path: root/For Weekly Test/tricode/
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-rwxr-xr-xFor Weekly Test/tricode/initTestClass.py287
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 287 deletions
diff --git a/For Weekly Test/tricode/ b/For Weekly Test/tricode/
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index 8b854a7..0000000
--- a/For Weekly Test/tricode/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import subprocess, signal
-import os
-import ControllerClass
-import DbClass
-import PingClass
-import random
-from time import sleep
-class initTesting:
- def __init__(self):
- self.messageList = list()
- def pings(self,IP):
- server = PingClass.Ping(IP)
- self.serverStatus =
- return self.serverStatus
- def initDB(self):
- self.db = DbClass.DBMySQLConnection('root', 'randompasswordSQL', 'localhost', 'gsmselftesting')
- self.db.connectDB()
- self.dbStatus = self.db.connectDB()
- def initaccount(self,account,handler):
- if handler == 'sip' or handler == 'unisip' or handler == 'landline':
- if account[1] != '' or account[2] != '' or account[3] != '' or account[4] != '': # checking available sip account, is there enough information about the account such as username, password,server
- self.status = 1
- else:
- self.status = 0
- else:
- if account[0] != '' or account[1] != '':
- self.status = 1
- else:
- self.status = 0
-#kill process to make sure, that the handler is Terminate incase handler having problem receiving
-# terminate message from controller
- def killProc(self):
- # define process name of the Handler
- procNameDest = 'GSM Handler'
- procNameCall = 'SIP Handler'
- p = subprocess.Popen(['ps', '-A'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- out, err = p.communicate()
- #search process name and kill it.
- for line in out.splitlines():
- if procNameDest in line:
- pid = int(line.split(None, 1)[0])
- os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
- for line in out.splitlines():
- if procNameCall in line:
- pid = int(line.split(None, 1)[0])
- os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
- def initTest(self, callFrom, callTo):
- self.initDB() # open database connection
- if self.dbStatus != 0: # if connection to db establish, do the test
- #fetch device account detail from database
- dest = self.db.deviceAddress(str(callTo))
- caller = self.db.deviceAddress(str(callFrom))
- if self.pings(caller[4]) <> 0:
- if self.pings(dest[4]) <> 0:
- self.initaccount(caller,callFrom)
- if self.status == 1:
- self.initaccount(dest,callTo)
- if self.status == 1:
- callPortName = caller[0]
- accCaller = caller[2]+':'+caller[3]+':'+caller[4]+':'
- destPortName = dest[0]
- destNo = dest[1]
- accDest = dest[2]+':'+dest[3]+':'+dest[4]+':'
- makeTest = ControllerClass.controller(callFrom, callPortName, accCaller, callTo, destPortName, destNo, accDest)
- makeTest.FuncTest()
- self.result = str(makeTest.testResult)
- #print callFrom, callTo, makeTest.testResult
- else:
- self.result = 100
- else:
- self.result = 100
- sleep(2)
- self.killProc() # kill all the handler
- self.db.closeDBConn() #close db connection
- sleep(1)
- else:
- self.result = 501
- else:
- self.result = 500
- else:
- self.result = 333
- self.db.closeDBConn()
- return self.result
- def errorCodes(self, callFrom, callTo, result):
- self.initDB()
- message = '|' + str(callFrom) + '|' + str(callTo) + '|' + str(result) + '|' + str(self.db.errorCode(result))
- self.messageList.append(message)
- self.db.closeDBConn()
- # function to search in the list
- def isThere(self, keyword,lists):
- x = 0
- for item in lists:
- if item == keyword:
- return 1
- else:
- x = x+1
- def testDestination(self, callFrom, callTo, tried):
- self.initTest(callFrom,callTo)
- self.smartResultList.append([callFrom,callTo, self.result,tried])
- self.errorCodes(callFrom, callTo, self.result)
- def smartTest(self):
- self.initDB()
- self.smartResultList = list()
- deviceLists = self.db.deviceList()
- gsmList = list()
- gsmRZList = list()
- sipList = list()
- destList = list()
- rem = list()
- item = list()
- cpgsmRZList = list()
- self.db.closeDBConn()
- for lists in deviceLists: #define category of the device
- device = lists[0]
- if device[0:5] == 'GSMRZ':
- gsmRZList.append(device)
- cpgsmRZList.append(device)
- elif device[0:5] == 'GSMEx':
- gsmList.append(device)
- else:
- sipList.append(device)
- if device[0:5] == 'GSMRZ' or device[0:5] == 'GSMEx' or device == 'sip':
- destList.append(device)
- #first test from university telphone network to random GSM RZ avaliable
- i = random.randint(0, len(gsmRZList)-1)
- callTo = gsmRZList[i]
- callFrom = 'unisip'
- self.testDestination(callFrom, callTo, 1)
- gsmRZList.remove(callTo)
- destList.remove(callTo)
- for callFrom in gsmRZList:
- i = random.randint(0, len(destList)-1) #Check whether the caller and dest are same
- callTo = destList[i]
- if callFrom == callTo: #Check whether the caller and dest are same
- if i == 0:
- i = i+1 # if it in the first list, change to be the second list else, just back on step.
