diff options
authorSimon2011-03-29 12:11:03 +0200
committerSimon2011-03-29 12:11:03 +0200
commit7932d9a7b16aba78b33adbd853e70d23de160589 (patch)
parentShortcut und RightCategoryID in Rightmapper hinzugefügt (diff)
Shortcuts zu rechten hinzugefügt
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/pbs.sql b/pbs.sql
index 38fb8f6..6c2af35 100644
--- a/pbs.sql
+++ b/pbs.sql
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pbs_rightcategory` (
`rightcategoryID` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `shortcut` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
+ `shortcut` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL UNIQUE,
`title` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`description` varchar(300) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`rightID`),
@@ -359,193 +359,193 @@ INSERT INTO `pbs_rightcategory` (`rightcategoryID`, `title`) VALUES
(11, 'Filter');
-- Insert rights
-INSERT INTO `pbs`.`pbs_right` (`rightID`, `rightcategoryID`, `title`, `description`) VALUES
+INSERT INTO `pbs`.`pbs_right` (`rightID`, `rightcategoryID`, `shortcut`, `title`, `description`) VALUES
-- Person
-- Eigene Personendetails ändern
-(NULL, '1', '', 'Edit own profiledetails', NULL),
+(NULL, '1', 'peod', 'Edit own profiledetails', NULL),
-- Eigene Personendetails anzeigen
-(NULL, '1', '', 'Show own profiledetails', NULL),
+(NULL, '1', 'psod', 'Show own profiledetails', NULL),
-- Eigene Identität vom System löschen
-(NULL, '1', '', 'Delete own account', NULL),
+(NULL, '1', 'pdo', 'Delete own account', NULL),
-- Person löschen
-(NULL, '1', '', 'Delete account of other', NULL),
+(NULL, '1', 'pd', 'Delete account of other', NULL),
-- Personendetails anderer anzeigen
-(NULL, '1', '', 'Show other profiledetails', NULL),
+(NULL, '1', 'psood', 'Show other profiledetails', NULL),
-- Personendetails anderer ändern
-(NULL, '1', '', 'Edit account from other', NULL),
+(NULL, '1', 'peoa', 'Edit account from other', NULL),
-- Person sperren
-(NULL, '1', '', 'Suspend account', NULL),
+(NULL, '1', 'psa', 'Suspend account', NULL),
-- Gruppen
-- Gruppenübersicht anzeigen
-(NULL, '2', '', 'Show overview of group', NULL),
+(NULL, '2', 'gso', 'Show overview of group', NULL),
-- Gruppendetails der eigenen Gruppe anzeigen
-(NULL, '2', '', 'Show details of own group', NULL),
+(NULL, '2', 'gsdo', 'Show details of own group', NULL),
-- Gruppendetails anderer Gruppen anzeigen
-(NULL, '2', '', 'Show details of other group', NULL),
+(NULL, '2', 'gsdog', 'Show details of other group', NULL),
-- Mitglieder einer Gruppe Anzeigen
-(NULL, '2', '', 'Show members of group', NULL),
+(NULL, '2', 'gsmg', 'Show members of group', NULL),
-- Gruppe erstellen
-(NULL, '2', '', 'Create group', NULL),
+(NULL, '2', 'gc', 'Create group', NULL),
-- Gruppe löschen
-(NULL, '2', '', 'Delete group', NULL),
+(NULL, '2', 'gd', 'Delete group', NULL),
-- Gruppe mit allen Untergruppen löschen
-(NULL, '2', '', 'Delete group with all child groups', NULL),
+(NULL, '2', 'gdlwc', 'Delete group with all child groups', NULL),
