path: root/src
diff options
authorNiklas Goby2011-03-21 12:03:04 +0100
committerNiklas Goby2011-03-21 12:03:04 +0100
commitf2b5a82610ea4b9de9ff5f3ae83cd1715e79bc24 (patch)
tree7234b2e8f2083fe23193bc1654c70ec395d20b12 /src
parentsome changes in the fbgui, ipWatcher (diff)
parentand the files ^^ (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Conflicts: src/fbgui.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
-rw-r--r--src/downloadmanager.h (renamed from src/downloadManager.h)42
-rw-r--r--src/javascriptinterface.cpp (renamed from src/javascriptInterface.cpp)53
-rw-r--r--src/javascriptinterface.h (renamed from src/javascriptInterface.h)24
-rw-r--r--src/sysinfo.cpp (renamed from src/sysInfo.cpp)41
-rw-r--r--src/sysinfo.h (renamed from src/sysInfo.h)28
16 files changed, 565 insertions, 438 deletions
diff --git a/src/downloadManager.cpp b/src/downloadManager.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1271a8c..0000000
--- a/src/downloadManager.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-#include "downloadManager.h"
-#include "fbgui.h"
-#include <QFileInfo>
-#include <QByteArray>
-int downloadManager::downloaded = 0;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- logView->write(QString("testing @ DM init"));
- qnam = new QNetworkAccessManager();
- dip = false;
- downloadDir = QDir(downloadPath);
- /* check if downloadPath exists, if not create it. */
- if (!downloadDir.exists()){
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Download directory: " << downloadDir.path() << "doesn't exist.";
- QDir::current().mkdir(downloadPath);
- if (downloadDir.exists() && debug)
- qDebug() << "Created download directory: " << downloadDir.path();
- }
- else if (debug) qDebug() << "Download directory: " << downloadDir.path() << "exists.";
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void downloadManager::downloadFile(QString& filename)
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Received downloadFile signal for:" << filename;
- QUrl fileUrl;
- fileUrl = baseURL.resolved(QUrl(filename));
- if (debug) qDebug() << "fileUrl: " << fileUrl;
- this->processDownloadRequest(fileUrl);
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void downloadManager::downloadFile(QUrl& fileUrl)
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Received downloadFile signal for:" << fileUrl;
- this->processDownloadRequest(fileUrl);
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void downloadManager::processDownloadRequest(QUrl& url)
- if (url.isEmpty()){
- if (debug) qDebug() << "No URL specified for download.";
- return;
- }
- /* if download in progress, enqueue file and return. */
- if (dip)
- {
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Download in progress! Enqueueing:" << url.toString()
- << "(" << dlQ.size() << "in queue)";
- dlQ.enqueue(url);
- return;
- }
- /* no running downloads: enqueue and start next download. */
- dlQ.enqueue(url);
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Enqueueing:" << url.toString() << endl;
- startNextDownload();
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void downloadManager::startNextDownload()
- if (dlQ.isEmpty())
- {
- emit downloadQueueEmpty();
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Download manager ready. (1)";
- return;
- }
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Starting next download: " << dlQ.head().toString()
- << "(" << dlQ.size() << "in queue.)";
- /* dequeue next URL to download. */
- QUrl url = dlQ.dequeue();
- /* get temporary filename from URL. */
- QString tmp = url.path();
- tmp.remove(0, tmp.lastIndexOf(QChar('/')) + 1);
- /* check if filename exists on target file system */
- QFileInfo fi(downloadPath + "/" + tmp);
- if (fi.exists()){
- QString qs = QString(fi.absoluteFilePath() + ".\%1").arg(downloaded);
- outfile.setFileName(qs);
- }
- else
- outfile.setFileName(downloadPath + "/" + tmp);
- if (!{
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Couldn't open file! Skipping...";
- return;
- }
- /* send the request for the file */
- QNetworkRequest request(url);
- currentDownload = qnam->get(request);
- lastProgress = 0;
- currentProgress = 0;
- dip = true;
- dltime.start();
- QObject::connect(currentDownload, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(downloadReady()));
- QObject::connect(currentDownload, SIGNAL(metaDataChanged()), this, SLOT(processMetaInfo()));
- QObject::connect(currentDownload, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)),
- this, SLOT(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)));
- QObject::connect(currentDownload, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(downloadFinished()));
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Private slots
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void downloadManager::processMetaInfo(){
- /* fetch filesize from header & filename from url (for now) */
- const QByteArray cltag = "Content-Length";
- QByteArray clinfo = currentDownload->rawHeader(cltag);
- QFileInfo fi(outfile);
- emit downloadInfo(outfile.fileName(), clinfo.toDouble());
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void downloadManager::downloadReady()
- /* data ready, save it */
- outfile.write(currentDownload->readAll());
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void downloadManager::downloadProgress(qint64 bytesIn, qint64 bytesTotal)
- // "fix" for the weird bytesTotal = -1 initial reading...
