path: root/dbContent.php
diff options
authorSimon2011-04-19 15:14:17 +0200
committerSimon2011-04-19 15:14:17 +0200
commit765bcb53aa178808c2eec5502aa5387ba6e1bf68 (patch)
tree7c1cf7a403832bbe29afcbf1bf90e01f13426209 /dbContent.php
parentRoleansicht geändert (diff)
Aufgeräumt und verschoben
Diffstat (limited to 'dbContent.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/dbContent.php b/dbContent.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a704ec2..0000000
--- a/dbContent.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 - OpenSLX GmbH, RZ Uni Freiburg
- * This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
- * See
- *
- * If you have any feedback please consult and
- * send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
- *
- * General information about OpenSLX can be found at
- */
-// generate mysql graph
-$name = substr(str_replace("/","",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']),0,-4);
-$dotname = $name . '.dot';
-$pngname = $name . '.png';
-echo "Opening Database Connection...\n";
-$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '123456');
-if (!$link) {
- die('keine Verbindung möglich: ' . mysql_error());
-$format['groupnode'] = '"%s" [shape=trapezium, fontcolor="#ffffffff", style=filled, fillcolor="#004A99FF"];'."\n";
-$format['personnode'] = '"%s" [shape=ellipse, fontcolor="#ffffffff", style=filled, fillcolor="#FF0000FF"];'."\n";
-$format['poolnode'] = '"%s" [shape=ellipse, fontcolor="#000000ff", style=filled, fillcolor="#00FF00FF"];'."\n";
-$format['membershipnode'] = '"%s" [shape=ellipse, fontcolor="#ffffffff", style=filled, fillcolor="#990000FF"];'."\n";
-$format['clientnode'] = '"%s" [shape=ellipse, fontcolor="#000000ff", style=filled, fillcolor="#FFFF00FF"];'."\n";
-$format['rolenode'] = '"%s" [fontcolor="#000000ff", style=filled, fillcolor="#FF0099FF"];'."\n";
-$format['bootmenunode'] = '"%s" [shape=ellipse, fontcolor="#000000ff", style=filled, fillcolor="#009999FF"];'."\n";
-$format['bootisonode'] = '"%s" [shape=ellipse, fontcolor="#000000ff", style=filled, fillcolor="#FF9900FF"];'."\n";
-$format['bootosnode'] = '"%s" [fontcolor="#000000ff", style=filled, fillcolor="#99FF99FF"];'."\n";
-$format['groupgroup'] = '"%s" -> "%s";'."\n";
-$format['personmember'] = '"%s" -> "%s";'."\n";
-$format['rolemember'] = '"%s" -> "%s";'."\n";
-$format['membergroup'] = '"%s" -> "%s";'."\n";
-$format['personrequest'] = '"%s" -> "%s" [style=dotted];'."\n";
-$format['poolgroup'] = '"%s" -> "%s";'."\n";
-$format['clientgroup'] = '"%s" -> "%s";'."\n";
-$format['clientpool'] = '"%s" -> "%s";'."\n";
-$format['bootisogroup'] = '"%s" -> "%s";'."\n";
-$format['bootmenugroup'] = '"%s" -> "%s";'."\n";
-$format['bootosbootmenu'] = '"%s" -> "%s";'."\n";
-$format['bootosgroup'] = '"%s" -> "%s";'."\n";
-function getGroups(){
- global $format;
- $q = "SELECT groupID,title FROM pbs_group";
- $groups = "subgraph cluster_0 {";
- $groups .= "label=Groups;";
- $result = mysql_query($q);
- while($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
- $groups .= sprintf($format['groupnode'] ,"Group".$data['groupID']);
- }
- $groups .= "}";
- return $groups;
-function recGroups($groupID,$level=0,$data=''){
- global $format;
- $q = "SELECT groupID FROM pbs_groupgroups WHERE parentID = $groupID";
- $result = mysql_query($q);
- while($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
- $groups .= sprintf($format['groupgroup'],"Group".$groupID, "Group".$data['groupID']);
- $groups .= recGroups($data['groupID']);
- }
- return $groups;
-function getPersons(){
- global $format;
- $q = "SELECT personID,title FROM pbs_person";
- $result = mysql_query($q);
- while($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
- $persons .= sprintf($format['personnode'] ,"Person". $data['personID']);
- }
- return $persons;
-function getMemberships(){
- global $format;
- $q = "SELECT personID,groupID,membershipID,roleID FROM pbs_membership";
- $result = mysql_query($q);
- while($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
- $memberships .= sprintf($format['membershipnode'],"Member".$data['membershipID']);
- $memberships .= sprintf($format['personmember'],"Person".$data['personID'],"Member".$data['membershipID']);
- $memberships .= sprintf($format['rolemember'],"Role".$data['roleID'], "Member".$data['membershipID']);
