diff options
-rw-r--r--For Weekly Test/Backup/checkingNumberClass.py79
-rw-r--r--For Weekly Test/Backup/inserttest.py28
-rw-r--r--For Weekly Test/Backup/truetable.py211
-rw-r--r--For Weekly Test/Backup/usbDetect.py156
4 files changed, 474 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/For Weekly Test/Backup/ b/For Weekly Test/Backup/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5f9fc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/For Weekly Test/Backup/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+from serial import * #serial port library
+import sys
+from time import sleep
+class serialPort:
+ def __init__(self, portAddress):
+ self.portAddress = portAddress
+ self.number = 'number not found'
+ def portInit(self):
+ self.portExist = 0
+ try:
+ self.ser = Serial(
+ port='/dev/'+self.portAddress,
+ baudrate=19200,
+ bytesize=EIGHTBITS,
+ parity=PARITY_NONE,
+ stopbits=STOPBITS_ONE)
+ self.ser.isOpen()
+ self.ser.flushInput()
+ self.portExist = 1
+ except Exception, e:
+ try:
+ self.ser = Serial(
+ port='/dev/'+self.portAddress,
+ baudrate=19200,
+ bytesize=EIGHTBITS,
+ parity=PARITY_NONE,
+ stopbits=STOPBITS_ONE)
+ self.ser.isOpen()
+ self.ser.flushInput()
+ self.portExist = 1
+ except Exception, e:
+ return 0
+ def findNumber(self):
+ self.portInit()
+ if self.portExist == 1:
+ self.ser.flushInput() #clean the input buffer for serial port
+ self.ser.write('AT+CNUM\r')
+ sleep(0.5)
+ readNum =
+ self.ser.close()
+ firstQuote = readNum.find('"')
+ cutString = readNum [firstQuote:]
+ secondQuote = cutString.find(',')
+ number = cutString[1:secondQuote-1]
+ if number != '':
+ self.number = number
+ else:
+ self.number = 'number not found'
+ else:
+ self.number = 'port not found'
+ return 0
+ def findIME(self):
+ self.portInit()
+ if self.portExist == 1:
+ self.ser.flushInput() #clean the input buffer for serial port
+ self.ser.write('AT+GSN\r')
+ sleep(0.5)
+ self.IME = int(
+ if self.IME = '':
+ self.IME = 'IME Error, not found'
+ else:
+ self.IME = 'port not found'
+ return 0
diff --git a/For Weekly Test/Backup/ b/For Weekly Test/Backup/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4987242
--- /dev/null
+++ b/For Weekly Test/Backup/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import MySQLdb as mdb
+import sys
+ conn = mdb.connect('localhost', 'root', 'randompasswordSQL', 'gsmselftesting')
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ cursor.execute("INSERT INTO TempTaskTable(`taskID`, `taskNo`, `from`, `to`,`status` ) VALUES('1', '2', 'sip', 'GSMExt.O2', '0')")
+ cursor.execute("INSERT INTO TempTaskTable(`taskID`, `taskNo`, `from`, `to`,`status` ) VALUES('2', '2', 'sip', 'GSMExt.Voda', '0')")
+ cursor.execute("INSERT INTO TempTaskTable(`taskID`, `taskNo`, `from`, `to`,`status` ) VALUES('3', '2', 'sip', 'GSMExt.Tm', '0')")
+ cursor.execute("INSERT INTO TempTaskTable(`taskID`, `taskNo`, `from`, `to`,`status` ) VALUES('4', '2', 'sip', 'GSMExt.Eplus', '0')")
+ cursor.execute("INSERT INTO TempTaskTable(`taskID`, `taskNo`, `from`, `to`,`status` ) VALUES('5', '2', 'sip', 'landline', '0')")
+ #cursor.execute("INSERT INTO TempTaskTable(`taskID`, `taskNo`, `from`, `to`,`status` ) VALUES('6', '2', 'sip', 'unisip', '0')")
+ #cursor.execute("INSERT INTO TempTaskTable(`taskID`, `taskNo`, `from`, `to`,`status` ) VALUES('7', '2', 'unisip', 'sip', '0')")
+ conn.commit()
+ cursor.close()
+ conn.close()
+except mdb.Error, e:
+ print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0],e.args[1])
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/For Weekly Test/Backup/ b/For Weekly Test/Backup/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6675ccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/For Weekly Test/Backup/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+def initTrueTable():