- if (bytesIn > bytesTotal)
- return;
- /* calculate current speed */
- double speed = bytesIn * 1000 / dltime.elapsed();
- QString unit;
- if (speed < 1024) {
- unit = "bytes/sec";
- }
- else if (speed < 1024*1024) {
- speed /= 1024;
- unit = "KB/s";
- }
- else {
- speed /= 1024*1024;
- unit = "MB/s";
- }
- /* update progress only if difference higher than the updateInterval setting */
- currentProgress = ((bytesIn * 100) / bytesTotal);
- if (currentProgress - lastProgress >= updateInterval){
- lastProgress = currentProgress;
- emit updateProgress(currentProgress, speed, unit);
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Download progress of " << currentDownload->url().toString()
- << ": " << bytesIn << "/" << bytesTotal << "(" << currentProgress << "\%)";
- }
- return;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void downloadManager::downloadFinished()
- /* check for errors */
- if (currentDownload->error()){
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Download of" << currentDownload->url().toString()
- << "failed with status code: " << currentDownload->error();
- currentDownload->deleteLater();
- outfile.remove();
- return;
- }
- // TODO Handle errors.
- if (debug) qDebug() << "NetworkCode: " << currentDownload->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();
- /* end download */
- outfile.close();
- currentDownload->deleteLater();
- downloaded++;
- dip = false;
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Download of " << currentDownload->url().toString()
- << "finished. (dlcount = "<< downloaded << ")";
- if (dlQ.isEmpty()){
- emit downloadQueueEmpty();
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Download manager ready. (2)";
- return;
- }
- startNextDownload();
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** dead code: Header filename fetching & renaming **
-const QByteArray cd = "Content-Disposition";
-QByteArray cdc = currentDownload->rawHeader(cd);
-int x = cdc.indexOf("filename=\"") + 10;
-cdc.remove(0, x).chop(1);
-if (!cdc.isEmpty())
- currentTargetFilename = cdc;
- currentTargetFilename = QString("download.\%1").arg(downloaded);
-QString tmp = outfile.fileName();
-tmp.remove(0, tmp.lastIndexOf(QChar('/')) + 1);
-qDebug() << "Trying to rename " << tmp << " to --> " << currentTargetFilename;
-if (outfile.rename(downloadPath + "/" + currentTargetFilename)) {
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Renamed file!";
-else {
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Failure to rename file!";
diff --git a/src/downloadmanager.cpp b/src/downloadmanager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47582c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/downloadmanager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#include "downloadmanager.h"
+#include "fbgui.h"
+int DownloadManager::downloaded = 0;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Initializing download manager...";
+ checkDownloadDirectory();
+ qnam = new QNetworkAccessManager();
+ dip = false;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DownloadManager::checkDownloadDirectory()
+ // check if downloadPath exists, if not create it.
+ downloadDir = QDir(downloadPath);
+ if (!downloadDir.exists()){
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Download directory: " << downloadDir.path() << " doesn't exist.";
+ QDir::current().mkdir(downloadPath);
+ if (downloadDir.exists()){
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Created download directory: " << downloadDir.path();
+ }
+ else {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Failed to create directory: " << downloadDir.path();
+ // try to save to /tmp/fbgui
+ downloadDir.setPath(QDir::tempPath () + "/fbgui");
+ if (!downloadDir.exists()){
+ QDir::current().mkdir(QDir::tempPath () + "/fbgui");
+ if (!downloadDir.exists()){
+ // TODO: dont exit, this shouldn't happen anyway (right?)
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Fatal, no target for downloads. Exiting...";
+ }
+ }
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Saving downloads to: " << downloadDir.absolutePath();
+ }
+ }
+ else qxtLog->debug() << "Download directory: " << downloadDir.path() << " exists.";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DownloadManager::downloadFile(const QString& filename)
+ QUrl fileUrl(baseURL.resolved(QUrl(filename)));
+ this->processDownloadRequest(fileUrl);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DownloadManager::downloadFile(const QUrl& fileUrl)
+ this->processDownloadRequest(fileUrl);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DownloadManager::processDownloadRequest(const QUrl& url)
+ if (url.isEmpty()){
+ qxtLog->debug() << "No URL specified for download.";
+ return;
+ }
+ // if download in progress, enqueue file and return.
+ if (dip){
+ dlQ.enqueue(url);
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Download in progress! Queued:" << url.toString()
+ << "(" << dlQ.size() << " in queue)";
+ return;
+ }
+ // no running downloads: enqueue and start next download.
+ dlQ.enqueue(url);
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Enqueueing:" << url.toString();
+ startNextDownload();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DownloadManager::startNextDownload()
+ if (dlQ.isEmpty()){
+ emit downloadQueueEmpty();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Download manager ready. (1)";
+ return;
+ }
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Starting next download: " << dlQ.head().toString()
+ << " (" << dlQ.size() - 1 << " in queue.)";
+ // dequeue next URL to download.
+ QUrl url = dlQ.dequeue();
+ // get filename from URL.
