path: root/application/views/scripts/event/index.phtml
blob: bbf7db7d30e6555683b2f8a477a0a5dcb2e24290 (plain) (tree)























































































































































<div id='calendar'
	style='margin: 3em 0; font-size: 13px'></div>

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {iniCalendar();});

 * calendar variables

// eventSelect
var eventColor = {ev:null, color:null};

// keydown
var selectedEvent = null;
var cpEvent = null;
var selectedDate = null;

// dblclick
var clickTmp = true;
var evClick = false;

// overlapping
var isDroppable;
var overlappStart;
var overlappEnd;

// poolSelectVal
var poolIDtmp;

// dayClick
var dayClick = false;

// change border color of an event
  function eventSelected(event) {
	  if (eventColor.ev != null){
		  event.selected = false;
		  selectedEvent = null;
		  eventColor.ev.borderColor = eventColor.color;
	  event.selected = true;
	  selectedEvent = event;
	  eventColor.ev = event;
	  eventColor.color = event.borderColor;
	  event.borderColor = 'black';
	  } else {
// change view to addEvent
  function addEvent() {
    if($("#poolselectbox option:selected").val() == 'default') {
      } else {

	function showCalendar() {

	function hideCalendar() {
	function setOpacity(type, value) {
		var events = $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'clientEvents' , function(event) {
			if(event.category == type) {
				event.opacity = value;
			return false;
		$('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'rerenderEvents' );	
	function setPoolIDtmp() {
		poolIDtmp = $("#poolselectbox option:selected").val();
// fetch all poolevents of the selected #poolselectbox value
	function fetchPoolEvents() {
		poolID = $("#poolselectbox option:selected").val();
		$('#calendar').fullCalendar("removeEventSource", "/event/eventlist/poolID/" + poolIDtmp);
		$('#calendar').fullCalendar("addEventSource", "/event/eventlist/poolID/" + poolID);	

 * delete selected event by key del(8) OR entf(46)
 * copy selected event by key ctrl(17) AND c(67)
 * cut selected event by key ctrl(17) AND x(88)
 * paste selected event by key ctrl(17) AND v(86)

	$(document).keydown(function (e) {
		//delete selected event by key del(8) OR entf(46)
        if (e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 46 && selectedEvent.selected == true, $.get("/event/checkright/rightShortcut/er")) {
            // check if the event is an wdhEvent
            if(selectedEvent.repeat == 0) {
            	  // dialog for deleting selected event
                $(function() {
                    $( "#eventDeleteDialog" ).dialog({
                            autoOpen: false,
                            width: 600,
                      modal: true,
                      title: "Delete " + selectedEvent.title,
                            buttons: {
                              "Cancel": function() {
                              "OK": function() { 
                                self.location="/event/delete/eventID/" +;
                                $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'removeEvents', );
                                $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'rerenderEvents' ); 
                      open: function () {
                $( "#eventDeleteDialog" ).dialog('open');
             // dialog for deleting selected wdhEvent 
            }else {    
             $(function() {
                $( "#eventDeleteWdhDialog" ).dialog({
                    autoOpen: false,
                    width: 600,
              modal: true,
              title: 'Delete ' + selectedEvent.title,
                    buttons: {
                      "Cancel": function() {
                      "Delete just this Event": function() {
                        self.location="/event/delete/eventID/" +;
                        $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'removeEvents', );
                        $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'rerenderEvents' ); 
                      "Delete all Events": function() { 
                        self.location="/event/deleteall/eventTitle/" + selectedEvent.title; 
              open: function () {
             $( "#eventDeleteWdhDialog" ).dialog('open');}
        //copy selected event by key ctrl(17) AND c(67)
        /* else if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 67 && selectedEvent.selected == true) {
        	cpEvent = selectedEvent;
        	//cpEventStart = $.fullCalendar.formatDate(selectedEvent.start, 'hh:mm');
			//cpEventEnd = $.fullCalendar.formatDate(selectedEvent.end, 'hh:mm');
			cpEventDuration = cpEvent.minuteDelta;
       	  //cut selected event by key ctrl(17) AND x(88)
        } else if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 88 && selectedEvent.selected == true) {
          //paste selected event by key ctrl(17) AND v(86)
        } else if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 86 && selectedEvent.selected == true && cpEvent != null && selectedDate != null) {
        	alert(cpEvent.title + " paste to " + selectedDate);
        	self.location="/event/add/evstart/" + selectedDate + "/evend" + 
            $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'removeEvents', );
            $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'rerenderEvents' );

