScriptOutput("whoami"));
- //infos.insert("pwd", getScriptOutput("pwd"));
+ QVariantMap infos;
+ infos.insert("mac", getMACAddress());
+ infos.insert("ip", getIPAddress());
+ infos.insert("whoami", getScriptOutput("whoami"));
+ //infos.insert("pwd", getScriptOutput("pwd"));
- //QJson::Serializer serializer;
- QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(infos);
+ //QJson::Serializer serializer;
+ QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(infos);
- qxtLog->debug() << json;
- return json;
+ qxtLog->debug() << json;
+ return json;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -170,27 +170,27 @@ QString SysInfo::getAllInfos() {
* @see SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName)
const QString SysInfo::getMainboardSerial() {
- QString out = "";
- struct sysfs_class_device *class_device = sysfs_open_class_device("dmi",
- "id");
- struct dlist *attrlist = sysfs_get_classdev_attributes(class_device);
- struct sysfs_device *device = sysfs_get_classdev_device(class_device);
+ QString out = "";
+ struct sysfs_class_device *class_device = sysfs_open_class_device("dmi",
+ "id");
+ struct dlist *attrlist = sysfs_get_classdev_attributes(class_device);
+ struct sysfs_device *device = sysfs_get_classdev_device(class_device);
- if (attrlist != NULL) {
- struct sysfs_attribute *attr = NULL;
- dlist_for_each_data(attrlist, attr, struct sysfs_attribute) {
- QVariantMap a;
- if(QString(attr->name) == QString("board_serial")) {
- out = QString(attr->value);
- }
- }
- qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Mainboard Serial: " + out;
- return out;
- }
- qxtLog->debug()
- << "[sysinfo] Mainboard Serial: attrlist is null! return: mainboard_serial_error";
- sysfs_close_class_device(class_device);
- return "mainboard_serial_error";
+ if (attrlist != NULL) {
+ struct sysfs_attribute *attr = NULL;
+ dlist_for_each_data(attrlist, attr, struct sysfs_attribute) {
+ QVariantMap a;
+ if(QString(attr->name) == QString("board_serial")) {
+ out = QString(attr->value);
+ }
+ }
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Mainboard Serial: " + out;
+ return out;
+ }
+ qxtLog->debug()
+ << "[sysinfo] Mainboard Serial: attrlist is null! return: mainboard_serial_error";
+ sysfs_close_class_device(class_device);
+ return "mainboard_serial_error";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -215,76 +215,75 @@ const QString SysInfo::getMainboardSerial() {
* @see SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName)
const QString SysInfo::getUsbVendorIdProductIdSerialNumber() {
- QString tag = "[sysinfo] Usb Serial:";
- QString out = "";
- QVariantList list;
+ QString tag = "[sysinfo] Usb Serial:";
+ QString out = "";
+ QVariantList list;
- libusb_device **devs;
- libusb_context *ctx = NULL; //a libusb session
- ssize_t cnt; //holding number of devices in list
- int r = 1;
- r = libusb_init(&ctx);
- if (r < 0) {
- qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to initialise libusb";
- return "error";
- }
- cnt = libusb_get_device_list(ctx, &devs); //get the list of devices
- if (cnt < 0) {
- qxtLog->debug() << tag + "Get Device Error"; //there was an error
- }
- qxtLog->debug() << tag + cnt + " Devices in list."; //print total number of usb devices
- ssize_t i; //for iterating through the list#
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- //printdev(devs[i]); //print specs of this device
- QVariantMap infos;
- libusb_device *dev = devs[i];
- libusb_device_descriptor desc;
- int re = libusb_get_device_descriptor(dev, &desc);
- if (re < 0) {
- qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to get device descriptor";
- return "error";
- }
- infos.insert("vendorId", desc.idVendor);
- infos.insert("productId", desc.idProduct);
- unsigned char string[256];
- libusb_device_handle *handle;
- re = libusb_open(dev, &handle);
