path: root/notFinishedCode/tricode/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'notFinishedCode/tricode/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 300 deletions
diff --git a/notFinishedCode/tricode/ b/notFinishedCode/tricode/
deleted file mode 100755
index 69cbffa..0000000
--- a/notFinishedCode/tricode/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-from serial import * #serial port library
-import sys
-import ControllerClass
-import DbClass
-import PingClass
-import trueTableClass
-import initTestClass
-import usbDetectClass
-from time import sleep
-global resultsList
-resultsList = list()
-GSMListPrefix = [['GSMExt.Tm','0151'],['GSMExt.Tm','0160'],['GSMExt.Tm','0170'],['GSMExt.Tm','0171'],['GSMExt.Tm','0175'],['GSMExt.Voda','0152'],['GSMExt.Voda','0162'],['GSMExt.Voda','0172'],['GSMExt.Voda','0173'],['GSMExt.Voda','0174'],['GSMExt.Eplus','0157'],['GSMExt.Eplus','0177'],['GSMExt.Eplus','0155'],['GSMExt.Eplus','0163'],['GSMExt.Eplus','0178'],['GSMExt.O2','0159'],['GSMExt.O2','0176'],['GSMExt.O2','0179']]
-def allPing():
- global sipGate
- global sipServer
- global unisip
- global gsmBox1
- global gsmBox2
- server = PingClass.Ping('')
- sipGate =
- server = PingClass.Ping('')
- sipServer =
- server = PingClass.Ping('')
- unisip =
- server = PingClass.Ping('localhost')
- gsmBox1 =
- server = PingClass.Ping('')
- gsmBox2 =
-def initDB():
- global dbStatus
- global db
- db = DbClass.DBMySQLConnection('root', 'randompasswordSQL', 'localhost', 'gsmselftesting')
- db.connectDB()
- dbStatus = db.connectDB()
-def initTrueTable():
- initResult = trueTableClass.trueTable(resultsList)
- initResult.initTrueTable()
- if initResult.o2Card == False and initResult.eplusCard == False and initResult.vodaCard == False and initResult.tmobileCard == False:
- print 'GSM BOX Modem down'
- else:
- if initResult.o2Card == False:
- print "O2 card indicate having problem"
- if initResult.eplusCard == False:
- print "eplus card indicate having problem"
- if initResult.vodaCard == False:
- print "vodaphone card indicate having problem"
- if initResult.tmobileCard == False:
- print "T-Mobile card indicate having problem"
- print '\n'
- if initResult.nanoBTS1 == False and initResult.nanoBTS2 == False and initResult.nanoBTS3 == False:
- print 'openBSC down'
- else:
- if initResult.nanoBTS1 == False:
- print "nanoBTS 1 indicate having problem"
- if initResult.nanoBTS2 == False:
- print "nanoBTS 2 indicate having problem"
- if initResult.nanoBTS3 == False:
- print "nanoBTS 3 indicate having problem"
- if initResult.outgoingLandline == False:
- print 'outgoing from GSM RZ to landline having problem'
- print '\n'
- if initResult.asteriskServer == False:
- print "Asterisk server indicate having problem"
- elif initResult.asteriskServer == True:
- print 'Asterisk server working good'
- print '\n'
-def doSipTest():
- destList = ['gsmr1','gsmr2', 'gsmr3', 'landline', 'unisip', 'GSMExt.O2', 'GSMExt.Voda', 'GSMExt.Eplus', 'GSMExt.Tm' ]
- doTest = initTestClass.doTest()
- for callTo in destList:
- callFrom = 'sip'
- doTest.initTest(callFrom,callTo)
- resultsList.append([callFrom, callTo, doTest.result])
-def doLandlineTest():
- destList = ['GSMRZ1','unisip', 'sip']
- doTest = initTestClass.doTest()
- for callTo in destList:
- callFrom = 'landline'
- doTest.initTest(callFrom,callTo)