// initialize fullCalendar
	function iniCalendar() {
		var calendar = $('#calendar').fullCalendar({

			  // fullCalendar header
				header: {
				  default: 'week',
					left: 'title',
					center: 'today prev,next',
					right: 'agendaWeek,agendaDay'

				// set some default options
				editable: true,
				allDaySlot: false,
				selectable: true,
				selectHelper: true,
				defaultView: 'agendaWeek',
				allDay : false,
				slotMinutes: 15,
				defaultEventMinutes: 10,
			  dayClick: function( date, allDay, jsEvent, view ) {
					selectedDate = date;
					dayClick = true;
					$('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'unselect' );
					if($("#poolselectbox option:selected").val() == 'default') {
			              $( "#noPoolSelectedDialog" ).dialog('open');
			            } else if ($.get("/event/checkright/rightShortcut/ec") && evClick == false) {
			                 $(function() {
			                     $( "#eventAddDialog" ).dialog({
			                             autoOpen: false,
			                             width: 600,
			                       modal: true,
			                       title: "Add Event from " + date,
			                             buttons: {
			                               "Cancel": function() {
			                    	           dayClick = false;
			                                 $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'unselect' );
			                               "OK": function() { 
			                                 self.location="/event/add/evstart/" + date + "/poolID/" + $("#poolselectbox option:selected").val();
			                       open: function () {
			                 $( "#eventAddDialog" ).dialog('open');
			            } else if (evClick == false) {
				            dayClick = false;
			              $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'unselect' );
			              $( "#errorRightsDialog" ).dialog('open');
			            else $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'unselect' );
				  //self.location="/event/add/evstart/" + date + "/poolID/" + $("#poolselectbox option:selected").val();

			  eventMouseover: function( event, jsEvent, view ) {
					  evClick = true;
					  //overlappStart = event.start;
					  //overlppEnd = event.end;
			  eventMouseout: function( event, jsEvent, view ) {
				   evClick = false;
			  eventClick: function( event, jsEvent, view ) {

					  if(clickTmp) {
						  clickTmp = false;
						  setTimeout(function() {clickTmp = true;} , 300);
						  // non immediate event case
					  } else if (event.immediate == 0 && $.get("/event/checkright/rightShortcut/er")) {
			            // this is the dblclick
			            if(event.repeat == 1) {
		                  $(function() {
		                       $( "#eventEditWdhDialog" ).dialog({
		                           autoOpen: false,
		                           width: 600,
		                     modal: true,
		                     title: 'Edit ' + event.title,
		                           buttons: {
		                             "Cancel": function() {
		                             "Edit just this Event": function() {
		                               self.location = "/event/edit/eventID/" + + "/poolID/" + $("#poolselectbox option:selected").val(); 
		                             "Edit all Events": function() { 
		                               self.location = "/event/edit/eventID/" + + "/wdh/" + 1 + "/poolID/" + $("#poolselectbox option:selected").val(); 
		                     open: function () {
		              $( "#eventEditWdhDialog" ).dialog('open');
			            } else self.location = "/event/edit/eventID/" + + "/poolID/" + $("#poolselectbox option:selected").val();
					  } else if (!$.get("/event/checkright/rightShortcut/er")) {
						  $( "#errorRightsDialog" ).dialog('open');
					  } else $( "#errorEditImmediate" ).dialog('open');