-- Gruppenanfragen stellen
-(NULL, '2', '', 'Request membership', NULL),
+(NULL, '2', 'grm', 'Request membership', NULL),
-- Gruppenanfragen akzeptieren
-(NULL, '2', '', 'Accect membership request', NULL),
+(NULL, '2', 'gam', 'Accect membership request', NULL),
-- Gruppenanfragen ablehnen
-(NULL, '2', '', 'Decline membership request', NULL),
+(NULL, '2', 'gdm', 'Decline membership request', NULL),
-- Mitgliedschaften aus eigenen Gruppen entfernen
-(NULL, '2', '', 'Delete membership in own group', NULL),
+(NULL, '2', 'gdmo', 'Delete membership in own group', NULL),
-- Mitgliedschaften aus anderen Gruppen entfernen
-(NULL, '2', '', 'Delete membership in other group', NULL),
+(NULL, '2', 'gdmog', 'Delete membership in other group', NULL),
-- Gruppenmitgliedschaft sperren
-(NULL, '2', '', 'Suspend membership', NULL),
+(NULL, '2', 'gsm', 'Suspend membership', NULL),
-- Rollen
-- Neue Rollen anlegen
-(NULL, '3', '', 'Add role', NULL),
+(NULL, '3', 'ra', 'Add role', NULL),
-- Rollen anzeigen
-(NULL, '3', '', 'Display details of role', NULL),
+(NULL, '3', 'rdd', 'Display details of role', NULL),
-- Rollen löschen
-(NULL, '3', '', 'Delete role', NULL),
+(NULL, '3', 'rd', 'Delete role', NULL),
-- Rollen von Personen ändern
-(NULL, '3', '', 'Change role of membership', NULL),
+(NULL, '3', 'rcr', 'Change role of membership', NULL),
-- Recht zu Rolle hinzufügen
-(NULL, '3', '', 'Add right to role', NULL),
+(NULL, '3', 'rar', 'Add right to role', NULL),
-- Recht von Rolle löschen
-(NULL, '3', '', 'Remove right of role', NULL),
+(NULL, '3', 'rrr', 'Remove right of role', NULL),
-- Rolle vererbbar machen
-(NULL, '3', '', 'Inherit role', NULL),
+(NULL, '3', 'rir', 'Inherit role', NULL),
-- BootMedien
-- BootMedien Admin-Übersicht anzeigen
-(NULL, '4', '', 'Show admin interface of BootMedia', NULL),
+(NULL, '4', 'bai', 'Show admin interface of BootMedia', NULL),
-- BootMedien User-Übersicht anzeigen
-(NULL, '4', '', 'Show user interface of BootMedia', NULL),
+(NULL, '4', 'bui', 'Show user interface of BootMedia', NULL),
-- BootMedien anlegen
-(NULL, '4', '', 'Create new BootMedia', NULL),
+(NULL, '4', 'bc', 'Create new BootMedia', NULL),
-- BootMedien editieren
-(NULL, '4', '', 'Edit BootMedia', NULL),
+(NULL, '4', 'be', 'Edit BootMedia', NULL),
-- BootMedien löschen
-(NULL, '4', '', 'Delete BootMedia', NULL),
+(NULL, '4', 'bd', 'Delete BootMedia', NULL),
-- BootMedien herunterladen
-(NULL, '4', '', 'Download BootMedia', NULL),
+(NULL, '4', 'bdld', 'Download BootMedia', NULL),
-- BootMedien-Metadata (Description, Title) ändern
-(NULL, '4', '', 'Edit metadata (Description, Title) of a BootMedia', NULL),
+(NULL, '4', 'bem', 'Edit metadata (Description, Title) of a BootMedia', NULL),
-- Preboot
-- Preboot übersicht anzeigen
-(NULL, '5', '', 'Show overview of preboots', NULL),
+(NULL, '5', 'pro', 'Show overview of preboots', NULL),
-- Preboot anlegen
-(NULL, '5', '', 'Create preboot', NULL),
+(NULL, '5', 'prc', 'Create preboot', NULL),
-- Preboot editieren