- $memberships .= sprintf($format['membergroup'],"Member".$data['membershipID'], "Group".$data['groupID']);
- }
- return $memberships;
-function getRequests(){
- global $format;
- $q = "SELECT personID,groupID FROM pbs_grouprequest";
- $result = mysql_query($q);
- while($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
- $memberships .= sprintf($format['peronrequests'],"Group".$data['groupID'], "Person".$data['personID']);
- }
- return $memberships;
-function getPools(){
- global $format;
- $q = "SELECT poolID,groupID FROM pbs_pool";
- $result = mysql_query($q);
- while($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
- $pools .= sprintf($format['poolnode'] ,"Pool".$data['poolID']);
- $pools .= sprintf($format['poolgroup'],"Pool".$data['poolID'], "Group".$data['groupID']);
- }
- return $pools;
-function getClients(){
- global $format;
- $q = "SELECT clientID,groupID FROM pbs_client";
- $result = mysql_query($q);
- while($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
- $clients .= sprintf($format['clientnode'] ,"Client".$data['clientID']);
- $query2 = "SELECT clientID, poolID FROM pbs_poolentries WHERE clientID = '".$data['clientID']."'";
- $result2 = mysql_query($query2);
- if(mysql_num_rows($result2) == 0)
- $clients .= sprintf($format['clientgroup'],"Client".$data['clientID'], "Group".$data['groupID']);
- }
- return $clients;
-function clientPools(){
- global $format;
- $q = "SELECT clientID,poolID FROM pbs_poolentries";
- $result = mysql_query($q);
- while($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
- $clientpools .= sprintf($format['clientpool'],"Client".$data['clientID'], "Pool".$data['poolID']);
- }
- return $clientpools;
-function getRoles(){
- global $format;
- $q = "SELECT roleID,groupID FROM pbs_role";
- $result = mysql_query($q);
- while($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
- $roles .= sprintf($format['rolenode'] ,"Role".$data['roleID']);
- # $roles .= "Role".$data['roleID'] ." -> " . "Group".$data['groupID'].";\n";
- }
- return $roles;
-function getBootiso(){
- global $format;
- $q = "SELECT bootisoID,groupID FROM pbs_bootiso";
- $result = mysql_query($q);
- while($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
- $bootiso .= sprintf($format['bootisonode'] ,"BootIso".$data['bootisoID']);
- $bootiso .= sprintf($format['bootisogroup'],"BootIso".$data['bootisoID'], "Group".$data['groupID']);
- }
- return $bootiso;
-function getBootMenus(){
- global $format;
- $q = "SELECT bootmenuID,groupID FROM pbs_bootmenu";
- $result = mysql_query($q);
- while($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
- $bootmenu .= sprintf($format['bootmenunode'] ,"BootMenu".$data['bootmenuID']);
- $bootmenu .= sprintf($format['bootmenugroup'],"BootMenu".$data['bootmenuID'], "Group".$data['groupID']);
- }
- return $bootmenu;
-function getBootos(){
- global $format;
- $q = "SELECT bootosID,groupID FROM pbs_bootos";
- $result = mysql_query($q);
- while($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
- $bootos .= sprintf($format['bootosnode'] ,"BootOs".$data['bootosID']);
- $q2 = "SELECT * FROM pbs_bootmenuentries WHERE bootosID = ".$data['bootosID']."";
- $result2 = mysql_query($q2);
- if(mysql_num_rows($result2)){
- while($data2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
- $bootos .= sprintf($format['bootosbootmenu'],"BootOs".$data['bootosID'], "BootMenu".$data2['bootmenuID']);
- }
- else
- $bootos .= sprintf($format['bootosgroup'],"BootOs".$data['bootosID'], "Group".$data['groupID']);
- }
- return $bootos;
-## Concatenation
-$defs = '';
-$defs .= getGroups();
-$defs .= recGroups(1);
-$defs .= getPersons();
-$defs .= getMemberships();
-$defs .= getRoles();
-$defs .= getRequests();
-$defs .= getPools();
-$defs .= getClients();
-$defs .= clientPools();
-$defs .= getBootiso();
-$defs .= getBootMenus();
-$defs .= getBootos();
-$str = 'digraph x {
- node [];
- ranksep=3;
- size="20,20";
- overlap="0:true"'."\n";
-$str .= str_replace("\n","\n\t",$defs);
-$str .= "}";
-echo "Write to file ...\n";
-// Create the dot file
-$fp = fopen($dotname, "w");
-fputs ($fp, $str);
-fclose ($fp);
-// Generate the image
-echo "Generate the image ...\n";
-exec("dot -Tpng $dotname >$pngname");
-// delete the dot file
-unlink ($dotname);
-echo "Ready!\n";