			  select: function( startDate, endDate, allDay, jsEvent, view ) {

					  if($("#poolselectbox option:selected").val() == 'default') {
						  $( "#noPoolSelectedDialog" ).dialog('open');
					  } else if ($.get("/event/checkright/rightShortcut/ec") && evClick == false) {
			           $(function() {
			               $( "#eventAddDialog" ).dialog({
			                       autoOpen: false,
			                       width: 600,
			                 modal: true,
			                 title: "Add Event from " + startDate + " to " + endDate,
			                       buttons: {
			                         "Cancel": function() {
			                           $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'unselect' );
			                         "OK": function() { 
			                           self.location="/event/add/evstart/" + startDate + "/evend/" + endDate + "/poolID/" + $("#poolselectbox option:selected").val();
			                 open: function () {
			           $( "#eventAddDialog" ).dialog('open');
					  } else if (!$.get("/event/checkright/rightShortcut/ec") && evClick == false) {
						  $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'unselect' );
						  $( "#errorRightsDialog" ).dialog('open');
						  } else 
							  evClick = true;
					      $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'unselect' );
			  eventResize: function( event, dayDelta, minuteDelta, revertFunc ) {
			    	if($.get("/event/checkright/rightShortcut/er")) {
			    	if(event.repeat == 0) {
	                 $(function() {
                         $( "#defaultDialog" ).dialog({
                                 autoOpen: false,
                                 width: 600,
                           modal: true,
                           title: "The End Date of " + event.title + " is now " + event.end,
                                 buttons: {
                                   "Cancel": function() { 
                                   "OK": function() { 
                                     $.post("/event/eventresize/evid/" + + "/evend/" + event.end + "/poolID/" + $("#poolselectbox option:selected").val());
                         open: function () {
	                 $( "#defaultDialog" ).dialog('open');
			    	} else if (event.repeat == 1) {    
			             $(function() {
			                 $( "#eventResizeWdhDialog" ).dialog({
			                     autoOpen: false,
			                     width: 600,
			               modal: true,
			               title: 'Resize ' + event.title + ' (' + minuteDelta + ' minutes)',
			                     buttons: {
			                       "Cancel": function() {
			                       "Resize just this Event": function() {
			                         $.post("/event/eventresize/evid/" + + "/evend/" + event.end + "/poolID/" + $("#poolselectbox option:selected").val());
			                         event.repeat = 0; 
			                       "Resize all Events": function() { 
			                         self.location="/event/eventresizeall/eventTitle/" + event.title + "/evmindelta/" + minuteDelta + "/poolID/" + $("#poolselectbox option:selected").val(); 
			               open: function () {
			        $( "#eventResizeWdhDialog" ).dialog('open');
				    	else {
				    	$( "#errorRightsDialog" ).dialog('open');
			  eventDrop: function( event, dayDelta, minuteDelta, allDay, revertFunc ) {

