path: root/notFinishedCode
diff options
authorRefik Hadzialic2011-07-22 20:41:03 +0200
committerRefik Hadzialic2011-07-22 20:41:03 +0200
commitcc04f21cde23b606c169ae25cfeced9f4684c4e8 (patch)
treeedd7527c5c39dea26f25374524d76e5aae7ffc35 /notFinishedCode
parentfix timeout for the controller test. (diff)
Created new clientController and serverHandler!
Diffstat (limited to 'notFinishedCode')
4 files changed, 422 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/notFinishedCode/ b/notFinishedCode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61488c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notFinishedCode/
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+import ClientClass
+from time import sleep
+########SET VARIABLES########
+addressOfHandler1 = ''
+portOfHandler1 = 50008
+addressOfHandler2 = 'localhost'
+portOfHandler2 = 50008
+def connectToHandlers():
+ global lastState
+ lastState = 0
+ global whoIsWho
+ whoIsWho = 1
+ global handler1
+ global handler2
+ handler1 = ClientClass.Connection(addressOfHandler1, portOfHandler1)
+ handler2 = ClientClass.Connection(addressOfHandler2, portOfHandler2)
+ tryConn1 = handler1.connect()
+ tryConn2 = handler2.connect()
+ if tryConn1 == 1 and tryConn2 == 1:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if tryConn1 == 1 and tryConn2 == 0:
+ return 2
+ elif tryConn1 == 0 and tryConn2 == 1:
+ return 3
+ elif tryConn1 == 0 and tryConn2 == 0:
+ return 4
+ return 5
+def initTalk():
+ print 'in init'
+ global lastState
+ lastState = 1
+ sendMessage1 = handler1.sendData('HELLO HANDLER')
+ sendMessage2 = handler2.sendData('HELLO HANDLER')
+ if sendMessage1 == 1 and sendMessage2 == 1:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+def receiveMessage(timeout, whoIsWho):
+ message1 = str(handler1.receiveData(timeout))
+ message2 = str(handler2.receiveData(timeout))
+ print 'in receive', message1, message2
+ if message1 == 'HELLO CONTROLLER' and message2 == 'HELLO CONTROLLER' and lastState == 1:
+ outcome = assignJobs(1,447)
+ elif message1 == 'RECEIVER READY' and message2 == 'CALLER READY' and lastState == 2:
+ outcome = startJobs(whoIsWho)
+ elif message1 == 'CALL OK' and message2 == 'CALL OK' and lastState == 3:
+ outcome = terminateConnection()
+ #write to db here
+ print 'TEST WAS OK'
+ elif message1 == 'CALL NOT OK' and message2 == 'CALL NOT OK' and lastState == 3:
+ outcome = terminateConnection()
+ #write to db here
+ elif message1 == 'CALL NOT OK' and message2 == 'CALL OK' and lastState == 3:
+ outcome = terminateConnection()
+ #write to db here
+ print 'ONE SIDE FAILED ', whoIsWho
+ elif message1 == 'CALL OK' and message2 == 'CALL NOT OK' and lastState == 3:
+ outcome = terminateConnection()
+ #write to db here
+ print 'ONE SIDE FAILED', whoIsWho
+ else:
+ #abort test since they are not initialized
+ outcome = other()
+def assignJobs(whoIsWho, number):
+ print 'in assign jobs'
+ global lastState
+ lastState = 2
+ if whoIsWho == 1:
+ sendMessage1 = handler1.sendData('RECEIVER')
+ sendMessage2 = handler2.sendData('CALLER|' + str(number))
+ else:
+ sendMessage1 = handler1.sendData('CALLER|' + str(number))
+ sendMessage2 = handler2.sendData('RECEIVER')
+ if sendMessage1 == 1 and sendMessage2 == 1:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+def startJobs(whoIsWho):
+ print 'in start jobs'
+ global lastState
+ lastState = 3
+ if whoIsWho == 1:
+ sendMessage1 = handler1.sendData('RECEIVE START')
+ sendMessage2 = handler2.sendData('CALL START')
+ else:
+ sendMessage2 = handler2.sendData('RECEIVE START')
+ sendMessage1 = handler1.sendData('CALL START')
+ if sendMessage1 == 1 and sendMessage2 == 1:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+def terminateConnection():
+ print 'in terminate connection'
+ global lastState
+ lastState = 4
+ sendMessage1 = handler1.sendData('TERMINATE CONNECTION')
+ sendMessage2 = handler2.sendData('TERMINATE CONNECTION')
+ if sendMessage1 == 1 and sendMessage2 == 1:
+ return 1
+ elif sendMessage1 == 1 and sendMessage2 == 0:
+ return 2
+ elif sendMessage1 == 0 and sendMessage2 == 1:
+ return 3
+ elif sendMessage1 == 0 and sendMessage2 == 0:
+ return 4
+ else:
+ return 5
+def other():
+ print 'in other state'
+ global lastState
+ lastState = 5
+ sendMessage1 = handler1.sendData('TERMINATE CONNECTION')
+ sendMessage2 = handler2.sendData('TERMINATE CONNECTION')
+ close1 = handler1.closeConnection()
+ close2 = handler2.closeConnection()
+ if sendMessage1 == 1 and sendMessage2 == 1:
+ return 1
+ elif sendMessage1 == 1 and sendMessage2 == 0:
+ return 2
+ elif sendMessage1 == 0 and sendMessage2 == 1:
+ return 3
+ elif sendMessage1 == 0 and sendMessage2 == 0:
+ return 4
+ else:
+ return 5
+print 'I am here'
+if connectToHandlers() == 1:
+ print 'connection initialized'
+ if initTalk() == 1:
+ receiveMessage(5,1)
+ receiveMessage(5,1)
+ receiveMessage(5,1)
+ receiveMessage(5,1)
+ lastState = 0
diff --git a/notFinishedCode/ b/notFinishedCode/
deleted file mode 100644
index be929f0..0000000
--- a/notFinishedCode/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-import ClientClass
-import DBC
-from time import sleep
-user = 'root'
-passw = 'mysqlpassword'
-host = 'localhost'
-dbname = 'gsmselftesting'
-database = DBC.DBMySQLConnection(user, passw, host, dbname)
-x = ClientClass.Connection('localhost',50008)
-print x.connect()
-x.sendData('HELLO HANDLER')
-print x.receiveData()
-print x.receiveData()
-print 'sta sam dobio'
-print x.receiveData()
-print x.receiveData()
diff --git a/notFinishedCode/ b/notFinishedCode/
deleted file mode 100644
index 01034a7..0000000
--- a/notFinishedCode/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-import ServerClass
-import LogFileClass
-errorCount = 0 #will be used as an error counter
-errorOpinion = 0 #your opinion of the error
-logger = LogFileClass.Logging('handlerOfSystem.log')
-while 1:
- ###########################+++CHANGE PORT NUMBER+++###########################
- handler = ServerClass.ServerHandler(50008) #define the port on which the handler will work
- openSocket = handler.openSocket() #try to open the socket and wait till somebody sends you a request
- logger.logEvent('Tried to open socket: ' + str(openSocket))
- if openSocket == 1: #we have an active connection here
- if handler.connected == 1: #check still once for the connection
- #closeConnection = handler.closeConnection()
- #logger.logEvent('Tried to close the socket: ' + str(closeConnection))
- ###########HELLO MESSAGE###############
- #receive the first message
- helloMsg = handler.receiveData() #receive the hello message from main controller
- if helloMsg == 'HELLO HANDLER':
- handler.sendData('HELLO CONTROLLER')
- else:
- logger.logEvent('First message was not hello but: ' + str(helloMsg))
- #this variable defines the handler is, receiver or caller
- iAmReceiver = -1 #1 for receiver, 0 for caller, -1 for not defined
- #########FIRST COMMAND#################
- #receive command what to be
- commandMsg = handler.receiveData()
- if commandMsg[0:6] == 'CALLER':
- #execute stuff for caller
- iAmReceiver = 0
- handler.sendData('CALLER|READY')
- elif commandMsg[0:6] == 'RECEIV':
- #execute stuff for receiver
- iAmReceiver = 1
- handler.sendData('RECEIV|READY')
- else:
- #do something else
- handler.sendData('SHIT')
- ##########SECOND COMMAND###############
- #receive command what to do next
- commandMsg = handler.receiveData()
- if commandMsg[0:12] == 'CALLER|READY':
- if iAmReceiver == 1:
- #if received call then
- handler.sendData('RECEIV|YESREC|' + str(errorOpinion))
- #if I didn't get the call
- # handler.sendData('RECEIV|NOTREC|' + str(errorOpinion))
- else:
- #a missunderstanding happened
- handler.sendData('MISUND1')
- elif commandMsg[0:12] == 'RECEIV|READY':
- if iAmReceiver == 0:
- #if called successfully
- handler.sendData('CALLER|YESCAL|' + str(errorOpinion))
- #if my call didn't work
- # handler.sendData('CALLER|NOTCAL|' + str(errorOpinion))
- else:
- #a missunderstanding happened
- handler.sendData('MISUND2')
- ###########TERMINATE COMMAND###########
- commandMsg = handler.receiveData()
- if commandMsg[0:9] == 'TERMINATE':
- handler.sendData('TERMINATE')
- else:
- #do something else
- handler.sendData('SHIT')
- else:
- print 'The connection is not working properly!'