-(NULL, '5', '', 'Edit preboot', NULL),
+(NULL, '5', 'pre', 'Edit preboot', NULL),
-- Preboot löschen
-(NULL, '5', '', 'Delete preboot', NULL),
+(NULL, '5', 'prd', 'Delete preboot', NULL),
-- Preboot updaten
-(NULL, '5', '', 'Update preboot', NULL),
+(NULL, '5', 'pru', 'Update preboot', NULL),
-- Preboot-Metadata (Description, Title) ändern
-(NULL, '5', '', 'Edit metadata (Description, Title) of a preboot', NULL),
+(NULL, '5', 'prem', 'Edit metadata (Description, Title) of a preboot', NULL),
-- Config
-- Config Admin-Übersicht anzeigen
-(NULL, '6', '', 'Show admin overview of config', NULL),
+(NULL, '6', 'csai', 'Show admin overview of config', NULL),
-- Config User-Übersicht anzeigen
-(NULL, '6', '', 'Show user overview of config', NULL),
+(NULL, '6', 'csui', 'Show user overview of config', NULL),
-- Config anlegen
-(NULL, '6', '', 'Create config', NULL),
+(NULL, '6', 'cc', 'Create config', NULL),
-- Config editieren
-(NULL, '6', '', 'Edit config', NULL),
+(NULL, '6', 'ce', 'Edit config', NULL),
-- Config löschen
-(NULL, '6', '', 'Delete config', NULL),
+(NULL, '6', 'cd', 'Delete config', NULL),
-- Config updaten
-(NULL, '6', '', 'Update config', NULL),
+(NULL, '6', 'cu', 'Update config', NULL),
-- Config-Metadata (Description, Title) ändern
-(NULL, '6', '', 'Edit metadata (Description, Title) of config', NULL),
+(NULL, '6', 'cem', 'Edit metadata (Description, Title) of config', NULL),
-- BootOs
-- BootOs anlegen
-(NULL, '7', '', 'Create BootOs', NULL),
+(NULL, '7', 'boc', 'Create BootOs', NULL),
-- BootOS Admin-Übersicht anzeigen
-(NULL, '7', '', 'Show admin interface of BootOs', NULL),
+(NULL, '7', 'boai', 'Show admin interface of BootOs', NULL),
-- BootOs User-Übersicht anzeigen
-(NULL, '7', '', 'Show user interface of BootOs', NULL),
+(NULL, '7', 'boui', 'Show user interface of BootOs', NULL),
-- BootOs editieren
-(NULL, '7', '', 'Edit BootOs', NULL),
+(NULL, '7', 'boe', 'Edit BootOs', NULL),
-- BootOs löschen
-(NULL, '7', '', 'Delete BootOs', NULL),
+(NULL, '7', 'bod', 'Delete BootOs', NULL),
-- BootOs updaten
-(NULL, '7', '', 'Update BootOs', NULL),
+(NULL, '7', 'bou', 'Update BootOs', NULL),
-- BootOs-Metadata (Description, Title) ändern
-(NULL, '7', '', 'Edit metadata (Description, Title) of config', NULL),
+(NULL, '7', 'boem', 'Edit metadata (Description, Title) of config', NULL),
-- BootMenu
-- BootMenu Admin-Übersicht anzeigen
-(NULL, '8', '', 'Show admin interface of BootMenu', NULL),
+(NULL, '8', 'booai', 'Show admin interface of BootMenu', NULL),
-- User-BootMenu anzeigen
-(NULL, '8', '', 'Show user interface of BootMenu', NULL),
+(NULL, '8', 'booui', 'Show user interface of BootMenu', NULL),
-- BootMenu anlegen
-(NULL, '8', '', 'Create BootMenu', NULL),
+(NULL, '8', 'booc', 'Create BootMenu', NULL),
-- BootMenu löschen
-(NULL, '8', '', 'Delete BootMenu', NULL),
+(NULL, '8', 'bood', 'Delete BootMenu', NULL),
-- Bootmenu editieren
-(NULL, '8', '', 'Edit BootMenu', NULL),
+(NULL, '8', 'booe', 'Edit BootMenu', NULL),
-- BootmenuEintrag löschen