		             //initialize eventNotDroppableDialog Dialog
		              $(function() {
		                    $( "#eventNotDroppableDialog" ).dialog({
		                        autoOpen: false,
		                        width: 810,
		                  modal: true,
		                  title: 'Dropping of ' + event.title + ' is not possible!',
		                        buttons: {
		                          "OK": function() {
		                  open: function () {
		                            $("#accordion").accordion({clearStyle: true, collapsible: true, active: 1, autoHeight: true });
			    	$.get("/event/checkoverlapevents/eventID/" + + "/date/" + event.start, function(data){
			    		        //var cell = document.getElementById("conflicts");
		                  var returndata = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
		                  //alert(returndata.withrepeat + '  ' + returndata.withoutrepeat);
		                  /*if(checkoverlapeventsresult == -1) {
		                      isDroppable = true;
		                      overlapevents = null;
		                    } else {
		                      isDroppable = false;
			    	if(event.repeat == 0 && event.immediate == 0 && $.get("/event/checkright/rightShortcut/er")) {
			    	$(function() {
			    		$( "#defaultDialog" ).dialog({
			                autoOpen: false,
			                width: 600,
			    			modal: true,
			    			title: event.title + " was moved to " + event.start,
			                buttons: {
			                  "Cancel": function() { 
			                  "OK": function() {
				                  if(isDroppable) { 
			                    $.post("/event/eventmove/evid/" + + "/evstart/" + event.start + "/evend/" + event.end);
				                  } else {
				                	  $( "#eventNotDroppableDialog" ).dialog('open');
			    			open: function () {
			    	$( "#defaultDialog" ).dialog('open');
			    	} else if (event.immediate == 0 && $.get("/event/checkright/rightShortcut/er")) {    
			             $(function() {
			                 $( "#eventMoveWdhDialog" ).dialog({
			                     autoOpen: false,
			                     width: 600,
			               modal: true,
			               title: 'Move ' + event.title,
			                     buttons: {
			                       "Cancel": function() {
			                       "Move just this Event": function() {
				                       if(isDroppable) {
			                     	  $.post("/event/eventmove/evid/" + + "/evstart/" + event.start + "/evend/" + event.end);
	  		                          event.repeat = 0;
				                       } else {
				                         $( "#eventNotDroppableDialog" ).dialog('open');
			                       "Move all Events": function() {
				                       if(isDroppable) { 
			                         self.location="/event/eventmoveall/eventTitle/" + event.title + "/evmindelta/" + minuteDelta + "/evdaydelta/" + dayDelta + "/poolID/" + $("#poolselectbox option:selected").val();
				                       } else {
			                           $( "#eventNotDroppableDialog" ).dialog('open');
			               open: function () {
			           $( "#eventMoveWdhDialog" ).dialog('open');
			    	} else if ($.get("/event/checkright/rightShortcut/er")){
				    	$(function() {
                $( "#eventImmediateButtonDialog" ).dialog({
                    autoOpen: false,
                    width: 600,
                    modal: true,
                    title: 'Move ' + event.title,
                    buttons: {
                    "OK": function() { 
                    open: function () {
			    	} else if (isDroppable == false && $.get("/event/checkright/rightShortcut/er")) {
			    		$( "#eventNotDroppableDialog" ).dialog('open');
			    	} else {
			  eventDragStart: function( event, jsEvent, ui, view ) {
			    	if(!$.get("/event/checkright/rightShortcut/er")) {
				    	$( "#errorRightsDialog" ).dialog('open');
			  eventDragStop: function(event, jsEvent, ui, view, date) {
					    overlapevents = $.get("/event/checkoverlapevents/eventID/" + + "/date/" + date, function(checkoverlapeventsresult){
					    if(overlapevents != '<p>no overlapping events</p>') {
					  	    isDroppable = false;
						    } else {
							    isDroppable = true;
							    overlapevents = null;

			  eventRender: function(event, element, view) {

			    	  // disable resizing if the event is a boot- or shutdown-event
					  if(event.category == 'Boot' || event.category == 'Shutdown') {
						  element.resizable(false); // calendar resizing
						  element.resizable("destroy"); // jqeury resizing
						  element.removeClass('fc-event-vert');	// css class	  
					  if(event.immediate == 1) {
						  element.draggable( "destroy" );

		                        'Title: ' + event.title + '<br/>' +
		                        'Type: ' + event.category + '<br/>' +
		                        'Note: ' + event.note + '<br/>' +
		                        'Participants: ' + event.participants,
		                      show: 'mouseover',
		                      hide: 'mouseout'
			    	if ( == 'agendaWeek') {
			    	if ( == 'agendaDay') {
			    		element.find('.fc-event-title').append("<br/> Type: " + event.category + "<br/> Note: " + event.note + "<br/> Participants: " + event.participants);