- logger.logEvent('Not connected, handler.connected='+str(handler.connedted))
- else:
- errorCount+=1
- if errorCount >=1:
- if handler.error != 'No error':
- logger.logEvent(str(handler.error))
- if handler.error == '[Errno 98] Address already in use':
- #print 'one should try to kill the port'
- print handler.killPort()
- logger.logEvent('Try to kill port')
- logger.logEvent('Couldn''t open the socket: ' + str(openSocket))
- try:
- handler.closeConnection()
- del handler
- except:
- del handler
-# if server.connected == 1:
-# test = server.receiveData()
-# print test
-# if server.connected == 1:
-# if server.sendData(test) == 1:
-# print 'data sent successfully'
-# if server.connected == 1:
-# print server.receiveData()
-# close = server.closeConnection()
-# if close == 1:
-# print 'Closed connection successfully'
diff --git a/notFinishedCode/ b/notFinishedCode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1183ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notFinishedCode/
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+import ServerClass
+import GSMClass
+import LogFileClass
+from time import sleep
+portListen = 50008 #port number of handler
+nameOfLogFile = 'handler.log' #name of the log file
+portAddress = '/dev/ttyUSB0'
+baudRate = 19200
+#create the log file class
+logger = LogFileClass.Logging(nameOfLogFile)
+#use this variable as the error counter
+errorCount = 0
+#start logging all events
+#counter how many time we were in the while loop
+whileCounter =0
+#define global varibales
+global lastState
+lastState = 0
+def initSystem():
+ print 'init system'
+ global handlerSocket
+ global gsmDevice
+ global initTalkVar
+ global lastState
+ global numberToCall
+ initTalkVar = 0 #variable used to know if we initialized the start talk
+ lastState = 0 #variable used to know
+ numberToCall = '000' #number to call
+ handlerSocket = ServerClass.ServerHandler(portListen)
+ logger.logEvent('LISTEN ON PORT: '+str(portListen))
+ #add this if you need it
+ gsmDevice = GSMClass.serialPort(portAddress, baudRate, 20)
+ initDevice = gsmDevice.portInit()
+ ########################################################
+ #add nice formating to the log file :)
+ anyConnection = handlerSocket.openSocket()
+ if anyConnection == 1 and initDevice == 1:
+ logger.logEvent('CONNECTION ESTABLISHED AND DEVICE WORKING: ' + str(handlerSocket.connectedTo()))
+ return 1
+ elif anyConnection == 1 and initDevice == 0:
+ logger.logEvent('$connection established but device not working: ' + str(handlerSocket.connectedTo()))
+ return 2
+ else:
+ logger.logEvent('$no connection')
+ return 0
+def receiveMessage(timeout):
+ message = str(handlerSocket.receiveData(timeout))
+ print 'in receive message', message, lastState
+ if message == 'HELLO HANDLER' and lastState == 0:
+ outcome = initTalk()
+ if outcome == 1:
+ else:
+ logger.logEvent('$talk initialization not sent: ' + str(outcome))
+ elif message == 'RECEIVER' and lastState == 1:
+ outcome = initReceiver()
+ if outcome == 1:
+ logger.logEvent('RECEIVER READY SENT')
+ else:
+ logger.logEvent('$receiver ready not sent: ' + str(outcome))
+ elif message == 'RECEIVE START' and lastState == 2:
+ outcome = receiveStart()
+ if outcome == 1:
+ logger.logEvent('RECEIVE STATUS REPORTED')
+ else:
+ logger.logEvent('$receive status not reported: ' + str(outcome))
+ elif message[0:6] == 'CALLER' and lastState == 1:
+ outcome = initCaller()
+ global numberToCall
+ numberToCall = message[7:]
+ if outcome == 1:
+ logger.logEvent('CALLER READY SENT')
+ else:
+ logger.logEvent('$caller ready not sent: ' + str(outcome))
+ elif message == 'CALL START' and lastState == 4:
+ outcome = callStart(numberToCall)
+ if outcome == 1:
+ logger.logEvent('CALLER STATUS SENT')
+ else:
+ logger.logEvent('$caller status not sent: ' + str(outcome))
+ elif message == 'TERMINATE CONNECTION' and (lastState == 5 or lastState == 3):
+ outcome = terminateConnection()
+ if outcome == 1:
+ else:
+ logger.logEvent('$connection could not be terminated after the test: ' + str(outcome))
+ elif message == 'TERMINATE CONNECTION':
+ outcome = terminateConnection()
+ if outcome == 1:
+ logger.logEvent('TERMINATED THE CONNECTION IN MIDDLE. IN STATE: ' + str(lastState) )
+ else:
+ logger.logEvent('$connection could not be terminated in middle: ' + str(outcome) + ' in state: ' + str(lastState))
+ else:
+ outcome = other()
+ logger.logEvent('other appeared')
+########INIT TALK PART########
+def initTalk():
+ print 'init talk'
+ #initialize the talk between handler and controller
+ global lastState
+ lastState = 1
+ sendMessage = handlerSocket.sendData('HELLO CONTROLLER')
+ return sendMessage
+########RECEIVE PART########
+def initReceiver():
+ print 'initReceiver'
+ #init function to initialize the receiver
+ global lastState
+ lastState = 2
+ sendMessage = handlerSocket.sendData('RECEIVER READY')
+ return sendMessage
+def receiveStart():
+ print 'receiveStart'
+ #wait for a call and report if you received it and it was successfull or not
+ global lastState
+ lastState = 3
+ receiveCall = gsmDevice.receiveCall()
+ if receiveCall == 1:
+ callSuccess = 'CALL OK'
+ else:
+ callSuccess = 'CALL NOT OK'
+ tryHangUp = gsmDevice.hangUp()
+ sendMessage = handlerSocket.sendData(callSuccess)
+ return sendMessage
+########CALL PART########
+def initCaller():
+ print 'initCaller'
+ #initialize caller here
+ global lastState
+ lastState = 4
+ sendMessage = handlerSocket.sendData('CALLER READY')
+ return sendMessage
+def callStart(numberToCall):
+ print 'initCaller'
+ #call the number here
+ global lastState
+ lastState = 5
+ callSuccess = 'CALL NOT OK'
+ tryCall = gsmDevice.callNumber(numberToCall)
+ if tryCall != 1:
+ callSuccess = 'CALL NOT OK'
+ else:
+ sleep(2)
+ activeCall = gsmDevice.currentCall()
+ counter = 0
+ while(activeCall!=1):
+ sleep(1)
+ activeCall = gsmDevice.currentCall()
+ if counter == 6:
+ break
+ counter += 1
+ if activeCall == 1:
+ callSuccess = 'CALL OK'
+ else:
+ callSuccess = 'CALL NOT OK'
+ tryHangUp = gsmDevice.hangUp()
+ return handlerSocket.sendData(callSuccess)
+########TERMINATE PART########
+def terminateConnection():
+ print 'terminate connection'
+ close = handlerSocket.closeConnection()
+ return close
+########TERMINATE PART########
+def other():
+ print 'other'
+ global lastState
+ close = handlerSocket.closeConnection()
+ lastState = 8
+ return 1
+while 1:
+ test = initSystem()
+ if test == 1:
+ print 'initialized system'
+ receiveMessage(5)
+ receiveMessage(5)
+ receiveMessage(5)
+ receiveMessage(5)
+ del handlerSocket
+ del gsmDevice