- if (re != 0) {
- qxtLog->debug() << tag
- + "failed to get handler / fail to open device";
- return "error";
- }
- re = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(handle, desc.iSerialNumber,
- string, sizeof(string));
- if (re < 0) {
- qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to get SerialNumber";
- return "error";
- }
- infos.insert("serialnumber", QString((const char *) string));
- re = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(handle, desc.iProduct, string,
- sizeof(string));
- if (re < 0) {
- qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to get Product";
- return "error";
- }
- infos.insert("product", QString((const char *) string));
- re = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(handle, desc.iManufacturer,
- string, sizeof(string));
- if (re < 0) {
- qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to get Product";
- return "error";
- }
- infos.insert("manuacturer", QString((const char *) string));
+ libusb_device **devs;
+ libusb_context *ctx = NULL; //a libusb session
+ ssize_t cnt; //holding number of devices in list
+ int r = 1;
+ r = libusb_init(&ctx);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to initialise libusb";
+ return "error";
+ }
+ cnt = libusb_get_device_list(ctx, &devs); //get the list of devices
+ if (cnt < 0) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << tag + "Get Device Error"; //there was an error
+ }
+ qxtLog->debug() << tag + cnt + " Devices in list."; //print total number of usb devices
+ ssize_t i; //for iterating through the list#
+ for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
+ //printdev(devs[i]); //print specs of this device
+ QVariantMap infos;
+ libusb_device *dev = devs[i];
+ libusb_device_descriptor desc;
+ int re = libusb_get_device_descriptor(dev, &desc);
+ if (re < 0) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to get device descriptor";
+ return "error";
+ }
+ infos.insert("vendorId", desc.idVendor);
+ infos.insert("productId", desc.idProduct);
+ unsigned char string[256];
+ libusb_device_handle *handle;
+ re = libusb_open(dev, &handle);
+ if (re != 0) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to get handler / fail to open device";
+ return "error";
+ }
+ re = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(handle, desc.iSerialNumber,
+ string, sizeof(string));
+ if (re < 0) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to get SerialNumber";
+ return "error";
+ }
+ infos.insert("serialnumber", QString((const char *) string));
+ re = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(handle, desc.iProduct, string,
+ sizeof(string));
+ if (re < 0) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to get Product";
+ return "error";
+ }
+ infos.insert("product", QString((const char *) string));
+ re = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(handle, desc.iManufacturer,
+ string, sizeof(string));
+ if (re < 0) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << tag + "failed to get Product";
+ return "error";
+ }
+ infos.insert("manuacturer", QString((const char *) string));
- list << infos;
- libusb_close(handle);
- }
- libusb_free_device_list(devs, 1); //free the list, unref the devices in it
- libusb_exit(ctx); //close the session
+ list << infos;
+ libusb_close(handle);
+ }
+ libusb_free_device_list(devs, 1); //free the list, unref the devices in it
+ libusb_exit(ctx); //close the session
- QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(list);
- qxtLog->debug() << tag + "json object: " + json;
- return json;
+ QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(list);
+ qxtLog->debug() << tag + "json object: " + json;
+ return json;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -302,26 +301,25 @@ const QString SysInfo::getUsbVendorIdProductIdSerialNumber() {
* output of the script.
