path: root/public/media/js/jqplot.pieRenderer.lineLabels.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'public/media/js/jqplot.pieRenderer.lineLabels.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 404 deletions
diff --git a/public/media/js/jqplot.pieRenderer.lineLabels.js b/public/media/js/jqplot.pieRenderer.lineLabels.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 2646225..0000000
--- a/public/media/js/jqplot.pieRenderer.lineLabels.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Chris Leonello
- * jqPlot is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects
- * under both the MIT and GPL version 2.0 licenses. This means that you can
- * choose the license that best suits your project and use it accordingly.
- *
- * The author would appreciate an email letting him know of any substantial
- * use of jqPlot. You can reach the author at: chris dot leonello at gmail
- * dot com or see . This is, of course,
- * not required.
- *
- * If you are feeling kind and generous, consider supporting the project by
- * making a donation at: .
- *
- * Thanks for using jqPlot!
- *
- */
-(function($) {
- /**
- * Class: $.jqplot.PieRenderer
- * Plugin renderer to draw a pie chart.
- * Pie charts will draw only the first series. Other series are ignored.
- * x values, if present, will be used as slice labels.
- * y values give slice size.
- */
- $.jqplot.PieRenderer = function(){
- $;
- };
- $.jqplot.PieRenderer.prototype = new $.jqplot.LineRenderer();
- $.jqplot.PieRenderer.prototype.constructor = $.jqplot.PieRenderer;
- // called with scope of a series
- $.jqplot.PieRenderer.prototype.init = function(options) {
- // Group: Properties
- //
- // prop: diameter
- // diameter of the pie, auto computed by default
- this.diameter = null;
- // prop: padding
- // padding between the pie and plot edges, legend, etc.
- this.padding = 20;
- // prop: sliceMargin
- // pixels spacing between pie slices.
- this.sliceMargin = 0;
- // prop: fill
- // true or false, wether to fil the slices.
- this.fill = true;
- // prop: shadowOffset
- // offset of the shadow from the slice and offset of
- // each succesive stroke of the shadow from the last.
- this.shadowOffset = 2;
- // prop: shadowAlpha
- // transparency of the shadow (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque)
- this.shadowAlpha = 0.07;
- // prop: shadowDepth
- // number of strokes to apply to the shadow,
- // each stroke offset shadowOffset from the last.
- this.shadowDepth = 5;
- this.tickRenderer = $.jqplot.PieTickRenderer;
- $.extend(true, this, options);
- if (this.diameter != null) {
- this.diameter = this.diameter - this.sliceMargin;
- }
- this._diameter = null;
- };
- $.jqplot.PieRenderer.prototype.setGridData = function(plot) {
- // this is a no-op
- };
- $.jqplot.PieRenderer.prototype.makeGridData = function(data, plot) {
- var stack = [];
- var td = [];
- for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++){
- stack.push(data[i][1]);
- td.push([data[i][0]]);
- if (i>0) {
- stack[i] += stack[i-1];
- }
- }
- var fact = Math.PI*2/stack[stack.length - 1];
- for (var i=0; i<stack.length; i++) {
- td[i][1] = stack[i] * fact;
- }
- return td;
- };
- $.jqplot.PieRenderer.prototype.drawSlice = function (ctx, ang1, ang2, color, isShadow) {
- var r = this._diameter / 2;
- var fill = this.fill;
- var lineWidth = this.lineWidth;
- ctx.translate(this.sliceMargin*Math.cos((ang1+ang2)/2), this.sliceMargin*Math.sin((ang1+ang2)/2));
- if (isShadow) {
- for (var i=0; i<this.shadowDepth; i++) {
- ctx.translate(this.shadowOffset*Math.cos(this.shadowAngle/180*Math.PI), this.shadowOffset*Math.sin(this.shadowAngle/180*Math.PI));
- doDraw();
- }
- }
- else {
- doDraw();
- }
- function doDraw () {
- // Fix for IE and Chrome that can't seem to draw circles correctly.
- // ang2 should always be <= 2 pi since that is the way the data is converted.