+ resultsList = [['sip', 'GSMExt.Eplus', '486'], ['unisip', 'GSMExt.Tm', '486'], ['sip', 'GSMExt.O2', '200'], ['landline', 'GSMExt.Voda', '486'], ['sip', 'landline', '486'], ['sip', 'unisip', '200'], ['unisip', 'sip', '486'], ['GSMRZ1','landline', '486'], ['GSMRZ2','landline' ,'486'], ['GSMRZ3','landline', '486']]
+ #resultsList = [['GSMExt.Eplus', 'GSMRZ1', '486'], ['unisip', 'sip', '486'], ['landline', 'sip', '200'], ['unisip', 'sip', '486']]
+ nanoBTS1 = None
+ nanoBTS2 = None
+ nanoBTS3 = None
+ o2Card = None
+ eplusCard = None
+ vodaCard = None
+ tmobileCard = None
+ outgoingLandline = None
+ for x in resultsList:
+ destination = x[1]
+ result = x[2]
+ caller = x[0]
+ if destination == 'GSMRZ1':
+ if result =='486':
+ nanoBTS1 = False
+ for y in resultsList:
+ call = y[0]
+ destination = y[1]
+ result = y[2]
+ if call == 'GSMRZ1':
+ if result == '200':
+ nanoBTS1 = True
+ if destination == 'GSMRZ1':
+ if result == '200':
+ nanoBTS1 = True
+ elif result =='200':
+ nanoBTS1 = True
+ elif destination == 'GSMRZ2':
+ if result =='486':
+ nanoBTS2 = False
+ for y in resultsList:
+ call = y[0]
+ destination = y[1]
+ result = y[2]
+ if call == 'GSMRZ2':
+ if result == '200':
+ nanoBTS2 = True
+ if destination == 'GSMRZ2':
+ if result == '200':
+ nanoBTS2 = True
+ elif result =='200':
+ nanoBTS2 = True
+ elif destination == 'GSMRZ3':
+ if result =='486':
+ nanoBTS3 = False
+ for y in resultsList:
+ call = y[0]
+ destination = y[1]
+ result = y[2]
+ if call == 'GSMRZ3':
+ if result == '200':
+ nanoBTS3 = True
+ if destination == 'GSMRZ2':
+ if result == '200':
+ nanoBTS3 = True
+ elif result =='200':
+ nanoBTS3 = True
+ elif destination == 'GSMExt.O2':
+ if result =='486':
+ o2Card = False
+ for y in resultsList:
+ call = y[0]
+ destination = y[1]
+ result = y[2]
+ if call == 'GSMExt.O2':
+ if result == '200':
+ o2Card = True
+ if destination == 'GSMExt.O2':
+ if result == '200':
+ o2Card = True
+ elif result =='200':
+ o2Card = True
+ elif destination == 'GSMExt.Voda':
+ if result =='486':
+ vodaCard = False
+ for y in resultsList:
+ call = y[0]
+ destination = y[1]
+ result = y[2]
+ if call == 'GSMExt.Voda':
+ if result == '200':
+ vodaCard = True
+ if destination == 'GSMExt.Voda':
+ if result == '200':
+ vodaCard = True
+ elif result =='200':
+ vodaCard = True
+ elif destination == 'GSMExt.Eplus':
+ if result =='486':
+ eplusCard = False
+ for y in resultsList:
+ call = y[0]
+ destination = y[1]
+ result = y[2]
+ if call == 'GSMExt.Eplus':
+ if result == '200':
+ eplusCard = True
+ if destination == 'GSMExt.Eplus':
+ if result == '200':
+ eplusCard = True
+ elif result =='200':
+ eplusCard = True
+ elif destination == 'GSMExt.Tm':
+ if result =='486':
+ tmobileCard = False
+ for y in resultsList:
+ call = y[0]
+ destination = y[1]
+ result = y[2]
+ if call == 'GSMExt.Tm':
+ if result == '200':
+ tmobileCard = True
+ if destination == 'GSMExt.Tm':
+ if result == '200':
+ tmobileCard = True
+ elif result =='200':
+ tmobileCard = True
+ elif destination == 'sip':
+ if result =='486':
+ asteriskServer = False
+ for y in resultsList:
+ call = y[0]
+ destination = y[1]
+ result = y[2]
+ if call == 'sip':
+ if result == '200':
+ asteriskServer = True
+ if destination == 'sip':
+ if result == '200':
+ asteriskServer = True
+ elif result =='200':
+ asteriskServer = True
+ if caller == 'GSMRZ1' or caller == 'GSMRZ2' or caller == 'GSMRZ3':
+ if destination == 'landline':
+ if result =='486':
+ outgoingLandline = False
+ for y in resultsList:
+ call = y[0]
+ destination = y[1]
+ result = y[2]
+ if caller == 'GSMRZ1' or caller == 'GSMRZ2' or caller == 'GSMRZ3':
+ if destination == 'landline':
+ if result == '200':
+ outgoingLandline = True
+ print '\n'
+ if o2Card == False and eplusCard == False and vodaCard == False and tmobileCard == False:
+ print 'GSM BOX Modem down'
+ else:
+ if o2Card == False:
+ print "O2 card indicate having problem"
+ if eplusCard == False:
+ print "eplus card indicate having problem"
+ if vodaCard == False:
+ print "vodaphone card indicate having problem"
+ if tmobileCard == False:
+ print "T-Mobile card indicate having problem"
+ print '\n'
+ if nanoBTS1 == False and nanoBTS2 == False and nanoBTS3 == False:
+ print 'openBSC down'
+ else:
+ if nanoBTS1 == False:
+ print "nanoBTS 1 indicate having problem"
+ if nanoBTS2 == False:
+ print "nanoBTS 2 indicate having problem"
+ if nanoBTS3 == False:
+ print "nanoBTS 3 indicate having problem"
+ if outgoingLandline == False:
+ print 'outgoing from GSM RZ to landline having problem'
+ print '\n'
+ if asteriskServer == False:
+ print "Asterisk server indicate having problem"
+ elif asteriskServer == True:
+ print 'Asterisk server working good'
+ print '\n'
diff --git a/For Weekly Test/Backup/ b/For Weekly Test/Backup/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..695b59c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/For Weekly Test/Backup/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+from serial import * #serial port library
+from time import sleep
+import sys
+import checkingNumberClass
+def initLog():
+ sleep(0.5)
+ portLog = os.popen('dmesg | grep \'pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB\'').read()
+ sleep(0.5)
+ dmesgfile = open('dmesg.log', 'w')
+ dmesgfile.write(portLog)
+ dmesgfile.close()
+def initLine():
+ global i
+ logfile = open('dmesg.log')
+ i = 0
+ while 1:
+ line = logfile.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ i = i+1
+ logfile.close()
+def initPort():
+ global lines
+ x = 0
+ logfile = open('dmesg.log')
+ while 1:
+ line = logfile.readline()
+ x = x+1
+ if not line:
+ break
+ if x == i:
+ lines = line
+ logfile.close()
+ print lines
+def newConf(device):
+ x = checkingNumberClass.serialPort(port)
+ x.findNumber()
+ number = x.number
+ portDev = '[/dev/'+port+']'
+ file.write('\n['+device+'] ')
+ file.writelines(portDev)
+ file.writelines('['+number+']\n')
+def searchList():
+ global found
+ for item in portList:
+ if item[1] == port:
+ found = 1
+ else:
+ found = 0
+def initO2():
+ print "pluged in, O2 Mobile Device [then Enter]"
+ input = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
+ scanPort()
+ portList.append(['O2', port])
+ newConf('O2')
+def initVoda():
+ print "pluged in, Vodaphone Mobile Device [then Enter]"
+ input = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
+ scanPort()
+ searchList()
+ if found == 1:
+ initRepeat()
+ elif found == 0:
+ portList.append(['Voda', port])
+ newConf('Voda')
+ elif repeat == True:
+ initVoda()
+def initEplus():
+ print "pluged in, Eplus Mobile Device [then Enter]"
+ input = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
+ scanPort()
+ searchList()
+ if found == 1:
+ initRepeat()
+ elif found == 0:
+ portList.append(['Eplus', port])
+ newConf('Eplus')
+ elif repeat == True:
+ initEplus()
+def initTmobile():
+ print "pluged in, T-Mobile Mobile Device [then Enter]"
+ input = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
+ scanPort()
+ searchList()
+ if found == 1:
+ initRepeat()
+ if found == 0:
+ portList.append(['Tm', port])
+ newConf('Tm')
+ if repeat == True:
+ initTmobile()
+def initRepeat():
+ global repeat
+ while True:
+ print 'No new device has pluged in'
+ print 't = try again, i = ignore, q = quit'
+ input = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
+ if input == 'i':
+ repeat = False
+ break
+ elif input == 'q':
+ file.close()
+ sys.exit()
+ elif input == 't':
+ repeat = True
+ break
+def scanPort():
+ global port
+ initLog()
+ initLine()
+ initPort()
+ port = str(lines[59:66])
+global file
+global portList
+portList = list()
+while True:
+ print "Mobile device port configuration"
+ print "Menu: n = make new configuration, q = quit"
+ input = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
+ if input == "n":
+ file = open('devicePortList.log', 'w')
+ print "== Pluged Out all mobile devices [then Enter] =="
+ input = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
+ initO2()
+ initVoda()
+ initEplus()
+ initTmobile()
+ file.close()
+ if input == "q":
+ break