QString SysInfo::getScriptOutput(QString cmd) {
- QProcess *process = new QProcess();
- qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Script Output: try to open: " << cmd;
- process->start(cmd, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+ QProcess *process = new QProcess();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Script Output: try to open: " << cmd;
+ process->start(cmd, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
- if (!process->waitForStarted())
- qxtLog->debug()
- << "[sysinfo] Script Output: process couldn't get opened";
+ if (!process->waitForStarted())
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Script Output: process couldn't get opened";
- QString output;
- process->waitForFinished();
+ QString output;
+ process->waitForFinished();
- QTextStream *txt_stream = new QTextStream(process);
+ QTextStream *txt_stream = new QTextStream(process);
- while (!txt_stream->atEnd()) {
- qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Script Output: read output: ";
- QString tmp_str = txt_stream->readLine();
- output += tmp_str;
- qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Script Output: " << tmp_str;
- }
- qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Script Output: process finished: ";
- return output;
+ while (!txt_stream->atEnd()) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Script Output: read output: ";
+ QString tmp_str = txt_stream->readLine();
+ output += tmp_str;
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Script Output: " << tmp_str;
+ }
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[sysinfo] Script Output: process finished: ";
+ return output;
diff --git a/src/sysinfo.h b/src/sysinfo.h
index 2c5d16d..f4fa3b2 100644
--- a/src/sysinfo.h
+++ b/src/sysinfo.h
@@ -33,23 +33,23 @@ extern "C" {
class SysInfo {
- SysInfo();
- ~SysInfo();
- // public access, valid infoName: "mac", "ip", ...
- const QString getInfo(const QString& infoName);
+ SysInfo();
+ ~SysInfo();
+ // public access, valid infoName: "mac", "ip", ...
+ const QString getInfo(const QString& infoName);
- // private system information readers
- const QString getMACAddress();
- const QString getIPAddress();
- const QString getMainboardSerial();
- const QString getUsbVendorIdProductIdSerialNumber();
- QString getAllInfos();
- QString getScriptOutput(QString cmd);
- // JSon testing
- QJson::Serializer serializer;
- const QByteArray getNames();
+ // private system information readers
+ const QString getMACAddress();
+ const QString getIPAddress();
+ const QString getMainboardSerial();
+ const QString getUsbVendorIdProductIdSerialNumber();
+ QString getAllInfos();
+ QString getScriptOutput(QString cmd);
+ // JSon testing
+ QJson::Serializer serializer;
+ const QByteArray getNames();
#endif // SYSTINFO_H
diff --git a/src/sysinfolibsysfs.cpp b/src/sysinfolibsysfs.cpp
index 9030155..5c89bde 100644
--- a/src/sysinfolibsysfs.cpp
+++ b/src/sysinfolibsysfs.cpp
@@ -14,135 +14,135 @@
// Initialisation
SysInfoLibsysfs::SysInfoLibsysfs() {
- // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
+ // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
SysInfoLibsysfs::~SysInfoLibsysfs() {
- // TODO Auto-generated destructor stub
+ // TODO Auto-generated destructor stub
void SysInfoLibsysfs::getInfoAboutNetworkInterface() {
- struct sysfs_class_device *class_device = sysfs_open_class_device("net",
- "eth0");
- struct dlist *attrlist = sysfs_get_classdev_attributes(class_device);
- struct sysfs_device *device = sysfs_get_classdev_device(class_device);
- //struct sysfs_driver *driver = sysfs_get_classdev_driver(class_device);
- if (device == NULL) {
- //qxtLog->debug() << "[libsysfs] device is NULL!";
- } else {