- if (ang2 > 6.282) {
- ang2 = 6.282;
- if (ang1 > ang2) {
- ang1 = 6.281;
- }
- }
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
- ctx.fillStyle = color;
- ctx.strokeStyle = color;
- ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
- ctx.arc(0, 0, r, ang1, ang2, false);
- ctx.closePath();
- if (fill) {
- ctx.fill();
- }
- else {
- ctx.stroke();
- }
- }
- if (isShadow) {
- for (var i=0; i<this.shadowDepth; i++) {
- ctx.restore();
- }
- }
- ctx.restore();
- };
- // called with scope of series
- $.jqplot.PieRenderer.prototype.draw = function (ctx, gd, options) {
- var i;
- var opts = (options != undefined) ? options : {};
- // offset and direction of offset due to legend placement
- var offx = 0;
- var offy = 0;
- var trans = 1;
- var colorGenerator = new this.colorGenerator(this.seriesColors);
- if (options.legendInfo) {
- var li = options.legendInfo;
- switch (li.location) {
- case 'nw':
- offx = li.width + li.xoffset;
- break;
- case 'w':
- offx = li.width + li.xoffset;
- break;
- case 'sw':
- offx = li.width + li.xoffset;
- break;
- case 'ne':
- offx = li.width + li.xoffset;
- trans = -1;
- break;
- case 'e':
- offx = li.width + li.xoffset;
- trans = -1;
- break;
- case 'se':
- offx = li.width + li.xoffset;
- trans = -1;
- break;
- case 'n':
- offy = li.height + li.yoffset;
- break;
- case 's':
- offy = li.height + li.yoffset;
- trans = -1;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- var shadow = (opts.shadow != undefined) ? opts.shadow : this.shadow;
- var showLine = (opts.showLine != undefined) ? opts.showLine : this.showLine;
- var fill = (opts.fill != undefined) ? opts.fill : this.fill;
- var cw = ctx.canvas.width;
- var ch = ctx.canvas.height;
- var w = cw - offx - 2 * this.padding;
- var h = ch - offy - 2 * this.padding;
- var d = Math.min(w,h);
- this._diameter = this.diameter || d - this.sliceMargin;
- // this.diameter -= this.sliceMargin;
- var r = this._diameter/2;
- ctx.translate((cw - trans * offx)/2 + trans * offx, (ch - trans*offy)/2 + trans * offy);
- if (this.shadow) {
- var shadowColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,'+this.shadowAlpha+')';
- for (var i=0; i<gd.length; i++) {
- var ang1 = (i == 0) ? 0 : gd[i-1][1];
- (this, ctx, ang1, gd[i][1], shadowColor, true);
- }
- }
- // damian: required for line labels
- var origin = {
- x: parseInt( + cw/2,
- y: parseInt( + ch/2
- };
- var total = 0;
- for (var i=0; i<gd.length; i++) {
- total += this._plotData[i][1];
- }
- for (var i=0; i<gd.length; i++) {
- var ang1 = (i == 0) ? 0 : gd[i-1][1];
- (this, ctx, ang1, gd[i][1],;
- // damian: line labels
- if (typeof(this.lineLabels !== 'undefined') && this.lineLabels) {
- // percentage
- var percentage = this._plotData[i][1] * 100 / total;
- percentage = (percentage < 1) ? percentage.toFixed(2) : Math.round(percentage);
- var mid_ang = ang1 + (gd[i][1]-ang1)/2;
- // line style
- if (typeof(this.lineLabelsLineColor) !== 'undefined') {
- ctx.strokeStyle = this.lineLabelsLineColor;
- } else {
- ctx.strokeStyle = '#777';
- }
- ctx.lineWidth = 1;
- // line 1
- ctx.beginPath();
- var line1_start_x = Math.cos(mid_ang) * this._diameter/1.9;
- var line1_start_y = Math.sin(mid_ang) * this._diameter/1.9;
- ctx.moveTo(line1_start_x, line1_start_y);
- var line1_end_x = Math.cos(mid_ang) * this._diameter/1.63;
- var line1_end_y = Math.sin(mid_ang) * this._diameter/1.63;
- ctx.lineTo(line1_end_x, line1_end_y);
- // line 2
- var line2_end_x_offset = (mid_ang >= 4.712 || mid_ang <= 1.57) ? 6 : -6;
- var line2_end_x = line1_end_x + line2_end_x_offset;
- var line2_end_y = line1_end_y;
- ctx.lineTo(line2_end_x, line2_end_y);
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.closePath();
- // label
- var l = $("<div class='jqplot-pie-line-label' style='position: absolute;'>"+gd[i][0]+" "+percentage+"%</div>").insertAfter(ctx.canvas);
- var l_x_offset = (mid_ang >= 4.712 || mid_ang <= 1.57) ? 4 : -1 * l.width() - 4;
- var l_y_offset = -1 * l.height() / 2;
- var l_x = line2_end_x + origin.x + l_x_offset;
- var l_y = line2_end_y + origin.y + l_y_offset;
- l.css({left: l_x+"px", top: l_y+"px"});
- // console.log(gd[i][0]+':');
- // console.log(' mid_ang: '+mid_ang);
- // console.log(' l_x_offset: '+l_x_offset);
- // console.log(' l_y_offset: '+l_y_offset);
- // console.log(' l_x: '+l_x);
- // console.log(' l_y: '+l_y);
- // console.log(' line1_start_x: '+line1_start_x);
- // console.log(' line1_start_y: '+line1_start_y);
- // console.log(' line1_end_x: '+line1_end_x);
- // console.log(' line1_end_y: '+line1_end_y);
- // console.log(' line2_end_x_offset: '+line2_end_x_offset);
- // console.log(' line2_end_x: '+line2_end_x);
- // console.log(' line2_end_y: '+line2_end_y);
- }
- }
- ctx.restore();
- };
- $.jqplot.PieAxisRenderer = function() {
- $;
- };
- $.jqplot.PieAxisRenderer.prototype = new $.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer();
- $.jqplot.PieAxisRenderer.prototype.constructor = $.jqplot.PieAxisRenderer;
- // There are no traditional axes on a pie chart. We just need to provide
- // dummy objects with properties so the plot will render.