+ QString tmp = url.path();
+ tmp.remove(0, tmp.lastIndexOf(QChar('/')) + 1);
+ // check if filename exists on target file system
+ if (downloadDir.exists(tmp)){
+ qxtLog->debug() << "File already exists: " << downloadDir.absoluteFilePath(tmp);
+ outfile.setFileName(QString(downloadDir.absolutePath() + "/" + tmp + ".\%1").arg(downloaded));
+ }
+ else
+ outfile.setFileName(downloadDir.absoluteFilePath(tmp));
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Saving to: " << outfile.fileName();
+ // try to open for writing
+ if (!{
+ qxtLog->debug() << "No write access to " << outfile.fileName() << " . Skipping download...";
+ return;
+ }
+ // send the request for the file
+ QNetworkRequest request(url);
+ currentDownload = qnam->get(request);
+ lastProgress = 0;
+ currentProgress = 0;
+ dip = true;
+ dltime.start();
+ QObject::connect(currentDownload, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(downloadReady()));
+ QObject::connect(currentDownload, SIGNAL(metaDataChanged()), this, SLOT(processMetaInfo()));
+ QObject::connect(currentDownload, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)),
+ this, SLOT(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)));
+ QObject::connect(currentDownload, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(downloadFinished()));
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Private slots to process downloads
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DownloadManager::processMetaInfo()
+ // fetch filesize from header & filename from URL (for now)
+ const QByteArray cltag = "Content-Length";
+ QByteArray clinfo = currentDownload->rawHeader(cltag);
+ QFileInfo fi(outfile);
+ emit downloadInfo(outfile.fileName(), clinfo.toDouble());
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DownloadManager::downloadReady()
+ // data ready, save it
+ outfile.write(currentDownload->readAll());
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DownloadManager::downloadProgress(qint64 bytesIn, qint64 bytesTotal)
+ if (bytesIn > bytesTotal) return;
+ // calculate current speed
+ double speed = bytesIn * 1000 / dltime.elapsed();
+ QString unit;
+ if (speed < 1024) {
+ unit = "bytes/sec";
+ }
+ else if (speed < 1024*1024) {
+ speed /= 1024;
+ unit = "KB/s";
+ }
+ else {
+ speed /= 1024*1024;
+ unit = "MB/s";
+ }
+ // update progress only if difference higher than the updateInterval setting
+ currentProgress = ((bytesIn * 100) / bytesTotal);
+ if (currentProgress - lastProgress >= updateInterval){
+ lastProgress = currentProgress;
+ emit updateProgress(currentProgress, speed, unit);
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Download progress of " << currentDownload->url().toString()
+ << ": " << bytesIn << "/" << bytesTotal << "(" << currentProgress << "\%)";
+ }
+ return;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DownloadManager::downloadFinished()
+ // check for errors
+ if (currentDownload->error()){
+ currentDownload->deleteLater();
+ outfile.remove();
+ int statusCode = currentDownload->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Download of " << currentDownload->url().toString()
+ << " failed with HTTP error code: " << statusCode;
+ emit notify(QString("Download failed! HTTP Status Code: %1").arg(statusCode));
+ }
+ else{
+ // end download
+ currentDownload->deleteLater();
+ outfile.close();
+ downloaded++;
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Download of " << currentDownload->url().toString()
+ << " finished. (downloaded = "<< downloaded << ")";
+ emit notify(QString("Successfully downloaded %1").arg(currentDownload->url().toString()));
+ }
+ dip = false;
+ // process next in queue
+ if (dlQ.isEmpty()){
+ emit downloadQueueEmpty();
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Download manager ready. (2)";
+ return;
+ }
+ startNextDownload();
+ ** dead code: Header filename fetching & renaming **
+const QByteArray cd = "Content-Disposition";
+QByteArray cdc = currentDownload->rawHeader(cd);
+int x = cdc.indexOf("filename=\"") + 10;
+cdc.remove(0, x).chop(1);
+if (!cdc.isEmpty())
+ currentTargetFilename = cdc;
+ currentTargetFilename = QString("download.\%1").arg(downloaded);
+QString tmp = outfile.fileName();
+tmp.remove(0, tmp.lastIndexOf(QChar('/')) + 1);
+qDebug() << "Trying to rename " << tmp << " to --> " << currentTargetFilename;
+if (outfile.rename(downloadPath + "/" + currentTargetFilename)) {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Renamed file!";
+else {
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Failure to rename file!";
diff --git a/src/downloadManager.h b/src/downloadmanager.h
index 2e26b70..0cc1a35 100644
--- a/src/downloadManager.h
+++ b/src/downloadmanager.h
@@ -19,11 +19,6 @@
#include "fbgui.h"
-#include <QObject>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QMap>
-#include <QtNetwork>
-#include <QTime>
extern bool debug;
extern QUrl baseURL;
@@ -32,42 +27,53 @@ extern QString downloadPath;
extern int updateInterval;
-class downloadManager : public QObject
+class DownloadManager : public QObject
- downloadManager();
+ DownloadManager();
- void processDownloadRequest(QUrl& url);
+ // checks for valid download directory, ran once in constructor
+ void checkDownloadDirectory();
+ // private control function for queueing mechanism.
+ void processDownloadRequest(const QUrl& url);
+ // base objects for downloading
QNetworkAccessManager* qnam;
QQueue<QUrl> dlQ;
- QNetworkRequest request;
QNetworkReply* currentDownload;
QFile outfile;
QDir downloadDir;
+ // download progress variables
QTime dltime;
- bool dip;
int currentProgress, lastProgress;
+ // download in progress flag
+ bool dip;
+ // static counter
static int downloaded;
- QString currentTargetFilename;
- void finished();
- void downloadInfo(QString filename, double filesize);
- void updateProgress(int percent, double speed, QString unit);
+ // notify sends a message to the javascript interface.
+ void notify(const QString& msg);
+ // downloadInfo sends static information (name, size) to the interface.
+ void downloadInfo(const QString& filename, const double& filesize);
+ // updateProgress sends download progress information to the interface.
+ void updateProgress(const int& percent, const double& speed, const QString& unit);
+ // signal emitted when download queue is empty.
void downloadQueueEmpty();
public slots:
- void downloadFile(QUrl& fileUrl);
- void downloadFile(QString& fileUrl);
+ // public slots to receive download requests.