- else:
- i = i-1
- callTo = destList[i]
- destList.remove(callTo)
- destList.remove(callFrom)
- gsmRZList.remove(callFrom)
- self.testDestination(callFrom, callTo, 1)
- # test incoming call from outside rz network to gsm rz
- i = random.randint(0, len(gsmRZList)-1) #
- callTo = gsmRZList[i]
- callFrom = 'landline'
- if self.isThere(callTo,destList) == 1: # Checking whether caller at gsmrz list in the destination list, if yes delete it.
- destList.remove(callTo)
- self.testDestination(callFrom, callTo, 1)
- for callTo in destList:
- callFrom = 'sip'
- if callFrom != callTo:
- self.testDestination(callFrom, callTo, 1)
- #checking unsuccess call, to make sure that destination are really unreachable
- for dest in self.smartResultList:
- #check unsuccess call and did the test have already tried, 2 means has been check
- if int(dest[2]) == 486 or int(dest[2]) == 999 or int(dest[2]) == 998:
- if int(dest[3]) != 2 and dest[1] != 'sip':
- testDestination = True
- founds = False
- testCaller = True
- # make sure that destination have not tested by another part and give success result.
- for test in self.smartResultList:
- if test[1] == dest[1] or test[0] == dest[1]:
- if int(test[2]) == 200:
- testDestination = False
- if test[1] == dest[0] or test[0] == dest[0]:
- if int(test[2]) == 200:
- testCaller = False
- #if destination have not tested by other part. try to test from RZ GSM
- if int(test[2]) == 200:
- for caller in cpgsmRZList:
- if caller == test[0] or caller == test[1]:
- callFrom = caller
- founds = True
- if dest[0] != 'sip':
- founds = False
- if testDestination == True:
- if founds != True:
- callFrom = 'sip'
- callTo = dest[1]
- self.testDestination(callFrom, callTo, 2)
- rem.append(dest)
- #check unsuccess call because caller handler having problem
- #destination handler having problem, we should make test also to the caller
- if int(dest[2]) == 998:
- if testCaller == True:
- if founds != True:
- callFrom = 'sip'
- callTo = dest[0]
- self.testDestination(callFrom, callTo, 2)
- rem.append(dest)
- caller = dest[0] # to test nanobts if the test come from RZ GSM but fehler
- if caller[0:5] == 'GSMRZ' and int(dest[3]) != 2 and dest[1] != 'sip':
- if int(dest[2]) == 486:
- callFrom = 'sip'
- self.testDestination(callFrom, dest[0], 2)
- rem.append(dest)
- # test to make sure nanoBTS working or not. sice probably that nanotbts seems error but actually not.
- for RZ in cpgsmRZList:
- repeat = False
- for gsmrzResult in self.smartResultList:
- if gsmrzResult[0] == RZ or gsmrzResult[1] == RZ:
- if int(gsmrzResult[2]) == 486:
- repeat = True
- From = gsmrzResult[0]
- To = gsmrzResult[1]
- result = gsmrzResult[2]
- if int(gsmrzResult[2]) == 200:
- repeat = False
- if gsmrzResult[1] == RZ and int(gsmrzResult[2]) == 998:
- cpgsmRZList.remove(RZ)
- if gsmrzResult[0] == RZ and int(gsmrzResult[2]) == 999:
- cpgsmRZList.remove(RZ)
- if len(cpgsmRZList) > 1:
- if repeat == True:
- i = random.randint(0, len(cpgsmRZList)-1) #
- if i == 0:
- x = i+1
- else:
- x = i-1
- self.testDestination(cpgsmRZList[x], cpgsmRZList[i], 2)
- item = '['+str(From)+','+str(callTo)+','+str(result)+','+str(1)+']'
- rem.append(item)
- for remov in rem:
- for x in self.smartResultList:
- if x == remov:
- self.smartResultList.remove(x)
- return self.smartResultList