- // called with scope of axis object.
- $.jqplot.PieAxisRenderer.prototype.init = function(options){
- //
- this.tickRenderer = $.jqplot.PieTickRenderer;
- $.extend(true, this, options);
- // I don't think I'm going to need _dataBounds here.
- // have to go Axis scaling in a way to fit chart onto plot area
- // and provide u2p and p2u functionality for mouse cursor, etc.
- // for convienence set _dataBounds to 0 and 100 and
- // set min/max to 0 and 100.
- this._dataBounds = {min:0, max:100};
- this.min = 0;
- this.max = 100;
- this.showTicks = false;
- this.ticks = [];
- this.showMark = false;
- = false;
- };
- $.jqplot.PieLegendRenderer = function() {
- $;
- };
- $.jqplot.PieLegendRenderer.prototype = new $.jqplot.TableLegendRenderer();
- $.jqplot.PieLegendRenderer.prototype.constructor = $.jqplot.PieLegendRenderer;
- // called with context of legend
- $.jqplot.PieLegendRenderer.prototype.draw = function() {
- var legend = this;
- if ( {
- var series = this._series;
- // make a table. one line label per row.
- var ss = 'position:absolute;';
- ss += (this.background) ? 'background:'+this.background+';' : '';
- ss += (this.border) ? 'border:'+this.border+';' : '';
- ss += (this.fontSize) ? 'font-size:'+this.fontSize+';' : '';
- ss += (this.fontFamily) ? 'font-family:'+this.fontFamily+';' : '';
- ss += (this.textColor) ? 'color:'+this.textColor+';' : '';
- this._elem = $('<table class="jqplot-table-legend" style="'+ss+'"></table>');
- var pad = false;
- var s = series[0];
- var colorGenerator = new s.colorGenerator(s.seriesColors);
- if ( {
- var pd =;
- for (var i=0; i<pd.length; i++){
- var lt = pd[i][0].toString();
- if (lt) {
-, lt,, pad);
- pad = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return this._elem;
- };
- // setup default renderers for axes and legend so user doesn't have to
- // called with scope of plot
- function preInit(target, data, options) {
- options = options || {};
- options.axesDefaults = options.axesDefaults || {};
- options.legend = options.legend || {};
- options.seriesDefaults = options.seriesDefaults || {};
- // only set these if there is a pie series
- var setopts = false;
- if (options.seriesDefaults.renderer == $.jqplot.PieRenderer) {
- setopts = true;
- }
- else if (options.series) {
- for (var i=0; i < options.series.length; i++) {
- if (options.series[i].renderer == $.jqplot.PieRenderer) {
- setopts = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (setopts) {
- options.axesDefaults.renderer = $.jqplot.PieAxisRenderer;
- options.legend.renderer = $.jqplot.PieLegendRenderer;
- options.legend.preDraw = true;
- // options.seriesDefaults.colorGenerator = this.colorGenerator;
- // options.seriesDefaults.seriesColors = this.seriesColors;
- }
- }
- // called with scope of plot
- function postParseOptions(options) {
- for (var i=0; i<this.series.length; i++) {
- this.series[i].seriesColors = this.seriesColors;
- this.series[i].colorGenerator = this.colorGenerator;
- }
- }
- $.jqplot.preInitHooks.push(preInit);
- $.jqplot.postParseOptionsHooks.push(postParseOptions);
- $.jqplot.PieTickRenderer = function() {
- $;
- };
- $.jqplot.PieTickRenderer.prototype = new $.jqplot.AxisTickRenderer();
- $.jqplot.PieTickRenderer.prototype.constructor = $.jqplot.PieTickRenderer;
- \ No newline at end of file