- qDebug() << "--- print eth0 device path:";
- qDebug() << QString(device->path);
- }
- sysfs_close_class_device(class_device);
+ struct sysfs_class_device *class_device = sysfs_open_class_device("net",
+ "eth0");
+ struct dlist *attrlist = sysfs_get_classdev_attributes(class_device);
+ struct sysfs_device *device = sysfs_get_classdev_device(class_device);
+ //struct sysfs_driver *driver = sysfs_get_classdev_driver(class_device);
+ if (device == NULL) {
+ //qxtLog->debug() << "[libsysfs] device is NULL!";
+ } else {
+ qDebug() << "--- print eth0 device path:";
+ qDebug() << QString(device->path);
+ }
+ sysfs_close_class_device(class_device);
void SysInfoLibsysfs::getInfoMbSerial() {
- QJson::Serializer serializer;
- QVariantList listOfDevices;
- struct sysfs_class_device *class_device = sysfs_open_class_device("dmi",
- "id");
- struct dlist *attrlist = sysfs_get_classdev_attributes(class_device);
- struct sysfs_device *device = sysfs_get_classdev_device(class_device);
- if (attrlist != NULL) {
- struct sysfs_attribute *attr = NULL;
- QVariantList list;
- dlist_for_each_data(attrlist, attr, struct sysfs_attribute) {
- QVariantMap a;
- if(QString(attr->name) == QString("board_serial")) {
- a.insert("name", QString(attr->name));
- a.insert("value", QString(attr->value));
- a.insert("len", QString(attr->len));
- a.insert("path", QString(attr->path));
- a.insert("method", QString(attr->method));
- list << a;
- }
- }
- QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(list);
- qDebug() << json;
- return;
- }
- qDebug() << "attrlist is null!";
- sysfs_close_class_device(class_device);
+ QJson::Serializer serializer;
+ QVariantList listOfDevices;
+ struct sysfs_class_device *class_device = sysfs_open_class_device("dmi",
+ "id");
+ struct dlist *attrlist = sysfs_get_classdev_attributes(class_device);
+ struct sysfs_device *device = sysfs_get_classdev_device(class_device);
+ if (attrlist != NULL) {
+ struct sysfs_attribute *attr = NULL;
+ QVariantList list;
+ dlist_for_each_data(attrlist, attr, struct sysfs_attribute) {
+ QVariantMap a;
+ if(QString(attr->name) == QString("board_serial")) {
+ a.insert("name", QString(attr->name));
+ a.insert("value", QString(attr->value));
+ a.insert("len", QString(attr->len));
+ a.insert("path", QString(attr->path));
+ a.insert("method", QString(attr->method));
+ list << a;
+ }
+ }
+ QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(list);
+ qDebug() << json;
+ return;
+ }
+ qDebug() << "attrlist is null!";
+ sysfs_close_class_device(class_device);
QString SysInfoLibsysfs::getInfoMainboardSerial() {
- QString out = "";
- struct sysfs_class_device *class_device = sysfs_open_class_device("dmi",
- "id");
- struct dlist *attrlist = sysfs_get_classdev_attributes(class_device);
- struct sysfs_device *device = sysfs_get_classdev_device(class_device);
- if (attrlist != NULL) {
- struct sysfs_attribute *attr = NULL;
- dlist_for_each_data(attrlist, attr, struct sysfs_attribute) {
- QVariantMap a;
- if(QString(attr->name) == QString("board_serial")) {
- out = QString(attr->value);
- }
- }
- qDebug() << out;
- return out;
- }
- qDebug() << "attrlist is null!";
- sysfs_close_class_device(class_device);
- return NULL;
+ QString out = "";
+ struct sysfs_class_device *class_device = sysfs_open_class_device("dmi",
+ "id");
+ struct dlist *attrlist = sysfs_get_classdev_attributes(class_device);
+ struct sysfs_device *device = sysfs_get_classdev_device(class_device);
+ if (attrlist != NULL) {
+ struct sysfs_attribute *attr = NULL;
+ dlist_for_each_data(attrlist, attr, struct sysfs_attribute) {
+ QVariantMap a;
+ if(QString(attr->name) == QString("board_serial")) {
+ out = QString(attr->value);
+ }
+ }
+ qDebug() << out;
+ return out;
+ }