				viewDisplay: function(view) {
			    	if ( == 'agendaWeek') 
			    	if ( == 'agendaDay') 
	// EventType Buttons
	$('.fc-header-center').append('<span id="lecture" class="fc-button fc-state-default fc-corner-right fc-state-active"><span class="fc-button-inner"><span class="fc-button-content">Lecture</span><span class="fc-button-effect"><span></span></span></span></span>');
	$('.fc-header-center').append('<span id="maintenance" class="fc-button fc-state-default fc-corner-right fc-state-active"><span class="fc-button-inner"><span class="fc-button-content">Maintenance</span><span class="fc-button-effect"><span></span></span></span></span>');
	$('.fc-header-center').append('<span id="boot" class="fc-button fc-state-default fc-corner-right fc-state-active"><span class="fc-button-inner"><span class="fc-button-content">Boot</span><span class="fc-button-effect"><span></span></span></span></span>');
	$('.fc-header-center').append('<span id="shutdown" class="fc-button fc-state-default fc-corner-right fc-state-active"><span class="fc-button-inner"><span class="fc-button-content">Shutdown</span><span class="fc-button-effect"><span></span></span></span></span>');
	  // PoolSelectBox
    $('.fc-header-left').append('<form name="PoolSelectForm"><select id="poolselectbox" name="PoolSelectbox" onclick="setPoolIDtmp()" onChange="fetchPoolEvents();"><option value="default" >Please choose a Pool</option></select></form>');
  	// Add Button
  	$('.fc-header-right').append('<span id="addEvent" class="fc-button fc-state-default fc-state-hover"><span class="fc-button-inner"><span class="fc-button-content">+</span><span class="fc-button-effect"><span></span></span></span></span>');

    // Edit Button
  	$('.fc-header-right').append('<span id="editEvent" style=display:none class="fc-button fc-state-default fc-state-hover "><span class="fc-button-inner"><span class="fc-button-content"><IMG src="/media/img/edit.png"/></span><span class="fc-button-effect"><span></span></span></span>');

  	// Report Button
  	$('.fc-header-center').append('<span id="eventReportButton" style=display:none class="fc-button fc-state-default fc-state-hover"><span class="fc-button-inner"><span class="fc-button-content">Report</span><span class="fc-button-effect"><span></span></span></span></span>'); 

  // Change Button-Style
	  if($("#poolselectbox option:selected").val() == 'default') {
	        $( "#noPoolSelectedDialog" ).dialog('open');
	      } else {
		if($(this).hasClass("fc-state-active")) {
			setOpacity('Lecture', '.5');
		} else {$(this).addClass("fc-state-active"); setOpacity('Lecture', '1');}
	    if($("#poolselectbox option:selected").val() == 'default') {
	          $( "#noPoolSelectedDialog" ).dialog('open');
	        } else {
	    if($(this).hasClass("fc-state-active")) {
	    	setOpacity('Maintenance', '.5');
	    } else {$(this).addClass("fc-state-active"); setOpacity('Maintenance', '1');}
	    if($("#poolselectbox option:selected").val() == 'default') {
	          $( "#noPoolSelectedDialog" ).dialog('open');
	        } else {
	    if($(this).hasClass("fc-state-active")) {
	    	setOpacity('Boot', '.5');
	    } else {$(this).addClass("fc-state-active"); setOpacity('Boot', '1');}
	    if($("#poolselectbox option:selected").val() == 'default') {
	          $( "#noPoolSelectedDialog" ).dialog('open');
	        } else {
	    if($(this).hasClass("fc-state-active")) {
	    	setOpacity('Shutdown', '.5');
	    } else {$(this).addClass("fc-state-active"); setOpacity('Shutdown', '1');}


	    if(selectedEvent != null) {
            if(selectedEvent.repeat == 1 && selectedEvent.immediate == 0) {
                $(function() {
                     $( "#eventEditWdhDialog" ).dialog({
                         autoOpen: false,
                         width: 600,
                   modal: true,
                   title: 'Edit ' + selectedEvent.title,
                         buttons: {
                           "Cancel": function() {
                           "Edit just this Event": function() {
                             self.location = "/event/edit/eventID/" + + "/poolID/" + $("#poolselectbox option:selected").val(); 
                           "Edit all Events": function() { 
                             self.location = "/event/edit/eventID/" + + "/wdh/" + 1 + "/poolID/" + $("#poolselectbox option:selected").val(); 
                   open: function () {
            $( "#eventEditWdhDialog" ).dialog('open');
            } else if (selectedEvent.repeat == 0 && selectedEvent.immediate == 0) self.location = "/event/edit/eventID/" + + "/poolID/" + $("#poolselectbox option:selected").val();
       else if (!$.get("/event/checkright/rightShortcut/er")) {
        $( "#errorRightsDialog" ).dialog('open');
     } else $( "#errorEditImmediate" ).dialog('open');
		if(selectedEvent != null) {
			self.location="/event/showreports/eventID/" +;
		} else {
			$(function() {
			               $( "#eventReportButtonDialog" ).dialog({
			                       autoOpen: false,
			                       width: 600,
			                 modal: true,
			                 title: "ERROR",
			                       buttons: {
			                         "OK": function() { 
			                 open: function () {
		$( "#eventReportButtonDialog" ).dialog('open');
	//fetch poollist from pbs database
	$.get("/event/getpoollist/", function(getpoollistresult){
		poolIDtmp = $("#poolselectbox option:selected").val();