- resultsList.append([callFrom, callTo, doTest.result])
- initTrueTable()
-def doGsmrzTest():
- destList = ['GSMRZ1','GSMRZ2', 'GSMRZ3']
- callList = ['sip']
- doTest = initTestClass.doTest()
- for callFrom in callList:
- for callTo in destList:
- doTest.initTest(callFrom,callTo)
- resultsList.append([callFrom, callTo, doTest.result])
- initTrueTable()
-def doGsmExtTest():
- destList = ['GSMExt.O2', 'GSMExt.Voda', 'GSMExt.Eplus', 'GSMExt.Tm']
- callList = ['sip']
- doTest = initTestClass.doTest()
- for callFrom in callList:
- for callTo in destList:
- doTest.initTest(callFrom,callTo)
- resultsList.append([callFrom, callTo, doTest.result])
- initTrueTable()
-def doAllTest():
- doSipTest()
- doLandlineTest()
- doGsmrzTest()
- doGsmExtTest()
-def regularTest():
- regulartest = initTestClass.doTest()
- regulartest.smartTest()
-def findPort(portName):
- global connect
- global prefix
- global num
- global IMEI
- global portClass
- sleep(0.5)
- portLog = os.popen('dmesg | grep \'pl2303 converter now attached to '+portName+'\'').read()
- sleep(0.5)
- if portLog != '':
- connect = 1
- portClass = usbDetectClass.serialPort(portName)
- portClass.findNumber()
- portClass.findIMEI()
- IMEI = portClass.IMEI
- num = portClass.number
- number = portClass.number
- prefix = number[0:4]
- else:
- connect = 0
-def updateDevice():
- while True:
- print "Mobile device configuration"
- print "Menu: s = start device configuration, q = quit : ",
- input = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
- print ''
- if input == 's':
- i = 0
- while i !=10:
- portName ='ttyUSB'+str(i)
- findPort(portName)
- i=i+1
- if connect == 1:
- for listNum in GSMListPrefix:
- if prefix == listNum[1]:
- print 'Device Name :', listNum[0]
- print 'IME :',IMEI
- print 'Phone Number :',num
- print 'Port Name : /dev/'+portName
- newPortName = '/dev/'+portName
- portClass.initUpdate(listNum[0], newPortName, num)
- print '\n'
- if input == "q":
- break
- sys.exit()
-if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- command = sys.argv[1]
- print ' '
- if command == '--all':
- doAllTest()
- elif command == '--sip':
- doSipTest()
- elif command == '--gsmrz':
- doGsmrzTest()
- elif command == '--gsmext':
- doGsmExtTest()
- elif command == '--landline':
- doLandlineTest()
- elif command == '--smart':
- regularTest()
- elif command == '--devconf':
- updateDevice()
- elif command == '--help':
- file = open('help.txt', 'r')
- print
- else:
- print "command not found, Type '--help', '--credits' for more information."
- print '\n'
- initDB()
- if dbStatus == 1:
- if db.anyTasksToDo() == 1:
- #allPing()
- i=0
- makeTest = initTestClass.doTest()
- for item in db.tasksList:
- taskID = item[0]
- taskNo = item[1]
- callFrom = item[2]
- callTo = item[3]
- #if i == 0:
- #db.updatePingResult(taskNo, sipServer, sipGate, unisip, gsmBox1, gsmBox2)
- print '\n'
- print 'Task ID :', taskID
- print 'Calling From :', callFrom
- print 'To :', callTo
- makeTest.initTest(callFrom,callTo)
- db.addResult(taskID, makeTest.result)
- resultsList.append([callFrom, callTo, makeTest.result])
- db.errorCode(makeTest.result)
- print 'Result : ' +makeTest.result+ ' ' +db.errCode
- db.deleteTempTask(taskID)
- i = i+1
- db.cleanTasksList()
- print '\n'
- initTrueTable() # fetch result list and make adjustment about the result
- else:
- print "--- No job at all ---"
- else:
- sys.exit(1)