path: root/doxygen/html/navtree.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doxygen/html/navtree.js')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doxygen/html/navtree.js b/doxygen/html/navtree.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cc4005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doxygen/html/navtree.js
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+var NAVTREE =
+ [ "ndgui/NetworkDiscovery", "index.html", [
+ [ "Related Pages", "pages.html", [
+ [ "Todo List", "todo.html", null ]
+ ] ],
+ [ "Class List", "annotated.html", [
+ [ "DownloadManager", "class_download_manager.html", null ],
+ [ "fbgui", "classfbgui.html", null ],
+ [ "interfaceconfiguration", "classinterfaceconfiguration.html", null ],
+ [ "JavascriptInterface", "class_javascript_interface.html", null ],
+ [ "LoggerEngine_fb", "class_logger_engine__fb.html", null ],
+ [ "LoggerEngine_file", "class_logger_engine__file.html", null ],
+ [ "LoggerEngine_std", "class_logger_engine__std.html", null ],
+ [ "ndgui", "classndgui.html", null ],
+ [ "NetworkDiscovery", "class_network_discovery.html", null ],
+ [ "NetworkManager", "class_network_manager.html", null ],
+ [ "SysInfo", "class_sys_info.html", null ]
+ ] ],
+ [ "Class Index", "classes.html", null ],
+ [ "Class Members", "functions.html", null ],
+ [ "File List", "files.html", [
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/downloadmanager.cpp", "downloadmanager_8cpp.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/downloadmanager.h", "downloadmanager_8h.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/fbgui.cpp", "fbgui_8cpp.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/fbgui.h", "fbgui_8h.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/interfaceconfiguration.cpp", "interfaceconfiguration_8cpp.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/interfaceconfiguration.h", "interfaceconfiguration_8h.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/javascriptinterface.cpp", "javascriptinterface_8cpp.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/javascriptinterface.h", "javascriptinterface_8h.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/loggerengine.cpp", "loggerengine_8cpp.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/loggerengine.h", "loggerengine_8h.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/main.cpp", "main_8cpp.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/ndgui.cpp", "ndgui_8cpp.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/ndgui.h", "ndgui_8h.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/networkdiscovery.cpp", "networkdiscovery_8cpp.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/networkdiscovery.h", "networkdiscovery_8h.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/networkmanager.cpp", "networkmanager_8cpp.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/networkmanager.h", "networkmanager_8h.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/sysinfo.cpp", "sysinfo_8cpp.html", null ],
+ [ "/home/niklas/workspace/fbgui/src/sysinfo.h", "sysinfo_8h.html", null ]
+ ] ],
+ [ "File Members", "globals.html", null ]
+ ] ]
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+function showRoot()
+ var headerHeight = $("#top").height();
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+ {
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+ po.children[i] = newNode(o, po, nodeData[0], nodeData[1], nodeData[2],
+ i==l);
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+ var nodes = data;
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+ {
+ var d = nodes[i];
+ if (d[1] == url)
+ {
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+ else if (d[2] != null) // array of children
+ {
+ result = findNavTreePage(url, d[2]);
+ if (result != null)
+ {
+ return (new Array(i).concat(result));
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+ return null;
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+ var o = new Object();
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+ {
+ o.breadcrumbs = findNavTreePage("index.html",NAVTREE);
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+ {
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+ $(window).load(showRoot);
+ }