// initialize errorRights Dialog
  $(function() {
        $( "#errorRightsDialog" ).dialog({
                autoOpen: false,
                width: 600,
          modal: true,
          title: "ERROR",
                buttons: { 
                  "OK": function() { 
          open: function () {

// initialize noPoolSelected Dialog
  $(function() {
        $( "#noPoolSelectedDialog" ).dialog({
                autoOpen: false,
                width: 600,
          modal: true,
          title: "ERROR",
                buttons: { 
                  "OK": function() { 
          open: function () {
// initialize errorEditImmediate Dialog
  $(function() {
      $( "#errorEditImmediate" ).dialog({
              autoOpen: false,
              width: 600,
        modal: true,
        title: "ERROR",
              buttons: { 
                "OK": function() { 
        open: function () {


<!-- delete wdhEvent -->
<div id="eventDeleteWdhDialog" style="display: none">
<p>This is a Repeat-Event!</p>
<p>Do you want to delete any event occurring this event or just the
selected one?</p>

<!-- resize wdhEvent -->
<div id="eventResizeWdhDialog" style="display: none">
<p>This is a Repeat-Event!</p>
<p>Do you want to resize any event occurring this event or just the
selected one?</p>

<!-- move wdhEvent -->
<div id="eventMoveWdhDialog" style="display: none">
<p>This is a Repeat-Event!</p>
<p>Do you want to move any event occurring this event or just the
selected one?</p>

<!-- edit wdhEvent -->
<div id="eventEditWdhDialog" style="display: none">
<p>This is a Repeat-Event!</p>
<p>Do you want to edit any event occurring this event or just the
selected one?</p>

<!-- eventDelete -->
<div id="eventDeleteDialog" style="display: none">
<p>Are you sure to delete this Event?</p>

<!-- eventAdd -->
<div id="eventAddDialog" style="display: none">
<p>Are you sure to add this Event?</p>

<!-- eventReportButton -->
<div id="eventReportButtonDialog" style="display: none">
<p>Please choose an Event first!</p>

<!-- eventImmediateButton -->
<div id="eventImmediateButtonDialog" style="display: none">
<p>You can´t change time of an Immediate-Event!</p>
<p>Please generate a new Event</p>

<!-- eventResize boot -->
<div id="eventResizeBootDialog" style="display: none">
<p>You can´t change the EndTime of a Boot Event!</p>

<!-- eventResize  shutdown -->
<div id="eventResizeShutdownDialog" style="display: none">
<p>You can´t change the EndTime of a Shutdown Event!</p>

<!-- eventNotDroppableDialog -->
<div id="eventNotDroppableDialog" style="display: none">
<p>You can´t drop this Event here! There exists at least one collision between two events.</p>
<p>Please choose another position</p>
<div id="accordion">
    <h3><a href="#">Show conflicts</a></h3>
    <div id="conflicts">

<!-- errorEditImmediate -->
<div id="errorEditImmediate" style="display: none">
<p>You can´t edit an Immediate-Event!</p>

<!-- errorRights -->
<div id="errorRightsDialog" style="display: none">
<p>Permission denied!</p>

<!-- no pool selected -->
<div id="noPoolSelectedDialog" style="display: none">
<p>Please choose a Pool first!</p>

<!-- default -->
<div id="defaultDialog" style="display: none">
<p>Are you sure about this change?</p>