+ void downloadFile(const QUrl& fileUrl);
+ void downloadFile(const QString& fileUrl);
private slots:
+ // private slots to manage the downloading process
void startNextDownload();
- void downloadReady();
void processMetaInfo();
+ void downloadReady();
void downloadProgress(qint64 bytesIn, qint64 bytesTotal);
void downloadFinished();
diff --git a/src/fbgui.cpp b/src/fbgui.cpp
index 3408b1e..e21bdc6 100644
--- a/src/fbgui.cpp
+++ b/src/fbgui.cpp
@@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
#include "fbgui.h"
#include "downloadManager.h"
#include "javascriptInterface.h"
-//#include "ipWatcher.h"
+#include "loggerengine.h"
+#include "downloadmanager.h"
+#include "javascriptinterface.h"
#include <iostream>
-#include <QUrl>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QHostInfo>
#include <QtWebKit>
-#include <QPlainTextEdit>
+#include <QxtCore>
-// Note: Absolute paths. binPath empty init, set in main() after QApplication instanciated.
-QString binPath("");
-QString downloadPath(binPath + "/downloads");
-bool debug = false;
+QString binPath("");
+QString downloadPath("/tmp/fbgui/downloads");
int updateInterval = DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
-logViewer *logView;
+int debugMode = -1;
@@ -31,58 +28,102 @@ fbgui::fbgui()
webView = new QWebView(this);
+ webView->load(baseURL);
- /*show info page until the client has received an IP address*/
- /*
- ipWatcher* ipw = new ipWatcher(QApplication::applicationDirPath());
- while(!ipw->ipReceived()){
- webView->load(QUrl("prc://html/loadAbout.html"));
+ // setup basic debug
+ qxtLog->disableLoggerEngine("DEFAULT");
+ qxtLog->enableLogLevels(QxtLogger::DebugLevel);
+ if (debugMode == 0){
+ qxtLog->addLoggerEngine("std_logger", new LoggerEngine_std);
+ qxtLog->initLoggerEngine("std_logger");
+ qxtLog->setMinimumLevel("std_logger", QxtLogger::DebugLevel);
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Initializing fbgui...";
- */
- webView->load(baseURL);
- /* initialize javascript interface */
- javascriptInterface* jsi = new javascriptInterface(webView->page()->mainFrame());
- QObject::connect(jsi, SIGNAL(quitFbgui()), this, SLOT(close()));
+ // base of the gui
+ createActions();
+ checkHost();
+ _webView = new QWebView(this);
+ _webView->load(baseURL);
+ // debug console split or normal browser
+ if (debugMode == 1)
+ setupDebugSplit();
+ else
+ setCentralWidget(_webView);
- QObject::connect(webView->page()->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(javaScriptWindowObjectCleared()),
+ // initialize javascript interface
+ JavascriptInterface* jsi = new JavascriptInterface(_webView->page()->mainFrame());
+ QObject::connect(jsi, SIGNAL(quitFbgui()), this, SLOT(close()));
+ QObject::connect(_webView->page()->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(javaScriptWindowObjectCleared()),
jsi, SLOT(attachToDOM()));
- /* initialize download manager */
- downloadManager* dm = new downloadManager();
- QObject::connect(dm, SIGNAL(downloadInfo(QString, double)), jsi, SLOT(downloadInfo(QString, double)));
- QObject::connect(jsi, SIGNAL(requestFile(QString&)), dm, SLOT(downloadFile(QString&)));
- QObject::connect(dm, SIGNAL(updateProgress(int, double, QString)), jsi, SLOT(updateProgressBar(int, double, QString)));
+ // initialize download manager
+ DownloadManager* dm = new DownloadManager();
+ QObject::connect(dm, SIGNAL(downloadInfo(const QString&, const double&)),
+ jsi, SLOT(downloadInfo(const QString&, const double&)));
+ QObject::connect(dm, SIGNAL(notify(const QString&)),
+ jsi, SLOT(notify(const QString&)));
+ QObject::connect(jsi, SIGNAL(requestFile(const QString&)), dm, SLOT(downloadFile(const QString&)));
+ QObject::connect(dm, SIGNAL(updateProgress(const int&, const double&, const QString&)),
+ jsi, SLOT(updateProgressBar(const int&, const double&, const QString&)));
QObject::connect(dm, SIGNAL(downloadQueueEmpty()), jsi, SLOT(callbackOnDlQueueFinished()));
+ // set properties
setAttribute(Qt::WA_QuitOnClose, true);
- resize(QSize(800, 600));
- setCentralWidget(webView);
- show();
-void fbgui::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event){
- /* F4 toggles debug console */
- if (debug && event->key() == Qt::Key_F4){
- if (!logView->isVisible()){
- logView->append(QString("check passed."));
- logView->raise();
- logView->setVisible(true);
- }
- else {
- logView->lower();
- logView->setVisible(false);
- }
- }
+void fbgui::createActions()
+ // CTRL + X to kill the gui
+ _quit = new QAction(tr("&quit"), this);
+ _quit->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_X));
+ this->addAction(_quit);
+ connect(_quit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close()));
+void fbgui::setupDebugSplit()
+ _debugConsole = new QTextEdit(this);
+ _debugConsole->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
