path: root/notFinishedCode/Report/test.tex.backup
blob: 61834ed0cfa6d1d84d0df3e2ca188a68a1a4848a (plain) (tree)

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\newcommand{\titleOfProject}{Software for self-testing of the Telecommunication network of University of Freiburg}

%begin of the document

%make the title page
\title{Team project \\ ``\titleOfProject''}   % type title between braces
\date{\today}    % type date between braces
\author{Arda Akcay\\ Tri Atmoko\\ Refik Had\v{z}iali\'{c} }         % type author(s) between braces
\department{\vspace{1\baselineskip} \large Albert-Ludwigs-Universit\"{a}t Freiburg \\
Lehrstuhl f\"{u}r  Komunikationsysteme\\
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schneider\\ \vspace{1\baselineskip} Supervisors: \\ Konrad Meier \\ Denis Wehrle \\ \vspace{1\baselineskip} Sommersemester 2011}


%add the table of contents 

%new page to start with 

% first chapter
\section{Introduction and Motivation}             % chapter 1
\Large In the following report, the authors will try to give you a brief insight into our team project. The goal of our project was to develop a mechanism for automatic testing of our University Telecommunication network. The Telecommunication network of University of Freiburg consists of our own internal: GSM and telephone network systems; GSM redirecting device (if one initiates a call to one of the four external GSM networks, it redirects the calls to: T-mobile, 02, Vodaphone or E-Plus); a SIP gateway for landline calls inside of Germany ( and international calls. Since we did not have access to internal servers, our strategy was to exploit the existing systems and infer the results out of our findings.
Before we had started working on our project, we had to analyze the overall network to come up with test cases that contain the highest information content. The next step in our procedure was to implement our ideas into a working piece of software. 
Gradually we implemented a bit-by-bit of the final software. Every single implementation was accompanied by testing and validation procedures. At the end we implemented all the ``black-boxes'' into one big piece of software.
\section{Software concept}           % chapter 2
\section{Introduction}     % section 2.1
\subsection{Usage}         % subsection 2.1.1
\section{Encryption of data}
import subprocess
import string

class Ping:

        def __init__(self, pingAddress):
                self.pingAddress = pingAddress

        def ping(self,numberTries):
                tried = 1
                while numberTries >= tried:
                        tried += 1
                        #the parameter c 1 means only one ping to be sent, parameter W 3 means how many seconds the time out should be, 3 seconds
                        ping_cmd = subprocess.Popen(['ping', self.pingAddress, '-c', '1', '-W', '2'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).communicate()[0]

                        pingAlive = int(string.find(ping_cmd, '1 received'))
                        unknownHost = int(string.find(ping_cmd, 'unknown host'))

\section{Web page}

%bibliography start

\bibitem{site1} H. Simpson, \emph{Proof of the Riemann
Hypothesis},  preprint (2003), available at 

%bibliography end

%end of the document