-(NULL, '8', '', 'Delete entry of BootMenu', NULL),
+(NULL, '8', 'boode', 'Delete entry of BootMenu', NULL),
-- BootmenuEintrag hinzufügen
-(NULL, '8', '', 'Add entry to a BootMenu', NULL),
+(NULL, '8', 'booae', 'Add entry to a BootMenu', NULL),
-- BootmenuEintrag editieren
-(NULL, '8', '', 'Edit an entry of a BootMenu', NULL),
+(NULL, '8', 'booee', 'Edit an entry of a BootMenu', NULL),
-- BootmenuEintrag-Metadata (Description, Title) ändern
-(NULL, '8', '', 'Edit metadata (Description, Title) of an entry of a BootMenu', NULL),
+(NULL, '8', 'booeem', 'Edit metadata (Description, Title) of an entry of a BootMenu', NULL),
-- Client
-- Client Übersicht ansehen
-(NULL, '9', '', 'Show overview of Clients', NULL),
+(NULL, '9', 'clo', 'Show overview of Clients', NULL),
-- Clients manuell anlegen
-(NULL, '9', '', 'Add new Clients', NULL),
+(NULL, '9', 'cla', 'Add new Clients', NULL),
-- Clients bearbeiten
-(NULL, '9', '', 'Edit Clients', NULL),
+(NULL, '9', 'cle', 'Edit Clients', NULL),
-- Clients löschen
-(NULL, '9', '', 'Delete Clients', NULL),
+(NULL, '9', 'cld', 'Delete Clients', NULL),
-- Pool
-- Pool Übersicht anzeigen
-(NULL, '10', '', 'Show overview of Pool', NULL),
+(NULL, '10', 'poo', 'Show overview of Pool', NULL),
-- Pools anlegen
-(NULL, '10', '', 'Create new Pool', NULL),
+(NULL, '10', 'poc', 'Create new Pool', NULL),
-- Pools bearbeiten
-(NULL, '10', '', 'Edit Pool', NULL),
+(NULL, '10', 'poe', 'Edit Pool', NULL),
-- Pools löschen
-(NULL, '10', '', 'Delete Pool', NULL),
+(NULL, '10', 'pod', 'Delete Pool', NULL),
-- Clients aus Pool entfernen
-(NULL, '10', '', 'Unlink client to pool', NULL),
+(NULL, '10', 'pouc', 'Unlink client to pool', NULL),
-- Clients zu Pool hinzufügen
-(NULL, '10', '', 'Link client to pool', NULL),
+(NULL, '10', 'polc', 'Link client to pool', NULL),
-- Übersicht an nicht zugewiesene Clients anzeigen
-(NULL, '10', '', 'Show unlinked Clients', NULL),
+(NULL, '10', 'posuc', 'Show unlinked Clients', NULL),
-- Filter
-- Filter Übersicht ansehen
-(NULL, '11', '', 'Show overview of Pool', NULL),
+(NULL, '11', 'fo', 'Show overview of Pool', NULL),
-- Filter anlegen
-(NULL, '11', '', 'Create new Filter', NULL),
+(NULL, '11', 'fa', 'Create new Filter', NULL),
-- Filter bearbeiten
-(NULL, '11', '', 'Edit Filter', NULL),
+(NULL, '11', 'fe', 'Edit Filter', NULL),
-- Filterpriorität ändern
-(NULL, '11', '', 'Edit Filterpriority', NULL),
+(NULL, '11', 'fefp', 'Edit Filterpriority', NULL),
-- Filter löschen
-(NULL, '11', '', 'Delete Filter', NULL),
+(NULL, '11', 'fd', 'Delete Filter', NULL),
-- FilterEinträge hinzufügen
-(NULL, '11', '', 'Add additional Filterentry to a Filter', NULL),
+(NULL, '11', 'ffa', 'Add additional Filterentry to a Filter', NULL),
-- FilterEinträge editieren
-(NULL, '11', '', 'Edit Filterentry of a Filter', NULL),
+(NULL, '11', 'ffe', 'Edit Filterentry of a Filter', NULL),
-- FilterEinträge löschen
-(NULL, '11', '', 'Delete Filterentry of a Filter', NULL);
+(NULL, '11', 'ffd', 'Delete Filterentry of a Filter', NULL);