+ QPalette pal;
+ pal.setColor(QPalette::Base, Qt::black);
+ _debugConsole->setPalette(pal);
+ _debugConsole->setTextColor(Qt::cyan);
+ _debugConsole->insertPlainText("Debug console initialized.\n");
+ // enable custom logger engine
+ qxtLog->addLoggerEngine("fb_logger", new LoggerEngine_fb(_debugConsole));
+ qxtLog->initLoggerEngine("fb_logger");
+ qxtLog->setMinimumLevel("fb_logger", QxtLogger::DebugLevel);
+ // display browser and debug in a splitter
+ _splitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical, this);
+ _splitter->addWidget(_webView);
+ _splitter->addWidget(_debugConsole);
+ // CTRL + D toggles debug window
+ _toggleDebug = new QAction(tr("&toggleDebug"), this);
+ _toggleDebug->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_D));
+ addAction(_toggleDebug);
+ connect(_toggleDebug, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(toggleDebug()));
+ setCentralWidget(_splitter);
+void fbgui::toggleDebug()
+ if (_debugConsole->isVisible())
+ _debugConsole->hide();
+ else
+ _debugConsole->show();
void fbgui::checkHost() const
+ // TODO instead of closing app, show error page from qrc
QHostInfo hostInfo = QHostInfo::fromName(;
if (hostInfo.error() != QHostInfo::NoError){
- qDebug() << "Lookup of " << << "failed. Exiting...";
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Lookup of " << << "failed. Exiting...";
diff --git a/src/fbgui.h b/src/fbgui.h
index c0ef95e..2d06afe 100644
--- a/src/fbgui.h
+++ b/src/fbgui.h
@@ -19,21 +19,23 @@
#define FBGUI_H
#include <QtGui>
-#include <QPlainTextEdit>
#include <QtWebKit>
+#include <QxtCore>
-#include "logViewer.h"
+// Internal default settings
#define DEFAULT_URL ""
#define DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIR "/tmp/fbgui/downloads"
+#define DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH "/etc/fbgui.conf"
+// Global settings
extern QString binPath;
extern QString downloadPath;
extern QUrl baseURL;
-extern bool debug;
+extern int debugMode;
extern int updateInterval;
-extern logViewer *logView;
class fbgui : public QMainWindow
@@ -41,16 +43,26 @@ class fbgui : public QMainWindow
- /* public log access */
- //void log(QString text);
+ // setup procedures
+ void setupDebugSplit();
+ void createActions();
void checkHost() const;
- QWebView *webView;
+ // widgets constituing the gui
+ QWebView* _webView;
+ QSplitter* _splitter;
+ QTextEdit* _debugConsole;
+ // action list
+ QAction* _quit;
+ QAction* _toggleDebug;
+private slots:
+ // slots for processing actions
+ void toggleDebug();
- void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
#endif // FBGUI_H
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 1b8d1f8..353518b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -2,23 +2,27 @@ TEMPLATE = app
TARGET = fbgui
CONFIG += qt \
-LIBS += -L/usr/local/qjson/lib \
- -lqjson
-INCLUDEPATH += -I/usr/local/qjson/include
QT += core \
gui \
- webkit \
- network
-HEADERS += logViewer.h \
- downloadManager.h \
- fbgui.h \
- javascriptInterface.h \
- sysInfo.h
-SOURCES += logViewer.cpp \
- downloadManager.cpp \
- main.cpp \
+ network \
+ webkit
+LIBS += -L/usr/local/qjson/lib \
+ -lqjson \
+ -L/usr/local/Qxt/lib \
+ -lQxtCore
+INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/qjson/include \
+ /usr/local/Qxt/include \
+ /usr/local/Qxt/include/QxtCore
+HEADERS += sysinfo.h \
+ loggerengine.h \
+ javascriptinterface.h \
+ downloadmanager.h \
+ fbgui.h
+SOURCES += sysinfo.cpp \
+ loggerengine.cpp \
+ javascriptinterface.cpp \
+ downloadmanager.cpp \
fbgui.cpp \
- javascriptInterface.cpp \
- sysInfo.cpp
+ main.cpp
RESOURCES += fbgui.qrc
diff --git a/src/javascriptInterface.cpp b/src/javascriptinterface.cpp
index c4dd61b..7f1b949 100644
--- a/src/javascriptInterface.cpp
+++ b/src/javascriptinterface.cpp
@@ -1,31 +1,27 @@
#include "fbgui.h"
-#include "javascriptInterface.h"
-#include "sysInfo.h"
+#include "javascriptinterface.h"
+#include "sysinfo.h"
-javascriptInterface::javascriptInterface(QWebFrame *parent)
- //TODO: check for better way to use evaluateJavaScript()
+JavascriptInterface::JavascriptInterface(QWebFrame *parent){
+ qxtLog->debug() << "Initializing javascript interface...";
_parent = parent;
-javascriptInterface::~javascriptInterface() {}
+JavascriptInterface::~JavascriptInterface() {}
-QString javascriptInterface::getSysInfo(QString info)
- sysInfo si;
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Requested info: " << info << endl;
+const QString JavascriptInterface::getSysInfo(const QString& info){
+ SysInfo si;
return si.getInfo(info);
-void javascriptInterface::attachToDOM()
+void JavascriptInterface::attachToDOM(){
_parent->addToJavaScriptWindowObject(QString("fbgui"), this);
-void javascriptInterface::startDownload(QString filename)