+ qDebug() << "attrlist is null!";
+ sysfs_close_class_device(class_device);
+ return NULL;
void SysInfoLibsysfs::getInfoAboutClassNet() {
- QJson::Serializer serializer;
- QVariantList listOfDevices;
- struct sysfs_class *sysfsclass = sysfs_open_class("net");
- struct dlist *devices = sysfs_get_class_devices(sysfsclass);
- struct sysfs_device *dev = NULL;
- dlist_for_each_data(devices,dev, struct sysfs_device) {
- if(dev == NULL) {
- qDebug() << "device is NULL!";
- //qxtLog->debug() << "[libsysfs] device is NULL!";
- }
- else {
- qDebug() << "--- print device:";
- QVariantMap infos;
- infos.insert("name", QString(dev->name));
- infos.insert("bus", QString(dev->bus));
- infos.insert("bus_id", QString(dev->bus_id));
- infos.insert("driver_name", QString(dev->driver_name));
- infos.insert("path", QString(dev->path));
- infos.insert("subsystem", QString(dev->subsystem));
- struct dlist *attrlist = dev->attrlist;
- if (attrlist != NULL) {
- struct sysfs_attribute *attr = NULL;
- QVariantList list;
- dlist_for_each_data(attrlist, attr, struct sysfs_attribute) {
- QVariantMap a;
- a.insert("name", QString(attr->name));
- a.insert("value", QString(attr->value));
- a.insert("len", QString(attr->len));
- a.insert("path", QString(attr->path));
- a.insert("method", QString(attr->method));
- list << a;
- }
- QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(list);
- qDebug() << json;
- infos.insert("attrlist", list);
+ QJson::Serializer serializer;
+ QVariantList listOfDevices;
+ struct sysfs_class *sysfsclass = sysfs_open_class("net");
+ struct dlist *devices = sysfs_get_class_devices(sysfsclass);
+ struct sysfs_device *dev = NULL;
+ dlist_for_each_data(devices,dev, struct sysfs_device) {
+ if(dev == NULL) {
+ qDebug() << "device is NULL!";
+ //qxtLog->debug() << "[libsysfs] device is NULL!";
+ }
+ else {
+ qDebug() << "--- print device:";
+ QVariantMap infos;
+ infos.insert("name", QString(dev->name));
+ infos.insert("bus", QString(dev->bus));
+ infos.insert("bus_id", QString(dev->bus_id));
+ infos.insert("driver_name", QString(dev->driver_name));
+ infos.insert("path", QString(dev->path));
+ infos.insert("subsystem", QString(dev->subsystem));
+ struct dlist *attrlist = dev->attrlist;
+ if (attrlist != NULL) {
+ struct sysfs_attribute *attr = NULL;
+ QVariantList list;
+ dlist_for_each_data(attrlist, attr, struct sysfs_attribute) {
+ QVariantMap a;
+ a.insert("name", QString(attr->name));
+ a.insert("value", QString(attr->value));
+ a.insert("len", QString(attr->len));
+ a.insert("path", QString(attr->path));
+ a.insert("method", QString(attr->method));
+ list << a;
- listOfDevices << infos;
- }
+ QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(list);
+ qDebug() << json;
+ infos.insert("attrlist", list);
+ }
+ listOfDevices << infos;
+ }
- }
+ }
- sysfs_close_class(sysfsclass);
+ sysfs_close_class(sysfsclass);
- QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(listOfDevices);
+ QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(listOfDevices);
- qDebug() << json;
+ qDebug() << json;
diff --git a/src/sysinfolibsysfs.h b/src/sysinfolibsysfs.h
index f5de0aa..df746f3 100644
--- a/src/sysinfolibsysfs.h
+++ b/src/sysinfolibsysfs.h
@@ -39,16 +39,15 @@ extern "C" {
#include "fbgui.h"
#include <qjson/serializer.h>
-class SysInfoLibsysfs : public QObject
+class SysInfoLibsysfs: public QObject {
- SysInfoLibsysfs();
- virtual ~SysInfoLibsysfs();
- void getInfoAboutNetworkInterface();
- void getInfoAboutClassNet();
- void getInfoMbSerial();
- QString getInfoMainboardSerial();
+ SysInfoLibsysfs();
+ virtual ~SysInfoLibsysfs();
+ void getInfoAboutNetworkInterface();
+ void getInfoAboutClassNet();
+ void getInfoMbSerial();
+ QString getInfoMainboardSerial();