- /* ignore if empty filename */
+void JavascriptInterface::startDownload(const QString& filename){
+ // ignore if empty filename
if (filename.isEmpty()){
_parent->evaluateJavaScript("alert(\"No filename!\")");
@@ -33,33 +29,32 @@ void javascriptInterface::startDownload(QString filename)
emit requestFile(filename);
-void javascriptInterface::downloadInfo(QString filename, double filesize)
+void JavascriptInterface::downloadInfo(const QString& filename, const double& filesize){
QString code = QString("downloadInfo('\%1', \%2)").arg(filename).arg(filesize);
-void javascriptInterface::updateProgressBar(int percent, double speed, QString unit)
+void JavascriptInterface::notify(const QString& msg){
+ QString code = QString("notify('\%1')").arg(msg);
+ _parent->evaluateJavaScript(code);
+void JavascriptInterface::updateProgressBar(const int& percent, const double& speed, const QString& unit){
if (percent == 0) return;
QString code = QString("updateProgress(\%1, \%2, '\%3')").arg(percent).arg(speed).arg(unit);
- if (debug) qDebug() << "To JS: " << code;
-void javascriptInterface::setCallbackOnDlQueueFinished(QString jsFunction)
- callBackOnDownloadsFinished = jsFunction;
+void JavascriptInterface::setCallbackOnDlQueueFinished(QString& jsFunction){
+ _callBackOnDownloadsFinished = jsFunction;
-void javascriptInterface::callbackOnDlQueueFinished()
- QString code = QString("\%1").arg(callBackOnDownloadsFinished);
+void JavascriptInterface::callbackOnDlQueueFinished(){
+ QString code = QString("\%1").arg(_callBackOnDownloadsFinished);
-void javascriptInterface::quit()
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Quit signal.";
+void JavascriptInterface::quit(){
emit quitFbgui();
diff --git a/src/javascriptInterface.h b/src/javascriptinterface.h
index 457254b..9b4303c 100644
--- a/src/javascriptInterface.h
+++ b/src/javascriptinterface.h
@@ -20,29 +20,31 @@
#include "fbgui.h"
-class javascriptInterface : public QObject{
+class JavascriptInterface : public QObject
QWebFrame* _parent;
- QString callBackOnDownloadsFinished;
+ QString _callBackOnDownloadsFinished;
- javascriptInterface(QWebFrame* parent);
- virtual ~javascriptInterface();
+ JavascriptInterface(QWebFrame* parent);
+ ~JavascriptInterface();
- void requestFile(QString& filename);
+ void requestFile(const QString& filename);
void quitFbgui();
public slots:
void attachToDOM();
- void startDownload(QString filename);
- void setCallbackOnDlQueueFinished(QString fctOnDownloadsFinished);
+ void startDownload(const QString& filename);
+ void setCallbackOnDlQueueFinished(QString& fctOnDownloadsFinished);
void callbackOnDlQueueFinished();
- void updateProgressBar(int percent, double speed, QString unit);
- void downloadInfo(QString filename, double filesize);
- QString getSysInfo(QString info);
+ void updateProgressBar(const int& percent, const double& speed, const QString& unit);
+ void downloadInfo(const QString& filename, const double& filesize);
+ void notify(const QString& msg);
+ const QString getSysInfo(const QString& info);
void quit();
diff --git a/src/logViewer.cpp b/src/logViewer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c302f8..0000000
--- a/src/logViewer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#include <logViewer.h>
-#include <fbgui.h>
-logViewer::logViewer(QWidget *parent) : QTextEdit(parent) {
- QPalette qp;
- qp.setColor(QPalette::Base, Qt::black);
- setPalette(qp);
- setTextColor(Qt::green);
- setPlainText("Debug console loaded.");
- resize(QSize(640, 480));
- setVisible(false);
-void logViewer::write(QString text){
- if (debug) this->append(text);
diff --git a/src/logViewer.h b/src/logViewer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c61baf..0000000
--- a/src/logViewer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - RZ Uni Freiburg
-# Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - OpenSLX Project
-# This program/file is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
-# See
-# If you have any feedback please consult and
-# send your feedback to
-# General information about OpenSLX can be found under
-# Simple logfile viewer / debug console.
-#ifndef LOGVIEWER_H
-#define LOGVIEWER_H
-#include <QTextEdit>
-class logViewer : public QTextEdit {
- public:
- logViewer(QWidget *parent);
- void write(QString text);
-#endif // LOGVIEWER_H
diff --git a/src/loggerengine.cpp b/src/loggerengine.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5638908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/loggerengine.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#include "loggerengine.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Custom Logger Engine for debugging on framebuffer
+LoggerEngine_fb::LoggerEngine_fb(QTextEdit *parent) : QxtLoggerEngine(){
+ // TODO: silly parent storing ... to change!
+ _debugConsole = parent;
+ _initialized = false;
+ setLogLevelsEnabled(QxtLogger::DebugLevel);
+ enableLogging();
+void LoggerEngine_fb::initLoggerEngine(){
+ _initialized = true;
+ return;
+void LoggerEngine_fb::killLoggerEngine(){return;}
+void LoggerEngine_fb::setLogLevelEnabled(QxtLogger::LogLevels level, bool enable){
+ QxtLoggerEngine::setLogLevelsEnabled(level, enable);
+ if (!enable) QxtLoggerEngine::setLogLevelsEnabled(QxtLogger::DebugLevel);
+bool LoggerEngine_fb::isInitialized() const{
+ return _initialized;
+void LoggerEngine_fb::writeFormatted(QxtLogger::LogLevel level, const QList<QVariant> & msgs){
+ // TODO: handle different log levels
+ if (msgs.isEmpty()) return;
+ Q_FOREACH(const QVariant& out, msgs)
+ {
+ if (!out.isNull())
+ _debugConsole->insertPlainText(out.toString());
+ }
+ _debugConsole->insertPlainText(QString("\n"));
+ // autoscroll
+ QTextCursor c = _debugConsole->textCursor();
+ c.movePosition(QTextCursor::End);
+ _debugConsole->setTextCursor(c);
+// Modified QxtBasicSTDLoggerEngine
+LoggerEngine_std::LoggerEngine_std() : QxtBasicSTDLoggerEngine(){}
+void LoggerEngine_std::writeToStdErr(const QString& str_level, const QList<QVariant> &msgs){
+ if (msgs.isEmpty()) return;
+ QString header = '[' + QTime::currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz") + "] ";
+ QTextStream* errstream = stdErrStream();
+ Q_ASSERT(errstream);
+ *errstream << header;
+ Q_FOREACH(const QVariant& out, msgs)
+ {
+ if (!out.isNull())
+ *errstream << out.toString();
+ }
+ *errstream << endl;
+void LoggerEngine_std::writeToStdOut(const QString& level, const QList<QVariant> & msgs){
+ // reimplementing this is needed for compiling,
+ // we only need write to std::err, so this function is not needed
diff --git a/src/loggerengine.h b/src/loggerengine.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d93644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/loggerengine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - RZ Uni Freiburg
+# Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - OpenSLX Project
+# This program/file is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your feedback to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found under
+# Custom logger engines based on Qxt library.
+#include <QxtCore>
+#include <QTime>
+#include <QTextEdit>
+// custom engine feeding the debug console widget
+class LoggerEngine_fb : public QxtLoggerEngine {
+ LoggerEngine_fb(QTextEdit* parent);
+ ~LoggerEngine_fb();
+ QTextEdit *_debugConsole;
+ bool _initialized;
+ // reimplemented virtual functions of QxtLoggerEngine
+ void initLoggerEngine();
+ void killLoggerEngine();
+ void writeFormatted(QxtLogger::LogLevel level, const QList<QVariant> & messages);
+ void setLogLevelEnabled(QxtLogger::LogLevels level, bool enable = true);
+ bool isInitialized() const;
+// minor changes to QxtBasicSTDLoggerEngine
+class LoggerEngine_std : public QxtBasicSTDLoggerEngine {
+ LoggerEngine_std();
+ ~LoggerEngine_std();
+ // reimplemented virtual functions of QxtBasicSTDLoggerEngineqqq
+ void writeToStdOut(const QString& level, const QList<QVariant> &msgs);
+ void writeToStdErr(const QString& str_level, const QList<QVariant> &msgs);
+#endif // LOGGERENGINE_H_
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index 689b3e4..c5269a7 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -25,23 +25,22 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv, QApplication::GuiServer);
- app.setObjectName("test");
binPath = QApplication::applicationDirPath();
QTranslator translator;
translator.load(":" + QLocale::system().name());
- /* parse command line arguments */
+ // parse command line arguments
QMap<QString, QString> clOpts;
int longIndex = 0;
- static const char *optString = "u:d:c:Dh";
+ static const char *optString = "u:d:c:D:h";
static const struct option longOpts[] =
{"url", required_argument, NULL, 'u'},
{"download", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
{"config", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
- {"debug", no_argument, NULL, 'D'},
+ {"debug", required_argument, NULL, 'D'},
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}
int opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, optString, longOpts, &longIndex);
@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
case 'c':
clOpts.insert("configFile", optarg);
case 'D':
- clOpts.insert("debug", "debug");
+ clOpts.insert("debug", optarg);
case 'h':
clOpts.insert("help", "help");
@@ -70,11 +69,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (clOpts.contains("help"))
- if (clOpts.contains("debug")){
- debug = true;
- qDebug() << "Debug mode activated.";
- }
- /* "search" config file */
+ if (clOpts.contains("debug"))
+ debugMode = clOpts.value("debug").toInt();
+ else
+ debugMode = -1;
+ // look for config file
QString configFilePath;
QFileInfo confInfo;
if (clOpts.contains("configFile"))
@@ -88,52 +88,41 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (confInfo.exists())
configFilePath = QString("/etc/fbgui.conf");
- /* temporary */
- configFilePath = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/fbgui.conf";
+ configFilePath = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH;
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Config file is: " << configFilePath;
- /* read the config file */
+ // read the config file
QSettings confFileSettings(configFilePath, QSettings::IniFormat);
if (clOpts.contains("url")) {
baseURL = QUrl(clOpts.value("url"));
- if (debug) qDebug() << "URL loaded from cmdline.";
else if (confFileSettings.contains("default/url")) {
baseURL = confFileSettings.value("default/url").toUrl();
- if (debug) qDebug() << "URL loaded from config file.";
else {
- if (debug) qDebug() << "URL set by default.";
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Base URL: " << baseURL.toString();
- /* setting directory for downloads*/
+ // setting directory for downloads
if (clOpts.contains("downloadDir")){
downloadPath = clOpts.value("downloadDir");
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Download directory loaded from cmdline.";
else if (confFileSettings.contains("default/downloadDirectory")){
downloadPath = confFileSettings.value("default/downloadDirectory").toString();
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Download directory loaded from config file.";
- else
- {
+ else {
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Download directory set by default.";
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Download directory: " << downloadPath;
if (confFileSettings.contains("default/updateInterval")){
updateInterval = confFileSettings.value("default/updateInterval").toInt();
- if (debug) qDebug() << "Read updateInterval from confFile: " << updateInterval;
else updateInterval = DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
fbgui gui;
return app.exec();
diff --git a/src/sysInfo.cpp b/src/sysinfo.cpp
index ca20b95..1c8bc8d 100644
--- a/src/sysInfo.cpp
+++ b/src/sysinfo.cpp
@@ -1,21 +1,13 @@
-#include "sysInfo.h"
-#include <QString>
-#include <QTime>
-#include <QNetworkInterface>
-#include <QVariantMap>
-#include <QVariantList>
-#include <QByteArray>
+#include "sysinfo.h"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (debug) qDebug() << "sysInfo created.";
- // Maybe search for eth0, etc
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-QString sysInfo::getInfo(QString& infoName){
- if (debug) qDebug() << "sysInfo : getInfo(" << infoName << ")";
+const QString SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName){
+ qxtLog->debug() << "[sysInfo] requested " << infoName;
if (infoName == QString("mac"))
return getMACAddress();
else if (infoName == QString("ip"))
@@ -28,18 +20,18 @@ QString sysInfo::getInfo(QString& infoName){
return "info_error";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-QString sysInfo::getMACAddress(){
- /* Returns MAC address of eth0 for now. */
+const QString SysInfo::getMACAddress(){
+ // Returns MAC address of eth0 for now
QNetworkInterface qni = QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName(QString("eth0"));
if (!qni.isValid()){
- if (debug) qDebug() << "No interface matching \"eth0\" found.";
+ qxtLog->debug() << "No interface matching \"eth0\" found.";
return "no_eth0";
//eth0_index = qni.index();
return qni.hardwareAddress();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-QString sysInfo::getIPAddress(){
+const QString SysInfo::getIPAddress(){
// Again for eth0 only at the moment.
// TODO: this doesn't quite work yet...
QNetworkInterface qni = QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName(QString("eth0"));
@@ -47,16 +39,15 @@ QString sysInfo::getIPAddress(){
// This is does not return the right IP atm...
foreach(QHostAddress addr, addrlist){
if (addr.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol && addr != QHostAddress::LocalHost){
- if (debug) qDebug() << "eth0: IPv4 Address: " << addr.toString();
return addr.toString();
// still here?
- if (debug) qDebug() << "ip_error";
+ qxtLog->debug() << "ip_error";
return "ip_error";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-QByteArray sysInfo::getNames(){
+const QByteArray SysInfo::getNames(){
QVariantMap foo;
foo.insert("name", "foo");
@@ -72,12 +63,12 @@ QByteArray sysInfo::getNames(){
QJson::Serializer serializer;
QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(jsonV);
- if (debug) qDebug() << json;
+ qxtLog->debug() << json;
return json;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-QString sysInfo::getAllInfos(){
+QString SysInfo::getAllInfos(){
QVariantMap infos;
infos.insert("mac", getMACAddress());
infos.insert("ip", getIPAddress());
@@ -87,11 +78,11 @@ QString sysInfo::getAllInfos(){
//QJson::Serializer serializer;
QByteArray json = serializer.serialize(infos);
- if (debug) qDebug() << json;
+ qxtLog->debug() << json;
return json;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-QString sysInfo::getScriptOutput(QString cmd)
+QString SysInfo::getScriptOutput(QString cmd)
QProcess *process = new QProcess();
qDebug()<<"try to open: "<<cmd;
diff --git a/src/sysInfo.h b/src/sysinfo.h
index 3a6c217..cbb002e 100644
--- a/src/sysInfo.h
+++ b/src/sysinfo.h
@@ -20,24 +20,24 @@
#include "fbgui.h"
#include <qjson/serializer.h>
-#include <QVariantMap>
-#include <QString>
-class sysInfo {
- public:
- sysInfo();
- ~sysInfo();
- QString getInfo(QString& infoName);
+class SysInfo {
+ SysInfo();
+ ~SysInfo();
+ // public access, valid infoName: "mac", "ip", ...
+ const QString getInfo(const QString& infoName);
- private:
- QJson::Serializer serializer;
- QByteArray getNames();
- QString getMACAddress();
- QString getIPAddress();
+ // private system information readers
+ const QString getMACAddress();
+ const QString getIPAddress();
QString getAllInfos();
QString getScriptOutput(QString cmd);
+ // JSon testing
+ QJson::Serializer serializer;
+ const QByteArray getNames();
#endif // SYSTINFO_H
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 444636b..61f7c2d 100755
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ script_path="$(cd "${0%/*}" 2>/dev/null; echo "$PWD"/"${0##*/}")"
working_path=`dirname "$script_path"`
display_id=$(grep -n $(whoami) /etc/passwd| head -n 1|awk -F : '{print $1}')
# Start QT's virtual framebuffer with proper displayID
-/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.1/bin/qvfb -width 800 -height 600 -qwsdisplay :$display_id &
+/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.1/bin/qvfb -width 1024 -height 768 -qwsdisplay :$display_id &
sleep 0.1
# Start fbgui.
$working_path/fbgui -display QVFb:$display_id $@